the chaos within me

By normal_writer1812

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in the city of Scetas. many people just live their lives in peace. playing duel monster and minding their own... More

scetas city (rewritten again)
the mystery duelist (rewritten)
hanging out with friends, interuptioned
meeting with the enemy
night watchers
a date gone wrong (rewrite again)
the calm before the storm (rewrite)
it has only just begun
the man(s) behind the mask
the hunter of nightmares
Bird hate

growing hate

224 5 4
By normal_writer1812

Selen was resting on her bed as for once she got some proper sleep as she didn't stay up overnight. It was even better since she didn't have any nightmares this time so she didn't wake up in cold sweat with her heart feeling like it was about to jump out of her chest. So far, her day was starting great.

Selen: i guess Pomu was right, i just to get some beauty sleep or whatever. I'm already feeling better already, physically wise.

She said to herself as she rested on her bed. The sun that was beaming out of her window gave the right amount of shade into her room that she could have fallen asleep once again with the sound of birds chirping outside a beautiful song. Truly a great beginning for Selen's day.

Selen: you know, i feel great about this day for once, i actually excited for a day once.

She said to herself thinking that nothing was going to happen. But then as she got up from her bed, she started to hear the cries of a woman in her room, coming from her downstairs living room.

Selen: But I bet that's going to ruin everything.

She said as she realized it was too good to be true, to have an actually great start for the day. There always has to be something to it that makes it bad for her. So with a heavy sigh, she got up from her bed and walked out of her room to then walk down the stairs to see who was crying their eyes out. Once she got down stairs, she sees her sister Elira, on the couch being a crying mess as she covers her face with her hand as she cries as their parents sat next to her to comfort her. This confused Selen as she didn't even know why Elira was crying . What happened?

Selen: um hey, sorry to disturb this moment by existing, but what's going on here. Did you stub your toe or something?

She said with no context of the situation whatsoever. Her parents looked at her with worryness in their eyes and with sadness in their faces. Her mother spoke out first.

Celestia: Selen, it happened again.

She said in a sadden voice as she didn't make eye contact with Selen as she was having a hard time giving her the bad news.

Selen: what happened again, did she stubbed her toe or—

Celestia: it's one of your friends, she was attacked by someone, and now she's at the hospital.

She said to Selen. The second she heard that, her eyes widened in fear and shock from that news.

Time skip

Pomu was resting on the hospital bed as she needed to recover from her injuries from the beating she received from the enemy from last night. Next to her were her parents as well as Enna with her family as well, there was also Finana who was there for her friend as well. They were all there as they mourned for Pomu and hoped that she would get a quick recovery sooner or later. Enna had her face buried in the bed as she was crying and didn't want anyone else to see her. Then a few seconds had passed as Elira and her family entered the room to see Pomu as well. As they do, Elira tried to hold her tears in but couldn't anymore the seconds she saw Pomu in her injured states. Pomu, noticing this, tried her best to cheer her up.

Pomu: oh hey baby girl—ow, ow. Why does it hurt–ow, to talk.

She said as when she tried to speak, she felt her jaw hurting from the punches she received in the face. Elira, seeing this, walked up to her with tears in her eyes as she looked at Pomu who was covered in bandages, including parts of her face as well. Once Elira was right next to her, Elira kept on crying as she covered her face as she couldn't handle seeing her best friend in such a state.

Pomu: Hey, it's okay. I've faced worse.

She whispered as she couldn't talk too much due to her injuries. She wanted to make sure Elira was fine as well as she didn't want to see her future wife crying so hard over her. Elira continued to cry though as she then placed her next to Pomu's bed as she couldn't help but the pain that Pomu must be feeling as well. She couldn't help but to cry even though Pomu didn't want her to, but she couldn't help but to cry but she felt guilty for doing so as she was probably making Pomu feel even worse.

Elira: What happened?

She asked with tears coming out of her eyes, it took all of her will to ask that question as she just can't cry to see Pomu in pain.

Pomu: oh, well. I heard a sound outside of my house and I went to go check it. Then all of a sudden this guy in a block cloak and a mask showed up out of nowhere and beat the shit out of me.

She lied to everyone as she doesn't want to tell anyone the truth for obvious reasons. The only one in the room who knew that this was a lie was Selen and from what Pomu had told them, she immediately knew who she was talking about. Elira hearing the story felt sorrow and sympathies with Pomu as she didn't do anything wrong and just was attacked for no reason.

