the chaos within me

By normal_writer1812

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in the city of Scetas. many people just live their lives in peace. playing duel monster and minding their own... More

scetas city (rewritten again)
the mystery duelist (rewritten)
hanging out with friends, interuptioned
meeting with the enemy
night watchers
a date gone wrong (rewrite again)
the calm before the storm (rewrite)
it has only just begun
the man(s) behind the mask
growing hate
Bird hate

the hunter of nightmares

195 4 1
By normal_writer1812

Selen started to feel the warmness of her bed but this time, it felt really good to lay on it. Mostly because there's no there to ruin it or bother her about something. Which is a good start for her day. So once she started to open her eyes, she looked at her bedroom ceiling thinking it was going to be normal. But to her surprise, her bedroom ceiling was different from before but still looked similar to her.

Selen: What the hell?

She said to herself as her eyes tried to unjust themself so she could see better. She quickly robbed her eye to make sure she wasn't seeing things or was going crazy as she believed she was seeing a completely different ceiling. After a few seconds, Selen could finally see clearly and saw her roof and how different it was. Her roof being pinkish purple and not the normal white ceiling that she's so used to seeing when waking up. Then Selen started to feel fuzzy things next to her, many fuzzy things to be exact. So she quickly grabbed what it was and to her surprise, it was a plushie that she used to own when she was much younger.

Selen: what the? This is a plush I had when I was 8 years old. What's it doing here?

She said, confused. She remembered giving it away since she was getting older and no longer needed it. So why was it back on her bed? She then looked around and noticed that she was surrounded by a whole bunch of plushies that she used to own when she was 8 years old, in fact she started to remember why the room felt so similar to her.

Selen: What the hell? This is my old room! From the old house!

She screamed as she realized that she was in her old room when she was 8 years old, it had the pinkish purple, it had the room filled with plushies and it the posters of some of the greatest duelist that she looked up to and the reason why she enter the jr league tournaments during this time. But also was the reason why she trained a lot when she heard that the jr league tournament was going to be hosted near her home city.

Selen: Wait, if this was during the time when I started to train. Then that means?

Then it clicked.

Then that means that this was during the time when THEY were still "friends" with each other and trained with each other.

Selen: oh fuck.

She said as she then quickly got up from her bed and ran out of her room and quickly ran down the stairs. Once she was in the living room, she looked around to see if she could find her younger self there. Her heart was beating fast and she was sweating like bullets, in fact she was sweating harder than on the first day of the Jr league tournament. She kept looking if she could find her younger self so she could stop her from making the biggest mistake in her entire life.

Selen: Come on! Where are you!

She screamed as for some reasons, she was having a hard time looking for her younger self which you think it would be easy. She remembers when she was 8, she was a bit of a rowdy child. So she should be making a lot of noise that she could hear, but not only that but the house she used to live in wasn't that big either so it should have found her younger self by now.

Selen: god damn it! Where are you, you piece of shit!

She screamed as this was starting to annoy Selen as she had found her younger self by now but for some reasons, she hasn't. But right when she was going to lose her head, she heard a voice at the front door of the house.

Younger Selen: mom! I'm going out again to meet my training partner.

The second Selen heard that, she felt her heart stop as she knew what she meant by that.

Celestia: hey sweetie, why don't you bring your sister to meet your friend of yours, I'm sure both of them together as training partners would make you even stronger.

She said in a optimistic voice.

Younger Selen: no mom! Elira is annoying and will only get in the way!

Then Selen heard her younger sister respond to her younger self.

Younger Elira: more like you'll get in the way!

She screamed back at her younger sister.

Celestia: girls no fighting!

She screamed at the both of them as she didn't want to deal with the both of them fighting right now. It was a good morning and she doesn't want it ruined from her two children fighting like usual. Once she was done screaming at them, Selen quickly ran to the front door to see her younger self at the door putting her jacket on as she was ready to leave.

Younger Selen: okay mom, i'm leaving!

Celestia: Okay sweetie, have fun with your friend!

Her mother said to her younger self, but when younger Selen heard that, she felt disgusted by it as if her mother said something offensive.

Younger Selen: yeah right, if he was my actual friend then i would rather be seen dead then ever close to him.

She said to herself as she then opened the door and left the house as Selen watched her leave going to Lork park where she knew she was going to meet HIM.

Selen: no! Wait! Don't make the same mistake that I made!

She screamed at the top of her lungs as she quickly ran up to the door to stop her younger self from making the biggest mistake in her life and ruining someone else's. Once she ran up to the door, she quickly opened it and ran through only to see on the other side that she was immediately at Lork park already.

Selen: oh no.

She said frightened as she knew this was where they alway ment each other where they would train with each other. Selen looked around the entire park just so she could try to find her with him. She looked around the park trying to find them as quickly as possible as she needed to stop herself from doing something stupid. As she looked around, she finally found both her underneath a tree and with her, was the boy. The boy was resting under the tree as he had his back turn towards her. From the distance they looked like they were having an argument with each other, well more like younger Selen was yelling at the boy.

Selen: Oh god.

She said to herself in fear. She quickly ran up to the two of them so she could prevent anything bad happening. As she ran towards them, she could hear them talking from a distance.

Younger Selen: Come on, are you really giving me the "I'm tired" excuse again.

She said in an annoyed voice.

