Metal Sonic in M.L.a.a.T.R

By Undertale_Fan_Ultra

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Reasoning: I am a huge fan of My Life as a Teenage Robot (M.L.a.a.T.R) and Sonic the Hedgehog, and, as I was... More

Part 1: Powers, Abilities, Appearance, Allias, and Origination
Part 2: Feelings, Actions, Arrival, HtdnAtWoStH, Relationships & Personality
Part 3: Episode 6 C: Metal Madness
Part 4: S1's Changed, replaced, truly/mostly unaffected, and added/new episodes
Part 5: Episode 13c: Disastrous Consequences
Part 6: S2's Changed, replaced, truly/mostly unaffected, and added/new episodes
Part 7: Escape from Cluster Prime Changes 1/4 (How it Changes)
Part 8: New Escape from Cluster Prime Script (METAL SONIC STORY) 2/4
Part 9: New Escape from Cluster Prime Script (METAL SONIC STORY) 3/4
Part 10: Metal Sonic Esc.F.C.P. Trivia, fun facts, and more. 4/4
Part 11: Season 3 Mini-sode, Cluster Prime Time Arrival
Part 12: Season 3 changes, Part 1.
Part 13: No Harmony with Melody's New Plot and some of the new Script
Part 14: My Life as a Teenage Robot Season 3 Changes Part 2, Electric Boogaloo.
Part 15: Episode 12B: Queen Bee's New Plot + Parts of the New Script
Part 16: My Life as a Teenage Robot Season 3 Changes part 3 & Knuckles
Part 17: Episode 13C, Turncoats, The new Script
Part 18: The Trailer
Part 20: SEASON 4?
Part 21: Season 4, Episode's 1a & Episode 1b Synopsis' + Plots
Part 22: Bonus Episode/Minisode 1: Remote Reactivation
Part 23: Episode 1c, "The Anomaly"
Part 24: Episode 2a and 2b Synopsis and Plot.
Part 25: Episode 3 The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog Preleude: Updated Synopsis
Part 27: The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog Part 2/5
Part 28: The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog Part 3/5
Part 29: The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog Part 4/5
Part 30: The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog Part 5/5

Part 26: The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog Part 1/5

115 2 1
By Undertale_Fan_Ultra


Metal Sonic, Jenny, Vega, Misty, and Melody are all sitting in the living room of the Wakeman Family household, relaxing since there is nothing to really do, before the doorbell rings.
Metal Sonic: I'll get it!
Metal Sonic hops up and zooms to the door, opening it, and seeing multiple letters, and an instruction card.
Metal Sonic: Oh, thank you~!
Metal Sonic tips the delivery man and takes the letters before he closes the door. Jenny, Vega, Misty, and Melody look at the packages and letters.
Jenny Wakeman: What did you get?
Metal Sonic: Nothing, actually.
Metal Sonic places the letters on the counter, then starts to hand them out.
Vega: I wonder who they're from...
Metal Sonic passes the letters out to everyone, then gives them each their respective package.
Metal Sonic: Same here. But I think we're supposed to read these and open our packages separately.
Melody: Why?
Metal Sonic picks up a sheet of paper and shows it to everyone after reading it, as if checking it.
Metal Sonic: It says here that each person must read their Letter separately since it has things that are unique to each of us.
Melody: Oh.
Misty: Alright then.
Everyone splits off to their separate rooms before reading their letters. The scene cuts to each respective person when they talk.
Metal Sonic: "To my dear friends, You are all invited to join my birthday party on the Mirage Express."
Jenny Wakeman: "During this birthday party, we will be doing a Murder Mystery game, with everyone having an outfit guide for their attire."
Vega: "Each of you must follow your outfit guide to create your Outfit for the Murder Mystery Party..."
Melody: "Be sure to keep a close eye on what is needed for your outfit, and make sure it follows the Lore Card I have also Provided."
Misty: "Everyone will be stationed in a specific room during the Murder Mystery, and must be prepared with an Alabi should they be selected as the Murderer, which will be in your letter."
The scene cuts to a mysterious, white gloved hand holding their murderer card before it cuts back to Metal Sonic.
Metal Sonic: "Looking forward to seeing you all. -Amy Rose."
Everyone smiles, Metal Sonic doing so mouthlessly, before speeding off before the transitions to another.


???: I Gotta speed up; I can't be late for my first day on the job!
The scene fades in as an Unnamed Quokka quickly boards the Mirage Express, ready for his first day on the job, then breathes a Sigh of relief.
Unnamed Quokka: Made it onto the train, and fifteen minutes ahead of schedule too. So far, so good for my first day on the job!
The quokka smiles before noticing that he's missing his nametag.
Unnamed Quokka: Oh... I totally forgot my nametag isn't ready yet. I should make one... I'll just sign my name here...
The quokka writes down "Barry" before putting the nametag on.
Barry the Quokka: I sure hope passengers can read my scribble...
Barry notices that he's sweating, and shaking, and then realizes what's going on.
Barry: Uh oh... a- am I nervous? Is this first day on the job jitters?
Barry shakes his head.
Barry: Working in the Train's dining car can't be so bad...
Barry Groans.
Barry: Come on, Barry; shake it off!
Barry slaps himself with both hands a bit as the Conductor walks in.
Conductor: Uh... Excuse me...
Barry looks at the Conductor...
Conductor: Did I-... Did I just see you hitting yourself?
Barry: M- M- Mr. Conductor, sir! N- No, sir, I'm totally fine~! How are you doing this morning?
The Conductor smiles as he lets out a hearty, Santa-like laugh.
Barry quickly stands at attention, a wide, nervous smile on his face.
Conductor: Oh, ho, ho~! I am doing quite alright myself! Although, I am feeling a little bittersweet.
Barry tilts his head in confusion.
Barry: Oh. Is everything alright, Mr. Conductor sir?

The Conductor sighs.
Conductor: Truth be told, not really... For, alas, today's my last day as conductor; I'm retiring after thirty-two wonderful years.
The Conductor smiles sweetly.
Conductor: It's finally time for me and The Mirage Express to say goodbye to one another.
Barry smiles happily.
Player: Oh, congratulations on your retirement, sir!
The Conductor smiles happily.
Conductor: Thank you so much~! My wife is very excited about it; she's already got our plane tickets to Spagonia locked~!
The Conductor rubs the back of his head a tiny bit, smiling nervously.
Conductor: Our shower has been on the fritz lately, so I'm excited to use the hotel's too~! Fah-hah-hah!
Barry (In his head): I can see why his wife is excited...
Conductor: Anyways, enough of my quibbles, today's your first day working the dining car!
The Conductor hands Barry a menu.
Conductor: Here's the menu for today, Barry~!
Barry quickly studies the menu, looking nervous.
Barry (In his head): I'd better study this...
The Conductor, after a few seconds, notices Barry's nervous expression.
Conductor: Why do you look so nervous, Barry? All we have on the train is a microwave~!
Barry smiles nervously.
Barry: First day on the job Jitters.
The Conductor begins to laugh heartily.
Conductor: Fah-hah-hah-hah-hah-hah-hah! I know that feeling all too well; I had it on my first day, too~!
Barry: You did?
The Conductor looks at Barry with a smile.
Conductor: Why, of course; It's completely normal, Barry~!
The Conductor smiles wider.
Conductor: Though, I'm sure a little quiz is in order~!
Barry blinks as the conductor pulls out a sheet of paper.
Barry (In his head): They didn't mention quizzes in the interview, that's for sure...
The Conductor puts on some reading glasses and smiles widely.
Conductor: Now then... Question 1: Which of these do we serve at the dining car? Is it A. "Crab Rangoon."; B. "Spicy Grilled Picky"; or C. "Chicken Cordon Bleu?"
Barry thinks for a moment.
Barry: Is it... Chicken Cordon Bleu...?
Conductor: Ding, ding, ding! Glad you can read the menu ok~!
Barry and the Conductor both laugh for a bit.

Conductor: Now then, a little about the vessel, this is a state-of-the-art, high speed smart train with all the latest gadgets. This train can really handle anything you throw at it! We've had a lot of adventures together, me and this train. It's not easy to leave.
Barry smiles.
Barry: After thirty-two years, I don't blame you for being wistful, sir~!
The Conductor smiles.
Conductor: Why, thank you for your sympathy, Barry~!
Barry: Any time~! Now, what is this train used for?
The Conductor smiles.
Conductor: This train is exclusively used for events, it's not a passenger train.
Barry smiles.
Barry: I remember that from the interview. So... What's the event today?
Conductor: A murder mystery party; there's nothing better than some thrills to end my tenure as conductor. Guests will be funneled here to the dining car, as a home base so to speak.
Barry chuckles.
Barry: True that~!
The Conductor goes to the door, ready to unlock it to passengers.
Conductor: I'll be with you to gather tickets, but after that, you'll be on your own... So, I'll need you to do everything in your power to make sure our paying guests are well taken care of, understood?
Barry: I can't afford to lose this job, so I'll make you proud, sir!
Conductor: You sure can't, the severance pay is lousy~! Fah-hah-hah-hah!
Barry and the Conductor smile.
Conductor: I'm glad this old man can rest easy. Doors to The Mirage Express are opening, all aboard!

As the Mirage Express' doors are opening, the paying guests enter inside the train, and Barry's eyes widen.

