Ink and Parchment ~ blood and...

By JustBeing_Nat

171K 7K 1.1K

Eliza Potter was abandoned in an orphanage by the Dursley's and so 11 years later she refuses to be the Light... More

12: A riddle interlude I
13: what happens in the common stays in the common room I
22: what happens in the common room stays in the common room II
33- what happens in the common room stays in the common room III
34: A riddle interlude- II
46: What happens in the common room stays in the common room- IV
56- What Happens in the Common Room, Stays in The Common Room- V
57- A Riddle Interlude III
65- What Happens In the common room & A riddle interlude
The End!!!


1.4K 68 8
By JustBeing_Nat

Eliza woke up feeling strange. This in and of itself wasn’t unusual; Eliza was used to feeling strange. Used to an uncomforting cold in her lungs, a small hum of restlessness in her veins when she stayed too long in the quiet, went too long without a fight. She was well accustomed to the ever burning fervour that she could never seem to quite shake off.

And she had grown used to that, over the years. This – this was different. It felt as though something had been carved out of her, a rattling sort of hollowness settling into her lungs, the cold carving into her bones unlike the usual restlessness she was constantly haunting by.

Eliza stretched out, much like a cat, as she tried to shake off the clammy feeling. Savouring the last few moments of warmth and comfort beneath her thick quilt before she dragged herself out of bed. Today was a big day, she had no time to waste.

Humming slightly to herself she tried to tame her hair, the odd feeling fading into the background as she got herself ready. Nodding at her reflection Eliza grabbed her purple robes and slung them casually over her shoulders and started to head towards the common room.

Today was Samhain, and it was also time for another Wizengamot meeting.

Hopping down from the last of the stairs Eliza smiled slightly when she spotted Daphne perched on the edge of the armchair, heels clicking together as she swung her legs back and forth evidently waiting for the rest of them to drag themselves out of bed.

Daphne glanced up and frowned “I thought you would have hijacked Severus’ floo by now” she joked and Eliza gave a little shrug, ignoring how her limbs shifted oddly with the movement as though she weren’t fully attached to them.

“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day Daphne” Eliza said instead and swished out of the common room with Daphne falling into step beside her.

“You never eat Breakfast” Daphne protested “In fact you’ve told me on multiple occasions ‘why have breakfast when I can have coffee’”

“Well now I can have both breakfast and coffee” she returned without missing a beat “Aren’t you proud of me? I’ve turned over a new leaf”

Had it always been so cold in these corridors? Eliza burrowed a little further into her cloak.

“You’re not turning over a new leaf though” Daphne said before jumping in front of her slightly so she could point an accusatory finger in Eliza’s face “You’re scheming-

“I’m not scheming” Eliza cut in immediately but reconsidered her words when she was met with dead silence “I’m just making a public appearance”

Daphne let out a startled laugh, leaning heavily on Eliza’s shoulder as they approached the great hall “You’re pulling a publicity stunt in your own school” she choked out through her laughter “Oh that’s gold”

“Shut up” Eliza retorted maturely as they slipped into the hall, nodding at Granger when she spotted the girl across the hall also wearing her Wizengamot robes. There was already a buzz in the hall – it wasn’t often a Hogwarts student actually took up the mantle and claimed seats on the Wizengamot. And the fact that Granger, a muggle-born, was now also on the council was causing quite a stir.

Between them, and whatever trouble Tom managed to cause, it was going to turn into a rather eventful morning.

“What are your plans for the day?” Eliza asked as they walked towards their seats and Daphne smiled brightly as they slipped onto the bench, waving at the few other slytherins at the table.

“Susan stole some pumpkins, we’re going to carve them in the Hufflepuff commons”

“How domestic” Eliza drawled and Daphne shot her a conspiratorial grin.

“We’re then breaking into the Gryffindor common room and hiding them all over the place”

Eliza couldn’t help but grin back “Brilliant”

Daphne shook her head with a laugh and started serving herself breakfast, keeping a judgemental eye on Eliza when she made no move to get any food herself.

“And are you actually having breakfast?” Daphne said, the mild undercurrent of a threat in her voice and Eliza hummed slightly, pouring herself a steaming cup of coffee as she glanced down the table. She wondered when Susan was going to steal Daphne away, she was quite scary in the mornings.

