You Don't Have To Rush Yourse...

By SomeTypicalMilk

14.8K 670 624

Y/N's father used to be a famous musician traveling the world. That was before he decided to retire due to th... More

Please Take A Seat Wherever You'd Like. The Show Will Begin Soon.
Welcome To The Stage, Hitori Gotoh... Too Long. How About Bocchi Instead?
Our Next Step? Let's Get To Know Each Other. At Least A Little Bit.
First Day On The Job? Don't Worry! Follow My Guide And You'll Be Safe.
An Average Day At School? Not So Bad.
The Runaway Guitarist.
Well Then, How Should We Celebrate?
Bocchi The Brave!

Let's Learn More About Each Other And Get Closer As A Band! Again!

683 37 43
By SomeTypicalMilk

A/N: Hey, I'm back. I come bearing news. I'm going to be scaling back the art. I'm not good at drawing. Trying to force myself to draw something only leads to lower quality. So for the sake of improvement and quicker chapter release windows, I'll be slowing that aspect down. Anyhow, let's start.

The tapping is light but rapid. The forecast was correct today.

Y/n: "What a relaxing feeling..."

He has his hand stuck out and is feeling the rain. The taps are soothing, and the cold rain is reassuring. 

Nijika: "Don't do that! You'll end up getting a cold!"

Y/n: "That doesn't sound too bad."

Nijika: "Bocchi-chan and Kita-chan are counting on you."

Y/n: "Yeah, that's true."

Despite this, his hand still yearns for the sensation.

Nijika: "Oi!" *She blushes* "You leave me no choice."

She takes hold of Y/n's hand.

Nijika: "Since you don't know how to take care of yourself, I am hereby confiscating your hand. You'll get it back once we enter STARRY."

Y/n: *He sighs* "Fine, fine."

With his other hand holding the umbrella, he's forced into complying. 

Nijika: "You like rain too much."

Y/n: "Why shouldn't I?"

Nijika: "Sickness is one."

Y/n: "But sick days are cool."

Nijika: "But makeup work isn't. And who would have to deliver your classwork to you?" *She points to herself* "Me. So if you get sick, you're putting me in a bind."

Y/n: "Oh. I see. Don't worry, I'll get Ryo-chan to deliver it for me."

Nijika: "That's not the point! And don't look so smug while saying something like that!" *She sighs* "Geez. Rich people are weird."

Y/n: *He tilts his head* "Are you just now finding that out?"

Nijika: "Don't be so matter of fact with me."

Their bickering could be confused with that of an old married couple. After a few minutes more they reach STARRY. Heading inside, Bocchi and Kita have already taken out their guitars. 

Y/n: "Give me a sec to get my guitar out, and we'll begin."

Kita/Bocchi: "Hai."

The two head into the practice room.

Nijika: "I'm going to check in with my sister."

Y/n: "Sounds good."

The two head their separate ways and Y/n walks into the practicing room with guitar in hand. 

Y/n: "So, let's begin."

While Bocchi is already pretty good at guitar, she still needs to be taught how to play as part of a band. Kita needs to learn both.

Y/n: "I hope you've studied the chords I assigned as homework over the weekend."

Kita: "I still remember where the strings are and such."

Y/n: *He nods* "I see. Then, let's start with the chords you should know. Bocchi-chan, how about you start us off?"

Bocchi: Aren't you supposed to be the teacher?! "H-Hai!"

Not wanting to disappoint Y/n or Kita, Bocchi does her best to explain chords. While Kita thinks she has it, she fails to replicate and play back what she has just heard. They continue for a while longer, but Kita keeps messing up. Eventually, Kita powers through a song with the same chords. It doesn't sound the greatest, but at least she tried. 

Kita: "I'm just awful."

Bocchi: "Oh... But at least you managed to play it to compl-"

Kita: "About that, though!"

Y/n: That's... Unexpected?

Bocchi: "Y-Yes?"

Kita: "I just realized, I'm supposed to do the vocals, right?"

Y/n: "Sure. We are the vocalists, after all." That's the roles we signed up for. 

Kita: "Thought so." *She sighs* "I can't sing while focusing my motor control on the guitar.

Bocchi: "I... I see."

Y/n: "That is a problem."

Kita: "I was thinking that it would be for the band if I just sang... But then I wouldn't have anything to do during interludes, and I'd probably start fidgeting on the stage. So..."

Y/n: "So you'll just have to continue practicing."

Kita: *She smiles brightly* "That's exactly what I was thinking! I'll keep working hard until I get to the point where I can sing and play at the same time!"

