The Aftermath of Callie and A...

By Coleslaw8

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The continuation of the first book, this volume details the continuing lives of Callie and Arizona. While the... More

Don't Provoke An Angry Bear Or A Dutiful Wife
Don't Provoke An Angry Bear Or A Dutiful Wife Part II
Love, Lust And Lobster
Love, Lust And Lobster Part II
Summer On The Shore
Summer On The Shore Part II
Summer On The Shore Part III
Summer On The Shore Part IV
Summer On The Shore Part V
Summer On The Shore Part VI
What Happens At The Shore, Stays At The Shore
What Happens At The Shore, Stays At The Shore Part II
Seasons Change
Seasons Change Part II
When You See The Storm Clouds Rising
When You See The Storm Clouds Rising Part II
Semper Fi
Semper Fi Part II
Here Comes The Rain Again Part II
It's The Holiday Season
It's The Holiday Season Part II
Dashing Through The Snow...
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Hustle And Holiday Bustle
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Love Never Comes Without Struggle
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A True Friend Stabs You In The Front
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Do You Hear What I Hear?
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There's No Place Like Home
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With A Little Help From My Friends
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Life Goes On When We Least Expect It To...

Here Comes The Rain Again

95 7 1
By Coleslaw8

Arizona's POV:

"Somehow I already knew I'd be getting grilled by one of you today, but all of you? It feels like I'm answering to a firing squad!"

"Teddy, we just want to know what's going on with you? Are you and Becca still doing whatever it is, that you've been doing? First and foremost, I just want to make sure you're not getting hurt in all this." Renee reached her hand out and lovingly patted the top of Teddy's hand as she spoke.

"Renee, I know you're concerned for my wellbeing, but I'm fine. Chip and I have just been talking. We have a lot in common with our former military experience, that's all."

"I'd almost believe that Teddy, if I didn't know you better. For the record, I've been noticing the two of you seem to be more than just friendly by your body language today." I spoke up before the other two women could to call out Teddy on her current version of events. It probably wasn't surprising since I'm sure everyone expected I'd be the one to do it.

I noticed Teddy start to blush when my words registered with her. Teddy quickly looked around the room to make sure nobody had joined us before saying, "Arizona, Chip is a nice guy but I'm not trying to pursue anything with him."

"Uh huh, sure Teddy, sure. You never did answer Renee's question about Becca..." I decided to try and force more accurate information out of our friend.

"I guess I didn't answer, because I'm not sure myself. One minute Becca and I are going great and then the next minute, things fizzle out. It's like she wants me, but then realizes she doesn't want a relationship with me and she disappears for a while. It's been maddening and frustrating to say the least. And honestly, it's been painful for me to live through."

"Wait a minute Teddy, are you saying what I think you're saying?" Callie decided to interject herself into the conversation. "Are you fed up with Becca using you like a yo-yo and breaking your heart all the time? And here I thought Becca would be the one to screw you over!"

I elbowed my wife, who was sitting next to me at the table. "Calliope Torres! I can't believe you just said that!" 

I really was stunned by Callie's bold statement and thought it was something we should have kept between us. Oh well, the cat was out of the bag, now.

"Owww, Arizona! Geez, you hit me kinda hard just now!" Callie was rubbing her elbowed side and looked grimaced in pain for a moment. For the record, I didn't elbow her with much force, so I knew she wasn't truly in real pain, mostly just caught off-guard.

"Yet, it still won't stop your mouth from having this happen again, the next time..." Callie silently nodded in agreement with my statement as the other two laughed at our interchange. Now, only a few seconds later, and Callie was suddenly agreeing with me? She cracks me up sometimes with how quickly she can experience a range of emotions. Sophia is the exact same way, lord help me...

"Oh Arizona, don't bruise your wife up too much, because she's right. If I've been thinking the same thing about Becca, and I'd be shocked if you three haven't been as well. I care for Becca, very much. I've fallen for her, in fact. Yet, she's always had the upper hand in our relationship from minute one."

"I think she deeply cares for you Teddy, but is afraid to commit to you. Maybe it's because she's not comfortable being in a same sex relationship? Maybe she's afraid of being in any committed relationship? I guess Becca is the only person who knows why she has been acting the way she has, but there is one thing I do know. I know the person you are dating, should love and protect you from getting hurt. And at the very least, that person shouldn't be the one causing your hurt."

Renee had a very serious look on her face as she voiced her concerns to Teddy. I knew that look from when we dated and knew how protective my ex was when it came to the people she loved. It was an aspect of her that made it easy to fall in love with Renee. Now, it was something I cherished about having her as a friend.

