DB Disruption: What if Goku B...

By Sammy-DBZ

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Amidst escaping from the future, Goku Black spotted Trunks in his time machine. Shooting a laser only a littl... More

Chapter 1 - Departure of Goku, and visitors from the Future
Chapter 2 - Vegeta's Investigation; Goku's New Challenge!
Chapter 3 - The Training Begins!
Chapter 4 - Nostalgic Times; Catching up with an Old Friend
Chapter 5 - Origins revealed; the Magic of Baba
Chapter 6 - Lessons of the Master
Chapter 7 - Their own Power
Chapter 8 - Lessons of Godhood
Chapter 9 - Skill versus Power
Chapter 10 - The Opening
Chapter 11 - The Leftovers
Chapter 12 - The Secondary Choices
Chapter 14 - A Brief Moment of Reprieve
Chapter 15 - Navigating the Silent City
Chapter 16 - Backup from Beyond
Chapter 17 - Confronting Origins

Chapter 13 - Journey to the Future

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By Sammy-DBZ

As Vegeta got a last good look at his wife through the glass of the time machine, a bright light slowly surrounded the machine, blocking his view to the outside. As the humming of the computer systems reached its apex, Vegeta heard a soft impact on the outside of the machine.

Before he could see what may have caused it, the bright light dissipated, and a dark-green ruined city stood before the visitor from another timeline. Vegeta's sharp eyes scanned the devastation, recognizing the familiar architectural remnants of West City, but warped and twisted into a nightmarish version of his home. Skyscrapers lay in ruins, and the once pristine buildings were now skeletal structures, barely standing amidst the desolation.

Vegeta clenched his fists, his Saiyan pride flaring as he took in the sight. "What happened here?" he muttered to himself, a mix of anger and confusion clouding his normally composed demeanor.

As he stepped out of the time machine onto the uneven ground, the acrid scent of burnt ash assaulted his senses. The air was thick with an ominous silence, broken only by the occasional creaking of damaged structures and the distant echoes of unknown disturbances.

The gravity of the situation began to settle on Vegeta. He was standing in the ruins of a world that bore a haunting resemblance to his own. The realization hit him like a punch to the gut. This wasn't just a destroyed city; it was a parallel version of his reality, a twisted reflection of what could have been.

Vegeta's sharp instincts kicked in as he surveyed the area. His keen Saiyan senses picked up faint energy signatures, scattered and feeble. Whatever cataclysm had befallen this world had left survivors, and Vegeta was determined to find the Kai who was responsible.

"Uh, Dad?" a meek voice would call out. Vegeta would turn in an instant to see who could've made the noise. Whoever greeted him surprised him past any expectations he could've had.

"Bulla?! What are you doing here?!" he would shout. Vegeta would realize that she was indeed not alone. "Pan? Marron? What on Kami's green earth are you all doing here?! Why did you follow me to this dangerous timeline?!"

Bulla exchanged glances with Pan and Marron, their expressions a mix of guilt and determination. They knew they had some explaining to do.

"Dad, it was an accident," Bulla said quickly, her eyes wide with sincerity. "We didn't mean to follow you. We accidentally touched the machine right before it launched into the time stream."

Vegeta's stern expression softened slightly, but he couldn't shake off the worry. "Accident or not, this isn't a place for children. This world is on the brink of collapse. What were you thinking?"

"You forgot the armor Mom and I designed for you! You need all the help you can get to fight that monster!" she would yell to her father. Bulla would reach into her pocket and pull out a capsule.

Tossing it into the air, the capsule expanded and revealed the armor Bulma had spent the last couple years designing with all the resources available to her at her company. Vegeta grabbed it before as it fell back down and examined the excellent craftsmanship, a signature sign of his wife's handiwork.

Turning his attention back to the three problems standing before him, Vegeta sighed, a mixture of frustration and fatherly concern. "Have you girls even taken a look at yourselves yet? Have you realized why you all seem taller now?"

The trio of best friends would then glance at each other with transfixed stares, until they all realized that they *had* become taller.

"Since we traveled five years into the future, you've all aged by five years due to the exposure to the time stream. This isn't a game. The enemies here could be far beyond what you've faced before, even you Pan."

Pan, Bulla, and Marron exchanged bewildered looks, each coming to terms with the sudden realization that they were now five years older. Their shock turned into a mix of disbelief and anxiety as they observed the subtle changes in their appearances and felt the weight of the additional years.

Vegeta, maintaining his stern demeanor, continued, "Now, listen carefully. I don't have time to deal with children who can't follow simple instructions. Get back into the time machine and go back to the past. Bulma may yet find a way to fix this. Kami knows what Bulma would do to me if her daughter missed five years of her life..."

Pan, the first to gather her wits, stepped forward. "But Vegeta, we came here to help! We can't just go back without doing anything. What about the threat you mentioned?"