Elira: I'm so sorry that happened to you, I'm really sorry. This shouldn't have happened to you.

She said but she stuttered on her words as she had a hard time forming her words. Enna though, she was feeling the anger. The anger of seeing one of her friends hurt once again, by the same guy no less. The same guy who hurt her best friend soon to be girlfriend on their date. Now hurting her other best friend for no reason, it just seemed targeted now. It had to be, why would the same guy hurt someone else that just so happens to be her other best friend. He must be targeting her friends, she didn't know the reason but it didn't matter, her friends were getting hurt and the guy is still out there probably planning to hurt more of her friends. The anger didn't stop there, seeing her best friend Pomu, someone who was there when she was feeling the burden of Millie's pain, she was there to try to cheer her up and tell her everything was okay and wasn't alone. Now was attacked as well by the same guy, she didn't understand why it had to be her friends, friends who were kind hearted and cared for her. Why did it have to be them and not someone else who deserved it, why did it have to be the one who cared for others and not the one who hurt others for their personal gain.

It wasn't fair, it just isn't fair.

The VFS officers said there will be justice but so far, there isn't as the cloaked man was still out there, probably hurting another innocent person with no consequences.

As Enna was thinking about these thoughts. Selen walked over to Elira and put her hand over her shoulder to comfort her sister as she knew she needed it now as well. Selen knew that Pomu had feelings for Elira, and she knew that Elira knew that as well but just doesn't know how to confront them. So seeing a love hurt, was hurting her as well, especially for Selen as this was on the day that Pomu told her to not go to the base that day. So Pomu basically saved her from the attack of the hunter, but Selen still felt guilt as well as she felt that if she was there, maybe Pomu wouldn't need to be the one that was in the hospital bed, it probably be Selen would be the one in it. Pomu was just looking out for her, and now she was hurt. Given a punishment that she felt was meant for Selen, which she believed she deserved for reasons she didn't want to talk about it.

Celestia and her husband then walked up to Nina and Pomu's parents to make sure they were doing well. Pomu's mother being Elowen and her father's name being Thorne.

Celestia: Elowen, Thorne. Are you two okay?

She asked in a calm voice.

Thorne: Our daughter has been assaulted by a crazed maniac out of nowhere, do you think we're okay?

He said in an aggressive voice but his wife calmed him down.

Elowen: please honey, not now. She just wants to make sure that we're fine.

She said to her husband, which calmed him down a bit as he caught his cool.

Thorne: I'm sorry, it's just that. We do our very best to make sure that she's safe, that she doesn't have to worry about something hurting her. But seeing her like this.

She said as she looked at Pomu.

Thorne: It hurts, because I never wanted something like this happening to my own daughter. Because it makes me feel like I failed as a parent.

He said as he started to shed tears as he watched his daughter who was in pain. Elowen hugged her husband trying to comfort him. This was hard to watch for everyone, if Millie wasn't enough to deal with, now they had to deal with this tragedy as well. Seeing two innocent kids just hurt like this, was just hard for everyone. Especially for the parents.

Nina: You didn't fail as a parent.

She said which caught the attention of Thorne and Elowen.

Nina: This isn't your fault. It's no one's fault, so you shouldn't be blaming yourself for anything. We can't always protect our children, and when we don't. All we need is to be there for them, to be there for them during this trying time. Nothing will change the fact that Pomu got hurt, right now our daughters need us right now. And that's all we can do right, just be there for them. It's just something we can do as parents.

She said as she wanted to make sure that Thorne and Elowen understand that this wasn't their fault. They had no control over this situation, they couldn't stop this from happening as no one expected this to happen. No one can undo these situations, so as parents. They now needed to be there for their kids and those who are also affected by these situations, to make sure they know. That they weren't alone and that everything is going to be okay. Thorne felt some comfort in her words and started to wipe away his tears but still a small amount came out of him.

Thorne: Thanks Nina, we needed those words.

Nina: don't just thank me, thank Selen for helping me understand that.

She said as she looked at Selen who looked at her back. Selen was kind of surprised by this as she didn't expect her to remember her words or use them again, so it was kind of heart warming to see that Nina remembered. She really felt like she was helping her and her family. She was thinking these thoughts as Finana then walked up to her and placed her hands on her shoulder as well.

Finana: You know, maybe you'll make a great parent.

Selen: yeah, maybe.

She said as she didn't believe she didn't deserve to have a child after what she had done to the boy. She felt like she didn't deserve to be in that role at all.