"Renee, I know you are just looking out for me, thank you, but I don't have any concrete plans at the moment. I'm just taking things as they come and trying not to get my hopes up about anything or, anyone." Teddy sighed after she spoke.

"I know we've talked about all this before Teddy, but if I'm being honest, I don't like you with Becca. Sorry Arizona and Callie if I offended you by saying that, but while Becca may be a terrific friend to you guys, she sucks as a person for Teddy to date."

Callie beat me to saying, "No offense taken Renee, because Arizona and I feel the same way about how Becca has been treating Teddy. While we care for Becca, we don't think she has been giving Teddy the respect she deserves, regardless of her reasons."

I felt the need to add my two cents and said, "In other words Teddy, take care of yourself and don't worry about what anyone else thinks, especially Callie or myself. We agree with Renee and just want you to be happy and treated with love and respect." I patted Teddy on her back from my vantage point after I talked.

"Thanks ladies for saying all those things. For being a firing squad, I appreciate your gentle touch and for not executing me for my choices, however, questionable they've been at times."

We all laughed at Teddy's humor and stood up to give her a group hug at the same time Ari walked in the kitchen.

"I'm convinced that I always seem to miss out on the fun moments around here... is everything okay?"

"Yes Ari, everyone and everything is fine. We were just chatting about Becca and Teddy. Where's Chip and Sophia?" Callie smiled at her sister as she responded.

"We finished looking at all the new pictures, so Sophia wanted to show Chip the Lego Jeep she built with The Colonel." Ari's voice suddenly got quieter when she said, "And, I don't know Chip that well, but what a nice guy he is! I'm surprised he doesn't have any children because it seems like he's been around kids his whole life with how good he is with Soph."

I couldn't help myself, but smiled as I realized everyone else in the room was impressed with what Ari had said about Chip. Callie and I already noticed the same thing during one of our family dinners.

"Arizona and I appreciated that too as Sophia talked Chip's ear off at Arizona's parent's house, a few weeks back. He just let her jabber away and chatted with her for a good two hours. He seems to be very patient and kind, but also had a genuine interest in what she had to say. Which, as her parent, is sometimes even hard for me to do when she won't stop talking."

I giggled at Callie while the others did too and knew what she meant. Sometimes when Soph goes off on tangents, they inevitably lead you down a rabbit hole of verbal confusion. Without meaning to, there have been times I'm guilty of pretending to listen, but not deeply listening to what she's actually saying.

Within a few seconds, we heard Sophia's thundering footsteps coming down the hall as she said, "Chip! There are lots more desserts in the kitchen, come join me!"

A few seconds later Sophia came charging in, with Chip quietly walking just behind, in our daughter's noisy wake.

"Moms? Can I have another dessert? Pleeeaaassseeee?" Soph was already bouncing up and down on her heels from her last dose of sugar. 

Callie and I had a silent exchange of words when Callie said, "Yes, Sophia, you may. But, no more desserts today after this round, okay?"

"Okay Mom, I understand." Callie proceeded to help Sophia dish her dessert as I made coffee for my parents and whomever else wanted some.

"Moms? Can I eat my dessert in front of the TV? I want to show Renee and Aunt Ari my video from softball this year."

It was a video of still pictures and videos that one of the Moms had compiled from all the submissions she'd received from other parents. Bless that Mom's heart for finding the time to put it all together, however, it was a video we'd now seen a million and one times since the season ended in late August. 

"You can, but do me a favor and eat from one of the tray tables in the media room? Also, don't forget to use a napkin, okay?"

Soph was quick to agree to my terms, as she drug Ari and Renee to watch the, "movie." My parents, who had previously seen it, were about to be subjected to it again as they were already in the media room. Soon my folks would be joining the million and one times viewing club with Callie and myself.

That left Chip, Callie, Teddy and myself in the kitchen. 

"Ladies, dinner was lovely and I know you keep saying no, but what can I do to help clean-up your kitchen?" Chip had poured some coffee and took a drink after speaking.

"Chip, you've already saved us a thousand times over after the storm.  If it wasn't for you, we might still be unable to use our driveway and the treehouse would have been destroyed from water damage. As far as we are concerned, we can't repay you enough for what you've done for us. So I mean this in the nicest way, but we just want you to relax and enjoy yourself, but thank you."

