WOF scavenger short stories

By TheSaxxyODST

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A collection of short wings of fire stories about scavengers in wings of fire. These story's take place after... More

Authors Note
Story two: Thorns and Berrys
Story three: The Cliffs and ledges
Story four: the dragon of Passion
Story five: Starsights
Story six: Oceanic rescuer
Story seven: Acorns and Hens
Story eight: Caverns and claws
Story nine: In the talons of trust
Story ten: Blinded trust
Three Free Commissions (Closed)
Story eleven: AU
Story twelve: Commission For william.... I aint finishing, all that.
Story thirteen: commission for digimonking49
Story forteen: Commission for recursiveDescent
Commissions(Not mine)

Story one: Warmth in winter

549 8 3
By TheSaxxyODST

I trudged endlessly through the icy tundra of Pyrrhia, while a snowstorm barreled down at me. The cold was grueling and the frigid air nipped at my exposed fingers and face.

My teeth chattered and my eyes shut as tear begin to form. Why is this happening to me? Why couldn't those dragons just have stayed away from my..'sniffle'. I couldn't even finish the thought before breaking down into a fit of cries and tears.

My knees burned and my calf's threatened to buckle during this time of vulnerability. "P-p-p-please... I-I'll do anything f-f-for shelter, a cave anything p-please!" I begged to nobody but myself.

As I trudged over the mountainous snow banks, my legs stiffened and eyes yearned for closure. Once I arrived at the top I collapsed to my knees, tears turning to ice halfway down my cheeks.
However before I could fully give up something caught my eye...

A faint orange and yellow glow that instantly filled my body with false warmth. It can't... A village! My mind screamed. I hobbled too my feet and jogged down the snowy hill, with a newfound energy spike. Falling a few times I arrived at the bottom of the slope staring up at the village.

It's huge... I thought. Must be one of those city's. R-Right? I reassured myself while a devilish thought began creeping into my head.

Hope had filled my system as I closed the gap between me and the "city". I jogged over to the first of the outskirts building, stopping at its side wall.

The walls were massive. Each building stood taller than I had ever seen. They were constructed out of dark gray clay and bricks. Massive windows peered over me, with noise and bright yellow glows illuminating some, while others were quite and dark.

My heart cracked and my hopes diminished as I realized where I truly was.
I was in a dragon village. The adrenaline had finally worn off and I collapsed into the side of the building... crying.

"Of c-course it was a ice-dragon village. Why'd I ever think I'd get lucky? I'm just a stupid kid, and these creatures rule the world.
You should've never believed that this-...p-place was a human town Twig!
They took your's!, they probably destroyed all the other ones too!"

I slouched against the wall shivering. The freezing air finally catching up to me once my adrenaline rush had truly died out. I sat crying against to wall for a minute, my mind filling with all the negative thoughts I could imagine. Nobody's gonna find you hear if you die Twig. A dragon''ll just eat you and you'll be gone forever.

As multiple thought like that filled my head I began to cry harder. This truly was my end point. I sat in the fetal position for a while crying, lost in my own negative thoughts. I was suddenly pulled from my head by gentle sways in the ground, followed by soft growling.

Coming from the direction of which I came, came 2 Ice-dragons, talking..? With each other? My mind felt strange at the seemingly draconic communication'll lizards. Can?...
Do dragons talk? Does that mean they have feelings? Wait... I mean they build elaborate structures.
Holy moons!
I was forcefully yanked from my thought by the now heavy footfall followed by even louder growling. The dragons were coming this way, down the same alley I was in!

Two voices began to debate in my head.
I have nothing else to live for... why keep running? The first voice asked. Because if you don't you'll become dragon chow. The second answered. Would you rather run and die in the Snow or give the satisfaction to the dragon that eats you? The second voice remarked.

With my mind made I begrudgingly got to my feet, and limped out of the alley. Watching behind my back to make sure the 2 dragons hadn't noticed me yet.

Sharply I turned the corner, crouching next to the stone wall. My heart rate and breathing were through the roof, so much so that I had to grasp my mouth to not make any noise. As the stomping intensified so did my tears. Even though I had nothing left I still wasn't ready to die.

Suddenly a massive icy talon came crashing down in front of me, knocking me off my legs. I stared out in terrified-awe as the massive ice-like beast trudged in front of me. Eccentric growling erupted from the two as the earth shook and their tails swooshed behind them happily. I swear I could make out smiles on the twos Icy faces, as they conversed.

My sadness turned to anger as I saw this. Something about seeing dragons happy just...made me angry.
I wanted to stab at them...
I wanted to fight them.
I wanted to scream my lungs out!
.......But I didn't....I stayed quite... just as I had when I lost my village. I curled up into a ball sobbing... all I could think about was my former home, friends, Family!...
All gone...
Turned to ice and rubble.
Frozen faces of fear trapped in blocks of ice... My moms frozen- STOP!..
Not now. I don't want to think about her now...
I had become completely lost in my thoughts.
So much so I hadn't realized that the 2 dragons had stopped and were now staring at me.