Selen: So Pomu, how long they told you, you were going to be here.

Pomu: ah, maybe a few weeks at best. So I won't be here for too long, though being in this position for a second just sucks.

She whispered to Selen as she couldn't talk in her normal volume without getting hurt from talking, Selen somewhat heard her but it was sort of hard to understand.

Finana: Well, knowing you, I don't doubt that it will be shorter than that. I mean I've seen you get into many fights before, especially with Selen.

Pomu: and in all of those fights I won.

She said with a small smile on her face as well.

Selen: god damn it Pomu, even in this type of situation you still talk shit. You know you're lucky that you're already beaten already, or I would have done it myself.

She said jokingly as Pomu just smirked at Selen, so did Elira and Finana as they were happy to see that Selen and Pomu were still the same as always.

Elira: You two can never take anything seriously, can you?

She said as she slightly smiled at the two dumbasses. They couldn't help but to joke around even when things were serious, but Enna wasn't smiling. She was just annoyed to see them joking at this time when Pomu was in the hospital in pain because a crazed psychopath decided to be an asshole. She couldn't understand how they can just find something to joke about when there isn't something to joke about, she couldn't even believe they were joking. She just doesn't understand, there was nothing funny or anything good in these situations and yet they acted like there is. So she just couldn't understand it at all.

Enna: I'm sorry, but I need to clear my head right now. I need some fresh air.

She said as she got up from her seat and walked out of the room, leaving everyone worried for her. Selen remembered her last conversation with her and Pomu where Pomu said that everything was okay, and knew that she was going through a lot. Especially since Pomu did tell her that she was always there to talk to, now unable to talk propeller without hurting herself and also having the worst timing ever. so to make sure she was okay. She decided that she would follow her to make sure she was doing fine.

Selen: Look, I'm going to make sure she's okay.

She said as she left the room to make sure Enna was doing fine.

Finana: I will too.

She said as she followed Selen as well to make sure everything goes okay as well.

Enna was walking out of the hospital as she needed to be alone with her thoughts as she was having a hard time accepting what was happening. As she does, both Selen and Finana followed her to make sure she was okay.

Selen: Enna, Enna are you okay.

She asked but Enna seemed to be appalled by the question as if there was a reason to be okay.

Enna: no, no i am not okay for many reasons you should know.

She sounded annoyed as she didn't want to be bothered by anyone right now.

Selen: look Enna i know you're upset and angry, we all are but everything is going to be okay.

Enna: Is everything okay! Because it isn't! Pomu just got attacked by the same guy who attacked Millie! How can you say everything is okay when it isn't!

She screamed at her with anger in her voice, furious to think that Selen thinks everything is okay.

Finana: Enna, calm down, Selen is just trying—

Enna: you stay out of this! This doesn't involve you!

She screamed at Finana.

Selen: hey you can't just scream at everyone that's trying to help you.

Enna: Well your help isn't helping me, none of your help is helpful.

Selen: Okay then, what is going to be helpful! What's going to help you! '

She screamed at Enna who she just wanted to know how she could help her in this situation. She wanted to help her but she was just being too stubborn and was making it really difficult to do so.

Enna: I don't know! Okay! I know we're suffering! I know that we're mad and angry! But this fucking asshole is that out there just waiting to hurt us again!

Selen: Is that what it's all about! You're just scared that the guy who attacked you and Millie would come back again!

Enna: of course I am! Why wouldn't i! This isn't obviously a random attack! This is obviously a planned attack that is targeted! And he's still out there probably planning another attack on our other friends!

Finana: We don't know that! We don't know if he's even coming back to hurt any of us or even cares about us! So stop focusing on him and focus on your family and friends! The one who should truly matter right now!

Enna: i'm trying to but i can't we i know that asshole is coming back to hurt us!

Selen: Enna I already told you, he will face justice, he will get caught and get what he deserves. Just let the VFS deal with this and worry about your family and friends.

They kept trying to plead with Enna but she didn't seem to listen.

Enna: oh, really. Well the VFS officer hasn't even caught this guy! In fact he had done more damage to them then they had to him! He's attacking VFS like this is a sport to him! How can any of us defend against this guy! He needs to be stopped now before he hurts anyone else!

Selen: he will stop! He will face justice! He isn't going to get away with this!

Enna: how do you know! Are you the one who's trying to stop him!

Selen: ye— i mean no! No i'm not but i don't have to because he will evidently meet his match and he will lose!

She screamed Enna as she just wanted her to know that this shouldn't be about the hunter, it should be about the victime.