Vegeta crossed his arms, his gaze unwavering. "The threat is exactly why you need to go back. You're not prepared for what's here, and I won't let you jeopardize your lives just because of some misguided sense of heroism. I will handle this."

"Oh, *you'll handle this?*" an unknown voice would day behind some rubble. "How do I know that we can even trust you?" a woman would say as she revealed herself, dressed in a rough tattered jacket, worn-out black leather military boots, and a green cap adorned on her head.

Vegeta's eyes narrowed as he assessed the woman who had emerged from the shadows. Her stance exuded a mix of caution and defiance.

"You're not from around here, are you?" the woman remarked, her gaze shifting between Vegeta and the younger members of the group. "And who are these kids? Friends of yours?" she added, eyeing the trio of girls with a hint of suspicion.

Vegeta sighed, realizing that he needed to divulge some information to gain her trust. "I come from the past," he admitted, his tone begrudging. "At the request of my son, Trunks, I've returned to this future to help against the threat of the Goku in black. Now, are you going to stand there questioning me, or are you going to assist in dealing with this mess?"

The woman's eyes widened in surprise. "Trunks sent you?" she muttered, a mix of disbelief and relief in her voice. "I didn't think he'd manage to pull off something like that. You're really from the past?"

Vegeta nodded, his expression serious. "Yes. Now, enough with the questions. We need to focus on finding this saiyan imposter and putting an end to this."

The woman's initial skepticism seemed to wane as she processed the information. "Fine," she conceded, a determined glint in her eyes. "I'm Mai. Trunks and I... well, we've been trying to survive in this hell. If you're here to help, then let's make it count."

Marron and Pan exchanged glances, realizing that this 'Mai' must be someone significant to Future-Trunks in this timeline. A subtle sense of jealousy tinged their expressions, though they remained silent, choosing to focus on the impending threat.

Vegeta abruptly turned away from Mai, his demeanor shifting from stern to intensely focused. His sharp saiyan instincts screamed in warning, detecting an ominous and overwhelming power hurtling towards them. The air around him crackled with tension as he faced the trio of girls with urgency.

"Listen up," he commanded, his voice cutting through the eerie silence. "I sense an immense and ominous power approaching—fast. Pan, Bulla, Marron, hide with Mai. Quickly!"

The girls, though bewildered by the sudden urgency, didn't question the intensity in Vegeta's eyes. Hastily, they turned the time machine into a capsule and followed Mai towards a hole in the ground leading to her secret hideout, Vegeta's gaze following them until they were out of sight. Turning back to the dark and ashy sky, his expression hardened.

There was no doubt in his mind who this power belonged to. All Vegeta knew was that he needed to kill this enemy before it had a chance to power up and become nigh-unstoppable.

As the ominous power drew nearer, the air seemed to thicken with an oppressive force. Vegeta took a defensive stance, his eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of the approaching threat. The ground beneath him then trembled as the figure finally landed with a powerful shockwave, creating a cloud of dust that obscured the view.

Out of the settling dust emerged a tall, imposing figure in a dark Saiyan gi. Vegeta's eyes narrowed as the figure stepped forward, revealing a familiar face that sent a shiver down his spine—Goku Black.

"Greetings, Vegeta," Goku Black said with a sinister smile, his eyes glowing a malevolent shade of red. "I must admit, I'm surprised to see you here in the future. What brings you to this desolate timeline?"

Vegeta's fists clenched, his energy surging in response to the threat before him. "I'm here to put an end to your madness, Black. I won't let you destroy this world any further."

Goku Black chuckled darkly, his energy flaring as he powered up. "Bold words, Saiyan. But tell me, why did you come alone? Where is Goku? Did you honestly believe that you were enough to kill me?"

Vegeta's jaw tightened, a flash of anger crossing his face. "This is my fight. I don't need Kakarot to clean up my messes."

Goku Black's grin widened, and he floated a few feet above the ground, his aura pulsating with malevolence. "How amusing. It seems you've chosen the path of arrogance, just like your counterpart in my timeline. Honestly, I was hoping to fight him, the *younger* and more *powerful* version who decided to intrude upon the power of the gods."

"And honestly," he would continue, "I don't know what angers me more. The one who took the power of the gods, or the one who thinks he could go toe to toe with one *without it*."

Vegeta would be quick to shout back, "I don't care what irrelevant version of myself you saw that made you think you could beat me. I am *not* him. You think you know me, but you don't even know the person you stole that body from; I'll show you that a Saiyan's strength is more than enough." Vegeta scoffs, assuming the fighting position he's taken ever since his home planet was destroyed.

Goku Black chuckled ominously. "Oh, how valiant. But you fail to grasp the vast difference in our power. Your mortal strength is inconsequential in the face of a god."

Vegeta's scowl deepened, but before he could retort, Goku Black raised his hand, silencing Vegeta with a mere gesture. "However, I suppose it's only fair to let you in on a little secret. You see, I am not alone in this. Allow me to introduce you to my ally, the one who shares my vision for a utopia ruled by divine beings."

