Journey of the Heart (Clownzy)

By RageXxKit

13.9K 408 1.1K

Notes, arrows and an assassination plot. It is a day like any other on the Lifesteal SMP, the usual, bloodshe... More

An ordinary day, right? (1)
A Seed of Something More (2)
Clue's and Danger (3)
Journey set in Motion (4) (re-edited)
Sparks Ignite (5)
Morning banter (6)
History collides with the present (7)
An Uncovered Plot (8)
Realisation (9)
Mixed feelings (10)
Truths and Lies (11)
Friendship Blossoms (12)
Reconciliation (13)
'Let's see where this journey takes us.' (15)
Tricks Of The Mind (16)
~ A/N ~
Oh to be a Golden Flower (17)
Clock Strikes Midnight (18)
~ A/N ~

Fishy Antics (14)

515 16 71
By RageXxKit

It was 03:00 AM.

Clown Pierce had been lying under the cover of his bed for what felt like hours. The dark had shrouded his room in various hues of blues and greys, blurring his vision. He tossed and he turned as he tried to take slow, regulated breaths but sleep would not welcome him. His legs were restless, his eyes were heavy but his mind was racing. The usefulness of his thoughts had dwindled long ago, his mind was now still churning through the dark, well into the middle of the night.

What did Branzy mean by he felt as if he was replacing him?

He flipped his pillow to the cold side.

Where did he get that idea from?

He stared blankly at the ceiling, the roof above his head seemed so dark that he might aswell have been falling through the void.

Was he missing out on something obvious?

Frustrated, he slammed his fist lightly onto his mattress.

No he didn't think so.

Thoughts flooded through his brain in no particular order, allowing no piece of mind.

Kicking the blanket off of his feet, Clown shot straight up.

He had an idea.

He clambered messily out of his bed and started to pace around his room. It wasn't like he was going to be able to fall asleep anytime soon anyway.

Clown started to mutter to himself under his breath.

Could this idea work out?


Branzy woke up feeling happy for the first time in a long time. He had a feeling it was going to be a good day.

Sluggishly crawling out of bed, he dragged himself down the hallway. He was instantly hit with the aroma of cooking food.


He ambled into the kitchen, stifling a yawn. Clown was at the stove stacking pancakes onto two plates. The Jester turned around at the sound of footsteps, "Hey, you're up early..." He smiled softly at his friend, "I made pancakes for us!"

Whether this gesture was intended to make him feel better or not, whether Clown was feeling guilty for something that wasn't his fault, the thoughtfulness of this small act warmed Branzy's heart, made it flutter. He loved pancakes, who didn't like pancakes?

Branzy shuffled past him, pulled out a chair and sat down, "Thanks." He propped his head up onto his hands.

A moment later Clown set down a plate in front of Branzy and took a seat opposite him.

"So I was thinking, " he started, stabbing his fork into one of his pancakes, "maybe we can hang out today, just the two of us and we can do something fun. "

Branzy popped a piece of his breakfast into his mouth and started chewing it absentmindedly. He hadn't properly spent time with clown recently, well at least not whilst being constantly threatened by mysterious snipers and Vitalasy and so on. It couldn't hurt right?

"Sure...when and where?"

Clown paused for a moment.

"How about we go fishing?"



The pillow like clouds drifted so agonisingly slowly through the air, almost as if they knew there was going to be upcoming action. If if was possible, Nature seemed to be more alive than usual, as if it wanted to witness the danger firsthand.

The clear water, too cold for swimming on this chilly day, held within its reflection the distorted picture of two men. Clown stated at his reflection, from the hand that held the fishing pole over the water, to the frown that seemed to have somehow made its way onto his face.

Feeling a sharp jolt he started to reel the hook back in.

The chill in the air seemed to seep through his skin, his fingers, wrapped loosely around the pole, were gradually losing their sense of touch.

"Clown," Branzy broke the comfortable silence between them, "Are you okay? You're shaking violently..."

"Huh me? Oh yeah I'm just a little cold."

Reaching out for the fishing rod held within Clown's hands, Branzy brushed his skin and jolted back at the sensation.

His hands were freezing.

"No you're not, your absolutely freezing!"

It all happened so fast. First Branzy snatched the fishing rod from Clown's grasp and discarded it to the side. Next, he wrapped his fingers around the hem of the purple jumper he was currently wearing and pulled it off. Finally he tossed the item of clothing to Clown.

"Wear it."

The jester didn't even hesitate for their was some forceful tone in the others voice, as if if he didn't comply, Branzy would berate and lecture him.

Clown, slid into Branzy's jumper. Instantly, he felt better, he felt warmer, he felt... a bit cramped. If he was being completely honest, Branzy's jumper was too small for him. He brushed it of, he'd be fine. As well as this, Branzy's scent was faintly etched into the material - not that that was bad or anything...

"Thanks Branz," Clown picked up the discarded fishing rod and went back to what he was previously doing.


You know that feeling? That feeling you get when your brain constantly warns you of danger? To run? That something is a bad idea? That itching feeling that plagues you? The aching chasm of your mind, the worry infecting your thoughts?


Right now, Branzy was fishing alone with Lefu, how did this even happen?

A familiar voice, honeyed words dancing through sentences riddles with lies, spoke behind the duo.


What was she doing here?

Branzy glanced at the ravenette, a fishing rod was loosely slung over her shoulders.

