The Shadow of Stars

By khalesi_7

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Sprawled out on the ground covered head to toe in bright blue paint wasn't exactly how I envisioned the first... More

Thirteen [part one]
Thirteen [part two]
Chapter Twenty
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Six
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Eight
Thirty Six

Twenty Seven

815 61 105
By khalesi_7

Bit of a filler chapter! Hope you enjoy and please don't forget to comment and vote! 

"You're lying... Henry." I say, fully serious. This has to be some sort of prank.

"Thea I feel so sick, I will try to come tomorrow if I'm feeling better but I have just got the worst cold ever. I walked home from Al's yesterday and I was rained on the whole way." His voice is scratchy the audible sickness softens my annoyance.

I glance over at the bus as the last student enters. I've got to get on.

Honestly, after the absolute rant I received from him, and then him and Gabe combined about the whole thing... I figured he'd be sprinting to be on this trip. And then there was my wrist to explain and needless to say, that didn't go down well at all.

"It's okay," I tell him. "Are you sure you don't want me to stay and bring around a snack pack? We can play video games and eat soup?" I suggest and he laughs before coughing horribly.

"No, no I don't want you catching this," he croaks.

"Okay, well text me—at least once an hour," I instruct and he laughs again.

"Okay, I'll speak to you later. Stay safe Thea."

I hang the phone up and slide it into my pocket and clutch onto my bag before heaving a sigh. A two hour bus trip all alone, great.

I run up to the bus and smile at the driver who closes the door behind me before facing the horror of full seats and wide eyes in front of me. I duck my head and move to the closest spare seat next to a girl who places a bag firmly next to her as I approach, shooting me a warning glare.

I gulp and move closer to the back and the next available seat just as James runs down the aisle, sliding into the chair before I can sit down, grinning widely. "Athena! Glad you made it," he says with a smile as he stretches his arm out over the seat to a young girl that rolls her eyes. "I hope you don't mind me sitting here, I thought I'd catch up with an old pal." He winks and I shoot him a close lipped smile.

"It' worries," I say, as my gaze turns to the the only remaining seat and the tall brown haired Alpha blooded male next to it.

Micah's face lights up as our eyes connect and he sends me a warm smile, waving. Henry was supposed to squash me into a window seat and be my personal buffer against the whole gang this weekend.

The churning of the bus engine jolts me forward and so I make my way to the seat. I slept next to the guy for an entire night, what's a bus ride?

"Athena! It's so good to see you!" I turn my attention to Molly who beams as she leans into the arms of Benny. "We thought maybe you weren't coming."

I manage a light laugh, grateful that their conversation forces my back to the large body next to me. "Oh yeah, I was running a bit late. It's good to see you guys."

Not a blatant lie, but the turning twists of my stomach reveal a different truth.

"Is your hand feeling any better?" Olive asks and Benny tries to conceal a grin before leaning forward.

"It's a shame your mate doesn't know how to play ball, there's a reason he's vice captain."

Micah lets out a groan. "I am never going to live this down," he mummers and I glance at him as he places his face into his palm.

"It feels better," I tell them. "Honestly it's not so bad, I mean it's not my writing hand which is good."

"You'll be back to new in no time," Molly assures me and Kelsey nods.

"And I'll bet you can get out of sport, the goddess knows you and Henry hate it. I can honestly agree with you there, sport is hell— sorry babe," she says to her burly mate who smiles at her playfully, reaching an arm over her shoulders.

"Well I guess it depends on the exercise," his voice is low and full of insinuatoin, and I balk at the forwardness of it as her cheeks heat.

An announcement over the bus cuts the conversation short and I turn to Micah who, as always, has his full attention trained on me. "I still am really sorry about that," he says to me, glancing at my wrist and I shrug.

"It wasn't intentional, I accept your apology," I tell him but my stomach twists. I can't get my fathers words out of my brain, his warning.

