Hell Or High Water (Escape Fr...

By Memphis_2004

21.2K 688 277

As an USEC operator who caught himself in the midst of chaotic events, the attempt to escape from the city of... More

Prologue II: A different point of view
Chapter I (Old)
Chapter II (Old)
Chapter III (Old)
Chapter IV (Old)
Chapter I (New)
Chapter II
Chapter 3.5?
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter 5.5
Chapter VI

Chapter III

1.2K 44 56
By Memphis_2004

Somewhere near the L.G.D. headquaters
Forecast: Cloudy, 14:37 hours,

Swire dragged herself by her feets along in the streets, escorted by the officers patrolled with her. Giddy temper is what she's been feeling since she had to work throughout the clock dealing with the murder case, coordinating with the Construction Institution that was in control of the site and the press as the Superintendent of LGD in the slums.

"That... Took way longer than expected." She sighed, with a slight beam in her eye and a grin of relief as they passed through the other Lungmen residents who were minding their own businesses as well. "What is wrong with the Siracusas and the other gangs these days..." She ponders turning her head rightward, watching a family of three having their time at the enterance of a toy shop titled RuzABus. When handed a red toy bus the toddler at the father's sling carrier at the chest, the child wiggled his developing Perro tail.

"Does any of those lab coat wearing geniuses really know how hard it is to collect those shell cases uncontaminated during a rain? 頂(Damn), have they been out there lately?" One of the officers vented with a wary but an orignal Lung accent. Which penetrated through the thick helmet surrounding the entirety of his head.

"Probably too busy with their school projects, you know anything about universities Keathon? You're the smart one here." The fresh faced officer next to the Lung replied and throws the question, already with his helmet at his flinging arm going through the motions. A couple of sweats from the hard day's work slipped towards then bypass the horn at his forehead and down all the way into the airtight complex of fabric and composite armour.

"I've only been there once before joining police academy, and when it is having an opening day." Keathon, who hung his helmet at his waist belt answers. Having an annoyed look at his colleague to the right of him.

"Ohhh, how's it like there then? Are the girls looking pretty?" Ignoring Keathon's nudge to his elbow the officer proceeds with the question, albeit the warnings his colleagues offered with their stares and hints.

"Is there any opinions would you like to share with us, Officer Amari?" Swire admonished shaking her head, shortly glances at her subordinate with a poker face. Delivering the realisation of reality and mortal fear into the Cerato barfing out like a loose cannon just a moment ago. Rendering him to sweat even more intense than the work load he had been through in the past hours. Few seconds of stuttering lands him with the short "N-no, madam..."

Swire nod and quiets down then, as their discussions continues to be about the ins and outs of the Lungmen University of Science and Technology. The continuation of lacking evidence and starvation drives her frustrated. Thus she decided to chill herself out with her favourite delicacies offered by the establishment, already she could feel her mouth drooling just by imagining the menu avaliable there. The image of divine steak burger and steak burger with the size of a whole palm alone is enough to drive her insane.

"Finally, let's see if there's any seats inside Sheung Wan." She sighs with relief as gets closer, allowing her arms to flay down and swing along the motions of her legs as she walked in the same pace as her men did.

The sense of relief seeing the familiar coloured sign of the establishment she's been craving for stirs her inside up like a rush of adrenaline surges. As she and the officers walked closer, they noticed their fortunate in the timeperiod they approached. Where there are merely some customers and plenty of seats available to them.

"Yeah, I should really bring her here. Hey, something's bothering you, Ma'am?" The Lung asked.

"Uh, ah? ... No, I'm just thinking something."

After they sat down came a Lung resident in grey hair with plenty of wrinkles holding a pencil and a clipart, yet still presents an impression full of vigor and a spirit of his own despite the age he appears to be. Greeting the L.G.D workers with a heartful expression.

"早晨啊詩懷雅,你同班阿sir係唔係要照舊嗯?"(Welcome Swire, ordering the usuals with the officers?) He asked with the , whereas the officers went pass them to get settled at the table.

"係啊鐘生唔該灑,就黎餓死了。" (Yes please Mr. Zhong, I'm starving.) She replied.

"唔使客氣啦。好啦,等一等啊好快搞點架啦。" (It's fine. Alright, just be patient and it'll be done soon.)

"Hey, you guys remember the call from team 3 right? It doesn't make any sense now that I think of it again." Amari said.

"What about it?" Keathon immediately jumped into the topic.

"Okay so, Siracusans and Penguin Logistics having beef with one another wasn't new to us at all, we know their skirmishes. But this time they said one of them threw one of the Siracuras off the building and pulled a gun to shot the couple more with live ammunition."

