Christmas advent calendar ||...

By strawberrymochi2468

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|| COVER MADE BY ME || This is an advent calendar leading up to Christmas! (mostly just to cure my boredom :P... More

• Introduction •
Dec. 1 - Settling In
Dec. 2 - Shopping
Dec. 3 - Decorating
Dec. 5 - Shopping || pt. 1
Dec. 5 - Shopping || pt. 2
Dec. 6 - Pillow Fort
Dec. 7 - Winter Festival
Dec. 8 - Blizzard
Dec. 9 - Snow day
Dec. 10 - A/N
Dec 11 + 12 - Skating References
Dec. 11 - Ice Skating
Dec. 12 - Ice Skating pt. 2 (again???)
Dec. 13 - Visiting
Dec. 14 - Hot Chocolate around the Fire
Dec. 15 - Visiting Alan
Dec. 16 - Secret Santa
Dec. 17 - Shopping (Red & TSC)
Dec. 18 - Shopping (Yellow & Blue)
Dec. 19 - A/N
Dec. 20 - Shopping (Green & Purple)
Dec. 21 - Exchange
Dec. 22 - Cookies
Dec. 23 - Gingerbread House Competition
Dec. 24 - Movie Night
Dec. 25 - Christmas
• 𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚜 𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎 •

Dec. 4 - Getting a Christmas Tree

197 6 28
By strawberrymochi2468

Mango held the steering wheel as he turned left on the road, entering the local Christmas Tree Farm.

"Here we are!" Mango announced, quickly glancing back at everyone seated behind him. Everybody cheered and Red rolled down the window, sticking his head out. "Guys, guess what? I can see all the evergreen trees from here!"

Mango pulled up into the parking lot, and once everybody was bundled up, they hopped out of the car. They walked over the crunchy frozen-dew covered grass and set out to find the perfect tree.

"Yellow come on! I think I see some beautiful Spruce trees over there!!" Blue gestured to Yellow and they ran off to one of the sections of trees.

Mango sat down on a bench near the parking lot, then waved off the rest of the stick figures waiting for him. "You guys can go find a tree! I can pay for it once you choose one." He smiled at them before they sprinted toward the direction of Blue and Yellow.

"GUYS!!! Wait for me!!" TSC shouted after them, jogging slightly behind. "Okay, okay!" Blue and Yellow slowed down as Red, TSC, Green, and Purple caught up with them.

They all wandered around, trying to find the best tree.

It couldn't be too big or it wouldn't fit through the front door.

It also couldn't be too small or the decorations wouldn't fit.

It had to be just right.

But it also had to look nice.

Green strolled around, and stumbled upon a particularly gorgeous looking Pine tree. "Well look at you, handsome~" he whispered to the tree, caressing its pine needles. 

Purple came over a moment later, "Did you find the right tree? This one seems nice." Purple plucked a pine cone from its branches, and fidgeted with it in his hands.

"That's exactly what I was thinking! But first, I need to convince Blue and Yellow the same thing," Green replied. He went over to Blue and Yellow, who were inspecting a fir tree.

"Blue, Yellow! Come over here! I think I found just the right tree!!" Green rushed back over to Purple, with Blue and Yellow trailing closely behind him.

"Ta-da!!!" Green spread his arms out, full on jazz hands, "Isn't it beautiful?"

"Hmm, I gotta admit. That does seem like a pretty good tree," Blue confessed, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"But I think I've found a better one," Yellow called. He had wandered away from Green and Blue and had discovered another spruce tree. 

"Look at it! It's beautiful and it's healthy, and just the right size to fit through the door," Yellow beamed, brandishing its size like an advertiser. 

Green, Blue, and Purple strolled over to the tree. Green shook his head, sighing dramatically. "Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Pine trees are the perfect fit for Christmas Trees. Spruce trees are nice and all, but we all know that Pine trees are the best option."

Yellow stared daggers at Green. "Well if you think that those kinds of trees are the best option, then you're obviously blind."

Blue stepped between Yellow and Green, "Guys, why don't we just flip a coin to decide which one we choose? Actually- we didn't even ask if TSC and Red had found a better tree!" Blue realized.

All of them started walking around to find the two, and soon, they found Red and TSC by another Pine tree. It was also, of the perfect size.

"Hi guys!!" Red waved as Blue and the others came over. "Hey Red! Did you guys find a good tree yet?" Blue asked Red, peering over his shoulder. "Actually, yeah! We did. See?"

Red shuffled around Blue so he could look at the Pine tree better.

He gasped.

"Woah– That's like the perfect Christmas tree! It's weirdly symmetrical, too," Blue commented, pacing around it.

"TSC and I thought the same thing! Although there aren't any birds living in it–" Red responded "–it should still be a good Christmas tree, don't cha think?"