A distortion in the air appeared beside Goku Black, and from it emerged Zamasu, a sinister smile playing on his face. The very sight of Zamasu sent a chill down Vegeta's spine. The former Kaioshin's disdain for mortals was evident in his gaze.

Vegeta's eyes shifted between Goku Black and Zamasu, a mix of anger and concern clouding his features. "Two of you, huh? I don't care how divine you think you are; I'll still crush both of you."

"Oh Vegeta, you're not even worth my time. In fact, I don't even think you could beat the version of me *without* Goku's power. I'll tell you what, if you manage to critically injure my partner here, then I'll *consider* 'fighting' you. Deal?"

Vegeta's fists clenched, his pride wounded by Goku Black's dismissive words. He shot a disdainful glance at Goku Black but then turned his attention to Zamasu, who was watching him with a condescending smirk.

Without uttering a word, Vegeta propelled himself forward, his power surging as he aimed a rapid barrage of punches at Goku Black. However, while still in his base, Goku Black's movements were eerily graceful, effortlessly dodging each strike with an almost casual demeanor. The Saiyan Prince's frustration grew with every missed blow.

Meanwhile, Zamasu remained on the ground, arms crossed, observing the spectacle. A glint of amusement sparkled in his eyes as he witnessed Vegeta's futile attempts to land a hit on Goku Black.

Goku Black finally grew tired of toying with Vegeta. With a swift motion, he sidestepped one of Vegeta's lunges, leaving the Saiyan off balance. Seizing the opportunity, Zamasu emerged from the sidelines, delivering a powerful kick to Vegeta's side. The force sent him hurtling through the air, crashing into the rocky terrain below.

Vegeta grunted in pain as he struggled to rise, his Saiyan pride refusing to let him stay down. He glared up at Goku Black and Zamasu, a burning determination replacing the frustration on his face.

Goku Black floated down to the ground, a mocking smile playing on his lips. "You see, Vegeta, your efforts are in vain. Mortals like you are destined to be crushed under the weight of divine justice. Zamasu and I are the heralds of a new era, free from the sins of your kind."

Vegeta, now on his feet, wiped a trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth. "I don't care about your delusional dreams of justice. I fight for my own reasons, and I won't let you two ruin this world."

Goku Black chuckled. "Bold words, Saiyan. Let's see if you can back them up."

Goku Black ascended into the darkened sky, his eyes fixed upon the unfolding battle below. The moonlight cast an eerie glow on the rocky terrain as Vegeta, undeterred by his recent injuries, prepared to face Zamasu. The air crackled with tension as the Saiyan Prince steeled himself for the impending clash.

With a determined roar, Vegeta lunged forward, his aura blazing with power. He aimed a series of powerful strikes at Zamasu, but the former Kaioshin's movements were elusive, almost ethereal. His speed was beyond anything Vegeta had encountered before. The Saiyan struggled to keep up, his eyes darting around in an attempt to track Zamasu's movements.

Zamasu, with a sinister grin, seemed to disappear and reappear in the blink of an eye. He moved with grace and precision, avoiding Vegeta's blows effortlessly. The Saiyan Prince, frustrated by his inability to land a hit, grew more and more agitated with each passing moment.

As Vegeta prepared for another assault, Zamasu executed a swift maneuver, disappearing from Vegeta's line of sight. The Saiyan spun around, trying to locate his elusive opponent, but Zamasu's movements were like shadows dancing in the night.

Suddenly, a searing pain erupted across Vegeta's back, and he staggered forward with a grimace. Deep, precise cuts marked his skin, inflicted by Zamasu's rapid strikes. The former Kaioshin had exploited Vegeta's momentary disorientation, striking with ruthless efficiency.

Vegeta gritted his teeth, his eyes narrowing in determination. He could feel the blood trickling down his back, but Saiyan pride fueled his resilience. With a burst of energy, he turned to face Zamasu, determined to overcome the divine adversary.

Zamasu, undeterred by Vegeta's resolve, continued to move with unparalleled speed. He taunted the Saiyan, appearing and disappearing with unsettling ease, delivering precise strikes that left Vegeta struggling to defend himself.

The moonlit battlefield remained an arena of chaos, with Zamasu's relentless onslaught slicing through the air. Vegeta gritted his teeth, each cut adding to the tapestry of wounds that adorned his body. His Saiyan pride refused to let him falter, but the relentless speed of Zamasu was pushing him to the brink.

In the midst of the chaos, Vegeta's mind raced. He realized that he needed to surpass the limitations of his own perception, to move and react faster than his conscious thoughts could process. Zamasu's movements were a blur, and Vegeta understood that he had to tap into an instinctive realm beyond mere calculation.

As Zamasu materialized behind Vegeta once more, ready to deliver another punishing strike, the Saiyan Prince acted on pure intuition. In a fraction of a second, Vegeta spun on his heels, his hand clenching into a fist. It was a desperate move, a gamble fueled by the urgency of the situation.