Tails the Fox: Wow, this train is incredible! What fascinating tech.
Metal Sonic: No kidding...
Vector the Crocodile: You're right, Tails. I can get used to staying on a train like this!
Amy Rose: Well, what did you all expect!? You know I always go all out for my birthday party!
Rouge the Bat: This train's as elegant as you are, Amy. Can't promise I won't take anything though.
Knuckles the Red Echidna: Calm down there, Rouge. Didn't I just catch you stealing from the train station's gift shop...?
Rouge: It was a pen, Knucklehead! Who's gonna miss a teeny tiny pen?
Melody Locus (Nervously): Y-You never know...
Silver the Hedgehog: Y- Yeah, I- I'll have to agree with Melody.
Barry starts to sweat Profusely.
Barry (In his mind): W- W- What cast of characters am I stuck with?!
The Conductor looks at Barry and notices just how much he's sweating.
Conductor: Oh dear... Get a hold of yourself, Barry; you're sweating through your uniform.

Sonic walks up to Barry with a Smile.
Sonic: Hey pal, can I get one of those chili dogs?
Amy quickly approaches Sonic.
Amy: Sonic! Wait until I announce everyone's roles to get food!!
Sonic smiles nervously as Barry begins to process what he said.
Sonic: Haha, sorry about that, birthday girl-
Barry responds after processing what Sonic said.
Barry: Argh, of course sir!
Jenny Wakeman, Vega Vexus, Amy, and Sonic all look at Barry confused.
Jenny Wakeman: Argh?
Jenny snickers.
Jenny: Are you a pirate?
Barry (In his mind): Oh no, I'm more nervous than I thought!
Barry smiles nervously.

Barry: Righty-o friend!
Vega smiles nervously.
Vega Vexus: Well, aren't you friendly?
Barry (In his mind): Why can't I be normal for one second...?
The Conductor grabs the speaker microphone gently and speaks into it.
Conductor: I'll be coming around to collect everyone's tickets! Please have them out and ready.
The conductor looks at Barry, letting go of the speaker microphone.
Conductor: You'll join me, won't you Barry?
Barry seems very nervous as he smiles.
Player: O-of course~!
The Conductor smiles happily.
Conductor: Wonderful~!


Barry and the Conductor approach Knuckles first.
Conductor: Howdy, could I please get your ticket?
Knuckles gives his ticket to the Conductor, who looks at it for a moment.
Conductor: Everything looks good, thank you.
Knuckles: Hmph...
Barry sweats nervously...
Barry (In his head): M-maybe we should leave this dude alone... but at the same time...
Barry hands Knuckles a menu, then nervously gets out a note-pad, and some paper.
Barry: C- Can I take your order, sir?
Knuckles looks over the Menu for a moment.
Knuckles: The chicken cordon bleu does sound good...
Knuckles calmly hands back the Menu to Barry.
Knuckles: But I'm not interested...
Barry: O-Of course, sir~!

Barry walks away as Knuckles smirks. Then, Barry and the Conductor go up to Jenny, Metal Sonic, and Vega.
Conductor: Greetings, may I get your tickets please?
Metal Sonic smiles as he takes Jenny and Vega's tickets, who give them to him gently.
Metal Sonic: Of course, here you go~!
Metal Sonic gives Vega, and Jenny, and his ticket to the Conductor, all at once.
Conductor: Thank you, sir, highly effective~!
Metal Sonic smirks mouthlessly.
Metal Sonic: No problem, Mr. Conductor, I am a robot after all~!
Barry prepares to give Metal Sonic, Jenny, and Vega their menus, which they notice.
Vega: Oh, no thank you~!
Jenny Wakeman: We're robots, we don't need to eat~!
Barry: Oh, s- sorry~!
Metal Sonic pats Barry on the back gently.
Metal Sonic: Oh, it's no problem kid.

The Conductor and Barry walk away from Metal Sonic, Jenny, and Vega, and then walk up to Tails.
Conductor: Can I get your ticket, young'n?
Tails gives his ticket to the conductor.
Tails: Right here, sir!
The Conductor Smiles.
Conductor: Thank you young'n~!
Tails smiles.
Tails: What a beautiful train! I feel completely at ease.
Barry gets ready to hand Tails a Menu.
Barry: The menu, sir?
Tails nervously smiles.
Tails: Oh! I- I don't like reading things from strangers! 
Barry smiles.
Barry: Fair enough, I don't like reading things from Strangers either...
Tails: Great to know I'm not alone~!
Barry: May I offer you any of the snacks we have on board, at least?
Tails: No thank you. When I travel, I always pack my own Sparkle Gelatin. It's a sparkly jelly that can melt any jaded heart.
Barry gasps.
Barry: No way, I brought my own Sparkle Gelatin with me too! It's my first day and I was a little nervous.
Tails smiles reassuringly at Barry.
Tails: Don't be nervous, you're doing great so far! We're Sparkle Gelatin buddies!
Barry and tails smile.
Player: Yeah, absolutely! If you need anything, just let us know~!

The Conductor and Barry walk away and walk up to Sonic.
Conductor: Ticket, please.
Sonic gives his ticket to the Conductor.
Conductor: Thank you kindly, happy to have someone as renowned as yourself aboard.
Barry tilts his head, confused while Sonic rubs the under-side of his nose.
Sonic: Don't worry about it, I just like helping.
Conductor: When Eggman took over, I truly feared the worst, but my kids swore you would swoop in eventually. And you did! I can't offer much, other than my sincere gratitude.
Sonic Smiles.
Sonic: Don't sweat a thing, I'm glad you and your family are safe.
Player: Wait a second, is he-...
Sonic and the Conductor both look at Barry.
Barry: Are you, Sonic the Hedgehog???
Sonic does a finger wag.
Sonic: The one and only.
Barry's jaw drops.
Conductor: I promise you an excellent stay on our train, Sonic. Have fun now!
Sonic: Will do, thanks!
Sonic suddenly looks nervous.
Sonic: Shoot, I was supposed to get Amy a cake... what am I gonna do?
Barry: Can I get your order, Sonic?
Sonic: I'll be back for that Chili Dog~!
The Conductor Smiles.
Conductor: For a hero such as yourself, it'll be on the house.
Sonic: I appreciate that, although I did bring my wallet with me~!
Barry: Oh, good to know.
Barry whispers to sonic.
Barry: Uh... good luck with that cake situation...
Sonic smiles.
Sonic: Thanks pal, I'll figure something out~!

Barry and the conductor walk past a Napkin holder, but Barry walks back to it as he notices something.
Player: Huh? What's sticking out of the napkin holder?
Barry pulls a ticket out of the Napkin holder as the Conductor walks up.
Conductor: Oh, I hate the idea of a ticket lost and alone like this. Let's be sure to return this to its rightful owner.
Barry smiles.
Barry: And let's make sure no one uses their ticket as a napkin...
Barry and the Conductor smile. Barry then notices a plate of treats alongside the Train's arm.
Barry: Mmm, yummy! Don't mind if I do!
The Conductor walks up
Conductor: Barry! Those are for our guests, you know!
The Conductor looks at the Arm.
Conductor: Train, be sure Player only gets one of those if they ask.
The Hand on the arm kind of nods.
Arm: Understood.
Barry: Drat! Those snacks look really tasty too...
Barry looks at the arm.
Barry: May I have one?
Arm: Certainly.
The Arm hands Barry a cake pop as he smiles.
Barry: Thank you~!
Barry walks away with the conductor and eats his cake pop, the eye on the palm of the hand glaring slightly.

Barry and The Conductor then walk up to Espio the Chameleon.
Conductor: Could we please see your ticket?
Espio: Why, of course~!
Espio gives his ticket to the Conductor.
Conductor: Excellent, thank you and I hope you enjoy your stay with us.
Espio nods.
Espio: Absolutely, I appreciate it.
Barry (In his mind): There's a calmness about him; something about his presence puts me at ease...
Espio looks at Barry directly.
Espio: Oh, you consider me calming?
Barry flinches.
Barry (In his mind): H-He's looking right at me!)"
Espio smiles calmly.
Espio: I study ninjutsu, that's why I am so calming. In any case, I believe one can communicate through the subconscious.
Barry seems impressed.
Barry: W-Wow, ninjutsu? That sounds like a lot of difficult training!
Espio: Indeed, it is. Tell me, can you cling onto walls?
Barry gets confused.
Barry (In his mind): Cling onto walls- - what kind of question is that???
Espio: I most certainly can.
The Conductor smiles smugly as Espio takes two menus, handing one to Vector the Crocodile.
Espio: This train is exquisite. I'm enjoying my time already.
Barry: Can I take your order?
Espio: I would order one of each, but I'm here for the party. I'll eat when everyone else does.
Barry (In his mind): What excellent principles!
Espio: Indeed, they are.
Vector looks at the Menu.
Vector: Oh, I'm starved, I'll take one of each!
Amy glares at Vector, who gets nervous.
Vector: On second thought, maybe I'll uh, wait a bit.