Keathon sighed as his head shakes during the dialogue. "They had a bigger motorway havoc on the Ring Expressway just a month ago, later on that night even the mob in the slums were at it. Not to mention there's many more similar before it. This is nothing new, we'd be lucky if there's less than 30 complaints of gang violences related to them for every week."

"Curse, and we're supposed to just sit through all those?" Amari continued as two people walked passed them to the counter and pay up.

"Lungmen is always in for a hard time cadet, we are just looking the other way because we have mutual needs." Officer Chan, not to be confused with the Special Inspection Unit Chief. Is the Lung station sergeant who entered the conversation with the tone of wisdom and confidence, which temporarily halted the spreading of concerns from his constable.

His attention then turned to the two personals standing outside through the window and pointing at something. One male and a female holds a fried apple pie with the green package seems to be chatting, with her having the glowing features and his lacking of them with a pair of glasses hanging at the forehead, identical white/black jackets coming from that direction. For a brief moment the guy noticed and stared back, but the sightlines for both were soon obstructed as mister Zhong approaches the law enforcement officers at the same lane from the kitchen direction without himself noticing.

"黎各位阿sir同埋madam, 你哋的三文治 ." (Here's the sandwiches Officers and Madam.) He distributes the dishes of delicacies to every officers correctly while the two figures make their leave.

[Since when do they hire an Aegir....] The Station Sergeant wonders still looking at the entrance even after they vanished in the streets already.

On their way to the van parked at the car park located at the end of that street. With a recharged battery Exusiai jogs along humming near Alex who spent no effort following her pace.

"Still trying to get used to this place?"

"Yeah, but there's progress, at least." While a bit reminiscing about the regular burger with the size of a Grand Mac in the mid 90s. He still can't get his mind from the death stare of the cop and the necessity to be wary after another few skirmishes that had already broke out and concluded, almost none ended without blood being spilled.

He tried to restrain himself from killing not to pile up bodies and troubles already to his new boss and colleagues, the one time throwing that mafia off the window and shooting the other two in their thighs was probably the worst it can went PR wise but... You can only hold the worst of your instincts so long during the fight or flight before the floodgates cracks. Otherwise he would've done it the way he did in Tarkov or the bar, the quickest, easiest and common solution.

After all, Death solves all problems - no man, no problem.

The streets at least is peaceful with some engine noises as a city should and chatters from people around in contrast those yellings during the melees hours ago, almost like the streets out of your home on earth for people in first world countries, if all honesty. If all, the first day in the new job in a logistic company is already more eventful than he is willing to admit when compared to the day he turned private and started his career in USEC.

"Let me drive this time, you seem quite tired." Exusiai suddenly suggested as they entered the car park and went for their van.

"I um..." Alex stuttered, remembering how she started the van. " I can manage with the GPS set."

"Still surprised from that one ey? I was just messing with you on that. It's fun to see your reacton to it, hehe~" she explained, unable to hold her giggles in and went off for a while leaning at the driver door.

"Right... But having an off-duty visit to the local hospital with a broken vector to pay for wasn't exactly something I'd prefer on Day One." Alex replied with an eye roll and sighed getting down to the seat she sat during the last ride. From the experiences he had with the van so far he can basically confirm that it has an automatic transmission, there is no option with the steering wheel for the gears with the gear selector itself having options of Drive, 3, 2 and Lowgear (First gear).

"It'll be fine~ it'll be fine~ " She shrugs off the concern and proceed to start up the emptied van, beginning their ride back to the office.

Returning to the paved roads still in the downtown, so far so good. Alex takes the opportunity from the awaited traffic lights to turn on the MP3 he placed above the dashboard after giving it the time to charge.

"Oh, it's done charging?"

"Yeah, I'm going to try a track as soon as I get a pair of headphones but let's not rush things." He then peeked at the selector again, which is at D.

"There's no speaker inside?" Her question was answer by a head shake. "In that case, start up the speaker will ya?" With her speaker recharged Exusiai started playing her tracks of metal again during the traffic pause.

Alex, taking the opportunity that she's distracted in both the loud electric guitar and drums with her checking out the surroundings cranked the gear selector down at 3. Just as a precaution.

Letting a happy girl up like her to hype up is good and all except... When the green light is lid she's stepping hard with pedal to the metal and floors it, if it weren't for gear selector Alex tampered while she was distracted the van would have probably went berserk again already.

Without the initial boost provided from the auto gear luckily she still managed to control the van just fine turning and following the traffic accordingly as she got used to the hype.

