A Toony Kind of Love

By Bee_Vomit_Queen

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Before we start
Chapter 1 - Somethin's Cookin'
Chapter 2 - Toons...
Chapter 3 - I Don't Work For Toons!
Chapter 4 - The Ink And Paint Club
Chapter 5 - Face-To-Face With Jesse Rabbit
Chapter 6 - Patty Cake
Chapter 7 - Roger Did WHAT?!
Chapter 8 - Uninvited Guest
Chapter 9 - Trying To Hide A Rabbit
Chapter 10 - I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way.
Chapter 11 - Shave And A Haircut
Chapter 12 - Car Chase In A Cab
Chapter 13 - The Connection
Chapter 14 - Dark Turn At The Studio
Chapter 15 - Toon Town
Chapter 16 - The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 18 - Battle With Doom
Chapter 19 - That's All Folks

Chapter 17 - Acme Factory

2.9K 84 19
By Bee_Vomit_Queen

The trio stood in a line, glaring as Smart Ass and Psycho put their dirty paws all over Eddie and Jesse, frisking them up and down. It was then that Doom came down to check up on them and the weasels' progress.

"We searched Valiant and Red, Boss. The will ain't on 'em." Smart Ass relayed.

"Then frisk the woman!"

Eddie and Jesse attempted stop them from doing anything to her but Smart Ass aiming his gun at them was all that was needed to make them back away. They watched with hateful eyes as Greasy smirked, peeling back his sleeve in a slow manner, as if to savour the moment and slithered over to (Y/N).

"I'll handle this one." He mused, plunging his hand down the front of her dress.

She glared at him, as did the two men, but it wasn't long before Greasy withdrew his hand at break-neck speed and began howling in pain. A bear trap was clamped down on his hand and his weasel friends only laughed at him as he bounced around in agony.

"Nice booby trap." Jesse complimented, smirking down at her in amusement.

She giggled at his joke before giving out a simple, "Thank you."

Doom whacked Greasy with his cane, having had enough of his outburst, sending him crashing into a stack of boxes and effectively shutting up the rest of the weasels. The boxes sprayed out a bunch of fake eyeballs onto the floor, which no one really paid attention to as Doom turned to stare them down.

"Do they have the will or not?"

"Nah. Just this stupid love letter." Smart Ass replied, holding up Roger's lipstick note which Eddie swiftly took back.

"No matter. I doubt if that will is going to show up in the next fifteen minutes anyway."

Eddie stared at him in question as he asked, "What happens in the next fifteen minutes?"

"Toon Town will be legally mine. Lock, stock, and barrel."

Stupid suddenly called out to Doom, pointing at a hole him and Wheezy had been drilling through one of the factory walls, as he informed, "Duh, Toon Town's right on the other side of the wall, Boss."

"You see, Mr Valiant? The successful conclusion of this case draws a curtain for my career as a jurist in Toon Town. I'm retiring to take a new role in the private sector."

"That wouldn't be Cloverleaf Industries by any chance, eh?" Eddie asked.

"You're looking at the sole stockholder."

Doom walked over to something extremely large that was hidden by a tarp. He dropped a silver tray onto the floor, pulled aside the tarp just enough to reveal a tap. He opened it and soon a steaming, green liquid began to fill the tray.

"Can you guess what this is?" He asked in a sinister tone.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened at the sight as she screamed, "Oh my God, It's DIP!"

"That's right, my dear! Enough to Dip Toon Town off the face of the Earth!" He removed the tarp revealing a giant machine, which had a ginormous vat strapped to it and it was filled to the brim with Dip.

The trio looked at the monstrous machine in pure horror, (Y/N) almost fainting had it not been for Jesse standing close enough to catch her.

"A vehicle of my own design. Five thousand gallons of heated Dip, pumped at enormous velocity through a pressurized water cannon. Toon Town will be erased in a matter of minutes."

"I suppose you think no one's going to notice Toon Town's disappeared?" Jesse asked in a skeptical manner.

"Who's got time to wonder what happened to some ridiculous talking mice when you're driving past at seventy-five miles an hour?"

"What are you talking about? There's no road past Toon Town." (Y/N) stated. She may not have lived there or even visited in many, many years but she, like everyone else, at least knew that.

"Not yet! Several months ago, I had the good providence to stumble upon this plan of the city council's. A construction plan of epic proportions. They're calling it a freeway."

"Freeway? What the hell's a freeway?" Eddie questioned.

"Eight lanes of shimmering cement running from here to Pasadena. Smooth, safe, fast. Traffic jams will be a thing of the past." Doom informed him as he got closer to the small group.

