Unraveling Secrets

By Reading_Ig2

86.6K 2K 363

Nova was only 2 years old when she was kidnapped from her family. She has 5 older brothers and her biological... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 2

2.6K 51 15
By Reading_Ig2


I have so much paper work to do ever since our last shipment was stolen. I lost a million fucking dollars because no one can seem to do their job correctly. 

I hear my phone start buzzing and pick it up hoping their will be some good news or maybe even my shipment randomly reappeared and I hired dumbasses who got it wrong. 

"Hello this is the LA police department is this Lorenzo Rizzo?" Why the fuck would LA be calling me the twins and Marcello are here, and no way would they go all the way to LA without informing me. 

"Yes this is, now why are you calling me." I say in a harsh voice so the caller knows they are wasting my time.

"Mr. Rizzo I am calling to inform you we have your sister, Nova Rizzo in our custody right now. Sir.. we have found your sister who was reported missing 14 years ago." The officer says with a little joy in their tone. On the other hand I am frozen. How- what- It has been 14 years I have been searching for 10 years. After my parents died following a lead on Nova, I took over the search and made a promise to them, myself, and my siblings I would never stop searching. Now I am finding out my baby sister is alive and found? My Principessa shes-


"Sir are you still on the line" The officer asks

"Yes. Yes I am still here. You are positive it is her? Like 100% sure?" I don't want to get my hopes up only to find out it isn't her and they mixed something up. I would murder everyone in that station.

"Yes Mr. Rizzo we are sure. We had a DNA test done and it was a match. We are hoping you would be able to take custody of your sister. If not she will be put into foster ca-"

"Yes I will. I can be there in about 3 hours if that is okay?" I say still in shock that I am going to see my sister.

"That is perfect sir thank you. Oh wait. I'm sorry I almost forgot to inform you. The situation with Nova is slightly different... Your sister was arrested for beating up a man on the street today. He is currently in the hospital in not a great state. We just needed to let you know before you got here." The officer says. 

Holy shit. My sister.. beat..up..a..man?! Fuck... I feel so proud right now. "Thank you for informing me, I will get there as soon as I can." I say to the officer before hanging up. I have to tell my brothers. 

Rizzzzz(o) Family 🥵

Lorenzo: Everyone needs to meet me in the living room asap.
                                                                                                Matteo: Already heading

                                                                                               Marcello: Alright

                                                                                             Angelo:  See ya there

                                                                                            Antonio: ok.

As everyone spreads out on the couch, I am standing in front trying to figure out how to say this without causing a freak out. Who am I kidding, everyone is going to freak out. 

"You going to tell us why we are here?" Antonio speaks. I feel like he changed the most after Nova was kidnapped. I hope in hearing this news it will give him back some of his old self. 

"Watch your tone Toni. And yes I am. I got a call earlier today from the LA police department." I start by saying.

"The LA police department? Why would they be calling you?" Matteo asks. Marcello and Angelo both do a little 'yeah' in agreement.

"They gave me a call to tell me... they called to inform me that they found Nova and she is currently in their custody. I will be leaving to go see and get her. Matteo I was counting on you to stay and look after everything while I do so." I say and let out a sigh after finally saying it and getting it off my chest. Angelo is the first to speak.

"They... They found her?" He asks but it is more in a tone like he is reassuring himself. 

"Yes they found our Principessa." I say with a slight smile on my face

"Holy shit.... Can I come with you?" Marcello asks

"Yes you can come with me, but the rest of you are staying. Mar we need to be leaving now, I said we would be there in around 3 hours. Oh and one more thing... Nova was arrested for beating up a man who is currently in the hospital. I figured you should know that piece of information as well." I say with a proud smirk on my face.

"SHE WHAT?!" Everyone yells even Toni. He hasn't said anything about finding her, which could be his way of processing the news. 

"She beat up a man who is-" I start to repeat before being cut off by Marcello.

"Yeah yeah we heard you the first time. Is she okay? Why did she beat him up?!" He asks in a frantic state.

"I am not sure but we can find out more when we finally get out the door." I say to him as a way to wrap up the conversation so I can go see my baby sister.

