5sos imagines

By murdrizedlrh

504K 10.1K 5.7K


5sos imagines
Calum Hood
Luke Hemmings
Ashton Irwin
Michael Clifford
Ashton Irwin
Luke Hemmings
Ashton Irwin
Calum Hood
Living with 5sos
Would you rather!
Michael Clifford
Ashton Irwin
Luke Hemmings
Luke Hemmings
Calum Hood
Michael Clifford
The Only Reason
How he hugs you
Ashton Irwin
Luke Hemmings
Would you rather! #2
Michael Clifford
Ashton Irwin
Michael Clifford
Luke Hemmings
Calum Hood
How you meet
How you meet
Ashton Irwin
Luke Hemmings
Michael Clifford
WYR #3
He cheats
Luke Hemmings
He proposes on stage
You cheat
Calum Hood
Luke Hemmings
He's Blind
Luke Hemmings
You Play Soccer
He's Your Neighbor pt 1
He's Your Neighbor pt 2 (cake/4)
How You Meet
Memory Loss
Memory Loss pt 2
Jet Black Heart
Anxiety preference
Your Brother is in the Band and You End Up Dating Another Bandmember

He Surprises You on Your Birthday

4.1K 81 12
By murdrizedlrh

ITS OFFICIALLY ASHTON'S BIRTHDAY HERE SO HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY ASHTON! In honor of his birthday here is a birthday preference :)


Ashton: "Wouldn't that be so cool if you and One Direction have a private concert?" You giggled, as you thought about nine boys trying to fit together in one stage. "That would be pretty cool," Ashton replied, stroking his invisible beard thoughtfully. You playfully pushed him and said, "No, really. I really want you and the 1D boys to perform for me someday, that would be pretty cool!" You gushed, thinking about how awesome it would be if they held a private concert just for you. And to make it even better, 5SOS will also be performing songs for you. That is literally heaven for a fangirl like yourself. You noticed that Ashton didn't answer, so you looked back at him and saw that he was deep in thought. You wanted to ask him what was up, but you decided against it. What he's thinking of must be pretty important, because he wouldn't space out like this when you were talking. It felt really new and it's a weird feeling, so you didn't say anything. He only noticed you staring at him a minute later and he says, "Oh, sorry babe. I-I uh, just remembered, I have to go somewhere. I'm gonna talk to you tomorrow," he says, kissing your cheek before running off somewhere. You scratched your head in confusion and shrugged. About two weeks later, your birthday came and Ashton was nowhere to be seen. You tried to contact him, but he wouldn't pick up. You tried calling Calum, Luke and Michael, but none of them are picking up either. Something feels a little off though. "Where the heck are you?" You asked, as you tried to call him again. You heard ringing and you sighed in relief. But the weird thing is that you also hear some ringing right behind you, so you turned around, only to crash into someone's hard chest. You looked up and gorgeous hazel eyes were staring down at you, "Hey love. Happy birthday," he says, taking your hand in his. You were going to thank him but he just cut you off, saying, "Come on, it's time for your surprise!" He dragged you along the streets of the city, bumping into a few people here and there. Thank god it wasn't that crowded. He stopped in front of his house and you gave him a questioning look, "What are we doing in front of your house?" You asked. He just gave you a dimpled smile and ran off, leaving you behind. You screamed at him, stomping your foot. "Ashton Fletcher Irwin, I swear-" "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you," you turned around to see all five members of the boyband you adore so much, and your favorite member was holding your birthday cake, as they approached you, singing you a happy birthday. "Happy birthday dear Y/N, happy birthday to you!" They sang, and you blew on the candles happily. They cheered and Harry winked, "This is for you, babe! Have an amazing birthday!" They began to sing an acapella version of Little Things, before 5SOS came in and waved at you. "Happy birthday, ya lil shit!" Michael yelled, earning a laugh from you. "This one's for you, have an amazing birthday!" Luke says with a smile. "I love you!" Ashton yelled and Calum shouted, "I love pizza! But happy birthday!" They started playing the intro to a song, and you started jumping around when you realized it was What Makes You Beautiful. The 1D boys sang really beautifully, and to add the fact that the 5SOS boys were also singing along, it was literally heaven. They finished their performance, and you ran up to Ashton, showering him with kisses. "Thank you, I love you so much."

