Platonic Yandere Owl House x...

By Purple_lemon_8

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What happens when a human girl get teleported to a world full of witches and a not so nice emperor takes her... More

Chapter 1: Huh?
Chapter 2: New Family
Chapter 3: Training
Chapter 4: Family Problems
Chapter 5: Six Months later!
Chapter 6: A Human Abomination
Chapter 7: Coven Convention
Chapter 8: Magic house #1
Chapter 9: Magic house #2
Chapter 10: Palisman Hunt
Chapter 11: Luz First Day Of School
Chapter 12: Willows Mind
Chapter 13: Grom Night
Chapter 14: Grudgby On The Mission
Chapter 15: School Field Trip
Chapter 16: The Conformatorium & Petrification
Chapter 17: Season 2 - Sea Battle
Chapter 18: Back At School
🎄Christmas Special🎄
Chapter 20: Lake Of Blood
Chapter 21: School With Hunter
Chapter 22: Long Forgotten Memories
Chapter 23: My Real Father
Chapter 24: Fight or Flight
Chapter 25: Grass Is Always Greener On The Other Side
Chapter 26: Day Of Unity
Chapter 26.5: Philip or Belos?
Chapter 27: Season 3 - Human Realm
Chapter 28: A Halloween Surprise

Chapter 19: Identity revealed!

790 27 4
By Purple_lemon_8

Luz POV (Starting with someone other than Y/n!)

After Amity explained what an Echo mouse was and how they can play back wherever they eat, she showed me how to play back the context. "My journey through the Demon realm is far from over. But today, I humbly donate my journal to the ages. Entry one, May 21... I think. My name is Philip Wittebane, and I have found myself in a world so horrible yet so fantastic. Few minds could have dreamt it. If only those at home could see what I have. But perhaps they shell, for the more I learn about this realm, the more I am certain I can harness its strange power to return home. Today I begin recording my journey to create a portal back to the Human realm" the man named Philip explained. "Wittebane! That's Y/n last name!" I said. "Maybe she knows more or has more of his stuff!" Amity said. "I'll ask her about this next time I see her!" I said. "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll figure this stuff all out" Amity said. I felt a kiss on my cheek and looked over to her surprised. I felt so happy and giddy! Amity's face turned pink and she ran inside her house. 'What a cute face' I thought and went back to the owl house.


Me and Hunter sat in on one of Belos' meetings with the coven heads. Belos started to groan and grunt while holding his chest. Hunter and I went over to help and take him to his throne room. Kikimora tried to follow but Hunter stopped her. "No, stay here. We can handle this alone" He said and we walked out. I guarded Belos in as Hunter closed the door. I let go and stepped back to Hunter as Belos turned into his monster form and punished a pillar over and over again. I felt Hunter take hold of my hand and gave me a gentle squeeze. After Belos was done, Hunter gave him a palisman. Belos snapped it and ate(?) it. "I need more" Belos said. "That was the last from our reserve. The palistrom wood has been overharvested" Hunter explained. Belos grunts and walks to his throne. "Uncle, let us help! We can make more Palisman!" Hunter said. "Actually, I read about this technique harnessing wild magic too, uh..." Hunter explains but shuts up when Belos looks at us. "Sorry" Hunter apologizes. Belos walks over to us and puts a hand on each of our shoulders. "Please, be careful you two. Our family is gone because of wild magic. I can't let that happen to you. It also somehow brought you, Y/n, from the Human realm here" Belos said and held our shoulders harder. "Find me more palisman, I can depend on you two... right?" Belos said. "Yes Uncle/Father" we both said.

That all happened last night and now, I'm at school... where today we picking out our first palisman. "Hey Willow, shouldn't Amity be here?" Luz asked Willow. "Oh sorry Luz, I heard she stayed home today" Willow said. "Oh, that actually makes sense" Luz said, upset. "Oh Y/n, can I talk to you after school today about something?" Luz asked me. "Sorry, not today... my dad has something for me to do" I said. Real reason is that I have a mission with Hunter, to steal these palisman for Belos. "Good tiding on this momentous day" Bump said and Eda was next to him. "You're all about to receive your witch's staff! And more importantly, meet your palismen!" Bump explained. 'This is a waste of time for me, mine at home asleep' I thought. "This is a crucial step in your magical development. Palismen are lifelong partners, they can become both your good friend and powerful tool" Bump said and revealed his Palismen. Everyone gasped and looked in amazement. "Now traditionally, young witches carve their staff from a branch of an old Palismen tree" Eda says. "But sadly, Palismen trees are becoming more rare and those that remain are guarded covetously" Bump says. I started to space out until I saw the bat queen landed on top of the palismen house.