“Pancakes?” Daphne suggested and Eliza narrowed her eyes slightly.

“With strawberries on top?”

“With strawberries on top” Daphne agreed and Eliza let an easy smile slip onto her face, forgetting all about the strange feeling she had woken with.

Daphne and a handful of strawberries, there was nothing in the world that that combination couldn’t fix.

Eventually the rest of her court piled in, Blaise bounded into the hall with Draco and Theo trailing after him. Theo had his head buried in a book trusting Draco to guide him through the slowly filling up corridors. They all paused however when they saw Eliza sitting there in her Wizengamot robes.

“Please say my father will be in one piece by the end of this meeting” Draco said, making himself a cup of tea as they all settled in at the table and Eliza scoffed.

“As if Narcissa would let anything happen to him”

No one could argue with that one.


Eliza understood why Sirius never took up his place on the mantle, these Wizengamot sessions were so dull. Eliza would even go as far as to say that Umbridge’s defence lessons were more entertaining than this current session. At least in the classroom she could cause chaos but here she had no choice but to be on her best behaviour.

Lucius was sat a few seats across from her, a remarkably empty expression on his face which told her just how bored he truly was. Burke was rambling on about some inane droll matter that no one gave a damn about that would be dismissed soon and Eliza traded commiserating looks with Tom. For the past several minutes she had been, in vain, attempting to banish his shoelaces but either her spells weren’t getting through or he was superstitiously deflecting them.

Granger was sat a little way away, ardently paying attention.

Eliza had no idea how she did.

When the motion was called to dismiss Burke’s rambling plea (something about tariffs on the Diagon Alley entrance?) Eliza was one of the first to raise her wand, practically everyone else following suit and Burke sat down grumpling to himself. Glancing through her papers Eliza breathed a sigh of relief when she saw they had only one more matter to debate for the day. Being trapped in the stuffy meeting hall had done nothing to ease her agitated mood and she honestly couldn’t wait to get back to her court. Maybe she and Draco could pay some Quidditch.

“Well” Scrimgeour’s gruff voice cut through the room – Eliza really didn’t think he had long as minister “I believe we’re now almost done for the day”

“That is if Lord Gaunt has no more ridiculous ideas to impose on the school board” Lord Smith drawled sharply and Eliza felt herself perk up slightly, now this at least would be interesting.

Tom tilted his head slightly, lazily examining the old wizard from across the room “I would hardly call a suggestion and imposition Lord Smith, much like how I would hardly call a wizarding heritage class ridiculous”

Eliza could see how badly he wanted to snark back at the man but they both knew this wasn’t the time. They had no need to tear their enemies apart when they were sure to do it themselves.

“It’s a ludicrous idea” Lord Smith said, slightly red in the face as he seemed to prepare himself to launch on another tirade before he was interrupted. The interruption itself wasn’t that surprising. What was surprising was that he had been interrupted than none other than the perpetual goody two shoes, righteous Gryffindor, Hermione Granger.

“Actually I think you’ll find that the already established Wizard Heritage club has been a massive success” she cut in smoothly glancing at Eliza slightly who was already smiling at the girl “And all of us who are aware of Lord Gaunt’s campaign in Hogwarts are quite thankful”

It doesn’t take long for the arguments to break out after that.

“Lord Smith is right” Lady Abbot scoffed, ever the constant nuisance “This club, these ploys – filling our children’s head with nonsense. Taboo subjects we left behind long ago-

“I fear your memory is failing you Lady Abbot” Lucius cut in lowly “As far as I recall it wasn’t that long ago. In fact” he began lightly, with all the mischief of someone who had been spending far too much time with Sirius “As I recall haven’t you been a long term attendant of the Malfoy Yule Ball?"

Lucius let out a false little cough, waving his hand distractedly as he simpered “Oh sorry, I meant weren’t you a long term attendant of dark and taboo practices?”

Eliza truly couldn’t resist chiming in. Merlin forbid she let Lucius Malfoy incite greater outrage than she did.

“And what exactly are you calling nonsense? Our heritage? Our history?” The arguing around Eliza ceased as they all turned to listen to her “The legacy we all have a duty to carry and keep alive isn’t what I would call ‘ridiculous’” she finished drily, and it didn’t take long for someone to lose their temper.