The Conductor and Barry walk up to Vector.
Conductor: Hello my friend! Can I get your ticket?
Vector: Yeah, of course!
Vector begins to check his pocket.
Vector: As a gentleman of upstanding morals, I'd love to show you, my ticket.
Vector begins to check more of his pockets.
Vector: A-And I do believe I would be more than happy to... s-show it... to you...
The conductor and Barry both tilt their heads before the scene cuts to a mysterious gloved hands being handed a blow-dart, and a note.
Conductor: Is something amiss, sir?
Vector (Under his breath): ...I-I... I seemed to have-... um... misplaced my ticket.
Conductor: Pardon me, but could you speak up a bit? I couldn't quite hear you.
Vector nervously looks at the Conductor.
Vector: I-I seem to have misplaced my ...ticket. I don't know where it is.
Conductor: Oh ho! Actually, we may be able to help you.
Vector seems nervous.
Vector: What do you mean?
Conductor: Well, we just might have what you need. Barry, why don't you show our friend here what we picked up?
Barry: Oh, of course~!
Barry gets the crumpled-up ticket from his pocket and hands it to Vector.
Vector: Ah, there it is! That's my ticket! Thanks so much to both of you~! Was really worried you'd kick me out and I'd miss the murder mystery.
The Conductor chuckles.
Conductor: Hoh-hoh~! Barry here would have their hands full kicking you out!
Vector: You're right, I wouldn't leave without a fight!
Vector and the Conductor laugh as Barry nervously smiles.
Vector: You're both alright in my book. Thanks again for the assist.
Barry and the Conductor smile.
Conductor: Of course, just let us know if you need anything else~!
Vector: Thanks again for finding my ticket! You're a real lifesaver.

Barry and the Conductor walk away from Vector and walk up to Melody, Misty, and Silver.
Conductor: May I see your tickets please?
Silver smiles as he uses his Telekinesis to lift the tickets into the Conductor's hands.
Conductor: Oh my, thank you~!
Silver: No problem, sir~!
Barry hands Silver, Melody, and Misty each a menu.
Barry: That was very impressive~!
Silver: Thank you~! I try my best~!
Barry gets out his notepad and pen.
Barry: May I take your orders for later?
Silver: I think I'm good~!
Silver hands his menu back to Barry.
Silver: I've had a bit of a weak stomach recently... I should be good for cake, though~!
Barry: Oh, I- I'm sorry to hear that sir. We have some ginger-ale if you want.
Silver smiles.
Silver: No thank you, I'm good~!
Barry nods as Melody hands her menu back as well.
Melody: That'll be a no from me, too~!
Barry walks up slightly to take Melody's menu, only to trip. Melody uses her robot extendo-arm to catch him.
Barry: O-Oh... you're a Robot too?
Melody: Yes~!
The conductor smiles.
Conductor: You're quite sweet, ma'am~!
Melody: Thank you~!
Melody hands Barry back her menu as he smiles. Misty smiles.
Misty: I think I'll have the Chicken Cordon Bleu later if you don't mind~!
Barry writes down Misty's order on the page behind Sonics.
Barry: Anything to drink with that?
Misty smiles.
Misty: Just a Chaos Cola please~!
Barry nods and writes down Misty's Order.
Barry: What flavor?
Misty smiles.
Misty: Cherry; as in in the glass.
Barry writes down the specific recommendation from Misty.
Barry: After the Murder Mystery, I'll have the chefs make sure it's perfect~!
Misty: Thank you so much~!

Barry and the Conductor walk up to Amy happily.
Conductor: Could I please get the birthday girl's ticket?
Amy smiles happily.
Amy: Hee-hee, why certainly!
Amy gives her ticket to the Conductor.
Conductor: Thank you miss! And thank you for choosing our fine train for your birthday festivities.
Amy: Well, the birthday discount certainly helped.
Barry (In his mind): Who doesn't love a good bargain?
Amy: You see, I'm a girl who LOVES a good true crime podcast~! And a murder mystery train just sounds so exciting! It's right up my alley.
Barry (In his mind): Who doesn't love a good thrill?
Amy: I wonder what cake topper Sonic picked out for me!
The Conductor and Barry Smile as Barry hands Amy a Menu, which she quickly returns.
Amy: No thanks, I'm saving room for my birthday cake!
Barry becomes nervous.
Barry: Oh! Did someone bring a cake for you?
Amy: Yeah, that was Sonic's job!
Sonic and Barry both get nervous.
Amy: Haha Sonic, why did you turn to look at the wall?
Sonic: Uh-...
Amy: Sonic...?
Barry chimes in quickly.
Barry: I bet it's a good one~!
Amy smiles as Barry Winks at Sonic, who gives him a nervous Thumbs up to thank him for the save.
Amy: I bet you're right!
Conductor: Before we move along... we have something for you, miss!
Amy seems confused.
Amy: Really?
The arm gives Amy a birthday key.
Amy: Oh, how fun, thank you!
Amy Pauses as she looks at the key.
Amy: Um... Where do I use this?
The Conductor chuckles happily.
Conductor: That unlocks any door in the train. Happy Birthday Ma'am!
Amy smiles nervously.
Amy: Oh, are you sure?
Barry smiles reassuringly.
Player: The birthday person gets the Birthday Key. It's practically a tradition here on the Mirage Express~!
The Conductor smiles.
Conductor: Indeed~!
Amy: I'll be sure to use this very wisely, thank you.
Amy puts the key into her hammer space happily.
Amy: Very useful!

Barry and the Conductor walk up to Shadow the Hedgehog, the Ultimate Lifeform, after talking with Amy.
Shadow: Here.
Shadow gives his ticket to the Conductor.
Conductor: Thank you, everything is in order.
Barry notices that Shadow seems concerned about something.
Barry: Is there anything we can help you with?
Shadow looks out the window.
Shadow: Do you sell gift bags here?
Barry thinks for a moment.
Player: No, sadly not sir, but we do have some plastic grocery bags in the back. Would you like me to get for you?
Shadow stares at Barry as he hands him a menu, beginning to shiver.
Conductor: Barry, you're shivering; do you need me to fetch your jacket?
Barry: H- H- H- Hah... n- n- n- no, no; I- I- I'm g- good- d- d- d.
Barry warms up for a moment.
Shadow: What else do you need?
Barry: Can I take your order sir?
Shadow: Only three items on the menu...?
Conductor: Sorry sir, is not everything to your liking?
Shadow: I just expected a bit more from a train so state of the art. You don't even have drinks listed?
Barry looks at the menu.
Barry: Um, excuse me sir.
Shadow looks at Barry.
Barry: Our drinks are on page 2.
Shadow turns the page, realizing there is one, and then glares at Barry, secretly greatful.
Shadow: Thank you...
Barry smiles.
Barry: Y- You're welcome~!
The Conductor cheerfully chimes in.
Conductor: We offer water, coffee, Ginger-Ale, and Chaos Cola, sir.
Shadow smirks for a moment.
Shadow: I'll have to take you up on the coffee soon. Just the beans and a spoon, though.
Barry nods nervously and writes down Shadow's order, and specific instructions before taking Shadow's Menu.
Shadow: Thank you...

Barry nods as him and the Conductor approach blaze, who gives her ticket to the Conductor before he can even ask for it.
Conductor: Ah! Thank you very much, on top of it I see.
Blaze: A princess, such as myself, must always be punctual.
Barry (under his breath): P-Princess? Did she just say princess...?
The Conductor gets an inquisitive look on his face.
Conductor: If you don't mind me asking, are you visiting from somewhere?
Blaze: Another Dimension, actually.
Barry (In his mind): A separate what!?
Blaze: Just here for Amy's birthday, then I'll hop back to my own dimension with Silver. I quite prefer the birthday cake from more than my own, so I admit I'm a bit excited.
Barry seems confused.
Conductor: Ho ho, you don't say! Well, I hope you enjoy your stay, princess.
Barry (In his mind): S-Should I bow? Do I bow before a princess???
Blaze and the Conductor watch, confused, as Barry bows.
Blaze: What are you doing? Please get up.
Barry (In his mind): Why can I not win with this group!?
Barry gets out a menu.
Blaze: I'm saving myself for cake, thank you though.
Conductor: Are you sure? Our ramen bowl doesn't disappoint!
Blaze sighs.
Blaze: ...I'm quite sure.
Barry (In his mind): We don't even have that on the menu...
As Barry and the Conductor begin to walk away, Blaze speaks again with a smile.
Blaze: You do not need to bow every time you see me.
Player: O-oh, sorry. No bowing... got it.
Blaze smiles more.
Blaze: Wonderful.

Barry and the Conductor both walk up to Rouge as Barry hands her a menu.
Rouge: Well, hello you two, what can I do for you?
Conductor: Good morning, ma'am, can we get your ticket?
Rouge smiles.
Rouge: My, my, how forward! Let me fetch it for you.
Rouge gives her ticket to the Conductor.
Rouge: Come back if you need anything else, 'k?
Barry (In his mind): Wow, she's so polite! Very easy to talk to as well~!
The Conductor checks his pockets for a Moment as Rouge smiles a bit pocketing a 20 dollar bill as The Conductor sighs.
Barry (In his mind): ...I may not actually be the best at judging character.
Barry walks back up to rouge after a few seconds pass.
Rouge: Please excuse me darling, just need to freshen up before the party begins.
Barry: But you already look great~!
Rouge blushes a tiny bit as she smiles and blows a Kiss at Barry.
Rouge: Don't I know it~?
Barry Blushes as he pulls out his notepad and pen.
Barry: M- May I take your o- order ma'am?
Rouge hands Barry his menu back.
Rouge: Oh, this all looks delectable, but sadly, will have to pass.
Conductor: If you get hungry later, we'll have the-
Barry: We'll have the oven warmed up for you~!
Rouge Smiles as the Conductor voicelessly thanks Barry for the save.
Rouge: Why thank you dear~!