Surprise flashed across Zamasu's face as Vegeta's fist connected with his chest. The blow landed with unexpected force, momentarily staggering the divine adversary. Vegeta, fueled by a surge of adrenaline, pressed the advantage. His attacks, driven by a newfound instinct, landed with precision. Zamasu, for the first time, found himself on the defensive.

However, the divine being quickly adapted to Vegeta's sudden burst of energy. Despite the Saiyan Prince's newfound instinct, Zamasu's experience and mastery over his divine abilities allowed him to regain control. Vegeta managed to land one or two lucky hits, but Zamasu, with a calm and calculating demeanor, thwarted the rest of his strikes.

The echoes of three girls and Future-Mai reverberated as they moved deeper underground. The walls of the tunnel were rough, hastily carved by survivors seeking refuge from the chaos above. The air became cooler, and a sense of unease settled upon the group.

As they ventured further, the ground began to shake violently, causing dust and debris to fall from the ceiling. The trio of Saiyan girls exchanged worried glances, their fear palpable.

"What's happening up there?" Bulla asked, her voice trembling.

Future Mai's eyes narrowed, and she glanced upward. "It sounds like a battle. We need to keep moving. There's a shelter not far from here."

The group quickened their pace, the urgency of their steps mirroring the intensity of the seismic activity above. The shaking intensified, and the echoes of clashing energies reached them from the surface.

Future Mai, maintaining her composure, guided them through a series of tunnels until they reached a spacious underground chamber. The walls were reinforced with makeshift materials, and a few survivors huddled in the corners, their expressions a mix of fear and determination.

Pan's eyes widened with realization. "Who is Vegeta fighting? What does he want here?"

Future Mai hesitated for a moment before responding, "I don't know all the details, but he's been a menace in this timeline. He's caused widespread destruction and chaos."

The ground continued to shake, but now the sounds of the battle above seemed to be growing more distant. The group in the shelter waited in tense silence, hoping that Vegeta would emerge victorious.

In the dim light of the underground chamber, Pan, Bulla, and Marron exchanged determined glances. Despite their fear, each of their fathers' fighting spirit burned within them. They were ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in this apocalyptic timeline, even if it meant confronting the formidable Goku Black alongside Bulla's father.

Back above, the destroyed city-scape echoed with the sounds of clashing energy as Vegeta pressed on, his determination unyielding. Zamasu, with an otherworldly grace, continued to evade the Saiyan Prince's strikes with almost preternatural ease. Each punch, kick, and energy blast from Vegeta found only empty air or a mere grazing against Zamasu's cheek or arm.

The former Kaioshin moved like a specter, his movements fluid and elegant. Vegeta's frustration grew with every missed blow, his Saiyan pride fueling an unyielding determination. He was determined to break through Zamasu's defenses, to prove that the power of mortals could stand against the so-called divine.

Vegeta lunged forward, his fist aimed at Zamasu's midsection. However, the divine being sidestepped effortlessly, allowing Vegeta's attack to pass harmlessly through the air. With a mocking smirk, Zamasu retaliated with a swift counterattack, a flicker of divine energy grazing Vegeta's cheek.

Gritting his teeth, Vegeta regrouped and launched another assault. His movements were fast and precise, a testament to his years of training and battles. Yet, Zamasu's evasion was a dance of celestial proportions. It seemed as if the very air itself bent to his will, guiding him away from each oncoming strike.

The Saiyan Prince's frustration bubbled to the surface. "Stop dodging and face me like a man!" he roared, his voice carrying a mix of anger and determination.

Zamasu, undeterred, continued his dance of evasion. "I am no man, and you are nothing, Saiyan. Your futile attempts only serve to highlight the vast difference between mortals and divine beings."

Vegeta's eyes flashed with a mixture of defiance and frustration. He refused to accept defeat, his Saiyan spirit burning brighter with each evaded attack. With a sudden burst of speed, Vegeta closed the distance between them, launching a barrage of blows that forced Zamasu to step back.

In a moment of sheer determination, Vegeta's fist connected with Zamasu's cheek, leaving a visible mark on the divine being's usually composed face. The surprised look that briefly flickered across Zamasu's expression fueled Vegeta's resolve.

However, Zamasu regained his composure swiftly, his gaze locking onto Vegeta with a renewed intensity. The battle between Saiyan and deity raged on, each movement a testament to the clash of mortal will and divine power.

As the battle unfolded beneath the moonlit sky, Zamasu continued to effortlessly evade Vegeta's attacks with an otherworldly finesse. The Saiyan Prince's frustration grew with each missed blow, his eyes narrowing in a mix of determination and anger. Zamasu's movements seemed to taunt him, a celestial dance that mocked the very concept of mortal strength.