Michael: "Dammit, I can't tell you!" Michael says playfully as he tries to push you away from him. You tried to hug him again and you pouted, "Come on Mikey, just give me a little hint? I promise I won't tell," He just rolled his eyes at you and said a firm, "No," and you stopped trying to hug him. It was your birthday today, and you were cuddling with your boyfriend Michael when he accidentally spilled news of your surprise later this afternoon. He was going to give you his surprise on you birthday party later, but you really wanted to know what it was right now. You hated the suspense of surprises a lot, and you just want to get it over with. "I don't get why you have to wait until that long to tell me," You say as you folded your arms across your chest. "It's because I want everything to be perfect, and telling you what it is will ruin it!" He says, pinching your nose as you stuck your bottom lip out even more. "Fine," you finally say, giving up on getting Michael to tell you about his big surprise. "But you gotta promise that it will make me cry happy tears or else," You narrowed your eyes at him and he just gave you a sheepish smile. "Trust me, knowing you, it really would make you cry a damn river," he laughed. You didn't know whether or not he was exaggerating, but you just shrugged anyway. You spent the entire day talking to him, and you even watched a few movies here and there, and eventually, the hour of your birthday party arrived. You watched as all your best friends arrived, kissing your cheek, hugging you and greeting you. You spent quite some time dancing around and mingling with everyone, because of course, you are the birthday girl. Halfway through the party though, the band went to the middle of the dance floor and had guitars in hand, while Ashton brought his cajon. Luke stepped up and said, "Good afternoon everyone!" They all replied to him in chorus and some even cheered. "I hope you're all having fun! Now, this song is dedicated to the birthday girl. He made this just for you, so we hope you like it," Luke shot a wink in your direction, then began to strum. The intro was unfamiliar, and it didn't take you a while to learn that this is in fact, one of their new songs. "Michael wrote this for you, just a reminder," Luke laughs before he began to sing. "I remember the last time I saw your face, I felt so lonely without the crowded space. You left me without direction," Your eyes flickered to Michael, and he just ruffled his electric blue hair and gave you a smile, before strumming his guitar. "I've gone from place to place, trying to bring you back. I've walked for days and days, cause I can't face the fact that nothing is better than you." Luke continued and he wiggled his eyebrows at you, making you giggle. "I'm coming because I need to find you, is anybody there to the rescue somebody like me? Cause I'm just waiting for somebody like you, somebody like you." You laughed when Calum stuck his tongue at poor Ashton who just pouted. "Cause without you I'm a lost boy, without you I'm a lost boy. Come find me I'm a lost boy, cause without you I'm a lost boy." Once they ended the song, you ran up to Michael and pulled him in for a kiss. The boys started to shout, "Get some!" "Nice one, dude!" "Birthday sex!" But you didn't mind them, all you could think of right now was how much you love this boy and just how lucky you are to be his.

Calum: He was away for his tour on your birthday, which you hated so damn much. You missed him like crazy and you just hated the fact that he wasn't here, beside you, on your birthday where he's supposed to be, but you knew he couldn't do anything about that. In fact, you should be happy for him because he's living his dream, but you just can't hide the feeling of disappointment and loneliness. "I'm sorry I can't be there babe," he says to the camera and you could see him frowning through the laptop screen. You were having your daily Skype chat, and he was telling you how sorry he is that he couldn't come home for your birthday. "It's okay, I mean, you're doing what you love best. That's what's important right now," you tell him, smiling. The smile seemed somewhat forced, because you were trying to hide the disappointment, but you really felt happy that he's living his dream right now. "But still, I wanna be with you on your special day," he pouts. "No, really, it's fine." You cleared your throat and asked, "How are you liking Melbourne so far?" He chuckled and pulled on his beanie slightly, to adjust it. "It's amazing, but it just doesn't feel right without you," he replies. "I can't wait to see you when the tour's over," you tell him, and he grinned. "Same he-" "Calum, it's time to go," you heard Ashton call from the background and Calum replies to him with, "Just a second!" before turning back to the laptop with an apologetic smile. "I-I'm sorry, I have to go," he says and you just nodded, "Go get em, I love you." He says it back to you before he turned off the laptop. You sighed and ran a hand through your hair, trying to push away the feeling of loneliness. You did your best to forget about that feeling creeping up on you when you fell asleep that night. The next day came, and it was finally your birthday. It was a weekday, and yeah, people greeted you and some who cared enough even gave you gifts. But all of those still couldn't make the feeling of emptiness inside you disappear, without Calum here, it just isn't the same. The day passed by, and it was all just a blur. Your mind kept wandering around, and you couldn't even remember the faces of all the people who greeted you. When school ended, you began to walk home, pulling out your iPod to play the playlist he made for you before he went on tour. "Listen to this when you think of me," you remembered his words when he showed you the playlist. Your lips tugged into a smile, the first time you actually smiled today. Somewhere in Neverland started to blast in your ears, and you smiled, thinking of Calum. You remembered how you two wanted to stay forever young together when you just started dating, and he let you listen to this song. It became your favorite almost immediately, because you loved his music taste so much. You finally reached home, and opened the door to the front door, saying, "I'm home-" "Surprise!" There were suddenly confetti flying from across the room, and the room was filled with all of your close friends and family. But there were four people there whom you weren't expecting at all. There he was, holding your birthday cake with a smile, and you can't believe he's here. He's here, with Mike, Luke and Ash. He's actually here. "Happy birthday love, you didn't think I would actually miss your birthday, now did you?" Calum asked as he approached you, your cake still in hand. "I-I can't believe it, b-but how?" You asked him in disbelief. He exchanged glances with the boys, who shot you their goofy smiles, and you understood. "Make a wish," he says, and you just shook your head. "Mine already came true," you say, as you blew out the candles of your cake. He set the cake down on the table, and pulled you in a warm embrace before he whispered, "Happy birthday, I love you."

