Metal Sonic in M.L.a.a.T.R

By Undertale_Fan_Ultra

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Reasoning: I am a huge fan of My Life as a Teenage Robot (M.L.a.a.T.R) and Sonic the Hedgehog, and, as I was... More

Part 1: Powers, Abilities, Appearance, Allias, and Origination
Part 2: Feelings, Actions, Arrival, HtdnAtWoStH, Relationships & Personality
Part 3: Episode 6 C: Metal Madness
Part 4: S1's Changed, replaced, truly/mostly unaffected, and added/new episodes
Part 5: Episode 13c: Disastrous Consequences
Part 6: S2's Changed, replaced, truly/mostly unaffected, and added/new episodes
Part 7: Escape from Cluster Prime Changes 1/4 (How it Changes)
Part 8: New Escape from Cluster Prime Script (METAL SONIC STORY) 2/4
Part 9: New Escape from Cluster Prime Script (METAL SONIC STORY) 3/4
Part 10: Metal Sonic Esc.F.C.P. Trivia, fun facts, and more. 4/4
Part 11: Season 3 Mini-sode, Cluster Prime Time Arrival
Part 12: Season 3 changes, Part 1.
Part 13: No Harmony with Melody's New Plot and some of the new Script
Part 14: My Life as a Teenage Robot Season 3 Changes Part 2, Electric Boogaloo.
Part 15: Episode 12B: Queen Bee's New Plot + Parts of the New Script
Part 16: My Life as a Teenage Robot Season 3 Changes part 3 & Knuckles
Part 17: Episode 13C, Turncoats, The new Script
Part 18: The Trailer
Part 20: SEASON 4?
Part 21: Season 4, Episode's 1a & Episode 1b Synopsis' + Plots
Part 22: Bonus Episode/Minisode 1: Remote Reactivation
Part 23: Episode 1c, "The Anomaly"
Part 24: Episode 2a and 2b Synopsis and Plot.
Part 25: Episode 3 The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog Preleude: Updated Synopsis
Part 26: The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog Part 1/5
Part 28: The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog Part 3/5
Part 29: The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog Part 4/5
Part 30: The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog Part 5/5

Part 27: The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog Part 2/5

51 1 0
By Undertale_Fan_Ultra


Tails opens the door to the Library Car, and the group looks in awe at its impressive size, and height, and design.
Metal Sonic: Wowza...
Melody rushes over to a book, excitement in her eyes, as Metal Sonic, Tails, and Barry all walk past the shelf, Melody quickly catching up, as they see Amy, Vector, and Espio.
Amy: Everyone's Favorite, Famous Journalist Reporter, Amy Rose, is hot on the scoop of this Murder Mystery~!
Amy turns to leave as she puts her quill, and note-pad, into her hammer space.
Amy: I'm moving along to the Next Car; You two have been Fabulously helpful~!
Vector seems confused.
Vector: Already?
Amy stops and turns back to look at Vector.
Vector: Before you go, Espio and I wanted to give you your presents~!
Amy gasps.
Amy: My presents?!
Espio nods as him and Vector hand Amy the presents they got her.
Espio: Indeed, we did.
Amy takes the presents Vector and Espio got for her, and then gives them both a big hug.
Amy: You both are so sweet; thank you~!
Espio and Vector both hug Amy Back for a second or two, then Espio senses Metal, Melody, Barry, and Tails' presence.
Espio: Vector, it seems we have more guests, whose thirsts for the truth we both must quench.
Amy giggles.
Amy: You don't need to rhyme so much Espio~!
Espio smiles in an admittedly cheekily.
Espio: Oh, I'm well aware, Amy~!

Tails rushes up to Amy, Metal Sonic, Barry, and Melody following close behind.
Tails: Amy, there you are!
Metal Sonic: We were trying to catch up.
Amy smiles.
Amy: Sorry, I've just been so excited about all of this~!
Barry smiles nervously.
Barry: Wanna join us in finding clues?
Amy smiles happily.
Amy: I'm flattered, but I'll have to pass~!
Amy giggles.
Amy: I mean, at the pace you three-
Melody: F- Four... actually.
Amy blushes a bit.
Amy: Ah, sorry~!
Amy clears her throat.
Amy: At the pace you four are going, no offence, Sonic's Murderer will never be found...
Amy rubs the back of her head.
Amy: No offence.
Metal Sonic, Melody, Tails, and Barry: None taken~!
Barry (In his mind): Amy seems so confident...
Metal Sonic (In his mind): Amy must have something up her sleeve.
Amy begins to walk away.
Amy: This tip is just to juicy and sweet to ignore~! I'll see you four around~!
Amy winks at the group, but she's stopped again, this time by Metal.
Metal Sonic: Amy, you're forgetting something.
Amy turns back to look at Metal.
Amy: And what's that?
Metal Sonic pulls Melody, Tails, and Melody's presents out of his hammer space, and then hands them to Amy.
Metal Sonic: Our presents?
Amy takes the presents with a smile, then quickly hugs Metal, Tails, Barry, and Melody.
Amy: Oh, thank you all so much~!
Metal, Tails, Barry, and Melody all giggle.
Melody: Oh, any old time~!
Tails: Really~!
Amy lets go of Metal Sonic, Barry, Tails, and Melody and starts to walk away.
Amy: Don't worry Sonic, I'll be the one to avenge you; quickly~!
Vector calls after Amy.
Vector: Amy, the door is locked; how are you gonna leave?
Amy pulls out the Birthday Key as Metal looks at Vector.
Metal Sonic: You dare doubt the birthday girl? She has a special Birthday Key.
Barry adds onto Metal's statement.
Barry: Yeah, it's a tradition for any birthday person to receive that key if their birthday party is on the Mirage Express~!
Amy giggles as she unlocks the door.
Amy: Yup~! The Birthday Girl has a Master Key~!
Metal Sonic calls after Amy as she leaves.
Metal Sonic: Make sure to leave the door unlocked, Amy~!
Amy calls back.
Amy: I will~!
Amy spins around.
Amy: I'll solve this case before anyone else~! Buh-Bye~!

Amy just lets the door close as she walks away, and the lock falls off, and Vector Sighs.
Vector: How did I forget about the Birthday Privilege?
Metal Sonic, Melody, Barry, Vector, and Tails all shrug.
Metal Sonic: No clue, but Amy sure is hasty...
Espio sighs.
Espio: Amy may be hasty, but she is thorough.
Vector crosses his arms.
Vector: Now, what are you four doin'? I'd say you look mighty suspicious right now...
Metal Sonic and Tails Sigh.
Metal Sonic: I'm the Attorney, and Tails is the Detective.
Tails nods.
Tails: Exactly, we can't be the murderers.
Vector looks a bit nervous.
Vector: Oh...
Vector looks at Melody.
Vector: Well, What about Melody?
Melody looks nervous.
Melody: I- I ran through here, s- scared and w- w- w- worried about M- M- Metal...
Vector looks at Melody and gives her a hug.
Melody: Thank you, Vector...
Vector smiles.
Vector: No problem~!
Vector lets go of Melody as Barry speaks.
Barry: A- As for me... I- I'm just here to make sure everything goes well, and to t- take orders for later.
Vector smiles.
Vector: Oh, I'll have one of everything then~!
Barry pulls out his Notepad and Pen, then writes down Vectors order as he quickly hands him a menu.
Barry: I'll have the chefs cook all of that up for you when the murder mystery is over~!
Vector smiles happily and gives a thumbs up, then. gets nervous.
Vector: Look, I'm not sure if you've fully noticed, but things aren't going great...
Espio nods.
Espio: Indeed, there has been a Murder most fowl...
Metal Sonic nods.
Metal Sonic: We haven't forgotten... Barry, Tails, Amy and I all saw the body...
Metal Sonic sighs as Melody chimes in.
Melody: What are your roles again?
Vector smiles.
Vector: I'm the Butcher, and I'm licensed to Handle raw meat according to my Lore Card.
Espio smiles.
Espio: And I am the poet, I hope you four don't forget it.