Vegeta's strikes became more desperate, his movements fueled by an increasingly burning rage. Every punch and kick aimed at Zamasu's elusive form fell short, leaving Vegeta feeling the weight of his own limitations. The divine being's expression remained calm and indifferent, his eyes gleaming with a superiority that only fueled Vegeta's anger further.

Zamasu, a master of his own arrogance, grew bored with the one-sided dance. With a sigh, he decided to put an end to the futile struggle. In an instant, he vanished from Vegeta's line of sight, reappearing behind the Saiyan Prince with an unsettling speed.

Before Vegeta could react, Zamasu's hand seized his upper-left arm in a merciless grip. The former Kaioshin, with a chilling calmness, twisted and bent Vegeta's arm in an unnatural angle. A sickening crack echoed through the battlefield as the Saiyan Prince cried out in pain.

Vegeta dropped to his knees, clutching his broken arm, sweat mixing with the dirt on his face. The agony radiated through his body, but his eyes burned with a defiant fire. Zamasu, looking down at his fallen opponent, sneered with disdain.

"Your mortal defiance is admirable but ultimately futile," Zamasu declared, his voice echoing with a cold certainty. "You are but an insignificant speck in the grand design of the universe, and your futile resistance only prolongs the inevitable."

Vegeta, though wounded and broken, pushed himself up with his unbroken arm, his gaze locked on Zamasu. The Saiyan Prince's fury blazed like a wildfire, fueled by the pain and the humiliation of defeat. With a guttural roar, he launched himself at Zamasu once more, his undying spirit refusing to be extinguished.

Yet, Zamasu, now thoroughly bored with the futile struggle, effortlessly dodged Vegeta's weakened attacks. The divine being's movements were graceful, a stark contrast to the Saiyan's desperate attempts. In a final act of contempt, Zamasu swiftly got behind Vegeta, his hand reaching for the Saiyan's upper-left arm once more.

With a swift, merciless motion, Zamasu bent the already broken arm further, causing Vegeta to cry out in pain once more. The battle, once filled with the promise of defiance, now stood as a stark testament to the overwhelming power of the divine.

For the second time within the span of a week, Vegeta would feel the creep of hopelessness creep into his very being, harkening back to his memories against Super 17 and Omega Shenron. The realization that he was outmatched settled in, a bitter truth that stoked the embers of his Saiyan pride. However, a new fire ignited within him—one fueled by survival, not just pride.

Swallowing his pride for a moment, Vegeta shifted his focus from direct confrontation to survival. With a gritted determination, he aimed his good arm at the rocky ground beneath him. Channeling his remaining energy, he unleashed a massive explosion of smoke and dust, creating a veil that engulfed the battlefield in a shroud of chaos.

Zamasu, momentarily blinded by the billowing clouds, hesitated in confusion. The divine being scanned the smokescreen, unable to pinpoint Vegeta's location. The Saiyan Prince, using the distraction to his advantage, retreated with stealth, relying on the shadows to conceal his movements.

As the dust settled, revealing the now empty battlefield, Zamasu's eyes narrowed in frustration. "Where is he?" he growled, the irritation evident in his voice.

Goku Black, hovering in the distance, observed the unfolding situation. A smirk played on his lips as he watched Zamasu's futile attempts to locate Vegeta. "He's clever, that Saiyan. Perhaps there's more to mortals than you give them credit for," Goku Black remarked with a hint of amusement.

Zamasu, still scanning the area, scowled. "This is nothing more than a delay. He cannot escape the inevitable."

However, Goku Black raised a hand, signaling Zamasu to halt. "Let him go. There's something to be gained from this. The Saiyan's determination to survive, even against insurmountable odds, is a trait we can exploit."

Zamasu, displeased but curious, turned his attention back to Goku Black. "Explain."

Goku Black descended closer to the ground, his eyes fixed on the dissipating smokescreen. "Allow Vegeta to escape for now. The Saiyan's potential is vast, and his survival instinct may drive him to new heights. A stronger opponent serves our purpose better than a defeated one. Once he comes back, and believe me, he will return, I need to fight him. A stronger opponent will ensure I grow in strength as well, ensuring our success even more so."

Zamasu, begrudgingly accepting the suggestion, nodded. "Very well. Let him flee, but he will not escape our divine judgment forever."

The battlefield fell silent as Vegeta, battered and broken, made his hasty retreat. The Saiyan Prince, while nursing his wounds and through decades of growth and experience, knew that this moment of retreat was not a surrender but a strategic withdrawal.

Miles away from the battlefield, within the desolate confines of a crumbling building, Vegeta found refuge in the basement. The air was thick with dust, and the sound of his labored breaths echoed in the silence of the hidden sanctuary. The pain from his injuries gnawed at him, a constant reminder of the divine force he had faced.

As Vegeta sat against a cold, stone wall, he noticed a faint green glow emanating from his Saiyan armor. Intrigued, he examined the source of the illumination, his eyes widening in disbelief. The glow seemed to originate from a small compartment on the chest plate. With cautious curiosity, Vegeta opened it, revealing a tiny, radiant object within.