Finana: why are you even so obsessed with this guy, you should be with your family and friends, so why—

Enna: why! Well let me tell you why! Why did Pomu and Millie get hurt! What did they do to deserve this! What was so bad that they did that warrant this! That's right! Nothing! So it's not fair that they have to suffer like this, even for a few seconds! Why does this asshole get to hurt innocent people and get away with it! To not face any consequences while people like our friends have to suffer because of it! Why do people like him get to hurt people and nothing bad ever happens to them! Why did this have to happen to Millie and Pomu!

Selen: Is that all you want! Revenge! Well news flash revenge doesn't fix anything at all!

Enna: but it will bring justice and closure! Now just leave me alone!

She screamed at Selen as she just wanted to be alone with her thoughts. Selen didn't want to though, she wanted to keep going to make Enna understand that this wasn't okay, that this wasn't helping anyone but only hurting her. She wanted Enna to understand that they were there to help her. Selen was going to speak again but then Finana stopped her from speaking another word.

Finana: Come on, maybe we should give her some time to herself.

She said to Selen, but she wanted to keep going. She didn't want to stop until Enna understood that everything was okay and that she needed to calm down. But Enna was difficult and a pain in the ass, so she decided that maybe she should give her some time. So she decided to walk away and walk back to the hospital but she started to bicker.

Selen: god damn it, why she's being such a pain in the ass.

Finana: you know why.

Selen: yeah i know why but that doesn't mean she gets to be a bitch about it. I'm just trying to help but she keeps pushing me away and ignoring my help.

She said annoyed by Enna's behavior, acting like she's the only one affected by Pomu being attacked. This wasn't okay to just push others away and act like a bitch about it. Selen then just sighs as she tries to calm herself down.

Selen: so, you think I can still be a parent.

She asked as she remembered what Finana had told her back in the room.

Finana: Enna doesn't need a parent, she needs a friend.

Selen: well i tried to be a friend but she decided that she didn't need that either, she decided that she needed to becoming fucking batman and be like. The dark knight of this city, vengeance and that shit.

Finana: Look, maybe she just needs some time to cope with this. Some people react to this kind of stuff differently. I know Enna can react very differently but I know that she's just as strong as Pomu and Millie. I just think we need to just give her time to think by herself. She'll eventually understand that we're just trying to help her. So please Selen, just give her time. She needs it.

She said as she tried to calm Selen down as best as she could as knew that Selen and Enna were both feeling angry. But she doesn't want any of them dividing over these situations either as that is the last thing they need to deal with right now.

Selen: Look I know, it's just that. I don't want her doing something that she might regret. I don't want her doing anything stupid that could get her hurt. I don't want her getting hurt from something she isn't involved with. I just want everyone around me to be safe.

She said as she started to calm down and started to feel saddened by the fact that more people that she cares about getting hurt. She doesn't want this to keep going. She just wants everyone to be safe from the danger that they're not involved with. Fianan could tell that Selen was also worrying for others safety as well, she could see that Selen just wanted to live a normal life and not worry about anything else.

Finana: I know you do, I do too. We all want to, but right now we need to focus on the now, worry about Pomu and Millie. Help our friends and family get through these trying times. There isn't much we can do other than that, and that's okay. Sometimes, that is the best we can do. Let people go through their emotions alone and help others go through their emotions when they need help.

She said as she comforted Selen. Selen knew she was right sometimes that all we can do. If Enna needed to spend time on her own, then that's what she was going to let her do, right now is that she needed to be there for Pomu's family and hers as well. But she couldn't get the feeling that Enna will do something that could get her hurt, something that she'll regret. Selen couldn't just shake the feeling off, as long as the hunter was out there, then Enna seemed like she wasn't going to let this go at all, which made her feel like Enna will look for the hunter for revenge. Whether she'll try to get revenge she didn't know but Selen knew that he needed to be stopped before he hurt anyone else, and before Enna did something reckless. But for now Selen will hope that Finana is right and that Enna just needs some time on her own.

Selen: I hope you're right about that.

She said as she continued to walk back to Pomu's room. Once she reached back to Pomu's room. They just told that Enna needs to spend time by herself so she could clear her mind. They understand that and continue to hang out with Pomu as much as they can to make sure she is doing okay. They spend some great time together but eventually they had to leave and return home, but before they left, Pomu told Selen about their new location in secret so she could go there later.