Alex just had a slight chuckle and continue to admire the view outside as a mean to respite. The streets, the stores at the ground floor selling commodities with appartments above having Air Conditioner, T-shirt, pants even bras hanging outside through metallic drying rack sticking mounted in the wall. Below those living quaters often houses little markets of different businesses like our world, and sometimes even kindergardens on the ground and second floor. Every thing of it oozes quite a different vibe from a lot the places he's been through. From downtown Cleveland, to the rural mountains and towns of Afghanistan even the suberbs of Russia, the closest is the streets of Iraq during the Iraq War, but that is also far from exactly any familiar.

Yawning hard he has been trying to memorize the roads and overall enviroment since the last night's ride, signs, traffic intensity and any identical buildings. Of course he is fully aware that he can't memorize them in the brain immediately but it will always comes in handy if he were to be in this city for a long time, and the sooner he can get readjusted the better. A notebook would help as well. athough practice more and often will sometimes do the memorizing better than taking those time to write them down on a piece of paper.

As the metal made to its end, another hip hop track takes over with the rap lines following one after another like a Formula 1 in its second last lap that he doesn't even recognise any word inside.

No time for the rest of it however, the sceneries soon get somewhat familiar as they close in back to where they started the whole delivery. He paused up the music as the Identical logo is visible through their windows again.

"See? Not so bad huh?" Exusiai teases and then pulled the selector to reverse, starting to back the van up into the garage.


They soon got out and as Alex checked his watch again at 15:07. The two made their way back to their office, where there is Croissant relaxing at her desk chatting to a new face standing to the left of her.

" 'eyy, whatcha fink 'bout dem? Lookin' nice yeh?" She asked to the boy sharing similar bull horns just like her.

"It's fine and all Croissant, but are you sure that we need more Audio equipments? We've just replenished the ones back in the bar with the newest..."

"Hey, hey, hey! I'm back! Whatcha guys talking about?" Exusiai asked, never missing anything that could be fun as she plunged herself head first into the chat.

"Oh hey Exusiai! Me 'n Bison 'ere are talkin' 'bout this anplefier from Mosfur. Looks nice dontcha think? It can even dew metal finely from wat I saw."

"Eyy, not bad Croissant! We can hype up the mood even better with this! Whaduuya think we test those tonight with a party eh?" Exusiai cheers patting her colleague's shoulder.

"Yas! let's dew it!" Croissant cheered, right fist raised in the air with energy.

[November 24th, 1096. Huh.] He thinks while staring at the calender hung left of him on the wall. [Impressive, hmm... And it's about to be Christmas then.] Left to himself even though he repositioned near the crowd, Alex looks around while the two continued to plan out on throwing on a party tonight.

"Sorry, I know you're new here but I haven't get your name yet mister." The boy who shared similar horns to Croissant approached him. "Pleased to meet you, my name is Bison. According to the agreed terms with your boss, I'll be working closely with you and the others as the coordinator from Mountain Dash Logistics.

"Alex, the same can be said to you too." He replied with his arms crossed.

[Mountain Dash... What kind of a goofy name is this. ...But then again, we got Walmart and Starbucks so what do I know.] Alex thinks, before refocusing towards the young boy's overall childish body, smooth and full cheeks. [And what is he, 13? 15? A manual labourer already? What the fuck... Look at the arm, how is he going to handle something 50 kilos?]

"Is there something on my face?" Bison asked suddenly, tensing slightly with his eyes. Often some distracting lights flashes from his chest when the plate of his necklace reflects the lights above them.

"Eh, mm. Don't mind me, just the thought of finding a new pair of wired headphones came to mind suddenly." He replied, immediately changing the glaze back to what he thinks is normal.

"I see, that is quite unfortunate. I suppose I can help you with that." He said starting to head back to the two girls. "Croissant stockpiled a few of them."

"Sorry to interrupt Croissant," What Bison received was being ignored by the two as their discussions heated up. Leaving him just stood there for almost a minute.


Alex then shook his head and lean towards him. "Let them, I can wait with that." Alex whispered, before stepping back again and continue to stand like a pole trying to figure something to kill time.

An uninvited light pain then gets to him from the stomach, different from starving it's lower than that right at the bottom. "Uh Bison, where the toilet might be in this office?"

"You can turn right stepping out of this door and turn left again at the first corner, and then you'll see it."


[Welp, there goes the first dump in this world. In a proper toilet too. Bless them they weren't using any of those John Wayne Toilet Papers that could make my ass bleed...] As Alex is done and start heading back to the office a tailed humaniod in a suit having some kind of a motocycle helmet shaped head in black with unknown white triangle sticking out the sides like some kind of animal ears.