Tails smiles.
Tails: Ah, Poetry~! A resonant message from poet to reader or listener, meant to challenge our very delicate perspectives with the most rhythmic of prose.
Metal Sonic nods.
Metal Sonic: Similarly, to Rap Music... which I hear Espio has also done exceptionally well at.
Melody nods.
Melody: I've listened to a diss track or two... they're straight fire.
Barry (In his mind): Espio can rap.
Espio nods as Tails smirks.
Tails: May I hear some?
Espio gets nervous.
Espio: S-... Sure...?
Espio clears his throat.

Espio's Poem (1):
Teardrops in the Spring,
Can you hear me Sing?
Laa, Laa Lee,
Tree Lee Dee.

I've heard a lot of things;
The fear that the world brings,
But through it all,
I have stood tall,
And simply enjoyed most things.

Cherry Blossoms in the spring,
Fall around all people.
And as this has happened,
I've found their behavior simple.

A flute in my hand as I play for all,
It sings most gracefully.
The song is my own,
So, listen along,
Laa, Laa Lee Tree Lee Dee.

Everyone applauds Espio's Poem.
Metal Sonic: Incredible~!
Tails: Bravo~!
Melody: Encore~!
Barry: Bravissimo~!
Vector: Great job buddy~!
Espio blushes and tugs at his collar, flattered by the praise.
Espio: Th- Thank you... I didn't have time to rehearse my poems...
Everyone nods knowingly.
Metal Sonic: In Any case, we're here to establish your Alibis.
Melody nods.
Melody: If you don't mind, can you two walk us through what happened after Amy had us all leave the Dining car?
Vector and Espio both nod.
Vector: Sure thing; it's simple; we just explained it all to Amy~!
The Scene flashes back to the LIBRARY TESTIMONY, which plays out the way Vector and Espio Describe it as Metal Sonic records the Testimony with his tape recorder.

Vector: When we were all sent off, Blaze, Jenny, Misty, Shadow, Silver, and Vega all passed the Library Car, where Amy told Espio and I to stay until the Timer started.
Espio: I promptly picked a book off of the shelf and made myself comfortable.
Espio: Vector got bored, so he left.
Vector: Yup~!
Tails: HOLD IT!
Tails interrupts for a moment as the testimony pauses.
Tails: Did either of you happen to see Rouge? We saw her lipstick on the Rim of a cup in the Saloon Car.
Espio explains as the Flashback Testimony resumes.
Espio: Yes, as a Matter of fact... Rouge came over to the library car, seemingly looking for something. At first, she didn't find it, and so she went to search in the Saloon Car. After a few moments, she came back and searched in the library car for a bit longer.
Vector: I can confirm that... Knuckles and I were still competing in Super Monkey Ball when she came in. Knuckles offered her a drink.
Vector (Whispering): Don't tell either of them I told you this, but Rouge thanked Knuckles for the drink with a peck on the Cheek.
Metal Sonic can be heard jumping excitedly the Testimony pauses a second time.
Metal Sonic: OH, I SO CALLED IT!!!
Everyone is silent for a few seconds.
Espio: A-... Alright then???
The Testimony continues once again.
Espio: I heard Rouge shout out, "NO WAY!" as she checked the brochure stand over there... But, I believe she left back to the Casino car as Melody passed through as well. Then, Shadow came through, and locked the door.
Barry (In his mind): I wonder what Rouge found; she's clearly been looking for something...
Espio: After Rouge left the Library Car for the first time, Shadow obviously walked through the Casino Car. Shadow then entered the library car and locked the door behind him.
Metal Sonic (In his Mind): Why has Shadow been locking doors?
Vector: Shadow walked through the Library Car, into the Saloon Car, where Knuckles and I were playing Super Monkey Ball. He insisted on showing us up on it, and quickly showed us how to play.
Melody: One thing I think Knuckles forgot to mention was that Rouge played the game before I did and got a better score after playing for a shorter time than Shadow did. I played after and beat them both.
Vector: Then Knuckles and I competed for the top score as Rouge Left. A- Admittedly, I got so engrossed by the Rolling Monkey Action, that I hardly noticed Shadow leave the Saloon Car... But my guess is that he walked through the Library Car again to get to the Casino Car after Melody left and locked the door behind him again, then passed through the Casino Car, and the Mail Car, to get to his station in the Lounge Car.
Espio: When Vector Got back, we realized that Knuckles locked the door to the Saloon car, trapping us in the Library Car.
Vector: It was at that moment that the Train sped up... we were worried about the Bookshelves falling on us, but we made it through alright.
Espio: We sat in here, trapped, until Amy arrived, and started asking us questions. She is the one that told us about Sonic's most heinous of murders.

The Flashback ends as Espio sits.
Espio: That's everything that happened.
Metal Sonic thinks as he stops the tape-recorder, and Barry also thinks.
Metal Sonic (In his Head): Interesting...
Barry (In his head): With all of these locked doors, Vector and Espio couldn't have gotten out of the Library Car, or into the Casino or Saloon Car...
Tails smiles after thinking for a moment or 2.
Tails: Thank you both for your cooperation~!
Melody smiles.
Melody: We're just going to peak around here, and we'll come back to you two if we have any more questions.
Vector chuckles.
Vector: If you happen to return with meat, I'll chop it right up for ya~!
Espio nods.
Espio: And, if you would like to be Serenaded with another Poem, then I will gladly oblige~
Melody smiles happily, and so does Tails.

Tails: Thanks, both of you~!
Vector and Espio both walk away as Tails looks back at the group.
Metal Sonic: Well, their Alibi's seem like they are solid enough...
Tails nods.
Tails: I agree, Metal, but we should still search for clues.
Melody seems confused as she looks at Tails.
Melody: What should we look for, exactly?
Tails looks at Melody.
Tails: We're looking for anything that proves what Vector and Espio are saying is true.
Barry nods.
Barry: Yeah, we need to confirm Vector's reason for leaving his post, and if Espio was really reading in the Library Car.
Barry smiles.
Barry: It's a Tall task, but we can do it~!
Metal Sonic nods.
Metal Sonic: Understood... I say we split up...
Melody: Agreed.
Tails nods, and so does Barry.
Barry: Alright then~!
Tails: It sounds like a plan~!

Metal Sonic begins to walk with Melody in the opposite direction that Tails and Barry are walking.
Barry: Let's get to the bottom of this, Tails~!
Tails: Absolutely.
We start this off by following...