"So that's why you killed Acme and Maroon? For this Freeway?"

"That's the stupidest thing I ever heard! And you killed people over such nonsense!" (Y/N) shouted out in anger.

"That's because you all lack vision. But I see a place where people get on and off the freeway. On and off. Off and on. All day, all night." Doom explained to them in a superior tone, raising his arms at how spectacular his idea sounded. "Soon where Toon Town once stood will be a string of gas stations, inexpensive motels, restaurants that serve rapidly prepared food, tyre salons, automobile dealerships, and wonderful, wonderful billboards reaching as far as the eye can see! My God... It'll be beautiful."

"Come on." Eddie interjected, making Doom lose his enthusiasm. "Nobody's gonna drive this lousy freeway when they can take the Red Car for a nickel."

"Oh, they'll drive. They'll have to. You see, I bought the Red Car so I could dismantle it."

In the middle of Doom's insane speech, a rumbling could be heard from underneath them.

"What the- "

They all looked around in confusion when suddenly Roger burst out through a small manhole in the floor. It sent Greasy, who had been standing on top of it at the time, flying up into the air while Roger hopped to his feet, pointing a gun around like a mad man.

"Okay, nobody move! Alright, weasels, grab some sky or I let the judge have it. You heard me, I said drop it." Roger ordered and they all complied.


"Yes, it's me my dearest brother. I'd love to embrace you but first I have to satisfy my sense of moral outrage."

"Put that gun down, you bucktoothed fool!" Doom growled out.

"That's it, Doom. Give me another excuse to pump ya full of lead. Thought you could get away with it, didn't you? Ha! We Toons may act idiotic but we're not stupid. We demand justice. Why, the real meaning of the word probably hits you like a ton of bricks!"

It seemed fate had not been on Roger's side as Greasy cut a rope from above which, coincidently, dropped a ton of bricks on top of the unsuspecting rabbit. The weasels all laughed at what had transpired while Jesse ran over worriedly to his brother.

"Roger! Roger, say something."

Roger slowly got up, with his brother's help, but didn't seem too upset as he noticed what was floating around his head. "Look! Stars! Ready when you are, Raoul."

"Tie the Toons together." Doom ordered as he grabbed a giant remote to lower down a hook from the ceiling.

The weasels shoved Jesse and Roger over to the middle of the room, right in the range of fire of the Dip machine. Eddie tried to intervene as they grabbed (Y/N) but Smart Ass continued to hold him at gun point and there wasn't much else he could do aside from watching on in anger.

"Put them up on that hook. Use that escape proof Toon rope." Doom instructed.

They tied all of them together, back-to-back, and the hook began to raise them up.

"Time to kill the rabbit!" Psycho creepily chuckled out as he climbed up the Dip machine to man the water cannon.

"Oh, Roger. You were magnificent." Jesse complimented.

"Was I really?"

"Better than Goofy." (Y/N) reassured, making the rabbit smile as if he had won the jackpot.

The machine suddenly started up, making them all turn to face it, dread filling their expressions. Without thinking, (Y/N) latched her hand onto Jesse's, intertwining their fingers. He looked over his shoulder at her, seeing the fear painted on her face and simply squeezed her hand back as a show of comfort.

"Roger. If this is the end, then I want to say you were the best big brother anyone could ask for and I love you."

Roger began to sob, the tears practically gushing out like a geyser as he happily replied, "I love you too!"

"And (Y/N), I'm sorry for all the heartache I put you through. I really wish we could have had more time together."

"Is this how you ask a girl on a date?" She asked, chuckling slightly at the thought.

"Depends, is it working?"

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to see where'd you take me."

"It's a date then."

They both began to giggle, whether to forget their situation or just because they found their conversation humorous, they weren't entirely sure. But they were both certain that, if they were going to die, they were glad they at least had each other.

"I love you, (Y/N)." Jesse softly confessed, tightening his hold on her hand.

"I love you too, Jesse."

Roger began to sob out once more, touched but their words, as Doom walked over to Eddie. The detective glared at the despicable judge but he didn't seem to care.

"It's over, Mr Valiant."

He walked away whistling to himself as if he had already won. His confidence was not without ground but no one really wanted to admit that Doom had succeeded. Their spirits were somewhat raised as Doom slipped on the glass eyes and fell to the floor. Even the weasels laughed at their boss's misfortune and Eddie took the opportunity to sneak up on Smart Ass to try and grab his gun.

