COTE: Ayanokouji's Return

By tobi7th

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Description: Ayanokouji Kiyotaka spent his entire childhood in the White Room. Thanks to his extraordinary ac... More

Author's Notes
Chapter 1 - First Acquaintances
Chapter 2 - Bus Trouble
Chapter 3 - A Tattoo
Chapter 4 - The Chairman
Chapter 5 - S-System
Chapter 6 - Nagumo
Chapter 7 - Student Council
Chapter 8 - A Shoplifter
Chapter 9 - WinterDrop
Chapter 10 - A Ghost
Chapter 11 - The Professor
Chapter 12 - Horikita
Chapter 13 - A Bet
Chapter 14 - Fuka
Chapter 15 - The Affairs Of Class A
Chapter 16 - Henry Forger
Chapter 17 - Kiryuin Family's Circumstances
Chapter 18 - Disturbances During Lunch Break
Chapter 19 - Visit In Class A
Chapter 20 - Vice-President Ayanokouji
Chapter 21 - Mutual Benefits
Chapter 23 - Food Trap
Chapter 24 - An Ally
Chapter 25 - Matsushita's suspicion
Chapter 26 - Sakayanagi
Chapter 27 - Birthday Party
Chapter 28 - The Interviews
Chapter 29 - Pool Accident
Chapter 30 - Lap Pillow
Chapter 31 - 1st May
Chapter 32 - Study Group
Chapter 33 - A Pawn

Chapter 22 - Ryuuen

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By tobi7th

Kiyotaka's POV

Where there's a will, there's a way.

This quote was something that people would say, when they were facing a hard challenge with difficulty to accomplish it.

It's a motivation sentence with the goal of making people believe that they can achieve whatever they want as long as they will tirelessly try to do it.

I was also one of those people.

I believed that I could accomplish whatever I set myself to do.

And today, on the 4th April, this belief was put to the big challenge.

Kiyotaka: "..."

I looked at the half-dead person next to me.

This lifeless, almost unresponsive pack of flesh was named Sotomura Hideo aka Professor.

At first glance, one may say that he just came back from some kind of hell, but the truth was different.

Yesterday, we became friends after recognizing each other's value.

Because of that, I decided to become Sotomura's personal trainer, and today was his first day of training.

At 6 am, I went to Professor's room to pick him up and go to the gym together.

I didn't know what kind of challenge was waiting for me, yet.

After ringing his doorbell a few times and waiting for five minutes, there was still no response from the inside.

Then, I decided to call him.

On my second try, Professor picked up the phone.

Professor: "Please leave my order before the door..."

He said drowsily and ended the call.

That's when I understood the situation.

I have told this dumbass to go to sleep after coming back to his room, but apparently he didn't listen to me.

I put my finger on the doorbell and stayed like that.

Finally, the door opened and a zombie that looked like Professor appeared before my eyes.

Kiyotaka: "Good morning, Professor. What a lovely day to start the new chapter of your life."

I said with an innocent smile.

Professor: "Ugh... Great leader, I..."

Kiyotaka: "What? You can't wait to go to the gym? That's the spirit, Sotomura."

Professor: "..."

I went into Zombiemura's nest without saying more.

No matter how much that lifeless creature begged me, I stayed strong and after some time we finally managed to leave the dorm together.

I decided to pay for his membership at the gym as a slight token of friendship towards him.

I thought that since I managed to get Professor into the gym, the hardest part was behind me.

Little did I know about how low Sotomura's physical performance actually was.

After half an hour of training, I grasped the limit of his abilities.

The result was...

Kiyotaka: "A granny would be able to kick your ass, you know."

I expected him to be rather weak, but his level was beyond my range of expectation.

What a hopeless case he was.

Professor was speechless or rather he was so tired that he couldn't even make a comment.

His body was soaked in sweat, and he was trying to catch a breath.

Kiyotaka: "But there's no need to despair, my friend. Now that I know your limits, I will create a perfect training schedule for you."

His eyes seemed even more lifeless as if he almost gave up on his life.

Kiyotaka: "Like I said yesterday, we are going to train in this gym every day before lessons. I will make sure to pick you up like today, but I hope the next time you would be awake before I start to ring your bell."

