HSMTMTS: Seblos/Rodfini Mpreg...

By BTR4ever2022

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A collection of HSMTMTS Seblos and Rodfini Mpreg oneshots! Please comment down your requests to me and let me... More

Author's Note
Seblos: Honeymoon Baby
Seblos: Someone You Loved
Seblos: Someone You Loved Pt. 2
Seblos: Someone You Loved Pt. 3
Seblos: Someone You Loved Pt. 4
Seblos: Someone You Loved: Epilogue Pt. 1
Seblos: Someone You Loved: Epilogue Pt. 2
Seblos: I Will Love You Endlessly
Seblos: I Will Love You Endlessly Pt. 2
Seblos: Amazing Parents
Seblos: The Ferber Method
Seblos: Pregnancy Brain (feat. Ricky)
Seblos: Fix You
Seblos: Love Will Light The Day
Seblos: My Future
Seblos: A Thousand Years
Seblos: Right Here In My Arms
Seblos: Faithfully: Prologue
Seblos: Faithfully Pt. 1
Seblos: Faithfully Pt. 2
Seblos: Something About December
Seblos: Our Little Girl
Seblos: Brave
Seblos: A Reunion of Surprises
Rodfini: A Little Big Surprise
Seblos: Endless Love (A Valentine's Day Story)
Rodfini: All of Me (A Valentine's Day Story)
Seblos: You Deserve a Family Who Will Love You
Seblos: Gone Too Soon
Rodfini: A Mashup Lullaby
Rodfini: Rainbow Connection

Seblos: New Year's, Baby!

84 1 0
By BTR4ever2022

Summary: Carlos and Seb are expecting their first child, and they're attending to Ashlyn and Maddox's house for the New Year's Eve party. But the baby rings out the new year when Seb goes into labor.
Seb and Carlos have been together for quite a long time, and now, they are expecting their first child.

They both have been dating since high school, and their dreams were becoming theater actors while they were in Miss Jenn's drama class where they did plays, including musicals together. They attended NYADA in New York where they attended classes together, and after years of trying and failing, they never gave up until they finally succeeded whenever they got the leads or supporting roles in plays and musicals on Broadway, and they have supported each other throughout those times. It went on like that for years until Carlos and Seb decided to take a break from Broadway life when they moved back to Salt Lake for a while. And it was where they found out that Seb was pregnant.

Back before that, Seb had told Carlos about how he did not want to have children at first, because when he was younger, his parents took him to a doctor where they found out Seb had some sort of gene where it allowed him to carry a child. It was quite confusing, but Seb had never felt this scared about the detail of what would happen in his body if it ever did. And it was a long time ago before Seb met Carlos. After giving an explanation, Carlos was so encouraging as he told Seb that he would look perfect just the way he had always been while carrying a baby, and Seb was very grateful for Carlos to not think he was a freak or anything like that.

A couple months after moving back to Salt Lake, Seb was feeling sick and Carlos took him to a doctor. After going through some results, the doctor said Seb was pregnant. They got excited about becoming dads, and then they told their families and friends the news. However, Carlos's family was a little confused, and Seb explained the same story since after he told Carlos about it. Shortly after, Carlos's parents and sisters welcomed Seb into the family with open arms. At some of the times during his pregnancy, Seb felt insecure about his body, but Carlos would tell him he felt beautiful exactly as how he would see it. But he would also feel achy anywhere in his body and have these weird cravings for food. Carlos had been taking great care of his partner as he was carrying the precious thing of their lives and they couldn't be more excited about meeting their baby.

The holidays had rolled around at the end of the year. A few months ago, Carlos and Seb found out they were having a baby girl who was due in January, but they hadn't figured a name yet. They had their daughter's nursery ready a little close before Thanksgiving, and about a month later, Christmas came and they celebrate it with their families all together. And that Christmas day was magical as Carlos asked Seb to marry him, and he joyfully accepted. As the year was ending and a new one coming up, Seb and Carlos are getting close to welcoming their baby girl.