[What in the fuck...?] He frozed and eyes locked to that direction, at least the vocal cored did not translate into words. Few seconds later with the .45 in hand he peeked to the direction it's heading and padded a few steps to investigate, but the humanoid is far gone already. With concerns he kept the pistol at the ready and slowly backs up to the office.

"Hey, you guys see that unknown wit- umf." Croissant and Exusiai who are suddenly right in at the door next to him and a small bump occured, Bison being right behind of them. "Wait, where're you guys going?" He questioned and quickly hides the 1911 to his back, flipping the safety back on.

"Me and Croissant are going for some shopping, we're throwing you a welcoming party tonight!" Exusiai replies, grinning hard as the three continue heading to the staircase.

[Going all out? But there's Texas and Sora- mmm...] After concealing the pistol back to the 'holster' Alex decided to tag along, knowing he got nothing better to do at the moment.

[Guess I'll have to try and find the headphones while following them, what do I pay though? Rubles, Euros, US Dollars? Or... The debt is going to be fun...]

"Aren't we 'ere throwin' it to test da anplefier?" Croissant asked, smirking at Exusiai who is still smiling from her answer.

"Heh, we'll do both at once! There's always time in a party!" She replies, skipping down the way while the others strolled.

"...Or we'll just throw another party for that." Bison sighed with a shake in his head.

"Exactly Bison! There's always reasons to celebrate!"

"Me 'n Bison 'ere goin' to get dem anplefier while Exia is gonna find some of dem materials at die supermarket tweo streets away. Yere comin' too ey?" Croissant asked when Alex noticed Bison glaze her with a sense of concern from her back, as if something bad will happen.

"You guys need help with the cables?" Alex asked as Bison handed him a small pouch and a newer kind of mobile phone [Hmm, Good enough.] He thinks to himself.

"Your headphone, then a staff card and a phone for work from a technician here named Yith." Bison whispered. "Password is-"

[Nevermind the Ruble thing. Debt it is....]

"Nah, we got dis!" Croissant responded.

"mm, appreciated," Alex whispered back before going back to regular volume. "I'll help Exusiai then." Placing the headphones in his jacket and the rest to right pant pocket accordingly.

"Come again?" He whispered.


"You picked wisely! Let's get the stuff for apple pie together! I'm quite proud of that you know?"

"Aight, to da ends of die eawth wen we ere done. Yeh?"

"Yeah! See you there!"

"Oh dear..." Bison murmured as they start to seperate. '0 V III III 0 IIIII-IIII' He then answered with his fingers.

The two groups then splits up completely when Croissant and Bison went right of the street their exit faces, Exusiai and Alex went across the opposite end and headed left into an alleyway.

This one is clearer than the pitch black maze Alex ran into last night, but he wouldn't dare to be caught off-guarded. Following Exuisai he often checks their six as soon as some wrong feelings came to him, and the other times found his left hand fingers moves unwittingly as he stare at the uncounted open windows and corners the presumably short cut offered.

"Say, what did Bison mumble-nimbled to you back there?" Exusiai asked, with her hands stick inside her outer pockets, walking down the lane instead of skipping about.

"He just handled me the things some IT guy called Yith gave him." Alex replied, trying to unlock the phone with the password. [O' Two, three, three, O' Niner.... Annnd Yep.] Successfully unlock into the phone there's only the basic fuctions on the monitor straight out of the factory, but that is decent enough.

"Oh, yeah. He came in looking for you when you were in the toilet, so he gave the phone and the card to us."

"Ah, speaking of that... I saw some, thing when I came out." He replied putting the phone back.

"What thing?" She asked, turn her head quickly."Something fun?"

"No it's some kind of a... Human with an egg shaped head and some white fins or sort on the sides of its head, wearing a suit, it got a tail in the back too now that I remember."


"Don't tell me it's some bloody Xenos or the damn Lizard men..."

"Heyyy.... Isn't that Yith?"


"Yeah, you're exactly talking about Yith, the 'IT guy' you mentioned." She provided a visual aid with the 'quote' as she dodged the puddle from the nearby drain pipe hanging out on one of the building's purple wall without even looking at all.

"..." As he walks he stared down for a moment before making his crossing with a larger step.

"He works in our company as the tech support, kind of the likes to be with himself. And he'll be happy to take care of your stockpile of weapons too if you ask him to, he loves to help us in the company."

"I'm good, I can manage them myself."

As they reached to the end of the alleyway back to the main streets came a market. Similar in style to Iraq, they set up shop in the middle of a short two lane carriage way. Though are two layers of stores for the sides of the laned road each, leaving space enough for a vehicle in between as an SUV passes through. Then the pedestrains just simply walk pass or across now that it is open space.

