|| Work Alone || Tommy Shelby...

By FanFictionWrite_r

3K 72 4

A woman of business. She left London looking for where she could stay low for some time and luckily she had f... More

Chapter 1 Season 1
Chapter 2 Season 1
Chapter 3 Season 1
Chapter 4 Season 1
Chapter 5 Season 1
Chapter 6 Season 1
Chapter 1 Season 2
Chapter 2 Season 2
Chapter 3 Season 2
Chapter 4 Season 2
Chapter 6 Season 2
Chapter 1 Season 3
Chapter 2 Season 3
Chapter 3 Season 3

Chapter 5 Season 2

98 5 0
By FanFictionWrite_r

Another day passes and you and Thomas go to visit May to see how the Filly is doing. She brings you to the Stables where Micky works to visit the horse. You all enter the stables

"Mick, this is Y/n L/n and Thomas Shelby. He's come to check up on there filly." May informs

"Yes. I've heard of them." He mumbles looking at you both as the horse is standing beside him

"Micky is the best horseman in England." May informs once again

"He likes to waste money, I know that. According to the reports you're spending two pound a month of worming powder." You state

"You want a horse with worms?" Micky argues

"Horses get worms from the water trough. If you put a goldfish in, they eat the worm eggs." You fireback

"That'll be a Gypsy thing, is it?" He questions

"No, it's an accounting thing. Goldfish cost a penny each." You correct

"Or you can win them at the fair. If you want, I'll dispense with the vet altogether. Excuse me." He grumbles leaving the stables as you look towards the horse

"You ever consider a career in diplomacy?" May teases as you smile slightly. Thomas walks of the horse, petting her.

"Hello, hello. How are you, eh?" He whispers to the horse

"Goldfish? Seriously?" She questions looking towards you

"Yep. You people have a lot to learn." You confirm as you pet the horse as she leans into your touch.

After checking in the filly, seeing she's in good health. You, May and Thomas leave the stables and start walking to the front of the house to get to Thomas's car. May walks in front of you both. Stopping you both in your tracks.

"They asked me if I wanted a fire in the guest bedroom. I said no, just one fire tonight." She hums as she looks towards you with a smile

"Bold and fearless, eh?" You mutter

"Yes. Though I'm not really fearless." She chuckles as you nod. Thomas glares at May then towards you but doesn't say anything as you get back indoors

"Drink?" You offer the both

"Yes." They both accept in union while eyeing each other

"Madam, there is a telephone call." A maid informs entering the room

"I'll take it in the drawing room." She waves off as you pass the both there drink as long with your own

"It's for Ms. L/n." She adds on as you look up with furrowed brows. The maid leads you to the phone. As the call ended you place the phone gently down as anger pulses through your veins. You storm out the room and grab your coat.

"Where are you going?" Thomas questions

"I need the key. You stay here. I'll be back." You order as you hold out your hand for the keys

"We're partners. Both in business and in relationship so we do this together." He argues

"No. Give me the fucking keys." You demand more urgently this time. Thomas looks at your form for a moment, clearly see visible anger and that'll be useless to argue with you.

"Here we go again with the fucking work alone shit." Thomas spits out putting the keys in your hands. You leave the building not bothering to deal with Thomas. Slamming the car door shut you drive to the same church you met the inspector at. Immediately getting out the car and walking in.

"We had a deal. Hey! We had a fucking deal!" You yell at the inspector while storming to him. He reads a newspaper as you breath heavily and glare towards him

"I would think you would moderate your language in a place of worship. I called you here alone because I thought you would be more reasonable." The inspector hums as you snatch the newspaper out his hand and throw it to the floor as you lean closer to him.

"We had a fucking deal." You state angrily while pointing your finger towards him. He finally turns to you with a stoke expression

"Ms. L/n. If you read the papers, you might have seen that the Home Secretary has got himself into a bit of a fizz about certain moral issues. Prostitution, protection, racketeering, drinking, cocaine and, of course...gambling. And he has demanded results." The inspector informs as you pace around.