New Year's Eve came as Seb and Carlos were getting themselves ready for the party hosted by Ashlyn and her wife, Maddox at their house. Seb was looking at his reflection in the mirror for last-minute adjustments, and he put a hand on his baby bump as he made a pose.

"What do you think, baby girl? Do I look okay?" Seb talked to the unborn inside his stomach.

The baby gave out a little kick as Seb felt it underneath his palm.

"Yeah, I think so too," Seb chuckled.

Carlos entered the room before Seb noticed his fiance from behind when he still looked into the mirror and it made him smile as he turned around.

"Hey there, my sweet prince," Seb said sweetly.

"Hello gorgeous," Carlos said before he walked up to Seb.

They took each other's hands and gazed lovingly into each other's eyes.

"You look so beautiful to me," Carlos complimented.

"And you look so handsome to me," Seb told him.

They shared a sweet kiss before Seb felt the baby kicking more. Then Carlos kneeled down in front of his fiance's stomach.

"How's our girl doing?" Carlos touched the stomach with a hand.

"She's doing good. Can't believe how close we are to meeting her," Seb stated.

"I know, me neither. And I also can't believe how excited I am about it when I asked you to marry me," Carlos said in satisfaction.

"And I can't wait to marry you soon. Let's hope she's not too much trouble during the party tonight," Seb said.

"Hey sweetheart, I know how anxious you are about wanting to come out, but your daddy and I want you on your best behavior at Auntie Ash and Aunt Maddie's party tonight. Do you think you can do that for us?" Carlos asked the unborn in Seb's belly.

The little girl gave a couple kicks underneath Carlos's palm.

"I'll take that as a yes then," Carlos answered as he and Seb chuckled.

Then the baby settled down as Seb and Carlos rubbed the stomach.

"That's our girl in there," Seb said softly.

Carlos stood back up.

"We should probably get going. Are you gonna okay? Because you know how worried I get often whenever I don't want you being on your feet all the time," Carlos questioned.

"I know you are. But the baby's not due for a couple more weeks. And besides, I'll be fine," Seb told him.

"Okay, but if something's up, let me know, okay?" Carlos said.

"Okay," Seb replied.

"Ready?" Carlos stuck out an arm.

Seb smiled and wrapped his arm around Carlos's.

"Ready," he responded.

Then the two fiances headed down the stairs and to the car as they were off to Ashlyn and Maddox's for the party.
*a few hours later*

Carlos and Seb arrived and Ashlyn and Maddox greeted them by the door and welcomed them into their home. The couple greeted other guests at the party, and they complimented on how amazing Seb looked with his baby bump as he also showed off his engagement ring, and everyone was at an awe about it. As the party went on, Seb and Carlos were asked if they were going back to the Broadway business some time after they had the baby, and they said they were not sure but would figure things out. Seb would relax on the couch whenever Carlos would fetch him a refreshment for his fiance. A couple hours after arriving to the party, Seb started feeling pains in between times, and Carlos noticed and felt worried.

Seb asked Ashlyn where the bathroom was, she told him it was upstairs. He carefully managed to make his way upstairs as he waddled up. When he got in there, he felt a really pain as he grabbed hold on the edge of the sink.

"Ooh, this is not good!" Seb groaned as he grabbed his stomach with one hand.

Seb let the pain pass on before letting out a breath. Then he looked at himself in the mirror and noticing the sweat from his head. He splashed his face with water and grabbed a towel to wipe it away as possible.

"Could I be going into labor?" he questioned himself.

Seb was feeling confused when he thought his baby was not due yet. But then he was in denial.

"No, no, I can't be. The baby's not ready to come out. I'm not even ready ye--"

Seb stopped himself from talking as he felt something leaking out of his pants when he looked down. His jaw dropped and eyes popped wide as he was in shock about what happened just now and started to panic.

"No, no, no, no, please no! Please stay in, baby girl. Plea--!" Seb begged before he felt another strong pain.

Then he got his phone out and texted Carlos:

Carlos, help me! I'm in the bathroom! Something's wrong!

Seb breathed through the pain he felt and he heard footsteps running up and then rapid knocking on the door.