Lord Smith snarled slightly, red in the face as he rounded on Eliza “You know that isn’t what we’re referring too, you know exactly what we’re talking about – dark and dirty traditions-

“And you know this is what the classes discuss? How Lord Smith?” Tom drawled, quirking a dark eyebrow as he quelled the rising argument, commanding attention. Lord Smith spluttered and Eliza smirked faintly. Between her and Tom they had certainly made this a Wizengamot session worth attending.

“Miss Granger” Tom said suddenly, turning to face the girl “It is common knowledge that you and Lady Potter helped to found this club – would you be able to enlighten on say what you are currently studying?”

Granger to her credit didn’t balk at the situation at all “Currently we’re teaching all muggle raised students who attend about the ancestral manors and the sacred twenty eight, and how that in turn has effected our society today” she explained calmly and murmurs rose at her words.

“That’s common knowledge” Lady Longbottom said scathingly and Eliza snorted derisively.

“It’s not, not if you're muggle raised which is why Lord Gaunt is correct when he says we need it as a mandatory class-

More arguing arose from her proclamation, more accusatory claims thrown their way and yet more and more people rallied in their defence as well, chaos rippling through the chamber. Merlin she hadn’t even mentioned the Sabbaths yet and they were already acting like this. Eliza was tempted to mention including them in the curriculum, just to see what would happen, but she held her tongue.

They had to bide their time.

The arguing ceased when Scrimgeour shot sparks into the air above them, grabbing everyone’s attention as they fell silent.

“You are treading a fine line, Lord Gaunt, Lady Potter” he warned and Eliza allowed a smile to slip onto her face that was just too sharp to be considered pleasant as she turned slightly to face the man.

“Ah yes” she said delicately pretending she didn’t see the despairing Lucius or the grinning Tom across from her “We should move on to the actual issues at hand. What’s left to discuss today? The width of cauldron bottoms?”

All in all Eliza would say it’s been a very productive meeting. Nothing quite says getting things done like sewing the seeds of chaos.


Eliza glanced away from Rita Skeeter when she caught sight of Tom walking towards her across the crowd. The meeting had been dismissed and Skeeter had immediately sought her out, craving a good story and good money that Eliza was more than happy to provide.

Bidding the blonde goodbye Eliza turned away from the journalist, meeting Tom half way across the room greeting him with a small smile.

“I’d say that went well wouldn’t you?” she said as they came to a stop in a corner of the bustling room. Tom raised an eyebrow, glancing down at her.

“I suppose if your definition of ‘well’ was inciting a near-on brawl in the middle of a Wizengamot session, then yes I suppose it went well”

“Ah you’d be bored without me” Eliza shot back with a grin “With only Lucius to keep you company”

They both took a moment to grimace at that, the thought of being trapped in a room full of Lucius’.

“Speaking of company” Tom proclaimed, something leading in his voice that had Eliza glancing at him curiously “It is Samhain Little Star”

“That it is” Eliza agreed, drawing out the game between them “Us Slytherins should be celebrating at Hogwarts actually”

“Or” Tom jumped in immediately “You could come back with me – we could catch up, celebrate together?”

There was a silence as Eliza returned his even stare. She had planned something at Hogwarts but she couldn’t deny that she was sorely tempted by Tom’s offer. It was Samhain after all, didn’t she deserve to break some rules?

Tom grinned as if he knew the second she had decided to agree and Eliza couldn’t help but return his smile with a small shake of her head. Fishing her wand from its holster Eliza gripped it easily in her hand, ignoring Tom’s curious look. Breathing in deeply to settle herself Eliza flicked her wand, casting the spell.

She watched proudly as her familiar Hippogriff Patronus appeared in front of her, trotting around in circles as it flung its head capturing the attention of the few people left inside the chamber.

“Can you tell Theo Nott to take over for me tonight? I’m catching up with an old friend” she said vaguely in case the message found him when he was surrounded by other people. The downfalls of patronus messaging.

“Well then Little Star” Tom said brightly as he practically bounded over to the floo “Shall we?”