Barry and Tails walk over to the Brochures first and look at some stuff.
Tails: Ooh, Brochures~!
Tails picks up some Brochures and looks at them as Barry watches.
Tails: Let's see... There are travel destination ideas here, like amusement parks; like twinkle park; caverns, hotels, restaurants...
Barry notices a Brochure and hands it to tails.
Barry: Tell me which one this is, Tails.
Tails opens the Brochure and looks at it.
Tails: Oh, wow~!
Tails shows Barry the Brochure.
Tails: Barry, look at this; the Brochure you picked is a map of the Library Car~!
Barry smiles as Tails realizes that Barry knew which.
Tails: Wait, how did you know which one this was?
Barry smiles more.
Barry: Oh, The Books and Brochures are categorized by Genre, which is listed here~!
Barry shows Tails the Genre listing.
Tails: Impressive~!
Tails pockets the Library Car's map as Barry smiles. Barry then reads a Brochure about caves as Tails watches.
Tails: Fascinating...
Barry: RIGHT~!?

Tails notices some fallen books as Espio walks over.
Espio: Feeling sorry for the books?
Tails: Yes, I am... I can't stand seeing them all fallen like this...
Espio sighs.
Espio: Alas, A lot of the books fell over when the Train sped up... and Rouge certainly didn't help...
Tails and Barry tilt their heads as Espio explains whilst picking up the children's book, "The Pied Piper."
Espio: Rouge pulled a lot of these books out too, whilst she was searching for something.
Tails sighs.
Tails: What reckless behavior... I feel sorry for all of the poor books.
Tails notices some books and rapidly starts picking them up.
Tails: Great Mobius! Their spines are creasing!!! They're opening to far!
Barry (In his Mind): Tails feels Sympathy for everything.
Tails puts all of the Books back, then sighs.

Tails then notices a Motivational Poster of a Chao, and his eyes widen.
Tails: Oh, wow... I really needed to see this...
Barry looks at Tails.
Barry: What do you mean?
Barry looks at the Motivational Poster... on it, a chao hangs precariously on a tree branch, and the large text bellow that Image reads, "HANG IN THERE!"
Tails: That little Chao... it's hanging onto the tree branch; refusing to use it's wings to fly to safety, because choosing the harder path is often the most rewarding...
Tails sniffles a little.
Tails: That's Beautiful... If that Chao can stick to his principals and find strength, than, surely, we can too!
Barry smiles.
Barry: Yeah...

Barry and Tails continue to explore, and Barry checks the trash can, tails watching his excitement diminish.
Tails: Was it empty?
Barry sighs.
Barry (Defeated): Yeah...
Tails smiles reassuringly.
Tails: I'm sure you'll find something eventually, Barry~!
Barry smiles.
Barry: Thank you, Tails~!
Barry and Tails continue to explore as the scene transitions to...


Metal Sonic looks at the shelf of books curiously as Melody walks up to Espio, turning on her own tape recorder, ready to record Espio's Poems.
Espio: Care for a Poem, Melody?
Melody: Yes~!
Melody smiles.
Melody: Can you tell me a poem about Trains?
Espio nods as clears his throat.


Locomotive in Motion,
I think I lost my lotion.
The window views the ocean,
As I find such commotion.

Steel veins on tracks unwind,
Through landscapes vast, they wind.
Chugging rhythm, wheels that grind,
A journey in time, the past entwined.

Carriages sway, a rhythmic dance,
Traversing lands in a forward trance.
Click-clack echoes, a serenade's chance,
As the train advances, a lively advance.

Mountains stand as silent guards,
Valleys, fields, the train regards.
A symphony of sights in playing cards,
As nature and machine disregard.

Tunnels embrace, darkness fleeting,
Emerging into daylight, a sunlit greeting.
Scenes unfold, a constantly beating,
Heart of the rails, forever repeating.

On this train, a tale unfolds,
In the cabin, a story is not told.
A tapestry of stories, courage and bold,
As the train's saga continues, stories hold.

Cities pass in a blur of lights,
Urban poetry in electrified nights.
A journey through many heights,
As the locomotive ignites.

With this train fully in motion,
Through the tapestry of emotion.
Ever onward, there's my Lotion!
A pleasant journey, a train's devotion.

Melody applauds Espio happily.
Melody: That was beautiful~!
Espio looks at Melody, nervously.
Espio: W- Was it really?
Melody nods.
Melody: Yeah, you're a natural~!
Espio smiles.
Espio: Thank you so much~!
Melody turns off the Tape recorder and smiles.

Melody then walks up to Metal Sonic as he notices something on the shelf.
Metal Sonic: Huh...
Melody looks at Metal Sonic, confused.
Melody: What is it, Metal?
Metal Sonic looks at Melody calmly.
Metal Sonic: I understand some books have fallen off of the shelves, and everything...
Metal Sonic pulls a book from the shelf slowly.
Metal Sonic: Every single book on this shelf is in perfect, alphabetical order, except for this one...
Metal Sonic pulls the book from the shelf as Melody and him looks at it.
Melody: It's The Mirage Express Manual...
Metal Sonic nods.
Metal Sonic: No doubt about it, someone picked this up off of the shelf, and then just placed it back without bothering to check the alphabetical order.
Metal Sonic places the Mirage Express Manual into his Hammer Space.

The scene transitions back to Tails and Barry. Tails is using Metal Sonic's Tape recorder to record him, Barry, and Vector's conversation.
Tails: Vector, you actually tried to bring a knife onto the train?!
Vector sighs.
Vector: I'm a man of authenticity Tails; without a meat cleaver, I'm not a butcher; I'm just a chef in a ketchup-stained apron.
Barry seems nervous.
Barry: V- Vector... if you had a knife on you... p- people would think you were the murderer.
Vector nervously chuckles.
Vector: Y- Yeah... E- Even if I hid the knife, that would be suspicious...

Barry notices the door and snaps a picture of it as Tails turns off Metal Sonic's tape recorder.
Tails: What did you find, Barry?
Barry shakes the photo until it appears, and then he shows the picture to tails.
Barry: Look at this Tails.
Tails looks at the photo as Barry talks.
Barry: So, Shadow supposedly walked through the Library Car before going into the Saloon Car. And when Shadow left the Library Car, he locked that door on the way out.
Tails looks at Barry.
Barry: I'm adding this to the File; there's Gotta be a reason for this, Tails.
Tails nods as Metal Sonic and Melody walk up, Metal Sonic kindly getting his Tape Recorder Back from Tails.
Metal Sonic: Hey guys, look at this.
Metal Sonic pulls the Mirage Express Manual out of his hammer space.
Metal Sonic: The Mirage Express Manual was on a shelf, and was placed in non-alphabetical order... I'm fairly certain that means something.
Tails, Barry, and Melody all nod.
Metal Sonic: I'd say that's enough Evidence, wouldn't you Agree, Tails?
Tails Nods.
Tails: Elementary Metal... let's go see if we can Confirm Espio and Vector's Alibi...


Metal Sonic: Vector, Espio?
Vector and Espio walk over to Metal, Tails, Barry, and Melody.
Metal Sonic: I believe it's time for a bit of an Interrogation.
Vector snarls slightly.
Vector: So, the four of you don't believe us, do ya?
Tails shakes his head, "No"
Tails: It's not that we don't believe you, but I wouldn't be a proper detective without examining the validity of your shared alibi.
Metal Sonic nods in agreement with Tails.
Metal Sonic: And I wouldn't be a proper attorney without judging the Testimony of my clients, would I?
Melody nods.
Melody: The Four of us are here to confirm 2 things, Why Vector left to go play Super Monkey Ball with Knuckles...
Barry joins in.
Barry: And if Espio really was Reading in the Library Car.
Barry looks at Vector.
Barry: Vector, we'll start with you. Why did you leave to go play Super Monkey Ball with Knuckles?
Metal Sonic sighs.
Metal Sonic: If needed, we're ready to provide-
Vector smirks.
Vector: Oh, that's easy... I got Bored.
Metal Sonic, Tails, Barry, and Melody's eyes all widen.
Tails: What...?

