A Different World (EFT Male R...

By Choobai

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(Escape from Tarkov male reader x RWBY) Meet (Y/N), a guy who is definitely (not) old enough to be a PMC in U... More

Prologue: New world=New Escape Plan
CH 1: Little Red Riding Hood and Beacon
CH 3: Classes
CH 4: Another Day in Beacon
CH 5: Field Trip
CH 6: A Trip to Vale
CH 7: A Dire Situation
I've made a massive blunder
CH 8: The Search for (y/n)
CH 9: A Dead End
CH 10: New Enemies

CH 2: Initiation & Relics

634 21 8
By Choobai

*This is the longest I've made any chapter, over 7k words! so have fun reading! :)*

Beacon Academy

The ship landed on the bridge to beacon as students got off the ship, vomit boy included as he began throwing up in a trash can.

Ruby: "Wake up sleepy head! We're here!"

She said giggling a little

(y/n): "ugh...What time is it?"

He said a little drowsy since he hasn't slept much.

Yang: "Time for you to get up and off the ship, come on!"

She said as she booped his nose a little before he began to wake up more.

(y/n) slowly got up, stretched and got his bag before getting out of the ship with the two sisters, walking past Vomit boy.

They were walking on the bridge when (y/n) spotted the academy, he looked at it in awe. He had never seen a school like this back on Earth.

Yang: "The view from Vale's got nothing on this"

(y/n): "Woah Awesome school!"

He said like a little kid who just discovered something cool.

The two sisters looked at him then at each other before giggling, then Ruby spotted some student's weapons.

Ruby: "Woah sis! That kid's got a collapsible staff!"

She said with stars in her eyes. Before transitioning to hearts around her head.

"And she's got a fire sword!"

Ruby began to walk away before stopping herself and slowly turned to (y/n), pointing at him.

Ruby: "And you have a super awesome gun (y/n)!"

(y/n): "I do?"

Ruby: "Yea! Don't You?"

(y/n): "I mean it's just a gun..." ._.

Ruby gives a very dramatic gasp as her eyes widen.

Ruby: "just a- JUST A GUN?!"

Yang: "Woah calm down there sis, they're just weapons."

Ruby: "They're not 'just weapons' they are an extension of ourselves, they're a part of us."

"they're just so cool!"

(y/n): "Ok"

Yang: "Well why can't you swoon over your own weapon? Aren't you happy with it?"

She said as Ruby took out Crescent Rose

(y/n): "Woah" he said in awe

"Of course I'm happy with Crescent Rose, I'm just happy to see new ones. It's like meeting new people, only better"

"Which reminds me! We haven't seen your weapon yet (y/n)!

She said pointing at him again.

(y/n): "Ok fine" -_-

He sighs before taking out his P226, only for it to get snatched by Ruby at an incredible speed.

(y/n): O_O

She inspects the pistol with interest as Yang does the same, she notices "226" stamped on the grip along with the tick marks on the slide.

Ruby: "226? What does that mean?"

Yang: "Is it the 226th of it's kind?"

(y/n): "I guess?"

Ruby: "And why are there tick marks on it?"

(y/n): "That's uhh....How long I've had it for?"

Ruby: "You should take better care of it! If you carve things on it it'll wear down it's condition!"

She said somewhat scolding him.

(y/n): ._.

Ruby finds the magazine release as a mag pops out, making Ruby look at it in curiosity.

Ruby: "What are these (y/n)? Dust bullets? They look odd."

(y/n): "Yea they're bullets,"

Ruby: "Ohhh... I've never seen dust bullets like these before... Oh well!"

she says loading the magazine back in its place

Yang: "Where'd you get it from?"

Ruby: "Oh! Did you make it?"

She said a little excited

(y/n): "Yea I assembled it"

This made Ruby Happy.

Ruby: "That's so cool! Maybe someday we can make a weapon together?"

(y/n): "Sure"

Yang: "You have odd taste in weapon design. Not to mention fashion."

She said referring to his sweatpants and converse.

(y/n): ._.

Ruby: "here you go (y/n)!"

She said handing him his pistol back, as he holstered it.

(y/n): "Thanks" he smiled.

Yang: "Anyways, why don't you try to make some friends of your own?"

Ruby: "Why would I need friends when I have you?

(y/n): "what abo-"

Yang: "Well...Actually my friends are here now, catch up with you later! Bye!"

She said as she left with a group of people really fast, Ruby was knocked down while (y/n) was coughing.

Ruby: "I don't know what I'm doing..."

She fell on top of a bunch suitcases

Ice Girl: "What are you doing?

(y/n): 'She just said....' -_-

Ruby: "sorry"

Ice Girl: "Sorry? Do you know the damage you could've caused?"

Ruby gives one of the suitcases to the girl who snatches it and opens it, taking out a bottle filled with a red powder.

Ice Girl: "Give me that! This is dust, mined and purified from the Schnee quarry"

(y/n): 'Scnhee? Like snow?...Wait dust is mined?'