I saw flapjack try to escape but Bump caught him. I again started to space out, I do care about all these Palismen but I'm more stressed about tonight. Luz finds out Hunter's identity which means... she'll find out about mine. I saw Willow go first and get her palismen, which was a bee. Boscha went next and got a crab. Viney went after Boscha and she got a Lion Scorpius animal. Gus went and got a chameleon. A guy from the Abomination coven went and got a sloth. Luz went next but nothing happened. I saw Luz start to panic and I guess Eda did too. While all of that was going down, I saw Flapjack go inside of Luz bag. 'What a silly bird' I thought. After school, I went home and changed into my uniform. "Nikki, come out girl" I said. She came out of her blanket and crawled over to me. "Today is a dangerous mission so you will be coming with me. Stay hidden till I take you out" I said. She nodded her head and I put her in my cape. I hear a knock on my door and Hunter enters my room. "Hey um, we are taking a flying ship for the mission" He said. "Oh cool! But why something so big?" I asked. "It's the only thing that can fly above the town and cities and can carry something big that holds all the palismen" Hunter explains. "Oh okay, let's get going" I said and grabbed my mask off my desk. Soon, we make it to the school where we pick up the hunt where the palismen (and Luz) are. I stand next to Hunter as he whistles while flying the ship. Soon Luz came and put a fire glyph on Hunter's back, which sent him flying off. "Oh hey Luz, long time no see!" I said and put my hands up. "You! What are you two up too!?" Luz asked. "None of your business!" I said back. "Just shut up and help me land this" Luz says and turns around to figure out how to land the ship. Hunter appears next to me and tells Luz how to land the ship. "thanks - HUH!?" Luz says and turns around to see Hunter. "Hi~" Hunter says and ties Luz up. "Hey!" Luz scrams. "Nice to see you too Human" Hunter says.

"Why are you guys stealing Palesmen!" Luz asked us. "Like I said, it's none of your business" I said again. "You should also be more worried about yourself. After that stunt you just pulled, you'll be locked up in the dingiest cell of the conformatorium for the rest of your sad little life" Hunter tells Luz. "Whatever, I already broke out of there, like twice" Luz said. "Well maybe you can make that three times" I said. Luz shut up for a moment until she made a glyph that sent Hunter staff flying off. "Oh you naive girl, I still have mine" I said. After I said that, a dragon of some sort landed on our ship and started to destroy it. "Golden boy! Take my staff!" I said and threw my staff at him. But it was too late as we crashed and I black out.


I woke up to chirping and saw a little rascal breaking the rope around me. "Little rascal?" I said in a daze. Right after I said that, the rope broke. "Oh thank you" I said and patted his head. "oh, my head" I said and rubbed it. I look next to me and see the golden guards staff near me. I got up and grabbed it. I see the golden guard grounding. I hear voices of coven guards so I look over to see the guard and Kikimora talking. They thought the golden and silver guard were dead. The guard left, leaving Kikimora. She blew a whistle that called over the monster that attacked the ship! She wants the golden and silver guard dead! I heard little rascal chirping next to me. "Don't worry, I'm not leaving them" I said and walked over to the golden guard. I walked over and saw a boy that was around my age, how strange. "Wake up!" I said and slapped him. "Ah! What? You!" the golden guard said. I covered his mouth to keep him quiet. "Listen, you and the silver guard are bad people and I don't like either of you guys but Kikimora is trying to kill you guys! Unfortunately, I'm too nice to let that happen! Are you licking my hand!? I'm trying to help you guys!" I asked and rubbed my hand on his face. "Why should I believe you! I also need to find her!" The golden guard said and got up and started to look around. I realized that the silver guard isn't here so I got up and helped look for her. We hear the growling of the monster so the golden guard took off his cape and left it. We walked a little ahead when I saw feet sticking out from a corner. The golden guard ran over as I followed suit.


I felt someone shack me awake. "Ug, five more minutes" I said. "Get up! We need to leave now!" I hear Hunter say to me. I open my eyes and sit up. "Ow, my head" I said and rubbed my head. "Y/N!?" I heard Luz say and looked up to meet her eyes. "Hey Luz..." I said. "You're the silver guard!" she asked me. I look down and see my necklace broke next to me. "My necklace!" I said and picked it up. Luz looks at the necklace and backs up at me. "Your... also human..." Luz said, shocked and sad. "Lets deal with this all later and get moving" Hunter said and helped me up. "Yea, lets go" I said and we started to walk until we all made it into town. "How could you not tell me Y/n! And why work with the Emperor! How did you get to the demon realm?" Luz asked me. "Look, I didn't tell you because I couldn't, secondly, the emperor saved me so I had to work with him, and lastly... I don't know how I got to the Demon realm. I just woke up here" I explained. "But the emperor is a bad person! And-" Luz was going to go on until Hunter stopped her. "Leave her alone! Lets go Y/n" Hunter said and pulled me along with him. "Wait! Where are you going!" Luz asked us and ran to catch up with us. "Hey, I just saved both of your life's!" Luz said. Hunter went up to some guards, asking to be taken to a communication room. I just stood there while he did his thing. The guards did not believe us, even after showing our coven sigils.

