Cold Hearted

By kitkate1331

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You are an aspiring actress working at a club until you make your big break. One night at work is super busy... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20-Final

Chapter 18

116 6 4
By kitkate1331

Y/n's POV:

"Y/n, what is this?"

"Exactly what it says it is."

"But how? Why?"

"This is what your parents would have gotten."

"What the fuck did you just do?" My father growls again.

"Righting a wrong that you caused all those years ago."

"Cho is going to have fun with you when I get him back."

"Speaking of Cho." I turn to look at the other shareholders, "I know most of you how my family runs this business so if there are any weak stomachs here I suggest you leave the room."

No one makes a move. I nod my head to Hyunjin and Felix. They open the door and Minho and Binnie come walking in carrying a very dead Cho.

The drop him at my father's feet, "Is this the Cho you were looking for?"

"Who killed him?"

I smirk, "Who do you think?"

"There's no way you did. I doubt your half-witted brother did it. He's dying in a hospital bed as we speak."

"I just left him, and he was sitting up and talking."

"I sent someone to take him out."

I smirk again, "You're getting old father. You're tricks are all the same. I knew you would try to hurt me. Make me 'weak' by taking out my brother. Zio is alive and well. Somewhere you can't touch him."

"So was this a coup planned by my daughter or did you all help her."

"I'm not like you. I don't need a puppeteer. I have run a very successful business since I left, and that business left me with more than enough capital to buy shares in this lovely company run by you and Cho. I bought enough to make me the new majority shareholder."

"There is no way you were able to buy enough. I made sure that you weren't gifted enough."

I smirk, "See you pissed off the wrong people."

"Who gave you their shares?"

"I did." My uncle says as he enters with my cousins.

"I thought all the shareholders were here." JK mumbles.



"So, you gave my daughter your shares."

"We gave her enough to make sure that she could throw you out on your ass."

"That still isn't enough."

"You see these fine gentlemen here before you got fed up with your and Cho's lies and schemes. The two of you have continued to waste away all the money for years. Now Y/n is finally able to bail out this company. A company that my sister did so much for that you destroyed so easily. I just hope Y/n will be able to save some of it."

I nod my head to Jeongin and Seungmin. They disrupt another file.

"If the rest of you would like to take a look over this proposal it outlines how we fix this mess that was created by my father and Cho."

My father snags the file out of my uncles hands. I watch closely as he reads over the document.

"You can't do this."

"You see. I can and I will."


"What you say doesn't matter for two reasons. First being you are no resolved from your position of CEO."

"What's the second reason?"

I wink at Yoongi, and he nods to Namjoon. Who opens the other door and Jin walks in.

"I'm going to arrest you."

"On what charges?"

"3 counts of murder."


"Your wife's and the Min's."

"You have no witnesses."

"He does."



"You wouldn't dare."

"Oh, I would. See a child never forgets when she watches her father strangle her mother."

"How do you know that?"

"How do you think?"

"You were there. Cho was right." I watch as realization finally sets in, "You were hiding in the wall."

I snicker, "Its where I always hid."

Jin walks closer to my father. It happens so quick. My father whips out his gun and aims it right at me but right at my belly.

"If I'm going down. I'm taking you with me and your child."

Yoongi wraps me up and a shot rings out. When I look up into Yoongi's eyes, I don't see him in pain.


"He didn't shoot me."

We both turn to look at my father and he is laying dead on the ground.

"Sorry I'm late." Zio says.

I whip my head and around and see my brother leaning against the door frame. I pull out of Yoongi's arms and rush to my brothers side.

"Are you crazy? You should be at the hospital still!"

"And you and Yoongi would be dead."

"It's finally over." I whisper.

Zio wraps his arms around me, "It is."

I feel a presence behind me, "Thank you." Yoongi's voice rings out.

"I would do anything for my sister and nephew."

I lean back into Yoongi and look at my brother. He's pretty pale.

"We need to get you back to the hospital."

"We got it." JK says.

Him and Jimin help my brother out of the room.

"I hope he's going to be okay."