I knocked myself out of my daze and hobbled to my feet. Both were looking at me with a look of horror and an expression I couldn't tell, though it was probably hunger.

The shorter and sharper featured one began to approach me slowly outstretching a claw and making  low-pitched rumbles. My mind finally kicked in realizing the gravity of my situation, my eyes jumped out of my skull before I turned tail and ran.

I didn't care that my body was quite literally dying nor did I listen to its pleas for me to stop. The only though running through my head was, I'm not gonna be dragon chow, I'm not gonna be dragon chow, IM NOT GONNA BE DRAGON CHOW! I felt heavy foot-falls behind me, followed by noisy breathing that increasingly became louder and louder. Tears streamed down my face as I closed my eyes biting the pain, and ran as fast as humanely possible.

In a stupid move by me with my eyes closed I couldn't see where I was going, but that was the least of my concerns.
'WHAM!' Until it wasn't.

I lay on my back, my head in daze as I groggily looked up at the pale icy blue object I had ran into.
It growled dangerously down at me. My eyes re-adjusted quickly as my eyes locked with the massive head of a open dragon mouth barreling towards me.
I shut my eyes and covered my head and ears waiting for the strike...
I waited...
And waited...
But it never came...
I heard muffled growling followed much louder roaring. Cautiously I opened one eye, glancing up at the beast that towered over me.
An angry childish frown spread across its muzzle. The dragon glared down at me and I felt my body stiffen to the point where I could be described as a rock.

It's slimy blue tongue snakes out of the side of its mouth as it glanced at me. A surprisingly loud roar split the air catching both me and the hungry dragons attention. I  took the chance to reposition myself who this dragon was fighting over me with, and found myself staring yet again at the dragon duo. Both held an angry expression as they approached my location though their eyes were set on the dragon above me.

Flipping my attention back to the dragon above me it had ceased its hungry glance, instead taking up more of a defensive stance as it angrily growled at the approaching two. I could see it's massive white teeth and I almost passed out from fright but managed to hold my composure.

The dragon duo had reached the face of this dragon, and I could quite tell the size difference of the three. The more sharp featured one which I assumed was female came up roughly to the angry dragons height. She also wore a velvet scarf which I had somehow not noticed prior. I almost chuckled at it bringing some light spirit to this guaranteed death situation.
The other dragon towered over both the female and hangry ice-dragon. It was a whole entire head taller and it's body seemed to be thick and muscular.

The dragon that had nearly taken my life growled loudly making me cover my ears from the decibels.
The female ones face turned to a scowl as it bared its fangs before pointing one of its massive claws at me and stomping it into the ground.

The two dragons continued to bicker while the large partner of the female stood by watching, seemingly waiting for something.
Before I could blink, the dragon above me suddenly swiped at the female, slicing her scaly cheek as she let out a pained roar.

The attacking dragon smiled before its expression turned to one of pure horror and forgiveness as the massive dragon grabbed him by the neck, swinging him like a rag doll.

As much as I wanted to stay and watch the outcome I preferred not to stick around to figure out whose snack I was gonna become. I scrambled to my feet before yelping and diving out of the way of a massive scaled foot that crashed down upon my previous location.

The female dragon had nearly also crushed me as it lunged at the 2 clashing dragons. I fumbled back to my feet and sprinted away. My heart burned and the cold continued to bite at me. I ran under a bench and continued to run until a heavy gust of cold wind blew, sending me crashing into the wooden bench behind me.

I lay leaning against one of the wood legs. I could still hear the faint sound of growling and roaring behind me. My tears ducts stopped producing liquid as it had none left to give. My chest cramped and legs burned with lactic from all of sprinting.
All I could do was sniffle and yearn for the home that  I had stolen from me a few years ago.

Hearing the fighting die down I turned my head towards the location seeing the two dragons angrily growling at the other. The angry dragon slinked away seeming to have had enough of the fighting. The female one walked over to where I had been prior, recoiling most likely because of my disappearance.

She desperately dug at the ground burrowing her face into the icy tundra before yanking back out and letting out a pained cry. I felt my heart pang as a feeling of remorse filled me. The roar wasn't one of hunger or lust but it was one of sadness. I turned away, for some reason feeling remorseful I shouldn't be feeling bad though. I mean it wanted to eat me! ...Right?

I didn't know if it was because my lack of a purpose or just pure insanity kicking in but I wanted to go back.  My body said no but my mind said yes. As I was caught in a stalemate of what to do. On one hand I could go back and most certainly be eaten...ending the seemingly endless suffering...
But on the other hand I could be spared and perhaps have a place to stay on this freezing day though the chances of that were slim.

