Dgrayman overnight

By Saphireblueelf

150 20 0

Kanda works in a warehouse on the over nights. He is a solitary person by nature, but finds friendships in th... More

Becoming friends
Allen's tale
Fun on the overnight shift
Kanda's promise
Hidden ventures
Allen's tale
The black order
Chef Jerry
Alien lanscape
The art of love
Plan of action
Mask of Maria
The adventure begins

Safety record

7 1 0
By Saphireblueelf

Kanda walked to the door. He drew his foot back to kick it in, but it opened before he could. Lavi was tucking his short back in behind the dark male standing before Kanda. The muscles bulged over Kanda's arms as he reached for the vampire looking security guard's shirt.

"Kanda be nice." Lavi snickered.

"The next time you want to fuck in the security office, SHUT THE FUCKING MICROPHONE OFF!" Kanda thundered.

Lavi's eyes went round. His hand shot out.

"I, I did. I hit the... oh my God! We were... everyone..."

Kanda thought, for sure, this would embarrass the idiot. Instead, Lavi tossed his head back. He began to laugh. He wrapped his arms around his stomach, laughing harder. Others out on the floor were looking worriedly back at them. Kanda did notice the speaker mic was off.

"S, sa, sorry!" Lavi laughed.

"Well, how many of you are going to report us to HR?" He asked.

His green eyes flashed to Kanda. The dark haired male glared back.

"I, uh, I don't think any of us will." Lenalee said. She was peeking around behind Kanda.

"Don't do it at work! Or use the damn bathroom like we did!" Kanda snarled

"Wait, you and Lavi?" Krory pointed between them.

Lavi shrugged. "I guess should could say I have a type." He grinned.

"Yeah, anything with a pulse." Kanda hissed.

"Back to work! Everyone get back to work!" Komui yelled.

He came out of his office with his hat off. He held an ice pack to the back of his neck. His glasses were slightly askew. Kanda ched, but walked away.

"Wow, that was pretty fast. Usually when Kanda knocks someone out, they are down for a few hours." Daisya said sounding impressed.

Noise went to get his forklift. They set back to work, sorting packages, getting their trailers set up. Suddenly, there was a ripping sound. Noise was backing his forklift up. He glanced forward. The pallets on the end were tipping. The shrink wrap holding them together was still clinging to the boxes behind the ones he was trying to take down.

"Stay there, don't move!" Kanda yelled across the floor.

Nosie shifted in his seat. His hand bumped the gear. His forklift darted back about three inches. Kanda swore as he swooped his forklift in. His empty blades were up. He caught the falling merchandise. With quick hands he tried to secure it.

"Timcanpy go help!" Allen's voice called out.

Out of thin air the golden round ball with wings swooped in. He seemed to grow to about three times his original height. He pressed his body against the boxes trying to fall from Kanda's lifted forks.

The boxes shifted back. The wings fluttered as the ball pressed harder. Soon the boxes were setting nicely between Kanda and Noises fork lifts. There was clapping but Kanda shouted for silence. He eyed Noise. They still needed to get the pallets to the floor.

"Allen keep Tim helping." Lavi called over the speakers.

"Tim?" Allen called out.

The round ball twittered as it hovered near the stacked boxes. Slowly, with precise movements, the two men lowered their forks down. As soon as they reached the floor, Daisya and Allen rushed up to swiftly unload the forklifts.

Timcanpy helped as he stabilized the boxes. Allen used a hand worked forklift to get most of the boxes from the top down to the floor. It took about half an hour before everything was settled. Then, they head the sound again.

It sounded like someone ripping paper, but much, much louder. Allen was under the stack where Noise had been taking product down. The cling wrap had loosened when it stuck to the bundle he had picked up. All eyes went to the heavy pile of boxes. They were teetering.

There wasn't a way for the forklift drivers to get back into their seats, let alone get the machine started in time. All anyone could do was stare open mouthed. Anyone, unless you were Kanda. He rushed forward, not toward the falling boxes, but the pale face boy under them.

There was a scream from somewhere over his head. A shadow filled the ground as Kanda's arms wrapped around Allen. He dove pushing the boy back into the metal stacks. The shadow flowed with him somehow.

They heard the boxes fall, but not many. Only three crashed to the ground. Allen clung to Kanda's shoulders. The noise outside quieted. Kanda looked down at Allen.

"Are you ok?" they chorused.

Allen snickered.

"I'm fine, but why did you attack me?" he asked a smile lightening up his face.