Boy: But I am, the sun is hot and I want to stay in the shade.

Younger Selen: well no duh! Of course the sun is hot! It's the sun! Are you stupid or something!

She yelled back at the boy. As she continued to yell at the boy, Selen kept on trying to run faster so she could stop this form continuing.

Boy: but i'm just saying, we've been training for an hour and—

But then younger Selen interrupted him.

Younger Selen: oh now i know you're stupid if you think the first hour was "training". That wasn't training! It was more like a pity fest! You barely play a card! Hell you're just playing a face up monster and a face down! Who does that anymore! Anyone can destroy your entire board in a few moves!

Selen ran even faster as she heard her younger self started to become harsher to the boy.

Boy: i'm sorry Selen, i'm really trying too—

But once again, he was interrupted by younger Selen.

Younger Selen: Well your trying is doing nothing but holding me back! And I'm not going to lose the Jr league tournament because of your patheticness.

She said to the boy with hash words as she wanted to make sure that the boy was hearing her. But after running for what felt like ages, Selen had finally reached the both of them so she could stop her younger self.

Selen: no! Please don't listen to her words! Please don't listen to anything she has to say about you! You're perfect the way you are!

She screamed at the boy with tears in her eyes as she didn't want to relive this moment of her life.

Boy: Selen, why are you being so mean today?

The boy said with a sadden voice as he felt like he was about to cry.

Younger Selen: because I'm starting to feel like I'm the stupid one for thinking that you had the potential of helping me in the tournament! I can't find anyone else that has strong cards like you do and I thought you would be strong too! But no! Turns out you're just a crybaby who can't help but feel useless!


She screamed at her younger self as she wanted to punch her younger self so badly for saying that to him. The boy was in the urge of crying but tried not to so he wouldn't make Selen feel more stupid and proving that he was indeed a crybaby.

Boy: I'm sorry selen, i promise that i'll get stronger for you so we can both win the Jr league tournament. I'll make sure of it.

Younger Selen: you better, because at this point, i'm wondering why i even hang out with you.

She said as she started to walk away from the boy. But the boy quickly got up as well as he didn't know what she meant "i'm wondering why i even hang out with you."

Boy: selen, hang on. You hang out with me because we're friends, right.

Selen: yeah, because you two should be friends. You two should care for each other, she shouldn't be hurting you.

Selen said with tears in her eyes as she was feeling pain from watching this unfold. The boy said to younger Selen as he voice started to shiver from younger Selen's hurtful words. Younger Selen quickly turned around and got right in front of the boy's face to make sure he was going to listen this time.

Younger Selen: I hung out with you because I thought—

She then stops herself from finishing her sentence as she looks at the boy who looks like he was on the verge of crying right in front of her. Not wanting to deal with that, decided to try to say something else so the boy doesn't run away.

Younger Selen: yeah, because we're friends or whatever. But just remember, just because we're friends doesn't mean i have to take you as a partner for the Jr league tournament.

Boy: You mean replace me?

He said as the boy felt hurt by those words.

Younger Selen: yes, because i don't want to babysit a baby. So just remember this, there isn't anyone else in this city that has cards like you, but there are definitely better duelists in this city that deserve your cards. So for once in your life, if you want to be a good friend, stop holding my back and be useful.

She said to the boy face, the boy couldn't hold it anymore and started to cry from younger Selen's hurtful words. But younger Selen didn't care, she just wanted to make sure the boy wasn't holding her back anymore because the JR league tournament was a big deal. If she wins, not only does she get a huge amount of money, but she can also enter future tournaments when she gets older. So she needed to win this, if she wanted to become a pro duelist then she needed to win. And she knows very well that the boy wanted to win very badly too as it could help him with his situations.

Younger Selen: Now come, every second we're not training is a waste of time.

The young Selen as she then walked away from the boy. Leaving him behind underneath the tree, leaving both him and Selen under it. After witnessing what had happened, Selen could only cry from watching the mistakes that she had made, not just any mistake. Her biggest mistake she had ever made in her life. One that will never leave her nor will she ever leave, a mistake that still affects her to this day, one that she can never forget or had the courage to tell anyone else about. Selen looked at the boy with so many tears coming out of her eyes as she knew the boy was suffering from many things right now, and all he wanted was a friend.

But sadly for him, she was the one that found him.

Selen: I'm sorry for everything I have ever said to you. I'm so sorry for ever being a part of your life. You would have done so much better if I was never a part of it. You would have so much of a happier life if I wasn't there to ruin it. You deserve so much better, you deserve to have been given a better life, and i. I deserve to root in hell for what I did to you. None of these bad things should have happened to you.

She said as her eyes were nothing but tears. All of her thoughts were nothing but sandnes for the boy and everything that she had caused to him. The boy just wanted a friend, the boy just wanted to feel happy. That's all she wanted, but the universe decided to punish him by having them meet up with each other. He was punished for nothing and she has nothing but to blame herself for it. She had nothing to blame for ruining the boy's life but herself and she can't even say sorry to the boy, she knew it wouldn't fix anything. But the boy deserves to know that she feels bad and feels regrets, to know that she wants to fix everything and undo all the pain she had caused the boy. She wanted to start all over again with the boy, so the boy could finally get a happy ending that he deserves.

Selen: I'm sorry, I really am.

She said with a broken voice and tears in her eyes.