Professor slowly raised his hand.

I thought that he wanted my attention, so I became silent, but then he started to wave slightly to no one in particular.

Professor: "Grandma... My late grandma... She is waving at me with a smile..."

I hit his head lightly.

Kiyotaka: "Stop overreacting. I am actually going easy on you. Let's get back to the dorm. I will make you some breakfast, since you probably don't have anything good to eat at your place."

Professor: "I can't, great leader... I won't make it... I'm taking a sick leave... for one week..."

Kiyotaka: "After exercising for thirty minutes?"

Professor: "Right... for two weeks..."

Kiyotaka: "..."

The road before us was going to be very challenging...


And that's how I ended up slowly walking to the school with Professor, who looked as if his soul would leave his body any second.

Despite my efforts to make him a tasty breakfast and even some lunch, he was still barely able to move around.

Fortunately, there weren't many students going to the school at such an early hour, so we didn't get much of attention.

When we finally managed to reach our classroom, only a few boys were already there.

Professor, feeling that our trip was over, threw himself at his desk with a huge sigh of relief.

Kiyotaka: "At the very least, please try to not fall asleep, okay?"

Professor: "Wu, wu... demon... no, devil..."

His antics slightly alarmed the boy, who was sitting just before him.

It was a magenta-haired boy, who up to this point wasn't particularly active or sociable among my classmates.

At least that's what I noticed during my observations of Class D.

The boy: "What happened to him?"

He asked me with some curiosity, looking at Professor.

Kiyotaka: "He started going to the gym. Today was his first day."

The boy looked surprised by my answer.

He looked again at Professor.

The boy: "Just how much did he exercise to end up like this?"

Kiyotaka: "Oh, he did some small, beginner training for half an hour."

The boy: "What?"

The boy looked astonished.

Professor: "Hell... It was hell..."

Kiyotaka: "You barely managed to do anything..."

Professor: "I thought that I was done for..."

Professor was mumbling thoughtlessly.

Kiyotaka: "Please ignore comments of this lazy bum, uhm..."

The boy: "Miyake. Miyake Akito. Nice to meet you."

Kiyotaka: "I'm Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. Nice to meet you."

Miyake: "I know you. You are newly appointed Student Council Vice-President. I was at the club fair yesterday."

Kiyotaka: "Looks like I'm going to be famous for some time."

Miyake: "Probably."

Kiyotaka: "Did you join some club, Miyake?"

Miyake: "Yes, I was in the archery club in junior high, so I decided to keep it up here."

Kiyotaka: "I see."

Miyake looked athletic, so I wasn't surprised that he joined some sport club.

Despite my first impression of him, he was actually quite friendly and talkative.

We talked for some time, while Professor was resting on his seat.

Meanwhile, our classmates started to gather in the classroom.

I could feel some curious gazes on me from time to time, especially from girls.

I guess rumors about me being Vice-President were spreading quickly.

Miyake: "Looks like your popularity really skyrocketed, Ayanokouji."

Miyake also sensed the gazes towards me and said with some tease in the voice.

Professor: "Leader is... a protagonist, after all."

Professor also added his two cents.

I sighed slightly.

Kiyotaka: "It would be good if it would end at only this level."

I could only hope that I won't be treated like the second Hirata.

Hirata: "Everyone, good morning."

Speak of the devil...

Hirata came to the classroom with a bright smile and a few girls, including Matsushita, Satou and the blonde pony girl.

After looking around, he spotted me and started walking towards me alongside the blonde girl.

Matsushita also spotted me and smiled beautifully, while waving slightly to me.

Noticing that Hirata was going in my direction, she followed him, which made Satou and the other girls follow as well.

Here comes some challengers...

Hirata: "Good morning, Ayanokouji-kun, Miyake-kun, Sotomura-kun."

Despite me being his main goal, Hirata greeted my companions as well.

What a nice guy.

Professor, seeing that a bunch of girls and Hirata approached us, quickly sat straight.

Miyake greeted the group and slightly stepped back, as if giving us some space to talk.

Was he trying to read the room, or did he not want to talk with Hirata?

Kiyotaka: "Good morning."

