Sarah Paulson Mental Health O...

By Deliasgal111

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Just things i've written to help me cope lol More

We're a team - Amanda
Can I hold you? - Diane Sherman
Just me, Sweetheart. - Cordelia Goode
I tried momma, I tried. - Tammy
Do you promise? - Ally Mayfair-Richards
We love you, our strong girl. - Cordelia Goode & Ally Mayfair-Richards
Give me a roar, Bear. - Sally Mckenna
I believe so, Babydoll. - Billie Dean
I love you always - Sarah Paulson
Is that a Yes? - Tammy

Lucky to be human with you - Billie Dean

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By Deliasgal111

Billie Dean had a plethora of events that has created the perfect bad day. Y/N, Billie's Girlfriend, helps cheer her up!
(ALSOOO this is kinda inspired by the song 'Please' by Noah Kahan, if you wanna listen while reading!)

It was a Monday afternoon, I was rolling around in bed deciding what to make for dinner tonight. Thanks to my work schedule, I got to take off every other Monday. I wanted to make Billie's favorite meal, Chicken and tater tots- shocking right?

As soon as I stepped into the kitchen my phone rang. I knew it was Billie, she calls me about every other hour, I guess you could say we are close ha. "Hey siri, answer the phone call." As the phone picked up, I was rummaging through the fridge, gathering ingredients.

"Hi my love!" I said cheerfully, "Guess what I am up to?"

"I hope coming to pick me up." Billie huffed.

I stood puzzled with my hands full of food, "Wait i'm confused-"

"My fucking car broke down on my way to work. You wanna know what else happened? My fucking starbucks order was wrong. THEY PUT ICE IN MY COFFEE. DONT GET ME STARTED WITH THAT. ICE DOESNT BELONG IN COFFEE." I bit my lip trying not to laugh at her comments, "Don't you dare laugh, babydoll. I know that silence all too well."

"I'm not..." I started to retrace my steps putting the food back in the fridge, "I'm not laughing- Okay so you need me to pick you up? Where are you baby?"

"I'm in between 4th and Main, beside that boutique you like?"

I grabbed my phone and walked to our bedroom putting on my uggs. "I will get there shortly, I'm sorry Bil. Just hang tight okay?" I looked in the mirror trying to collect myself.

"Thank you my darling, I love you." she sighed out in relief.
"I love you too, Pumpkin." I giggled, she hates when I call her that. It's an inside joke.

"You know what? Now that I think about it, i'm gonna walk home." She laughed, "What am I going to do with you?"

"See ya in a few, my love." I laughed ignoring her.
After we hung up the phone I got in the car and headed out.

As I was stopped at a red light, I was faced with a Starbucks. "fuck. I shouldn't-" I held my breath and turned into the starbucks parking lot, "she won't mind waiting a few extra minutes will she?"
I went through the drive thru line, "Hi! I hope you're having a good afternoon, could I please place an order for a HOT make sure it's HOT, NO ICE, Vanilla latte with oat milk and two espresso shots? And could I also just get a carmel macchiato with soy milk? Thank you so much!"

I went through the line and grabbed our drinks. I started heading to my lovely girlfriend.

After a few minutes of driving, I found myself pulling up to the spot she said to meet. I saw her sitting down on a bench with her sunglasses. She was smoking while scrolling on her phone. Sometimes I fail to understand how she's my girlfriend, her beauty is far beyond me.
I sent her a message and saw her head shoot up from her phone. She grabbed her purse and headed to the passenger seat. When she sat herself in the car I was about to speak before she unleashed, "What took you so long? It's a 10 minute drive AT MOST. It's fucking freezing outside-" I didn't say anything, I only placed the coffee I bought her in her hand. She stopped mid sentence and just sighed. She softly whispered, "thank you." I tried to not take her anger personal, we all deserve some grace on our worst days. Plus I knew she felt remorseful, you can see it in her eyes.

I started the car and drove. I wasn't planning on driving home though. I was gonna drive her to my place in the mountains. I always went there when I needed to scream or cry. I didn't have to fear of anyone hearing me. I want it to be Billie's place too. "Babydoll, you missed the turn." I gave her a small smile, "we aren't going home."