"You offered me and Tommy protection. You promised me and Tommy protection." You correct yourself

"Well, no, you see, it was Mr. Churchill that made you that promise. And the Home Secretary outranks him, so...And I cannot be blamed if your boyfriend's demented brother decides to go on some sort of bloody orgy during dinner." The inspector argues your point

"Don't you lie to me! Do not sit here in your fucking church and lie to me!" You yell out once more as you go closer to the inspector and shout in his face

"You will need to contain your emotions or this meeting is at an end. Good. That's better. So...let us review the new situation. I have your boyfriend's brother in a prison cell, charged with the murder of Billy Kitchen. The case against him is strong and I have no doubt that his destiny is to hang. And then there is Polly's son, Michael. He has already admitted to helping Arthur burn down the Maquis pub. Oh! He was a tough nut to crack, that boy, but crack he did. So have your boyfriends brother facing the noose, I have your boyfriends cousin facing five years for arson. And I have your entire organisation in disarray in Birmingham and in London." The inspector explains the whole situation as you back away from him and lean on the chairs on the other side as you take a deep breath

"What do you want?" You question

"What do I want? I don't understand." The inspector plays dumb as your eyes go wide from rage as you look towards him.

"I already agreed to do your fucking killing for you. Now, what is it you want from me?" You question, agitation and venom in your tone

"Oh. There you go. You see...An agreement is not the same thing as an assurance, now, is it? You see, I found...I wasn't sleeping so well. It wasn't just the smell and the noise in that room, no. It was the nagging doubt. The knowledge...The knowledge that...Y/n L/n and Tommy Shelby is not afraid to die. And therefore, the threat to your own lives might not be enough to make it certain that you will obey me on the given day. I needed also the power of your life and death and death over your boyfriend's family. Which you care so dearly about. Which I now have. Your boyfriend's brother, your boyfriend's cousin...and your boyfriend's sister...and your sister. I have known Ada's address in Primrose Hill since the day she moved in. Now she is safe only as long as I want her to be. Same with your sister. I know her foster family, they're good friends of mine and if they knew who you were and if you were related to there adopted daughter, they'd give her up to me in no time and all it takes is a click of a trigger. I've been ahead of you...every step of the way. And, as my father use to say, to make sure your dog obeys you, you have to show it the stick once in a while." The inspector warns before walking out as you look down to the floor

After a bit of thinking you leave the church and enter the car. You punch the steering wheel serval times before stopping and holding your head in your hands while squeezing your eyes closed. You start the car and head back to May's to pick up Thomas. You exit the car and enter the building to hear Thomas and May arguing about something. They stop once you enter.

"We're leaving." You state as Thomas following you out. You decide to drive as it remains quiet for some time

"You want to tell me what's happening?" Thomas questions lighting himself a cigarette and leaning back.

"Arthur is in prison and will face the noose punishment as for Michael he will be looking at  five years of prison for Arson. Ada is safe but I don't know for how long." You explain not wanting to tell him about your own sister. Thomas goes quiet as his face turns into visible anger. He clears his throat.

"So, where did you go to find out all that?" Thomas questions

"Meeting with the inspector." You answer

"Without me?" He questions once more

"He wanted it to just be me as he thought I was more reasonable." You sigh out as Thomas also sighs

"What does he want?" Thomas continues to question as you grow more agitated.

"Assurance." You answer vaguely not wanting to continue speaking

"Of what?" Thomas pushes as you slam your foot on the breaks once you're in Birmingham. Thomas drops his cigarette and puts his hand out in front of him to stop him from going through the window.

"That we do this fucking killing. Now that you're filled in. Stop asking bloody questions." You spit out exiting the car and entering the building with your offices. Thomas sits in the car, giving you a bit of space. You hear the phone ringing.

"Y/n, Arthur is in solitary confinement. Michael is in the remand wing—" Lizzie starts to explain the situation you already know.