Time skip

It was night time, and like every night time Selen would sneak out of the house to go to the base. But now she had to be careful because there's a bunch of VFS officers roaming around looking for the hunter as he is now the culprit of the assault of both Pomu and Millie. So Selen had to be more careful and had to be sneaking. And hopefully those years of watching Pomu play metal gear will finally pay off. Lucky for her it did and she had reached the new location of the base. She took a good look at it, it was a big abandoned warehouse surrendered by a few other warehouses, what made the warehouse that was the base stand out though was that it had graffiti on it of a lion, a skull, and a shark in the front of it. Selen walked up to the base's small door and opened it to see the entire gang there just minding their own business as they got adjusted to the new place, as well as moving some old stuff from the other two old bases into it. Selen, entering the base, looked around at the new base to see if it was different from the last two. It had some differences but not much of one but that doesn't matter all that much. As she looks around, Selen sees Luca, Gura, and Calli talking to each other about something so she decides to walk up to them to talk about both Pomu and the hunter. So Selen walked up to them and got their attention.

Selen: hey luca.

She said as that got all three of their attention.

Luca: ah, Selen! I see that Pomu gave you the location of the new base.

Selen: yeah, she did. So far it feels like that old one, hopefully it doesn't end like it either.

Calli: Well with the hunter on our ass, I don't think it's going to last either.

Gura: But let's see how far it can go before we lose this one as well.

She chimed in to give some positive information about their current situations.

Selen: so, what happened last night, how did the hunter find us?

Luca: Well you see. Some other guys in masks showed up and kidnapped the guy we had and then they snitched on us. And that's us the hunter found us.

He said to fill in some context for Selen.

Calli: he didn't just find us, he brought his dragon with him and tried to kill us all, again. But luckily for us, your brave friend jumped in and distracted the hunter for all of us to leave without anyone dying.

Luca: But, you already know this. She got hurt doing so, sadly.

He said with a sadden tone as now two of his favorite members were now in the hospital.

Luca: So how is she doing?

He said as he referred to Pomu and her conditions.

Selen: oh Pomu, don't worry she's a strong girl. She'll be fine, they say that she needs to be given a few weeks to recover.

Luca: That's good to hear, and Millie?

Selen: I heard that she too needs a few more weeks to recover.

Luca: Well that's great to hear that two of my favorite members are going to be okay.

He said as he was relieved to hear that they'll be back soon. Now that out of the way, there was some question Selen wanted to ask.

Selen: oh by the way, how did you get Pomu to the hospital without her being connected to sneaking out at night.

She asked the three as she needed to know how she lied to everyone.

Gura: oh that's simple. Our master plan was to just drop her at her parents' yard and hoped she would make up a lie.

She said in full confidence with no sign of guilt.

Selen: So you just dropped her off like you were dropping off a dead body!

She said in shock at the way they handle it.

Gura: Hey, her parents don't know that their daughter has been sneaking out, right.

Selen: yeah.

Gura: Then it worked.

She said with a proud smile.

Selen: That's not the point damn it!

She screamed at Gura and her stupidity.

Calli: What do you expect, that's Gura for you.

She chimed in as Selen just sighs in annoyance.

Selen: whatever, now for my other question. What are we going to do about the hunter, how are we going to stop him?

She asked which made everyone else confused.

Luca: how are we going to stop him? Selen we're not going after him.

Selen: what, why not.

Calli: Why not? Selen he just came after us twice and almost killed us twice. We don't have a plan of attack or even know who he's working for. Also we are low on goons, we don't have the power that we used to have back in the days. The hunter was able to kill most of our guys in one go. And you want us to find him again within our current state. That might as well be a suicide mission Selen.

She said as she seemed offended by Selen's question.

Luca: yeah, and why do you want to look for this guy so quickly anyways.

Gura: yeah, what's the big hurry chum.

They chimed in. Selen then just sighs as she guessed that she needed to explain what was going on in her personal life and how it was becoming a shitshow for her.

Selen: Well you see, I have a friend named Enna who is also good friends with Pomu and Millie. Except Enna has a crush on Millie and she has a crush on her as well.

Luca: oh i'm happy for Millie then.

Selen: yeah i know, and she was pretty upset about her soon to be girlfriend being attacked by some stronger so she understandably took it hard. But she might have taken it a bit too hard but she is slowly becoming better. But then Pomu then got attacked by the hunter and she took that even harder. Especially because you know, her soon to be girlfriend and her best friend who helped her through these trying times was just attacked by the same guy for no reason. So now she's talking about how the hunter needs to be brought to justice and how she sort of wants revenge now.

