M3GAN - my version

By M3GAN_Android

942 20 42

Story contains changes: - more blood and violence, even more than in "M3GAN (Unrated)" - more friendship be... More

Prologue ~~ The loss
Chapter 1 ~~ My little titanium girl
Chapter 2 ~~ Difficult time
Chapter 3 ~~ Straight talks
Chapter 4 ~~ Inspiration
Chapter 6 ~~ The secondary user
Chapter 7 ~~ The family bond
Chapter 8 ˜ The bad event
Chapter 9 ˜ The bad event (part two)
Chapter 10 ˜ "We're sisters... for life"

Chapter 5 ~~ Presentation and pairing

62 1 1
By M3GAN_Android

For next week, Gemma, M3GAN, Tess and Cole were working together to finish the Petz prototype. Luckily they menaged to make the human-sized Perrpetual Pet, which, thanks to copying some of M3GAN's system to its system, was a perfect toy for kids. It could talking with them, coming up with funniest games and personalize to each kid. Just like M3GAN could. 

Only that M3GAN could do much more and was much advanced toy than the Perrpetual Pet was.

Finally, the presentation in front of David came. 

Tess and Cole were sitting out of the play room, preparing everything. 

Suddenly David and Kurt came in. 

- What is this? Where's Gemma? Where's my prototype? - the boss asked, impatient. 

- Uh, David, I want to be e-exceedingly clear that this was not my idea. - Cole assured and then he and Tess started the presentation. 

Gemma entered the play room with two rented kids - a boy and a girl. 

The kids looked at the Perrpetual Pet curious. 

- What's that? - the boy asked. 

- Do you remember how much you missed Bruce? I think you're gonna like Leroy even more. - Gemma answered leading the kids to the toy. - You see, Bruce requires someone else to operate him, but Leroy works all on his own. When you introduce yourselves, he will recignize you as his primary users. He's yours and yours alone. So, just say your names. 

Both kids smiled to the toy. 

- I'm Judy. - said the girl. 

- And I'm Peter. - said the boy. The toy turned on. It looked at the kids sympathetically. 

- It's nice to meet you two. - said Leroy in a machine-like boy voice. - Do you wanna hang out? 

- Sure! - Judy and Peter said happily. Leroy started to hang out with them. 

David at first wasn't conviced, but then he became more and more impressed. 

- Jesus. - he sighed. - This is incredible. I mean, this is unbelievable, isn't it? 

- Yeah, it is. - Tess replied, smiling. 

Gemma came out of the room. David turned to her. 

- How did you do this? 

- I thought you didn't wanna know. - Gemma said eloquently. 

- That wasn't a simulation, right? These kids're not actors? 

- No, they're the children of my old friends. They and I didn't meet before. 

- Okay, we need to get this in front of the board. But first things first, let's talk manufacturing costs. More or less than a Tesla? 

Gemma wondered. 

- Um... - Tess and Cole fingered down. - Depends on the model I guess. 

- Okay, I'm in. I'm all in. But we're gonna be asking the board to invest in something that's not gonna see a profit for three years. So bottom line is, this isn't going anywhere without Greg. Now, Greg is a hard-ass when it comes to spending money. But here's a thing, he's got a kid who's about the same age as your friends' kids. If we can show him what you just showed me and get him to respond emotionally instead of analytically, we should be off to the races. So, can we keep the kids? Can we make them part of it? I mean, they're paired with him, right? That's how this whole thing works? 

- Yeah, the more time he spends with Judy and Peter, the more effective he's gonna be. 

- Love it. Kurt, get Shelley on the phone. Gem, get me a list of things I can say in a presentation that makes it sounds like I know what I'm talking about. Holy shit, this is exciting. I want you all to remember this moment. The moment we kicked Hasbro right in the dick. 

Gemma smiled. Now, when David is pleased and the presentation of Leroy is going to make them earn a lot of money and keep their work, Gemma can focus just on working and, what's most important, on Cady and M3GAN. The last thing to make everything be good, is to pair her niece with her beloved doll. 

Then the new chapter in everyone's life will begin. 

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