"Yeah, I know. Get out, shut the doors." You order as she shuts the doors. You sit down at your office and pick up the phone holding it against your ear.

"Y/n? It's me. Y/n, can you hear me?" You hear Max's voice through the phone.

"Yes, Max." You mutter

"I think you called. I...haven't slept." He murmurs

"Max, this is not a good time." You state

"I can call you back." He informs

"It's fine." You sigh

"Can we meet? Grace wants to meet Thomas as well." Max questions

"Yes, we'll meet." You accept

"When?" Max questions again

"Max, there are some things we have to do first." You inform as you end the call. The doors open and you look up to see Thomas closing the doors once more

"You calmer?" He questions

"As calm as I can be." You state

"There's been a family meeting called. I want you there." Thomas informs

"Max called." You start as he turns back to you with a raised eyebrow

"Yeah?" He hums

"Yeah, Grace and Max want to meet. I said yes, after we sort everything." You exclaim as he nods. You stand up and he puts his hand around your waist and exits the building with you. He kisses your temple before entering the place you normally have your family meetings

"John?" Thomas orders him to speak

"The coppers have lifted ten of our men in Camden Town the rest are on the run." John informs

"They've taken Michael." Polly informs

"Business first." Thomas waves off

"They took Michael—" Polly repeats

"I said business first." Thomas repeats himself

"They picked him up—" Polly continues

"Polly, business first! John?" Thomas shouts as Polly remains quiet

"They took all our whiskey, so they'll be sipping that for Christmas. They've impounded all our vans, put their own locks on the warehouse. The Eden club and all our pubs have been raided by coppers and handed back to Sabini and Solomons. The Black Country boys think it was Arthur who killed Billy cause that's what the coppers told them. So no more free passes for our whiskey boats." John continues to inform on what's going on

"I don't care about whiskey. I don't give a fuck about Billy Kitchen. I want my son out of prison. Now!" Polly shouts looking at you and Thomas

"I spoke to Johnny Dogs." Esme starts

"This meeting should just be family." Polly spits out

"I can help." Esme argues

"Family only. She is not blood, Tommy!" Polly shouts at Thomas this time

"Let her speak." You sigh out

"You're not family either. Hear me!" Polly screams at you as you bite your cheek and clench your jaw

"Enough! Enough, Polly. Esme?" Thomas shouts once more before letting Esme to continue.

"I spoke to Johnny Dogs. The Lees are kin." Esme informs

"The bloody Lees!" Polly shouts

"They can give us men!" Esme shouts back

"We don't need more fucking men! It's men that have done the damage! It is men fighting like cockerels that have put us here in the first place." Polly continues to fireback

"Esme, we'll take up their offer. We need men." Thomas ignores Polly

"If Michael ever gets out of prison, I am taking him away from this family. For good. This life is bad. This life is all bad." Polly threatens as she grabs Finn's arm and leads him out

"Aunt Pol, what are you doing?" Finn questions

"Shut up and walk." She orders as they both leave

"Y/n, Thomas? Should I go speak to Queen Mary Lee at the Black Patch?" Esme questions as Thomas sits down and you lean on the wall throwing your head back and rubbing your temples with your fingers.

"Yes." Thomas agrees

"She can give us soldiers for a few nights." Esme assures

"Good." He hums

"John, go bring up the car. Imagine riding away with Y/n, Thomas. Living the real life, you know? Both your Gypsy halves are stronger. You just want to ride away with her. France is the new place for us, they say. Lots of metal lying around still. Guns and trucks and spent shells and things. Then you go south. Saintes-Maries, where the Black Madonna is. My brothers go sometimes for the fair. It's like a home for us. They still let you get lost there." Esme informs as she leans on the table close to Thomas while you look towards the both of them

"I've been to France, Esme. So has John. Now get your coat and go with your husband. If you ever talk about getting lost again, I'll cut you...From this family. I know you meant me riding with you and not Y/n but that will never fucking happen." Thomas threatens grabbing her jaw then letting it go.