The bright aura of the two vocalists temporarily blinds Bocchi. 

Bocchi: "My eyes!"

Y/n: "Something wrong, Bocchi-chan?"

Bocchi: "Oh-! Uh, never mind." The power of extroverts is truly astonishing! 

Kita: "But are you sure it's all right for me to sing?"

Y/n: "What do you mean?"

Kita: "W-Well, I'm not all the confident in my ability. I'm glad you're with me, that way I don't make a full of myself. But for songs that call for a solo female vocalist... I don't know if I'm enough." *She looks over to Bocchi* "I know! For cases where Y/n-kun is playing, you should sing with me, Bocchi-chan!"

Bocchi: S-Sing with her? On a stage? Full of people?! *She begins shaking her head violently* "N-N-Not happening!"

Kita: "But-"

Bocchi: "N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-"

Kita: Too much? "I'm sorry. Is it that unpleasant of a thought?"

Y/n: "Bocchi-chan is still trying to get used to people."

Kita: "Ah, right..."

Another spectator is a witness to Bocchi's-bocchiness.

Ryo: "Hey, nice one. Is that some new guitar showmanship move?"

Y/n: "Not happening. I feel like my neck is going to fly off just looking at her."

Ryo: "That's pretty metal."

Nijika: "No, Y/n-kun's right. This hurts to look at." *She points over her shoulder* "Now that Ryo's here, let's start out meeting out there."

Kita: "Hai."

After calming down Bocchi, they leave the practice room. 

Nijika: *She sets a sketchbook on the table* "We will now begin our band meeting! Round of applause!" 

She outstretches her hand as if she had just made a command. The others go along with this gesture and begin clapping. Ryo is the exception and sits there idly.

Nijika: "Now, here's today's topic!"

Sketchbook: 'How can we be more like a band?'

Nijika: "Today's question is, how can we be more like a band?"

Kita/Bocchi: *They both clap* It's so half-assed.

Ryo simply sighs and Y/n looks intrigued. 

Y/n: Sounds about right.

Ryo: That board is just like me.

Nijika: "Now that we've got a full member lineup, I figured our first order of business was to get us acting more like a band!

Bocchi: "I... I see!"

Nijika: "I know practice is crucial, but there's gotta be more we can do than just that. I think talking and getting to know each other is important, too."

Bocchi: Is she trying to give Kita-san a break from all of her practice?

Nijika: "One tactic is to nail the superficial stuff first!"

Kita: "Oh, that totally works! Like if you start imitating a new popular make-up trend and end up looking great!"

Nijika: "Exactly!"

Y/n: "Exactly?" Is that really the right type of mindset to have?

Bocchi: It's like they're speaking a foreign language. 

She looks and catches a glimpse of Y/n looking just as confused.

Bocchi: At least someone here can relate.

Nijika: "With that in mind..."

She puts away her sketchbook and reaches into her bag for something else. 

Nijika: *She smiles and raises her arm* "I made up band merch!"

Bocchi: That's a more superficial starting point than I was expecting!

Kita: "Did you just put a zip tie on your wrist?"

Nijika: "Cute, right? They come in colors that match our hair colors!"

She hands out a zip tie to each member. 

Y/n: Really, that's it? *He fidgets with the zip tie* "A cheaply produced piece of junk that's only made expensive by being associated with a name." 

Nijika: "Yup!"

Y/n: "It's perfect. How much are we going to upsell these for?"

Ryo: "We'll sell them for 500 yen a piece."

Bocchi: What a ripoff! I thought Y/n would be the voice of reason here!

Y/n: "Not high enough to seem like a total ripoff, not cheap enough to make us seem desperate. You're a genius, Ryo-chan."

Ryo: "650 yen for a signed version."

She begins signing the one that's on her wrist.

Kita: "What a steal! I'll take one!"

Y/n: "Your idea is already bearing fruit. Nice thinking, Niji-chan."

Nijika: "Anyone else with ideas for becoming more band-like?"

Y/n: "Don't tell me what was your only idea."

Nijika: "Well..."

Kita: I'll save you, Nijika-senpai! "I can set up an Isstagram and run it!"

Nijika: "Great idea! I hereby appoint you Minister of Social Media!"

Y/n: "That's a big position to hold. Are you really up for it?"

Kita: "I'll do my best!" *She takes out her phone* "I'll post every day when the time comes!"

Nijika: "And... What about forming a fan club?"

Bocchi: That sounds awfully hasty.

Y/n: "I already have one."

Nijika: "I know that. I mean one for the band."

Ryo: "10,000 yen annual membership fee."