“We shall” Eliza returned smiling at his barely concealed excitement as she joined him in front of the floo “You best catch me on the other side though”

“Of course Little Star” he demurred, something else settling into his gaze before disappearing into the flames leaving Eliza to follow through after him, ignoring the blatant staring of everyone else in the room.

At least his Samhain wouldn’t end in one of them being near-dead.


Perhaps she had spoken too soon.

“Tom we can’t murder Lady Abbot just because you think she’s irritating”

“Well why not?” he returned evenly, titling his head upside down slightly so he could see her from where he was lying sprawled out on the sofa. Eliza herself had taken residency of the ridiculously large armchair across from him, throwing her legs over the side as they talked. Killing the time before they conducted their very own Samhain ritual. Tom’s manor was covered with so many wards the Ministry wouldn’t be able to track anything.

Eliza opened her mouth before shutting it with a soft ‘click’

It wasn’t like either of them truly cared about the legality of the matter.

“Remus would be very disappointed” Eliza said instead and Tom rolled his ruby-red eyes.

“I hardly think he’s going to be disappointed in me”

“He will” Eliza said seriously, continuing the bit “He’ll give you his patented disappointed mum stare and he’ll pack you up to Dark Lord Rehab-

Tom let out a mild protest but Eliza continued to speak over him “And you’ll never be allowed over to our house again” she finished and he let out a scoff.

“As if he would know if I’m in your house” Tom said self assuredly and Eliza rose an eyebrow pointedly.

“He knew you came round on my birthday”

If Tom was surprised he didn’t let himself show it and so instead Eliza chose to move on quickly “So now you know that we can’t murder Lady Abbot. Someone else could though”

Tom let out a considerate hum, returning to his previous sprawled out position watching the flames crackle in the fire place. A comfortable silence settled around them and Eliza took another sip of her coffee, it tasted faintly of cinnamon and she couldn’t help but savour the taste. She watched as Tom glanced at the old grandfather clock in the corner and finished off his own drink, banishing it into the kitchen with an absent wave of his hand.

Eliza pulled herself up into a sitting position as she watched Tom busy himself with setting up the small coffee table between them. This ceremony would be a bit different to Eliza’s usual one. It was only the two of them, smaller, intimate. The last time they had tried to celebrate a Sabbath, Yule in fourth year, it had ended in disaster. She hoped tonight would be different.

A single solitary candle was lit in between them and Eliza watched as Tom pricked his thumb, dropping a few beads of blood into the flames. Blood magic wasn’t used on Samhain usually but it did deepen the connection with ancestral magic and Eliza found herself repeating Tom’s gesture. The candle flared brighter as the ambient magic swelled and filled the room and Eliza shifted restlessly.

The haunting feeling that had been clinging onto her all day resurged with a vengeance and Eliza found herself gripping onto Tom’s warm calloused hands as she tried to block out the overwhelming magic swarming around them. No other Samhain ritual had ever felt like this and Eliza felt herself take in deep shuddering breaths as the cold encompassed her.

She was only vaguely aware of Tom across from her now, the weight of his hands on hers and his distant voice but soon even that was pulled away and Eliza was being drawn down and down and-

The fogginess left her, the strange feeling that had been gripping onto her all day suddenly eased – as if she had finally found peace if only for this brief brief respite. Eliza tried to shake herself out of her thoughts, opening her eyes only to pause with the movement.

She didn’t have any eyes to open, in fact Eliza couldn’t sense her body at all. She was here, wherever here was, and she was tangible but there was nothing there. Just darkness, a rolling darkness that surrounded her from all sides, pressed down and encompassed her until there was nothing left. A darkness that wasn’t quite darkness, a life that wasn’t quite living.


A thousand voices, one voice – all consuming and unavoidable. It pressed at her from every angle, echoed from inside her mind, rattled her non-existent bones as the deep voice spoke.

Hello Eliza thought back, or perhaps she had said – this was a strange place, Hello Death


The voice came again and if Eliza didn’t know any better she would say it was amused. The weight continued pressing against her and merlin how she longed to have a wand in her hand, a knife in her boot – anything to hold onto other than the suffocating darkness. Other than horrible burning warmth and clammy cold of Death itself.

With a blink everything shifted.

Eliza let out a great shuddering breath, chill, biting air flooding her lungs suddenly as she stumbled, knees shaking. Glancing around wildly Eliza clenched and unclenched her hands as she took in the sight around her.