Micah smiles. "Can I get you to write that and sign it as evidence for my mother?" He asks with a laugh and I smile, furrowing my brows.

"She's still really that mad about it?" I ask and he nods.

"Oh yeah," he leans into his seat. "Are you excited for tomorrow? Have you got much planned on your schedule?" He asks, diverting the conversation effectively.

I nod. "Yeah, a lot of the classes had filled for extra curricular activities but I managed to get most of my day in classes and lectures surrounding journalism."

"That's exciting. What extra curricular did you get?" He asks, pulling out a piece of paper from his pocket.

I take mine out. "Theatre and the arts. A whole afternoon dedicated to it," I tell him and he looks at me, a devilish grin taking over his face.

"No way." He holds up his own schedule with the exact same thing on it. "James managed to change my sports program induction to this as a prank last minute. I was going to try and use my charm to get it changed but I guess I could stick it out."

What are the chances?

"You should try do sport if that's what you are passionate about," I tell him and he leans back into his seat, relaxing once more and he puts his schedule away with a shrug.

"Maybe I'm more passionate about spending time with you, Mennison." His smile only increases as I try to contain my blush and struggle for a quick response. I have never dealt with open flirting in my life, its uncharted territory. And I shouldn't entertain it anyway, its stepping in a direction I'm unsure of.

"Are you even any good at arts?" I ask him, honestly he's probably perfect at everything. He laughs.

"Hell no. But I have a feeling it will be a very fun experience," he says and I can't help but smile in response to his grin, it's contagious.

"Where's Henry anyway? I thought he was coming?"

"He is sick, so I think I am alone for this trip."

"I wouldn't exactly say you are alone. You are welcome to track any of us down if you are in need of company."

"Thanks and Henry asked me to apologise to you for the inconvienece, he knows you went out of your way to make this happen," I lie and he laughs.

"I highly doubt that. The only time I catch a glance from Henry it's a glare. It's only somewhat less evil when you are present but still, your bestie does not like me." He widens his eyes with the not, his grin remaining and my heart stops for a split second.

"He doesn't not like you," I defend, though Henry didn't as me to apologise at all. The last we discussed the trip it was full of caution and hesitation and he sounded so much like my damn dad.

I didn't even want to think of what he and Micah talked about when I wasn't in the room.

He raises a brow. "The last time I spoke to him was the day after I broke your wrist and I couldn't even say hello before he let me know exactly how he felt about the whole thing. I believe the words asshole and stupid were used the most and I have to admit—it was the most interesting start I've ever had to advanced math."

I groan into my hands. Curse Henry, that stupid little fool. I don't care if he is on his death bed—when I return I am going to teach him a thing or two about provoking an Alpha male, like seriously. He might be able to use his words as a weapon against Micah but what if things got physical?

"He shouldn't have done that," I announce. "He just doesn't like seeing me hurt and he was probably still mad about Friday and though you were a bit of a stupid asshole he knows better than that," I defend and Micah just chuckles again.

"It's alright—breaking your arm was a stupid asshole thing to do. I wouldn't reccomend he goes around saying things like that to other wolves, but I intend on befriending him," he tells me and I shoot him an incredulous stare. I can't ever see that happening.

"How did you even respond to that?" I ask and he shrugs again.

"I didn't. He said what he needed to say and left me to take it in," he says. "Your friend has got balls, I'll give him that. And he cares for you, which I can understand better than most—so we have at least something in common." I note the neutrality of his tone and how my chest doesn't seize with his words. He's not saying it in a bad way, he's not fuelled by jealousy.

Micah and Henry... friends. "I guess stranger things have happened."

He laughs. "I guess so. Oh! Remember that movie from the space series I invited you over to watch a while back?" The question is casual but drawing me into the memory of how that date idea turned out probably wasn't the best plan. But I nod nonetheless and he pulls out a small laptop from his bag, removing the keyboard to make it just a screen along with wireless headphones. "I've got it on here! I was actually going to watch it on the ride myself to drown out James but we can both watch it if you like?"

