Heart Strings (Veneer xOC)

By ClaireMichel

51K 1.1K 400

Talent comes in all forms and all ranges. A lone violinist by the name of Calypso wonders to Mount Rageous to... More

The World will Shape You
How We Met
Dreams are Made of...
A Friend
This is Crazy
Follow My Lead
I Want To Do Better
Where did she go?
You Are My Star Shine
Who is your Insperation?
Silent strings to Vocal Queen
Will you be my...
Are you...
Don't test me!
I'm Coming
A Better Place
You Have Nothing to Prove
Feeling Free
Family Reunion
People are Strange
I'm here
Anything for You
Home sweet home
Can't Escspe
This cant be happening?!
Help Me
We Will Win
Here's the Plan
Did you miss me?
Everything will be okay
Allowed to Be Happy
Take the leap
What can you tell me...
Togther Forever
Birthday Suprise
They are....
Auther Update (this will go away when posting the last chapter)
We are proud of you
Im sorry yall (AN)

I'm sorry

1.1K 30 7
By ClaireMichel

Breaking news. Super star, and teen heart throb, Veneer, was found, unconscious, on the outskirts of Mount Rageous earlier this morning. The news caster informed the public of the recent events. Discovered by a couple during their morning hike, they found the teen sensation unresponsive, but breathing curled in the fetal position. They called authorities immediately upon their discovery. According to onlookers at the scene, Veneer was transported to Rock on Memorial Hospital with minor injuries. But fans are worried for him, we are all worried for him. And I think we are all wondering, what happened, and is our city safe!

Alistor slammed the breaks, sending his hover cruiser to a screeching halt as he pulled into the Rock On Memorial Hospital parking lot . Throwing the gear shift into park, the concerned adult jumped from his driver seat, walking with urgency to the front entrance. Pushing his way past the multiple camera crews and social influencers trying to get the latest updates on the current drama, Alistor received a lot of curses and insults, but he didn't care, he had questions and they were going to get answered, one way or another.

As he entered the pristine hospital lobby, he jogged over to the front desk. "Excuse me," he said, earning the attention of the red head lady manning the station.

"Yes sir, how may I help you?"
"Yep...uh" Alistor was taking deep breaths, trying to keep his cool. "I need to see Veneer please, it's urgent."
"I'm sorry sir," she said sweetly, reviewing the clipboard information before addressing him again. "Veneer is still under evaluation and will not be able to receive any guests. And based on his high status, I'm not sure..."
She was interrupted by a large bang when Alistor smacked his hand against the hard marble counter. All eyes in the waiting room were on him now.

"Please, I know he was with my sister last night. She didn't come home, if anyone has any idea of where she is, it's him!! So please, I'm begging you!!" He vigorously shook his foot and tapped his finger against the marble, trying to gather his cool before he lost it on this poor receptionist. He knew she was just doing her job, but that was getting in the way of finding his sister.

The receptionist looked at the man in front of her, pity smeared all over her face. She signaled to the guard that began to approach to back off, she could handle this.

"Sir I'm sorry about you situation, but we have policies in place to insure the safety of our...."
"Of your clients!!! My sister is missing!" He exclaimed, banging his fists against the counter once more. Causing some on lookers to turn completely in their seats, some even pulling out their phones to record the current scene. "And I can insure you that her safety right now, relies on me getting some answers!" His voice increasingly getting louder with each word. "Because I'm not sure if you notice, when something happens to a regular person vs. a celebrity, all eyes are so busy with the stars well being, while the normal individuals situation seems to fall under the radar and are forgotten. Well, I'm not going to let that happen!!" He shouted. He looked the receptionist dead in the eyes, and with gritted teeth continued, "so if you could help me make sure my sister doesn't just become a face on a missing poster...I would really appreciate some help!"

Before the nurse behind the counter could object again, a small voice squeaked to life. "Alistor?" His head snapped to the left, catching the gaze of the duos assistant, Crimp, a concerned expression on her face.