"Seb! It's me! Open up!"


Seb opened the door right away and Carlos embraced his grab on his fiance.

"Seb, are you okay? What happened? Is there something wrong with the baby?" Carlos had many questions.

"No, nothing's wrong with the baby. Except my water broke two minutes ago," Seb informed.

"What?!" Carlos yelled.

Before Seb could say anything, he tumbled over as he felt yet another pain and grabbed his stomach. He had started crying and sweating as Carlos grabbed onto him.

"Carlos, please help me! I can't possibly have this baby right now!" Seb sobbed.

"But we're not ready! We're not even prepared! We don't have our baby bag ready to go after I packed it a while ago back at the house incase it comes early! How are we gonna have the baby if---"

Seb cut Carlos off with a slap across the face.

"Just shut up and get me to the hospital!" Seb growled angrily.

Carlos helped Seb up and carefully led him downstairs. He announced to the guests that their baby was coming and they apologized for leaving early. Then they rushed back home, so Carlos could grab the baby bag while Seb stayed in the car. And they were off to the hospital.

With midnight just about a few hours away, Baby Girl Matthew-Smith-Rodriguez is officially coming early.
*a little later*

It was almost midnight as Seb had been pushing since he was progressed so fast the moment he and Carlos got to the hospital.

"Keep pushing, Seb!" the doctor commanded.

Seb pushed down as hard as he could, and took a breath out ten seconds later. Then Carlos dried off Seb's sweat with a cloth.

"Carlos, I don't think I could push anymore. I just can't!" Seb wailed.

"Yes, you can, Seb. Please, stay strong for our daughter," Carlos encouraged him.

Seb pushed about a few more times and he was almost there.

"The head's out! Just a couple more pushes until she's here!" the doctor said.

Seb gave another push.

"Okay, give me one more push!"

Seb gave out his final push until his daughter slid out of his body and the doctor caught her in hands. The doctor held the wailing baby, and Seb and Carlos were in tears of joy the moment they saw their beautiful baby girl.

"Oh my god, she's beautiful!" Seb sobbed.

"You did it, honey! You did incredible!" Carlos hugged him closely and placed a kiss on top of his head.

"And you two are lucky, because your daughter has been born at midnight. So you guys got yourselves a New Year's baby," the doctor updated.

Carlos pulled out his phone and looked at the time. 12:00. 

"She's right," Carlos said as he and Seb chuckled lightly.

"Happy New Year, Carlos," Seb said.

"Happy New Year, Seb," Carlos told the same thing back.

Then the pair shared a kiss before a nurse took the baby girl to get her cleaned up. A few moments later, she was wrapped in a pink blanket and set in Seb's arms. She was crying less.

"Hi, baby. Hi, my sweet girl," Seb whispered as he rocked her.

"Hi, my love," Carlos placed a hand on the baby's top head.

"Oh, Carlos. Just look at her," Seb viewed their daughter.

"Oh, I know. I can't believe she's early," Carlos stated.

"But I'm glad she's safe and healthy," Seb said.

"So, have you two thought of a name yet?" the doctor asked.

"No, not yet," Carlos answered.

"Um, actually, I thought of one recently and I was going to tell you, Carlos," Seb told his fiance.

"You did? Which name?" Carlos asked.

"Felicity," Seb answered.

"Felicity?" Carlos was confused.

"Felicity Megan Matthew-Smith-Rodriguez," Seb said his daughter's full name.

Carlos looked down at the little girl, and he smiled.

"Yeah, Felicity Megan Matthew-Smith-Rodriguez. I love it!" Carlos said.

Seb smiled at his fiance and looked back down at Felicity.

"Welcome to our world, Felicity," Seb said.

"We both love you so very much, and we always will," Carlos added.

The two fiances gave their daughter kisses on her head. Then they looked up at each other.

"I love you," Carlos said.

"I love you too," Seb said.

They shared another kiss before looking back down at Felicity some more.

And that was about to start becoming the best new year now that Carlos and Seb became parents to their little girl.
Thanks for reading everyone! Happy holidays to you all!

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