Y/n: *He nods* "That outta keep you guys out of my pockets."

Ryo: "On second thought, maybe that's too expensive."

Y/n: "What sort of perks would we offer, anyhow?"

Ryo: "We could do a meet-and-greet and a once-a-year takoyaki party with the band. The fans bring the ingredients."

Kita: "What a steal, I'll join!"

Nijika: "Kita, you're already in the band." This girl. Am I the only normal one here?

Y/n: "Since Kita-chan is in charge of the Isstagram, I'll be president of the fan club." 

Nijika: "Since you're already experienced, you'll be a perfect fit."

Kita: *She turns to Bocchi* "What about you, Gotoh-san? Any ideas?"

Bocchi: "Eh?" I have nothing! I'll just have to make something up on the spot. "W-Well-"

In the face of Kita's sparking enthusiasm, Bocchi begins to shut down. 

Bocchi: H-Her eyes are too sparkly! I can feel the burden of expectation! "Um... Well..." I-I have to think of something! "I-uh..."

Y/n: "Bocchi-chan needs to save her creativity for later."

Bocchi: I'm saved-Wait, what for?

The group looks at Y/n confused.

Y/n: "She has the important job of creating the lyrics for our original song."

The group turns their attention to Bocchi. 

Y/n: "We settled this before, you know? Well, I guess you might've forgotten. Nijika introduced us to a place to perform. I pay for the band's expenses, Ryo writes the music, and you write the lyrics."

Kita: "Really? I can't wait to hear your song, Ryo-senpai! Have you already written it?"

Ryo: *She shakes her head* "No. I'll do it once I get inspiration."

Y/n: "You can't write a song with it."

Nijika: "Do your best, Ryo." *She looks over to Bocchi* "You as well, Minister of Lyrics!"

Bocchi: *She looks down* "H-Hai."

Kita: "Gotoh-san, it's cool that you took such a tough job!"

Bocchi: "C-Cool?" *She closes her eyes and kind of smiles* "W-Well, I can write lyrics like nobody's business! It's the super-easiest thing ever!"

Y/n: Priase gets to Bocchi's head super easily. 

Bocchi: "Hehehe... I'm gonna write the most band-like lyrics and guarantee us a huge hit!"

She laughs and imagines how proud the others will be.

Ryo: "Band-like?"

Y/n: "Let Bocchi have her moment. This amount of confidence is rare for her."

Ryo: "Fine."

After a few moments more, their meeting is called to an end.

Nijika: "That's all for our first meeting as a complete group. You're free to go practice or leave for the day."

Group: "Hai."

They all collectively get up from their seats. 

Y/n: What should I do now?

He heads into the practice room and grabs his guitar. Before he can leave, Kita enters the room.

Kita: "Do you have a minute, Y/n-sensei?"

Y/n: "Sure do."

He grabs a stool and sits down.

Y/n: "What's up?"

Kita: "I was wondering what our first official post should be for our Isstagram. I've been trying to get a group consensus."

Y/n: "Hmm. Well, it should be something with all of us in it. With a little introduction from each of us as the description."

Kita: *She nods* "Mm. That seems to be what everyone's agreeing on."

She nervously laughs before sitting down.

Kita: "You know, they were saying the strangest thing."

Y/n: "Well, that's not uncommon." If Ryo said something normal, then that'd be strange. "But now you've got me curious. Take responsibility, won't you? What's the go about?"

Kita: "They said you shouldn't be in the picture."

Y/n: "Ah. Yeah, I know."

Kita: "Why not?"

Y/n: "It's not that they don't want me in the photo, it's the opposite. My father was a shooting star during his time. I'm sure a good amount of people know about him. He influenced a lot of music trends that are still popular today. If they see my name, then they'll see my father's name and set high expectations for anything associated with it. I don't want you guys to be buried by that type of burden."

He sighs while grabbing his guitar.

Y/n: "It's fun to practice and hang out with you guys. But no offense, you're all beginners. We all are, to some extent. So if a bunch of people suddenly showed up expecting high-level talent from someone associated with my last name, they'd find themselves disappointed. I couldn't do that to you guys or fans."

He finishes packing up his guitar and slings the case over his back.

Y/n: "So while you guys are still getting used to your instruments and playing as a band, I'm going to sit back and watch. I do plan to join you guys, but now is not the time for that. So I'd rather you guys keep me out of the band's promotional material."

Kita: "I see." But he is a part of the band. "When that day does come, can we make a song together?"

Y/n: *He smiles* "I'd love to."

For once, someone's aura can outshine Kita's.