"What family?" She questions before leaving. You put your arms on Thomas shoulder as he puts his hand on yours and sighs.

You walk back to your desk and get a phone call. Picking it up and speaking for a bit. You grab your coat and was about to walk off but Thomas stops you.

"Where are you going?" He questions

"Inspector called, he wants to meet me alone, again." You inform as Thomas nods

"Want me to drive you and wait outside?" He questions

"Yeah." You accept as he smiles. You both get in the car and you tell him the location. He hides the car around the corner so the inspector can't see him. You kiss him on the cheek before leaving and entering the building. A policeman bringing you to the inspector office. He closes the door leaving you and the inspector

"Y/n L/n." He greets

"Talk." You demand with anger

"I can keep your sister safe with my signature." He informs as he points to the paper. You read it to see that she will be protected by Sabini's men and that the foster parents will never find out about you. But you do not see his signature so you hold the paper out to him.

"Sign it." You order.

"You could ask nicely." He hums

"Please." You add on as he puts the paper on the desk

"I want you to cry." He simply states

"I can't cry on command, inspector." You mumble as he immediately grabs your throat and pins you to the wall. His lips by your ear as yours and his breath is heavy.

"Then I'll have to make you." He whispers as his hands travel down your body. Your eyes go wide

"You bastard!" You yell about to punch his jaw but he grabs your wrist twisting it making you yell out in pain and turning you round, then slamming you back into the wall. Your back against his front

"Do you want your sister to die?" He threatens as your breath becomes shaky unsure of what to do. He removes your coat off you as he spins you round once more and pins you to the wall by your throat, tightening his grip making it hard for air to get in and out.

"You can't...Tommy..." You struggle to get out

"You choose Thomas over your real family? Your bloody family?" The inspector pushes pressing himself against you as he starts to unbutton your shirt. Your breath growing heavier by the second. Your thoughts going crazy

"Shut up!" You yell trying to push him off you. He bangs you against the wall making you yelp as he brings you close.

"I'll kill your sister in front of you. Her blood will be on your hands...her merciful cries will be in your ears. I won't just kill her..I'll torture her to the point she'll be begging for death." He warns as he lets go of you. You fall to your knees as you gasp for air.

"I'm doing the fucking killing. Alright? What the fuck else do you want from me, eh?" You scream out as you push yourself off the floor and push him into his desk.

"I want you to cry!" He shouts back as he slaps you in the face and grabs your throat turning you towards the desk and push you up against it. Your body shaking vigorously.

"I can't." You fireback as he starts to pull down your trousers

"You will!" He demands as you managed to get a blow to his jaw. You pull your trousers back up and grab your coat. Your breath heavy as you open the door.

"Your sister is dead!" The inspector yells out as you slam the door and head outside the building. You turn the corner to see Thomas leaning on the car with his cigarette in hand. He furrows his brows at your state. Your breath heavy, your body shaky and your shirt almost fully unbuttoned. 

You fall to your knees once around the corner. The puddle you fell in splashing around you. Your knees completely soaked as Thomas runs to your aid. He puts his hand on your shoulders as he looks at you with a concerned look.

"Y/n, what happened?" He questions looking at you

"FUCK!" You scream out loudly. Tears started to leave your eyes. You get even more annoyed that the fact you're crying now and not when the inspector wanted you too. Thomas freezes for a bit not expecting this. You continued to curse and scream and cry in his arms as he holds you close

"Y/n?" He questions

"What do I do? What do I do? What do I do? What the fuck do I do, huh? Tell me, eh!" You start repeating yourself while screaming and slamming your knuckles into the concrete ground until the puddle has turned red with your blood. Your knuckles mangled as Thomas grabs your wrists to stop you.

"Y/n!" Thomas yells at you as he finally gains your attention as you stare at him with wide eyes. Your head falls on his chest as he strokes your hair

"He won." You cry into his chest

"No. Not yet." He whispers to you. You know Thomas still doesn't know about him having the threat on your sister and you won't tell him still. Not yet.