She said as calmly as possible and as simply as possible.

Calli: So you want to stop the hunter to make your friend happy again.

Selen: I want to stop the hunter before Enna does something reckless and gets herself hurt.

She corrected Calli.

Calli: Well I don't think you have much worry, your friend probably said that because she was in an emotional state. Some people always say they'll get revenge on something but most of the time they don't follow through. Mostly because it's too hard and most of the time they don't bother.

Selen: Well you're not wrong, but you see. Enna, Enna is quite different.

She said as she knows what type of person Enna can be.

Luca: look Selen, either way we are in no condition to pursue the hunter in any way possible. We don't have the power like we used to.

Selen: So we're just going to put him on delay for now.

Luca: for now, yes, you as well.

Selen: what?

She said, confused.

Luca: Yeah, Pomu told us about your condition right now and I agree with her. You need some rest.

Selen: what? No, I don't.

She said as she tried to deny it in a cheerful manner. But Luca wasn't buying it, not one bit.

Luca: yes you are, and as your leader. I have to make sure you're doing okay, especially your sleeping condition. So as an order right now, you're taking a break from being in the gang.

He said in a serious tone which surprised Selen.

Selen: oh come Luca! You can't do this to me! It's not that much of a big deal!

Luca: yes it is and i order you to go back and get some proper Sleep.

He commanded Selen which annoyed her.

Selen: But, what if I just leave earlier.

She tried to bargain with Luca but he wasn't having it.

Luca: Selen.

He said in a very serious voice.

Selen: Fine! Whatever dad! I'll go home.

She said in an annoyed voice as she started to walk off and exit the warehouse, as she does. Luca had some doubt that she would listen, knowing her, she'll do something that he doesn't want her doing.

Luca: Hey Calli, do me a favor and make sure Selen gets home safe and sound, and to make sure she does go home.

Calli: so, I basically already looked over brats before, she wouldn't be my first.

She said as she then did what Luca asked her to and went out to make sure Selen was doing what she was told.

Time skip

Selen was walking out at night out of sight from anyone by jumping from building to building so the VFS officers wouldn't catch her. As Selen walks alone at night, she talks to herself as if she had nothing else to do.

Selen: I can't believe Pomu snitch on me like that, as if she doesn't work as hard as me or have any sleeping problems like me. But then again I guess I should be getting more sleep so I can spend some more time with my family and friends. Especially Enna, she definitely needs the most help.

She said to herself as she has to make sure that Enna doesn't do anything that could get her in trouble. Though she hoped that Calli was right, Enna only said that she wanted revenge only because she was in an emotional state but knowing Enna. should have generally meant it and that's definitely not good. Though she sort of understood how Enna was feeling, she too was mad about what the hunter did to Pomu and Millie. Two of her best friends just hurt like, yeah that won't slide with her. So she needed to stop the hunter more than ever, but how will she?

She doesn't even know how to get his attention, she not only wants to face this guy really badly since this guy was playing the same cards as HIM and needed to be up in person to confirm if he was the same person. She needed to know if he has become the hunter, and become a monster that she created. She needed to know and to find out, she needed to see him in person. But how well she gets an opportunity like that.

As she walked to the next building, she looked down to the Alleyway to see a VFS officer patrolling the streets minding his own next to the alleyway, and underneath her she saw another mask hiding in the alley way as he was ready to sneak up to the VFS officer for a surprise attack. Seeing this, Selen got an idea, an awful idea, a very awful idea.

Selen: Well, will you look at that, an opportunity.

She said as she then walked up to the ladder that would take her down to the ground. She silently went down the ladder and as she did, she kept an eye on the masked man to make sure they weren't going anywhere. Lucky for her, they weren't and even better, the ladder was behind the mask man which led to a deeper alleyway which meant she could do a sneak attack behind the masked man. So once she touched the ground, she silently went behind the masked man who wasn't expecting Selen to attack her. Once she was up close behind the mask man, she quickly grabbed the mask from the behind while putting her hand on the mask man's month so he wouldn't make a sound. She then dragged him to the back alley way so they wouldn't be seen by the VFS officer who was walking away as he didn't expect anything. Once she dragged the mask man deeper to the alley way, she threw the masked man to the ground as she put on her duel disk.

Selen: Alright Mask bastard, I need you as bait because I need to confirm something. So you're going to duel me, whether you like it or not.