Once Barry and the Conductor finish Once the player has finished getting everyone's tickets, they place them in a receptacle.
Amy: Ok, everyone! Time for me to read out everyone's roles for the murder mystery!
The Conductor smiles.
Conductor: And that's my cue to leave. I must prepare the driver's compartment for departure.
Barry (In his mind): Ah, the conductor's car.
Conductor: Barry, You remember our promise, yeah? You'll do everything in your power to make sure our guests have a safe and enjoyable time on The Mirage Express?
Player: Absolutely, you can count on me~!
Conductor: And train?
The Robotic arm descends from the ceiling.
Conductor: Do Assist the Player if they need any help, won't you?
The Arm nods.
Conductor: Fahaha, that's all I need to hear! For everyone else, please talk to Player here if you need anything.
Everyone nods.
Tails: Sounds good!
Sonic: Absolutely.
Vector: Will do!
Metal Sonic: Understood~!
Jenny: Okie Dokie~!
Vega: Ok~!
Silver: Alright~!
Melody: Okay then~!
Blaze: Alright then.
Shadow: Hm...
Knuckles: Got it...
Espio: Understood
The conductor Smiles.
Conductor: You have my trust. Now, Imust take my leave, everyone. Please, have a phenomenal time! And don't worry about mucking up the place either, this train is state of the art and has systems for dealing with all that.
Amy: Goodbye now~!
Vector: I like that guy~!
Barry and Metal Sonic watch as the Conductor turns happily.
Conductor: Now then, I'll be off~!
Everyone watches as the Conductor walks out of the Dining car happily.
Barry: There are few things more heartwarming than a conductor and his train...
Metal Sonic smiles mouthlessly as he nods.
Metal Sonic: Amen, brother.

Amy smiles as she looks at the group.
Amy: Thank you all for following the outfit guides I sent each of you, you all look amazing. I trust you all read your lore cards as well, right?
Metal Sonic nods with Melody.
Melody: Inside and out~!
Barry (In his mind): Lore cards? That must be the details of their motivations. I suppose it makes sense lore cards aren't read out loud, otherwise people would know the murderer's intentions.
Amy smiles
Amy: Good, now on to the nitty gritty. For the murder mystery game one of you will be murdered, and the rest suspects!

Amy pulls out a clipboard.
Amy: Everyone has assigned roles for characters they will be playing. Participation is required, for it is my birthday.
Tails: Of course!
Sonic: Birthday girl makes the rules.
Amy looks each character in the order she addresses them.
Amy: Sonic, you are a ship captain, and you'll be stationed in the conductor car.
Sonic smiles.
Sonic: Naturally, that's where the captain would go.
Amy: Tails, you are the detective! You'll be here in the dining car.
Tails nods and tips his detective's cap.
Tails: Indubitably!
Amy: Knuckles, you're the sheriff around these parts; and Melody, you're the outlaw. We'll find you both in the saloon.
Knuckles nods.
Knuckles: Got it.
Melody holds her toy gun in her hand.
Melody: Locked an' loaded...
Amy: Rouge you're a business tycoon, and Blaze you're a titan of industry, both in the casino.
Blaze: What's the difference?
Amy: There is none.
Blaze: Ah...
Rouge smirks.
Rouge: Hmm, sounds fun.
Amy: Vector, you're the butcher, and Espio the poet, both found in the library.
Vector smiles happily.
Vector: Hear that Espio? We get to hang out together!
Espio: And do what, read?
Vector: Maybe we can ...make a tower of books or somethin'...?
Amy chuckles.
Amy: Silver, you're the mailman, and Vega, you're the Mob boss. You will both be stationed in the Mail Car.
Vega: Sounds good to me.
Silver nervously nods.
Silver: Y- Yeah...
Amy: Shadow is the locksmith hanging out in the lounge.
Shadow simply nods gently.
Amy: Jenny, you're the singer, and Misty, you're the Director. You're also stationed in the lounge.
Jenny smiles, holding out her Microphone.
Jenny: Got it~!
Misty nods, clipboard in hand, and glasses on.
Misty: Understood~!
Amy looks at Metal Sonic.
Amy: Metal, you're the Attorney. You're allowed to be in any car you want at any time.
Metal Sonic smiles.
Metal Sonic: No Objections here~!
Amy: And, last but not least, me! The journalist reporter! I'll be moseying around with everyone. Did you get all that?

Everyone Nods, including Barry, who chimes in.
Barry: Yes ma'am~!
Amy looks at Barry for a moment.
Barry: Oh! I- I was listening in; I- I Hope that's ok.
Amy smiles as she looks at Barry, while Metal Sonic chuckles.
Metal Sonic: It's more than alright, Barry~!
Amy: Yeah~! You can help ensure everyone's following their roles. Oh! That reminds me-
Amy pulls maps out of her hammer space and begins handing them out to people.
Amy: I have a map for each of you!
Metal Sonic takes a map calmly and examines it.
Metal: Everyone's station is marked on this map too~!
Barry: How convenient~!
Barry takes a map from Amy, calmly. Amy then smiles.
Amy: Now then, the rules of the game are as follows: There is a murderer among you all! The murderer can 'kill' a single participant however they choose, but you must physically be present with the victim for it to count. Everyone else must collect evidence throughout the train and use it to interrogate fellow passengers to figure out who done it. The murderer will lie to get out of being accused, so inspect everything you can; find clues; And interrogate! I'll set a timer for one hour so everyone can mingle, and the murderer can do their thing. Is everyone ready?
Everyone cheers and speaks happily.
Barry: Sounds like everyone's excited!
Amy smiles.
Amy: Everyone, to your stations!

The scene fades to some time later as Metal Sonic, Barry, Tails, and Amy, can all be seen hanging out in the dining car, Amy seeming very excited.
Amy: Eek~! This is so exciting~!
Metal Sonic nods.
Metal Sonic: Agreed.
Amy: A mystery is unfolding right under our very noses~!
Barry: I know, I- It's kind of scary.
Tails smiles nervously.
Tails: I'll admit, I'm a little nervous, too~!
Metal Sonic's eyes widen a bit.
Metal Sonic: Wait a minute...
Metal Sonic looks at Tails and Amy.
Metal Sonic: Shouldn't the 3 of us be out there Mingling with everyone?
Amy snickers.
Amy: Well actually, Metal, the Detective, the Attorney, and the Journalist can't be the Murderers.
Tails smiles as he looks at Metal.
Tails: That way there's always a Neutral Party~!
Metal Sonic facepalms.
Metal Sonic: How did I forget?
Barry: That all makes sense to me.
Barry (In his head): It seems like Ms. Rose is more excited about deciphering the Mystery anyways.
Tails gets inquisitive.
Tails: What do you think everyone is doing right now?
Amy: Everyone has roles to play, so they must be exploring their characters~!
Metal rubs the underside of his nose.

Metal Sonic: Not Jenny. I'd bet anything that she's having fun singing in the Lounge Car.
Amy giggles.
Amy: Yeah, you're probably right.
Barry looks at Amy.
Barry: Say, Ms. Rose?
Amy looks at Barry.
Amy: Just Amy is fine, Barry~!
Barry smiles Nervously.
Barry: Right, sorry. Do you know what everyone's character motivations are, Amy?
Metal Sonic does a finger wag.
Metal Sonic: Incorrect.
Amy giggles.
Amy: Exactly. The Lore cards are confidential; nobody knows a character's motivations except for the person who recieved it.
Amy giggles.
Amy: My lore is that I'm a nosey person turned Journalist.
Tails chimes in excitedly.

Tails: My backstory is that I was best friends with a Flicky that decided to work for the evil Dr. Eggman, kickstarting my desire for Justice in the world.
Metal Sonic sighs, calmly.
Metal Sonic: I'm an Attorney similar to Pheonix Wright in terms of my backstory. That's all you need to know.
Barry: Not gonna lie, this sounds like fun~!
Barry (In his mind): Too bad I'm stuck on microwave duty...
Everyone jolts a little as the train starts moving.
Metal Sonic: What the -?!
Amy: T- The train's started moving.
The train begins to speed up.
Tails: I- It's so fast!!!
Barry: G- Grab onto something!
Everyone grabs onto a table, or a part of the wall.
Barry: W-What's going on!?
Metal Sonic taps the side of his head, only to remember something and stop.
Metal Sonic: Why is the train accelerating so much?!
Tails holds on tight, but his grip starts to loosens as he starts slipping.
Tails: I- I'm slipping!
Amy grabs onto tails.
Amy: H- Hold on!!!
Tails: I- I- Can't-!
Amy and Tails slip, falling back into Metal Sonic, knocking him loose.
Metal Sonic: Ah!
Metal Sonic, Amy, and Tails fall into Barry and Barry.
Barry: Ahhhh!!!
Amy: No!!!
A loud thud can be heard as the scene cuts to black.