Yoongi gives me a gentle squeeze, "He's a shin. He'll be fine."

"So, who is the new CEO now."

I look up to Yoongi, "He is."

He shakes his head and I give him a perplexed look. We walk over to where he was sitting. He grabs the papers and rips them up.

"What are you doing?"

"No, we do this together. The way our mother's wanted it."


"While you were gone I found some letters that were between our mother's. Seems they were trying to arrange a marriage between the two of us."


"Yeah. Funny how fate turns out isn't it."

I feel some sharp pains in my stomach that take my breath away. I let out a breath trying to collect myself. I place a hand on my stomach.

"Y/n are you alright?" Yoongi asks in concern.

"Ah, my stomach." I groan my answer.

"We need to get her to the hospital." Tae says.

He and Jisung are on either side of me. The three of them get me into Yoongi's car. Then we are off to the hospital.

Yoongi's POV:

I'm pacing the hallway while the doctor is checking Y/n. I just hope her, and the baby are okay. I should have made her stay away. But I know that there is no telling her what to do. Plus, the outcome may not have happened the way it did without her.

"She's not having the baby right now right?" JK asks worriedly as he walks up.

"We don't know the doctor is still checking her out." Jisung answers.

"But it's too early for the baby to come."

"We know that JK." I snap.

Silence envelopes us as we wait for the doctor to come out. About 15 minutes later the door opens. Her doctor walks out. We all hurry towards her.

"How is she?"

"Yoongi, Y/n was in early labor. We were able to stop it for now. She is going to have to stay here for a couple of days and then she will be on strict bedrest."

"So, what happens if labor happens again, and you can't stop it. She's only 20 weeks."

She sighs, "She would deliver the baby and he wouldn't survive."

"You wouldn't be able to save him?" JK asks.

"No, we haven't hit the where the baby would be viable outside of the womb."

"Can we see her?"

She looks at the four of us standing in front of her, "I think it should just be Yoongi right now."

I look at them, "I will update you guys later."

"Well wait out here." Jisung says.

"Y/n isn't going to like that you guys are staying here versus going home."

"I know but the rest of the guys are going to be here soon. Hyunjin won't leave until he sees her anyways."

I nod my head and then walk into my wife's hospital room. She's laying on her side facing the door. Sleeping.

When I get up to the side of the bed, I gently move some hair out of her face. She stirs and then her eyes pop open.



"The baby..."

"Shh...I know. You two are okay. You are going to get some rest and then you aren't leaving our room until he's born."

She laughs, "What if I have to pee?"

"We have an attached bathroom."

"I have to work."

"Nope. We will get it figured out. The doctor said you are going to be on strict bed rest."


"No buts. You can work from home. I will get everything you need in our room, but you aren't getting out of bed."

She rolls her eyes.


It's been a three weeks since Y/n's bed rest has started. I slump down on the couch in the living room. If she's not being a pain in the ass by trying to do things on her own she's being a pain in the ass by being extra bossy.

"Mrs. Boss giving you a hard time?" JK asks with a laugh.

I glare at him, "Since you're here you can go help her."

"She's not that bad."

"Maybe not to you."

"Well, both of you are bossy and stubborn."

"I'm starting to think that maybe I shouldn't have ripped up that contract."

"What was on the contract?"

"I would be running the company on my own."

"What would Y/n being doing?"

"Just running Vex Tech as she has for years."

"So, you made it that the two of you are running it?"

"Yeah that is the new contract we signed."

"Well, I will go deal with boss lady while you relax."

I chuckle as he bounds up the stairs. I decide to just put the TV on for noise and lay down. I haven't been sleeping well. Every time Y/n moves in her sleep makes me nervous.

Ever since the doctor said that she could go into early labor again if we aren't careful it's made me so anxious. At least now we are at the point that if our son is born he would have a chance to survive. Of course, we want him to come when it's safe for him to be born.

Y/n's POV:

Yoongi is taking me out to dinner tonight. He got the okay from the doctor. It's a new restaurant that has opened up in town. We pull up and the parking lot is empty.