It was a barren place, but an improvement on the impenetrable darkness that surrounded her beforehand. She could make out poplar trees in the distance and the grass beneath her feet crinkled and crackled as she shifted, dried and dead. There was a stream somewhere nearby, frosty waters travelling through the land and even though the sun was shining everything maintained a horrible scale of grey.


The voice circled again, less crushing now – the wind picked up as it spoke, leaves swirling through the air as the voice spoke inside of Eliza’s mind seemingly coming from nowhere and everywhere at one.

“I have been waiting for you” she heard a dark rasping voice state and Eliza span around in surprise, not noticing the figure who had appeared behind her. They wore a fitted suit, made of the finest fabric she had ever seen, all in the same dull monochromatic colours that surrounded them. She was reminded of a businessman and had to stifle a bitter smile.

What was a death but a transaction? A life moving from one hand to another.

They certainly looked human enough, they had the figure of one although something about it screamed wrong. Something off and not quite right about the way they stood, the unnatural stillness as Eliza surveyed them.

But all in all, even with the suit and the posture, they still looked remarkably dead.

Any colour their skin may have had was gone, a grey sickly pallor taking its place. The hair that hung, draping down in a plait, also lacked colour. It was not the straw blonde of Daphne or the white-blonde of the Malfoy’s, it was just shockingly white and empty.

As were the eyes, when Eliza braved a glance up. Milky and unseeing containing all the knowledge of the world. Death’s lips pulled into a slow smile when they noticed her gaze but again there was something unnatural about the movement. As if they had just remembered how to smile, stretching unused muscles.

“And how long have you been waiting?” she asked and even though her hands were trembling her voice wasn’t. She was not like Tom, she did not fear Death. But she did feel fear and coming face to face with an entity long believe folklore was enough to rattle her.

“A long time. Or perhaps not long at all” they mused and Eliza tried to bury her unease when she once again heard that detached embodied voice. It was becoming less raspy the more they spoke, they found their own lilting words, a steady beat as they settled more and more.

But Eliza could see past the human façade. Could see how the thing didn’t sit quite right in flesh and bone. The masquerade of man would never be able to constrain such a thing.

“Death is a moment, not a Time. There is no Time here, just a Beginning”

“Not an End?” Eliza couldn’t help but ask, glancing up at the cloudless sky above them.

“They are one in the same”

Silence settled around them and Eliza, even though she was scared out of her mind, could feel her heart pounding calmly, felt her body settle unlike it had been all day. The restless escaped her as if something within her was trying to let her know they were safe, that they were home.

“The veil between our worlds is the lowest tonight” Eliza murmured, knowing she could have whispered and the entity would have heard her all the same “Is that why you pulled me here?”

Wherever they were. Maybe Eliza hadn’t even left the boundaries of her own mind. Maybe Death had just arrived in one of the shadowed corners, the memories she kept boxed away and hidden, the darkness she even hid from herself – and had taken momentary residence.

“It is about time we met formally, instead of in one form or another Little Master”

Ignoring the cryptic comment Eliza shuffled her feet, grasping for the meaning behind this strange and horrible encounter “Is this about the hallows? You want them back”

Death laughed and Eliza swore she heard bones shattering, a chill running straight through her.

“The hallows are yours Master. It takes more than them to become the master of death as you would know”

“Necromancy” she replied and Death tilted their head, giving her that slow horrible smile again and Eliza was torn between her feelings. The part of her that was screaming to run and escape, the part that knew she was powerless here and despised the weakness. And the part of her, that restless part of her that finally felt as though it was home.

“All my children carry pieces of me with them. It just so happens you have taken more than most” Death said, milky eyes looking at the stone on her finger – the faint scar on her face.

Eliza tensed at the thought of the horcrux. Tom was not the only one who had cheated death, they both had in a way. Eliza should have died that night, and every night since then. Perhaps this was just Death collecting their dues.

As though they could sense Eliza’s thoughts Death let out another laugh. This time she didn’t hear bones shattering or the snap of broken branches, instead she was reminded of windchimes, of dawn break – new beginnings.

