Chapter 2 ~~ Difficult time

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Gemma immediately took her things and drove by her car to the Medical Centre. 

When she was told that Nicole and Ryan are dead and Cady is in a tragic condition, she suffered inside. She was crying. She couldn't believe that she lost her loved ones. She missed her sister so much. 

But she knew that now, when Cady's an orphan, she needs to keep her promise. She needs to be there for her niece. 

She decided to adopt her. The adoption process was much easier than normally, thanks to Gemma's law given to her by Nicole. 

Two days later, when fortunetely Cady was recovered, she took her home. 

Gemma's house was located in the suburbs of Seattle. Fortunetely, the woman succed to ignore her annoying neighbour. She just took all things and led Cady to the house. The house was very modern and cosy. 

Gemma's voice assistant spoke immediately to welcome them: 

- Welcome home, Gemma. You have two unanswered voice messages and five Tinder notifications. 

- Elsie, turn off. - Gemma asked and the voice assistant listened. 

- Sorry for that. - Gemma apologized. - Okay. I'm gonna put these bugs away and you just make yourself at home, okay? 

Gemma went to pack the things off, while Cady looked all around the house. She liked it there. 

Suddenly she noticed a shelf with toys. She came closer and grabbed one, looking at it curiously. Suddenly Gemma entered the room. 

- Oh, Cady. - she came to her niece. - You like it? 

Cady nodded. 

- Do you want to play with it? 

Cady brightened up. 

- Can I? 

Gemma smiled. 

- Of course. If you'll feel lonely, we can play together. 

The girl smiled too. 

- Yeah. 

- Okay. - Gemma took the toy and tried to open it. - Just let me open it and we can start. 

Gemma was happy to play with her niece. She would at least feel better maybe, just as Cady. 


There were an evening. Gemma and Cady played for an hour and then sat on the sofa to read a book for kids. 

- "I can run faster than you. I am the one who'll win. Said the Little Tiger to the Big Elephant. Let's see about that. answered the Big Elephant and the two of them started to run through the jungle. The one who actually won, was the Big Elephant, cause he was much bigger than the Little Tiger and his steps was much more huge. But the Little Tiger wasn't mad at all. It was just a game. A very fun game between two best friends. The End." - Gemma read. Cady grew happy. She was enjoying the story read by her aunt very much. 

- I love this! - Cady sighed. Gemma was happy because of her niece's happiness. 

- Glad to hear this. 

Suddenly the girl yawned. She looked at her aunt sleepy. 

- Can we end now? I'm tired. - Cady said misty. Gemma put the book down at the table. 

- Of course. Go to bed, I'll check on you later. 

Cady was about to go to her room, but before she did she once again turned to the woman: 

- Aunt Gemma? 

- Hm-mmm? 

- Thank you. 

Gemma smiled. 

- You're welcome. 

When Cady went to her room, Gemma felt much better. 

She felt that spending time with her niece did them both good. She hoped that everything would work out though. She's going to make sure that the two of them will always be a happy normal family. 

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