Hunter tried to prove that he was the golden guard by showing his staff but Luz hid it behind her back. The coven guard told us that we are too young to be outside at night and to go home. They walked away and Hunter looked at Luz with a red face and started to chase after her. "Nikki, time to fly" I said as she turned into her staff form. I took off and soon found Luz and landed next to her. "Come on, Golden guard. Don't you know any, like, levitation spells?" Luz asked Hunter. "That was some chase and stop teasing my cousin" I said. She quickly turned around to face me. "How- You have a Palismen!? And he is your cousin!" Luz asked me. "Yea, found her after one mission. Don't tell Belos though and yes, that idiot is my cousin" I said and looked down where Hunter was. Luz looks down at Hunter to see his face. "Are you powerless without this?" She asked him. Hunter walked away only to come running back doing parkour. He finally made it up to us and I helped him up. "Nice parkour skills" I said. "Luz started to shoot at us with Hunter staff. "Backup or- or else!" she said. "Or else what? You're going to blast us to bits? Nah, you're too nice for that" Hunter said. "Look Luz, just put down his staff and we can talk things out" I said, to reason with her. We look up to see the dragon from before land in front of Kikimora. "Kikimora was after our catch?" Hunter said. "What a bitch" I said.

"Neither of us want her to win right now. So let's work together to take back those Palesmen!" Luz says. "Then what? You think we'll just let you walk away with them?" Hunter said. "Maybe you guys won't have a choice! I'm more formidable than you think" Luz says but almost drops Hunter staff. "I doubt that, but... fine. A truce till then" Hunter said. "Oh thank god you said that because I was going to do it anyway" I said to Hunter as I leaned on him. "Truce!" Luz said and struck her hand out but before Hunter could shake it, she pulled back and said 'too slow', laughed and ran away. "Let's get this over with" Hunter said and took my hand to follow him. I stayed with Luz as Hunter went to get a plant. "So, why did you stay with the emperor even after you realized he was a bad person?" Luz asked me as she drew glyphs on the wall. "To survive. If I just left, he would have hunted me down... and killed me" I said. "Then why do you go to Hexside and not the Golden boy?" Luz asked. "I wanted something that felt like home and school was the closest thing I could get to that. Golden boy never had interest in going" I said. "Luz, when this is all over with, could you... not tell anyone about this, about me. The reason I didn't save you the other day was because I couldn't leave the castle and didn't want the others to know where I lived" I said. "...Sure, who else knows about you?" Luz asked. "Lilith, she trained me while she was in the coven" I said.  

Soon Hunter came back with a bag. "Huh. I've never seen magic like this. What will it do?" Hunter asked. "Well, we don't want to spook Kikimora steed because it might drop the nest and hurt the Palismen. So using these fire and ice spells, I can command the glyphs to produce a thick mist!" Luz explained. "And the Sleeping Nettles?" Hunter asked while holding the plant. "They're essential! Combined with the magic mist, it'll create-" Luz said but was cut off by Hunter. "A sleep-inducing smock, forcing Kikimora to land" Hunter said. Luz looked at him surprised. "Oh, um, I-" Hunter tried to say but was cut off by me. "He's a big nerd. Always reading about plants!" I said. "Y/n! Shut up!" Hunter said, embarrassed and covered my mouth. "Oh! I read something about that! Eda once pickpocketed the guy who wrote a book about it!" Luz said. I got my mouth away from Hunter's hand. "Luz... You shouldn't go round and say that..." I said. "I've never seen glyphs like these before, but it seems very similar to the elemental magic practiced in the savage ages" Hunter said, trying to get off that topic. "Really?" Luz asked. "Actually, not many people know this, but- no no no no no" Hunter said. "This stuff is restricted for a reason. You should forget about it before you'll get hurt" Hunter said to Luz. I knew how much Hunter likes talking about history, based on the nightly talks we have. It was nice to see him talking about it to someone else.