Green nudged Yellow, muttering, "Still think your Spruce tree is going to beat that? Red and TSC's tree is obviously the best!" Yellow raised an eyebrow, "So it even beat yours? Wow, I wouldn't have thought that you were willing to give up your title as #1. Too bad the Spruce tree is still second."

Green glowered at Yellow.

"They seriously make everything a competition," Red whispered, nudging Purple on the shoulder. Purple nodded.

"Sooo," TSC said, straightening up, "We're going to get the Pine tree me and Red found, right?" He looked at them, then glanced at Yellow and Green who were still teasing each other.

Yellow turned around from scowling at Green, "Yeah, we just have to tell Mango that. Then we'll get it cut down."

"Aw, I feel bad for the tree though :( it's so perfect too!! It's sad to see it's life being cut short." Blue expressed, petting its needles. "But if we have to, I guess we'll get it cut down. :<"

Yellow patted his shoulder, "It's okay, Blue. I'm sure it had a good long life." They glanced at TSC.

"Okay, I think some of us should go get Mango and then the rest of us can stay here to keep an eye on the tree," TSC said.

"TSC, y'know that it's not like the tree is going to get up and walk away, right?" Green smirked as TSC cast him an annoyed glare. "Anyways, who wants to go get Mango?" TSC continued. Yellow raised his hand, "I could go! I don't mind anyways."

"Yeah, I could go too! Just to make sure Yellow isn't running too fast and doesn't trip on a rock or something." Green replied, snickering.

"Oh, you won't need to," Yellow said, before dashing away through the trees. Green gasped in mock disbelief, saying "How could he just run off from me like that?" before chasing after Yellow.

"Ugh, those two, am I right?" TSC said playfully to Red, who nodded. "Hopefully they don't get in trouble, but knowing them, they'd probably get off track," Red remarked.

Blue and Purple came over to them, and they all waited for Yellow and Green to come back.

A few minutes later, they arrived with Mango.

"So this the tree you guys picked?" Mango asked. "Yeah! Isn't it perfect?" Red said, his eyes sparkling. "Yeah, just hold on a second. I need to tell the staff that this is the tree that you guys want."

The CG, TSC, and Purple milled around as Mango went to find some staff members. Blue caught something shiny and red out of the corner his eyes. He turned around and found out that it was a hay ride!! Blue poked Yellow in the shoulder and told him about possibly taking the ride as the tree was getting cut down.

"Doesn't it seem cool? Our first time going on a hay ride. Sounds awesome!!" Blue exclaimed, shaking Yellow by the shoulders.

"It does seem pretty awesome! We should ask if the others want to go on it too." Yellow thought out loud. Yellow turned to the rest of the group.

"Hey guys! GUYS! Want to go on that hay ride over there?" Yellow asked everybody, pointing to the spot of red behind the trees.

"Yes! Of course! Race ya there!" Green sped off, this time with Yellow chasing after him. "Guys, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Red shouted. Everyone started running towards the hay ride.

Green hopped onto the tractor and sat down on a stack of hay, the prickliness was a bit uncomfortable at first, but he got used to it. Yellow sat directly across of him, with Blue being right next to Yellow.

Purple arrived later, plopping down next to Green. "What took you so long?" Green asked him.

"Oh, Mango came over and I had to tell him that we were going on this hay ride," Purple explained, "He said it was fine as long as we came back right after the ride was over."

The tractor started up and they started riding around the farm. They saw a nearby pond with a family of ducks gliding across the water. A family of four walked by them, enjoying cups of hot chocolate.

In the blink of an eye, the ride ended, and they rejoined Mango at the car. Mango had laid the tarp on the roof and wrapped the tree with rope before securing it to the top of the car.

"You guys ready to head back home?" He asked them, pulling his keys out of his pocket. "Could we go get some hot cho-" Red began before Green cut him off.

"Red, trust me. We always drink hot chocolate," Green said, "We literally ended the last chapter with 'I rushed inside with everybody else following suit, saying, 'We love hot chocolate.'" Green reminded him.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Red sighed, his arms sagging behind him. He brightened again, "Hey, I know! We should drink eggnog once we get back home!!"

Everybody climbed into the car. Mango put in the keys, and turned on the radio.

Mariah Carey's "All I want for Christmas is You" song blasted in everyone's ears as they headed back home.

    ° ° °

1496 words <33

I'm not joking, I finished this at exactly 11:10pm (23:10) today .-.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :3

I actually did want them to get hot chocolate but then I realized that I'd be really behind schedule if I added that part since it's so late where I am right now

(I was supposed to finish this chapter at around 6:00pm (18:00) but I ended up procrastinating so here I am)

also, my mom's birthday is tomorrow (December 3rd) so the next chapter is going to be a short one -probably less than 1000 words- so I can spend more time with family :))

bye, hope you have a good rest of your day/night ^^

(started Friday dec. 1st || finished on Saturday dec. 2nd)

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