Re:Zero-Starting Life as the...

By Arcturus420

29.1K 953 285

Natsuki Subaru has only one goal in life: to protect his daughter. He is ready to do anything for this. After... More



1.4K 49 6
By Arcturus420

Elara had huddled inside a closet, trembling with fear and filled with anxiety. Her small body shivered in the dark and silent space as she struggled not to make a sound. Tears streamed down her eyes, her face marked with worry.

Closing her eyes tightly, she repeated to herself, 'Mom will come, she'll come soon. I just need to wait a little longer.' However, she couldn't fully grasp what she was waiting for or why she needed to hide. She just believed following her mother's instructions would keep her safe.

In that dark closet, there was a racing heart in her chest and a growing fear within. She couldn't quite comprehend the external danger, only a sense, a child's overwhelming worry. Elara was trapped in helplessness, seeking refuge in the hope of her mother's arrival.

When she stepped out of the closet at the sound of an explosion, Elara's steps trembled. Her already frightened body shuddered even more with that sound. Yet, in that moment, she stepped out from her safe haven, the closet.

As she stepped outside the house, she was greeted by a shocking scene. Her eyes fixed on her mother's bloodied body. Her mother lay on the ground, covered in blood. Her hands were soaked in it, leaving a trail back toward their home where she must have been hurt. Her mother had succumbed to her injuries while trying to reach for help.

Elara witnessed this painful scene, a turmoil and helplessness overwhelming her. She stood frozen, as if time had halted. Tears streamed down incessantly, yet not a single word escaped her lips.

She was experiencing one of a child's most terrifying moments. The loss of her mother had shattered her world. Fear, pain, and helplessness raged within her like a storm. Elara knelt beside her mother in silence, her trembling hands touching her mother's bloodied body.

Desperately shaking her mother, 'Mom, please wake up!' she cried. Her eyes filled with hopelessness, but somewhere deep within, she still clung to hope that her mother would respond. Her hands trembled as she gripped her mother's shoulders, yet there was no response.

'MOM, PLEASE WAKE UP!' she screamed, her voice filled with despair and fear, echoing her heartache. Each cry, each plea, inflicted a deep pain in her heart.

The little girl's throat was sore, even breathing was difficult, yet she didn't stop. Tears streamed endlessly as she desperately hoped for her mother's return. Thinking maybe she could bring her back, she futilely struggled to awaken her mother.

Suddenly, Elara was startled by a noise. She saw men in white approaching. But this incomprehensible fear-filled moment darkened abruptly. The men were coming toward Elara, their swords glinting. She tried to understand what was happening, but fear and helplessness consumed her.

A man raised his sword, saying, 'Where there's a nest, there's a chick.' As the sword descended towards her, Elara's heart raced. These incomprehensible events had created chaos in the little girl's eyes. Clinging to her mother's body, she cried helplessly amidst tears.

She wanted to scream in fear but felt her voice choked in her throat. Darkness, helplessness, and the unknown swirled within her emotional turmoil. Trembling in fear, trying to understand the men's intentions, all she wanted was to hold onto her mother for protection. These events had turned her small world upside down.

Elara's scream echoed in her ears as she woke up abruptly from her sleep. Her eyes opened, scanning quickly around, and all she saw was her father, Subaru, standing by her side, comforting and protective.

Shaken and still under the influence of her nightmare, Elara breathed rapidly. Her eyes oscillated between reality and the nightmare. Her father's calm and compassionate voice filled her with waves of relief. Each breath distanced the dark memories of the past, reminding her that her father was there. The warmth and safety in Subaru's arms were enough to soothe all her worries.

Subaru embraced Elara, saying, 'Don't worry.' His voice carried gentleness and reassurance, reflecting his love and protective feelings for his daughter. While still recovering from the shock, Elara slowly closed her eyes, finding solace once again in her father's comforting presence.


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