WITNESS TESTIMONY (Vector and Espio) {PART 2}:

Espio: I wasn't entertaining him enough, it seems. Vector does like being social, after all.
Vector: Plus, we were instructed to Mingle. I remembered the Arcade Machine in the Saloon Car, so I figured I'd go check it out.
Barry and Metal Sonic both look at each other.
Metal Sonic: That does line up with Knuckle's Testimony from earlier.
Tails looks at Espio.
Tails: That brings us back to you, Espio...


Tails: You said Rouge returned to the Library Car, found something, and then left, correct?
Espio nods.
Espio: Of course.
Metal Sonic looks at Espio.
Metal Sonic: You also stated that you immediately started reading... But were you reading the entire time you were here, in the Library Car?
Vector gets defensive.

VECTOR (TESTIMONY BACKUP): Once Espio starts reading, he doesn't stop until he finishes the book. I've seen it happen.

Tails looks at Espio suspiciously.
Tails: It must have been a good read, what was the book?
Espio thinks nervously.
Vector: HOLD IT!
Vector crosses his arms and huffs.
Vector: Espio doesn't owe you that, Detective Prower; Let the man live!
Vector snarls slightly.
Vector: I mean, come on, what if it was embarrassing?
Espio looks at Vector, confused.
Espio: Vector, what kind of things do you think I read?
Vector thinks as Metal chimes in.
Metal Sonic: If you won't tell us, then I have a hunch as to what the book might be.
Metal Sonic looks at Barry.
Metal Sonic: Barry, would you be so kind as to present a piece of evidence?

Barry nods as he pulls out the Mirage Express Manual from his hammer space and places it on the Table, and Vector looks at it.
Vector: A Manual?
Vector looks at Metal Sonic.
Vector: You think Espio was reading instructions?
Vector smiles.
Vector: What Argument could you possibly have to support that claim? It makes no sense.
Melody chimes in.
Melody: Objection, Vector.
Melody: You see, it wouldn't make any sense on its own... But when Metal and I found that book on the shelf, we noticed something.
Metal Sonic nods.
Metal Sonic: You see, we noticed that every book on the shelves were in perfect, alphabetical order... except for this one.
Tails nods.
Tails: Exactly, that means someone, at the very least, picked up the Manual and put it back incorrectly.
Vector flinches, along with Espio, as Metal does a little finger wag.
Metal Sonic (Teasingly): Tsk, Tsk! This lack of attention to detail isn't like you, Espio~!
Vector gets angry.
Espio calms Vector down.
Espio: Calm down, Vector...
Espio Sighs.
Espio: I know you mean well, but I can handle myself...
Vector sighs and smiles.
Vector: Sorry, Espio~!


Espio: I was, indeed, reading the Mirage Express Manual; I find trains to be rather fascinating, after all.
Tails smiles.
Tails: In that case, Espio, we're going to quiz you if you don't mind~!
Espio nods.
Espio: Very well.
Barry turns to some pages in the manual and writes down questions for Espio to answer.
Barry: Alright, here we go...

Barry: What efficient and extremely accurate was installed in order to assist in keeping the Mirage Express Spotless?
Espio smiles calmly.
Espio: Easy... The Robotic Arms were installed. During events, they can assist in a variety of tasks, and are responsible for cleaning up trash and messes afterwards.
Barry: I do remember the Conductor saying the Train could clean itself...
Espio: The Robotic Arms can also detect weapons, or explosives, brought onto the train, and are designed to dispose of them quickly, which ensures Passenger Safety.
Metal Sonic sighs.
Metal Sonic: Seem's like he aced that question.
Barry pulls out the notes again.
Barry: What is the Mirage Express' cancelation policy?
Espio smirks.
Espio: Simple... No refunds, and you will be charged a "No-Show Fee" This does not apply if you are over the age of 65.
Melody looks at the Manual.
Melody: Whoever made that an official Policy must have been 66 years old or older.
Metal Sonic nods.
Metal Sonic: Agreed.
Melody puts the Manual down.
Melody: Ok Espio, let's see if you can bat three for three in a row!
Barry looks at the notes.
Barry: What was implemented into the Mirage Express to support the conductor duties, and ease the general, train obligations?
Espio smiles.
Espio: Are you even trying with these questions?
Espio answers.
Espio: It was an Intelligent Data Processing System, IDPS for short. It works in tandem with the conductor, to ensure smooth Travel For guests.
Espio looks up as the group looks at him.
Barry: I remember the auto pilot... It can't access full capabilities without the Conductor being Present.
Espio smiles.
Espio: Now then, did I pass your little test?
Metal Sonic, Tails, Melody, and Barry all nod.
Metal Sonic: You did with flying colors, Espio. It's rather Impressive how you managed to retain all of that knowledge by reading so quickly.
Espio nods.

Espio: A Poet's Brain is often quite surprising.
Tails sighs.
Tails: Well, you clearly read the Manual, all of those Answers are way too specific to be guesses.
Vector Laughs.
Vector: And to think, you four had the nerve to question my buddy like that.
Vector chuckles.
Vector: Don't we all just want to be supportin' folks who read~?
Metal Sonic looks at Vector.
Metal Sonic: He answered all of our questions very calmly...
Metal looks at Espio.
Metal Sonic: That's very impressive.
Vector chuckles.
Vector: Well, of course it is~!

Barry looks at Vector seeming to be doubtful.
Barry: Even so, you have to admit that reading the entire time a murder occurred does sound a bit suspicious, even if it is true.
Vector sweats a little bit, seeming slightly nervous before Espio Sighs.
Espio: No, no...
Espio looks up at the group.
Espio: I understand everyone's cautious attitudes.
Espio sighs again.
Espio: After all, Vector was the only one to see me reading, so my alibi would be hard to substantiate even though it is the truth.
Tails looks at Espio as his eyes widen, Barry seeming happy.
Barry: Well, you definitely read through the Manual, so I suppose we can-
Tails: Wait a minute.
Everyone looks at Tails as Tails looks at Espio
Tails: Espio, is that true...?
Espio seems confused.
Espio: I beg your pardon, Tails?
Tails looks at Espio.
Tails: Vector was the only one to see you reading, Espio?
Espio nods.
Espio: Yes, that is correct... is that a problem?

Melody looks at Espio, confused as Tails slams his right hand, as a fist, down onto his left hand.
Tails: Quite frankly, Espio, I don't believe that can be true. And we have Evidence to back it up.
Vector and Espio flinch as Metal Sonic looks at Tails.
Metal Sonic: Well, what are you waiting for, Tails?
Tails nods and looks at Barry.
Tails: Barry, if you would...
Barry flinches, but nods as he opens the evidence folder, thinking, and then notices the picture of the locked door, and then places it onto the table.
Barry: Behold; Exhibit B.
Espio, Vector, Metal Sonic, Tails, and Melody all look at the picture.
Espio: Shadows lock?
Espio sighs.
Espio: Please, pray tell, what does this have to do with anything?
Tails, Barry, Metal, and Melody all think for a minute.
Tails: Hold it...
Tails looks up at Espio and Vector.