He thought about the name, it was in German. Do people here also speak German?

Ruby: "uhh"

Ice Girl: "What are you? Braindead? Dust! Fire, water, lighting, energy!"

(y/n): 'Wait why not Air and Earth?'

She said shaking the dust bottle, resulting in a bunch of dust hitting Ruby's face making her face start twitching.

(y/n): "I think you should stop shaking that bottle"

He said as the dust was also hitting his face, making it twitch.

Ice Girl: "Don't interrupt me"

she turned to him, with more dust hitting his face making his face twitching even more.

(y/n): "oh no"

(y/n) was about to sneeze so fucking hard that it would blow the entire school off the cliff side.

Ice Girl: "Are you two even listening, is any of this sinking in? What do you have to say for yourself?"

She said that last part to Ruby, who really needed to sneeze.

At that moment, Ruby and (y/n) sneezed which caused them to explode, making the bottle the girl was holding fly out of her hands and land next to someone.

The smoke cleared as the girl was now coated in ash and (y/n) was laying on the ground.

(y/n): (𖦹 _ 𖦹)

Ice Girl: "This is exactly what I was trying to prevent!"

(y/n): "Should've stopped shaking that bottle"

He mumbled still on the ground but the girl heard him.

Ice Girl: "What was that?"

She said as she got a good look at (y/n) and gave him a judgemental look?

(y/n): "I said you probably should've stopped shaking the bottle, Dust is highly explosive right?

He said with a blank expression as he pull himself up and dusted himself off.

The girl blinked at him before looking at Ruby.

Ruby: "I'm really really Sorry..."

She said tapping her index fingers together.

Ice Girl: "You complete dolt! What are you even doing here? Aren't you a little young to be attending beacon?"

Ruby: "Well, I- umm.."

Ice Girl: "This isn't your ordinary combat school!"

Ruby: "I said I was sorry princess!"

Just then someone spoke up

Cat in disguise: "It's heiress actually, Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee dust company. One of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world."

She said while looking at the dust bottle Weiss lost when Ruby and (y/n) exploded.

Weiss: "Finally! Some recognition!"

She said as she looked back at Ruby with a smug look.

(y/n): 'She's one of those huh?' -_-

Cat in disguise: "The same company infamous for it's controversial labor forces and questionable business partners."

(y/n): "So like TerraGroup?"

He mumbled that to himself as he remembered being hired by them, only for them to hunt him down a few months later.

The girls didn't hear him, except one.

Weiss: "wha- How dare- The nerve of- ugh!"

She groaned before taking the bottle of dust out of the girl's hand and stomped off.

Ruby: "I'm sorry! I swear I'll make it up to you!"

She yelled as Weiss stomped away never to be seen again, while Ruby's head drops.

Ruby: "Guess I'm not the only one having a rough first day."

"So! What's your-"

She says turning to the other girl only to see her walking away, finally having enough she drops to ground.

Ruby: "Welcome to beacon..."

Just as she was about to mope some more, a shadow appears above her as she looks to see (y/n) holding his hand out to her.

(y/n): "you're not the only one who's here alone you know."

He said with a small smile as Ruby finds herself smiling too, she takes hold of his hand to lift herself up.

Ruby: "sorry about forgetting you (y/n) I was just having a crazy time. I mean we just exploded!"

He gives her a thumbs up as they spot the blond vomit guy approaching them.

Blond Guy: "Hey you two, I'm Jaune."

(y/n): "Hey, I'm (y/n), nice to meet you" he waves

Ruby: "Hi, I'm Ruby! Wait aren't you the guy who threw up on the ship?"

She says with a slight snicker as Jaune looks embarrassed.


The trio were now walking somewhere in beacon, that was a little far from the entrance. With (y/n) admiring the school.

Jaune: "Look, all I'm saying is that motion sickness is a much more common problem than people let on."

(y/n): "Agreed"

Ruby: "Sorry, vomit boy was the first thing that came to mind."

She said while snickering again. Making Jaune a little upset.

Jaune: "Well what if I called you crater face?"

Ruby: "Hey, that explosion was an accident!"

(y/n): "Shouldn't have sneezed"

Ruby: "Hey you exploded too!"

Jaune: "Well the name's Jaune Arc, short, sweet, rolls off the tounge ladies love it."

Ruby/(y/n): "Do they?"

Jaune: "The-They will... Well I hope they will, my mom always said that- nevermind."

(y/n): "Well I'm sure the ladies will like it"

He tells Jaune while giving him a thumbs up, making Jaune smile a little.

Jaune: "Yea! They will!"

He said with hope

Ruby: "Anyways, I got this"

She says taking out Crescent Rose, as it hits the ground between (y/n)'s feet making Jaune back up a little.

Jaune: "Woah! I-Is that a scythe?"

He says a bit scared as he looks at (y/n) who's just staring at it with a blank face for a few seconds.