Selen: I'm sorry, I wish I could tell you this in person.

And then all of a sudden, she woke up. This time she felt her normal bed and saw her normal ceiling. She looked around her room to see that everything was normal like it should be. She then realized that she had real tears in her eyes as well as sweat covering her body from the nightmare she had. Her heart was still pumping and her body was trembling from the dream. It felt real. Like she could have stopped it all from happening, like she could have changed the past for the better. And she really wanted to, she desperately wanted to have the dream again and to see if she could actually change the past for the better, but because of how her body was feeling. She doubted that she could go back to sleep.

Selen: god fucking damn it, i fucking hate myself.

She said to herself as she buried herself into her bed. She then looked at the timer to see what time it was, she had 2 hours before she had to go to school, and worse of all. She couldn't fall asleep back. So she had to wait those two hours before she could do anything, and it wasn't helping that no one was awake in her house. She was also hungry as well, like very hungry, and her mother definitely hadn't made any breakfast for her as she was asleep. So Selen decided to feed herself. So she got up from her bed and went downstairs to get some breakfast.

Time skip

Selen was in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal, just a bowl of cereal. Not even milk, she didn't really bother to get the milk. They still had some milk left, she just decided that she didn't want any with her cereal. It wasn't helping that she was taking her time as well since she has been sitting in the kitchen for 30 minutes straight. It was also dead silent in the house as Selen was the only one that was awake but not for long.

Celestia: Selen, Selen what the hell are you doing.

Her mother asked Selen as she had woken up early to make breakfast but now has to deal with Selen's bullshit like usual.

Selen: eating.

She quickly responded.

Celestia: milk and cereal.

Selen: no, just cereal.

Celestia: just cereal, Selen we have milk.

Selen: Well I didn't feel like getting it.

She said in an annoyed voice. But her mother could tell there was something wrong that was going on with her daughter.

Celestia: Selen, what the wrong sweetie.

She asked in a worried voice.

Selen: nothing wrong mom, i just woke early and i got hungry.

She said as she didn't want to tell her mother anything.

Celestia: Selen, I am your mother and you can tell me anything.

Selen: I can tell you anything but I don't have to.

Celestia: it's not whether you want to, it's if you need to.

Selen: Well I don't need to tell you anything because there's nothing that's wrong, okay. Now just leave me alone.

She said as she just wanted to be left alone and eat her cereal in peace. But their mother isn't a quitter, if she knows something is wrong, she's going to find out what's wrong. One way or another.

Celestia: Selen, you're eating just plain old cereal with no milk for no reasons. And you don't like you didn't get enough sleep, did you have another nightmare.

She asked Selen since she does know that had some pretty bad nightmares before.

Selen: no mom, i haven't. You think I can get scared easily.

Celestia: Well of course I do Selen, I literally saw you have a panic attack after having one.

Selen: Well that was one time okay, so leave me alone with my cereal.

She said annoyed as she just wanted to be left alone and not talk to anyone about the dream she had today. But Celestia didn't want to leave her alone, she wanted to help her own daughter.

Celestia: Selen, i'm your mother and as your mother. You can tell me anything when you feel comfortable about it. You don't have to tell me anything now but in the future you're going to have to because you can't keep forcing yourself to not tell anyone about your problem. Selen, i'm here for you, your family is here for you. We are always here for you. No matter what, you can tell us anything.

She said as she walked up to Selen and sat right next to her.

Celestia: You know, I had a friend who used to tell me. We can't make a bright future without making a bright present. And if you're always sad and gloomy, how can you make a bright present? Selen, I want you to have a bright present and if there is something bothering you, you can always tell me. You don't have to struggle alone. You don't have to hold secrets that are hurting you all alone. You can always tell us anything.

She said to her daughter to make sure that she understood. She will always love her and will always have her back, and just want to make sure that she is doing okay. But more importantly, she had a frightening present and future. Something she desperately wants her to have, not because she was her mother but because she loves her. Selen listened to her mother and every word she had to say. She still didn't want to tell her about her past, she didn't think she was ready to tell anyone about her past. Especially to her mother, but hearing what her mother had to say. At least she knows when she is ready to tell her, she would still care for her. But not now, she wasn't ready to tell anyone.

Selen: Okay mom, I'll tell you if there's something wrong when I'm ready. Now can I just have my cereal.

She said to her mother, which just made her smile that her daughter understands.

Celestia: no, I'm going to make you a real breakfast.

She said as she got up from her seat and went to the kitchen to make them pancakes.

Selen: but cereal is a real breakfast.

Time skip

An hour and thirty minutes had passed, Selen and Elira were walking to school for the day but Selen was still a bit tired as she didn't get enough sleep due to her nightmare and sneaking out at night. Elira, noticing that her sister was having trouble sleeping, wanted to know why she was having such a problem.

Elira: Selen, mind telling me why you're having trouble sleeping usually.

Selen: It's because I have to wake up and deal with your bullshit.

She said in a sarcastic voice hoping it would annoy her sister. Which it did.

Elira: oh don't give me your sas right now. I generally want to know why you're having sleeping problems.

She said as she wanted to make sure her own sister is doing fine as this wasn't never a problem before. But Selen knew the problem and wasn't ready to tell anyone about it yet, she wasn't even sure how they would react if she did tell them. She wanted to at least find him first before she tells anyone.

Selen: Look, I've just been having nightmares, that's all.