Matsushita: "Good morning, Ayanokouji-kun. Congratulations on becoming Student Council Vice-President."

Kiyotaka: "Thank you, Matsushita."

Hirata: "Congratulations, Ayanokouji-kun. It's the great news."

The pony girl: "It's more like it's the surprising news, Hirata-kun."

Hirata: "Karuizawa-san, that's kinda..."

Kiyotaka: "I agree. I was also surprised by the President's appointment."

I looked at the pony girl and the other two girls, which names I didn't know.

Kiyotaka: "We didn't have an opportunity to introduce to each other. I'm Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. Nice to meet you."

The pony girl: "Karuizawa Kei. Nice to meet you."

The girl#1: "Mori Nene."

The girl#2: "Shinohara Satsuki."

Satou: "We already meet with Ayanokouji-kun, right, Matsushita-san~?"

Matsushita: "Satou-san, please stop teasing me."

Shinohara: "Now that I think about it, yesterday Matsushita-san went alone to buy a juice and came back with Ayanokouji-kun."

Matsushita: "I told you that I was thirsty. I met Ayanokouji-kun by coincidence."

Satou: "How suspicious~"

Kiyotaka: "That's true. I was going back to the classroom from the cafeteria and met Matsushita by chance."

Matsushita: "See?"

Karuizawa: "But I heard that Ayanokouji-kun went to the cafeteria with some platinum-haired girl. And they were actually quite intimate with each other. Is that your girlfriend, Ayanokouji-kun?"

Hirata: "Karuizawa-san, that's Ayanokouji-kun's private matters. I don't think there's a need to question him like that."

Karuizawa: "Ehh? Why not? It's not that big deal."

Karuizawa looked at me, waiting for my answer.

The other girls seemed interested as well.

Hirata made a troubled expression.

He probably didn't expect the conversation would quickly go into such direction.

Miyake looked at me as well, but with the sympathetic look.

He was also a nice guy.

Professor was the calmest one, since he knew the truth.

At last, he finally didn't look like a corpse.

To be honest, I was expecting that someone would ask me some questions, especially since many people saw Fuka coming to our class to pick me up.

But Karuizawa asked in such blatant manner that I was kinda speechless.

Was it because she was actually interested in me?

Or did she ask to clarify things out for the other girls?

Or maybe she was just that kind of person?

Whichever was it, my answer to her question wouldn't change.

Kiyotaka: "We are just friends. Fuka is not my woman."


Karuizawa: "Ehh? Is that true? People were having a different impression of you two, though."

Kiyotaka: "I don't have any girlfriend right now. I already told Matsushita the same thing yesterday."

The girls looked instantaneously at Matsushita.

Karuizawa: "Is that so?"

Matsushita: "T-That's true."

Satou: "Heh... Matsushita-san, you sure work fast."

Matsushita: "That's not it. It just... came out with the conversation."

So Matsushita didn't tell anyone that I asked her out for a lunch.

That was kinda troublesome.

I wanted to make class D students be aware of the free lunches at the cafeteria and ponder about the meaning of it, but saying openly right now that I asked her out for some investigation would just give me even more attention.

And I had more than enough attention at the moment.

I needed to take it easily for now.

Hirata: "Anyway, I was wondering if you would like to have lunch with us today. We didn't have an opportunity to get to know each other, since you were absent on the first day."

Here goes the question that I was expecting for him to say.

Although Hirata was the one, who was asking, all the girls, even Karuizawa, looked at me with some expectations.


This is something that I wanted to avoid the most.

If I join that group, the girls would start to treat me like Hirata.

I wanted to hold a positive image of myself in front of everyone, but not at the cost of such burden.

I wasn't looking for something like that.

Fortunately, today I had an excuse for such a case.

Kiyotaka: "I'm sorry, Hirata. I have some Student Council's work to do during the lunch break, so I can't join you."

Thanks, Ryuuen.

Hirata: "Is that so?"

Hirata looked disappointed.

Karuizawa: "Ehh... They are already giving you some jobs to do? You can just do your work after the classes, can't you?"

What a troublesome girl...

Kiyotaka: "Unfortunately, I can't. I need to go to Student Council's room after the classes."

Karuizawa: "More work? That sounds so troublesome. Being Vice-President sucks."