Kita: "I can't wait! But in the meantime, do you think you can help me practice a bit more?"

Y/n: "Well, I have nothing else better to do. My horoscope said to stay indoors."

Kita: "Oh! You check your horoscope daily, too?"

Y/n: "Yeah. There's nothing wrong with a guy doing that, right?"

Kita: "No, not at all. I'm glad someone else in the band keeps up with theirs. It'd make me feel embarrassed if I was the only one. Mine said to avoid being idle for too long." 

Y/n: "Well then, let's get busy."

Kita: Phrasing. "Let's!"

While they were talking, Bocchi was secretly standing outside the room. She was too anxious to interrupt their conversation to grab her things. To make sure she doesn't look like a peeping weirdo to her bandmates, she eventually enters the room and practices with the others. After a couple of hours, they exit. Bocchi and Ryo leave for the night. This leaves Seika, Nijika, Y/n, and Kita remaining.

Kita: "I think I'm starting to understand chords."

Y/n: "It'll take you a while before you're comfortable with them. Don't try and rush your way through learning."

Kita: "Yes, Y/n-sensei!"

Seika: "Sensei?"

Kita: "He is teaching me to play, after all."

Seika: "Well, sensei's glasses need adjusting."

She fixes Y/n's glasses.

Kita: "Wait, is that why you wear that outfit?"

Y/n: "Well, yeah. I don't want people to recognize me while I'm heading here. So after days of studying, I concluded this was the perfect disguise. No one has recognized me yet, so I think that means it's working."

Kita: "Eh? Now I'm curious to see what you normally look like."

Seika: "A lot blander. I prefer this to his normal clothes."

Y/n: "Oh, well, I'm so sorry that my clothes aren't as eccentric as yours. Zebra pants went out of style in the 90's!"

Seika: "Huh?! Take that back!"

Y/n: "The 90's are calling, they want their wide shirts back."

Seika: "The 30's are calling, they need their glasses back."

Y/n: "Well-"

Seika: "Nerd."

Y/n: "Well, I'd-"

Seika: "Neeerrd!"

Y/n: "Fine." *He sighs* "I don't know what fashion is."

Seika: "Was it that hard to admit?"

Y/n: "But you don't either!"

Seika: "I'm more fashionable than a gray hoodie and black sweats."

Y/n: "I'd love to wear Italian suits every day, but that doesn't fit a rock star now does it."

Seika: "Hmm." 

She stands up and eyes Y/n up and down. 

Seika: "I don't know much about men's fashion, to be honest. But I do know a person who might be able to help."

She takes out her phone. 

Seika: "Here, I'll text you the details."

Y/n: *He takes out his phone* "Thanks."

Seika: "I know you don't mind the price, so this place should be fine."

Y/n: "If it's reasonable. I refuse to buy ripped skinny jeans."

Seika: *She sits down* "Me neither."

She sends him websites for a few locations around the area.

Seika: "Start here. If you want, we could go together and check some stuff out. I've been meaning to update my wardrobe for a while."

Y/n: "Would this Sunday work?"

Seika: "Yeah, that should work. There aren't any bands playing. You can repay me by paying for my clothes."

Y/n: "Fine with me, but I'll deduct it from the rent."

Seika: "Eh? Don't be such a cheapskate. I'll treat you to somen afterward."

Y/n: "You know I'm a boiling udon type."

Seika: "Just trust me on this one, chilled somen is the way to go."

Y/n: "Well, as long as you're paying."

Seika: "Cool, it's a date. Leave at thirteen."

Y/n: "We live right next to each other. Shouldn't we walk together?"

Seika: "My hair is a pain to get done in the morning."

Y/n: "Then wake up earlier."

Seika: "On my day off? You'd have an easier time catching me in what you're wearing than seeing me up and early on my day off."

Y/n: She does work hard. "Alright. I'll be waiting at your house at one."

Seika: "Cool."

She puts away her phone and goes back to her laptop.

Nijika: Did they just set up a shopping date right in front of us?

She peeks over to Kita to see if she's noticed the same thing. Nijika finds the same bright as usual aura.

Kita: They're still as close as ever.

With nothing else to discuss, the band leaves for the day. Y/n buys himself a bowl of ramen before going home.

A/n: That's all for this chapter! Sorry that it's shorter than normal. I wasn't prepared to write a bunch of original stuff, so I'm also sorry if the chapter is rougher than usual. With that in mind, should I make the Seika date chapter into a real thing? Or should I save the solo Seika chapter for later? I was thinking about waiting for her birthday since that's usually when I make solo focus chapters.

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