Prologue ~~ The loss

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The James family was driving to a ski trip. Couple Nicole and Ryan were sitting next to each other in a car, the man driving, while their 8-year-old daughter, Cady, was sitting at the back and playing on her Ipad, her toy given to her by her aunt next to her. 

- Hmm, jelly barries makes me feel good. - the toy said in its mechanic voice. The girl laughed. Suddenly her mother turned to her. 

- Cady, look. - Nicole said. - We're almost at the top of the mountain. Can you see the hotel? 

The girl didn't even payed attention to her mother, focusing only on the toy and playing. Nicole sighed, being tired of her daughter's behaviour. 

- I thought we were gonna limit screen time to thirty minutes a day. - the woman said to her husband. 

Ryan shrudded. 

- What are you telling me for, I didn't give it to her. - he said. 

- I'm just saying, I think... Cady, can you turn it down, please? - Nicole asked and the girl did so. - If we make rules we need to stick to them. 

- If she wasn't on that she'd be climbing all over. 

- So you would rather she sat there feeding a toy virtual food until it shits itself? Cady, turn it down. 

- I already did turn it down. - the girl said. 

- What was Gemma thinking? - Nicole asked with disunderstanding. 

- "It's my niece's birthday, I'm gonna get her a present." - Ryan paraphrased. 

- She works for the company that makes them. She probably didn't even have to pay for shipping. - the woman sighed. - Honestly, what is the purpose of a toy if you have to play with it on an Ipad? 

- This is what the future looks like, okay? You just have to get used to it. 

Suddenly a car slided dangerously on a road. Cady hit herself a bit. Both she and her parents freaked out. 

- Oh, my God! - Nicole shouted. 

- We're allright. - Ryan tried to calm his wife down. 

- We should've put chains on the car. 

- Neither of us knew that was a thing, until, like, ten minutes ago, okay? Don't act like it's my fault. 

Car slided again, this time much harder. 

- Oh, my God! Ryan, seriously! 

- What do you want me to do!? 

Cady noticed her toy fallen down from the seat. She was more and more worried too. 

- Mom, I dropped Leroy. - the girl said, but neither her mother, nor father payed their attention to her. They were still nervously talking. 

- Why did you tell that guy at the gate this was a four-wheel drive!? 

- It looks like a four-wheel drive! 

Cady unbuckled from the seatbelt and reached for her toy. Her parents got scared. 

- Cady, what are you doing!? 

- Cady, put your seatbelt on! 

- Cady, Cady, Jesus Christ! 

Cady grabbed the toy and buckled back. Nicole and Ryan focused on their problem again. 

- I can't see anything. - the man complained. 

- So stop moving forward. - the woman told her husband. 

Ryan stopped the car. The both sighed. 

- We can't just sit in the middle of the road. 

- Look, we'll wait for this to clear, and then find some place where we can pull over and just wait for one of those snow trucks to clear to road. 

- Yeah, how long is that gonna take? 

Neither of them nor their daughter noticed snow truck dangerously getting closer and closer to them. When they saw it, it was too late. 

A snow truck violently crushed upon the car. The three of them screamed. And then everything went black. 


Hey, guys! :) How are you all doing? I hope you're doing good, but if not, remember that I'm always here to do my best to help you :) This first chapter was definitely too similar to the movie first scene, but I promise that the next chapter will be a bit different :) Here's a little spoiler: in this story, Gemma's NOT a careless bitch. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my story already and I won't keeping you unsure anymore: the next chapter will appear today :) The comments for the plot will be really welcomed :)

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