(y/n): "......"


Using his fast reflexes, he quickly moves back and dives to the ground, shocking both Ruby and Jaune.

Jaune: "Ummm... Are you alright?"

Ruby: "Yea, Are you ok (y/n)? Sorry for scaring you."

(y/n): "Yea I'm fine" he gives a thumbs up

Ruby: "You're so random"

she laughs a little before turning back to Jaune

"Anyways, yes it's a scythe, but it's also a customisable, High-Impact sniper rifle."

Jaune: "A what?"

(y/n): "It's also a gun, which is pretty cool"

he says giving Ruby a thumbs up while smiling as he stands up.

Jaune: "ohh... That's cool"

Ruby: "Thanks!"

"So what do you have?"

Jaune: "Well, I've got this sword"

Ruby: "ooo"

Jaune: "I got a shield too"

He said as he unfolds his shield

(y/n): "Your shield can fold? Dude that's awesome!"

Jaune: "Thanks"

Ruby: "What do they do?"

She said as she touched the shield, only for it to go flying out of Jaune's hands.

Jaune: "Th- The shield gets smaller, so when I get tired of carrying it, I can just... Put it away..."

(y/n): "But wouldn't it still weigh the same?"

He looks down as (y/n) says that.

Jaune: "Yea..." :(

Ruby: "Well, hehe, I'm a bit of a dork when it comes to weapons so I might've gone a bit overboard when designing this."

Jaune/(y/n): "Wait you made that?"

Ruby: "Yea i did, all students at Signal forge their own weapons."

"Didn't you make yours?"

Jaune: "No, it's a hand me down, my great great granfather used it to fight in the war."

Ruby: "Sounds more like a family heirloom to me"

(y/n): "Yea, I think you should be proud to be given such a weapon, you can make your family proud"

He said with a small smile as he patted Jaune's back.

Jaune: "Yea! Thank you (y/n), I'll make sure to do so."

He smiled as they began walking again.

Ruby: "So... Where are we going?

Jaune: "I dunno, I was just following you guys."

(y/n): "Well we might want to hurry" ._.

He said as he began making his way back to the academy's entrance, with Ruby and Jaune following close behind.


After a little bit of walking the trio made it to the amphitheatre where everyone else was waiting.

Yang: "Ruby! Over here, I saved you a spot!"

Yang waved her over

Ruby: "Oh! Hey I gotta go, I'll see you after the ceremony"

Jaune: "He-Hey wait! Oh great where am I supposed to find another nice quirky girl to talk to?"

He said as he walked away leaving (y/n) behind.

(y/n): ._.

He turned around to see a girl in spartan attire looking at Jaune before looking at him.

(y/n): "Hi" he waved

Spartan: "Hello" she waved back.

Ruby: "(y/n) over here! There's another spot!"

Ruby called out to him as she was still walking, he looked at her before looking back at the spartan.

(y/n): "Cya"

he threw her a peace sign before leaving the spartan who had a curious look on her face.

He made his way to the two sisters, as he saw Ruby talking about how she exploded, (literally)

Yang: "Yikes, meltdown already?"

Ruby: "No I literally exploded a hole inside of the school, (y/n) did too, you can ask him."

She said before looking at the man of the hour just arriving.

Ruby: "Speaking of, there he is! (y/n) tell her how we just exploded."

(y/n): "As a victim of this incident, I can confirm that we did infact, explode."

Yang: "Are you guys being sarcastic? If so you guys suck at it."

Ruby: "I wish! I tripped over some crabby girl's luggage and then she yelled at me, and then I sneezed and then I exploded."

"Then she yelled again, and I felt really, really bad and I just wanted her to stop yelling at me-"

Weiss: "You!"

This made Ruby scared as she jumped in (y/n)'s arms.

Ruby: "Oh God it's happening again!"

(y/n): "Calm down Ruby, it's not like she'll kill us.... I hope" ._.

Weiss: "You're lucky you didn't blow us off the cliff!"

Yang: "Oh my God you really did explode."

(y/n): "Umm... Can you get off? Please?"

Ruby: "Sorry!"

She said blushing from embarrassment as she turned around only to be met with two pamphlets.

Ruby: "Huh? What are these?"

Weiss: "The Schnee dust company is not responsible for any damages or injuries sustained while operating a Schnee dust company product."

She says as she hands a pamphlet to Ruby and (y/n) before continuing with her company guidelines that I'm not including.

Ruby: "umm..."

Weiss: "You really want to make it up to me?"

Ruby: "Absolutely!"

Weiss: "Read that and don't ever speak to me again."

Yang: "Listen umm.. sounds like you two just started on the wrong foot. Why don't you just start over and try to be friends?"

(y/n): "I don't think it's easy to start over with someone you just blew up." ._. he mumbled

Ruby: "Oh! Good idea sis! Hello Weiss I'm Ruby! Wanna hangout? We can go shopping for school supplies."

