Immortal Love

NicoleChristine1 tarafından

17.1K 698 59

-- Sequel to 'The Wrong Brother' -- My life has changed so much over the past few years. I am a wife, mother... Daha Fazla

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Name Change
Author Note
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Epilogue: Forever

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1.2K 59 4
NicoleChristine1 tarafından

I was home alone. My kids were at school and Jasper is working. Jasper has become one of the best judges in the region as, I quote 'he seems to has a way to make people tell the truth.' Funny. The humans have no idea that he actually has powers and isn't human, but what they don't know won't hurt them. I was listening to the radio when I heard a noise upstairs. I sniffed deeply, trying to identify the scent. But it was unfamiliar.

I rushed upstairs but by the time I was up there, my bedroom window was open and the intruder was no where to be scene. I looked out the window and through the forest, using my vampire vision to see through the dense forest, but nothing was to be seen.

"What are you doing mum?" Darcie asks from behind me. As she isn't a full vampire yet her senses haven't been heightened, so she cannot smell the scent.

"Nothing darling," I smile at her. "Just enjoying the sight."

In my human years, I was a horrible liar. But as a Vampire it is easier to lie. Although I hate lying to my children, it is for the best. They do not need to worry about things that I do not understand.

When Jasper returns home from work, he immediately tenses with the unknown scent. "Who was here?" He whispers so quietly that I almost don't hear him.

"Not now," I reply. The night eases and soon enough the children are in bed. I lay in my bed, leaning against the headrest, awaiting for Jasper to come in.

"Can you tell me who was here now?" He asks, laying beside me.

"I don't know who it was," I say truthfully. "By the time I got in here they had disappeared."

Jasper's eyebrows not together in worry. "What did they take?"

"Nothing," I say. "Everything was in order. I'm worried Jazz. What if they try to hurt our children?"

"Listen Isabella," Jasper soothes me. "I will die before letting anyone hurt you or our kids." He softly places his lips to mine. "That's a promise."

"I don't won't any one to get hurt," I say.

"I know baby, I know."

Okumaya devam et

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