"Uh, Allen the boxes would have crushed you!" Lavi insisted from behind Kanda.

Kanda turned. Allen peered over his shoulder. Lavi stood there. He held some large umbrella type thing that appeared to block out the rest of the storeroom. They both blinked at him. The umbrella was huge, maybe twenty feet around. It was also metal. Lavi hung onto the handle part.

"What is that?" Kanda demanded.

"A safety feature Komui gave me." Lavi looked impressed with himself.

"He said it could withstand about fifty pounds of pressure or something the size of a pallet full of boxes falling on top of a pale albino head." Lavi smirked pointing at Allen.

"Yeah, but um, only three boxes fell. Why do you think that was?" Allen asked.

He, only now took in the fact he was still cradled against the hard muscled chest of his new roommate.

"Uh, Kanda you can let me go." He said.

Kanda's cheeks flushed. He drew his arms back, only holding onto Allen until he got his feet under him. He let go. Lavi closed the umbrella. All three of them looked upwards. There was Timcanpy. He had to be about the size of a small truck. His wings were spread out. They looked like solid gold holding up the boxes.

"Why is everyone just standing around? Help him!" Allen cried.

The surrounding area burst into activity. Krory leapt to stand on the rising blades of Noise's forklift. Noise slow maneuvered the large man into place. Carefully Krory helped guide the blades so they wouldn't damage the merchandise. They pressed the boxes back into a stack. Timcanpy didn't move until they were all stacked safely.

The small ball zipped down to its normal size. It whizzed around near the stack as if it was checking on everything. Then it zoomed off after Allen. The ball landed in his hair chirping as it nested there. Allen reached a hand up.

"Thank you." He stroked the smooth round surface of the top of the ball.

"You saved me tonight." He cooed.

The ball made a series of sounds that, at first sounded like it was scolding the small boy. Then it just sounded happy, content to be back with him. It fluffed Allen's hair up to settle more comfortably a top his head. Allen chuckled.

"I say that deserves a break." Daisya called.

"As if. We are now forty five minutes behind. The trucks will be here in less than that. Let's hustle, hustle, hustle!" Komui cried.

It was all hands on deck. Even Krory and Lavi came out of the security shed to assist. In a frenzy of work, everyone began to work together to get the area set up. Thirty seven minutes later the first two trucks arrived. They still had four more to sort.

Kanda broke away with Allen to load the first truck while Nosie stayed to help get the others finished. Allen used the smaller pallet jack to load Noises truck. The truck drivers helped out once they understood why the guys were behind. Once the first two were loaded, they pulled out.

Noise was down with his part of the other loading. Allen left him to his job as he took he pallet jack back to sort out the smaller boxes and get them ordered properly. Slowly, they grew to being on time. By seven, the last truck left, only five minutes behind schedule. Daisy slumped down on a seat.

"Damn that was hard work!" He swiped at the sweat matting his hair down.

"Its all your fault, stupid rabbit!" Kanda barked at the ginger as he came over to them.

Lavi linked to himself. "Me? I didn't knock the pallets down!" He cried.


"Don't be jealous, Kanda." Allen giggled.

Kanda blinked at him. The small bean like man grinned back.

"Be happy that Lavi found someone after you guys broke up!" Allen smiled happily.

He reached up to pat Kanda's arm. Effectively separating him from the red head. Allen shifted to the side. He gazed up at the taller male beside him.

"I'm sure you will find someone else, some day." He offered.

"You're single." Lavi pointed out.

"Yes, but Kanda is way out of my league. I mean look at him!" Allen gestured to the stunning body of perfection.

"Adonis himself would be jealous of that body! Have you seen him with his hair down?" Allen asked Lavi.

Lavi snickered. He nodded.

"Unbelievable!" Allen fanned his face.

"Hot doesn't cut it, am I right?" Lavi held out a closed fist.

Allen bumped his off of it. They laughed as Kanda's face turned red. He scuffed before walking away.

"We get a lunch break now!" He growled.

Allen cheered. He rushed to his locker where he had stored the lunches he had packed up for him and Kanda. Kanda went to get his usual lunch from his own locker only to see it not there. That was when he recalled cleaning the kitchen. He had forgotten to pack his soba noodles.

He greed until Allen thrust his lunch box into his hands.

"I packed our lunches today. Hotel you like it!" The tiny pale face looked overly excited for them.

Kanda could only tsk at seeing it.

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