Metal Sonic (Echo-y): Barry...? Barry? Barry!
Barry groans as he wakes up, rubbing his head, Tails doing the same.
Tails: Ow...
Barry: Ugh... my head hurts...
Metal Sonic: No kidding... you two hit your heads the hardest... I woke up second...
Amy rushes up.
Amy: Thank goodness you both are ok!
Barry: Y- Yeah...
Metal Sonic helps Barry up, and Amy helps Tails up.
Metal Sonic: At least the train slowed down.
Barry: Is everyone ok?
Tails sighs.
Tails: My head is still spinning... but, yeah, I'm ok...
Barry looks around.
Barry: Looks like we were knocked into the Dining Car's closet...
Tails: This train sure can move at incredible speeds...
Metal Sonic simply glares at Tails, causing him to sweat nervously. Amy then sighs.
Amy: Well, we sure are getting our money's worth with this experience... that's for sure.
Metal Sonic looks at Amy, seeming unamused.
Metal Sonic: Amy, we both know this isn't intentional.
Barry smiles nervously.
Barry: Yeah, I don't remember them warning me about this in the interview.
Metal Sonic looks at Barry.
Metal Sonic: Well, if you're looking to sue them you know who to call.
Barry chuckles.

Tails: Anyways, we should go warn the others. Barry, could you get the door?
Barry: Sure thing~!
Metal Sonic holds his arm out, stopping Barry in his tracks.
Metal Sonic: Would let you if I could, but the door's blocked off.
Tails looks at Amy.
Tails: Amy, how about you whack the shelf out of the way with your Piko-Piko Hammer?
Amy gets nervous all of a sudden as she smiles, Tails and Barry both tilt their heads in confusion.
Metal Sonic: Amy...?
Amy giggles nervously.
Amy: L-... Let's find another way out! I- I'll... uh... start looking for clues!
Amy walks over to another part of the closet.
Amy: I-I'll start over... here!
Metal Sonic, Tails, and Barry watch Amy get on her knees as she holds up a spoon with a nervous expression.
Tails: I know Amy; she's hiding something.
Metal Sonic: Yeah, she woke up before the three of us.
Barry: Something could've happened... but how can we know for sure?
Tails and Metal both look at Barry.
Metal Sonic: How do you think?
Barry: R-Right! You two can count on me~!
Metal Sonic nods with Tails.
Tails: Besides, the best detectives have sidekicks~!
Metal Sonic looks at Tails in an offended way.
Metal Sonic: I'm an ally, not a sidekick...
Tails blushes a bit.
Tails: R-Right~!

Metal, Barry, and Tails all walk up to the fallen shelf, first, and Metal examines a part of it.
Metal Sonic: Hey guys, take a look at this!
Tails and Barry get closer to where Metal is looking and notice a crack on the shelf that blocks their way.
Barry: Weird... how did this side of the shelf get smashed...
Tails: There's nothing the shelf could've fallen into... and I'm sure nothing fell into it...
Metal Sonic: Agreed... the train has too much upkeep.
Barry uses an old-fashioned Camera he finds in the closet's trash-can in order to take a picture of the crack, and it comes out as a perfect picture.
Metal Sonic: Why did you check the trash-can?
Barry: There's always something hidden in the trash-can.
Metal Sonic and Tails sigh.
Metal Sonic: If you say so.

Barry walks over to the boxes near Amy.
Amy: Hey, I said I'd look over here.
Barry: Sorry, Amy, just passing by!
Amy sighs.
Amy: Sorry.
Barry: It's ok.
Barry trips over something near the boxes, then picks it up.
Barry: What's this... a rod...?
Barry holds a rod with a broken tip in his hand.
Barry walks back to Metal and Tails.
Barry: What's this?
Tails examines the rod with tails.
Tails: The tip looks broken... it looks like it was originally attached to something...
Metal Sonic: It looks like the rod of Amy's Piko-Piko hammer... I think it's part of it...
Tails: I think we've gathered enough clues...
Metal Sonic: I say we go confront Amy...
Barry: Agreed.

Metal Sonic, Tails, and Barry all walk up to Amy.
Amy: What's the latest?
Tails: Did you find any clues yet?
Amy smiles nervously.
Amy: No... but I found a spoon...
Metal Sonic (Sarcastically) If you find 2 more we can dig ourselves out of this closet and into China...
Amy sighs.
Amy: I'll keep looking.
Metal Sonic: Hold it!
Metal Sonic stops Amy from walking off.
Metal Sonic: Amy, we think you're hiding something from us...
Amy Gasps.
Amy: You're accusing me, on my own birthday?! How dare you?!
Metal Sonic: It's only an Accusation until proven false.

Barry (In his mind): This isn't going to be easy, is it?
Amy: I've been stuck in here just like the three of you, so what in the world could I possibly be hiding?
Barry thinks with Tails.
Barry: Amy was awake before the 3 of us...
Tails: What could she have done in that time?
Metal Sonic: I think it's obvious.
Tails and Barry nod.
Tails: Amy, we don't think you were sitting idly by while Metal, Barry and I were knocked out. You attempted to escape the closet.
Amy smirks.
Amy: Oh yeah? Then prove it.
Metal Sonic: You want evidence?
Amy: Yeah! Show me evidence that I attempted to escape or help my find another way out of here.
Barry shows Amy a picture of the broken shelf.
Barry: Take that!
Amy chuckles.
Amy: What, some damage on the shelf is supposed to prove something? It fell over, damage makes sense. You have no lead; you're grasping.
Metal Sonic looks directly at Amy.
Metal Sonic: Objection, Reporter... We do have a lead.
Metal Sonic waves his hand near Barry as he sighs.
Barry: Sure, the shelf fell over, but there's nothing for the it to fall into.
Barry looks directly at Amy.
Barry: And if that didn't happen, then are you telling up that, on a train this well-kept, that the damage was here before we arrived?
Metal Sonic points directly at the Shelf's damage in the picture.
Metal Sonic: Not just that, but the shelf's damage is on the opposite side of the shelf relative to how it clearly fell.
Amy's eyes widen as she sweats a bit.

Tails: I believe someone is responsible for hitting the shelf.
Amy chuckles, albeit somewhat nervously.
Amy: Please, you just said there was nothing for the shelf to fall into. What could I have possibly hit the shelf with then?
Barry pulls the broken handle from his hammer space and twirls it in his hand a bit.
Barry: Behold!
Amy examines the rod.
Amy: What's that, a stick? Do you really think a Stick could make a crack on the shelf?
Barry: You're right... a stick can't do that much damage to the shelf on it's own...
Metal Sonic: Hold it, Amy.
Metal Sonic smirks as Amy, Tails, and Barry look at him.
Metal Sonic: What if it were attached to something?
Tails smiles.
Tails: Like, a hammer?
Amy's eyes widen as she sweats.
Metal Sonic: Elementary, Miles.
Barry: This isn't a stick at all, is it?
Metal Sonic looks at Barry and shakes his head.
Metal Sonic: No, it isn't Barry~!
Tails takes the broken handle and holds it in front of Amy.
Tails: This is the handle of your Piko-Piko Hammer, Amy!
Amy seems upset more.
Barry: You tried to hit the shelf out of the way... but failed.
Tails: The Handle of your Hammer snapped right off like a twig!
Amy screams a bit, embarrassed as the scene flashes to the present.
Amy: Alright, Alright, I admit it!!!

Amy sighs.
Amy: Like the three of you said, I tried to get us out of here with my hammer... but it didn't work...
Amy rubs the back of her head before the scene transitions into a flashback that plays out as Amy described it.
Amy: I woke up and I saw that the shelf had fallen out of the way. Since it's my birthday, and I didn't think I'd need my main hammer, I brough a Backup hammer, not thinking I'd need it. I gave the shelf one big whack with the hammer, and the handle just ripped right off. I figured it was no big deal, and tried to hide it before Metal woke up... but my embarrassment got the better of me...
The flashback ends as the group looks at Amy.
Barry: We all make mistakes, Amy.
Tails smiles.
Tails: Luckily, outside of the game, I'm a mechanic. Let me see both parts of your hammer, Amy.
Amy hands Tails the hammer part of the hammer, and Barry hands Tails the handle as Metal walks up and helps Tails fix and upgrade the integrity of the hammer. Metal hands Amy the fixed back-up hammer.
Metal Sonic: There you go, all fixed up~!
Amy smiles and takes the hammer.
Amy: Metal... Tails... thank you both~!
Amy readies up her strike, and swings her hammer, whacking the shelf to dust.
Metal: God dang...
Barry: T- The shelf completely shattered!
Tails: Great hit, Amy~!
Amy smiles
Amy: Thank you, Tails~!
Metal Smirks
Metal Sonic: Now then, let's get out of here~!

The group all exit the closet as the door opens into the messy dining car. Everyone looks around before noticing something, as their eyes widen a bit.
Tails: Wait... is that-...?
Metal Sonic: It can't be...
Barry: No way...
The group gasps.
Amy: SONIC!!!

Amy smiles excitedly, which slightly surprises everyone else in the room.
Amy: Someone Murdered my darling Sonic~!
Amy giggles as Metal looks at Tails and Barry.
Tails: The Game's begun and someone killed Sonic to start...
Metal Sonic shrugs.
Metal Sonic: I didn't see that coming.
Amy grabs out her notepad and quill.
Amy: I'm finding out who did this, at once~!
As Amy starts to run off, Tails calls after her.
Tails: Amy, stop! I wanna find out who did this too!
Tails starts to run after Amy as Barry and Metal both watch. Metal blinks, and then Barry blinks.
Barry: What a whirlwind... I'm exhausted already...
Metal Sonic nods.
Metal Sonic: Agreed, Barry...

