By NeoMagicStar

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A Alternate Universe of (best) video game (of all time!) Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle...where I just got ri... More

1//That isn't too dangerous, right?
1 1/2//The real ones are here now
2//Journeys Beginning!
3//Zapping Zig-Zagging Ziggies
5//'Sploing'ing into action
6//The Ballad of Rex Greene
7//Stew? Stew!? STEW!!
8//Stopper is back again...WHY!?
9//I hate math
10//Hopefully this will be short
11//Whatever you do, DO NOT eat the sand cone!

4//Hippity Hoppity these bridges are now our property

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By NeoMagicStar

   The heroes were to continue down the road, curiosity in their gazes, but also the fear of was what to come. Something might jump out at any moment? Even with all the pretty flowers and green grass much healthier than home, Luke was terrified at every small sound. The blaring of those strange trumpet like flowers that dotted the flora would make him jump.

   "What even are those things!?" He'd whine, trying to hold onto the nearest thing, which happened to be Beep-0's right arm.

   This did not concern Beep-0 too much. "It's a plant. I saw it when Spawny was zapping things in the basement before this world was created. A merge of a trumpet and some flowers? They seem to have multiplied."

   Luke would watch the huge blue-purple tinted flowers in awe, as he could catch wind of a tune slow yet paced very bouncy. Awe-struck and curious he turned his gaze towards it.

   "A Trumplant?" He'd say, causing the two to chuckle a bit.

   "Oh good one!" Beep-0 would just have to keep that in files. The Trumplant it is!

   Cassie would be further ahead, stuck to her phone. Her goal right now was mainly to get into contact with anybody. Why didn't anybody have their phones!? She would keep on spamming the call button upon her screen, calling almost everybody in her contacts. Honestly, she really didn't want to be stuck in wherever the world they were in now. It didn't help that the ground was a little wavy.

   A little wavy? It was started to shake! Cassie fell back, screaming in shock as a huge sunflower shot out of the ground, spraying dirt like rain. A huge leaf would raise her into the air, putting her face to face with...a giant sunflower with sunglasses and a dumb smile. 

   "Woah dude! Watch the leaves. Sorry bout' that Cassie." The sunflower put Cassie down safely.

   She looked up in dumb-struck awe. Luke and Beep-0 caught up to hre aid, looking up at the sunflower with the same gaze. 

   "....wait a minute..." Luke would process what the newcomer's friendly words sounded like. "No way, there's no way this is Sunny Wilton!"

   The Sunflower began to cheer. "Your slaying it so smoothly Luke! It is me!" There was just pure joy in Sunny's voice, full of relief as well with his usual tone of voice. "Nice to see that you kids ain't like the others, sheesh."

   Beep-0 would turn his head. "What do you mean others? Are you not under the influence of the SupaMerge's bug? Just look at you!" 

   "Bug?" Sunny ruffled his petals, almost trying to scratch his head with the huge leaves. "I don't know about any bugs. I'm still me besides looking a tad bit close to those fire breathing snappers in the nearby forest."

   "Well that's odd." Beep-0 seemed to try something up on a virtual computer. "We've ran into some of those you might have called "the others", they're pretty violent but we know it's likely due to their merged states that their like it."

   "Saw a couple of em' bounce by." Sunny explained, using a leaf to point in the direction that lead to the waters. "In bounce I mean they literally had springs on their feet. I tried to say 'wassup' and they shot at me! Jerks."

   "Well, sounds like another problem I'm guessing sooner or later we'll have to clean up?" Cassie's tone was quite mid-hearted and sarcastic. "Guess we're heroes now."

   "We can assure you Mr. Wilton that we got these jumping jerks covered. You just keep your roots put!" Beep-0 would say before turning back to Luke and Cassie. "Are we ready to face against a new face of evil?"

   Cassie would just stare at Beep-0 for a moment, shrugging her shoulders. She sighed.

   "Whatever you say Roomba for a head." She said, flicking her hand as she traveled to the direction Sunny pointed to. 

   Beep-0 would roll his eyes within his screen as Cassie was already on her way. He shrugged to Sunny, and began to follow with Luke not far behind. Luke had his weapon out, his gaze searching for any form of danger. The trees and grass thinned out into wood planks as the group found themselves over many connected bridges. The wood planks were a light tan color, quite strongly built. Water was clear below and some geysers would spout. 

   "Yo guys." Cassie would stay, looking over her shoulder at the group. "Get a load of the above."