Hirata: "Karuizawa-san, Ayanokouji-kun has many responsibilities right now. We can't expect him to just leave everything to join us."

I must say that Hirata was doing a great job at being my lawyer.

Karuizawa looked annoyed, but she didn't say anything more.

Hirata: "Today's too bad, but I hope you could find some time to join us some day."

Kiyotaka: "Of course."

After small chat, Hirata and his group left to their seat.

Looks like I let them down, but I wasn't going to give in to their expectations and become second Hirata.

Professor: "Hirata-dono seems like a really nice guy."

Miyake: "True. I spoke once to him, and he was giving me a nice kind of vibe."

Professor: "Because of that, many girls swarm towards him. Leader, you can't lose to him!"

Kiyotaka: "Don't be stupid. I don't like this kind of attention. It's just burdensome."

Miyake: "Leader?"

Kiyotaka: "Professor started to call me that after I became his personal trainer. Right?"

Professor: "Y-Yeah."

Miyake: "I see. Are you interested in becoming some sports trainer, Ayanokouji?"

Kiyotaka: "No, it's just for that lazy bum here. But if you want, you can always join us, Miyake."

Miyake: "Maybe. I will think about it."

Soon after, Miyake came back to his seat and Professor started to read some manga he apparently missed because of our early gym visit.

The more and more students were coming to the classroom.

Kushida: "Everyone, good morning!"

With the same energy as Hirata, Kushida Kikyo entered our classroom.

And just the same as Hirata, Kushida, after spotting me, decided to walk towards me with a bright smile.

Here comes the next challenger...

At least she didn't bring the entire team like Hirata.

But since most of our classmates were already present, the stares that I was getting were much more intense, especially from boys, but also unexpectedly from Karuizawa.

Kushida: "Good morning, Ayanokouji-kun."

Kiyotaka: "Good morning, Kushida."

Kushida: "Congratulations on becoming Student Council Vice-President. Everyone was so surprised at the club fair."

Kiyotaka: "Thank you, Kushida. Well, it just happened."

Kushida: "From the class ghost to Vice-President. Looks like Ayanokouji-kun's full of surprises."

Kiyotaka: "I was grinding levels like crazy."

Kushida: "Hehe, you are funny, Ayanokouji-kun. I didn't know that you were aspiring for Vice-President position. Were you also in Student Council in your junior high school?"

Kiyotaka: "No, I was living a peaceful life in the past three years."

Kushida: "Is that so? Then good luck, Ayanokouji-kun. That President seems to be a really strict and serious person."

Kiyotaka: "True, Horikita-senpai seems to be such a person. But don't worry, he is actually a good guy."

Kushida: "Eh? Are you in good terms with President, Ayanokouji-kun? Did you two perhaps know each other from before?"


For a split of second I got some bizarre vibe from Kushida.

Now that I think about it, she seemed to know Suzune, so she probably should also know her brother.

Was Kushida actually trying to dig some information from me?


Kiyotaka: "If I wasn't in good terms with Horikita-senpai, he wouldn't appoint me as his successor, right?"

After all, I was his future brother-in-law. 

Self-proclaimed, but still.

Kiyotaka: "As for whatever we knew each other from before, it's actually a se-cre-t."

Once again, for a slightly longer time than before, I felt something different from Kushida's gaze.

It was a cold feeling, kinda like bloodlust.

To think I would feel something like that from this cute girl.

I already told her that I didn't know Suzune, yet the news that I knew Suzune's brother triggered a subconscious reaction from Kushida.

Maybe it's not about the younger Horikita, but the older one?

That's one of the possibilities.

From what I just felt, it's definitely not something good.

Truly interesting.

Kushida: "Haha, how mysterious, Ayanokouji-kun."

Despite the feeling I got, Kushida was smiling sweetly at me.

If that was a facade, then this girl was seriously impressive.

Kushida left me soon, walking towards her friends, who seemed really eager to interrogate her.

I guess every female that would speak to me would get this treatment for a while.

I looked through the window to not make some unnecessary eye contact.

There was still one person that I needed to talk with.

The lesson was going to start soon, when I felt the presence of the girl that I was waiting for.

