Her Most Valuable Possession...


3.1K 89 69

Evan Sophia Benson is Olivia's 14 year old daughter. What happens when a perp from the past decides to get re... More

Secrets Revealed
To Forget You
Plans put into Action
Words she Never Wanted to Hear
Missing: Day One
Not just Another Victim
Emotions Running High
Lying is An Art Form
The Remains of Who She Was
What Justice?
No Turning Back
Coping Skills
Long Distance Fathers

Coming together/Apart

20 1 3

They decided to go to Golden Corral since no one could pick a specific menu.

"Can we sit at a table instead of a booth?" Evan asked. She was looking around at all the food. Already planning on making multiple trips.

"Sure, sweetie whatever you want." Olivia follows behind Evan to a table while Brian pays.

Evan headed straight for the salad bar first. She thought if she binged and purged on something healthy it wouldn't be too bad. She piled her plate high with veggies, croutons and cheese. Then topped it off with a light drizzle of the salad dressing she thought had the least amount of calories. She made her way back to the table to see her Dad sitting with two plates of BBQ. Her stomach twisted at the sight.

Brian raised an eyebrow at Evan's salad, "That's a healthy looking plate peanut."

"Yeah, you should eat some Dad, it's good for your health." Evan took a big bite of her salad and smirked at her Father.

"Touche." Brian said.

Olivia came back to the table with a bit of everything on her plate. She sat down and passed one of the rolls on her plate to Evan. "They're fresh and hot. I know how much you love these!" She dug into her own plate.

'You already have enough rolls on your disgusting body!' Evan thought. She glared at the bread like it was her number one enemy.

Evan focused on her salad, chewing each bite down to practically liquid so it would be easier to get back up.

After her salad, Evan headed to the grill and got a medium rare steak, breaded shrimp, and fries. It was like a switch flipped and she decided to eat whatever she wanted and her eyes could see.

Wait, wasn't she supposed to be counting her calories? She was in binge mode. She convinced herself she could purge and fast to make up for her gluttony. When she made it back to the table with her Mom and Dad she had two plates.

"This is an improvement." Olivia said, eyeing her daughters plates.

It's not like they were overflowing with food, it was just the most Olivia had seen Evan eat since before the kidnapping and assault. She was pleasantly surprised and decided not to make it a thing.

'Maybe, just maybe my little girl is stepping out of the darkest part of her trauma.' Olivia thought hopefully.

"Yeah, well Dad's here. And I'm really freaking starving!" Evan said. She picked up a cut of her steak that she doused in steak sauce and practically moaned at the taste.

"I'm going to be better Father Es...I promise." Brian hung his head for a moment and looked up at his daughter. "I love you Evan and I love your Mother. I know I have not shown it, because I always pick the job. I've been selfish, but after this case I would love to come home to my girls. Please say I can come home." He looked between the woman he loved and their child. They were all he needed.

Fuck the job!

"B-Brian what are you saying?" Olivia stammered out.

"Dad is totally proposing to us right now, duh, Mom!" Evan was thrilled.

"I'm saying for fourteen years there has been no one else for me, Olivia Margaret Benson!" Brian stood, walked around the table, grabbed Olivia's face and kissed her senseless.

Olivia sat with everything Brian laid out. "We need to go home. I'm not having this discussion in public." She motioned for Evan to finish up and for the waitress to bring their check.

Evan was so caught up in the excitement she almost forgot about how bad she pigged out. The closer they got to home, the more it was all she could think about.

' I can't believe I ate all that.' Evan thought on repeat.

"Evie ,will you be alright if your father and I talk in my office?" Olivia asked.

"Yeah, it's fine. I'll just shower and get ready for bed." Evan said. She was thrilled she would be able to purge without interruptions.

Brian walked up to Evan and kissed her forehead. "Goodnight sweetheart "

"Night Daddy." Evan said. She turned to her Mom and kissed her cheek, "Night Mama." Then she went into her room and shut her door.

"She's amazing Liv." Brian said. He sighed.

"I know she is." Olivia beamed with pride. She lead the way into her office and closed the door. "Do you want anything from the bar?" She jerked her thumb at the locked liquor cabinet she had along one wall of her cozy office.

"Nah...you know what happens when we've been drinking and running on emotions."

"Evan Sophia." Olivia answered. She sat at the other end of the couch.

"I guess, you're probably wondering if the timing of my proclamation and Evie being attacked..." Brian let it hang.

"I'm the one that called you Brian." Olivia said.

"Liv...I have to finish this case. But, when it's over I want to come home to you and Evan. I want us to be a family. Besides, I barely know my own daughter." Brian reached out for Olivia's hand.

While things were starting to flow together for Evan's parents things were falling apart for Evan...

Evan had just finished purging and added a few new cuts. While she was riding the high she decided to check her email:


Tears just flowed down Evan's face. What happened was getting out and it was already turning ugly. She kept rereading the email.



Kill yourself...

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