Elira: really, nightmares. That's it?

She said as she expected to be more than just nightmares.

Selen: yes that's it, i told you it wasn't a big deal.

She was annoyed by her sister but Elira wasn't done, she knows there's more to it.

Elira: Well then they must be really bad nightmares if they're making you scared. Actually they must not be since I remember when you were 7, you had a nightmare about ghosts that scared you badly. You sleep in the same bed with mom and dad for a whole week.

She teases Selen as she remembers that week and how she refused to sleep in her bed for a whole week. She also remembered that their parents had to force Selen to sleep in her bed because she wanted to sleep with them for a whole nother week. Selen was now really getting annoyed as she didn't want to deal with her sister right especially the dream she had.

Selen: god damn it Elira, i swear god only created you so you can annoy me and give me sas twenty four seven.

Elira: If that's my purpose then I'm doing pretty good at it.

She said with a smug face which made Selen want to wipe it off of her so badly. They continued to bicker with each as they walked to their school, and when they finally reached their school. They saw Pomu waiting for them, by that I mean she was for Elira.

Pomu: oh hey Elira, i was wondering when i was going to a bright sun in my—urg!

She was about to give a poem as if she was Shakespeare but then stopped herself the second she saw Selen looking like shit. Selen didn't look like she didn't get enough sleep at all, in fact she looks like she only got like, 4 hours of sleep.

Pomu: Selen what the hell! Why do you look like shit and also probably feel like it as well.

Selen: That's because I am.

She said sarcastically.

Elira: Yeah, Selen here had a nightmare.

Pomu: Well it must be fucking freddy krueger who must attack you in your sleep if you're waking up looking like this! What type of nightmare are you having, you usually aren't that scared of things.

Elira: Well that isn't true.

She whispers to Pomu.

Pomu: How so.

Elira: she is scared of ghosts.

Pomu: she is!

She sounded surprised as she never heard about this about Selen until now. They may be whispering to each other but Selen can still hear them which is annoying.

Elira: yeah, I remember telling her a ghost story and she refused to sleep for the rest of the day even though the story was really bad.

She whispers to Pomu with a smug face.

Pomu: Wow, I never thought Selen was such a scaredy cat.

Elira: yeah sometimes i tried to get her scared because i won't lie, she's kind of cute when she's scared.

Pomu: Is she really?

She asked as she had doubts, she never saw Selen as the cute type of girls mostly because how she can be sometimes.

Elira: Yeah, I think I got some photos of her being scared on my phone.

Pomu: really! Show me!

Elira; okay fine, hold on let me take out my phone.

She said she took out her phone and went through her photo library and tried to look for the photos where Selen was being scared. All while Selen was still behind them hearing everything they were saying. This really wasn't helping Selen especially since she's supposed to be a mafia member, how the hell is she supposed to be taken seriously if her own sister gets to show her soft side to a fellow mafia member. As they continue to make a full out of her, Selen then notices something. Selen looked at the corner of her eyes to see Enna walking all alone at the school entrance as she looked depressed, more depressed then she usually is to be more specific. Noticing things and thinking that she was still probably still upset about what had happened to Millie. Selen decided to go talk to her to make sure she was doing okay. So she walked away from Elira and Pomu as Elira continued to show old photos of herself.

Enna was walking all alone by herself as she still thinks about Millie and what happened to her. Usually, she would be walking together to school with Millie and back from school with Millie but since the accident. She's no longer able to do that for a while, though she knew Millie would come back, she couldn't help but feel the emptiness with Millie on her side. Especially knowing that Millie was badly hurt because of the bastard that not only had to ruin their date, but her best friend, or girlfriend. Millie was now in the hospitality, hurt and in pain. She was there because someone decided to hurt for a reason she didn't know, because of something she probably wasn't a part of. Why did she get hurt, Millie was a nice person and didn't do anything wrong, so why does get hurt for no reason, she didn't deserve this and yet it still happened. It isn't fair, why did this happen, what made this happen, could any of this be prevented.

Well probably could, if Enna wasn't weak, if she wasn't so pathetic. Maybe if she was a bit stronger then she could have probably stopped all of this, she could have stopped Millie from getting hurt. She could have stopped Millie being sent to the hospital, and she could probably stop any future event like this from ever happening ever again. She could stop people that she cares about from ever getting hurt.

From getting hurt by HIM.

The bastard that hurt Millie.

He'll come back, she knows it. She knows that he has more to hurt then just Millie, Enna knows it. He'll come back and hurt someone again, and what is she going to do if he does. Just stand there and let it happen? No, she isn't going to let that happen again, not again. No, she's going to make sure when they meet again, the table will be turned, and he'll be the one who's going to be in the hospital. But the medical bill isn't what he will fear, oh no. There is something else he's going to need fear. And he's going to wish that he had died at birth.

As Enna continues to have this thought in her mind. She heard Selen's voice from a distance calling her name.

Selen: Hey Enna, are you doing well?

She asked as she wanted to make sure that Enna was feeling good because she's probably still trying to recover from what had happened to Millie. Selen knows it wouldn't be easy to move from this, but she knows that Enna can.

Enna: yeah, yeah i'm doing fine.

She said to Selen as she definitely wasn't doing fine. She still couldn't get rid of the thought of Millie off of her mind.

Selen: Enna, I can tell you're not doing fine yourself.