She said while holding her hand out

Weiss: "Yea! And we can Paint our nails, and try on clothes and talk about cute boys like tall, blond, and scraggly over there."

She points her thumb behind her which was pointing at Jaune.

Ruby: "Wow really?" She said with a hopeful look

Weiss looks at her with a deadpan look for a few seconds.

Weiss: "No"

(y/n): "Hey it's ok"

He says patting Ruby's back as her head drops down before a mic's feedback is heard as Ozpin clears his throat.

Ozpin: "I'll... Keep this brief. You have traveled here in search of knowledge."

"To hone your craft and aquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people."

"But I look amongst you, and all I see is washed energy."

He says this part while looking in (y/n)'s direction.

"In need of purpose, direction."

(y/n): 'In need of escape'

Ozpin: "You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time in this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far."

"It is up to you to take the first step"

He finishes as he looks at (y/n) directly in the eye. He walks away as professor Goodwitch takes the mic.

Goodwitch: "You will gather in the ballroom tonight, tomorrow your initation begins."

"Be ready, you are dismissed."

She said before everyone including her started leaving.

Yang: "He seemed... Kinda off"

Ruby: "It's almost like he wasn't even there"

Jaune suddenly appears beside Weiss

Jaune: "I'm a natural blond you know"

He says pointing to himself as Weiss holds her fingers to her forehead.

(y/n): 'Ok initation, Ozpin said knowledge can only carry us so far.'

'Is there a written exam? I'm not good at written exams' Q_Q

He thought to himself before looking around him, only to see it was only him there.

(y/n): "oh" ._.

He started making his way to the ballroom before realizing that he doesn't even have a sleeping bag.

(y/n): "Damnit"

he cursed himself before deciding to use his dufflebag as a pillow.

Before he got there he was stopped by professor Goodwitch.

Goodwitch: " Hello (y/n), how are you doing?"

(y/n): "oh hey professor, I'm doing fine, can I help you?"

Goodwitch: "Not right now, but Professor Ozpin wanted me to give you this"

She says as she takes out a bag and a slip of paper.

Goodwitch: "A sleeping bag for tonight and your locker number, put your stuff away before going to sleep."

(y/n): "oh well that solves that problem, thank you I'll put my stuff away then"

He starts walking away before turning back around.

(y/n): "Actually can you-"

Goodwitch: "I'll show you where the lockers are"

She says with a small sigh

(y/n): "Right... Thanks"


After putting away his things, including his jacket, (y/n) made his way to the ballroom as he was very tired.

Putting his sleeping bag on the ground, (y/n) sits down and begins to think about Initiation, as well as this whole situation that shturman put him in.

Yang plops down on her sleeping bag as she sees Ruby writing in a journal.

Yang: "It's like a big slumber party!"

Ruby: "I don't think Dad would approve of all the boys though"

Yang: "I know I do"

She says purring? As she looks at the guys who were flexing only to see Jaune walking with blue bunny pajamas.

Yang: "Ehh..."

She keeps looking around to find (y/n) sitting on his sleeping bag with a tank top and pair of sweatpants on.

She sees that he's skinny, though he has a slight bit of muscle, not as much as the other guys as it's not very noticeable.

The thing that caught her eye the most was the bandage on his left shoulder and some bindings around his arms, neck and chest area.

Yang: 'Wonder how he got those?'

(y/n) notices Yang looking at him, as he looks back and waves at her smiling. Yang waves back at him before seeing him get in his sleeping bag.

"So what's that?" she says looking at Ruby's journal.

Ruby: "A letter to the gang back at Signal, I promised to tell them all about beacon and how things are going."

Yang: "That's so cuuuuteee!"

Ruby: "Shut up"

She says throwing a pillow at Yang's face.

Ruby: "I didn't get to take any of my friends to school. It's weird not knowing anybody here."

Yang: "What about Jaune? He's.... Nice. Oh and what about (y/n)? he's nice too."

"That's plus two friends! That's a 200% increase!"

Ruby: "Pretty sure Weiss counts as as a negative friend"

Yang: "Well... you'll still be at a 100%! Isn't that something? Besides there's no such thing as negative friends, you just made two Friends and one enemy."

Ruby throws another pillow at Yang.

Yang tells Ruby about how there are friends all around her, she only hasn't met them yet. As she finished the sisters hear a match being struck.

Ruby sees the same girl that was there when She and (y/n) exploded, Yang makes her say hi, as the girl introduces herself to be Blake Belladona.

As they were talking Weiss was telling them that some people were trying to sleep, a little bit later Blake blows the candle out as everyone goes to sleep.

Beacon Ballroom

(y/n) was awoken by singing, as he got up from his sleeping bag rubbing his eyes, still a little bit tired.

(y/n): "Oh man, I was just starting to sleep really well." -_-

He said drowsily as he fully stood up and made his way to the bathrooms to brush his teeth.