“Little Master I would not trouble yourself with such things”

And emboldened by the strange peace that had settled within her Eliza rocked forward on her heels, staring up at Death as she asked why.

“You are Death itself, surely you’re scorned when we attempt to evade you”

A stillness hung in the air – the quiet between a first breath and a last, before Death began to speak.

“I am many things” they began slowly and haltingly as if they were learning how to speak, how their tongue moved to form the words and vocal cords push out sound. As if they were learning to be human “But mostly I am a Collector”

“I collect bright lives and short lives. I collect long and struggling ones. Some are tired and weary and some are still bright and hopeful. Some are full of everything in between, a soldier full of patriotic hope, a widower full of longing. I collect Emperors and Peasants and you cannot tell the difference”

“Do you know who I treasure the most?” Death asked, voice as loud as a whisper and Eliza couldn’t help but lean in further as the last remnants of her unease slipped away.

“I treasure Cheaters. Those like Tom Riddle and all those who came before in one way or another. They are flighty things and they live so very brightly. Loud and sharp and vicious, they live and live and thrive and run

“And I will catch up eventually, for I am inevitable but” Death paused and gave a smile and if Eliza ignored the parlour of their skin or the blue tinge to their lips or the strange darkness that shifted behind their eyes she would almost say it was natural “Why should we not have fun before that point?”

And for a second the figure Death had built slipped and Eliza was submerged in fragments of memories. Of wars and tears and the first frost of winter, twigs snapping underfoot and acrid smoke. Of laughter and warmth and an overwhelming unrelenting hunger before it all disappeared and she was once again facing a dead man walking.

“I am inevitable” they repeated giving a barely there ghost of a smile “But not for you Little Master”

“Enjoy your run”

And then everything fell away.


Eliza heaved a gasp, air rushing through her as she tried to remember how her lungs were supposed to work. Her breathing was coming in quick pants as she struggled, surroundings a blur around her. She could hear something, feel someone near her but everything felt muddled and Salazar how was she so cold?

“Eliza?” she heard someone call, warm hands circling her own “If you can hear me can you squeeze my hand please”

The small action took far too much strength but the person – Tom? let out a relieved sigh and so Eliza thought it was worth it. It was still hard to breathe and she was still very cold but she could feel herself calming down as Tom rubbed soothing circles into her palm, grounding her in reality.

Eventually she opened her eyes.

Tom had moved them from the table into his room and the both of them were sat on his plush bed. There were un-used potions scattered all across his bedside table and she was surrounded by a veritable mountain of blankets. Why did he own so many blankets? Nagini was staring at her from the headboard and when Eliza met her gaze the snake butted her head against Eliza’s.

“Little speaker gave us a scare” the snake chided and Eliza could only stare around in confusion finally looking towards Tom. She was pressed into his side, his hands holding hers and even now Eliza could see the remnants of panic clinging to him, wild-eyed and mussed hair.

“What happened?” she rasped and Tom immediately summoned some water for her, helping her hold it in her shaking and still somewhat numb hands.

“I was hoping you could tell me that” he returned evenly “One minute we were doing the Samhain ritual and the next you just sort of freeze” Tom explained, recalling the memory “You collapsed across the table and you were so cold and you were barely breathing. It was like you were dying all over again only this time there was no wound, nothing I could-

Tom cut himself off and tightened his grip on her hand “Curse your Potter luck” he said trying to dispel the tension and Eliza snorted.

“You’re the one who cursed Samhain, I’d have no trouble if it weren’t for you”

“I find that hard to believe” he replied drolly.

“I’m okay” Eliza reassured as he clung onto her “I’m cold but I’m alive – I’m here, I’m safe” and with that a comforting silence settled over them, interrupted only by Nagini’s soft hisses as she basked in the warmth of Eliza’s blanket mountain.

“What happened Eliza?” Tom asked softly and Eliza let out a little sigh, wondering how the hell she would even begin to explain the situation.

“You know the tale of the three brothers?” Eliza said lightly after some time had passed, absently playing with Tom’s fingers as he turned his ruby-red gaze onto her.

“Yes – you had the invisibility cloak, correct? And you are a descendant of the Peverell’s which would explain your necromancy” Tom summarised and Eliza nodded her head.

“Your ring – the Gaunt ring is the resurrection stone”

A brief short inhale, but no move to interrupt her.