I didn't even know the dragons true intentions and I could guarantee they were negative but... "Ah!" I screamed as I curled up into a ball whilst the roaring winds harshly beat against me. My eyes were red with pain while my body yearned for warmth and rest.

The snow piled up around me counting my minutes before death. I sat in the snow sniffling as one finale question came to me. Would you rather die in the snow? Freeze until your body is ice like your friends and family? A persuasive voice asked. Or die in the talons of a dragon where you could possibly be spared? Either way you die of the cold but in one option there's a chance at life. The voice said before leaving. I don't know... I croaked waiting for a response. His voice didn't return however leaving me in perpetual loneliness.

I wanted to ask follow up questions as I begged for the imaginary figure to return. As my teeth chattered with a freezing sensation I made up my mind. If I am to die, I'd rather die quickly by claws than freeze to death.

I lifted my head and turned back to look at the Ice-dragon duo but... they were gone! "S-shi-I-No-Wait!" I cried stumbling to my feet and hobbling out in the open looking around.
My visibility was shun by the heavy blizzard raging overhead. I was about to break down and give up, but by peer luck I eyed a velvet color through the thick falling snow.

Without another word I bit my lip and hugged my torso, trying to fight the cold as I high tailed after them.
I could feel my body giving out as my eyes began to fade in and out of consciousness.

I was within 200 feet of the dragons before they suddenly stopped in front of a massive structure. So did I. I watched the male dragon fumble through what looked to be keys, pulling out a shiny silver one and unlocking the door. I watched with new hopeful fired filled my heart as a orange warm glow washed over the 2. The male Ice-dragon helped the female up the steps before entering himself closing the door and leaving the world in darkness again.

I stumbled towards the building nearly collapsing several times from hypothermia and exhaustion. I spiraled in front of the first of three stone steps which were almost as tall I am.
Building up what little energy I could I began to ascend the grueling steps. My arms burned and my core cramped as I climbed.

As I made it to the top of the finale step I lay on my back heaving with exhaustion. Snow piled on my face and filled my mouth and nose making it difficult to breath. I inhaled heavily grabbing snowflakes. My lungs felt as though they had just been pierced by glass, whilst I rolled on my side coughing.

"C-c-come on T-T-T-Twig, your almost t-t-there." I said trying to enthuse myself.
Shakily I picked myself off the ground and stood up approaching the door I stood a mere foot away from it. "N-No going back know," I whined nervously. I closed my eyes and raised a shaky fist "hear goes nothing," I whimpered, banging three times on the door.

At first there was nothing... no sound of anyone... then came a muffled growl followed by another then the heavy footfalls of dragons. I held my breath. My whole body was shaking with fear and anticipation.

Maybe this wasn't a good idea maybe I should turn- before I could finish my panicky thought the door swung open and I glared up. There illuminated by the bright light stood 2 draconic figures. The two looked around confused before both sets of eyes fell upon me.

I shrunk under their gaze, my shivering becoming more violent with each passing moment. Both dragons eyed at me with a shocked expression, until the female shook herself out of her daze and slowly reached down for me.
I shut my eyes... I didn't want to see what would happen next... I put one finale prayer in and excepted what would happen next...
As the talons gently wrapped around me I let my soar body fall limp in her talon. Letting my head and body rest as I passed out, being hoisted up towards my most certain death...

It's all gonna be alright...

...It's over...


I yawned slowly and groggily waking to a bright light. I became Confused "wha-...where~..." I groaned. My eyes adjusted and I found myself wrapped up in a warm velvet fabric. A leathery white blanket draped over me. Looking towards the source of the light I saw a massive fireplace with a low crackling ember lit. I looked towards a nearby window seeing the still pitch black world. Not a single star to light up the sky. With soar muscles I rolled over and I realized where I was.

Laying down next to me with a wing both under and over me sat the same Ice-dragon from the night. It's head snaked around the velvet scarf in which I lay. A mighty snort came from the ice-dragon whilst it elevated her head. With groggy eyes the beast looked down upon me.

My body began to shake and my breath stiffened. The dragons massive head Lowered towards me and...
gently nuzzled me? I collapsed back into the warm scarf from the shove, while a scaly appendage carefully started caressing my exhausted head. I shut my eyes as a smile grew on my face. The gentle messaging finished and I felt another gentle nuzzle, followed by a high pitched growl. Opening my I eyes one more time I looked up at her. "T-thank you," I said honestly before hugging her snout.

The dragon let out a low rumble and a slow nod of its head before pulling back and resting back down. I let myself lay back pulling the wing over my head and closing my eyes.



I know I know I've been gone for like six months but schools been a b-i-t-c-h also I've not really been enthusiastic with writing, but I talk more about that in the first part. Anyways thank you all for reading and sorry if this one isn't that good. I'm still remembering how to write.

Have a great day/night boys and girls~

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