Following Exusiai's right turn, Alex noticed the stores alway from the road are similar to the ones seen many times before, occuplying a side of the building as others and businesses as usual. The ones on the road however were slightly more delicated than what the Iraqis did. Rather than metal trollies with a pipe mounted umbrella or a roof with some baskets they used a kind of metallic shed mostly painted in green or silver that could be storing the commodities inside should it be closed. Whether it is fruits, vegetables or fresh meats of different kinds transported from elsewhere.

[Wait so... If they all got animal horns or whatever on them, are they some sort of those animals as well? Then isn't it cannibalism should someone like Bison or Croisssant have a steak? How does any of these work? Unless they don't eat some kinds of meat like the Muslims or the Indians. But they did it because of their religion, not something like this...] With a yawn he facepalmed and wipes the palm down Alex temporary drag himself away from the thought process and find himself stood left of Exusiai as she is chatting with a store owner with standing in one of shed selling fruits.

"...Like always, that will be 96 Lungmen Dollars." He said, loading the eight apples into a plastic bag one by one while Exusiai takes out her wallet. Almost in an instant she pulled out something from her red wallet.

"Here, thanks alot!" She hands him a blue piece of banknote to take, in which he handed two dodecagonal shape coins in return.

"唔使, 唔使. Hey, is this handsome here a recent one your boss hired? Haven't seen him before."

"Yeah, he's Alex. And we're throwing him a welcoming party tonig-"
Almost rolling his eyes out from his eye sockets, Alex nudged his elbow at her that reaches to her shoulder.


"..." He looked away without a word, peeling off to the surroundings again.

The shop keeper laughed. "Silent type? I remember Miss Texas being like this as well, well where is she anyway? She usually sticks with you when you come around."

"Um, I dunno! Probably still working on her current delivery, this time Boss told me to help Alex getting used to things for the day."

"I see, well it wouldn't be too bad to help out people when they needed it. You never know when you'll need help too."

"Mhm, okay we gotta go now. Cya!" Exusiai leaves waving at the Shop keeper and Alex followed quietly with the bag.

"See you soon."

"So, anything else is on our shopping list?" Alex spoke up.

"Some eggs too, we'll take two boxes of them here." She replied turning into a grocery with vegetables places out in the open via baskets and a keeper at watch.

"Fair enough." He then followed in.

Getting it done in another one of those chitchats, they need to bring the ingredients back towards to The Ends of The Earth where the party will be at. Which this time instead of taking the van there, they stopped by at a bus stop outside at the main road with the red sign having four spaces of white to accommodate the numbers of buses that are 11B, 5 and 203E with a blank on the lower right. Tiny words also in white indicates this to be a station at Napam Road.

"So, which one of those three we're looking for?"

"It's 11B and 203E, but 203E takes longer route so if possible we'll take 11B if it comes first."


As they waited along the line with the others. Alex gets his mp3 and the headphones out for plugging them in and get the things settled. The Player's screen itself still functions well like the last time he checked, and he begins tapping through the tracks he got stored into the storages of it. The tapping through of the tracks get Quicker and harder thoughas the listgoes down, somEoneiswatcHingthEreis noTime to wastEandImust geTthefuckout o-

A grand but sadden wave of melody combined by violins and tombone then starts up in his left ear, calming the listener by its violin which the climax of the section quickly followed upon.

(A/N: recommended to use 0.75-0.8 speed)

"Hmm, this should be enough fo you to get in the bus." Exusiai mumbles, her hands is holding the opened wallet of hers in search of a pouch there, she then proceeds to bring out the coins from inside.

Alex tapped the black earcup on his left.

"Ohhh, hey it's a new headphone right? Is it working?" She looked down and counted the coins.

"Yeah, just as intended."

"Awesome! The 11B is coming! Have these and put them all in." Exusiai then put a couple of coins into his palm where there is a red double decker bus approaches for the stop.

The door then opens and they get onboard the transportation. Exusiai place a card Yellow/Green in a distorted fashion print to the card reader with a similar colour pattern, with a beep the payment was done and she take steps to the right for Alex to pay. Which he insert the coins in a box with that has a plastic bottom and already has some coins sitting peacefully inside. A release of fist and the two gets on the second deck through the stairs and sit themselves on the Cotton Pink-Red seats parallel with the stiarcase where Alex secures himself the one closer to the window as Exusiai stood aside for the moment allowing him to.

The bus goes smoothly along the paved roads, perhaps it is because of the fatigue Alex's eyelid slowly becomes heavier and heavier again, no matter how hard he tries to keep them open for all these times until they were shut completely and consciousness drifts off, giving way to the hippocampus and do its thing.