He made his way to the locker room wearing a clean pair of sweatpants. He finds Weiss talking to the spartan girl before Jaune talks to Weiss.

He makes his way to his locker, where as luck would have it, was next to the Spartan's locker.

He opens it before looking at the spartan who was watching Jaune speak to Weiss and decided to introduce himself.

(y/n): "Hey again"

he said getting her attention as she turns around to see him waving.

Spartan: "Good morning" she waves back

(y/n): "I'm (y/n), whats your name?"

He says holding out his hand.

The girl looks at him curiously before smiling, going to shake his hand, only for Weiss to get in between them.

Weiss: "Excuse me... (y/n) was it?" she says to (y/n) as she gives him another judgemental look?

"Do you have any idea who you're about to shake hands with?"

(y/n): "A person I've yet to meet?"

Weiss: "No, this is Pyrrha"

Pyrrha: "Hello" she waves

(y/n) waves back

Weiss: "Pyrrha graduated at the top of her class in sanctum"

(y/n): "Did she now? Impressive" he smiles as he gives Pyrrha a thumbs up

Pyrrha looks at him, a little confused.

Weiss: "It is, she's also won the Mistral regional tournament four years in a row, that's a new record."

Pyrrha got ready, this was when he'll want to be friends with her because of her fame and status.

(y/n): "That's cool" he gives Pyrrha another thumbs up

This made Pyrrha more confused, did he really not know who she was? If he did he wouldn't have asked her name, and would've asked her to join his team.

Weiss: "She's on the front of every Pumpkin Pete's Marshmallow Flakes box!"

She says flailing her arms in the air in anger as Jaune gasps.

Jaune: "That's you? They only do that for Star athletes and cartoon characters!"

He says as a background titled "Pumpkin Pete's Marshmallow Flakes " appears behind her

Pyrrha: "Yea it was pretty cool, sadly the cereal isn't very good for you."

She says as the background falls to the ground

(y/n): 'Where the hell did that come from?' ._.

Weiss: "So after hearing all that, do you really think she'd want to be friends with you?" She asks (y/n)

(y/n): "I don't know, that's up to her"

He says as he takes his gear and jacket out and puts them on before he takes out his AK and pistol mags out along with their respective ammo boxes and begins loading.

While he's doing so, he overhears Jaune ask Weiss if she wants to join him in a team only for her to ask Pyrrha for help as she impales Jaune's shirt with her spear.

An intercom is heard, telling them to go to the cliff side for Initiation as everyone begins leaving.

(y/n): 'Poor guy' -_-

He thinks to himself as he takes out his AK74 and 226 and loads a mag in each one and puts a couple boxes of ammo in his rig.

Ruby notices his rifle and goes full on nerd mode, ready to inspect his weapon only to be stopped by Yang who tells her they'll be late if she does so.

So Yang leaves with a pouting Ruby as (y/n) chuckles a little at their behavior before putting on Skirmish gloves and heads out too.

Beacon Cliff side

Eveybody was ready to begin their initiation as they were on a cliff side overlooking a forest with professor Ozpin in front of them.

Ozpin: "For years, you have trained to become warriors. And today your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald forest."

Goodwitch: "Now I'm sure all of you have heard the assignment of teams, well allow us to put an end to your confusion"

"You will be given teammates today"

Everybody Gasps.... Everybody as in Ruby

Ozpin: "These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon."

"So it is in your best interest to pair with someone with whom you can work well."

He says as he looks at everyone, more specifically (y/n).

Ozpin: "That being said. The first person you make eye contact with will be your partner for the next four years."

(y/n): 'Oh boy, hope I pair with someone good'

Ozpin: "After your done, you will make your way north of the forest. There you will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path. "

"Each pair must choose one before returning to the top of the cliff where you will be graded appropriately"

"Now are there any questions?"

Jaune: "Yea umm... Sir?"

Ozpin: "Good, get ready"

Everyone gets in position as Jaune still tries to ask his question.

Everybody starts launching as Yang winks at Ruby and puts on sunglasses, before she's launched with Ruby following shortly after.

Eventually Jaune is launched into the air as he screams.

Ozpin takes a sip of his coffee mug before a voice cuts through the air.

(y/n): "Umm..." ._.

Both professors turn around to see (y/n) awkwardly standing there on the ground and not on a launch pad.

(y/n): "Soooo.... This is initiation?" Q_Q

Ozpin: "professor Goodwitch?"

He looks at her as she gets the message before using her semblance, grabbing ahold of (y/n)'s hood and launching him into the air.

(y/n): "AHHHH!...."

He flies in the air before falling.
An "oof" is heard as he lands somewhere.

Emerald Forest

(y/n) gets off of a bush he just landed on by sheer luck as he puts on his headphones and takes a look at his surroundings.

(y/n): "Ok, I have to go North."

He said to himself as he heard bushes rustling.