You and Thomas drive back to Birmingham and get out the car. You both lean on the car. You remaining quiet as you look ahead of you. Thomas also being quiet as he looks at you.

"I think we both need space." He hums

"Yeah." You agree

"I'll be at the docks. The cars in your hands." Thomas informs as he drops the keys in your hands. He walks off as you remain quiet for some time. You get in the car and start driving to London. Once at London, you get out and walk to the place where your sister lives with her foster family. Knocking on the door. The door is swung open and instantly you were grabbed and thrown to the floor in the house by a large man.

"You've got confidence coming here! You filthy Gypsy!" He screams out as he starts stomping on your stomach and kicking your head. You didn't do anything, just accepted the beating. Your face covered in blood once more, you looked as bad as you did when Sabini and his boys jumped you. But this time, they left you conscious. Either that or your Adrenaline is keeping you up. You slowly push yourself up when he takes a break from beating you to death.

"Where is she? Annabelle..." You question with a raspy voice as he turns to you.

"They took her." He informs angrily

"Where?" You question

"I don't know." He sighs out as anger pulses throughout your body

"How the fuck don't you know? She's your bloody daughter?" You scream at him as you punch him in the jaw then in the stomach. Getting him to the ground and climbing on top of him.

"The police took her because of you!" He yells as he punches your jaw and switches positions with you. He continues to punch you in the face and when standing up he purposely uses his knee to get up and puts it on your stomach making you groan loudly then stomping on your stomach making you throw up blood. He grabs your neck and opens the front door before throwing you out the house. You continue to cough up blood for a while but eventually push yourself off the ground and stumble to the car. Blood covering your face.

You let out a sigh and light yourself a cigarette before starting the car and having a long drive back to Birmingham. Once you arrive you stop the car. The blood that was on your face, that's still there has dried up. Cuts and bruises have already formed and the eye that had just healed already has gone to shit. The blood vessel had been popped so one of your eyes are red.

You've drove to the docks and waiting for Thomas to come out so you could give him a lift back. You light yourself yet another cigarette and sit back in the car as you smoke and watch the smoke slowly rise in the air. You close your eyes and continue to think about where they would've taken your sister. Are they actually going to kill her? You feel some shake your arm and turn to see Charlie.

"Hm?" You hum as Charlie freezes

"What happened?" He questions

"Got into a bit of a disagreement. Is Thomas here?" You question

"I think he's with Curly. Want to go find him with me?" Charlie offers not taking his eyes off the blood on your face.

"Yeah." You sigh out getting out the car and throwing your cigarette then following Charlie. You and Charlie look into a wooden building where Curly was last to see Thomas and Curly shovelling shit.

"Tommy, what's going on?" Charlie questions

"I think Tommy's lost his mind, Charlie. What happened, Y/n?" Curly questions

"Disagreement." You answer looking at Thomas who stops

"Well, it's honest work, Curly but I don't want to get used to it. So we'll need six cans of petrol. Bring them to the garage, put them in the back of the car." Thomas orders passing the rake to Charlie

"Six cans?" Charlie questions as Thomas puts his blouse and hat back on before turning to you and stopping at the sight of you.

"Let's get you cleaned up while you tell me what the fuck you actually did." Thomas states grabbing your wrist and pulling you with him

"Tommy, if you ever want a job, I'll get you your own shovel." Charlie shouts as you and Thomas walk back to the house. Thomas sets a bath up and once done. You undress yourself in Thomas's room. The door swings open and you are quick to cover your bits as Thomas swipes you off your feet, picking you up bridal style and bring you to the bath.

"You know I can bathe myself." You mutter as Thomas carefully washes the dry blood off your face.

"What happened?" He questions

"Like I said—" You try

"Truth." He demands

"Don't worry." You grumble

"I know about the threat of your sister. Is it to do with her?" He questions as you freeze. You sigh knowing you'll have to tell him eventually.