"Look out! You fools!" Doom warned them and Smart Ass pointed his gun at Eddie before he could do anything.

"Not so fast."

Doom stood up in an enraged manner, holding one of his eyes that he must have bumped when he fell, and glared at the weasels as he yelled out, "One of these days, you idiots are going to laugh yourselves to death!"

Eddie's eyes lit up at Doom's words, slowly looking down at Smart Ass with a knowing look.

"Shall I 'repose' of him right now, Boss?" Smart Ass questioned.

"Let him watch his Toon friends get Dipped, then shoot him."

With that Doom stormed away and vanished from sight, leaving the Toons to a horrible fate and Eddie to witness it all.

"With pleasure."

"Everything's funny to you, ain't it, Needle Nose?" Eddie asked, making Smart Ass glare up at him.

"You got a problem with that, Valiant?"

He pushed him with the point of his gun, making them back up over to a merry musical machine.

"No. I just, uh, want you to know something about the guy you're gonna Dip!"

Eddie hit a button that turned on the machine, making it play out a wacky circus tune. The weasels all stared at him in confusion, even Smart Ass as he lowered his gun, as Eddie began to sing.

🎵Eddie: "Now, Roger is his name. Laughter is his game. Come on you dope, untie his rope, and watch him go insane."

He did a jumping-like dance, confusing the weasels even more. It wasn't until he jumped on a broom and it smacked him in the face that the weasels dropped all sense and reason, starting to giggle at his actions. He jumped and turned, making the broom hit him on his back, causing him to do a roll and land right in front of Smart Ass, which made them all laugh even harder.

As he began to do a bunch of back-flips, Jesse stared down at him with worry as he stated, "He's lost his mind."

"I don't think so!" Roger cheerily disagreed.

(Y/N) seemed to pick up on what Eddie was doing, just like Roger had, and she giggled at his actions as she beamed, "That's my Eddie."

Eddie held a trio of giant joke bombs, dancing around a bit as he sung on.

🎵Eddie: "This singing ain't my line. It's tough to make a rhyme. If I get stuck- I'm outta luck uhh- "

🎵Jesse: "I'm running out of time!"


Eddie began to juggle the joke bombs but stopped catching them, making them fall on his head. It made the weasels laugh out even harder, losing more control over their own bodies. Eddie slipped on a banana peel and fell back into a bunch of boxes, reappearing not long after bouncing up and down on a pogo stick.

He bounced so high that he ended up hitting a ceiling light, giving himself quite a shock and that was when all the weasels fell apart. Stupid was the first to go, dropping dead to the floor from all his laughter and soon a green angel left his body and floated to the sky. Next was Wheezy, who grabbed onto his spirit and tried his best to keep it in, but he eventually fell from atop a ladder and his green angel floated away as well.

"Hey, Eddie! Keep it up! You're killing them! You're slaying them! You're knocking them dead!" Roger encouraged.

🎵Eddie: "I'm through with taking falls. I'm bouncing off the walls. Without that gun, I'd have some fun, I'd kick you in the- "

Before Eddie could finish his song/threat, a vase fell on his head, having come from a conveyer belt that had been accidentally activated when the ladder Wheezy had been standing on fell on top of it.

Roger, being the good old pal that he was, decided to end the song for Eddie with, "Nose!"

"Nose? That don't rhyme with walls." Smart Ass pointed out.

Eddie didn't take long to get back up as he replied, "No, but this does."

He kicked Smart Ass right between his legs, sending him flying as far as he could go and right into the Dip vat. (Y/N) looked away, not wishing to witness that scene.

Only Psycho and Greasy were left and they found Smart Ass' death the funniest thing out of it all. Greasy was the next to go, literally falling over while the machine was slowly still moving forward, falling out of the driver's seat and his green spirit left as well.

Psycho was hopping around in his amusement, not noticing that he flicked on the water cannon, spraying a fresh stream of Dip right next to Roger, Jesse and (Y/N). They all screamed in fear as the jet of Dip slowly started coming towards them but it was then that Psycho fell off from his stand. He caught himself on a lever, that was pulled down from his weight and redirected the Dip jet far away from the unfortunate Toons.

"Jeepers! That was close!"

Psycho laughed so much that he made himself fall and into a spinning mechanism of the Dip machine. His spirit floated out, giggling in an unhinged manner. He floated all the way back up to the cannon and decided to commit one last deplorable act before leaving the mortal realm.

"Bye-bye!" He called out as he flipped the lever he had pulled, fluttering away as the Dip stream now started slowly moving back towards the poor Toons.

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