To his astonishment, Vegeta discovered a fragment of a Senzu Bean in gel-like liquid, nestled within the compartment. Memories flooded back to him—the other half of the Senzu Bean Bulma had given Future-Trunks a couple of days ago must've been the missing part of this one here!

A moment of realization dawned upon Vegeta. Bulma, in her ingenuity, had found a way to integrate the healing properties of the Senzu Bean into his armor. The green glow, a manifestation of that power, bathed Vegeta's broken arm in a soothing light. Miraculously, the pain subsided, and the broken bones began to mend.

Vegeta clenched his fist, testing the restored strength. The Saiyan Prince couldn't help but marvel at the unexpected gift from Bulma. His thoughts turned to her, grateful for her foresight and determination to support him even from a distance.

As he rose to his feet, Vegeta could feel the revitalizing energy coursing through his veins. The green glow faded, leaving him in newfound strength and resolve. He adjusted his Saiyan armor, a silent nod of appreciation for the woman who stood by him through thick and thin.

With renewed determination, Vegeta ascended from the basement, his eyes gleaming with a fiery intensity. The battle was far from over, but the Saiyan Prince, fueled by Bulma's ingenious gift, was ready to face the divine adversaries once more.

Vegeta burst forth from the desolate building, his aura ablaze with newfound strength. The air crackled with energy as he soared back to the battlefield, determination etched across his face. The Saiyan Prince, fueled by the mysterious gift from Bulma and a little something more, was ready to face Zamasu once again.

As Vegeta descended upon the battlefield, the divine duo, Goku Black and Zamasu, turned their attention to the returning warrior. Their amusement at his swift return quickly morphed into curiosity and a hint of concern as they noticed the absence of visible injuries, particularly the healed arm.

Goku Black chuckled, a smug grin playing on his face. "Well, well, the Saiyan has come back for more. You really are full of surprises, Vegeta."

Zamasu, however, felt a growing frustration. His eyes narrowed as he observed Vegeta's seemingly unscathed form. "What trickery is this, Saiyan? Your arm was broken moments ago, yet now you return as if untouched. Explain yourself!"

Vegeta, smirking with newfound confidence, flexed his healed arm. "No tricks, Zamasu. Just a little gift from someone special. Seems like you underestimated the power of mortals and their ingenuity."

Goku Black's amusement turned into genuine interest. "Bulma, you say? Mortals creating artifacts to rival the divine? How disgustingly intriguing."

Zamasu, however, was less impressed and more infuriated. Without uttering a word, he charged towards Vegeta with an intensity that spoke of his frustration and determination to uncover the source of the Saiyan's sudden recovery.

Vegeta met Zamasu's charge head-on, their clash sending shockwaves through the battlefield. The Saiyan Prince, now empowered by the Zenkai boost and Bulma's gift, held his ground against the divine onslaught. Zamasu, fueled by frustration and a growing suspicion, pressed the assault with a relentless barrage of strikes.

The clash between Vegeta and Zamasu intensified, the air pulsating with the energy of their conflict. Zamasu, though still swift and formidable, no longer seemed as impossibly fast as he did in their initial encounters. Vegeta, fueled by the Zenkai boost and Bulma's ingenuity, noticed the subtle shift in the divine being's speed.

Vegeta's eyes narrowed with suspicion, a question lingering in his mind. "What's the matter, Zamasu? Feeling a bit slower?"

Zamasu scowled, the Saiyan's observation not going unnoticed. "Your insolence will be your downfall, Saiyan. Prepare to witness the true might of a divine being!"

As Zamasu lunged forward, Vegeta braced himself for the divine onslaught. The former Kaioshin's strikes were still swift, but there was a perceptible delay that hadn't been there before. Vegeta, seizing the opportunity, countered with a series of well-timed blocks and evasive maneuvers.

The Saiyan Prince couldn't help but wonder what had caused this apparent dip in Zamasu's speed. Was it the Zenkai boost, Bulma's gift, or something else? Regardless, Vegeta pushed the thought aside, focusing on the immediate threat before him.

Zamasu, frustrated by Vegeta's resilience, decided to resort to the tactics that had worked before. With blinding speed, he attempted to sneak around Vegeta, aiming to deliver precise cuts along his body. However, the Saiyan Prince, now attuned to the altered tempo of the battle, anticipated the move.

Vegeta pivoted with incredible speed, catching Zamasu off guard. The divine being's strike, meant to inflict a deep cut, met only the cold steel of Vegeta's Saiyan armor. The tables had turned, and a smirk played on Vegeta's face as he seized the opportunity.

The clash between Vegeta and Zamasu intensified, the air pulsating with the energy of their conflict. Zamasu, though still swift and formidable, no longer seemed as impossibly fast as he did in their initial encounters. Vegeta, fueled by the Zenkai boost and Bulma's ingenuity, noticed the subtle shift in the divine being's speed.