"They have her. The police have her. I went to the house of the foster family she use to live with and before I could get a word out...this happened. And I think this is self explanatory." You finally give in as you finish washing everything off. Thomas puts some clothes on the chair and wraps you in a towel.

"We'll get her. She'll stay with us. Just like we'll get Arthur, ok? It's gonna be ok." He whispers to you as he catches your lips. You pull back and nod. You get dressed as Thomas puts his coat on

"You're going?" You question

"No, we're going." He corrects throwing you your coat.

"Where?" You question.

"To meet Max and Grace. Come on." Thomas informs as you both exit the house and walk to the location that had been set to meet. You walk to yours and Thomas's other house. Hearing a knock on the door. Thomas opens the door as you stand behind him to see Grace in a large fur coat, her make-up done up nicely and her hair curled. Max has his hair curly and looked after with a nice expensive suit on. You allow them all in and open the door to the living room.

"Is this your house?" Grace questions

"We both own it." Thomas answers. Grace takes off her fur coat to reveal a lovely light blue dress. You sit down as Thomas sits down next to you.

"Have a seat." You invite as Max and Grace sit down. Thomas passes you a cigarette as he lights it for you. He then grabs out himself one.

"Do I not get a drink?" Grace questions

"Please." Thomas hums as he points to where the glasses and drinks out. Grace and Max both stand up

"You want one?" Max questions mainly looking towards you.

"Yes." Thomas answers for the both of you.

"Still whiskey?" Grace questions

"Yes." Thomas answers once more with a tad bit of irritation

"But other things have changed. I saw vans with your names on at the docks." Grace informs

"Yes, some things have changed." Thomas hums as Max passes your drink and Grace passes Thomas's drink. They sit down on the sofa closer to the both of you as you blow smoke from your lips and look towards the two

"We wasn't sure about coming tonight—" Grace starts

"I lit a fire in the bedroom upstairs. My plan was that we sit here for a while, talk about old times, drink some whiskey. Then I was gonna tell you...I hadn't spent a day without thinking about you. And then we were gonna go upstairs and sleep together. But, earlier today I saw someone let out an emotion that made me realise something. I changed my mind. So just have one drink, tell us how happy you two are in New York and then you can go." Thomas spills the truth as you freeze. You fake a smile for a short second before leaning back

"You changed your mind?" Grace questions

"Hmm. So you can go." Thomas hums

"Well...As a matter of fact, We are happy in New York. And we are married." Grace states

"Oh, yeah, they're both rich. I know." You chuckle

"And they're sweet, and they're kind to us. So what makes you think that we'd sleep with you two after one whiskey and some conversation?" Grace spits out

"I was hoping for three whiskeys." You tease

"How dare you?" Max grumbles

"Doesn't matter now I've changed my mind." Thomas shrugs

"We came here because you asked us." Grace states

"Even though they're sweet and kind to you both?" You question

"And now I feel like an idiot." Max mumbles under his breath

"Well, then, go." You hum

"Jesus." Grace whispers

"But you both are still here." Thomas pushes

"Are you so certain?" Grace questions

"That you both are still in love with us. I was, but I'm not anymore. You're not armed, Max, Grace, are you?" Thomas answers truthfully

"No, we're not armed. We don't carry guns. We don't have to." Max spits out

"You don't have a sense of humour anymore either." You murmur

"What are you talking about?" Max questions

"Thing is, we hate reunions. We didn't want to sit here talking about nothing and dancing around what we really want to say. So, now...I know you're happy in New York, your husband and wife is rich and sweet and kind to you both. I know you're unarmed. And you both didn't come here for sex, because you don't love us any more. And it's only three minutes past. Another drink. I'll take that as a yes. It's good to see you both, Max and Grace. I think I speak for Y/n too." Thomas explains as he stands up and walks over to the drinks

"So you didn't light the fire?" Grace questions

"You see, my real plan...was that we all go out. We want to impress you both. Now...do you both like Charlie Chaplin?" Thomas questions

"Yes, we like Charlie Chaplin." Grace chuckles

"Good. But I bet you've never heard Charlie Chaplin speak." Thomas informs.