"You know Alex, I was thinking..." From looking up at the television in the very front of the second deck Exusiai watch over to him. Whose head was leaning against the window, shaking unconsciously along the bus' movements.

[Oh,] She swiped her tongue lightly to her left lips, holding back the suggestion of getting some new fruit tastes of Tsing Huao Beer together she just saw on the TV's advertisements to try it for the parties. Where the apple flavour amongst all catches her attention the most.

[God, is this someone we gotta save too?] She wonders, noticing the mixing colours of black and blue circles on the eyes is now visable over the brandy skin now that she's watching him couple centimeters away with ombre glow illuminating from their window.

Instantly after that she raises a question to herself out of curiosity, how does his world look like? A question that is obviously impossible to answer, many things from him so far seems alien yet also familiar however, in which she would hope at least there will be fun parties and versions of Apple Pies that she could dream on.

She continues to sit quietly outside of her usual charm and allows the tv advertisments and the view of Lungmen to distract herself, putting the thoughts and flapdoodle next to her behind her mind. After all, worrying about everything will get you nowhere, so might as well follow the flow and you'll make it.

"..... The next stop is, Liu Kwong Street." It doesn't take long before the bus PA announced.

Exusiai is still well awake at this point, and so she patted Alex on his shoulder, who then turned his head to her a bit too quick like those from the horror movies, seconds later he turns back as if he is starting up like a computer where he slowly reboots then warms up his systems and figure out what is going on.


"Mmm..." He whimpered, balance his gesture stiffly at the seat, pressing his palm against his forehead with gritted white barely noticable. It takes seconds before he could recover and muster enough strength to pronouce a word out from his mouth.

"ugh... Yeah...?"

"We're getting off at this stop, you okay?" She asked, holding her grip on the cardboard boxes again from her thighs.

"Yep... ugh..." He replied with a sleepy yawn, grabbing the handle for the apples before following Exusiai to get down the stairs among other folks. The bus shakes a little with the brakes in opertaion, the door soon opens up for people to exit.

The stop they get off of was a turn and a street away from The Ends of The Earth, and so they made it back with ease. Croissant and Bison haven't returned so far so the two headed to the kitchen and immediately for the preperations without much interruptions.

Although it technically is a kitchen purpose-wise, however it merely houses an oven and a medium sized fridge only at the right. A portable stove could be found at the opposite of the two but the gas canister appears to be missing, tools that are essentials for bakeries were around in the cubboards however not much of other things aside forks can be found nearby.

"You can place them here and just wait until I bake you my home made apple pie!" Exusiai's suggestion was met with acception and he headed out while she opens the fridge after leaving a couple eggs on the cupboard, she proceeds by getting the apon around her and gathers the ingrediants onto the top of base cabinet.

Once again sitting alone having much to do, having exhaustion still under effect he leans back and lifts the chin up to the roof from the chair at the counter, staring. Until another time that his ears rings again, forcing him to remove the earphones assuming the reason was the loud volume. Half correct, but not the cause.


"Two more tangos to the left with a PK! Draw their fire and get those basterds!"

"Gold Eagle Actual, Joker 2-2. We're taking effective fire from the North of the target building, Ivan has set up an MG and multiple strongpoints on the second story and I'm seeing them moving in what seems to be heavy weapons. What? Dat's affirmative Chief, the VIP has been extracted via MotherGoose 1, along with the data-"

"Shit, they breached a hole on our left flank! They got 2-4 as well!"

"Bollocks... Alex! Gather whoever left on the second floor and plug the gap at the Northwest entry! Delta almost got the charges done!"

"Watch it, RPG!"


"Fuck, the second floor just got hit!"

"Ayo! Whatcah doin' ! Bettda start runin'. 'Cus ya gonna start payin'!"

"Alex, what's going on on the second deck? Alex? Alexx? Exusiai, should I shake him up?"

He found himself being shaken, and the voice that passes around him slowly changes from his former colleagues' to current ones, discussing something after the inital question. Other senses begins to come back into play again in the meantime when stiff and aches start buggering his torso like before. He turned his head around and found out that it was Bison who shaked his right shoulder.

"You were spacing out Alex, the party almost start but would you like to head back for some rest first? We could always have the welcoming party later."

Alex shakes his head, staying at the couch as he dosn't want to get up yet. "Ugh... It's not necessary. But I could really use some coffee right now... Got any of them around?" He could feel the areas of previous wounds itches, which lost count a long time ago but he rather holds them in and not to bother with.