   Looking up, there were almost a labyrinth of bridges all criss-crossing over each other. The heroes were on the lower levels, where the water was loudest. But oh they heard they who were overhead! The springing of, well, springs hit the wood with comedic sound. Laughing like children were heard. Cassie looked frustrated with it, so she just got out her blaster and shot right into the air, causing commotion between the new enemies.

   "Cassie!?" Luke would be shocked. "Why would you ever do that!?"

   It wasn't long before three red shapes would make themselves known, bouncing between bridges, wall-jumping down before their spring-heeled feet hit the bridges in which the heroes stood. One by one they came down like some sort of superheroes playing the roll of supervillains. Unlike the Ziggies from earlier, they all really looked the same in clothing style. Each wore self-made helmets from red material, plus green leaves wrapped around each hand looking like dual blasters. And of course, springs on their heels. They wore white scarves with rabbit ears on each side as well.

   The first one, notable for a red petal leaved scarf over their neck, the latter cut into two long rabbit ears with nicks in them, smiled at the heroes in a strange sort of politeness. 

   "Welcome to our bridges dear heroes! We were expecting you." They said with a bow of some sort. "Call me Stopper." 

   Luke would back up behind Cassie a bit, unsure of what to do. Cassie just got a good look at Stopper. Yeah, she knew them. No telling that wasn't a classmate of hers, maybe even a friend? Was it that Charlie? They looked identical. 

   "Well 'Stopper'." She began, her tone distrustful. "There is no way you don't know who we are? I know you Charlie!"

   Stopper would laugh. "Cassie, Cassie, Cassie...things are upside down right now, you dig? I'm Stopper! You know what that means?"

   "We kick your sorry butts and get revenge for you disrespecting ol' Sunny!" Cassie would shoot a blaster shot right at Stopper, it's light reflecting in their eyes.

   However, they would nimbly jump out of the way, landing right near a comrade, Popper. Popper would pick up Stopper, flinging them way higher to a higher bridge. 

   "Come get us!" They taunted.

   The battle upon the bridges was nigh. Cassie was too focused onto Stopper than the other two enemies, not caring to take notice of Beep-0's warnings.

   "These are Hoppers! They use something called team jump! And they also have shields!" He shouted, too late as Luke was already being ambushed by the two still on the ground level bridge.  

   Luke was fighting them off with a tactic most known as 'Fight then Flight', in which he ran away as fast as he could to later turn back and fire, then run again. He would do this over and over again, the two Hoppers team-jumping off each other to reach closer to him. He was shot in the back, yet got up to keep running up the bridges. 

   Meanwhile, Cassie was climbing poles, surprisingly good at it and quick as well. Yet no matter how fast she would scale the bridges levels, Stopper was always ahead, bouncing around. Whenever she shot at them, they would put up a blue shield to bounce the shot right back. A reflected blast hit Cassie's arm, and she let go of the pole, falling.

   At hearing the petrified scream, Luke would immediately rush to where Cassie was. At extraordinary, almost super speed, he was right at where she was falling, grabbing her hands to fling her back up. A team jump! Cassie flew back up, landing on the same bridge Stopper was on.

   " way!" Stopper was completely shocked, terrified even! Yet, their expression turned to rage. "Popper! Zapper! Get up here!" 

   Luke was relieved that the two Hopper's he was facing ran up to their supposed leader, yet he also knew Cassie was in trouble. He began to scale the bridges, hopefully going to be able to reach her in time. Meanwhile, Cassie was cornered at the edge, way above the water below. 

   "Shows over Cassie!" Stopper chuckled. "We own the bridges, and then, all of Ancient Gardens! The Firetrap's will soon rule all of this world, and you can't stop us!"

   Cassie looked behind her at the water, then at Luke who was still running up the steps. What could she do? They might be at enough energy so that single shots wouldn't take them down! She didn't even know what 'Firetraps' were!

   Yet, she was taken back to Cyan the Ziggy, remembering him kicked Beep-0's legs from under him. Yes! A dash. Right as Luke reached in and shot at one of these Hoppers, she ran at Popper, dashing under him to knock his legs from under him. And with that, Popper teleported out just like the defeated Ziggies. Luke hit the other, Zapper, with a zap to the head with the bworb, defeating him as well. 

   Now, Cassie and Luke stood together, breathing heavily from the tough fight, two against the single Stopper. Stopper looked scared as they back up. Yet, their expression changed into malice.

   "Well, we will meet again 'heroes'." They would backflip of the edge of the highest bridge, falling down into the water below. 

   Cassie and Luke would watch as their head popped up, and started to swim under the bridges in direction of a forest in the distance. 

   Well, it wasn't their problem anymore.

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