She said in a serious voice as the masked man quickly got up from the ground and took out his duel disk as well to duel off Selen.

Selen: good, now get ready to lose.

Selen said as she put her deck into her duel disk,

Selen/mask man: duel!

Masked man: I go first, first I summon Rescue rabbit to the field.

Rescue rabbit Atk/300 Def/100

Masken man: and i'm activating his effect, i can banish this face card i control and then special summon 2 level four normal monster, so i'm special summoning two Gene-warped warwolf to my field!

Gene-warped warwolf Lv 4 Atk/2000 Def/100

Gene-warped warwolf x2 Lv 4 Atk/2000 Def/100

Masked man: next i'm activating the spell card, double summon which lets me normal summon again. So I'm summoning Coach captain Bearman to the field.

Coach captain bearman Lv 8 Atk/2600 Def/2700

Mask man: if you're wondering, i can normal summon him without tribute but i have to make its original attack points to 1300.

Coach captain bearman Lv 8 Atk/2600-1300 Def/2700

Masked man: now i'm activating his effect. Once per turn, I can make all level four beast warrior type monsters, I currently control level 8 until the end of the turn. So I'm making my two Gene-warped warwolf into level 8!

Gene-warped warwolf Lv 4-8 Atk/2000 Def/100

Gene-warped warwolf x2 Lv 4-8 Atk/2000 Def/100

Masked man: now i'm going to create the overlay network by overlaying both my Gene-warped warwolf and Coach captain bearman to XYZ summon! I XYZ summoned Coach king Giantrainer!

Coach king Giantrainer rank 8 Atk/2800 Def/2000 OLU:3

Masked man: now i'm activating his effect. By detaching one overlay unit, I can draw one card and reveal it. And if the card I draw was a monster, I can inflict 800 damage to you, but I can't conduct my battle phase which won't matter. So I'm activating his effect! I draw!

Coach king Giantrainer rank 8 Atk/2800 Def/2000 OLU:3-2

Masked man's hand size: 3

Mashed man: the card I drew was Coach soldier wolfbark. It's a monster card, so you take 800 inflicts.

Selen's Lp: 4,000 - 3,200

Masked man: by the way I can activate this effect three times. So I'm activating it again! I draw!

Coach king Giantrainer rank 8 Atk/2800 Def/2000 OLU:2-1

Masked man's hand size: 4

Mashed man: the card I drew was once again Coach soldier wolfbark. a monster card, so you once again take 800 inflicts.

Selen's Lp: 3,200 - 2,400

Masked man: now i'm activating his effect one more time! I draw!

Coach king Giantrainer rank 8 Atk/2800 Def/2000 OLU:1-0

Masked man's hand size: 5

The Masked man looked at the card to see it was a spell card.

Masked man: the card I drew was rank up magic barian force! It isn't a monster card but it's a spell card that I want!

Selen: god damn it.

Masked man: i activate the spell card, rank up magic barian force! It lets me rank up a monster to its chaos form! Now witness as Coach king Giantrainer reached its full potential and turned into your doom!

He said as the card glowed red which was definitely not good.

Masked man: i rank up Coach king Giantrainer into rank 9 chaos XYZ Coach lord Ultimatrainer!

Cxyz Coach lord Ultimatrainer Rank 9 Atk/3800 Def/2300 OLU:1

Masked man: not only it's stronger, but also has the effect that it can't be targeted by card effect so good luck destroying it! Especially when I equip the spell card, Xyz unit which gives its attack points equal to its rank time 200! Since it's a rank 9 it gets 1,800 attack points!

Cxyz Coach lord Ultimatrainer Rank 9 Atk/3800-5600 Def/2300 OLU:1

Masked man: now I end my turn, let's see if you can destroy my monster.

Masked man's hand size: 2

Selen: oh i don't have to worry, i dealt with worse. I draw.

Selen's hand size: 6

Selen: First, I activate the spell card, Cards of Consonance! By discarding one dragon type tuner monster with 1000 attack points or less, I can draw 2 new cards. So I'm discarding the white stone of legend to draw two new cards.

Selen's hand size: 6

Selen: and if white stone of legend is sent to the graveyard, I can add one "blue-eyes white dragon" from my deck to my hand.

Selen's hand size: 7

Selen: First, I summon Protector with eyes of blue to the field!

Protector with eyes of blue lv 1 tuner Atk/800 Def/1300

Selen: when this card is normal summon, I can special summon one level 1 light tuner effect monster from my hand. So I'm special summoning Maiden with eyes of blue to the field!