"Yeah lets go! I wanna see my sorellina" Mar says jumping out and speeding towards the door. 

(Baby Sister)

I look back at the other boys and they all seem lost in thought. Toni stands up and marches out of the room as if he is... mad? That wouldn't make sense though... He was always close with Nova, sometimes I think he was closer with her then his own twin. Matteo was 10 when Nova was kidnapped so his memories of her are as clear as mine, which is clear. While looking at Matteo it looks like tears are welling up in his eyes. I haven't seen him cry in years, the last time he cried was when our parents died. If he has cried since then, I have not witnessed it. Angelo on the other hand has a giant smile on his face which makes me want to break out in one, but I don't and hold my composure. I head out the door and get in the car with Mar whose leg is jumping while he cracks his knuckles. He is nervous, but so aren't I. 

-----------------------------------------At Police station---------------------------------

We arrived at the police station and we are currently heading to talk to the lady at the front desk. I am in the same building as my sorella. (Sister) Just that thought of knowing she is so close makes my heart beat pick up. 

"Hello. I am Lorenzo Rizzo, here for my sister Nova Rizzo." Just saying that I am here for her- it all feels surreal.  The lady shows us a slight smile before speaking.

"Yes I heard we would be expecting you. Your sister is currently in one of our interrogation rooms Officer Davis will be out for you in just a second." She tells us with the same smile as before. 

Just like she said not even a minute later an officer comes out and walks over to us after being pointed in our direction from the front desk lady. "Hi, I am officer Davis you are Lorenzo correct?" He sticks his hand out for me to shake.

"Yes that is correct. This is my brother Marcello." I say while shaking his hand. He and Marcello repeat the action before I speak up again. "So our sister? Could you bring us to her?" I ask but it is more of a demand.

"Oh right, yes but before I thought I should revist the situation we have with Nova." He says then runs his tongue over his teeth as if to keep from smirking for some reason. I harden my eyes before saying a slight 'go on.' "Right, well as you were told over the phone Nova was arrested today. We had already planned on bringing her in since her paren- sorry kidnappers.. died in an accident today." He says and I stiffen. I really wanted to torture those bastards. Technically it was my Uncles doing but he is already dead, and these people were just part of his schemes. "While I was downtown actually on the way to Novas house in hopes she was home... which she wasn't." He mumbles the last part. "I found her assaulting a man and beating in his face with her fists." He says before sighing. "She already knew the drill, so her arrest was quite easy as she cooperated. But she has decided not to talk to us in why she was assaulting the man." He says and I am stunned. She knows the drill? What does that mean? I will talk with my sister about it later. Just that thought makes me happy. What has gotten into me.

"I am sure it couldn't have been that bad. I was told the man was hospitalized, did he end up with a broken nose or something? I mean she is a 16 year old girl, what damage could have-" I was saying before Officer Davis decided to cut me off. I hate being cut off.

"Sir, the man in the hospital is barely recognizable. Your sister is very capable in doing damage, as this is not her first assault charge I am afraid to say." He says  as if underestimating my sister isn't taking lightly. Not that I would underestimate her, but who does he think he is. Wait- he is barely recognizable? Damn I am so proud. Mar is next to me trying to cover up a laugh with a cough. Idiota. (Idiot)

"Right.. well could you bring us to Nova now." I say being impatient. He nods and starts leading us down a hall before coming to a stop outside a door. He gives us a sad smile before opening the door. When we step in my eyes go straight to the girl sitting with her hands behind her back. She has an emotionless face on similar to the one we all carry around. Hers just seems different, she carries it different. It took so long for us to be able to master ours, but hers just seems like it comes naturally as if she was already numb. Its scary, even to me. 

She is gorgeous though. She has a similar face to our mothers which is how I know it is her. From what I have gathered she has been here for way to long to still be in handcuffs which frustrates me.   She should not have been kept in them this long and I already want to murder everyone responsible for that. 

When Nova moves her eyes to look at us, her emotionless face does not falter. I just hope there isn't an extreme reason behind it.

Word Count: 1853 

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