Luke: You groaned when the ringing of you cellphone disturbed your wonderful slumber. You grabbed your phone to shut off the alarm, but your eyes widened to see it was a call from Luke. You immediately answered, placing the phone against your ear saying, "Hello?" You heard him giggle from the other line and say, "Good morning babe, happy birthday!" Your lips formed a smile when you heard his voice, greeting you so early in the morning. "Thank you so much Lukey," you say, trying to sit up. "By the way, come to the park as soon as possible. You're in for a huge surprise," he says, and you heard voices in the background. "Okay okay, I'm just gonna shower and I'll head on over," you replied, standing up and picking up your towel from your cabinet. "Hurry up!" You heard Calum in the background, and there were laughs. "Fine, I'll see you guys in ten," you said, hanging up and entering your bathroom to shower. You couldn't wait to see what they have in store for you, especially because you know it's Luke who prepared it. He's been telling you about his birthday gift for weeks, but all you got from him was, "It's gonna be a surprise!" You were itching for your birthday to come because you couldn't wait for his surprise, and now that it's finally here, you wanted to see it as soon as possible. You hummed happily as you shampooed your hair, even dancing around a little out of happiness. Once you finished with your morning rituals, you headed to the park, skipping and even saying hi to the people passing by. Nothing could ruin your day, not today, it's your special day! You reached the park and your jaw almost dropped once you saw the mini stage in the middle of the park. There were so many people crowding in front of the stage, and your eyes were fixed on the band standing on the stage - 5SOS. When Luke saw you, he waved and said, "She's here! Oh, this song is dedicated to my beautiful girlfriend," he points to you, and everyone turned to look at you with a huge smile on their faces. The lads laughed too, and shouted, "Happy birthday Y/N!" before Ashton started a beat. Calum and Michael also started strumming, while Like just kept his eyes on you. "For a while, we pretended that we never had to end it, but we knew we'd have to say goodbye," he began to sing, and you reminisced on everything that happened before the two of you got together. "You were crying at the airport, when they finally closed the plane doors. I could barely hold it all inside," you smiled, remembering how you bade him goodbye with tears in your eyes, and you couldn't stop them from streaming down your cheeks. "Torn in two, and I know I shouldn't tell you but I just can't stop thinking of you, wherever you are. You, wherever you are. Every night I almost called you just to say it always will be you, wherever you are." he hopped off the stage, and began to make his way towards you with a smile. "You can say we'll be together, someday. Nothing lasts forever, nothing stays the same," by now, he was in front of you and he cupped your face with his hands. "But why can't I stop feeling this way?" He whispered the last part before he leaned down to kiss your lips. It was a slow and passionate kiss, and you could hear the people cheering and shouting from behind him, but you didn't care. You were in your own world, where you two are the only people there. You finally pulled away and hugged him, saying, "Thank you Luke, I love you so much." He kissed the top of your head and wrapped his arms around you, saying, "Happy birthday beautiful, I love you so much."


*creds to tumblr*

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