Chapter 6 ~~ The secondary user

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When Kurt and David left, Gemma told Tess and Cole to take M3GAN to their lab and prepare her. Meanwhile, she came for Cady and led her to the lab. When they were there, the woman said to her niece: 

- Cady, there're a few persons I want you to meet. 

Tess and Cole went to them. 

- These are my co-workers, and best friends, Tess Jen and Cole Mills. 

The two of them and the girl smiled at each other. 

- And you must be Cady. - Cole said. - Hi, nice to finally meet you. 

- Hey, don't be afraid. - Tess said. - We don't bite. We just eat all. - she joked. To four of them, including Gemma and Cady laughed. 

- Nice to meet you too, Mr Mills and Ms Jen. - Cady said kindly. 

- Oh, come on. We're not that old. Call me Tess. 

- And remember that I'm Cole. 

- Okay. I like you both, you know? - Cady said happily. Cole and Tess grew happy. 

- Oh, thank you. 

- You can say so about your aunt. When we first met, she was trying to flirt with me. Right, Gem? - Cole said eloquently. Cady looked at Gemma suprised and she got ashamed, but also had fun. 

- Oh... this is... true, but... I've grown up from this quite fast. 

- Hm-mmm. I see that. - the man answered ironically. 

- But, anyway. - Gemma changed the topic. - We're actually not here to gossiping. We're here to meet M3GAN. 

- Yeah. - Tess and Cole also chaged the topic. - We've got her here. 

Gemma's friends brought M3GAN. Cady was suprised and curious. 

- Is she a doll? - the girl asked. 

- A robot doll. I built her a few months ago. Her mind is based on a very advanced AI. 

- She's pretty! - Cady brightened up. - How does she work? 

- Actually, since I was a teenager, I dreamed of having a daughter, cause... I was almost alone. I built her to be my child. But don't worry, I also love you, Cady. I know how hard it is for you to find someone who will like you. M3GAN is a true best friend forever. I am her primary user, but you are her secondary user, which means that you're as important to her as me. - Gemma smiled at her niece. - Do you want to be paired with her? So she could be a part of our family? 

Cady was happy. She couldn't believe it, but she was joyed for the thought that she would finally have a true friend who will never leave her side.

- Yes! - she shouted happily. 

- Okay, here we go. - Gemma led Cady to turned off M3GAN. - What I want you to do is to take your fingers and put them on her hand, and when you do that, your gonna pair with her. That means, from now she will recognize you as her secondary user. She's a member of our family, like a second child to me and a sister to you. So, just keep your fingers there and say your name. 

Cady smiled at the doll. 

- Hi, M3GAN. I'm Cady. - the girl said. M3GAN turned on and looked at the girl happily. 

- It's nice to meet you, Cady. Oh, I like your jacket. Where did you get it? - Cady smiled a little bit shy. 

- I'm not sure, I can't remember. 

- Oh, well, anyway, it looks good on you. Do you wanna hang out? - M3GAN asked. 

- Okay. 

She got up and came to the table with crayons and papers. She sat at one of chairs. Cady gave Gemma an unsure look and she gave her niece an incouriging look. The girl came to the doll and sit in front of her. 

- Shall we draw? - M3GAN proposed. 

- What are you going to draw? - Cady was more and more curious and more and more happy. 

- See if you can guess. - M3GAN replied and took a paper, the crayons and started to draw. Cady was looking at her couldn't wait until she will finish her drawing. 

Finally, M3GAN did. She showed her drawing to Cady. The girl looked at it shocked, but really joyed. 

- Do you like it, Cady? - M3GAN asked, hoping that her secondary user will enjoy her present for her. 

The girl brightened up. 

- I love it! - she sighed. 

Gemma, Tess and Cole smiled. 

- It worked. We made it. God, we made it! - Gemma shouted excited. She and her friends hugged, three of them happy. 

- Aunt Gemma? - Cady asked. The three of them turned to the girl and the doll. - Can we take M3GAN home? 

Gemma smiled at her niece. 

- Definitely. Let's take her to my house. Our home. 

M3GAN and Cady smiled too. 

They thought that the best period in their lifes just started. Everything was more than okay, or good. It was awesome. 

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