"Why is it empty? It should be packed."

"Because your husband is awesome. I rented the whole restaurant out for us. The doctor said no stress."

I roll my eyes, "I don't think that's exactly what she meant."

He shrugs his shoulders, and he escorts me into the restaurant. We get set at one of the many empty tables. Thank god it's a booth, nice and comfy.

We order our food and then we are left alone. I look around the restaurant. It's very romantic. I can see why proposals have been happening here.

"It is a pretty romantic in here."

"So, you like it?"

"You know I do. I told you this the other day."

He chuckles, "You have told me this every week."

"Thank you for taking me out tonight."

"I know you have been getting bored being cooped up in the house. I figured I should try to take you out once before you have our son."

"Well, it's only right. I am making a mini you right now."

He laughs, "Or he could come out looking like you."

I shrug. Our food comes out and we dig in. Once we finish our meal, I notice Yoongi's demeanor change.

"What is it?" I ask him.

He shakes his head, "Nothing."

"Okay. I know something is up."

He laughs, "Well, at least we know our kids will never be able to get anything past you."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"I was just thinking how I wanted to do this." He gets up from the table and then kneels down in front of me.

"I can't imagine my life without you. I have lived without you, and I never want to do that again, ever. I know we have started out completely unconventional and that legally we are already married but I wanted to ask you this anyways. Y/n will you marry me not because of an arrangement but because you love me, and I love you?"

"Yes, I will marry you."

He leans up a little as I lean down and our lips lock. When he pulls back, "Okay. Now I'm really glad you rented this out."

"What embarrassed to be seen with me?" He winks.

"No, It's just nice to have this as a private moment. Plus, people would have given us some weird looks with that speech."

He laughs, "Well, I would have worded things differently."

"I liked it."


He stands back up and holds out his hand to me, "Ice cream, pjs, movie and couch?"

"A perfect end to a date."

Yoongi's POV:

Y/n and I are driving home after going out to dinner. I had gotten the all clear to take her out tonight from the doctor. It's been months of Y/n being cooped up in the penthouse. She is now 34 weeks pregnant.

I wanted to ask Y/n to marry me for real this time. Our marriage may have started out as an arrangement, but it turned into the best thing in my life. A lot has happened over the year and thinking back to that night in my club. I never would have guessed that we would have wound up here.

We are about to be parents. Y/n said she wanted to wait to do a vow renewal after the baby was born. She did agree that we needed a little vacation so we will be taking a mini honeymoon.

"I didn't think we were supposed to get this much rain." She says while looking out the window.

"It really is coming down pretty hard."

We pull up to a stop light, "So we should probably talk about baby names." She says while rubbing a hand on her swollen belly. I put my hand on her stomach and feel our son kick me.

"I will never get over that."


"Feeling our son kick."

"It's a crazy feeling."

"I can only imagine what it feels like for you."

"I love it except when he kicks my bladder."

I laugh. The light changes to green and I start to drive forward. I see head lights getting closer and I look over towards Y/n.


The next thing I know someone is yelling at me and shinning a light in my eyes.

"Sir, are you alright? Are you hurt?"

"What happened?"

"You were in a car accident."

I snap out of my daze and look around for Y/n. She's not in the passenger seat.

"My wife. Where's my wife? She's pregnant."

"An ambulance took her to the hospital."

I try to unbuckle my seat belt.

"Sir you need to relax. We have to make sure you aren't seriously hurt."

"I need to get to my wife."

"I understand that sir. Let us take care of you so you can get to your wife safely."

I reluctantly settle back in the seat. They get me out of the car and then into the ambulance. My mind is racing the entire time on the way to the hospital.

As I'm getting checked out in the ER, I keep asking about Y/n, but no one is telling me anything. Where the fuck is my wife?

I finally find my phone and text Zio and the boys.

Me: Zio, I need you to come to the hospital.

Zio: Is Y/n having the baby.

Me: I don't know.

Zio: What the hell do you mean you don't know?