"Uh-huh, other than Lilith and Y/n... I've never spoken to someone inside the Emperor Coven/ What made you want to join?" Luz said. "You were right before, I'm a powerless witch. A lot of my ancestors were. I never thought I'd have a future in a world like this. But then, Belos found me and gave me a staff with artificial magic. Said the Titan had big plans for me" Hunter explained. "At least you have your future figured out now" Luz says. "At least you can figure it out on your own" Hunter said. "Alright, no one's future is set in stone so let's see where it goes. First let's stop Kikimora from her plan!" I said to them. The truth is, I don't know how their story ends. I came here before the series ended so I have no clue who lives and who dies, but now that I'm here and these people are real, I'll make sure that my friends will survive! Flapjack started to take a liking to Hunter, which is more cuter in person than over a screen. "Come on, he just wants to play!" I said to Hunter. "I don't care! These things are made from wild magic! And Y/n, where did you get that!" Hunter asked me while pointing to Nikki. "This is my Palesmen! Her name is Nikki, Don't tell Belos Hunter!" I said to him. "That thing is dangerous! I'm just trying to look out for you!" Hunter said. "I know but I'm old enough to know how to handle danger" I said.

We hear Kikimora starting to take off, "Mask on!" Luz said. We tied cloth around our mouths and packed our stuff up. "Once they're surrounded by the smoke, we'll need to stay close to see where they land" Luz explained. Luz thought for a moment and put Hunter staff towards him. "Are you sure?" Hunter asked. "Just take it!" Luz said and Hunter took back his staff. Kikimora takes off and Luz presses the glyphs. The smoke covers the dragon as Luz hopped on Hunter staff while I took Nikki and followed them. "I think it's working" Hunter said to Luz. Luz lit a light glyph while I stayed next to them. We flew ahead of Kikimora and lord her dragon to the ground, knocking it out. Kikimora fell on the ground as we landed. "The Palesmen!" Luz says and walks over to their nest. I looked at Hunter and he gave me a look. I know what is going to happen, and I can't do anything about it. I take my uniform mask and put it on and summon my staff. Hunter lights his staff up, ready to fire. Luz gets up and looks at us. "So you guys really gonna do this? You guys are gonna just hand over all these innocent little guys to Belos? I know what he does with them. I thought you might've been a good guy and Y/n, this isn't like you! But I guess that was just wishful thinking. You're not my friend, you're just the Golden guard... Y/n please" Luz said to us. I could see Hunter having an internal conflict. But, I know he'll follow his heart, just maybe not today. "My name is Hunter" Hunter said as he took off the cloth over his mouth.

Just then, Hunter was hit by a spell that Kikimora sent. "Hey! I'm the only one to hit Hunter like that!" I said and sent a rope to wrap Kikimora up but she kept sending spells everywhere. One spell hit me in my left eye. "Shit" I said and covered my eye. Hunter pulled up his mask and started to fight Kikimora. "Y/n! Are you okay!?" Luz asked me as she came over to me. "Yea, just keep your eyes open!" I said as Kikimora came flying at us and landed. She tried to send a spell at Luz but Hunter stopped it. "This is treason against the coven official! I will have your head!" Kikimora said and sent more spells out. One caught Hunter's hair on fire but was easily put out. I sent some spells out but like Kikimora, I couldn't aim correctly to hit her. I heard a whistle being blown. I look and see Luz flying away with the Palesmen and Hunter defeating Kikimora. 'Sorry Luz, I'll talk to you tomorrow' I thought as Hunter came over to me. "Are you okay!" Hunter asked me. "Yea, just got hit in the eye. Nothing too bad" I said. Hunter badged my eye and we headed back to the castle. When we got there, we were called to the throne room.

"So, you too return with nothing, Is this the thanks for taking you two in?" Belos asked us. "Of course not! We want to help! A-a-and if you told us how wild magic did this to you, we may be able to find s-" Hunter said but was cut off when Belos almost hit him. "My apologies, I spoke out of turn. It won't happen again" Hunter apologized. "These outbursts are painful and so is watching you two fail, especially my daughter" Belos says. "Sorry father, I promise the next mission I receive... I'll succeed" I said. "I know you can do better, Hunter and Y/n" Belos says and dismissed us. 'The way he said he's disappointed in me, sounds like my real father' I thought as me and Hunter left the throne room. Kikimora sees us (after her journey back) "Golden guard? Silver Guard?" She says shocked. "Y-You two are alive! I mean, I heard about the crash in Latissa" she says. "Luckily, some travelers picked us up out of the wreckage. So We are doing great! Looks like you had a rough night though" Hunter says and I giggled as we left. Kikimora saw the burnt piece of hair that Hunter has as we left and I heard her gasp.

I went to my room as the sun started to rise, definitely not going to school. Nikki crawled out of my cape and climbed onto my chest. "You'll have a new friend soon. Hunter is going to take that red bird in as his Palesmen" i said to her as I rubbed her ear. "I want to stay loyal to my friends but, I need to stay by Hunter" I mumbled out as I started to fall asleep. Last night was a night I can probably never forget.


Finally, after 18 chapters! Luz now knows your identity! We are getting close to the day of unity so be prepared for that. And tis is one of my most longest chapter! Anyway, have an amazing Day/Night/Noon!

Word count- 3794

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