I smiled at Chip after talking, the same way Callie was too. He really had saved our collective behinds by patching up the damage from the storm. His work allowed us to wait for someone else to come and finish the job properly. Which took about 4 weeks and by then, the elevated house would have sustained significant water damage from the hole in the roof.

"Well, it was my pleasure to help you ladies out. I'm around the corner if you should ever need any assistance. The treehouse roof looks great by the way. Whoever fixed it, knew what they were doing."

"I was able to get the treehouse builder to come out and fix anything and everything that needed to be done. He said by the end of this Winter, the new metal roof will have aged to look similar to the old portion."

"He did a great job, Arizona. It looks like an amazing getaway tucked up in those trees. I love all the windows and can imagine the space must get lots of natural light on sunny days. I always wanted a treehouse as a kid, but never had one." Chip and the rest of us were looking out the back window at the treehouse as he spoke.

"Chip, it does get a lot of natural light, even on overcast Seattle days like today, doesn't it Teddy? Teddy has spent lots of time with us in the treehouse over the years, haven't you, Teddy?"

I noticed that Callie suddenly had her weird, oddly enthusiastic smile on her face while she talked. It's a smile that almost looks like she's insane and hopped-up on caffeine, all at the same time. I knew she was up to something, nonetheless, and braced myself for her next move.

"Uh, I guess I have spent quite a few hours in the treehouse over the years, Callie...?" Teddy had a puzzled look on her face as she answered my wife. I could tell Teddy was just as confused as I was about where Dr. Torres was going with her conversation.

"Of course you have, Teddy. You even spent a couple nights in the treehouse when you had some remodeling done, last year, remember?"

With the same strange, mysterious grin, Callie patted Teddy on the back as I stared blankly at Callie, still smiling but waiting to see what was next.

"Chip, Arizona grew up wanting a treehouse like you and that's why she had the treehouse built, didn't you sweetie?!" 

One would think this was where I was supposed to respond to Callie's question, but no, she didn't give me a chance and kept right on with her words. Apparently, she was still winding-up with her dialogue.

"We should take you out to the treehouse house and show you around, Chip! That way you can see the natural lighting for yourself!" Callie was way too eager as she grabbed the treehouse key from its hook near the kitchen."

"Okay everyone, let's go take a look, shall we?" Callie started motioning for all of us to move towards the backdoor, similar to how her daughter had just recently done, when she said, "Oh my gosh! Arizona, I hear Madelyn crying in the other room!" 

(Maddy wasn't actually crying, as her Mother, I would know. I can hear her cry before anyone else.)

"We really should go see if she's okay. Oh, I'm sorry Chip about the tour, but what a minute! Teddy, you can show Chip around since you know the treehouse so well. That's perfect! And then Arizona and I can go look after Maddy. Well, off you both go!"

Callie thrust the key in Teddy's hand and gently pushed Chip and Teddy towards and out the backdoor before closing it behind them. Callie turned around with her back to the door and said, "Well, I think that went well, don't you, Arizona?!"

It was all I could do to suppress my response until our guests were out of earshot. Initially Callie looked so proud of herself and then, less than pleased after hearing my laughter and said, "I thought that was a genius way to give those two some time alone?! Or didn't you realize what I was up to because of how slick I was, Arizona?"

I had slowed my laughter enough to say, "Slick? You thought that was slick? Oh Callie, sweetheart, stick to your day job. I love you, but that was the complete opposite of subtle!"

Callie was pretending to pout, when I reassuringly kissed her left cheek. She gave me her half smile as I then kissed her other cheek. "Either way Callie, you did get them outside and gave them time away from Sophia and any other distractions. And in light of how slick you are, maybe I should start calling you, Dr. Obvious?"

"Funny Dr. Smartass, really funny!" I started giggling as Callie started tickling my sides, which made me giggle more and squeal before she let up.

"Well, Dr. Obvious? Should we actually go peek on the non-crying Madelyn before we come back in the kitchen and pretend not to spy?"

Callie kissed my lips and said, "Of course, Dr. Smartass. It's what we always do in situations like these." Callie smacked my butt as I turned and headed to the media room ahead of her.

So, we did go check on everyone in the media room and brought coffee to my parents. Sophia was busy narrating each video and picture that appeared. I swear the plays and moments she describes are becoming larger than life the more she narrates. I suppose that skill might open a lot of career doors in her future, well, other than science.

Madelyn was sound asleep in my Mother's arms. My Mom was busy rocking Maddy as they snuggled together. Meanwhile my Dad was looking through the paper and half watching the TV. Renee and Ari were busy watching, listening and making comments when they could get a word in edgewise. 