He quickly aimed his AK at the bush as he backed away a little. Out of the bushes a small pack of Ursai came out.

(y/n): "Here we go...."

He sighs as he racks the AK's handle and sets it to auto before unleashing a flurry of bullets at one of the Ursai.

The target Ursa is knocked back as it is heavily damaged, only for it to get shot in the eye, killing it.

The rest of the Ursai charge him, as one lunges at him readying it's claws only for (y/n) to jump back and shot it in the head, cracking it's skull cap.

(y/n) Shoots a burst at its head again, killing it as he dodges another Ursa and load another mag.

An Ursa lunges at him as he was busy, he barely dodged it as it's claw slashed his cheek.

(y/n): "Gah!"

He kneels down holding his cheek as blood spills onto his hand. Quickly regaining his composure, he employs his best strategy.... Running away. The ursai chase him as he does so.

Turning a corner the Ursai notice that (y/n) is nowhere to be seen, they look at each other before looking for him.

They keep looking, until (y/n) suddenly drops from a tree, landing on one of the ursa's back and unloads his mag on it, killing it.

(y/n) gets off the dead ursa as the other charges at him. He quickly moves to the side and takes out his bayonet, stabbing it in the eye.

It roars in pain stumbling back a bit before hearing a click and a metallic slam as it is assaulted by bullets.

(y/n) was going to load another magazine only to see that they're all empty.

(y/n): "Fuck!"

Thinking quickly he takes out his pistol and shot the Ursa. But it still wasn't dead as it charged at him, headbutting him knocking him down.

(y/n): "This one's tougher."

he calmly said getting off the ground and unloading a mag onto it before running.

The Angered Ursa chased him with the bayonet still in its eye.

Turning another corner the ursa sees that (y/n) is gone yet again. Thinking of what happened before, it looked up at the trees only to see he wasn't there.

Just as it was about to keep looking, (y/n) appears from behind a rock and grabs hold of his bayonet.

Pulling it out of the Ursa's eye, he aimed his pistol at it before unloading his pistol, finally killing it.

(y/n): "Damn that was harder than I'd thought it be"

He said holding his left shoulder in pain before sitting down and taking out his empty magazines, laying them down on the ground.

He took out the box of 5.45 he brought with him as he began loading bullets.

He only had enough to load one as he didn't bring anymore with him.

(y/n): "Well shit..." -_-

He says to himself before thinking. Then he remembered he had a semblance.

Remembering what shturman told him, he held out his hand and thought about a box of 5.45mm, after a few seconds he felt an object appear in his hand.

Looking at his hand was a box of the ammo he summoned.

(y/n): "Oh it actually worked.... Thanks shturman" :)

He said looking at the sky before opening the box and loaded the rest of his Magazines and made his way north again.

On the way there he encountered a nevermore, who cawed as it spotted him.

(y/n): "Oh come on" Q_Q

The nevermore shot a barrage of feathers at him as (y/n) was barley dodging them. He kept evading before falling to the ground with a feather slashing him on his left thigh.

(y/n): "shit!"

He grunts as he holds his thigh In pain. He didn't do this for long as the nevermore cawed before diving towards him.

(y/n) quickly aimed his AK at it before shooting it in the head until his mag was empty, killing it.

(y/n): "Ok, I gotta stop getting attacked by killer animals"

He says to himself, as he continues Sitting down, taking out bandages from his rig and wrapping them around his thigh. Cursing himself for not bringing an IFAK kit.

He finished as he got up and began walking north to the temple he's supposed to be at.


A little bit of walking later, (y/n) finds the temple with no one else there.

(y/n): "Huh... Guess I'm the first one."

He says as he walks in the temple. He sees the relics Ozpin was talking about, They were chess pieces lined up on pedestals.

(y/n) keeps looking around until he spots another relic by itself, as he went up to it.

Instead of a chess piece, this relic was a golden heart. Curiously, (y/n) inspects it for a few seconds before putting it in his rig.

(y/n): "And that's that I guess..." He said with a sigh

He started walking away, before he heard Yang's voice

Yang: "Think this is it? Oh hey (y/n)!"

(y/n): "Hey Yang! Hey- umm.. sorry what's your name?"

Blake: "Blake"

(y/n): "Hi Blake"

he waves smiling as Yang notices (y/n)'s injuries.

Yang: "What happened to you?"

(y/n): "Turns out, Grimm don't like it when I'm around"

Yang: "Hehe, that's all of us I guess, you're ok right?" She asks with slight concern

(y/n): "Yup!" He gives a thumbs up

Yang: "Alright, you haven't seen Ruby have you?"

She asks as she walks in the temple.

(y/n): "I haven't, I didn't see anybody when I came here."

Yang hums in response as she takes a look at the relics.

Blake: "Chess pieces?"

Yang: "Some of them are missing, you wouldn't have happened to take one (y/n)?"

(y/n): "Yup, I took this one" he says as he takes out his relic

Yang: "A golden heart?"