Of course, she also noticed me, but pretended not to see and sat nonchalantly on the seat next to me.

Kiyotaka: "Good morning, Su-zu-ne."

Suzune: "..."

Kiyotaka: "Oh, could it be that you are actually nervous and don't know what to say to me? Don't worry, Suzune. In my heart you will always be that cute scaredy-cat that..."

Suzune: "Good morning, Ayanokouji-kun."

Kiyotaka: "Oh my, to think you are so nervous that your reactions become so slow. How cute."

Suzune: "..."

Kiyotaka: "But there's one thing that you should correct even if you are so nervous, Suzune."

Suzune: "Ayanokouji-kun, you..."

Kiyotaka: "It's Ki-yo-ta-ka-kun now, right?"

Suzune: "..."

Kiyotaka: "Ki-yo-ta-ka-kun."

Suzune: "..."

Kiyotaka: "But you can also call me Kiyo-kun or Taka-kun. I wouldn't mind, Suzune."

Suzune's face turned dangerously dark.

I could see a vein pulsating on her forehead.

She looked like an active volcano about to erupt and destroy everything around.

But I wasn't even one bit worried of that.

Kiyotaka: "By the way, your brother sends you his regards."

Suzune's body shook violently.

She was about to erupt, yet because of my last sentence, she was caught off the guard and swallowed her words instantaneously.

She was looking grudgingly at me, wishing to burn me to crisp.

Kiyotaka: "Should I send your regards to him as well?"

Suzune: "My brother wouldn't do something like."

Kiyotaka: "Yes. Just like he wouldn't make me Vice-President. My Suzune knows her brother best."

Suzune: "Shut up."

Kiyotaka: "..."

There was silence between us.

We only stared at each other for a moment.

Suzune: "What did you do?"

Kiyotaka: "Hm?"

Suzune: "What did you do to make my brother appoint you?"

Kiyotaka: "Are you interested?"

Suzune: "I can't think of any reason for my brother to appoint you normally, so you must have done something."

Kiyotaka: "Are you saying that I threatened your brother or something?"

Suzune: "No. My brother isn't someone, who could be threatened by a scum like you."

This girl should get a reality slap some day.

Kiyotaka: "How harsh. I want to cry."

Suzune: "Enough of your nonsense. Tell me what did you do."

Kiyotaka: "Nothing. Your brother appointed me because of his own judgement."

Suzune: "That's a lie."

Kiyotaka: "No matter how much you deny it, it's the truth."

Suzune: "If you won't tell me the reason, I'm calling our bet out."

Kiyotaka: "You can't call the bet out just because you can't accept your lost."

Suzune: "If you don't tell me how you did it, then I won't acknowledge this result."

Kiyotaka: "I was just the perfect guy for the job, and your brother noticed that fact. Accept your lost with dignity and let's go on a date this weekend."

Suzune: "Since you are going to speak lies, then I refuse."

Kiyotaka: "You are going to go back on your word? How shameless, Suzune. I'm sad. So sad that I would probably weep in Student Council's room later on, lamenting in front of your brother how cruel you are."

Suzune: "If you dare to speak about it to my brother, I will never let you off, Ayanokouji-kun."

Kiyotaka: "Oh my, Suzune. Just when did you conclude that your brother wasn't aware of our bet?"

Suzune: "What?!"

Kiyotaka: "Didn't I say earlier that I have your brother's blessing? When I told him about our bet, he happily agreed to make me Vice-President. He sure was cooperative. We hit off so well that he even made me a coffee during our talk. Although he didn't seem like the guy, who would do it often, he can make a really delicious coffee, Suzune. But I'm sure you are already aware of that, right?"

Suzune looked at me as if I was an alien.

The shock was painted on her face.

Suzune: "B-Brother did... No, impossible... You must be lying... You are lying!"

Kiyotaka: "Lying about this, lying about that... What a troublesome girl. But it's easy to show you the truth."

I took my phone.

Yesterday I managed to obtain phone numbers of Horikita-senpai and Asahina-senpai.

I wrote Suzune's brother a small message.

[Kiyotaka]: Good morning, President! I would like to thank you again for appointing me as Vice-President. I am really thankful for helping me out like that.