She shuffled over to the desk, look up at the nurse. "It's okay, he's with me. This is the twins bodyguard." She turned to Alistor with a small smile. "Follow me," crimp beckons, waving him on to follow her.

"Thank you so much for your help," he said sarcastically as he glared at the nurse who was scowling at him, before following the bouncing hair piece down the hallway till they came to room 105. Before Alistor could barge his way in, he felt a sharp tug on his pant leg.

"I know your scared..." Crimp said, sympathy evenet in her voice. "You angry, confused,heartbroken..."
"Those words don't even begin to express what I'm feeling right now," Alistor interrupted pushing the door handle, and barging his way in.

"Wait," Crimps words fell on deaf hears. He was tired of people telling him to wait, his sister is missing, and he wasn't some god damn answers. Barging his way into the room, Alistor glared at the two siblings.

Velvet was slouched in the arm chair, her legs propped over one of the arm rest as she scrolled through her phone, looking as if she didn't have a care in the world. That is, until this stranger busted up into their room. "Uuuhhhh," she began, kicking her feet from over the arm rest, and standing, placing her fist on her hip. "Who are you, and why are you in here? You shouldn't be in here, what is the point of securities anyways if just anyone can come in when they please..." She complained to ramble on and on, but Alistor could care less what Vel had to say, she didn't have the answers he needed.

Alistor position himself at the foot of the hospital, analyzing the occupant carefully. Veneer, physically wasn't in bad shape, a bandage over his check, and couple of bruises on his upper arms and side. But, mentally, Alistor could tell he took a beating.

Veneer, even thought conscious, seemed to be on auto pilot. His gaze was transfixed on his hands, a blank stare the went on for miles. He held absolutely no expression on his face, he was trapping himself in his mind, building up a wall. But Alistor could not let that happen, not right now.

"Hey," Vel shouted grabbing Alistor's shoulder. "Im talking to you.."

"Would you shut up," Alistor yelled back, pushing the pop star diva's hand off his shoulder, giving her a fierce glare that made her step back in fear. "Whatever you have to say right now can wait. Im more interested what your brother has to say!"

Alistor turned his attention back to Veneer, pressing the palms of his hands against the bed frame as he leaned down, trying to get green haired teen's attention. "Hey, Veneer. I need to ask you some questions about last night..." He received silence in response. "Veneer?!" He shook the bed frame, trying to snap him out of his trance.

"Yeah, good luck with that," Velvet said, walking back to her spot in the arm chair. "He hasn't said a word since that couple in the woods found him. Doctors say he is in a sort mental trauma state.  He won't even talk to me, his big sister. But you can try all you want, no one hasn't gotten him to talk." Vel kicked her feet back over the arm rest, continuing her aimless scrolling.

Alistor took a deep breath in, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. How can a sibling seem so cold when someone so close is hurting. Alistor pulled himself up a chair, sitting himself on the right side of Veneer.

"Come on Veneer," he pleaded, grabbing hold of his shoulder lightly. "This is not a game. Calypso is missing, my little storm, your star shine! The only person who knows what happened, the only person that can give some kid of clue of where she is! So please, say something!"
       Again, all Veneer gave in response was silence.   This made Alistor shake with frustration. He needed answers!!! Every minute he sits here, the more danger his sister could be in. He beat his fist against his head, thinking of anything that he could do to bring Veneer out, to get him to come back to reality. Then, it hit him.

        He fumbled in his pockets, looking for his last chance and getting any clues to find his sister. Velvet took a moment from her screen when she heard a faint, "got it!" from the other side of the room. She watched as their unwanted guest pulled out his phone, scrolling through before he seemed to find what he was looking for.
        "If this doesn't work," Alistor said, to no one in particular, "nothing will." He placed the phone in Veneer's hands a pressed play.