Tails: Didn't Shadow walk through the Library Car to get to the Saloon Car?
Vector: Yeah, but it didn't stay as the high score for long; crocs and robots are just naturally gifted Gamers~!
Tails nods, Melody, and Metal Sonic nod, Tails and Barry watching this.
Melody: Right~!
Metal Sonic: Can confirm.
Tails looks at Espio as he resumes.
Tails: Espio mentioned that he saw Shadow enter back into the Library Car on his way to the Casino Car... but he only mentioned that Vector came back.
Tails looks at Vector and Espio.
Tails: When Shadow Left, Knuckles, Melody, and Vector were still in the Saloon Car...
Espio and Vector both flinch as Metal Sonic's eyes widen.
Metal Sonic: Great Scott, Tails has a point!
Metal Sonic: Everyone in this room, and everyone who has passed through this room, knows that Shadow had to walk back through the Library Car when he left the Saloon car in order to get back to the Lounge Car...
Metal Sonic crosses is arms.
Metal Sonic: So, there's no way on mobius or earth that Shadow and Espio didn't notice each other on Shadow's return trip.

Barry (In his mind): Unless there's some sort of secret passage...
Espio flinches and stutters.
Espio: I- I mean... I- It was a simple slip up... I- I must've been so deeply immersed in my book that I- I didn't notice Shadow the second time...
Tails crosses his arms and taps his foot.
Tails: You're telling us that the sound of doors opening, closing, and locking wouldn't have caused you to look up.
Espio flinches again.
Espio: I- I-... W- Well you see-... I-...
Barry looks at Espio remorsefully as he struggles to defend his argument...
Tails: So, if you didn't see Shadow returning from the Saloon Car to lock all the doors... Then, at that moment, were you really in the Library Car at all?
The Pamphlet of the Map of the Library car falls out of Tails' back pocket.
Barry: W- Wait a moment!
Melody notices the pamphlet and picks it up curiously.
Barry: B- But how could Espio have left? Shadow Locked the door to the Casino Car, and no one saw Espio in the Saloon car, or the Dining Car!
Metal Sonic taps his foot.
Metal Sonic: That, is a mystery Barry... One I'm sure Espio would love to solve...
Espio keeps stuttering.
Espio: P- Please... you have to Believe me...
Barry notices the Pamphlet Melody is holding, and then sneaks over as Espio continues.
Espio: Honestly... I was so involved with my book that I didn't notice Shadow walking back through the library car... When Vector returned, he even had to tap my Shoulder to get my attention!

Vector breathes a Sigh of Relief as he smiles.
Vector: Yeah; I remember doing that!
Tails and Metal Sonic both look at Espio, determined.
Metal Sonic: Even so, Shadow surely would've seen Espio...
Vector and Espio flinch again as Barry taps Melody on the shoulder, now next to her, as she looks at him, curiously. Metal and Tails both cross their arms.
Tails: I have to avenge my best friend's death, Espio, so we'll ask you again...
Metal Sonic: If you weren't there for Shadow to see you leaving, then how did you leave the Library Car?
Barry and Melody look at the Pamphlet as Espio starts stuttering again.
Espio: I- I wasn't... I- I- I didn't...!
Barry and Melody look up rapidly.
Barry: Tails!
Melody: Metal!
Metal Sonic and Tails both look at Barry and Melody.
Metal Sonic: Make it quick, you two...
Melody sighs.
Melody: I think Barry and I have a piece of evidence that can answer all of our problems!
Barry nods as Tails, Espio, Vector, and Metal all look at him and Melody.
Metal Sonic: Alright then, you two; lay it on us...
Melody puts the Map Pamphlet down onto the table.

Metal Sonic: Is that a Map of the Library?
Tails blushes.
Tails: Oh, it must've fallen out of my pocket.
Metal Sonic sighs and looks at the map.
Metal Sonic: Huh, I never noticed that...
Metal Sonic looks at the bookshelf behind Vector and Espio, and so does Tails.
Metal Sonic: There's a table behind that bookshelf over there.
Espio looks at the Bookshelf.
Espio: Interesting... That is where I was reading my Book before...
Vector smiles.
Vector: That's right~! When I returned from the Saloon Car, that's where I found Espio!
Tails' eyes widen.
Tails: That confirms it; You and Shadow couldn't have possible seen one another from that spot...
Metal Sonic nods.
Metal Sonic: Exactly... there's a bookcase in the way.
Vector and Espio both breathe a Sigh of relief.
Melody: Now it makes sense why you didn't mention Shadow's exact return, Espio... you just wouldn't have seen him!
Espio smiles in an embarrassed way.
Espio: Apologies for losing my cool back there; I felt like I was grasping at straws despite telling the honest truth.
Metal Sonic sighs.
Metal Sonic: No harm done, Espio... Besides, we believe you now.
Tails nods.
Tails: The Alibi isn't the most Airtight, but I have no further points.
Melody smiles.
Melody: Thank you both for answering all of our questions.
Barry rubs the back of his head.
Espio nods as Vector sighs.

Library Car Act 3:

Barry: Too many locked doors to worry about, but I'm glad everything worked out in the end~!
Vector sighs as he pulls up a chair.
Vector: Well, I'm exhausted... I'm gonna crash here for a bit, these chairs are so comfy...
Espio nods.
Espio: Agreed, I believe I could use a breather.
Barry rubs the Back of his head.
Barry: Sorry if it got a bit intense there~!
Espio smiles.
Espio: It's quite alright, Barry.
Tails sighs as him, Metal Sonic, Melody, and Barry sigh.
Tails: As much as I would love to relax for a bit as well; Sadly, our work isn't done~!
Metal Sonic nods.
Metal Sonic: We still have plenty of questions for Rouge, and Shadow...
Melody sighs.
Melody: Especially Shadow.
Barry smiles as him and the group turn to leave.
Metal Sonic: Sorry again for the intensity...
Espio nods.
Espio: Again, apologies have been accepted.
Tails: It's time for us to head on over to the next car~!
Metal Sonic, Barry, Tails, and Melody all wave goodbye to Vector and Espio.
Melody: Take care~!
Vector points some finger-guns at Melody.
Melody: Give 'em heck for us~! And if you need any meat chopped up.
Metal Sonic gives a thumbs up to Vector.
Metal Sonic: We'll let you know.
Espio smiles as Melody readies her tape recorder, and presses the record button after changing it to a new tape.
Espio: I'll keep my poetry sharp for all of you~!
Espio clears his throat.

Espio's Poem (3):

The steel behemoth travels and paves,
Carriages dance a rhythmic glide.
Through landscapes, as a symphony behaves,
And the locomotive guides.

Whispers of tales, untold and vast,
But in the shadows, a secret's knock.
Moments woven, present and past,
As murderer is on the loose, a silent shock.

Doors sealed tight, a chilling blockade,
I must simply say;
In this place, aboard the train,
a mystery made.

A murderer is on the loose,
And the doors have all been locked.
Our heroes now 4 cars from the Caboose,
As tick tock goes the clock.

The Group, again, applauds Espio's poem as Melody stops the recorder and pockets the recording she made of the Poem.
Melody: Thanks Espio~!
Espio nods and smiles at Melody as the group continues on.
Metal Sonic: Let's see what's next, gang~!
Melody nods.
Melody: We're right behind you metal~!
Melody purchases the book, which just so happens to be, "How to Flirt With Your Lover" by Agate the Bat.