After half a minute, I got a reply from him.

[Manabu]: Good morning, Ayanokouji. I hope you will work hard for the Student Council's sake. We have a meeting after the classes. Don't be late.

This person was so serious.

[Kiyotaka]: I won't, don't worry. By the way, would mind telling me where did you buy the coffee that you made for me yesterday? It was delicious. You should consider becoming a barista in the future.

[Manabu]: Tachibana can tell you the address at the Council's meeting. It was nothing much, so don't overreact like that.

I showed Suzune my phone with a winning smile.

Kiyotaka: "See that? Your brother was the one, who made me Vice-President. I have his approval, Suzune. Do you think he would make a coffee for someone he dislikes?"

Suzune looked at my phone with utter disbelief.

Her lips were opening and closing again and again, like a fish.

No matter how much she wanted to reject the reality, she couldn't find appropriate words to do it.

Now that the possibility that my claims may be true entered her head, she couldn't stubbornly deny it without a good reason.

Because if my words were true, denying them anymore would be like denying her brother's will.

The stubborn princess was trembling slightly, probably wondering what to do.


Just as I suspected, using her brother against her was the most effective way to make her give in.

I decided to give her the last push.

Kiyotaka:"Apparently, the disputes between students in this school could be solved through Student Council. If you want to call the bet off, then I can give you the phone number to your brother. Here."

Once again, I showed Suzune my phone with Horikita Manabu's phone number on it.

She didn't move an inch to get it.

She was absent-minded, as if she was experiencing a breakdown.

I took away my phone.

At the same time, the door to the classroom opened and Sae came.

Sae: "Take your seats. We are starting the class."

The timing was about right.

Pushing Suzune more could be counterproductive.

I let her slowly accept the facts.

Even if Suzune would learn the truth, there was no reason to call the bet off.

After all, I didn't do anything wrong or illegal to get that position and the older Horikita literally told me to do whatever I want with his sister, so he couldn't really complain.

Sae: "Before I start, I would like to congratulate you, Ayanokouji. It's the first time in the history of the school that the freshman would be appointed as Vice-President so fast. Not even the current Student Council President, who is also considered the best in the history of this school, managed to obtain this position so fast. Congratulations."

To my surprise, Sae decided to congratulate me in front of the entire class.

Although she probably was pleasantly surprised, when she heard about this news, I was sure that currently it wasn't just about that.

She concluded that I was appointed because Horikita-senpai knew about the fact that I figured out S-System on the first day.

She was trying to bring the entire class attention to me and my abilities by pointing out how incredible it was for even a teacher like her.

Her eyes were telling me a simple message - move your ass and start to manage this class, you bastard!

How sly, Sae-chan.

But it's futile.

I wasn't someone to give in to the pressure of society.

Kiyotaka: "Thank you, Chabashira-sensei. I just got lucky to catch the attention of President."

I decided to play low-key for now.

The class was observing me closely.

Most of the girls were looking at me with smiles.

But that just made half of the boys to start glaring at me.

Sae's vision was trying to freeze me to my death.

Knowing that this woman was practically boiling inside was really conforming.

I was almost sure that she was treating the school competition a little too personal for a teacher.

If my assumption was right, then there's a room for some fruitful cooperation in the future.

But for now, I was happy from the other positive factor of that announcement.

Suzune's face turned even more pale after hearing that I was actually better than her brother.

She was trying to compose herself, but she couldn't hide her confusion.

She didn't dare to look at me.

That state continued to the lunch break.

I was eager to tease her some more, but I had a more urgent matter to solve.

Professor: "Are you sure you want to go there, leader?"

Professor turned around to face me.

Kiyotaka: "Don't worry. It's just a small visit."

I felt kind of sorry for making him worry, when I wasn't worried at all.

I stood up and walked towards the door.

Suzune straightened her posture, when I was passing her, but I just smiled at her.

Some of the people were watching me leave, including Hirata, Kushida and the others, who tried to invite me earlier.

I closed the door of the classroom and directed my steps towards the classroom of Class C.

Nishino Takeko's POV

The bell announcing the lunch break rang loudly.

The teacher quickly left our classroom, leaving us alone.