Metal Sonic looks at Sonic and smiles mouthlessly.
Metal Sonic: That was really convincing, Sonic~! Although, I don't understand the Family Guy Death Pose, or why you did it specifically.
Sonic remains mostly motionless, barely moving.
Barry: Uh... Sonic?
Sonic continues to say nothing.
Metal Sonic: Sonic, you can quit acting now, we're not going to tattle...
Barry and Metal get closer to Sonic as he moves a little.
Metal Sonic: Sonic... are you ok?
Sonic stirs a little.
Sonic (Mumbling under his breath): Eh...
Sonic stirs a little bit more.
Sonic (Mumbling under his breath): body numb... can't move...
Metal Sonic and Barry tilt their heads in confusion as they both get nervous.
Barry: W- What are you saying... I- I don't understand-
Sonic's eyes flutter shut.
Sonic: ...I-... I just need-... need to-... to... rest...

Metal Sonic and Barry both look at sonic, Metal beginning to shake him a bit.
Metal Sonic: Sonic?
Barry gets nervous.
Barry: Sonic?!
Metal Sonic examines Sonic's body as Barry begins to panic a lot.
Barry: G- Great Mobius! I- I- Is he actually hurt?!
Metal Sonic sighs as he scans Sonic as much as he can, although his main scanners are shut off due to the game.
Metal Sonic: He's-... He's not moving... that's for sure...
Barry: A- Are these wounds on him Genuine!?
Barry puts his hand on Sonic's wrist.
Barry: I-... I don't feel a pulse.
Metal sighs.
Metal Sonic: He's wearing a glove, you won't feel much of anything, Barry...
Barry keeps Panicking.
Barry: W- What's going on...?
Metal Sonic watches as Barry goes into a Panic-induced rant.
Barry: They never mentioned healthcare in my interview! I- I don't even know CPR! W- W- Wait, is this part of the Murder Mystery, or is this Serious?!
Barry starts rapidly shaking Sonic's, seemingly, lifeless body.
Barry: SONIC?! SONIC!!!???
Metal Sonic pulls Barry off of Sonic.
Metal Sonic: Barry!
Metal holds Barry for a bit.
Metal Sonic: In for 3... out for 3...
Barry takes a deep breath in through his nose for 3 seconds... then slowly breathes out for 3 seconds. Barry repeats this a few times as he manages to calm down.
Metal Sonic: For now, we should catch up with Amy and Tails, and get to the bottom of this.
Barry sighs.
Barry: Y- Yeah... Y- You're right Metal...
Barry gets up with Metal.
Barry and Metal (In their respective heads): Even if this is part of the game, I just can't risk it.
Barry (In his mind): I'll keep everyone safe Conductor, you'll see!
Metal Sonic opens the door and walks into the Saloon car as Barry follows as the screen slowly fades to black.

In order to Finally end this Hiatus, Properly, Undertale_Fan_Ultra Proudly presents....


The scene slowly fades in on the Saloon car as Metal and Barry Enter.
Barry: Woah... look at this place...
Metal Sonic looks around as a figure runs up to him.
Melody: METAL!!!
Melody quickly tackle-hugs Metal, his eyes widening as Melody cries.
Metal: WOAH!!!
Melody seems shaken, her hair is a bit frizzy, her hat is off, and she looks very anxious. Metal hugs Melody gently, sighing.
Metal Sonic: What's wrong, Melody...?
Melody breathes quickly, but not too quickly.
Melody: I-I was so worried about you a- after the train sped up... I- I haven't been- been able to- to thinks s- straight...
Metal Sonic rubs Melody's back gently, slowly beginning to calm her down.
Metal Sonic: I'm ok Melody; Just a little shaken up is all~!
Metal Sonic looks around curiously.
Metal Sonic: Where are Amy and Tails?
Melody takes some deep breaths, still trying to calm down.
Melody: Melody: Y- Yeah, I saw Amy rush out... s- she tried to ask me some questions... b- but I was still having a panic attack... She calmed me down a bit before leaving and gave me a hug...
Melody looks at the ground.
Melody: I- I'm not sure about Tails, though...
Barry looks around a bit more as Melody let's go of metal, who fixes up her hair.
Barry: Tails, Amy? Are you two there?
Tails walks up.
Tails: I'm right here.
Metal looks at tails.
Metal: Where's Amy?
Tails: She already ran on ahead, she's really excited~!
Tails tilts his head.
Tails: Why; Did you two need something from us?
Metal Sonic and Barry look at each other nervously.
Metal Sonic: Yeah...
Barry: J- Just a question, really!
Metal Sonic and Barry sigh.
Metal Sonic and Barry (In their respective minds): How do we put this...?

Barry gets an idea as he begins to speak.
Barry: What if Sonic is actually hurt?
Tails begins to snicker, then laugh as Melody looks at the tails, then Barry, and then at Metal Sonic, who shakes his head in a way that says, "Yes, he's actually hurt." causing Melody to get a bit nervous.
Barry: W- What's so funny?
Tails: I know Sonic like he's my older brother; Sonic wouldn't go down so easily~!
Metal Sonic looks at Tails, along with Melody.
Tails: And, besides, he's on a train with all of his best friends aboard; except for Shadow, kind of...
Metal Sonic seems a little bit annoyed... but manages to hide it.
Metal Sonic: So, what you're saying is, nothing would actually happen to Sonic?
Tails: Exactly, Metal~!
Tails smiles happily.
Tails: We're all just really committed to the Murder Mystery Game, for Amy; you two have nothing to worry about, I promise~!
Metal, Melody, and Barry look at each-other.
Metal Sonic, Melody "Locus" Wakeman, and Barry the Quokka (In their respective minds): We need more evidence in order to figure out what's really going on...
Metal, Melody, and Barry look back to Tails.
Metal Sonic: In that case, the 3 of us are tagging along.
Melody puts on her out-law hat.
Melody: Darn tootin'~!
Barry smiles a bit nervously.
Barry: I hope that's alright with you~!
Tails smiles.
Tails: Of course; You know what they say, the more the Marrier, after all~! And, besides, Barry would make a great sidekick~!
Tails gets a bit nervous as he smiles.
Tails: If you ever catch me looking glum, though, just know that it's because-... uh...
Tails looks for his lore card in his pocket.
Tails: Where's my lore card...?
Metal Sonic stops Tails.
Metal Sonic: We know, your last sidekick left detective work to join Dr. Eggman.
Tails chuckles nervously.
Barry: Not a proper detective without Baggage.
Melody nods.
Melody: True, just ask Sherlock Holmes-

Knuckles the... Sherriff???: Hey, ye four varmints...
Barry, Melody, Metal, and Tails all look at Knuckles as he walks up, slowly and menacingly.
Knuckles the... Sherriff???: What do y'all think yer doin' here, in mah Saloon?
Metal, Tails, Barry, and Melody all try to hold in their laughter.
Melody (In her mind): Don't laugh... Don't laugh...Don't laugh...
Metal Sonic (In his mind): D- Don't fault him for trying...
Tails (In his mind): O- Oh no...
Barry (In his mind): H- He's trying so h- hard to stay in character~
Knuckles growls.
Knuckles the... Sherriff???: What do yah Varmints find so darn funny!?
Tails calms down.
Tails: Knuckles, we're trying to figure out who murdered Sonic!
Knuckles sighs.
Knuckles the... Sherriff???: I reckon'd as much... Amy was moseyin' on through here, and she told me all 'bout it...
Metal Sonic finally bursts into a fit of laughter, followed my Melody as Barry regains his composure, struggling not to smile. Knuckles blushes in embarrassment of his own terrible accent as he coughs nervously.
Knuckles: Enough of that...
Metal Sonic sighs, along with Melody.
Metal Sonic: H- How long did you keep that voice up for Amy, Knucklehead?
Knuckles sighs.
Knuckles: The entire time... was it that bad?
Melody smiles nervously, yet reassuringly.
Melody: N- Not the worst I've ever heard... but it could've been better...

Knuckles sighs.
Knuckles: Thanks.
Melody smiles.
Melody: N- No problem, Knuckles~!
Tails smiles.
Tails: Anyways, we were wondering if you could, maybe, tell us just what you were up to before the murder.
Metal Sonic sighs.
Metal Sonic: Yeah, we'll need you to establish your alibi and-
Knuckles seems slightly nervous, but he manages to maintain his composure.
Knuckles: Nope; I have nothin' to tell the four of you...
Knuckles turns around.
Knuckles: Just leave me be, for now.
Knuckles walks away as Melody, Metal, Tails, and Barry watch.
Metal Sonic: Jeez, he's so agitated...
Barry looks at Melody, Metal, and Tails.
Barry: But why take it out on us?
Melody, Metal Sonic, and Tails shrug.
Tails: I know Knuckles well enough not to argue with him...
Melody looks at Tails.
Melody: I guess we're on our own then.
Metal Sonic taps his foot.
Metal Sonic: Hold it!
Barry, Melody, and Tails all look at Metal as he looks at them.
Metal Sonic: I'm not leaving until we figure out what Knuckles was up to while we were all apart... got that?
Barry, Melody, and Tails all nod.
Barry: Right, let's do it!
Melody: Ok then.
Tails: Sounds good to me...