You all get ready to leave once more and walk to the destination of where Charlie Chaplin is. You stay quiet as Max walks beside you. Thomas and Grace in front of you. You said nothing to the man as he looks down at the floor with his hands in his pocket.

"You don't give two shits about me, do you?" Max questions as he looks towards you. You slow your pace slightly so Thomas and Grace can get far ahead. Max slowing with you.

"I care about you. But I don't love you. I couldn't care the slightest for impressing you or Grace. But Tommy still loves Grace as much as he did two years ago. She was his first proper love, after all. It was my mistake for getting into a romantic relationship with a business partner." You sigh out with your eyes turning slightly glossy. Max stayed silent for some time before signing.

"If we're being honest, I care a lot about you, Y/n. But I'm happily married. And I love her." Max speaks truthfully as you smile and look towards him.

"I'm happy for you, Max. I really am." You assure as he smiles at you.

"I hope Thomas realises what he's missing out on." Max tries to comfort as you chuckle.

"He's not missing out on much. He's a boy version of me. He's got everything I've got." You mumble. Max grabs your shoulders, stopping you and making you turn to him as he slightly bends to get down to your level

"You're an amazing lady, Y/n. I can't even name any lady that's achieved what you have. Trust me, you have something he doesn't. You just got to find it, Y/n." Max exclaims as you look down to the floor

"Yeah." You whisper quietly. You both walk inside the building. Thomas and Grace already being there. You see Grace linked to Thomas's arm. Thomas furrows his brows to see you and Max not linking arms and just standing beside each other. You look over to see Charlie Chaplin.

"Well, we should go introduce you both to Mr. Chaplin." Thomas hums as he starts bringing Grace over.

"I'll be over in a second." You inform pushing Max with them as you enter a different room and start dialling the Inspector's number.


"Hello, Mr. Campbell. You said you knew Thomas's sister's address in Primrose Hill. So I expect you have men watching the house to see who comes and goes. Tonight your men will see Thomas return to the house with a very beautiful woman. She will stay until just before midnight. Of course, I'll close the curtains. Can you guess who the woman is? You will also see me enter the house with a man. Can you guess them both?" You question


"Sleep well, Mr. Campbell." You wave off ending the call and going back out

After a while you went back to the house. Thomas and Grace taking the living room as you stayed near the stairs as Max leans on the wall. An hour goes by and Max's taxi arrives. You wave him off and go to the spare bedroom. You stay up staring outside the window.

You hear Grace leave as you light yourself a cigarette lean back on the wall. You hear footsteps coming up the stairs then the bedroom door next to the room you're in opening. You then see your door opening to see Thomas. He furrows his brows as he sits down on the bed.

"What's wrong with you? You've been off all day?" Thomas questions

"I think it's best we end things between us." You get directly to the point

"What about Max?" He questions

"I lost interest in him...because I loved you. And...I fucking hate myself for that. Because Max loved me. He loved me. He wanted me. You thought you did, but that's only because you were desperate after Grace. Once you saw her again, I didn't exist. Max doesn't want me no more, and you never did. I ain't fit for love. This is why I prefer to work alone, Tom. So I wouldn't have to feel anything like this. My sister is in prison. She's only young. I have more important things to be dealing with than this shit. I'm sorry, Tom. But I think we should go back to working separately after this. We can split the business." You let your heart out to Thomas as he remains quiet and listens. Tears fleeing from your eyes. Thomas's eyes being glossy as he looks down at the floor with his breath hitched

"I understand." He murmurs quietly standing up and leaving also closing the door. You stayed up the rest of the night. You decide to get up at 3am, you got dressed. Bags under your eyes and your skin pale but you didn't pay attention. You notice Thomas's light still on but didn't think much of it as you left and got a taxi to go to May's place. It was morning by the time you have arrived. You are May are both walking around the stables as she points out where the horses get their food and drinks. You kept a stoke expression as she smiles.