Vegeta's eyes narrowed with suspicion, a question lingering in his mind. "What's the matter, Zamasu? Feeling a bit slower?"

Zamasu scowled, the Saiyan's observation not going unnoticed. "Your insolence will be your downfall, Saiyan. Prepare to witness the true might of a divine being!"

As Zamasu lunged forward, Vegeta braced himself for the divine onslaught. The former Kaioshin's strikes were still swift, but there was a perceptible delay that hadn't been there before. Vegeta, seizing the opportunity, countered with a series of well-timed blocks and evasive maneuvers.

The Saiyan Prince couldn't help but wonder what had caused this apparent dip in Zamasu's speed. Was it the Zenkai boost, Bulma's gift, or something else? Regardless, Vegeta pushed the thought aside, focusing on the immediate threat before him.

Zamasu, frustrated by Vegeta's resilience, decided to resort to the tactics that had worked before. With blinding speed, he attempted to sneak around Vegeta, aiming to deliver precise cuts along his body. However, the Saiyan Prince, now attuned to the altered tempo of the battle, anticipated the move.

Vegeta pivoted with incredible speed, catching Zamasu off guard. The divine being's strike, meant to inflict a deep cut, met only the cold steel of Vegeta's Saiyan armor. The tables had turned, and a smirk played on Vegeta's face as he seized the opportunity.

Though the divine being remained faster and stronger, there was an undeniable shift in the dynamics of their battle. Vegeta had closed part of the gap that had once seemed insurmountable.

Zamasu's eyes widened in shock at the Saiyan's newfound resilience. His earlier certainty wavered as Vegeta, now more determined than ever, seized the opportunity. Without a moment's hesitation, Vegeta launched into a fierce frenzy of attacks, emulating the relentless onslaught of a furious Oozaru.

The air echoed with the thunderous impact of each strike as Vegeta pressed the assault. Zamasu, caught off guard by the sudden surge in the Saiyan's intensity, struggled to keep up. The divine being parried and dodged, but Vegeta's relentless barrage left no room for recovery.

Vegeta's movements became a blur of raw power and untamed fury. His punches and kicks, fueled by the primal essence of his Saiyan nature, battered Zamasu. The divine being, now on the defensive, found himself forced back by the unyielding force of Vegeta's onslaught.

Goku Black, watching from the sidelines, observed the unexpected turn of events with a mix of surprise and concern. The Saiyan, though still beneath the divine might of Zamasu, had tapped into a wellspring of strength that defied conventional understanding.

Vegeta, lost in the primal rhythm of battle, unleashed a primal roar that echoed through the desolate landscape. His attacks intensified, a whirlwind of blows that seemed to defy the very laws of physics. The Saiyan Prince, driven by an indomitable will to survive, became a force of nature, a tempest of fury that raged against the divine order.

Zamasu, struggling to maintain composure, attempted to counter Vegeta's onslaught. However, the Saiyan's relentless assault left no room for the divine being to regain control. The very fabric of the universe seemed to tremble as the two clashed in a battle that transcended mortal and divine boundaries.

The battlefield trembled under the onslaught as Vegeta continued his relentless assault on Zamasu. Each punch and kick were met with a retaliatory blow from the divine being, their clash echoing through the desolate landscape. Vegeta, fueled by a primal fury, pressed on despite the punishing counterattacks.

Zamasu, normally composed and strategic, surprised Vegeta by abandoning his defensive stance. Instead, he willingly allowed himself to be caught in the storm of Vegeta's relentless attacks. The Saiyan Prince, taken aback by this unexpected change, intensified his blows, each strike carrying the weight of his indomitable will.

The air crackled with the intensity of their exchange. Vegeta and Zamasu, both focused entirely on offense, traded powerful blows that sent shockwaves through the battlefield. The cosmic dance of fists and energy became a spectacle of raw power, a clash between saiyan and divine pride.

As the onslaught continued, both combatants emerged battered and bloodied. The once-desolate landscape bore witness to the destructive beauty of their struggle. Despite the toll on their bodies, neither Vegeta nor Zamasu showed any sign of yielding.

In a final, desperate gambit, Zamasu unleashed a devastating attack, channeling his energy into a force that threatened to engulf Vegeta. The Saiyan, however, defied the odds. In a moment of uncanny instinct, Vegeta dodged the lethal assault and, with a swift and unexpected movement, struck back.

His fist, propelled by an unyielding determination, pierced through Zamasu's gut. Time seemed to freeze as Vegeta's arm exited through Zamasu's back, a grotesque tableau of mortal defiance against divine inevitability.

Zamasu, aghast and betrayed by the turn of events, coughed up blood as Vegeta withdrew his arm. The divine being staggered backward, his once-imposing form reduced to a battered shell. Vegeta, though on the verge of collapse himself, stood defiant.