“And Dumbledore, Dumbledore’s wand was the Elder Wand – and when I disarmed him-

“It became yours” Tom murmured, wide-eyed and Eliza nodded once again.

“And when one gathers all three hallows it’s said that they become the Master of Death”

Tom let out a splutter, almost the most caught-off guard she’s eve heard him “But- but that’s just a fable, death isn’t – it’s not-

“Then who did I meet tonight?” Eliza cut in softly and Tom stilled next to her, wound tightly as though if he could he would outrun truth itself.

“The veil between our worlds is thinnest tonight and Death reached out to greet their new master”

A thick horrible silence settled over them until Tom let out a soft hum “I wonder what seat that would claim on the Wizengamot”

It was stupid, it was so stupid that after being told his greatest fear was a real entity that was now bound to Eliza, that Eliza had spoken to death itself and was now it’s master, that Tom was inevitably drawn back to political scheming. Eliza had almost died tonight (not for the first time) and this was yet another Samhain ruined by some sort of life-threatening accident and Tom was surely thinking about giving Lady Abbot a heart attack. It was so stupid.

Eliza couldn’t help but laugh loudly anyway, manic giggles escaping her “Imagine” she tried saying between her laughter “Imagine if this had happened at Hogwarts. Nothing to see here folks, just communing with the dead”

“Poor Severus” Tom said, tone bright “How to deal with possessed Potter’s 101”

“I wasn’t possessed” Eliza screeched indignantly, laughing so hard she fell back into the bed gasping for breath.

“Master of death” Tom continued “Full time Ouija board”

“I bet Lady Abbot would drop dead from shock – would Death even take her? Should you ask?”

“Stop” Eliza choked out wondering it the hysteria was finally getting to her as her laughter came to a slow stop. She snuggled further into the blanket cave, feeling warmth return to her bit by a bit as she and Tom finally rested in the silence.

“What were they like?” Tom asked quietly sometime later “Death?”

Eliza let out a small considering hum, twisting slightly so she could poke her head out of her blanket cave and see Tom “Overwhelming, creepy, horribly cryptic – take your pick”

“Other than that” Eliza continued seeing how Tom didn’t look particularly comforted “They were quite friendly”

If Eliza had been hysterically laughing earlier she had nothing on Tom now. His peeling laughter filled the room and any words he tried to communicate were swallowed by his breathless laughter. He slumped against the headboard, face flushed and eyes filling with tears as he laughed.

“Only you” he choked out “Only you would meat Death itself and call it friendly” he managed to say before a whole new round of contagious laughter began.

“What’s that supposed to mean!”


Eliza didn’t quite know when she dozed off but she must have as she awoke blearily some time later. It wasn’t yet dawn, the early hours of autumn morning where there was nothing but darkness and the distant sounds of birds. Shuffling out of her blanket cave Eliza tried to find anything that may have woke up only to spot Tom.

He was on the other side of the ridiculously large bed, as far away from her as he could get. He was twitching slightly in his sleep, face pale and clammy and Eliza felt confusion wash over her, any coherency lost in her sleepy daze.

Nagini shifted on the headboard and Eliza turned to look at her, casting a questioning look over at Tom.

“Master sometimes gets nightmares” Nagini explained, hissing almost inaudibly “He does not wake no matter what you do, go back to sleep Little Speaker”

Eliza felt pity fill her. She knew how bad nightmares could be, she was thankful that tonight of all nights she had been blessed with a dreamless sleep. The perks of communing with Death itself, a sleep so deep that not even the dead would wake (ha) She was sure it would hit her later, much later, the enormity of what had transpired tonight but all she could think of right now was the warmth the blankets provided, the happiness that came with finally feeling safe and a desire to share that feeling.

Humming slightly to herself Eliza sacrificed two blankets off her pile, throwing them over Tom’s body and smiled slightly when he stopped shaking. And in those early hours of morning, when nothing was quite real and near on anything was possible, there was only Nagini to see Eliza reach out and hold Tom’s hand in hers and hear as his whimpers instantly quelled.

Sleep made her eyes heavy and when she curled up again amongst the blankets already half way towards sleep she heard the echoes of Death’s voice in her mind.

Enjoy your run.

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