Mixed feelings (10)

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Confusion. When the line between good and bad deeds blur.

The silver moon bathed the land of the Lifesteal SMP in a dim light, illuminating the dark surroundings for the duo as they entered familiar territory.

Coiling upwards, the branches touched the sky, an array of burnt orange and vermilion leaves blanketing the heavens.

Exhausted and tired, starving and hungry Branzy Craft reflected upon his feelings. It was around this time yesterday that he noticed a growing feeling that had been bothering him, nagging him, gnawing at his heart until he payed it the slightest but of attention.

That feeling was love. He had developed a crush on his best friend. Doubts. Branzy had so very many doubts. Doubts infested his brain, clouding his thoughts, controlling his every thought.

What happens if he didn't like him back?

If he confesses to him would he lose their friendship?

Would Clown think badly of him?

He felt so lost, so troubled, so dazed that he walked head first into a tall birch tree.

laughter escaped Clown 's mouth. Oh how he loved his laugh.

"Branzy, are you okay?!" Yes, after I have been giving my daily side of medicine. Your laughter.

"You know, you should really be looking where you are going..." But thinking about you comes first...

"Uhm Branzy are you okay? You're not responding. You are kind of just phased out looking at me."

Tugging his conscience from whatever realm he was just in, Branzy immediately pulled himself back into reality.

"Oh yes! Of course! I was just a-"

Clown just gave him a sly smile and sauntered of ahead. Leaving a flustered Branzy Craft to wonder what just happened.


Lefu_ joined the game

Clown and Branzy's com buzzed.

ParrotX2: Hello all members of The Lifesteal SMP, please welcome Lefu to the server, she recently moved here from Hypixel.

Beneath the watchful stare of the moon, the pair exchanged a bewildered yet curious glance.

"Great, yet another person trying to ruin our lives," Clown sighed placing his head between his hands.

"Oh don't say that, maybe she's really nice..." she wasn't.
Branzy hated Lefu with every comment she made, every breath she took, every thought she had.

Brandy had convinced Clown to go and meet her. Although sceptical at first, he agreed.

Travelling through fields and moors, shops and monuments, the two arrived at spawn to see a fairly tall girl talking to Subz and Vitalisy.

She had short, wavy, raven hair, with a dark crimson streak running through it. Her tan skin was flushed with a dangerous glow. Her piercing eyes were her most prominent feature. A hazel eye that judged your every move and a dark chestnut that scanned you constantly.

She was clothed in black from head to toe. She wore a black turtle neck and black cargos, topped of with black combat boots. By her hip was a dagger smiling menacingly at the pair.

Branzy shot a sidewards glance at Clown. Everything about the way Clown was looking at her, screamed caution in his head.

Clown turned towards him.

"Come on, let's go meet her!"

Branzy stared at the Jester in confusion, " Wait what? Didn't you just say you didn't want to go see her a moment ago? Plus Vitalisy and Subz are down there, do you really want to start more trouble?!"

"She seems cool and I'm sure Vitalisy and Subz will be civil."

Taken a back, Branzy followed Clown wearily as he dragged him along.

The silver haired boy stared at the trio afar off as they turned to see what that noise in the distance was.

As soon as they saw who was rapidly approaching, Vitalisy and Subz took a defensive step in front of the newest addition of the SMP, whispering something inaudible to her.

Lefu pushed past the two members, and strutted confidently up to Clown and Branzy. Telling them in the process that they could go if they want.

Flashing a warm smile, she offered a hand up to Clown and announced, "Hello, I'm Lefu. Nice to meet you."

Clown shifted his weight from side to side, measuring the girl in front of him up.

"Hello, you must be Lefu, nice to meet you," he stated before firmly shaking her hand, "I'm Clown Pierce."

His tone of voice suggested that he still regarded her with suspicion.

Awestruck, astounded, aghast: Branzy had never been so shocked. Clown never talked to people nicely who's name just happened to not be Branzy Craft, let alone a random girl he just met a few moment ago.

Lefu just giggled and twirled a strand of her thick raven hair in her fingers.

Brandy glanced back at where Subz and Vitalisy had previously been to find out they had gone.

"Vitalisy and Subz just told me all about your circus and they also mentioned that you recently went away. Where to might I ask? "

Branzy couldn't help but feel a burning pang of jealousy plague his heart as the boy he liked was paying attention to some random girl with a dumb name. What kind of name was Lefu anyway?

He wanted to push that girl down a raveen and hope she never moved again. Not that he would ever have the courage to do that it the first place anyway. But still! Plus she looked really threatening. He didn't want to mess with her.

"Oh uh... Me and my friend Branzy here just went on a little holiday. Yes, that's right."

There we go. Branzy's heart sank, it sank so deep that it felt like it would have been seeing on the bottom of the ocean. His heart was drowning, suffocating, choking, spluttering for air, wanting some desperate attention from Clown. No. Clown had said it. He was only a friend to him and that is what he would stay as. He would be we be anything more.

" Oh that's so wonderful! " Her stupid brown eyes lit up in wonder, almost taunting him, daring him to make a move.

"And so you must be Branzy?"

Through narrow eyes, gritted teeth, and his best attempt to look menacing (but friendly at the same time), Branzy grumbled a simple "Yes."

A dry "Cool. " was the only response Branzy would hear from her - not that wanted to here her shrill voice for another moment anyway.

What Branzy didn't know was that he would be getting to spend a lot more time with Lefu.

Ok so introduced a new OC. What do we think abt Lefu? Do we like her? yay or nay? (Ofc there's only one correct answer ). Did you guys know that Lefu means death? Also I was watching Clown The other day and I just realised that he actually gave Branzy a nether star and I was thinking that's so cute!!

Love you all xxx

Word Count: 1131

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