The battlefield fell silent, the echoes of their fierce clash fading away. Vegeta, panting heavily, glared at the fallen Zamasu. Turning his attention back to Goku Black hovering in the air, Vegeta only had one response for the arrogant Kai.

Gathering the mixture of blood and saliva in his mouth, Vegeta would spit back out that mixture with a tooth next to Zamasu's fallen body. *"Good enough for you now?"*

As he awaited Goku Black's response, Vegeta's battered Saiyan armor began to glow once again. The healing process had commenced, hidden amidst the dust and chaos stirred by their relentless battle. Goku Black, however, remained oblivious to the subtle radiance, his attention fixed on the fallen Zamasu.

Suddenly, Goku Black erupted into maniacal laughter, a chilling sound that echoed through the battlefield. Vegeta, confused by the sudden outburst, turned his attention to Zamasu, who was slowly rising from the dust-covered ground. Goku Black's laughter subsided, replaced by a sinister grin.

"I believe, Vegeta, that you've earned the right to witness the true extent of my power," Goku Black declared, his voice dripping with arrogance.

With a burst of divine light, Goku Black's form underwent a mesmerizing transformation. The energy that enveloped him surged and intensified, creating an awe-inspiring spectacle. Vegeta, even in his battered state, couldn't help but be awestruck by the brilliance of the divine light.

As the light subsided, Goku Black stood transformed, his appearance now adorned in the exquisite hues of Rose. The divine aura that surrounded him pulsed with an otherworldly energy. Vegeta, despite his battle-hardened demeanor, couldn't suppress a sense of awe at the overwhelming power emanating from Goku Black's transformed state.

Goku Black, now in his Rose form, smirked at Vegeta. "You've shown remarkable tenacity, Saiyan. But now, behold the true might of a divine being."

As Goku Black stood, an air of overwhelming confidence enveloped him. His words, laced with arrogance, echoed through the battlefield. "I'll grant you one free hit, Saiyan. Go ahead, show me what you can do before I end this."

Vegeta's eyes narrowed, his fuming rage fueled by Goku Black's mockery. The weight of being compared to his counterpart from another timeline, the anger of witnessing the body of his best friend stolen, the anger that he was fighting an opponent who sought the unfair advantage of immortality, all converged into a burning hatred that surged through his veins.

With a primal roar that could be heard from the shelter below, Vegeta unleashed his fury upon Goku Black. The air crackled with the intensity of his rage as he closed the distance with blinding speed. The Saiyan Prince, a tempest of wrath and determination, threw a devastating punch aimed squarely at Goku Black's smirking face.

Yet, to Vegeta's astonishment, Goku Black remained utterly still. Not a muscle in his face twitched, and his head did not yield an inch to the oncoming strike, remaining with an unblinking stare. It was a deliberate choice by Goku Black, a display of his confidence and arrogance.

Vegeta's fist collided with Goku Black's face with a bone-crushing impact. The force of the blow resonated through the city and the surrounding country-side for dozens of miles around, sending shockwaves in all directions.

But Goku Black, undeterred and seemingly unaffected, maintained his position as if the punch had been nothing more than a gentle breeze.

The air hung heavy with tension as Vegeta, fueled by a burning anger, recoiled from the failed assault. Goku Black, his smirk unwavering, chuckled at the display of futile rage. "Is that the best you can muster, Saiyan? Pathetic."

He then regarded Vegeta with a disdainful look. "You're still too weak, Saiyan. Come back when you can pose even a resemblance of a challenge."

Vegeta grunted in frustration, a mix of awe and disbelief coloring his expression. The Saiyan Prince, pride wounded and ego bruised, couldn't comprehend the fact that Goku Black had effortlessly weathered his strongest attack as if it were nothing more than a fleeting gust of wind.

Goku Black, reveling in his godly superiority, summoned a swirling portal behind Vegeta, who remained oblivious to the impending danger. The divine being slowly brought his hand up to Vegeta's forehead, his movements deliberate and filled with an unsettling calmness. With a swift flick of his index finger, Goku Black executed a motion that defied mortal comprehension.

In an instant, Vegeta was flicked into the portal with unmatched speed. The Saiyan Prince, caught off guard, disappeared into the swirling vortex, leaving behind a trail of residual energy. The portal closed with a subtle shift in the air, as if the fabric of reality itself had sealed the Saiyan's fate.

Goku Black, satisfied with his display of dominance, turned away from the now-vanished Vegeta. The battlefield, scarred and battered by their cosmic clash, fell into an eerie silence. The divine being's laughter echoed through the desolate landscape, a cruel reminder of the vast power gap that separated mortal and deity.

The fate of the world, now devoid of the Saiyan Prince's defiant presence, remained uncertain. Goku Black, the embodiment of divine arrogance, lingered in the aftermath of his victory. The cosmic struggle continued, and as the dust settled, the true ramifications of Vegeta's expulsion into the unknown became an enigma that hung over the destiny of both mortal and divine.

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