"Lefu! Glad you could make it."

If Branzy could punch himself right now, he would. He was too quick to believe in Clown .

"Thanks for inviting me," Lefu approached the river bank and sat in between the two men already on the floor.

Of course he would invite her.

Without warning, Clown stood up and started mumbling something absurd like, "Oh no, the fish I just caught wants to go on a walk, I've gotta go, you guys have fun." Not only was that excuse far fetched, It was a blatant lie.

Clown swiftly walked away from him and Lefu leaving a dumbfounded expression on both of their faces. Almost instantly, Lefu shuffled up the bank, creating more space between her and Branzy.

They sat there, fishing in silence.

It wasn't just awkward, the whole situation was completely uncomfortable.

The ravenette cleared her throat, "So... Clown had to go walk a fish," her voice trailed of, "That's completely believable right?."

"Y-Yeah," the silver haired man mumbled, his speech delayed, "I wonder what he's- I wonder what he's really doing..."

They sat there, fishing in silence.

Branzy stared into the dark water, making sure to avoid eye contact with Lefu at all costs. He twiddled his thumbs, wandering when Clown would come back.

"So uh-" Lefu started, "So..."

"So what do you think Clown is really doing right now?" His voice was pitched higher than usual, some of his words tumbling over each other as if they were in a race, competing to be first.

"Heh, who knows."

Wow. She managed to utter three whole words to him without sounding like she was going to kill him.

They sat there fishing in silence.

"What's your deal Lefu?" Branzys voice dropped to a lower  octave.

Startled, and almost sounding amused she stated "What?"

Branzy stood up and approached her. Amethyst eyes locked with brown.

"I said. What's. Your. Problem," His lips formed a thin line, "I know what you're doing, don't think I haven't noticed your facade. Clown may not have noticed It your charade but I have, don't start think you are getting away with anything."

She rose to her feet, rising up to his challenge, "Getting away with what exactly?"

"You know what you're doing, don't lie to me and more importantly, yourself."

"Do I really though? Please do enlighten me," her face was contorted into a smug expression, almost as if she found this whole situation to be a joke.

"Ok fine, I'll play your game, you're trying to manipulate my Clown Pierce. Admit it."

"Are you okay?" she looked like she was trying to hold back an immanent laugh that was about to escape from her lips .

"No. You're trying to take advantage of him, and I won't allow it, I just won't."

That was her breaking point, Lefu could no longer control the laughter that overtook her.

Branzy looked her up and down, "What's so funny?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh, "She pressed her lips together "it's just that you couldn't be any more wrong."

No he wasn't going to trust her, at least not yet.


~ Flashback ~

Upon joining the server, Lefu was instantly droused in a blinding light, and the feeling of something vibrating in her pocket.

It was a communicator, the top of the screen displayed some sort of yellow text.

Lefu_ joined the game.

Under it were messages from various people, most of which sharing a common theme, that being saying hello and welcoming her to the server.


Almost instictively, she turned around at the sound of approaching footsteps. Two people were walking towards her, who's names she later discovered to be Subz and Vitalasy.

They told her all kinds of things from the history of the server to who and who not to trust. Lefu carefully soaked up this information noting the different types of people.

The conversation was interrupted by the appearance of two new people on the scene. Her view of them almost instantly being obscured by Vitalasy and Subz stepping infront of her.

For some reason, the sight of the newcomers sparked something inside her, one of them, an undeniable sense of responsibility. The other, something familiar - almost as if she had experienced this whole thing before...

Maybe she had.

"That's Clown Pierce on the left and Branzy on the right," Subz murmed to her, "Stay away from them or you'll regret it."

Whether that was an empty threat of not she couldn't care. What she was feeling was almost like deja vu and she had to give herself closure. Pushing past the two men she walked towards Clown and Branzy, purposely trying to project an aura of confidence when in reality she was confused by all of this.

She started to veer to the left as she was walking towards Clown Pierce. she didn't seen to be able to stop her feet, like her mind was telling her to go meet them, figure out more.

"Hello, I'm Lefu. Nice to meet you."

~ Fin ~

"So you feel some 'connection' you can't explain towards Clown?" Branzy scrunched up his face in disbelief. Like he was going to believe that, "Yeahh I don't believe you."

The sun seemed to shine upon only them, as the world stopped around them. The rays were a spotlight, highlighting the main act, the performance.

"Believe it or not, it's the truth."

Lefu slowly turned to look at him, honesty seemed to dance in the glimmer of her brown gaze.

An eternity seemed to play in the pause that followed that simple sentence before Branzy spoke.

"I can't believe I'm saying this ..." he locked eyes with her a sigh escaping his lips, "but I'm willing to give you a chance."

Branzy heard a small inaudable thank you, or maybe it was just the wind.

"But I've got my eye on you, don't you forget that."

"I won't."

Lefu held our her hands as if to offer a hug of forgiveness. Branzy accepted the offer albeit awkwardly. His body was still stiff as she wrapped her arms around him.


A shuffling noise in the leaves of the tree currently next to them interrupted the moment. The next thing they knew Clown had accidentally tumbled out of the tree.

Stammers of surprise sounded from both Lefu and Clown.

"Clown what -"

Hi guys I'm so sorry this was like a month and half late, I was unexpectedly really busy. I know this chapter is kinda absurd but that's the point I wanted to make it lighthearted loll.

Word Count: 2017

Love you all xxx

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