Tails looks at Knuckles as he leans against the Super Monkey Ball arcade machine.
Tails: Looks like we won't be giving the game, "Super Monkey Ball" a try.
Metal Sonic enhances his Vision on the Arcade Cabinet.
Metal Sonic: I doesn't look like it got damaged when the Train Sped up...
Melody also enhances her vision to look at the Arcade Cabinet.
Melody: It looks more like... Punches...?
Barry tilts his head in confusion.
Barry (Sarcastically): Who could've done that?
Barry, Melody, Metal, and Tails all look at Knuckles, who looks back.
Knuckles: What're you all looking at me for?
Barry takes a picture of the broken Arcade machine while Knuckles is distracted and puts it in a folder, then looks at a wanted poster.

Barry: Wow, there's a decent cash reward for this robot chao... Maybe I should keep an eye out for it.
Metal Sonic looks at Barry.
Metal Sonic: You mean Omochao?
Tails Sighs as he looks at the wanted poster.
Tails: Poor Omochao; I hate to see him like this...
Melody blinks as she looks at her own Wanted Poster.
Melody: He's even more wanted than I am around these parts...
Metal Sonic: Wait, really?
Metal Sonic and Barry look at Melody's wanted poster.
Metal Sonic: Dang...
Melody, and Barry both look at Tails as Metal gets a glass of Oil from the train's robot arm.
Barry: What is he Wanted for, exactly?
Metal takes a sip of the oil as his mouth appears as Tails sighs and looks at the ground.
Tails: Medical Malpractice...
Metal Sonic spits out his oil rapidly.
Metal Sonic, Melody, and Barry: MEDICAL WHAT?!
Tails sighs.
Tails: Malpractice...
Metal Sonic blinks twice.
Metal Sonic: Wait... you mean to tell me that you made a Robot Chao, one that serves as a Tutorial Bot, for lack of a better term, who has so much free-will, and sentience, that he is now on the run for MEDICAL MALPRACTICE, and yet you still can't tie a not?!
Tails blushes.
Tails: Yeah...
Metal Sonic glares at Tails, as he cleans up the mess with the robot arm.
Barry: That's very interesting...

Barry walks up to the window and looks in awe at remarkable views, before being joined by Metal Sonic.

Metal Sonic sighs as he stares at the Chain, seeming reminiscent, and semi-remorseful as Barry notices a trash-can.
Barry: There's always something hidden in the trash-can~!
Metal watches Barry as he looks through the trash-can.
Metal Sonic: Sadly, it's empty.
Barry looks through another trash-can.
Metal Sonic:  That one too.
Tails pats Barry on the back.
Barry: It's only a matter of time, Metal, have faith!
Metal Sonic sighs a bit.
Metal Sonic: Well, they do say one person's trash is another person's treasure.
Barry Smiles as Tails ignores Barry.
Barry: Exactly~!

Melody walks over to the other part of the Counter and looks at the Glasses.
Melody: That's weird...
Metal Sonic, Tails, and Barry walk over.
Metal Sonic: What do you mean, sis?
Barry looks at the cups.
Barry: Yeah, it's just a few used cups.
Tails notices that there are 3 cups, then examines them.
Tails: Yeah, but why are there 3?
Barry smiles a bit nervously.
Barry: Maybe Knuckles was just very thirsty?
Metal Sonic notices the 3rd cup, then examines it.
Metal Sonic: Hey gang, look at this.
Barry, Tails, and Melody look at the 3rd glass.
Metal Sonic: This one has Lipstick on the rim...
Barry looks at Knuckles through the 3rd glass, and notices that the Lipstick is Pink.
Barry: That's not Knuckles' color at all...
Melody giggles gently.
Melody: Barry, I don't think Knuckles even wears Lipstick.
Metal Sonic chuckles quietly.
Metal Sonic: Unless Rouge kisses him.
Tails snickers along with Barry as Knuckles blushes a little bit.
Tails: Either way, someone else must've been here.
Barry takes a picture of the 3 used cups, and puts the pictures into a folder, along with the broken shelf and the broken Arcade Machine.

Tails: I think these are enough clues... Let's go interrogate Knuckles and find out what happened.
Metal Sonic fist-pumps.
Metal Sonic: Finally.
Before the group walks over to Knuckles, the robot arm grabs Barry's hair and fixes it up.
Tails: Incredible~!
Melody: The Robot arms sure are helpful~!
Barry grabs a bowl of nuts, and the arm takes them, before putting them into five bags, then handing one to each of them, and Knuckles. Speaking of which, the group approaches Knuckles, who sighs.
Knuckles: I thought I told you 4 to leave me alone.
Barry: I- I like your hat~!
Knuckles smirks slightly.
Knuckles: Thanks... I guess...
Melody: D- Don't beat us up.
Knuckles sighs.
Knuckles: No promises... except for Tails... he bruises too easily... and he's like a little brother to me...
Tails Smiles as Metal Sonic walks up.
Metal Sonic: Enough chit-chat...

Metal Sonic looks at Knuckles, and glares.
Metal Sonic: Knuckles, we need to know what you were doing during the hour of the Murder...
Knuckles growls.
Knuckles: I already told you four to Buzz off!
Knuckles glares at Barry, Metal Sonic, Tails, and Melody.
Knuckles: You're not getting anything out of me; not one bit.
Tails smirks.
Tails: Given the evidence, that won't be too necessary...
Metal Sonic chuckles.
Metal Sonic: Yeah, the story's pretty obvious.
Barry looks through the Evidence, and then pulls out the Picture of the Broken Arcade Machine.
Barry: Behold, Exhibit A!
Barry laps the picture down on the counter.
Knuckles: The Arcade Machine?
Knuckles smirks and crosses his arms.
Knuckles: What honestly makes you four think that I touched it? I was simply sitting at the bar the whole time.
Melody smirks.
Melody: Knuckles, we know you touched Super Monkey Ball, it's covered in punches.
Knuckles sighs.
Knuckles: Please, What makes you think that the damage was caused by punches?
Metal, Barry, Tails, and Melody all look at Knuckles' hands.
Knuckles: What are you four looking at my hands for...?
Metal Sonic: Knuckles, you clearly punches Super Monkey Ball...
Tails looks at Knuckles, confused.
Tails: But why.

Knuckles sighs.
Knuckles: Fine... I needed a good punching bag... and nothing else was available to me.
Barry thinks.
Barry: Just a sudden urge to punch, huh?
Knuckles smirks.
Knuckles: Of course, I get them all the time~!
Metal Sonic sighs.
Metal Sonic: That's true...
Metal Sonic smirks.
Metal Sonic: Well, in that case...
Metal Sonic gets some tools from his Hammer Space, and Tails does the same.
Metal Sonic: Surely you wouldn't mind us fixing Super Monkey Ball, just to be sure?
Knuckles sweats a bit.
Knuckles: O-Of course not!
Knuckles stands in Metal and Tails' way.
Knuckles: But I might as well make things a bit difficult for you!
Metal Sonic looks at Melody and Tails looks at Barry.
Metal Sonic: Melody...?
Tails: Barry...?
Metal Sonic and Tails: Keep Knuckles Distracted~!
Barry and Melody get nervous as Knuckles looks at them.
Knuckles: Oh, you think you can distract me?
Knuckles slams both of his fists together
Knuckles: Bring it on!

Barry notices a barrel of water as he looks around, then motions for Melody to look. Melody looks at the open barrel, then at Barry, and nods as she pulls out her toy gun, which is a squirt gun. Melody then dodges a punch from Knuckles as she rushes over to the barrel of water, dunks her squirt gun in, and then pulls it out rapidly as she spins it, shaking the water off.
Melody: It's high noon...
Knuckles turns to stop Metal and Tails, but then gets squirted in the back of his head by Melody.
Knuckles: ACK-!!!
Knuckles shakes his head and looks at Melody as she twirls her Water Gun.
Melody: Come and get me, Sherrif...
Knuckles leaps at Melody, only for Barry to grab his leg, causing them both to fall forward, flat onto their faces.
Melody: Uh... Are you two ok...?
Knuckles sighs as he gets up, Barry dizzily doing the same.
Barry: Dizzy...
Knuckles lunges as Melody as she dodges, causing knuckles to fly into the barrel... his head getting stuck.
Melody: Do you need help, Knuckles?
Knuckles (Muffled as he gurgles): Yes; that would be great; thanks...
Barry and Melody each grab one of Knuckles' respective legs, then both manage to free him from the Barrel. The robot arm then hands Knuckles a towel, which he uses to dry his face fully after shaking off most of the water. Before the fight can resume, Metal Sonic and Tails high-five.
Metal Sonic: And, done~!
Tails: All fixed up~!

Knuckles, Melody, and Barry all look at Tails and Metal Sonic, and the fixed arcade Cabinet, Knuckles sweating nervously.
Knuckles (In his head): Uh oh...
Melody: Wow, that was fast~!
Barry rushes up with Melody.
Barry: Quick! Look at the Scores~!
Metal Sonic: Pulling them up now!
Metal quickly and expertly puts in a cheat-code, which allows him to check the scores without playing the game.
Tails: That was quick...
Metal Sonic smirks mouthlessly and confidently, Knuckles watching, also honestly impressed by Metal Sonic's quick putting in of the cheat-code, to the point where his nervousness, in that brief moment, vanishes.
Metal Sonic: Well, there's a Super-Monkey Ball Arcade in Tremorton's mega Arcade too, so...
Tails, Melody, Barry, and Metal all look at the scores as Knuckles walks up, sweating nervously and blushing.
Melody: Let's see... Candy, Bagel, Ultim, Apple, Toast, me, Knuck, Vectr-...
Metal Sonic, Tails, Melody, and Barry's eyes widen.
Melody: Wait...
Barry: Ultim?
Tails: Knuck?
Metal Sonic: Vectr?
Metal Sonic blinks.
Metal Sonic: Wait... Vector is supposed to be in the Library Car...
Metal Sonic slams his hands down, making everyone, even the robot arm, flinch.
Metal Sonic: OF COURSE!!!