Me: We were in a car accident. She was brought her before I even woke up. I don't know where she is, and no one is telling me shit.

Zio: I will be right there.

Me: Thank you.

Then I text the boys in the group text.

Me: Hospital now.

10 minutes later I hear Zio's voice ring out.

"Where the fuck is my sister?"

"Sir I need you to calm down."

"I will calm down when you tell me where my sister is and why no one has told my brother in-law anything!"

"Please follow me."

The door opens and Zio walks in with the doctor. The doctor closes the door.

"So, tell us what is going on." Zio demands.

"Your wife came in before you. She was in pretty bad shape. The other car struck her side of the car. She is up in surgery."

"What about the baby?" I ask.

"They were going to perform an emergency c-section."

"Fuck." I take a deep breath. I need to get out of here, "Can I go?"

"You don't have anything broken and we didn't find anything on the other scans. You had a concussion but as long as you have him with you, yes you may go."

"Then get me discharged. I need to get to my wife."

The doctor nods his head and leaves the room.

"I brought you clothes."

"Thank you."

I go to the bathroom and wash myself up and change in to the clothes Zio brought me.


We get directed to the surgery waiting room. Zio and I pace the floor waiting to hear anything about Y/n. All of our men show up and take seats in the waiting room. I stop and stare out the window. I hear footsteps and see Zio standing next to me.

"What did she say?"

"That someone will come talk to us soon."

A few moments later the doors open, and a surgeon walks out.

"Are you Y/n's husband?"

"I am."

"We were able to deliver the baby safely."

"Can I see them?"

"Your son was taken up to the NICU and your wife is still in surgery."

"Are they going to be okay?"

"They are both in critical condition."

"Yoongi why don't you go see your son. We will stay down here and wait to hear more about Y/n." JK says.

"Can I go up and see him?"

He nods, "I will have a nurse take you up there."

The nurse takes me up to the NICU. Once inside I'm instructed to wash my hands and arms thoroughly. All jewelry must be removed.

I walk into a room that they call a nursery. There are other parents and premature babies in here too. I hold back a gasp as I see the state of my little boy. Tubes and wires are all over him. I feel a tear running down my check.

I get handed a Kleenex and wipe the tears away.

"He's stable right now. If you want you can touch him."

"I don't want to mess anything up."

The nurse smiles at me, "If you touch him like this you won't mess anything up." She shows me where to put my hands.

I smile as I touch my son, "He's so tiny."

"He is tinier than a full-term newborn but he's pretty big for a 34-week gestation baby."

"How long will he have to have the tubes and everything."

"That's just dependent on him. He's a little fighter."

I smile down at him, "Just like his momma."

After a while a nurse walks up to me, "You have a phone call."

Following her out I get handed a phone.


"Yoongi. I tried your phone."

"Sorry JK, I couldn't take my phone out up here."

"Y/n is in a room now. You should probably come down here."

"Is she awake?"

"It's better if you just come down here."

I hang up the phone, "Can I come back up later?"

"Of course."


I go to the floor that JK had texted me that Y/n will be on. It's the ICU. I find them in the waiting room.

"So, what's going on?"

"I think you just need to see her." Zio says sadly.

He leads me down the hall of the ICU and opens the door for her room. I want to fall on my knees. It's like walking in and seeing my son in the NICU. I walk up to her bed and shakily take her hand.

Gently I lean up and kiss her forehead, "Oh, baby."

Zio had pulled up a chair for me to sit next to her. I refuse to let go of her hand.

"So, what is wrong with my wife?"

"She hand some internal bleeding that they had to stop but couldn't get to until they got the baby out."

"Is she going to be okay?"

He stays quiet.


"She lost a lot of blood. The doctors say its 50/50 right now."

I squeeze her hand, "She's a fighter. She will make it."

"How is the baby?"

I bite my lip and take a deep breath, "He's on a ventilator too."


"He's a fighter though."

"He is half shin after all."

"I can't lose her." I whisper.

"You won't."

"I don't know what I would do. How would I be able to raise our son without her?"

"You won't have to but if that would be the case. You have all of us here."

