accidental wedding

By ashreetkaur

201K 8.5K 487

"Biwi, biwi lagti hai yeh meri. Aur kuch sunna hai?" ***** "Jab biwi nahi thi tab itna farq parra tha ab to b... More

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5.3K 257 8
By ashreetkaur

Sejal :

I was aimlessly walking around the roads . I was left with nothing nor do I have anything left within me to cry over. I just looked at the bag with me which had few of my belongings which my mom threw on me , it had my few clothes . So I just wrapped a scarf around me as it was little cold outside.

I sat near the bus stop , and started thinking what to do now ? Where should I go ? What about the job I got ? Should I continue staying here itself ? But where will I reside ?

Then I dailed one of my friend's number , her name is Rhea. She's been my one of my close freinds for a long time we don't speak much but when we do , we can connect easily with eachother.

I thought of staying here itself because I can't afford to go to another city, I have nothing with me . I dailed her number and she picked in few rings

She spoke excitedly " Hello  Sejal , how have you been long time no call?."

I spoke silently "Rhea , can we meet at your place?."

She realised soon there's something wrong and she said " yes, why not . I'll send you the location ."

I said "okay" and I took an auto and made my way towards her place.

After a while I reached her place and I went inside and she made me sit comfortably and then she asked me in a serious tone " what's wrong Sejal?."

I didn't knew , I could break this easily. As soon as she asked me I started crying

She comforted me and then after a while when I relaxed I told her everything that happened without skipping anything. She looked at me and told " you don't have to cry Sejal , we will figure something okay ?."

"And about that person, don't you guys have any contact?."

I replied no , " I don't even know his full name , or what does he do ."

She asked me " what's his name , by the way ?."

I said  slowly "adhyaan."

She said , " why does this name sound , like I've heard somewhere ."

And after two minutes , she shouted loud and spoke "Sejal , god he's the CEO of Khanna and group ."

I didn't belive her at first like is he the only adhyaan in the world or what , nor do I know about any CEO of Khanna and group

She spoke " you don't belive right? Let's search on Google."

She searched and I was shocked behind everything when I saw his images , he's the same person whom I got married to . He is the CEO? Why didn't I searched him anytime.

Rhea spoke " girl, you're married to the most eligible bachelor."

I didn't know what to feel , should I feel happy? But how should I feel? Because what if I married him, he's not with me anyway . My mom dad threw me out of the house because of all these marriage chaos . How am I supposed to feel lucky?

I didn't spoke anything later ,after a while I told her that I've got a job as a receptionist and as I don't have any place to reside so can I stay here and as later I would get my salary I would move out of this place and find a new place to stay at .

She said in response that I don't have to move out , I can stay here .

But I didn't feel to trouble her because of me, I've already troubled everyone
enough I don't want to be a burden to anyone now .

Later , she agreed because after a month even she was going to move out of India because of her job . So , I had to anyway move out and I have to find a place to live .

But after a while she suggested me that , after she would move out I can stay at this place itself and pay the rent . Even I agreed as her apartment was a small 1bhk and the rent was around seven thousand and I could afford this .

Later we spoke for a while and had our breakfast, and the rest of the day passed as usual .

Soon , the next day came and today I have to go my job as it's the first day of my job today . I had borrowed few clothes from Rhea because as of now I have none to wear . I'm just waiting for my first salary , after that I'll be little stable .

I took shower and then we ate the breakfast in silence whilst we spoke few words with each other and before she was going she wishes me luck for my first day . After a while I headed towards my destination

I booked an auto , and after around fifteen minutes I reached the place . The company was big but not too big , atleast manageable. So , I went ahead and did all my formalities and started of with my job .

Author :

Soon days passed by and it was more than one month , Sejal was busy in her job  and got accustomed to it. Rhea left india one month back and now Sejal resides in that place all alone

Sejal :

Life's been just going like usual or more like  I'm just surviving. Going to job , coming home and making dinner for myself and back to again going job next morning.

Nothing has been changed in my condition, not did my parents checked on me once and nor did he come

I laughed at myself because I still think that he might come , because what else is left in my life my parents left me so isn't he my family? Wasn't he supposed to be there with me ? I know I'm expecting too much from this marriage when we both knew clearly how did it take place .

I should have never hoped anything, else I wouldn't be worried about my life. He gave me the chance to believe that we might work as a couple, and here I'm still expecting. The worst thing is that our mind never gives up on expectations, we expect every moment thinking it might happen tomorrow what if not today .

I think he doesn't even remember that  there's some stranger who has been married to him , whom he promised that he would come back , he would make everything fine . What do I get by hiding this marriage? What did I even get out of all these ? Why did he even saved me that day ? Why he had to accept to marry me , when he can't face outcomes?

I should be grateful to him but I don't know what's correct and what's wrong at this moment.


I came out of the board room , after attending the meeting and went to my cabin .

It's been more than one year , to that incidence. I don't know what I did was wrong or right . I still remember how we got married and how I told her that I accept this relationship and we have to keep it hidden until the correct time . But I didn't knew why I never went again , more like I ran from the situation. I had no idea how to deal with it and in addition to that my presence was much needed in the company because of some major projects which were going on . So , even I didn't gave much thought about it as I was busy but still she have occupied my mind at some corner .

I'm still stuck between what to do , I do know what I'm doing is wrong but how am I supposed to disclose to my family , will they accept her ? What about her parents will they accept her ? I was not ready for all this drama in my life so I avoided the situation.

Because what's the matter, like what's harm in this. We can live our life like usual right , by ignoring the fact that we are married, can't we for a while? I'm scared of this marriage, I'm sacred of commitments, I'm scared that I might start falling for her . From one year  it's been haunting me , I can't take her out of mind for some reason she looks so innocent and delicate at the same time .

At first I didn't had any emotional attachment towards her , but I did feel something in this one year and I'm exactly scared of this attachment because it's the worst thing ever in this world and that is getting attached to someone . I've already faced it once and I don't want to repeat it once again and I've been doing everything to not get attached and that's the reason I never did anything to contact with her , though I could but I didn't.
But I think not it's high time, I should clear all the mess because I've already ignored my feelings for a long time and I just can't ignore the fact that she's my responsibility and I just hope this time everything goes fine.

I asked my Pa to get all the details regarding her yesterday itself and later I found that she's been working as reception in a company and I exactly knew what I was supposed to do .

Anyways keeping this thoughts aside, I moved out of my cabin as I had to go home as it's already and as planned  I have to go to Delhi tomorrow. This hits like Deja Vu, Delhi brings back all the memories related to her , how we got married I still can't forget that day, how could I even?

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