Enna: And I can tell that you aren't either.

She said as she looked at Selen who still looked like shit.

Selen: That's not the point, the point is that you're obviously still sad about what happened.

Enna: Of course I'm still sad, why wouldn't I be. Millie is in the hospital because some assholes decided that Millie would be his target! Even though she didn't do anything wrong!

She said in anger, Enna was definitely not taking any of this well, Selen didn't expect her to but Enna was seriously not taking it well.

Selen: Enna I know you're upset, everyone is upset about it. But you need to know everything will be fine, Millie is going to be fine, she'll come back. But for now you need to take care of yourself, you need to learn how to recover from this and not let it consume you.

She said as she tried to help Enna feel better about what was going on, but it didn't seem like it was working.

Enna: says you, Selen you look like shit and you don't seem like you aren't even taking care of yourself. You should probably be the one who's taking care of yourself, well i. Well I'm doing just fine, so leave me alone.

She said as she then continued to walk away from Selen, still saddened. Selen wanted to try again to make her feel good but she wasn't sure herself if she was in the right spot to keep on helping. But luckily for the both of them, Pomu was there to save the day.

Pomu: oh why, you failed that miserably.

Selen: shut up, I don't want to hear shit from you either.

She was annoyed by Pomu's words.

Pomu: yeah yeah, whatever. Look, I heard everything, so let me try to cheer her up.

She said as she then walked to Enna to do her best to cheer Enna up. She knew she wasn't going to fully recover Enna but Pomu knew that she needed to at least help Enna feel a little bit better.

Pomu: Hey Enna.

She said in a cheerful voice.

Enna: what now.

She said in an annoyed voice as she didn't want to deal with Pomu right now.

Pomu: You know Enna, we're always here for each other, no matter what. You know that right.

Enna: Yeah, so what about it?

Pomu: Then you know that we're always here for you, and for Millie. We always want to make sure that both of you are okay. Especially during times like this.

Enna: I said I'm doing fine, why can't you understand that.

Pomu: because I can't understand why you would be fine when your best friend is in the hospital. Enna, it's okay to feel angry, it's okay to feel upset. It's okay to share that anger and sadness with each other. You don't have to feel like you're dealing with this alone, I know you feel like you could have stopped this. But sometimes, these things aren't in our control. How could you expect to protect Millie from someone she couldn't even beat. We all know Millie is a stronger duelist than you, so how do you expect yourself to help Millie.

Enna: I could have at least tried.

Pomu: And you did and that should be all that matters. We promise you Enna, the guy who did this will pay, and he will face justice for what he did to Millie. I promise you that, but for now. You can talk to us, you don't have to feel like everything is your fault and that you're the only one that was hurt by this.

She said to Enna, Enna felt frustration and sadness. She didn't want to talk about it right now, but she knew she couldn't hold it in for a very long time. She knew that she had to talk to someone about it. She's mad about what had happened to Millie, but she's also mad that she couldn't help Millie. And Pomu's word was hitting close to home.

Pomu: Enna, we're here for you, i'm here for you. You can always talk to us or me about anything at any time. Millie is strong, she can pull through anything, me and Millie know that you're also strong. We'll pull through this together. I'm always here to talk to you when you're ready.

She said one more time to make sure Enna understood that, she didn't have to carry this burden all alone.

Enna: Well thanks, I'll talk to you when I'm ready.

She said as then entered the school all by herself as she just wanted to have some time for herself. Once she walked away, Pomu walked back to Selen so she could talk to her as well.

Pomu: and you, you need to stop like you're entering a funeral because Jesus christ you like shit.

Selen: yeah i get it, i don't look the best.

She was annoyed that Pomu was still bickering with her about how she looks right now. She would usually slap her by now, but Pomu had just helped her with Enna so she gets a pass, for now at least.

Selen: So we're going back to the base today or what? See if they got any information from the guy yet?

Pomu: um, i'm going back to the base if they got information from the guy or not. You're staying home.

Selen: what, why?

She asked, annoyed.

Pomu: um, look at you, you're obviously not getting enough sleep and it's definitely affected you.

Selen: oh you're being overdramatic, i'm fine.

Pomu: Selen for the love of god, just stay at your home and get some rest for once. You definitely need it. Because if you keep this up then people are going to catch on that you're sneaking out at night. And we don't want your family knowing that you're a part of the mafia, right.

She said in a serious voice which annoyed selen even more. As much as she hates to admit it, Pomu was right and she did need to get some rest as she doesn't want her family to catch on to her.

Selen: Fine, I'll rest for a while to get some sleep. Just don't get hurt or do anything stupid while I'm gone.

Pomu: That's the spirit Selen, and don't worry. I'm going to be fine. What the worst that can happen. Now come on, let's get this day over with already.

She said as both her, Selen, and Elira enter the school so they can continue their day.

Time skip

It was night time, and Pomu had once again sneaked out of her house so she could go back to the gang's base. Though she did her best to be careful as she didn't want to get caught by the VFS officers, it wasn't hard to do so. So after walking for a few minutes, she had reached the base again, only to see that the goons were seemingly moving things out of the base which surprised her. So wanting answers, Pomu decided to enter the base and look for Luca so she could know what was going on here.

Pomu: Luca! Luca! Luca god damn it where are you!