"Havin' dem coffee gonna cus' ya ta not sleep." Croissant then talks a bit more with Exusiai, Bison sitting with ease on the couch until he got up and participate what Croissant and Exusiai cooked up with as their sudden idea that involves some soft drinks and mentos looking chewy candy. Their schinnanigans continues even after the Emperor came in, who just warned them of cleaning up afterwards or a penalty and went straight into the counter handling his booths.

it's 19:39 hours when Alex just looks around after having a look at his watch again and ask the question. "You guys know when will Texas and Sora come back?"

"They should be close, Texas said they're at sector 21 last I asked." Bison explained, handing the tissue Exusiai who heads for the oven to wipe her mouth clean from the soft bubbles the bottle contains. "I'll add you to the group chat later."

Crossiant started playing what seems to be a bottle guessing game with Emperor, Alex didn't heard much of their conversation when Jazz takes over with the speakers and the headache grews along with the reboot.

[They have Jazz around too? Okay... That's another one...] Alex wondered, as he would not expect it to be. Although not too surprised since he had noticed similarities of this place, it is still quite a news to acquire.

"Everybody, the apple pie is ready! Let the party begins!" Exusiai chants and places the slices onto individual dishes with Croissant went over for it already, distributing it to her boss and Bison.

"Don't just sit here with an empty stomach. This is your welcoming party! Apple Pie?" Exusiai asked, offering a slice of the pie on the china dish with metal fork to Alex, who takes it with gratitude. "How's the pie?" She then asked sitting down next to him.

"mm, nothing beats a freshly baked one, it's way better than the ones from McDonalds."


"Ah, well. It's an international fast food coorperation from where I'm from, a direct equivalent would be the Mc Locals around the place, but the pie I knew is that the apple has dried up and the pastry was far from crispy."

"That sucks, hey you know what. Tommorow lets go to Barney's Bakery, their apple pie got quite the high regard around the city, it's mouthwatering~"

"Sounds promising, sure." He takes the last bite and gathers up the crumbs together with the fork.

"It's only been opened for like three months or so. But I have their numbers-"

"Ey Exusiai! Alec! Come 'ere! Baws obened us of dem Whisky! wanna try?"

"If you ain't drinkin' now you ain't partyin'! We got food, we got drinks and tunes already this time!" Emperor rymns, while Croissant fill up the Rocks glasses with alcohol with the exception of a highball glass of soda.

"Coming!" Exusiai leaps out for the drink with delighted steps holding the first glass already by the time Alex got close.

"Bottoms up!" The group downs their drinks, most rushed it, few take it with their own pacings.

"Say baws, what year's this vintage?" Croissant asked set her glass down and get it refilled herself.

"Hmm, pale gold coloring, appllely aroma, cooked fruit flavour, velvetly texture, this is... 1079, the Bourton we got from that Columbian three months ago."

"Got it again baws! Der score is still perfect!" She cheered. Upon hearing their exchange Exusiai noticed her partner of the day who was next to her leaned the head towards and whispered.

"Columbia? Wait what?" He asked almost wanted to chuckle yet held it in.

"What's the matter hm?" She replied, before realising the issue. "Oh, yeah you don't know anything yet wait a second. Bison, come here for a moment! Here, gum." She said offering him a white one with one hand while the other got her phone out.

"I'm good." Alex then looked over to Croissant and Emperor who continued with another bottle, then Bison who came over to their right.

"What's wrong Exusiai?" He asked standing, still holding the glass with the last one-third of his soda.

"You're taught with histories around, can you explain to Alex what Columbia is?" Exusiai helps herself with the Bourton and refills her glass. "Want a refill?" With Alex then puts the glass closer to her.

"It's no problem." He takes the emptied seat closest to them when Exusiai's attention was off again. "So I'm going to try to be brief. According to the books, Columbia is a federal presidential republic and so far the only known democratic country in Terra. Made up of various states with independant municipal goverments and their own laws, above them is a centeralized federal goverment with three branches."

[That, sounds awfully familiar...] Alex tenses his eyebrows lightly, already noticing the key words between the lines and had a basic idea of what is to come. Despite all the evidences, he would still possess a faint of disbelief. For the idea of this 'world' can't be almost a 1:1 copy of the blue sphere and timeline he lived for all his life prior to yesterday.

[Have I driven mad? Or is it a fantasy program unknown even to us from TerraGroup? Or is it my dying brain fucking with me? Lying in Tarkov, awaits to be pillaged...] He drinks again for he doesn't know, only alcohol now can seemingly drive his frustration away while asked Bison that he can be more detailed than he did when talking to the girls.