The group checks the map of the train in the Hall between the Cars, and Metal Sonic notices that the Casino is on the 3rd floor of the train.
Metal Sonic: How are we supposed to-?
Metal Sonic bumps into an elevator, and looks at it, then looks back at the group, who blush in an embarrassed way.
Metal Sonic: Warn me next time, please.
Melody nods.
Melody: R-Right, sorry~!
Barry nods as well.
Barry: We will~!
Tails pushes the Elevator Button, and the Group travel up to the 3rd floor of the Train... and enter into...

ACT 1:

Metal Sonic, Melody, Tails, and Barry stare in awe at the beauty of the Casino. There are Slot Machines, Poker Tables, Pool Tables, Claw Machines, and a second elevator that doesn't even lead out of the car.
Metal Sonic: Wow... so beautiful...
Barry nods.
Barry: Agreed~!
Barry quickly checks a nearby trashcan.
Barry: Empty...
Metal Sonic: It's ok, Barry... Just be patient.

Metal Sonic, Tails, Melody, and Barry notice Rouge and Blaze as Amy exits the car, carrying their presents.
Metal Sonic: Blaze, Rouge, there you two are!
The Group approaches Blaze and Rouge.
Tails: We have a lot of questions for you!
Rouge and Blaze look at Metal, Tails, Melody, and Barry as they walk up.
Metal Sonic: We've been through the Saloon Car and the Dining Car, and everyone we've talked to has mentioned you, Rouge.
Melody looks at Rouge.
Melody: It's high time you told us why.
Rouge huffs teasingly.
Rouge: My, my; Talk about a warm welcome; Quick to the Point, aren't you?
Rouge looks at Barry.
Rouge: And I see you brought the Waiter Warrior with you?
Barry smiles and nods.
Barry (In his mind): Please, God, let that be my legacy~!!!
Tails looks at Rouge and Blaze.
Tails: The point is, people have brought you up a lot, and now we want to know why.
Rouge gets a bit nervous,, but then Blaze chimes in.
Blaze: Tell them, Rouge...
Everyone looks at Blaze as she sighs.
Blaze: We're going to need all the help we can get...
Tails blinks.
Tails: Blaze?
Rouge sighs.
Rouge: Alright...


Rouge smiles.
Rouge: I've been hunting for a treasure rumored to be stored here on the Train.
Metal Sonic's attention immediately, fully focuses on Rouge as she continues.
Barry: They certainly didn't tell me about treasure in the Interview... why are you looking for it, Rouge?
Rouge chuckles.
Rouge: Since I'm part Business Tycoon, part purveyor of fine collectables, and a full-time treasure hunter outside of the train... I just knew I had to find it~!
Blaze sighs.
Blaze: Tell them what it is, Rouge.
Metal Sonic looks at Rouge.
Metal Sonic: Yes, please tell us.
Rouge sweats a tiny bit out of nervousness.
Rouge: Alright. Well...
Rouge pulls out her phone and shows everyone a picture of an artifact.
Rouge: It's a Fabergé Chao Egg.
Everyone's eyes widen.
Tails: Wow, that does sound extravagant...
Melody shakes her head.
Melody: Wait, wait, wait!
Melody looks at Rouge, nervously and anxiously.
Melody: Rouge, please don't tell me you came to Amy's Birthday Party JUST to find that Chao Egg!
Rouge giggles.
Rouge: Of course, I didn't; A woman can have multiple goals.
Rouge pats Melody on the back.
Rouge: Besides, I already gave Amy her birthday present, so we're good~!
Blaze adds on with a sigh as Metal continues to examine the Chao egg, then check's his watch underneath his suit.
Blaze: Rouge roped me into the hunt immediately... I stayed here while she searched the Train Cars for clues, or something to help us find it.

Blaze frowns for a moment.
Blaze: Admittedly, though, I did search the Mail Car for clues... Silver and I talked for a bit, and then I left to find Vega here in the Casino Car.
Blaze's frown shrinks into a slight grin.
Blaze: I deduced that the Fabergé Chao Egg is here, in this Car, locked in a safe.
Barry looks at Blaze and Rouge.
Barry: W- Wait... So, the treasure is real???
Everyone except for Metal looks at Barry.
Barry: It's actually here?
Metal Sonic finally chimes in.
Metal Sonic: From what I can tell, it is indeed.
Rouge smiles more as Tails looks at her.
Tails: And what did you manage to find, Rouge?
Rouge pulls something out from her Hammer space.
Rouge: Well, why don't you two have a look?
Metal Sonic stops Rouge.
Metal Sonic: Wait.
Everyone looks at Metal Sonic as he looks around, then starts walking.
Metal Sonic: Over here, so we're not seen.
Rouge nods.
Rouge: Good Idea.
Everyone follows Metal Sonic behind a whiteboard as Rouge puts a set of Blueprints down onto the Table.

Rouge: When I returned to the Library Car, I found the train's Blueprints with the safe code written right on it. It was the Score of a Lifetime~!!!
Metal Sonic shushes Rouge.
Metal Sonic: Keep your voice down.
Rouge nods.
Rouge: Apologies.
Tails tries to grab the blueprints.
Tails: Please, Rouge, we need to see that-
Rouge swats Tails' hand away.
Rouge smiles.
Rouge: Sorry, but finder's keepers, sweetheart~!
Rouge blows a kiss at Tails as he blushes a lot. Barry manages to snap Tails out of it as Blaze resumes.
Blaze: There is one, small issue...
Blaze looks at the rest of the group, except for Rouge.
Blaze: And we need your assistance.
Tails looks at Blaze, as do Melody, Barry, and Metal Sonic.
Metal Sonic: What kind of issue?
Rouge: The issue is that the Elevator that leads to the Fabergé Chao Egg is guarded by the Security Guard Chao.
Metal Sonic looks at Rouge.
Metal Sonic: And, let me guess...
Metal Sonic looks up, and at Rouge.
Metal Sonic: That same Security Guard, who just so happens to be a Chao, has the access card we need?
Rouge nods.
Rouge: Indeed, and our Chance of Success Grows with everyone's help. We need a plan to get past that Security Guard.
Barry blinks.
Barry: So, you want us to help you steal the Fabergé Chao Egg?
Metal Sonic looks at the group.
Metal Sonic: Better yet, we will...
Tails, Melody and Barry all look at Metal Sonic, along with Blaze and Rouge.
Tails, Melody, Barry, Blaze, and Rouge: Wait, really?
Metal Sonic smirks mouthlessly pulls out his lore card, and then shines a UV light on it from his pen, which reveals a secret on it.

Metal Sonic: According to my Lore Card's little secret... I'm a secret agent that has been sent to help someone steal the Fabergé Chao Egg...
Metal Sonic sighs as he puts his lore card and pen away, then pushes one of the buttons on his Attorney suit, causing it to transition into a more James Bond style tuxedo.
Metal Sonic: Before anyone asks, I had the crust cousins help me with the suit.
Barry stares in awe as Melody blinks, and Tails watch in shock, Blaze and Rouge doing the same.
Rouge: Wait...
Rouge rapidly checks her Lore Card.
Rouge: You're Vincent?
Metal Sonic smirks mouthlessly.
Metal Sonic: That was a code-name.
Rouge nods as she smiles.
Melody: Well, now we don't have a choice, do we?
Barry looks at Melody and shrugs.
Tails looks at Blaze.
Tails: Blaze, are you really alright with this?
Blaze nods.
Blaze: I see no issues here.
Blaze uses her fan as she smiles.
Blaze: It seems like a fine business venture.
Tails Sighs.
Tails: Very well... Let's get that Fabergé Chao Egg!
Everyone shushes Tails, who smiles embarrassedly.
Tails: Oh, Sorry...