She screamed looking for Luca as some of the goons moved the stuff inside of the base. After screaming Luca's name for a while, Luca finally appeared with Gura and Calli with him.

Luca: oh hey Pomu.

Pomu: luca! There you are! Why the hell are we moving our stuff for?

Luca: well, you see–

Calli: the guy who we were investigating was kidnapped by the enemy and will most likely tell the enemy where our base is so they can come and attack us.

Luca: yeah that happened.

They said causality as if there was nothing wrong, but Pomu was panicking.

Pomu: wait! The guy we captured was captured and is now possibly bringing the enemy here to attack us!

Calli: yeah that's what we said, weren't you listening.

Pomu: I know what you said! It's just that, shouldn't we be panicking hard since they could be bringing out their strongest duelist! AKA the hunter!

She said as they might encounter the hunter again and repeat what happened last time.

Gura: we're panicking, on the inside.

Gura chimed in.

Calli: yeah, and there isn't much to worry about. We're basically done too, we already load up everything and are planning to go to the new base that we already found. So everything is good.

Luca: so there isn't much to worry about, this new location will be harder to find by the enemy.

They said trying to calm down Pomu.

Gura: And besides, no one showed up yet so they're probably not coming to hunt us down. So everything is fine. There's nothing to worry about—

Before she could finish her sentence, the roof burst open as someone crashed down through it. Well to be more specific, a large dragon with armor on it crashed down through it with someone riding on the back of it. That someone being the hunter.

Gura: A

Gura said as she had basically jinx's everyone today and now are probably going to die.

Calli: God damn it! Sometimes I think we need to put a tape on you sometimes.

She said as she looked at the intruder that was attacking their base. The dragon let out a roar as it was ready to attack everyone in the base, every goon was running for their lives as they tried not to be killed by the monster that first tried to kill them in the first place. The dragon kept letting out a loud roar as it moved around the base while using its tail to whip around the place to do more damage and to hopefully kill someone. Everyone was running for their lives as the monster tried to kill them all. As they were running, Gura, Luca, Calli, and Pomu looked at the monster as they needed to figure out how to stop it before it finished what it had started.

Gura: oh god i'm having flashbacks!

She screamed in terror.

Calli: Well you better stop as we need to figure out how to stop it before we get a squeal for the murder of half of the gang!

Luca: But how do we stop it!

They panic as they didn't know how to stop a fucking dragon, how do you stop a dragon with armor.

Pomu: We can't stop it, but I think I can buy some time for everyone to evacuate and get to the other base.

She said as she plans to duel the hunter all by herself which worries Luca.

Luca: Are you nuts! You duel the hunter last time and you get hurt!

Pomu: But that was old me, this new me we're talking about. And I'm going to let this asshole get away with hurting our gang or Millie! Besides, I duel this guy once, I'm sure this guy would love to have a rematch.

She said confidence in herself.

Luca: But are you sure?

He asked as he didn't want Pomu to get hurt like last time.

Pomu: I'm sure, now go get the other somewhere else safe and get them out of here as i distract this asshole! Now go!

She screamed at them as she then ran up to the hunter who was still riding on his dragon's back. Luca tried to stop her but Calli grabbed him by the hand to stop him.

Calli: we have to get the goons out of here before it's too late!

Luca: but—

Calli: I'm sure she'll be fine now, let's go!

She screamed at Luca who wanted to stop Pomu from hurting herself. But he didn't want to lose most of his gang like last time so he decided to do what Pomu told him to do and get the gang out of here.

Pomu ran up to the dragon who was still roaring and was trying to kill the goons. As she ran up to the dragon, she quickly grabbed a stone off the ground and once she did. She stops herself from getting any closer so she wouldn't die from the dragon, she then positions herself and aims at the hunter to get his attention. Once she got a clear shot, Pomu threw the rock as hard as she could to make sure it would hit the hunter. Once the rock came close to the hunter, the hunter quickly grabbed the rock in mid air, and once he had it in his hand. He simply crushed the rock into a small dust of air. Then the hunter then turned his head towards to see who had thrown the rock out at him, only to see that it was Pomu who had thrown the rock at him.

Pomu: hey fucker! Remember me! If you don't then fuck you because i do! You think you can just beat my ass and think I forget! Hell no!

She screamed at the hunter, as she did, the dragon changed its direction and turned its heads toward Pomu who didn't show fear. But she did feel the fear.

Pomu: I also know that you're the one who hurt my friend Millie! So fuck you asshole! You may have beaten her, and you have beaten me before! But I've gotten stronger than before! So why don't you come down here and duel me like a man! You're the hunter right! So come here and hunt! Or are you scared!

She said as she wanted to make sure that she makes the hunter angry at her so he would focus on her. Which it works somewhat. The dragon looked at Pomu and let out a roar at her, then once it stopped. The hunter jumped off of the dragon and once he did, the dragon started to disappear as the hunter took out his duel disk and removed a card off it. Once he did, the monster just vanished.

Pomu: That got your attention, good. Remember what i said, i'm different from last time, so don't expect it to be just as easy as last time.

She said as she then took out her duel disk as she was ready to duel.

The hunter/Pomu: duel!

The hunter: I go first. If i control no monster, then i can special summon Photon thrasher from my hand.

Photon thrasher Lv 4 Atk/2100 Def/0

The hunter: then since i have a photon monster on the field, i can special summon photon Advancer to the field.