This is it, I can feel it! Veneers voice came through the speakers. "You almost had it, let try one more time!"
I don.nt know Ven! Alsitor had to hold back hearing his sister voice
Come on! It's like my sister and my biggest hit says "you gotta work hard"" There was a small pause before Veneer's voice came back "that was funny and you know it"
"Okay Ven, one more time..."
There was another pause in the video, but as the next set of dialog came out, it was supported by another voice.
"Whenever your ready star shine," Veneer spoke, following the exact transcript of the video. He placed his figure tips on the screen as he listened to the two of them sing, his eyes never leaving the screen.

Alistor began to smile as, Velvet jumped out of her seat. "He's...."
"You are my sunshine," Veneer sang, harmonizing with the video, listening to the beautiful voice of his shining star, as she sang her heart out. "My only sunshine. You make me happy when sky's are grey. You'll never know dear, how mischievous much I love you." Tears began to cover the phone screen, the walls Veneer was trying to build up, came tumbling down. "Please..don't take my sunshine away!" Veneer sobbed into his hands, dropping the phone into his lap.

Alistor placed his had on the teens shoulder, trying to provide him some type of comfort, since it looked like his siblings way of consoling was to keep her distance.
"Veneer," Alistor said softly.
"I'm sorry," Veneer wailed into his palms. "I tried, I tried to be her hero. I tried to save her. But I couldn't! I failed my star shine, she was scared, and I couldn't help her!" Alistor gave him a side hug, listening closely to what he was saying. "I pleaded with them to take me instead, but they wouldn't, they just threw her in that hover car like she was nothing!"

"Veneer," Alistor squeezed his shoulder. "Who took her?"
"I don't know!" He sobbed, more tears escaping his eyes. He used the hospital gown sleeve to dry away before he continued to speak. "There were 4 of them. All wearing the same black hoods. But the leader," veneer shivered, "he was the one who did the most talking, and what he had to say was not pleasant."

"What did he say!?"
"Orders and orders, if I followed he would kill her right there. He had a knife! I..I didn't know what to do?! So..I listened, like a little lap dog." He brought his knees head to his knees, ignoring the uncomfortable pain in his side. "I'm so sorry..I'm so sorry I couldn't save her!"

Alistor pulled Veneer into a hug, which Veneer greatly accepted gripping onto Alistor's shoulder.

"Veneer, you did your best. I have no doubt in my mind you did everything you could to keep my sister safe. But I need to know, did you see anything, hear anything that might her find her?"

Veneer toon a deep breath, recollecting the nightmares events. "They were in an unmarked black hover cruiser, and when they left the forest it looked like they were heading south, toward the desert area."

Alistor took in a deep breath, patting the top of Veneers head. "Thank you Veneer."
"For what!? I couldn't keep her safe!"
"For trying so hard to fight for her. You were out numbered. I know I couldn't take on 4 criminals, especially one with a knife."
He pushed Veneers shoulder to the side, causing Veneer to look him in the eyes. "You loved her enough to sacrifice yourself to keep her safe. We are going to get her back, but I want you to know that you did your best."
Veneers eyes began to water, he flung himself into Alistor's chest, giving him the largest hug he could.

"Now, I need you to keep an eye out," Alistor told him. "Anything on Song bird, photobook, even Omgbuzz, if you see anything that could help, I need you to contact me immediately."
"What are you doing?"
"Im going to find her!" With that, Alistor pushed himself out of the chair and walked out the door.

However, while the two of them were having there "heart to heart" talk, Velvet was having her own conversation on her phone.

She smiled at the recent text she got came through. "Job done. You will not need to worry about that little mute again!"
With a smirk, she texted. "Great job. I have another job for you. Alistor Gleam, seams to be heading your way, make sure he doesn't get out of the city!"
Once she clicked send, she placed her phone back into her purse and walked up to her brother. Veneer looked up at his sister, seeing the fake emphatic face she had plastered on. In his distressed state, though, it looked genuine. He leaned into his sister, he closed his eyes, continuing another round of silent sobs, as she patted his head.
"It's okay Ven!," she said, with a "supportive voice", "I'm sure whoever did this will be caught soon, you Star Shine will be home soon."

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