Metal Sonic looks at the white board, followed by Rouge.
Metal Sonic: Now that that's out of the way...
Rouge smiles.
Rouge: And with you all on the team...
Rouge and Metal both grab a respective Marker.
Metal Sonic and Rouge the Bat: We must plan.


Barry looks at the group nervously, then at Melody and Tails.
Barry: What have we gotten ourselves into...?
Melody sighs.
Melody: Nothing great.
Metal Sonic: Now then, Rouge mentioned that access to the Fabergé Chao Egg was locked behind the Elevator, and that The Security Guard has the Access Code.
Metal Sonic Draws on the whiteboard as the scene transitions to a whiteboard animation style.
Metal Sonic: Do we have any ideas for how to get the card?
Barry Chimes in.
Barry: We should distract them...
Rouge chuckles.
Rouge: That's a perfect Idea Barry; We're all Charming enough for that to work.
Barry smiles as Tails nudges him in the animation before it continues on.
Rouge: Now then, which one of us is distracting the Guard?
Melody raises her hand in the animation, and Metal points to her in the animation.
Metal Sonic: Melody?
Melody points to Rouge in the Animation.
Melody: Blaze should do it; she has a perfect poker face, and her demeanor is able to be read like a book whilst still hiding secrets.
Blaze smirks in the animation as it continues.
Metal Sonic: Good idea~!
Blaze: I've never let anyone down before, in my life, so I will not falter.
The Animation continues.
Metal Sonic: So, what's the idea for your distraction Blaze?
Blaze walks up to the guard in the animation as she makes a question mark appear.
Blaze: I'll ask him about his family, and what they're like.
Metal Sonic: That'll surely work...
Rouge smiles as, in the animation, she takes the Key-Card.
Rouge: We already know how I'll take the Key-Card... so...

The Animation continues.
Rouge: Next up, we need a way to distract the Guard long enough for us to snatch up the Fabergé Chao Egg... Any Ideas?
Barry raises his hand in the Animation.
Metal Sonic: Barry?
Barry: Simple, I'll walk up and say I saw someone set a drink down without a coaster.
The scene cuts back to normal as everyone stares, Wide-eyed at Barry.
Tails: What...?
Barry looks at everyone nervously.
Barry: N- Now I know that sounds b- b- bad but h- h- hear me out.
Metal Sonic looks at Barry, calmly.
Metal Sonic: No, no... you cook well kid...
Melody nods.
Melody: Yeah, that Crime is Absolutely Vile; I can think of nothing worse than it.
Blaze: I would never allow for such a Despicable Crime in my kingdom...
Rouge: The Guard will go chasing the person, I'm sure of it.
Metal Sonic smirks as he quickly notices Omochao, then prints out the Wanted poster from the Saloon Car.
Metal Sonic: Better yet... We can do one better.
Metal Sonic hands Melody the Wanted Poster, and she smiles as she uses her Extendo Arm to hang it up. Everyone realizes the plan, but then Rouge and Blaze look at Tails.
Rouge: Wait, what is he wanted for?
Metal Sonic, Melody, Barry, and Tails: Medical Malpractice...
Rouge and Blaze both blink twice, trying to contain their shock before the White Board Animation resumes.
Metal Sonic: There's something else... the elevator has robot arms according to the Blueprints, so what do we do?
Barry chimes in.
Barry: We have Tails disable them.
Tails nods as he flies up in the Animation the robot arms Grab him.
Tails: What happens when they start grabbing me?
Metal Sonic chimes in.
Metal Sonic: Not gonna happen, tails.
Metal Sonic starts moving around the elevator in the animation, a lot, to get the Arms' attention.
Metal Sonic: I distract them with my movements while you disable them.
Everyone cheers in the animation.
Barry: And then we all Can dance, pop some apple cider, and sing celebratory Acapella.
Everyone does so in the Animation as the scene ends.
Metal Sonic: Sounds like a plan to me.
Everyone nods as the scene transitions to...


Everyone enters the Vault with no hassle, Barry wiping some apple-cider from his mouth with a napkin before throwing it into a trashcan, after taking a broken watch from it, to which everyone else watches.
Metal Sonic: What are you gonna do with that, Barry? It's broken.
Barry smiles enthusiastically as he puts the broken watch on.
Barry: A broken clock is still right twice a day~!
Metal Sonic blinks as Blaze smirks and Rouge covers her mouth, finding Barry's attitude adorable.
Metal Sonic: Toche Barry... Toche...
Rouge and Metal both backflip to the safe, which was unnecessary, but looked cool regardless, before putting in the Combination, and opening the safe. Everyone stares in awe as it opens, revealing an odd Marble, which Metal Sonic takes Curiously. Then, the Platform in the Center opens up, revealing nothing other than the Fabergé Chao Egg...

Rouge: Ah-Hah~! Here it is~!!!
Rouge picks up the Fabergé Chao Egg excitedly.
Rouge: At last, the Fabergé Chao Egg is mine; all mine~!!!
Metal Sonic smiles.
Tails: Now before anyone see's us, let's get-
Metal Sonic and Rouge both look at Tails.
Metal Sonic: Not just yet, Tails, not by a long shot.
Rouge giggles in an oddly seductive matter, one that makes Barry and Tails both blush a lot, and even Melody blushes slightly.
Rouge: Do you really think that all there is to this egg is its exterior?
Metal Sonic makes a Tsk, Tsk movement with his head.
Metal Sonic: There's more to it, such as it's... Yolk, perhaps?
Everyone looks at Rouge as her and Metal Sonic add onto each other's statement.
Rouge: 3 Fabergé Chao Eggs were made, each.
Metal Sonic: Each one of the Fabergé Chao Eggs contained its own individual secret.
Rouge: Nobody knows the secret to a single one of the eggs because no one has ever lived to tell the tale.
Metal Sonic: Inside of the Egg we'll find something worth just as much, if not more than it's shell.
Tails, Barry, Blaze, and Melody all look at Rouge and Metal.
Tails: You can open the egg?
Metal Sonic and Rouge both smile.
Metal Sonic: That's right, Tails... now then...
Rouge puts her hand over the top of the egg.
Rouge: We'll all get to see what was placed in the first egg~!
Blaze looks at Rouge, nervously.
Blaze: Metal, Rouge, wait; I don't think we should-!
Before Blaze and Finish, Rouge twists the top of the egg... and a ticking sound starts.
Rouge and Metal Sonic: Oh no...

