Sparks Ignite (5)

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Branzy was speechless. His amethyst eyes shone like the stars. His very being radiated bright, vibrant colours from the deepest parts of his soul.

Euphoria washed over him as he gently reached out to touch it. It was like nothing he had ever seen before. He slowly looked up to stare at the man who was holding it out to him.

"Is this really for me?" he asked, uncertainty coating his voice.

"Yes, you can have one and I can have one. I suppose it is a bit like a friendship token."

The silver haired boy excepted the gift. He would treasure this nether star, and bring it with him wherever he went.


End of flashback

Clown and Branzy had been walking for hours, the scenery around them had slowly faded from the bright array of colourful foliage into a frigid, icy plain.

Branzy loved the snow.

He loved everything about it, the fact that every single snowflake was different had always amazed Branzy. Each one having its own intricate unique pattern, different lines crisscrossing in several formation coming together to form something as small as a snowflake.

His eyes flickered over to Clown and his breath hitched.

Clown's hair was lightly dusted with snowflake. It was so cute! It was so perfect. He, was so perfect.

What was he saying? Clown Pierce was just his very good friend. Nothing more. Nothing less.

He pulled out the nether star that Close had gifted him all of those years ago. Through everything he had been through, he had kept it with him everywhere he went.

It was a token of their friendship, as long as he had it, they would be friends.


The evening sun cast long shadows onto the icy ground. The slanting rays of the setting sun gave a warm orange tinge to the sky, perfectly contrasting the arctic landscape. The sky was ablaze with the fire of the setting sun, sinking below the horizon.

Slumping onto the window of the makeshift shelter he had Clown had managed to build, Branzy grew progressively more and more weary.

It had been a long day. A long day of trekking through mud and snow, mist and sleet, a long of being devoid of entertainment, a long day of being alone with your own thoughts for company.

Now, being by one's self inside of one head wasn't necessarily a bad thing for Branzy. What was wrong, was the thoughts that he had recently been experiencing.

He had started to see his best friend Clown Pierce in a new light. Subtle things that Clown made butterflies flutter in his stomach.

Whenever he talked to Clown he would feel giddy and unusually happier.

Even now, thinking about him made want to smile.

Was he falling for his best friend?

No. He couldn't be, that was wrong, that was unnatural.

Even if he was, there was no chance that the legendary Clown Pierce would ever like someone like him.


Branzy found himself lying awake in bed, his consciousness gnawing at him about making Clown sleep on the floor. On the hard, cold floor. How did he even get here? Oh wait...



"Clown! I forgot to pack a bed!"

"What, how?!"

Branzy simply just stared at Clown blankly and shrugged his shoulders.

"You're so annoying, fine have my bed!"

"Wait no, it's your bed I shouldn't have to make you suffer for my actions."

Although Clown thought he was being quiet, Branzy heard him mutter under his breath "tell yourself that."



End of flashback

Warm, snug and cozy, Branzy lay wrapped up in a cocoon made up of blankets. Although he lay in the warmth of Clown's bed, Clown Pierce himself lay on the cold hard floor.

Guilt hung upon Branzy as he lay in the covers, Clown had sacrificed his own comfort for Branzy's idiocy.

Dragging himself out of bed, he padded lightly over to where Clown lay. A certain bit of serenity surrounded him. That was until he opened his eyes.

"What do you want?" Clown mumbled quietly

"You have the bed, go on"

"What? No, I gave it to you."

"I won't be able to sleep, knowing that you're sleeping on the floor because of me"

"And I won't either," Clown mumbled back.

There was a certain auror around Clown that told Branzy to just take the bed. He felt that if he didn't,
he wouldn't be alive to tell the tale.

"Ugh, we can both just sleep on the sides of the bed, that way we are both happy."



And that is how Branzy found himself sleeping in the same bed with his best friend.

One part of him screamed at him for doing something so stupid. Another part of him actually kind of liked it.

He glanced briefly back at Clown before shutting his eyes.

Today had been one hectic day.

He had walked for miles and still yet had further to walk.

His eyes started to grow more heavy, his consciousness slowly ebbing away.

Who shot that arrow?...

What would they...

... find?

Darkness fell upon Branzy as he slipped into a deep sleep.

Probably one of the best slumbers he had had in his life.

Maybe it was from all of that walking, or maybe, just maybe, it was because he was next to Clown like he was always meant to be.

Hi what do you guys think about the chapter names? I'm just putting slightly random titles XD

917 words

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