He props the screen up onto the seat in front of us, fixing it into the straps to make it stay. Henry and I completely missed the movies to see this and I have been DYING waiting for it to come out on demand.

"Uh hell yeah," I say, taking a headphone from him. "But you have to promise you won't tell Henry, he will be devastated if he finds out and might actually murder me." His gaze becomes sharper for a split second, like some instinct in him was triggered with my joke but it vanishes quickly and he smiles.

"I promise. But wait, it gets better." He reaches into his bag and pulls out a bag of popcorn and a container full of cookies. "Can't watch a movie without snacks."

I gasp and greedily snatch the goods from his hands. "You really came prepared," I say and he can't wipe the smile from his face.

"Woah woah, hold up." We both snap our attention to Benny. "Micah, you are going to share your food? Your precious cookies? I have to fight you tooth and nail to get a crumb from you."

He smiles, shaking his head as he bites into one. "You're not special enough for my cookies." The comment is so blasé but it makes me blush furiously.

"Cruel," Benny says and he looks to me. "Athena, surely you'll spare me a one."

I bite into the one in my own hands and nearly die then and there. It is literally heaven. I taste every inch of flavour as the chocolate melts over my tastebuds and feeds my actual soul. "Did you make these?" I ask Micah and he smirks, raying a brow to Benny.

"My specialty."

"Sorry Benny, maybe next time if there are more."

Micah smiles proudly, shrugging to his friend before munching into his own. He opens the bag of popcorn and places it between us, playing the movie with that un-erasable smile still plastered on his face.


"Okay kids, listen up!" We all turn out attention to the teacher in front of us as the bus pulls to a stop with other school busses. There are so many high school students walking around the accomodation complex. "Before we get off this bus I am going to lay out some ground rules. No parties, no drugs, no alcohol and no leaving the university campus. Pretty simple instructions. We are all here to learn and have a good time and any student that infringes on that will have their parents contracted to pick them up."

"The universities accomodation has assigned dorm rooms to all students. They has graciously allowed us to stay here as a part of their outreach program and have had to put a lot of planning into allocating the rooms they had available. I know all of you don't get along but please don't make this trip harder than it needs to be. We will provide you your room key card once we check in at the lobby."

"What's the bet I was with Henry?" Micah whispers to me, his lips so close to my neck. "Could've been some great bonding time."

"Please everyone make your way off the bus in an orderly manner. Once you have all got your luggage please make your way to the lobby. You may rest and explore the campus for the remainder of your afternoon as you see fit. Dinner is in the main hall at 7pm sharp."

We all get off the bus and Micah and Benny help the driver hand out everyones luggage and when they are done he wheels my suitcase over to me, his own duffle bag resting over his shoulder.

"I'm pretty excited to check out this campus," he says to me, looking around and I nod.

"Yeah its gorgeous," I reach for my suitcase but he pulls it from me.

"I can take this in for you," he says and everyone starts walking, giving me no choice but to walk beside him.

"I hear there is a pool party happening this afternoon," James walks up beside us with his news and Benny pops up next to him with Molly.

"How would you know about a pool party?" Benny asks and James grins.

"A college girl I am talking too," he says smugly and receives a punch in the arm from his friend.

"Goddess help your mate," Benny responds and everyone laughs.

"I thought that parties weren't allowed?" I think aloud and Micah laughs.

"Its a college social event on grounds, I looked it up before coming. I doubt it will get out of hand considering its on campus," Micah explains and I nod.

"Well that sounds fun," I explain and James breaks off into a big rant about how he hit the gym to look extra good for it and it leads into a conversation that lasts all the way to the lobby. Honestly my mind was still stuck on the absolutely epic adventure that was the latest Space movie I just got to watch. Henry is going to literally die when he watches it, everything about it was amazing.