I chuckle, "A bunch of men raising a baby."

"Hey, I think between all of us we'd be able to figure it out."

I laugh, "Maybe."

"Did you have a name picked out?"

"No, we were just talking about that just before the accident."

"How are you feeling by the way?"

"I'm fine. Barely hurt. Which makes me more upset. It should be me. Neither one of them should be in the hospital like this."

"It wasn't your fault. It is the fault of the driver that ran the red light."

"How do you know?"

"Jin made sure to have his best guys work the scene."


"Are you sure you are okay?"

"I'm just tired."

"There is a couch over there. Why don't you get some sleep? I will stay awake next to Y/n."

I shake my head, "No, I should go up to be with our son."

He puts his hand on my shoulder, "You won't do them any good if you run yourself into the ground. Don't be like my sister."

I chuckle, "Promise to wake me if anything changes."

"I promise."


It's been a couple of weeks, and I can take little man home, but I have to name him first. I'm sitting in Y/n's room before I go up to get him and take him home. I want to stay here with Y/n, but I don't want to leave my son at home with anyone. Y/n's hospital room isn't a good place to bring him to stay until she wakes up.

So, I have decided that I will come visit her every day but go home at night to be with him. I will spend some time during the day with him too.

"I really wish you were awake so you could tell me what we should name our son. He's a fighter. I finally get to take him home."

"I know what you should name him." Zio calls out from behind me.

"What should I name him?"


I turn and look at him wide eyed, "Why?"

He smiles as he looks at his sister while he walks closer to her, "Because it's the name of her first love. The one person that made her smile after years of never seeing it." He turns his head too look at me, "You had breathed a new life into her. It's only fitting that your son be named after you, well in a sense."

"And you think your sister would like that?"

"I think she would."

"If those kids could see us now."

He puts a hand on my shoulder, "They would be happy and proud."

"I hope she wakes up soon."

"She will."

I look at my watch, "I need to go get him and take him home."

"I'll stay with her tonight."

"Thank you."

"Just take good care of my little nephew."


"Oh, that is disgusting." JK says.

"It's just poop."

"But you have to wipe him up."

I roll my eyes as I change Cody's diaper for the 10th time.

"I didn't realize babies could poop so much." Jimin says.

Once I have him swaddled, Namjoon hands me a bottle and I feed Cody.

"You look like such a proper dad." Jimin laughs.

I roll my eyes.

"How was Y/n today?" Hyunjin asks.

"The same. I keep hoping that she will just wake up every time I walk in to the room."

"What do the doctors say?"

"That she will when her body is ready."

"Well, that isn't helpful." JK grumbles.

Everyone hums in agreement. Once Cody is done eating I burp him and lay him in his bassinet I have set up in the living room. JK and Jimin start goofing around.

"Keep it down. I swear if you wake up the baby I will lose my shit."

Y/n's POV:

My eye lids feel so heavy. I want to open my eyes, but I can't. I hear some muddled words, but I can't make out who is talking.

"I think she is trying to wake up."

"Let's turn the sedation down."

I keep trying to open my eyes and eventually I can open them some. I look at my surroundings. I lock eyes with Zio. He has tears welling up in the corners of his eyes.

"Hey." He whispers.

I try to talk but I can't. There is something in my mouth. I start to panic. I try to move my arms, but they are tied down. My panic gets worse, and I look at my brother pleadingly.

He pets my head, "Relax Y/n. You are in the hospital. There is a tube down your throat. It's been helping you breath. Just breath."

I take slow breaths and feel myself calming down, "That's it. I'm going to ask you some yes or no questions. Blink once for yes and twice for no. Are you ready?"

I blink once.

"Do you remember what happened?"

I blink twice.

"You were in a car accident."

I can feel my panic rising again, "Relax. Breathe. Your son is fine. He's at home with Yoongi."

I give him a questioning look.

"The doctors had to perform an emergency c-section so they could get to where you were bleeding out from. Do you understand?"

I blink once.