Blake: "Well I guess we should just pick one..."

Yang: "How about.... A cute little pony?" She says grabbing a knight piece.

Blake: "Sure"

Yang: "That wasn't so hard."

Blake: "Well, it's not like this place is difficult to find."

(y/n): "Agreed"

The two girls turned to see him sitting on one of the pillars loading his magazines.

Yang: "You alright there (y/n)?"

(y/n): "Yep, better than ever!" He said smiling

Suddenly a scream is heard

Yang: "Some girl's in trouble!"

(y/n): 'I don't think that's a girl' ._.

He thought to himself as he put his mags in his rig and stands up walking to over to them.

Yang was about to say something before Ruby's voice was heard as she fell from the sky, before being hit by Jaune who was also flying.

(y/n): "What the fu-"

Blake: "Did your sister just fall from the sky?

Yang: "Umm... I-"

Before she could answer an ursa comes out of the tree, with a ginger haired girl riding on it.

The girl then rushes to the temple and grabs a rook piece.

Hammer and pancakes: "I'm queen of the castle!" She sings before her friend calls out to her

Ren: "Nora!"

Nora: Coming Ren!"

Blake: "Did that girl just ride in on an ursa?"

(y/n): "Yea I think she did" ._.

Yang: "I-"

Before Yang could answer a roar is heard as Pyrrha is seen running away from a death stalker.

(y/n): "Oh my God is that a giant scorpion?!"

Ruby jumps down from the tree she was in to hug her sister.

Yang: "Ruby!"

Ruby: "Yang!"

Nora: "Nora!" She pops up

(y/n): "(y/n)!" He does the same

Blake: "Did she just run here with a death stalker on her tail?"

Yang: "nnng... I can't take it anymore!! Can everyone just chill out for two seconds before anything crazy happens?!"

She yells as her eyes turn red.

Ruby: "Umm Yang?" She points up

Everyone looks up to see Weiss hanging by a nevermore's talon.

Weiss: "how could you leave me?"

Ruby: "I told you jump!"

(y/n): "We should help her"

He says aiming his AK at the nevermore, making sure he wasn't going to hit Weiss.


(y/n) fires his AK hitting the nevermore, making it drop Weiss

He quickly caught her in his arms as she looked disoriented.

(y/n): "Umm... You ok Weiss?"

He says pronouncing her name correct as she regains her composure.

Weiss: "You... Said my name correctly?" She said a bit surprised

(y/n): "I did, now can I let you down?"

He says as Weiss looks at him blankly before realizing he's holding her in his arms.

Weiss: "You D-Dolt! What makes you think you can catch me like that?!"

She says with a heavy blush.

(y/n): "Well if you fell, you would've gotten severely hurt." ._.

He said before Pyrhha comes flying to the ground next to them as (y/n) quickly makes sure she's ok.

Yang: "Great! The gangs all here, now we can die together"

Ruby: "Not if I can help it"

She says before running towards the death stalker with Crescent Rose out. She hits it as she bounces back.

Ruby: "Don't worry! Totally fine!"

She says as the death stalker runs towards her as she shoots it. She runs until the nevermore shot out feathers, pinning her cape to the ground.

The death stalker was about to use it's stinger as Yang was making her way to her.

(y/n) was about to fire his AK until Weiss Ran up to the death stalker and froze it's stinger in ice.

(y/n): "Woah..."

Yang makes her way to Ruby and hug as the nevermore circles back.

(y/n) see this and Shoots it as several cracks are heard, severely hurting the nevermore.

Yang and Ruby make it back to the temple with Weiss.

(y/n): "Everyone ok?" He asks as the nevermore flys off

Ruby: "Yup we're ok! Wait what happened to you?!"

She asks a slight bit concerned and surprised as she saw his cheek was bloody and his thigh was bandaged.

(y/n): "Just had a rough time before coming here" -_-

Ruby: "As long as your ok" she sighs before looking at everyone

Weiss: "Alright, there's no sense in dilly dallying, our objective is right in front of us."

Ruby: "She's right, our mission it to grab and artifact and get back to the cliffs."

"There's no point in fighting these things."

(y/n): "Well my rifl-"

Ruby: "listen (y/n), I know what you're going to say but there's no point. You'll die if you fight them Alone."

(y/n): 'But I've been fighting these things since I came here, my bullets can damage them' Q-Q

He thought, as his bullets were capable of piercing the Grimm's armor severely damaging them, if not kill them.

Ruby walks to the temple and picks up a knight piece while Jaune picks up a rook piece before running towards the cliffs. With everyone following Ruby.


The hunters in training arrived at the cliff running around some ruins taking cover behind pillars as the nevermore perched itself on a tower cawing.

(y/n) was taking cover with Ren and Nora, as he was looking at the nevermore.

Nevermore: *Caw!* Translation: "You'll never escape my wrath humans!"

Yang: "Well that's great!"