And it made sitting next to Micah far more comfortable, he was just as entranced by the movie and we only spoke to each other in brief intervals, usually to mutually gush over the insane plot twists. The popcorn in the centre was the only thing that created some sort of tension, mostly because we seemed to reach for it at the same time and the static part of touching him hadn't seemed to erase.

The students from our school all gather in one section of the lobby as the teacher approaches, handing out key cards. "Yes! Babe!" Molly exclaims, holding their cards together. "I was hoping we'd end up with each other."

With each other? Never in school camp history have boys and girls been able to share rooms, let alone partners.

The teacher hands me my key card next. Room 457, studio suite.

"Um miss?" I say, grabbing her attention as she hands Micah his card. "I think there must be a mistake, it says here that I am in a studio suite? Am I not in a shared dorm with the rest of the girls?" I ask and she furrows her brows, shaking her head.

"No Athena. The dorms are all full with students from across the state. The university has placed mates in their free suites," she explains before moving on and I snatch Micahs card from his hand.

Room 457.

We are sharing a room?

"Guess you're bunking in with me Mennison," he says with a shrug, a small smile playing on his lips. I'm going to die.

"I..." I tap the teachers shoulder again and she sends me an annoyed glare. "Miss, are you sure there isn't a mistake? Is there no way I can be moved into a dorm?" I ask and she gave a disgruntled scoff in response, her agitation palpable.

"Athena, if you had a preference for this trip you should have communicated that before hand. You will be fine, this must be the first time I have had a student complain about being in a suite. The dorms are all already full."

It wouldn't kill her to have just the slightest bit of sympathy. Micah clutches the strap of my bag tighter. "Ma'm if there is any space in the boys dormitories I can also move. We have not completed the mating bond. Maybe there is a human couple that would like to take the room instead."

The teacher peers over the bridge of her nose, assessing us through red-rimmed glasses and paying close attention to my neck in particular before she huffs, reading through her clipboard. "There is no space. I understand your position here but we will be staying for two nights." She sighs, leaning closer towards Micah before dropping her tone to a hush. "And do you really think that it is a good look for the future Alpha and Luna to be separated? There are other packs here. I would encourage you to think of these matters before your trip next time."

She doesn't give him a moment to respond and turns to the next set of students, dishing out everyones cards. "Thea, I'm sorry. I did not expect this. Maybe Benny and I can bunk together and you can share with Molly? Or I can always rent out a hotel room nearby and just walk—"

"It's fine," I ignore the twisting sensation in my gut. "Its two nights. We can work it out." I slept next to him the other day didn't I?

"Okay, as long as you are cool with it." I nod again. "I guess I'll hold onto this. Are you guys fourth floor too?" He asks Benny and Molly and she nods excitedly,

"Yeah! With the suites, this is the best field trip ever!"


Micah unlocks the room and I wave goodbye to Benny as he disappears in their room just down the hall before following my mate in. The first thing I notice about the room is the wide windows that span across the front onto a balcony.

There's a small kitchenette and a small couch and tv setting along with a bed that faces the balcony and what looks like a bathroom behind it. A bed.

One bed, and two of us.

Micah lifts my bag onto the mattress and places his own bag next to it before I rush forward, picking my bag up and walking over to the small couch with a triumphant smile. "Problem solved! I am good to sleep here!" I announce, looking at the surface below which might be okay for a small child or a teenager. It's two nights, I'll survive.

"On that?" He asks in disbelief before shaking his head. "No Athena, you can't sleep on the couch. This is a king sized bed, there's plenty of room for the both of us on here. I get its not ideal but its just sleep, its eight hours," he says, moving to take my suitcase.

"I can't sleep next to you! That's crazy, Micah I will take the couch," I reaffirm and he sends me a solid stare.

"You didn't seen to mind sleeping next to me the other night," he rebuts and I cringe at the embarrassment. "We will both get a good nights rest in comfort and if it makes you feel any better we can build a pillow fort between us. I mean there is no shortage." There is an obnoxious assortment of decorative pillows filling the bed.