Everyone to start panic a lot especially Melody and Barry. Barry starts sweating out of his suit as Melody flails around.
Melody: W- What if the people who have tried opening the other Fabergé Chao Eggs never s- s- survived because they e- e- e- exploded!!!???
Blaze: What if the Train derails?!
Tails: Q-Quick; Someone think of a plan!!!
Everyone starts rapidly talking as Barry Pauses and thinks.
Metal Sonic: Throw it into the Elevator!!!
Rouge: No way; that would Trap us!!!
Melody: Then throw it back into the safe and slam the door!!!
Metal Sonic: And try to close the door on a safe we did no research on???!!!
Barry: GUYS AND GALS!!!!!!!!!
Everyone looks at Barry as he pulls out the Mirage Express Manual and turns to a page.
Barry: According to the Mirage Express Manual, the Robot Arms prevent weapons from coming aboard, or anything that can harm the passengers.
Barry looks up at the group as they all blink, then all breathe a sigh of relief.
Metal Sonic: I completely forgot.
Tails: Thank Mobius.
Blaze: My legs feel weak...
Rouge: Oh joy...
When the Ticking stops, an alarm clock bell starts going off. The group watches the top of the egg spin, then latch onto some hinges, and open, revealing the contents.
Metal Sonic: Wow...
Melody: Oooooohhh...
Barry: Wowza...
Blaze: Oh my...
Tails: Remarkable...
Rouge: Look at it...

Rouge picks up a bedazzled chao from inside of the egg and holds it up as it twinkles and shines.
Tails: Look at that Sparkle...
Metal Sonic: It seems like it's heavy.
Barry: It's shining so much.
Melody: It looks so pretty~!
Blaze: It's gorgeous.

Rouge's eyes widen in awe as she stares at the Chao Jewlery...
Rouge: The final secret to the Fabergé Chao Egg is a Chao covered in gems and gold... It's Perfect~!
Blaze: It's Exquisite~!
Melody: It's beautiful~!
Tails: It's fascinating~!
Barry: It's secret worthy~!
Metal Sonic: It's Revolutionary~!
Blaze blinks as she realizes what Rouge said.
Blaze: Wait... Why has nobody lived to tell the secret of the Fabergé Chao Egg if the egg wasn't a bomb?
Rouge smiles.
Rouge: Maybe they weren't as tough as Barry here~!
Barry blushes a bit as Rouge examines her Precious Treasure.
Tails: As much fun as this has been, we should get out of here, before we're spotted.
Blaze nods.
Blaze: Good Call, Tails!
Metal Sonic quickly picks up the Marble, which he had dropped during the Panic, and then joins the group as they rush back to the Elevator and take it back up to the Casino.


The group slowly exits the elevator before they're spotted as they see Omochao run past, Barry quickly tripping them as the group walks past the Guard, who cuffs Omochao.
Omochao: Getting Arrested is not fun!
As the security guard takes Omochao away, Blaze smiles.
Blaze: thank you all for helping us with the Hunt; that experience was just the kind of special Thrill I was seeking~!
Everyone smiles as the Guard leaves.
Metal Sonic: Agreed, I even got a Marble out of it.
Melody looks at Metal Sonic, confused.
Melody: Just a Marble?
Metal Sonic Looks at Melody as he pushes the same button on his suit, causing his suit to return back to it's normal look.
Metal Sonic: If it was sacred enough to be kept in the Vault, then it's gonna be worth something.
Metal Sonic puts the Marble in a baggie, then into his hammer space.
Tails sighs.
Tails: As much as I agree, I'd prefer to never do it again.
Tails looks at Rouge, who is still holding the gem Chao.
Metal Sonic: Rouge!
Rouge flinches as she looks at Metal Sonic.
Metal Sonic: Don't just hold that out in the open!
Rouge nods as she puts the Bedazzled Chao and Fabergé Chao Egg into her Hammer Space.
Rouge: What do you need, darlings?
Melody looks at Rouge.
Melody: Can we take a look at those blueprints now, since you aren't using them anymore?
Rouge shakes her head.
Rouge: Sorry, but I need to make sure there aren't any other Juicy secrets on this train for Blaze and I to pocket~!
Metal Sonic sighs.
Metal Sonic: In that Case, just hold onto it for us, ok?
Rouge nods with a smile.
Rouge: Will do, sweetheart.
Metal Sonic groans in embarrassment.
Metal Sonic: Please don't call me that again...

Rouge nods as Barry tries a slot machine, only to fail... Tails manages to pull him away as the group gets ready to move on. Metal Sonic then notices a poker chip with the Eggman logo on it as he picks it up... and the scene transitions to a flashback of Eggman harming Metal Sonic every time he failed or disobeyed before fading back to the present as he, Metal Sonic, sighs.
Melody: Are you alright Metal?
Metal Sonic looks at Melody, and sighs.
Metal Sonic: Let's just say I prefer my eggs scrambled...
Metal Sonic puts the chip into his evidence bag, and then motions for Melody to follow him.
Tails, Barry, Metal, and Melody join each other at the elevator that leads down to the Library car,

Tails: Ready to get going?
Melody and Barry nod.
Melody: I know I am.
Barry: I can just play more games later, I guess.
Metal Sonic sighs as he reads the warning above the Elevator sign.
Metal Sonic: This Elevator is apparently going to take around 1-3 minutes to go down...
Barry shrugs.
Barry: It's nothing we can't handle, right?
The group nods.
Metal Sonic: Just don't jump at all and we'll be fine.
Everyone snickers a bit as Metal Sonic pushes the Elevator button. Then, all of a sudden, Rouge rushes up and hugs the group, Blaze, semi-reluctantly, doing the same.
Rouge: Take care you all, thank you again for the help~!
The group all share a hug.
Metal Sonic: We'll see all at you at Dinnertime, alright~?
Rouge and Blaze nod.
Blaze: Of course...
Blaze looks at Tails.
Blaze: And Tails... do tell Cream I said "Hello" the next time you see her.
Tails smiles.
Tails: Will-do~!
Blaze and Rouge hand the group the key to the Mail-car, which is added to the evidence bag for a bit as the Elevator door opens.


Barry sits on the floor of the Elevator, tired.
Barry: What a first day this has been...
Metal Sonic pushes the button once everyone is in the Elevator as the group relaxes.
Melody rests on the floor, Tails sits on the Elevator's seat, and Metal Sonic just leans against the wall.
Metal Sonic: This is your first day, and you're already getting to meet celebrities?
Barry smiles and chuckles to himself.
Barry: Yeah, I guess you're right.
Metal sighs, seeming to be in deep thought as Melody looks at him.
Melody: What's wrong, Metal...?
Metal Sonic sighs as he looks at Melody.
Metal Sonic: Can I come clean about something?
Everyone looks at Metal.
Tails: What is it, Metal?
Barry: Yeah, what's on your mind?
Metal Sonic sighs.
Metal Sonic: I'm really worried about Vega... and Jenny... and Misty...
Metal Sonic sits on the floor, feet hunched over, similarly to Barry.
Metal Sonic: I was relieved when I found Melody as safe as possible... But I just have this sinking feeling that the others aren't...
Melody sits down next to Metal, and leans against his shoulder, making him mouthlessly smile as he leans his head against hers. The way they do this makes Barry smile.
Barry: You care about them... don't you Metal?
Metal Sonic nods.
Metal Sonic: They're the reason I am who I am now...
Metal Sonic sighs.
Metal Sonic: And they've helped me so much...
The Elevator stops and the doors open.

The group gets up.
Metal Sonic: This is our stop...
The group begins to exit the Elevator as Metal hears a Commotion coming from the Mail Car.
Silver: C- Come on! Just keep pulling!
Amy: I am, but she won't budge!
Metal Sonic's eyes widen.
Metal Sonic: Oh crud...
Metal Sonic quickly does a peel-out with his legs as he rushes ahead, Melody following closely behind him as Barry and Tails quickly give chase.

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