"The doctor and nurse are going to explain somethings to you. But I will be right here." He squeezes my hand.

The doctor steps into my line of sight, "I am just going to check a few things."

He checks my eyes with a light and then has me wiggle my feet and squeeze his hand with mine. Then he asks me to lift my head off the pillow and I do.

"Okay, before we take that tube out we are going to make sure that you can breathe on your own with minimal help from the ventilator. Okay?"

I blink once.


Finally, that damn tube is out of my throat, "So where is my son and husband?"

Zio laughs, "At home. Yoongi is about to leave to come see you."

"He knows I'm awake."

"He does."

After a little while there is a light knock on the door and Yoongi walks in.

"Thank fuck you are finally awake."

I chuckle and he makes a beeline for me. He sits on the edge of my bed and pulls me into a hug.

"I'm so glad you are finally awake."

"How long was I out for?"

"A month."


"It's been a long and stressful month."

"How has our son been treating you?"

"Well, I was finally able to bring him home last week."

"He was born so early."

He nods his head, "He's a fighter though.

"Do you have pictures?"

He smiles and pulls out his phone, "Of course I do."

He pulls up the photos and hands me his phone. I scroll the pictures.

"He's perfect." I murmur.

"He is. Looks like you."

"Acts like her too."

I glare at my brother.

"That look right there is the same look he gives me."

"Probably because he thinks your dumb."

I turn my attention back to Yoongi's phone.

"What did you name him?"


My head snaps up and I smile, "It's perfect."

"That's what I told him. I told you him you would love it."

I nod my head and then stare at pictures of our son, "I can't wait to hold him."

"I might be able to sneak him in here." Zio says.

"I'm going to be here longer aren't I?"

"Until the doctors say otherwise." Yoongi answers.

I sigh. Yoongi pets my hair, "It has to be safe for you to be discharged."

"I'm going to go get little man for you. I will be back."

Zio leaves the room and it's just Yoongi and I. He keeps staring at me.


"I just was starting to feel that I would never see you awake again. I felt like I was going to lose you." He pulls me into a hug.

After me asking questions and getting caught up on everything. I let out a yawn. Yoongi laughs and then lays down on my bed. He pulls me with him, and my head settles on his chest.

"Why don't you get some sleep before our son gets here."

I nod my head and start to nod off as he plays with my hair. He kisses the top of my head and I hear him whisper.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


I wake up to someone knocking on the door. I open my eyes in time to see Zio walking into the room. In his hand is the baby car seat we had bought for the baby. I sit up in bed and Yoongi stirs awake.

"Sorry to wake you. Yoongi should have told me. I would have waited to come back."

I shake my head no, "No, I wanted to see him. Bring him here."

My brother chuckles and puts the car seat down on the bed facing me. There I see such a cute sleeping face of my son. I'm about to touch him but look at my hands.

"Hand sanitizer please."

Yoongi hands me some. I quickly use it and then touch his face with my pointer finger.

"He's so precious."

Yoongi laughs, "Wait until you hold him."

Zio moves to get him out.

"No, don't wake him. You're not supposed to wake a sleeping baby."

"He's been sleeping long enough. He should wake up hungry soon anyways. Just hold your son Y/n." Zio says.

Zio gets Cody out of the car seat and hands him to me. I can feel my heart melting as he snuggles into me.

"He's missed his momma."

I cradle his head with my right hand and gently rub my thumb over his chubby little cheek.

"He's perfect."

"That's what I said."

Yoongi wraps his arm around my waist, and I lean back into him. There is a camera flash and I look up to see Zio standing at the foot of my bed with his phone camera aimed at us.

"Sorry. I had to capture this first family moment."

"Thank you."

I turn my attention back to my sleeping son. After a while he starts getting fussy. It makes me panic a little. Yoongi chuckles.

"It's okay. He's just hungry. Here." He hands me a bottle and then I start feeding him.

Cody settles right down. I sigh in content. Not how I wanted this all to happen but I'm glad that my son is here and that I'm okay. Now Yoongi and I can start the rest of our lives without my father hanging over our heads.

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