Normally, it was the time, when students would start to form some groups to go to cafeteria or unpack their own lunch, but our class wasn't like that.

Everyone stayed in their seat in silence.

Over half of my classmates were looking nervously at the magenta-haired boy responsible for that strange atmosphere.

Ryuuen Kakeru.

A self-proclaimed leader of our class, who started to threaten anyone, who would oppose his decisions.

The start of the lunch break was his time to speak to the entire class.

But more than speaking, he was rather provoking anyone, who wouldn't tolerate his way of doing things.

It was apparent in the past few days.

Our class was constantly harassed by Ryuuen-kun.

He didn't care whether it was a boy or a girl.

When someone wasn't listening to his orders, then he was starting to use violence against that person.

It was apparent, when he almost punched Ibuki for talking back to him or when he attacked Ishizaki-kun.

Even Yamada-kun, who was physically stronger than him, couldn't do anything to contain Ryuuen-kun's unlimited violence because of his peaceful nature.

In the end, in just a few days, the entire class became fearful of Ryuuen-kun and his antics.

The result of that was the current silence in the classroom.

I also stayed silent, but my reason was different from the others.

Because I knew who Ryuuen Kakeru was even before we became classmates.

And I hoped he wouldn't notice who I was.

Luckily, we never really met face to face before, so for now I should be safe.

I thought that maybe the school would punish Ryuuen-kun or even expel him, but after my talk with Sakagami-sensei, my wishes were cruelly crushed by the reality.

I decided to live my life here quietly, out of Ryuuen-kun's vision, hoping that things wouldn't get troublesome.

Ryuuen-kun silently stood up from his seat, then he walked towards the teacher's podium.

It was his throne, from where he was overlooking the entire class.

Ryuuen: "Looks like no one is missing today. Good, good. You guys are finally starting to have some brain cells, kukuku."

Ryuuen laughed, totally looking down on us.

Ibuki: "What did you say?!"

Ibuki shouted, looking really irritated.

She was one of the few people in this classroom, who were openly stating their dissatisfaction to Ryuuen-kun.

Even that moment, when Ryuuen-kun almost punched her face, didn't make her succumb to his tyranny.

She had guts, but she didn't have appropriate qualities to change the situation.

If there was something this class was definitely lacking, then it was a leader.

Someone good enough to oppose Ryuuen-kun and make the others follow him in that.

Because no one was up to the job, Ryuuen-kun took the throne forcefully.

Ryuuen: "What's wrong, Ibuki? That was a compliment. If you didn't understand it, then come to my room tonight. I will explain it to you thoroughly."

Not only Ibuki, but also the rest of the girls, looked at Ryuuen with disgust.

Despite being good-looking, there's probably no girl, who would go to that guy's room voluntary.

Ryuuen-kun was provoking our class like that all the time.

I sighed, waiting patiently for the end of this to go to the cafeteria.

I wondered if today I would meet that guy again.

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

The boy, who just yesterday became very famous throughout the school for being appointed as Student Council Vice-President.

Despite exchanging phone numbers with him, we weren't exactly close.

But I must admit that I was kinda interested in him.

The scenes in the bus and at the police station were stuck in my mind.

I grew up among some hot-blooded guys, so his cool and mature behavior was quite attractive to me.

But because of the situation in this class, I didn't have time to try to get closer to him.

If only I was in the different class.

As a result, a girl like Kiryuin was being next to him during the lunch break.

It was obvious that she was interested in him, and they seemed closer than a few days ago.

On top of that, I was sure that now he was getting even more popular as Vice-President.

Just how did he manage to get appointed in such a short time?

It was the biggest mystery that people were talking about.

I sighed internally.

What's the point of thinking about that, when I had the bigger thing to worry about...

Let's forget about Ayanokouji-kun and try to stay low for now.

Suddenly, the door to our classroom opened and a handsome brown-haired boy walked in.

It was Ayanokouji Kiyotaka that I just was thinking about.

What was he doing here?

Don't tell me... 

He came to meet with me?

This simple thought made me slightly nervous.

Ayanokouji-kun looked at Ryuuen-kun, then looked around our classroom.

When his eyes met mine, he slightly smiled.

It made my heart skip a beat.