"Look. Come! See? Does it really stop the horses from getting worms?" She questions as you look down to see goldfish in the clear water

"Yep, it really does." You hum quietly lighting yourself a cigarette

"Anyway, I thought it'd make you smile. I'm sorry that you had to drive through the night, must be exhausted. You can go sleep if you want." May offers

"No." You decline her offer

"What are you doing?" May questions wanting to know why you're here.

"Came here to check on the horse. I'll be driving back after a short while." You shrug

"You won't be staying?" She questions

"No." You decline once more.

"It's like you've gone stone-cold." She scoffs as you look at the floor and shove your hands in your pockets. You look at the fish.

"They look happy in there, eh? Why wouldn't they be?" You change topic

"What happened?" She questions

"You shouldn't let your emotions get out of hand." You simply reply looking forward

"So, control them. You know, you talked to me like a kind lady now kindly behave like a gangster again. Feel sorry for me, it's fine. Because your horse will come fifth or sixth...but I will back your normal self." She states walking off as you stay quiet. You hire another taxi and after a long drive you finally make it back to Birmingham. You enter the office to bump into someone's back. You look up to see Thomas. He moves slightly beside you so you can see the inspector at your desk trying to open your draws that are locked.

"I keep everything locked up, Mr. Campbell. Everything of value. Take a seat." You inform as you walk to your seat and sit down as he walks around your desk. Thomas furrows his brows as he walks to his desk

"How is your company treasurer, Polly?" The inspector questions

"Why do you ask?" Thomas questions

"Just give her my regards. You like to play with fire. Don't you, Ms. L/n and Mr. Shelby. Yesterday, in Belgravia, Field Marshal Russell's house was burned out. An incendiary device was put through his letter box, which means...That he will have to find somewhere else to live for at least the next three months." The inspector informs as he walks to the front of your desk

"Hmm. Which also means that your plan for us to break in and shoot him in his bed is no longer an operational possibility." You sigh out

"Indeed. But if you think a wee burn frees you from your obligations, think again—" He starts

"We will keep our side of the bargain." You assure

"Oh, you will. I will shoot your Field Marshal." He threatens

"But we will do it in a way that serves our purpose." You add on

"The only purpose is my purpose." The inspector spits out

"We will carry out the assassination at a place of our choosing." You inform

"Listen to me. All operational detail must be mutually agreed—" He grumbles

"He's a solider, he can determine where and when—" you argue

"That man has 24-hour armed police protection—" he cuts you off

"Your plan is as full of holes, Mr. Campbell—" You try to cut him off

"My plan was mutually agreed—" The inspector fireback

"Now your plan is up in smoke! And we've formulated the only viable alternative." You yell over him

"For God's sake, what do you mean? How would you get to him?" The inspector questions

"We won't. He will come to us." You state

"Now, listen to me, Ms. Y/n. When this meeting is concluded, I must report directly to Mr. Winston Churchill." The inspector warns

"Your relationship with Mr. Churchill is not my or his concern." You shrug it off

"And Mr. Winston Churchill will need to hear detail." The inspector spits out

"Well, you tell him he'll have to trust us. Look, Mr. Campbell...we will carry out our mission." You assure

"Good." He mumbles

"Good. But we will do it in a place where it will be impossible for you or your men to have us shot afterwards. Because that was the plan. Eh? Coppers front and back, no way out? Me and him shot dead, dumped in the Thames. We will do the killing but in a place where that will not be an option. We've recently become a racehorse owner, Mr. Campbell. Oh. It's, uh...Well, perhaps you can guess which one is our horse." You inform as you pull out a newspaper with the horses on. You show him the paper and he looks over at it before looking up at you as you hold a stoke expression looking towards him while lighting yourself a cigarette.

"Where and when?" He questions

"Epsom. Derby day." You answer

Word count: 6744

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