An Uncovered Plot (8)

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Lifesteal SMP Newspaper
28th October 1987

Selkhath Ender a renowned explorer, scientist and inventor known across the whole land of the lifesteal SMP has recently gone missing .

He is famed for his research into the enderman species, a neutral mob with unique teleportation abilities, who will only attack humans if provoked, or if they have been stared at in the eyes. Little is known about these mysterious long limbed creature.

Selkhath was last reported to have been talking about some strange third dimension. Little is known about his current location. If you have seen, heard or know anything useful about him then please contact us.


"The stronghold? We don't even know if it exists!" Branzy stared at Clown's white porcelain mask.

"Well, that's where they say Selkhath that researcher who disappeared a long time ago vanished" Clown replied thoughtfully.

Branzy shrugged, they had nothing to lose.

"In the letter apparently there is a blueprint of this supposed stronghold and coordinates to it" Clown continued.

Branzy picked up the coffee stained paper.

"Aha! Here it is."

573636, -64, -4462

"Apparently we need to craft something called eyes of ender, which in crafted by infusing an ender pearl with blaze powder."

"I have all of those ingredients in the circus. We've been gone long enough anyway let's make our way home."

Branzy and Clown walked down the same winding tunnels they had walked through merely a few hours ago.

They walked left, straight then down a staircase, right, forwards and then left again, down another staircase and finally right again.

Everything looked the same to Branzy. A gloomy stone hallway with a bunch of scribbles on the walls.

"Clown? Are you sure you know where we are going?"

"Of course, you just have to trust my inner compass"

Branzy rolled his amethyst eyes and pressed his lips together trying to suppress the imminent laughter .

"Oh yeah? Your inner compass?"

Branzy smirked and gave him a playful shove.

"Yes! stop looking at me like that"

The hallway opened up into a vast circular room filled with moss and ivy. In the centre there was some kind of podium surrounded by pillars of stone.

"So much for your inner compass, we haven't even been here before..."

"Actually my dear friend I think you'll find that I intended to bring us here and just wanted to explore," and with that, Clown strutted into the room.

Branzy trudged carefully towards the podium. He could taste uncertainty in the air and he could feel the ominous feeling of foreboding.

The amethyst eyed boy reached out to touch it. He could feel the stoney table in the centre of the room almost calling him. A sense of power flowing through him.

Without any explanation, he had the sudden urge to stand up on the overgrown platform of stone and dust.

Branzy clumped up onto the podium. For some odd reason he felt like he was in a ritual and he was the sacrifice.

He felt giddy.

He felt like he was flying.

No. He was falling. Literally.

He fell through the ground.

Everything felt like it was going in slow motion.

He saw Clown running towards him.

He saw him shout something inaudible.

He fell past dirt.

He fell past stone.

He fell past granite.

He was plunged into darkness.


Branzy's head was pounding. He awoke to the smell of musty air and damp soil.

He opened his eyes to see that he was in a room of some sorts. The exit was barred with metal and his only other means of escape was through the hole in the roof.

"Nice to see that you've woken up," a disembodied voice drifted through the air.

Branzy immediately jolted upwards "Who, who are you and what do you want with me?" His eyes scanned his surroundings earnestly.

"Oh Branzy, you know who I am."

Branzy could practically here the smirk in the mysterious person's voice.

"Are you the one, who has been attacking me and Clown?"

"Yes I suppose so. You've always been quite the little narcissist haven't you Branzy. Always thinking the world's removes around you. I'm not just targeting you and your little friend, no, I am going to be what ends Lifesteal."

Branzy was stunned, "What?! You can't end lifesteal!"

From the shadows beyond the metal bars, out stepped a hooded figure clad in a brown cloak and black combat boots.

Whoever this person was, they owned a crossbow and had it loaded at their side.

The sinister figure sighed.

"Oh Branzy, you haven't changed one bit."

"But I don't even know you!"

Branzy captor, chuckled slightly. " You know me better than you think. You can call me Kevin"

And with that he left.


Branzy had been sitting alone in a cold dark cell for just over three hours. He didn't bother to shout for help, because he knew it would only waste his energy.

Where was Clown when he needed him?

He missed that guy.

At the moment he only had his thoughts for company.

You know me better than you think. You can call me Kevin.

The more he thought about those words, the more sick to his stomach he felt.

Why did that Kevin guy actually seem so familiar?

He felt a weird connection between the two of them, almost as if they were related.

They didn't know it yet, but Clown and Branzy had moved one step closer to catastrophe.

Hi guys sorry I haven't uploaded in a while I had exams .I'm actually cringing at this chapter so much but hey a chapters a chapter. This chapter was originally gonna be longer but I thought I should just publish it coz I haven't posted in a while.

Word count: 958

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