Photon advancer Lv 4 Atk/1000 Def/1000

The hunter: he also gains 1000 attack points if another photon monster is on the field.

Photon advancer Lv 4 Atk/1000-2000 Def/1000

The hunter: but that won't matter because now I'm going to create the overlay network. By overlaying both Photon advancer and photon thrasher, I can XYZ summon a monster of higher power than any of your monsters! A monster that holds power better than any other monster! I XYZ summon number 106! Giant hand!

Number 106: giant hand rank 4 Atk/2000 Def/2000 OLU:2

Pomu: Oh great, you have another monster that's bigger than 100.

The hunter: that's not all! Because I'm going to make it gain its true potential by transforming it into its chaos form!

Pomu: it also has a chaos form!

The hunter: of course it does! I'm activating the spell card, Rank-up-magic barian's force! To let me rank up number 106 to its chaos form! So I rank up number 106 to rank 5! So bear witness its true power! I rank up summon, chaos number 106: giant red hand!

Number C106: giant red hand Rank 5 Atk/2600 Def/2000 OLU:3

Pomu: oh great, now he has an even bigger hand to give himself a hand to.

She said with no pun intended.

The hunter: I place two cards down and end my turn.

The hunter's hand size: 0

Pomu: Well that monster might be strong, but it isn't as strong as that dragon you used to beat me before! So I'm going to crush it! I draw!

Pomu's hand size: 6

Pomu: first! By sending two monsters from hand to the graveyard, I can special summon Elementsaber Lapauila Mana from my hand! So I'm sending Elementsaber Malo and Elementsaber Lapauila! To special summon Elementsaber Lapauila Mana from my hand!

Elementsaber Lapauila Mana Lv 6 Atk/2400 Def/2100

Pomu: and depending on the attribute of the monster I send to the graveyard to special summon him, my Elementsaber and Elemental lord monsters that I control gain different effects! Since Elementsaber Malo is a fire attribute, my monster can't be destroyed by battle, and because Elementsaber Lapauila is a light attribute, you can't target them with card effect!

The hunter: your monsters are still not safe from me.

Pomu: Then let's make them! I summoned Elementsaber Aina to the field!

Elementsaber Aina Lv 2 Atk/900Def/1800

Pomu: Now I'm activating Elementsaber Aina's effect! Once per turn, I can send one Elementsaber monster from my hand to the graveyard, then target one Elementsaber monster or Elemental lord monster in my graveyard, and special summon it! I'm sending Elementsaber Makani from my hand to the graveyard to special summon Elementsaber Malo from my graveyard!

Elementsaber Malo Lv 3 Atk/1700 Def/200

Pomu: Now I'm activating his effect! Once per turn, I can send one Elementsaber monster from my hand to the graveyard, then I send one Elementsaber or Elemental lord monster from my deck to the graveyard! So I'm sending Elementsaber Nalu from my hand to the graveyard to then send Elementsaber Molehu from my deck to the graveyard as well!

She said as she sends Elementsaber Nalu from her hand to the graveyard, and then she sends Elementsaber Molehu from her deck to her graveyard.

Pomu: Now I'm going to link summon a monster!

She said as a circuit board appeared right in front of her.

Pomu: the requirements are one normal summon monster with 1000 attack points or less. So I'm using Elementsaber Aina as metrail! So i link summon Salamangreat Almiraji!

Salamangreat Almiraji L1 Atk/0 ↘️

Pomu: Now I'm activating the spell card, card of demise! This card lets me draw until I have five cards in my hand! Since I don't have any, then I can draw five cards but on my 5 standby phase after I activate this card, I must send my entire hand to the graveyard.

Pomu's hand size: 5

Pomu: now i'm activating all of my Elementsaber that are in my graveyard's effect! All of them have the effect that lets them change their attribute in the graveyard until the end of the turn! So I'm changing all of them to light attributes! And since there are now five light monsters in my graveyard, I can special summon Phosphorage the Elemental lord!

Phosphorage the Elemental lord Lv 8 Atk/2800 Def/2200

Pomu: and when this card is special summon, I can destroy all of your monster cards!

The hunter: you won't do no such thing, i activate giant red hand's effect, once per turn, when a card effect activates on the field, then as a quick effect, i can detach one chaos overlay unit from this card, and if i do. I negate all other face up cards currently on the field until the end of the turn.

He said as all other cards became negated.

Pomu: Are you kidding! You had that ability and you didn't active until now!

She screamed at the hunter but she didn't get any response. So she then realized that he could be playing with his food, like some hunters do, they play around for fun.

Pomu: Whatever, I'm not done yet! Because I'm now actving the spell card, double summon! This card lets me normal summon again! So I'm summoning Aleister the invoker!

Aleister the invoker Lv 4 Atk/1000 Def/1800

Pomu: and if he's normal summon, I can add one Invocation from my deck to my hand!

The hunter: no he won't, because i'm activating my trap card, Seventh Eternity. This continuous trap lets me target one number XYZ monster i control that has a number between 101 and 107 in its name or one XYZ monster you control has any such monsters as materials, then i can activate one its effect. The one I'm active is the one that lets me negate the effects of one monster you control with an attack that is less or equal to the targeted monster's attack until the end of the turn. So i'm targeting Giant red hand and then i'm targeting Aleister the invoker who has less attack points then giant red hand. So now its effects are negated.