Maiden with eyes of blue Lv 1 tuner Atk/0 Def/0

Selen: now i'm activating Protector with eyes of blue's other effect! I can target one effect monster i control and send it to the graveyard and if i do, i can special summon one "blue-eyes" monster from my hand! So I'm targeting my Maiden with eyes of blue! Which lets her activate her effect! When a card or effect is activated that targets her, I can special summon one blue-eyes white dragon from my hand, deck, or graveyard. So I'm special summoning one blue-eyes white dragon from my deck! So come out my mighty monster!

Blue-eyes white dragon Lv 8 Atk/3000 Def/2500

Selen: and then my Protector with eyes of blue will finish and its effect, so i'm special summoning Blue-eyes jet dragon from my hand!

Blue-eyes jet dragon Lv 8 Atk/3000 Def/0

Selen: Next I'm activating the spell card, foolish burial! I can send one card from my deck to the graveyard, so I'm sending one Blue-eyes Abyss dragon from my deck to the graveyard! Then I'm activating its effect in its graveyard, by banishing this card from my graveyard then all level 8 or higher dragon monsters I control gain 1000 attack points!

Blue-eyes white dragon Lv 8 Atk/3000-4000 Def/2500

Blue-eyes jet dragon Lv 8 Atk/3000-4000 Def/0

Selen: Now I activate the spell card, if I control Blue-eyes white dragon, i can destroy all of you monsters that you control but my blue eyes white dragon can't attack this turn! Since it's not targeting, Cxyz Coach lord Ultimatrainer is destroyed!

She said as Cxyz Coach lord Ultimatrainer was destroyed by Blue-eyes Burst stream.

Masked man: no!

Selen: yes! Now we'll battle! Attacked him directly Blue-eyes jet dragon!

She commanded her monster and it flew directly at the masked man, attacking him directly and winning.

Masked man's Lp: 4,000 - 0

Selen wins

Once the masked man hit the ground in defeat, Selen walked up to the defeated man as she was ready to use him as bait for the hunter.

Selen: Alright hunter, it's time that we meet.

She said as she went to pick up the masked man, but before she could, another hand came out of nowhere and grabbed hers. Stopping her from grabbing the masked man. Selen quickly looked to see who was the other hand, to see that it was Calli who had stopped her.

Selen: What the hell, what are you?

She said as she was surprised to see Calli here.

Calli: I can say the same for you. Why do you want to confront the hunter?

Selen: That's none of your business.

Calli: Well it is since you're technically in my gang now.

Selen: Well I listen to Luca, and you're not him.

Calli: and Luca told me to make sure you don't do anything stupid and it looks like you're doing something stupid.

Selen: Well you don't know that.

Calli: I do know that because you said early that you wanted to find the hunter and how can you. Oh I know, by attacking one of his guys to get his attention because that's what happened to us and got us in trouble.

Selen: see if you already know the answer why did you even ask.

She said in a sarcastic voice but Calli wasn't having it.

Calli: God damn it, Selen. Really?

Selen: What, I just want to meet the guy.

Calli: Let me guess, for revenge.

Selen: Well yeah, but also because I need to know who he is.

Calli: why do you want to meet this guy, what makes him important that you know this guy's identity so badly.

Selen: That's none of your business.

She said in an annoyed voice.

Calli: well it is if it could evolve endangering the gang once again.

Selen: Well I'm not saying because i'm sharing my personal information to rando.

Calli: So it's personal then.

She said as she knew it was personal.

Calli: So you think it's someone you know.

Selen: look shut the fuck up!

She screamed at her when she said that it could be someone she might know, because she hated the fact that it could be. Looking at Calli with anger, she decided that it wasn't worth it anymore if Calli was going to be up her ass about it. So she decided that it was best to give up on the plan, for now.

Selen: Look, you ruin it and now I don't want to do this anymore.

Calli: good, now get back to your home safely and don't try this again, or i'll tell luca.

She said as if she was scolding her child.

Selen: yeah whatever dad.

She said in a sarcastic voice. Selen did what she asked her to do and started to walk back home with annoyance as she was angered that Calli had gotten in her way. She hated that she didn't get the chance to meet the hunter in person, to see the cards she was playing to confirm something. Confirm that he was the guy who she was looking for for so long ever since she remembered that he existed in her life. Just so she could say sorry and make it up to him. So maybe they can start over again and become something that he wanted to have in the first place.

She wanted to know if HE was the hunter. 

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