She just raised her eyebrows looking out the window, "Oh." she took a sip of her coffee, "Damn it! See, that's a hot coffee." I saw her attempting to fan her tongue. I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Billie Dean, you are a woman of many things. This... this is not one of them." She threw her middle finger up at my face stifling a laugh. "I love you Billie, you know that right? I don't want you to think I need you to be "perfect". I know at work you feel the need to do everything.. right." I looked over at her for a second, she was looking at me with glassy eyes, "I like your imperfections. I like you as a human. Even when you're mad, sad, even down to the little things. I love how you tiptoe around the house in the mornings making sure I don't wake. I love how you buy me a pack of skittles every time you go to the grocery store. I love how you'll hear a song I like and you'll memorize the lyrics. Little things like that. You're a beautiful human. I don't know, maybe i'm biased because I love you, but it's an honor to be human with you, Ms Howard."
Knowing Billie the way I do, I was expecting silence from her. She likes to process things before she responds. She just placed her hand on my thigh and rubbed her thumb back and forth. In her language, this is her saying "Thank you."

When I got to the top of the mountain, I pulled the car over. "We are here!" I said smiling. I hopped out of the car and opened the trunk. I grabbed a blanket and Billie met me outside. Her eyes shot up at the sky, admiring the tall trees, birds flying around, the light fog dancing around the branches.
I followed her gaze to the sky, "It's pretty out here, isn't it?"

She just smiled looking puzzled, "Y/N, where are we?"
I grabbed her hand and started walking in the woods, on a small trail I created.
"Well, It was my place. I used to come here alone all the time you know? Whenever I might've felt sad or overwhelmed, anxious, angry, list could go on. But I think everyone needs an escape you know? So then when you told me about your day I just thought, Hey Billie should come here! So then I was like hey, this is our spot now!" I was ranting just talking out of my ass.
She laughed, "Call me biased, but it's an honor to be human with you. I love your excitement, it's cute."

"Here we are." We walked into the open field. Not a sight of other humans near. There was a small pond and just fields of grass. I placed a blanket down on the fluffy grass. I laid back on the blanket and sighed out. Billie slowly found her way down to the blanket. She sat down looking out at the land in front of us. "This is so beautiful, babydoll. Thank you for bringing me here."
I smiled, "Fun little fact, we carry energy in our bodies. You can feel it, can't you? Anger? Frustration? Sadness, even? The beautiful thing about energy though, is it can be moved. We store it in our bodies. In your chest, head, hands, anywhere. Do you know how to get rid of this energy?" Billie just looked at me in awe but dumbfounded, "How baby?"

I got up from the blanket, looking up in the sky. I just screamed. And then again, and again. Then I started playfully screaming jumping around, putting my hands in the air. "Try it Billie! Come on!"
She froze, "I don't know..."
"If not now, when? There's literally NO ONE HERE! Say what's on your heart! Here, I'll go first. FUCK YOU LACY YOURE SO RUDE AND NO ONE LIKES YOUR SINGING SHUT THE FUCK UP. LIKE GOD I WISH YOUD QUIT." I giggled shocked at my own words.

Billie stood up dusting off her pants. "..I just scream?" I nodded at her and watched. She just screamed. It sounded so painful and sad. She sounded scared. She did it over and over again until she laughed. "Y/N, I think you were onto something about that energy. I feel better." We both laughed and collapsed on the blanket. We stared at the stars. I didn't bring attention to it, but Billie was crying. I was proud of her. I know she isn't used to showing her emotions so colorfully. I think she is a beautiful artwork though. I just smiled feeling lucky to have her.

"Thank you Y/N. I am very lucky to be human with you." I snuggled into her chest, "Anytime, Pumpkin."

She lightly tickled me, "Okay weirdo, i'm gonna leave you stranded here alone now."

I laughed and reflected, "Billie? You know what would be cute?" She hummed, "A little house. Overlooking the water."

"Are we in the notebook now? Do you want a balcony to paint your canvas's on too?" Billie questioned. What a smart mouth.

"Oh shut up. I'm just sayin' it would be cute."
She just kissed my head, but I was content with the silence.

OMG STOP I LOVED THIS I HOPE YOU DID TOO!! If you have any chapter ideas, let me know! I would love to take requests. ❤️

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