He said as now Aleister the invoker was negated.

Pomu: Well that doesn't matter because I'm getting rid of your giant hand! Because we're battling! Go Phosphorage the Elemental lord! Destroy red giant hand!

She commanded her monster and it charged up a bean ready to destroy giant red hand.

The hunter: it won't destroy anything, because I'm activating my other trap card! Resurgam XYZ! This continuous trap gives all my XYZ monsters 800 attack points!

Number C106: giant red hand Rank 5 Atk/2600-3400 Def/2000 OLU:2

The hunter: so now red giant hand is the one who is going to be the one who destroys!

He said as Red Giant hand started to spin like a tornado and dashed towards Phosphorage the Elemental lord, destroying it.

Pomu's LP: 4,000 - 3,400

Pomu: god damn it, that was my only monster that could have destroyed you monster, i end my turn.

Pomu's hand size: 3

The hunter: Well now, this duel ends now. I draw.

The hunter's hand size: 1

The hunter: to make sure you don't do anything I don't like, I'm activating giant red hand once more, by detaching one chaos overlay unit. All of your monsters can't activate their effects! So now they can't do anything at all!

He said as all of her monsters were negated.

The hunter: Now I'm ending this duel, let's battle. Go giant red hand! Destroy her Salamangreat Almiraji! And win me this duel!

He commanded his monster, giant red hand spinned around once more and attacked Salamangreat Almiraji and when it did, the hunter won the duel.

Pomu's Lp: 3,400 - 0

The hunter wins

After Pomu had received the final hit, she fell to the ground in pain and defeat. She could feel her body aching as her bones felt like they were about to be brome and her muscles felt weak. She tried to get up but her legs were giving up on her. She looked around to see that everyone had already lifted, leaving her alone with the hunter. She then looked at the hunter to see that he was walking towards ready to hurt her even more. But despite knowing that she knew she was going to get hurt badly, she couldn't help but smile knowing that all of the goons had escaped.

Pomu: You know, despite you beating my ass, and you winning this fight. You didn't kill anyone, not a single person you killed from this attack, some hunter you are.

She said as she smiled and mocked the hunter right in his face, though he didn't seem to have a reaction at all to her mockering.

Pomu: you're called the hunter, but yet you failed to kill us small fries in the end, because I put up a fight. Which is funny because I remember you beating my ass on your first turn, but now, now I can put up a challenge. Which means you aren't as strong as you think you are.

She continued to mock him as he walked up to her.

Pomu: the silent type, aren't you. What? You mother didn't love you or—

But before she could finish, the hunter quickly ran up to her and grabbed her by the neck and lifted her up to the air. Then once he had her up in the air, the hunter quickly punched her in the stomach as hard as he could. Then the hunter slammed Pomu's face to the ground as hard as he could. Then the hunter grabbed Pomu by the hair to raise her face up from the ground, then he slammed Pomu's face back to the ground as hard as he could. Then he repeatedly smashed her face to the ground multiple times as hard as he could. Blood was coming out of Pomu's face as he did and it stained itself to the ground that her face was being smashed on. Then the hunter lifted her whole body off the ground by holding her by the hair, then he kneed her in the face as hard as he could. Then the hunter grabbed her arms to then punch her in the face once again, Pomu lay on the ground face up as she was bleeding badly. Then the hunter stomps his feet on her stomach as hard as he could and continues to do so a few more times. Then the hunter grabbed her by the throat ready to beat her ass one more time, until he heard a ringing voice from his phone. So the hunter dropped Pomu and grabbed his phone to see who was calling him. He checked and saw it was his mother who was calling him. So he quickly answered it.

???: Sweetie, where are you right now, because I checked your room and you weren't there.

She said in a motherly voice.

The hunter: I'm busy with something.

???: that something better be what i told you to do, which is to deal with the VFS officers, right. You wouldn't want to disobey me, right.

She said once again in a motherly voice but with a hit of a menacing voice.

The hunter: no, i don't, i don't ever want to disobey you. I don't ever want to make you upset, not after everything you have done for me.

He said with a sadden voice and fearing upsetting her.

???: then you wouldn't want to make me angry or upset by sidetracking what i told you to and dealing with something i told not to worry about, right.

She continues to speak in her motherly voice.

The hunter: no, i don't want to do that to you—

But then she interrupted him.

???: then you will do what i told you to, and you will not disobey me like a bad child. Because I do so much for you and I expect you to do something for me. So when I tell you to do something, you will do it without being distracted because if you just sidetrack the VFS officers and go deal with something that isn't important again. It will not be tolerated, and I will be angry, and you don't want that, right?

She said in a menacing voice which frightened the hunter, he didn't want to make her angry, or make sure she's upset. That is something he never wants to do.

The hunter: Okay, I promise I won't.

???: you better, now do what you were told.

She said one more time as she then hung up the phone, leaving the hunter to stare at Pomu who was still on the ground, bleeding. The hunter then put away his phone as well, after he did, he bent down towards Pomu and grabbed her deck from her, placing it inside of his pocket. Then he placed a card on his duel disk and summoned the dragon once again to jump on its back. Once he did, the dragon flew off to the sky, leaving Pomu on the ground, bleeding.

As Pomu was on the ground, she could hear the sound of Luca screaming her name, as she started to lose consciousness, and passed out. 

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