Since everyone was taken care of, Callie and I went to get something to drink and a dessert to share. It gave us an excuse to stand near the window, but not directly in front of it. In other words, it was a perfect vantage point to spy on Teddy and Chip.

Without realizing it, Callie and I stood there for close to 15 minutes, picking at a piece of pumpkin cheesecake. Periodically we could see Chip and Teddy when they stood closer to the span of the treehouse windows. So far, it looked like they were talking and laughing quite a bit. 

Our backs were towards the kitchen entrance from the media room, so Callie and I jumped when we heard, "So this is what you two have been up to? Why am I not surprised, either? Alright, move over goofballs, I want to see what's going on too. What have I missed?" 

It was only Renee, thankfully, so I was grateful I didn't need to explain what was going on to my Mother.

"Callie, somehow managed to convince Teddy to give Chip a tour of the treehouse. So far, all we've seen is a lot of talking and lots of laughing. They seem to think the other is the funniest person on the planet right now, not surprisingly."

The other women laughed with me when Renee said, "Good idea, Callie, to give them time alone. How long have they been out there?"

"Almost 20 minutes, Renee. Oh wait, I think they're exchanging cell phone numbers, look!" Callie was trying to stay quiet, but got a little loud when she realized what was happening.

Renee agreed, "I think you're right Callie and check it out! Chip just leaned in and gave Teddy a very personal hug that Teddy seems to be just fine with it! Did you see how she looked at him as they slowly separated? Oh my, gawd!"

Admittedly, we had become the worst friends ever by spying, but it's what we do as humans and curious friends from time to time. Plus, I ultimately knew we wanted to see Teddy happy and settled with someone, so that was my justification for surveilling our guests.

We then watched Teddy turn off the lights that were on, while Chip held open the door as she walked out. As Teddy fumbled to lock the door handle and then the deadbolt, an almost black storm cloud immediately blew in from no where. 

The three of us gazed as the cloud started dumping what looked like literal buckets of water. The stress of the downpour, made Teddy fumble the deadbolt lock a bit longer than it should have normally taken her. Chip being the chivalrous guy he was, pulled off his sweater and flung it over Teddy's and his head in an attempt to stay dry. 

Chip thrust his arm around Teddy to keep them close together as the two of them held the cotton sweater over their heads. I think they got about 10 feet away from the door when they looked at each other and started laughing out loud. Teddy let go of the now soaked cotton sweater when they realized it wasn't doing any good. The two of them looked like they had been baptized by now, but not by choice.

Renee, Callie and I were holding our breath when we saw Chip wrap his arms around Teddy's waist and Teddy wrap her arms around Chip's neck. His white cotton t-shirt was drenched and clung to every muscle and ab on Chip's torso. The wet shirt left no mystery about the fantastic shape he was in.  Teddy's linen blouse was waterlogged and had revealed her camisole underneath. By the looks they were sharing, it was clear what was about to happen next.

As the rain continued to pummel Teddy and Chip, we stared as they locked lips and did not stop kissing for close to a minute. I could almost feel the enamored enthusiasm that was surging between the newly formed pair. Watching them was magical as it seemed nothing else mattered to them, except the other one. It was as if they were in a protected bubble of passion and romance, so not even the cold Thanksgiving rain phased them. I'm almost certain the three of us had our mouths ajar as we stared at their first kiss in awe.

Renee spoke up while we watched them kiss, briefly, one more time. "Oh my God, talk about one Hell of a, "Meet-Cute," moment! A first kiss while getting caught in an unexpected rainstorm?! I didn't think those things actually happened in real life, just the movies and romance novels!!"

By now, Chip had tightly wrapped his arm around Teddy again as she did the same to him. The love struck pair started slowly walking back towards the house, side-by-side, laughing the whole way. Just before they got to the door I said, "Hey you two, time to scatter and act natural!"

The three of us dispersed and tried to look busy while surveying the desserts on the kitchen island. We also attempted to erase the surprised expressions on our faces after seeing the kiss, which was hard to do. I was worried Chip and Teddy would know we had seen them, when they finally stepped inside. They were so giddy and focused on each other though, that I don't think they even cared or knew we were there.

"Oh my gosh you guys! Hang on, let me go get some towels for you both! I'll be right back."

I was talking as I moved out of the kitchen and towards the linen closet. As I found two beach towels, I couldn't help but smile at the unadulterated, genuine moment we had just witnessed between two deserving people. I regained my composure though by the time I rejoined everyone in the kitchen with the towels, a minute later.

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