Metal Sonic looks at Knuckles, a cocky, mouthless smile on his face as Barry accidentally takes a picture of the Leader Board, which Metal Sonic Sonic grabs as it prints from the Camera and shakes it.
Metal Sonic: You and Vector were competing to see who could get the highest score on the leader board... And, looking at the Score Board...
Metal Sonic looks at the picture of the score board.
Metal Sonic: Vector beat you by just one point!
Knuckles blushes a bit.
Metal Sonic: In frustration, you wound up destroying the Arcade Cabinet, just so that Vector wouldn't have any proof of his victory against the great, red, echidna warrior; like the Sore Loser you are!
Knuckles Snarls as he punches the air in frustration.
Knuckles: You're just guessing! Where's you're proof; where's your evidence?
Barry smirks as he opens the evidence folder, which Metal places the picture of the score board into.
Barry: Y- You want evidence...?
Knuckles snarls.
Knuckles: Yeah! If I really did turn out to be such a "Sore Loser," then how did you know Vector was in here?! Vector is a Common name, so prove the crocodile was in here, NOW!!!
Barry pulls out the picture of the 3 used cups and then slaps it onto the countertop of the bar.
Knuckles: What's that?
Metal Sonic chuckles in a victorious way.
Metal Sonic: On the countertop we're next to right now... there are 3 used cups.
Knuckles' eyes widen.
Knuckles: No...
Melody smirks.
Melody: Oh yes, Sherriff...
Tails makes a pondering look.
Tails: I thought it was strange that there was more than one cup sitting next to you, Knuckles.
Tails looks up at Knuckles.
Tails: So... here's what really happened...

Tails, Metal Sonic, Melody, and Barry all begin to speak, and the scene flashes back to the arcade machine, just as the group describes it.
Tails: While you were supposed to be participating in the murder mystery... Vector walked into the bar...
Metal Sonic: The Ultim on the arcade machine is, "The Ultimate Lifeform" Isn't it...? AKA Shadow the Hedgehog?
The Scene shows Shadow walking in.
Melody: Shadow walked in, and showed you and Vector how to play, and then you and Vector decided to make it a competition... I had a higher score than Shadow... so you and Vector got an idea as you both enjoyed some drinks...
Barry looks at Knuckles.
Barry: You two decided to play, and then played Super Monkey Ball, competing for the highest score, seeing who could beat who...
Metal Sonic: From what I can tell given the saved data... it was best 2 out of 3...
Tails: Then, Vector beat you in the final round by one singular point, and you were set off...
Knuckles stutters...
Knuckles: It's- I'm- It's not like-...
Melody: In a fit of rage, you punched the arcade cabinet a bunch to destroy the evidence.
Knuckles keeps stuttering.
Knuckles: It's not-... I- I wasn't...
The scene flashes back to the present as Knuckles grabs his head and yells into the sky.
Metal Sonic sighs as Melody flinches, but does calm down quickly when Knuckles makes an, "I'm so sorry if I scared you." kind of remorseful look at her, as she nods.
Metal Sonic: We're on the right track, but you told Amy an abridged version, and ours is also slightly abridged...
Metal Sonic shows Knuckles the picture of the 3 used cups again again.
Tails: Why did one of the cups have pink lipstick on the rim...?
Knuckles blushes a bit.
Knuckles (Under his Breath): R-... Rouge...
Everyone who is in the room looks at Knuckles.
Melody: C- Could you please speak up?
Knuckles looks up, still blushing.
Knuckles: R- Rouge was in here too...
Everyone looks at Knuckles, shocked.
Barry: Wow...
Metal Sonic (In his head): OH, I SO CALLED IT!!!
Knuckles: It's inconsequential... not worth mentioning...
Knuckles sighs.
Knuckles: She came in, looked for something, couldn't find it, made fun of our game... and left after I offered her a drink.

Metal Sonic smirks
Metal Sonic (quietly, calmly, and teasingly whilst under his breath): You're a total simp, Knuckles~
Knuckles blushes a bit more, but sighs.
Knuckles: She was acting kind of obnoxious, like she does when she's treasure hunting...
Knuckles huffs as Melody nods.
Melody: Y- Yeah... I remember that...
Knuckles sighs.
Knuckles: Anyways, listen, I don't know why she showed up, or what she was looking for... But what I do know, is that I told you everything that I know happened before the train sped up.
Knuckles sighs.
Knuckles: Are you four not satisfied, or are you going to stop?
Metal Sonic nods.
Metal Sonic: Currently; yes; we are satisfied. Thank you, Knuckles.
Knuckles breathes a sigh of relief as Melody thinks for a moment.
Melody: Wait, did Shadow give you anything before he left, Knuckles...?
Knuckles nods and pulls a key out of his hammer space, the group, except for Knuckles, look at it.
Metal Sonic: A key...?
Tails looks at Knuckles.
Tails: Shadow wanted you to lock doors?
Knuckles nods.
Knuckles: Yeah, Shadow said to lock the door, and not to open it for anyone, and then he left...
Knuckles sighs.
Knuckles: As Vector was leaving, I locked the door behind him, and I saw no one else after locking the door until Amy showed up.
Knuckles sighs.
Knuckles: And that's the honest truth.
Melody blinks.
Melody: Wait, you didn't unlock the door for Amy or me?
Knuckles sighs.
Knuckles: No... Amy had some sort of key of her own...

Barry's eyes widen as he points into the air, gasping.
Barry: The Birthday Key!
Tails, Melody, Knuckles, and Metal all look at Barry, confused.
Knuckles: The what-now?
Barry looks at the rest of the group.
Barry: While the Conductor and I were collecting tickets, the Conductor and the Train gave Amy the special Birthday Key. It's practically a Tradition for anybody who's birthday it is to receive the Special Birthday key, that way they can open any door on the Mirage Express!
Metal Sonic blinks in confusion.
Metal Sonic: So, basically, it's just a glorified skeleton key?
Barry looks at Metal.
Barry: For the most part? Yeah, it is.
Melody blinks.
Melody: How did you know that?
Barry smiles nervously and rubs the back of his head.
Barry: They mentioned it in my interview.
The Group, except for Barry, all nods.
Tails: Well, there are certainly a lot of questions... What happened in the library car that made Vector come here?
Metal and Melody chime in, in the order mentioned.
Metal Sonic: Why is Shadow locking doors on the train?
Melody: What is Rouge Looking for?
Barry chimes in.
Barry: And, obviously, who murdered Sonic the Hedgehog...?
Knuckles growls, but before he can say anything, Metal Sonic Chimes in.

Metal Sonic: Since you clearly wouldn't know Knuckles, since I highly doubt that they would just tell you, we'll have to find them, and ask them ourselves.
Tails nods.
Tails: We'll only know for sure when we confirm it with Vector... but, for now, I'll believe your story.
Knuckles nods.
Knuckles: The library car is the next car over...
Knuckles leads Tails, Metal, Melody, and Barry over to the door as the robot arm watches them.
Knuckles: I relocked the door after Melody rushed in, so I'll unlock the door for you all.
Knuckles looks at Melody and rubs her head like an older brother would, causing her to giggle, snicker and snort.
Knuckles: Especially since the outlaw seems to be fleeing the scene of their crimes in the Saloon~!
Melody (Laughing): K- Knuckles stop~!
Knuckles unlocks the door.
Knuckles: Metal, Melody, Tails, and Butler-
Barry chimes in.
Barry: I- It's Barry.
Knuckles sighs.
Knuckles: Right... Metal, Tails, Melody, Barry; you for give whoever Knocked Out Sonic an earful for me, will you?
The group nods.
Metal Sonic: Will do, Sherriff Knuckles!
Knuckles tips his hat to the group with a smile.
Tails: Come on Barry; Come on Metal; Come on Melody, let's all head to the library car~!
Melody: On it~!
Metal Sonic: Right~!
Barry: W- Wait for me you three!


The Group all nods as they exit the Saloon car and enter into a small hall that's between each of the cars.
Barry: Well, we got more information than expected from that... But, this is way more exciting than microwaving Chilidogs, so I don't mind.
The group laughs for a moment before they decide to rest for a bit. Metal looks at Melody as she sighs.
Metal Sonic: Hey, it's gonna be alright, Melody.
Metal Sonic places a reassuring hand on Melody's shoulder as she looks back at him.
Metal Sonic: We're gonna get to the bottom of this mystery, get off this train in one piece after we eat dinner, then make it home in time for bed~!
Melody smiles and nods.
Melody: I know... Thanks Metal~
Metal Sonic gives Melody a thumbs up as the group all stop resting. Tails then grabs the Handle to the Library Car.
Tails: Onward we go~!

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