Just as she says that the death stalker bursts through the tree towards them.

Jaune: "Oh man run!" He's says as everyone starts running.

Ren turns to (y/n) and gets his attention

Ren: "Can you to help Nora distract the nevermore?"

(y/n): "Yea!"

The three starts running as (y/n) and Nora take out their weapons and start firing at the nevermore.

The combined fire of the two is so severe that they "kill" the nevermore, falling down as it cawed.

Nevermore: *Caw!* Translation: "I'll be back!"

Nora: "wow! We killed it! High five!"

She says holding out her hand as (y/n) slaps it.

The nevermore falls, never to be seen again, as the death stalker charges at the duo, only for Ren and Blake to block it and Weiss uses her glyph to get them out.

They landed on a bridge while the death stalker kept chasing them, suddenly the nevermore came back up.

Nevermore: *Caw!* Translation: I'm back!

(y/n): "It's back! It's more resilient than I thought!"

He says as the giant bird hit the bridge breaking it in half, separating the two teams and PMC.

(y/n) was with Jaune and his team left to deal with the death stalker while the others deal with the nevermore.

The death stalker is hit by Nora's hammer as it swings it's stinger getting stuck in the bridge. (y/n) aims his AK and began firing at it, cracking it's armor a little.

The death stalker swings it's left pincer at him, as he mistakenly dodges to the right giving the scorpion a chance to grab ahold of his left hand.

It applies force into (y/n)'s hand, crushing it.

(y/n): "Ahh!!"

He screams in pain before grabbing his bayonet and begins to desperately stab the death stalker in the eyes making it let go of him as he drops to the ground.

Jaune: "(y/n)! We gotta move!"

He says to the rest as the death stalker takes it stinger out of the bridge making it collapse as (y/n) tries his best to stand up holding his hand pain in immense pain.

They charge at it while it swings it's pincer only to be blocked by Pyrrha's shield as Ren drags (y/n) to safety.

Ren: "You alright?"

(y/n): "Yea, thanks!"

Ren nods in response before going back to fighting the death stalker, shooting it.

(y/n): "Why did I forget pain meds?"

He cursed himself before looking at the ongoing fight. Deciding he wanted to help, he pulls out his 226 and begins shooting the death stalker, cracking it's armor a little bit more.

Pyrrha throws her spear at it, before Jaune tells her to throw it at it stinger which was about to fall thanks to Ren shooting it.

She does so as the stinger falls, stabbing it. Jaune notices the stinger fall on the cracks on its armor courtesy of (y/n) as he thinks of how to finish it.

Jaune: "Nora nail it!"

Nora: "Heads up!"

She jumps off Pyrrha's shield and hits the stinger further into the cracked part, killing it and making the bridge collapse as everyone starts running to safety while Jaune helps (y/n).

Jaune: "You ok (y/n)?" He says as he holds (y/n)'s arm of his shoulder.

(y/n): "Yea, thank you so much." He smiled widely with gratefulness

Jaune: "Of course!"

To say (y/n) was surprised would be an understatement, he didn't show it but he was. these people were nice sure, but he believed that if push came to shove they would throw him under the bus, like many others have done before.

Deep down he was waiting for the moment Jaune and his team would see that he wasn't able to fight and leave him behind to deal with the death stalker.

But that moment never came, instead they risked their lives to not only save each other, but him too. Something that never happened with any squad he was with back in Tarkov, which was when he started going solo from then on.

It was deeply refreshing to see someone do that for him, as Jaune set him down to sit.

(y/n) is finally relieved that everything is over as Ruby and the others finished of the nevermore.

Beacon Amphitheatre

Everybody was in the amphitheatre getting their teams assigned. Ruby saw (y/n) and nearly freaked out over his broken hand which was now in a cast, with (y/n) trying his best to calm her down.

Teams JNPR and RWBY were formed as (y/n) was next walking on the stage as a picture of him was displayed on the screens above.

Ozpin: "(y/n) (l/n), you were the only one who didn't find a team to be with, now normally this would call for expulsion."

He said as everyone gasped and (y/n) looked at Ozpin before looking down to the ground, pulling his hood over his head with small tears begining to form in his eyes.

This is the first time he's ever displayed such a negative emotion before, he's showed pain and all that, but that was fighting.

He never expressed sadness or anger, as it always took a lot to get him sad or angry, and he always had a hard time doing so too.

Ozpin: "However... You retrieved the golden heart relic, You've also showed immense combat skill courage, and great potential. for this you'll make the first one person team in beacon. You should be proud."

He smiles as (y/n) looked at him in surprise before smiling too, as everyone began clapping and Ruby ran up to hug him.

Ruby: "You're not being expelled!" She said happily as (y/n) returned the hug

(y/n): "Yea I'm not!, I'm glad I didn't fail you guys"

He says looking up

(y/n): 'I'm glad I didn't fail you Shturman' he thought smiling.

And done!

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