"I'm pretty sure I was some sort of high the other night, I would've honestly slept on the side of the street if that's where I happened to be. It was a mistake," I tell him, shaking my head and he sighs, picking up his duffel bag and chucking it onto the couch.

"Fine." The large muscles on his shoulders drop and he stretches his neck out. "I get it, I'm not going to make you do something you are clearly opposed to. But I'm not letting you sleep on this couch."

He sits down on it and attempts to lay down, sizing it out. His legs stretch over the end of the arm chair in the most uncomfortable looking position I have ever seen.

"You're kidding," I say and he shakes his head, moving some of the cushions off to make more room. "That's ridiculous, Micah, you are nearly double my size. I'm sleeping there. I can at least curl up."

"No way am I making my mate sleep here. With a broken wrist? The goddess would punish me," he tells me, utterly serious before he lifts himself from the tiny sofa and walks over to the bed, taking pillows off. "Could you check if there are any spare blankets in the dresser over there?"

I let an annoyed huff escape my lips and move over to the dresser, finding a rug which I take and move over to the couch. This is stupid, he's being stupid.

He places his pillow down and hits it a few times before laying the rug out, leaving his bag on the arm rest. "I'm just going to use the bathroom and then I think the others are planning to check out the grounds. You are welcome to join us," he says and I try to erase the grumpy expression on my face but I'm not quick enough and he laughs. "Cheer up, Mennison. You are the one with an incredibly comfy king bed all to yourself."

He doesn't let me make a quick remark in response and leaves to the bathroom.

I glance at his bag and act fast, moving his luggage onto the bed before bringing my suitcase and resting it next to the sofa. He can stop acting like a little puppy and sleep where it makes sense. I am the one with the issue so its only fair that I take the couch.

Maybe I won't let him. Bet he didn't consider that.

I kick my shoes off and slide under the blanket on the couch, turning the television on before relaxing into the cushion. I flick through the channels, moving quickly past a segment of news showcasing the Alpha and Luna and then the superiors before landing on harmless cartoons.

"Athena." My head twists around to the bathroom door where Micah stands and I turn my attention immediately back onto the tv.

"Hm?" I mumble, shifting to get more comfortable.

"I'm serious, you aren't sleeping there tonight," he tells me, picking my suitcase and moving it back towards the bed.

"Yes I am, you can move my bag as many times as you want but I'm going to end up back here," I tell him firmly and I make the mistake of looking in his eyes, seeing a primal sort of glint pass through it.

Like he likes the challenge.

"Is that so?" He asks, raising a brow and I nod, to which he shrugs. "I guess we will just have to see about that."

A knock sounds on the front door and he moves over to it, swinging it open as James and Benny enter.

"What the hell man?!" James exclaims, moving past his friend in awe of our room before he jumps onto the bed, relaxing in. "This is just not fair, I am cramped on the top bunk with four to a shoebox and you get this?"

Benny and Micah laugh. "I thought you liked the lone wolf life," Benny comments with a grin.

"This bed could fit all three of us, what do you say Micah? Fancy a bit of fun?" A menacing growl tears through he room and Micah picks James up from the collar as he professes his innocence and Benny clutches his stomach laughing.

"Don't." Micah warns, letting him stand.

"I hope you don't mind Athena, but we have come to steal your mate away to play some ball," Benny says, turning to me with a smile and Micah furrows his brows.

"I thought everyone was going on a tour? Did you want to come and check out the campus?" He asks me and I shake my head.

"No its okay, you guys go ahead. I might take a look around later," I tell them, noting the slight dejection.

"I think that Molly might swing by later to see if you are in, you can probably head out with her," he suggests in response and I nod.

"Yeah, that sounds great."

"I'll see you later then," Micah says with a smile.


He nods. "Cool."

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