By the time the textbook example of a preaching exposition ends he concludes Columbia is literally the United States of America in this Terra. With all the descriptions even the history regarding its founding involving the Victorian Empire and the now dissolved Gaul Empire are the British and suspiciously the French under Napoleon Bonaparte, respectively. Where as the event itself was the 1775 American War of Independence. Then comes with the invasion of Bolivar against Leithanien, perhaps South America and an Austro-Germanic like country and then Sargon that could be the Arabs in the Middle East.

[I wonder, do they have a Banana Republic around in Bolivar?] With such knowledge he is more confident in hanging around this world, should he have to and abled. He soon halted thinking for now as Texas and Sora announced their late return via the door bell, it was almost 9 PM.

"You're late, you two. You know the rules, drink up." Emperor mumbles getting the glasses prepared for both a Vodka and orange juice barrage.

"You should've shoved it at the Mafiosi's face, they tried to ambush us with crossbows when we're at Sector 18, we had to take them out." Texas mumbled, getting herself and Sora sit at the counter along with the others.

"Don't sweat it Texas, the more we dispose now the fewer we'll have to deal with at a later date." Sora answers with a satisfied look when taking the sip of her juice.

Texas then downs the three shots with haste. Upon her last glass taps the counter, she exhaled. "Boss, there's also news from Rhodes. They finally agreed with the terms from Monster Siren, Sora's contract is settled, she's now also an Operator of Rhodes Island."

"That's more of a reason to celebrate then! Drink up everyone! Cheers!" Exusiai then cheers and the group downs their glasses with one exception that is confused.

"Rhodes Island? What's that." Alex asked, thinking it is some sort of a contractor group that somehow hires a celebrity like Sora as an 'Operator'. A term that raises red flags.

"Ah, They were a registered drug Research and Development company working on medical solutions for countries, organisations and anyone infected with a group of diseases called Oripathy that grows like tumors for the infected. They recruited Sora because they wanted talents from all over the world regardless of their background, experiences and condition to change the world." Another explanation by Bison which was not as textbook like the previous one with a more talking structure rather than reading from an encyclopedia.

"So, only Sora is in on this 'Operator' thing?" Alex asked, something screams extremely wrong in his head so he takes another sip of his third glass.

"We all are, Mostima as well." Exusiai followed up. "Their medical and living conditions are top notch for its employees, like big rooms with sound proof walls that we can party on with other people! There's many who were already drawn to them because of it!"

"There's always something to exchange in a deal, and what shall that be?" Alex then questioned, with a tone that is not impressed in contrast to the people who from what he's aware of, enthusiastically joined.

"In exchange the girls and Bison often join their business as a liasion as long as they requested. Joint operations, intels and most importantly deliveries." Emperor speaks up, done with his fifth drink which is now a can of beer after the Bourton ran out.

"So, let me guess." Alex suddenly changed his tone that was hinting with agressiveness and sarcasm which was loud enough to notice but small enough to not break any forms of decency. "They got a private army of their own and running skirmishes with hired guns doing their biddings albeit willingly while also hire you guys to do the same, is that right?"

He originally had the word cannon fodders in his mind, but he held it back in his tongue, not wanting to anger them. The memories are still fresh in his mind, like it had happened just yesterday, so are the wounds and grudges that comes along because of it.

"Well, sorta, yeah. You kinda have to have one if you want to travel across Terra in that scale you know." It was Exusiai who answered, she and others like Croissant and Sora doesn't seem to notice as they continued to drink up but not the penguin, and especially not the black haired ex mafia. Both whom then noticably have a look with each other.

"Is that so." He chuckles still possessing that tone, only then did he noticed the impudent he was going to execute and nods his head a couple times after hearing an affirmative reply to wipe off the satirical smile from his face then stares blank at the counter.

"Since we're all here, Sora! How about we celebrate with a song ey?" Exusiai again suggested and the party goes on uninterrupted by the little mishap.

[Why, why is it always an interational company involving with R&D and bio technology having a private army...] Alex took a quick glup, finishing off what is left of the whisky in his glass. He knows all too well in being one of them, and the consequences that it might follow upon, the price of selling your soul to the devil himself.

"Alright let's make some noise!" The idol then gets a microphone from Croissant and began performance of the night with her going first to enhance the mood. Then later on Exusiai and Croissant jumped in together for the action as well, results are as good you can expect when two drunkards trying to sing. Pushing to their day's limit until it was time to call it a day as there is a limitation of volume in 11 PM.

At the end Alex, who recovered from his head trying to explode by a cup of Latte along with Sora and Bison had to carry the other half of the group back to their place. And so they did with Bison handling Croissant, after a small interaction Sora excitedly carries Texas like a princess and Alex had to get Exusiai using the fireman's technique. Upon settling them down and they had to end the night after cleaning themselves up one after another for the other day to come.

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