But instantly his vision left me and scanned the rest of my classmates.

Ayanokouji: "Excuse me. Am I interrupting something?"

Ayanokouji-kun asked, probably sensing that something was off with us.

After all, it was a lunch break, yet everyone stayed in their seats without even thinking of eating.

Ryuuen: "Kukuku, you are. Get lost."

Looks like Ryuuen-kun wasn't present during yesterday's club fair and didn't recognize Ayanokouji-kun.

Because of that, he treated him like some passerby, who came to meet with someone in this class.

Ayanokouji-kun looked at Ryuuen-kun, unfazed by the latter's rude words.

Ayanokouji: "Is that so?"

Ayanokouji-kun turned around.


He was going to leave just like that?

When the most of us thought like that, Ayanokouji-kun closed the door to the classroom and walked towards our seats.

Then he stopped towards the only seat that was empty.

Ryuuen-kun's seat.

As if he wasn't doing anything extravagant, he sat on the chair with a leisurely expression.

My classmates looked at him with utter terror.

To be honest, I was just as surprised as the others.

Because unless Ayanokouji-kun was oblivious of his actions, then this was a naked provocation.

Ayanokouji: "What's wrong? Please don't mind me and continue. I can wait."

Ryuuen-kun looked sharply at Ayanokouji-kun, who sat comfortably as if this was his seat.

Ryuuen: "Do you know whose seat did you just sat on?"

Ayanokouji: "Eh? Isn't it the seat of Ryuuen, the troublemaker of Class C?"

Ayanokouji-kun asked with an innocent impression.

The atmosphere froze, when everyone realized that it wasn't some sort of mistake.

This was an open provocation to Ryuuen-kun.

Ryuuen: "Kukuku, interesting. Who are you?"

Ryuuen-kun smiled fiercely.

It was the same smile, as when someone from our class started to oppose him.

Our classmates were looking at the one and the other, not knowing what to think about the current situation.

What's the meaning of Ayanokouji-kun's actions?

Ayanokouji: "When you ask someone for his name, you should introduce yourself first. It's good manners."

Ryuuen: "You have guts to speak about manners, when you just barged into someone else's classroom and are sitting on someone else's seat."

Ayanokouji: "I'm sorry. Recently so many strangers were looking at me while knowing who I was that seeing someone, who really don't know me was kind of refreshing, so I decided to be a little mean to you."

Ryuuen: "Are you some kind of idol? Should I ask for your autograph or something?"

Ayanokouji: "Oh, you want one? I could give you, if I had pen and paper."

Ayanokouji-kun looked at the person nearby, who was also Ryuuen-kun's seatmate.

It was a cute girl with mid-back length silver hair that has black ribbons tied behind it, whose name even I, her classmate, didn't know.

She never really talked with anyone.

I only heard that one of our classmates were calling her a bookworm.

Ayanokouji: "May I borrow your pen and some paper?"

Ayanokouji-kun smiled at the girl.

The girl had the same disinterested look as always, despite the situation.

But nevertheless, she nodded and opened her bag to look for some paper.

Seriously, what was happening here?

I bet everyone was asking themselves the same question.

Ayanokouji: "Oh? That's some excellent mystery novels you have here. Are those yours, or did you borrow them from the library?

The girl instantaneously stopped moving and looked at Ayanokouji-kun.

Her expression underwent a huge change.

The girl: "Do you like books?"

The girl asked in excited tone.

It was the first time I saw her being so lively.

Ayanokouji: "Of course I do. I read so many already, yet it's just a drop in the ocean known as literature. I was planning to drop by the library soon to check out what kind of books this school has to offer."

Ayanokouji-kun's expression also become more lively and earnest, as if he didn't just provoke Ryuuen-kun at all.

The girl: "You definitely must visit it then. The library here is huge. I'm sure you will find some interesting titles. If I may recommend you something..."


Suddenly, Ryuuen-kun slammed the podium.

Ryuuen: "Are you done fucking around?"

He had irritated look on his face for being such blatantly ignored like that.

Ayanokouji: "Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Man, you are such an impatient fellow."

Then he looked at the girl.

Ayanokouji: "Let's continue this conversation some time later, maybe in the library."

The girl made a disappointed expression, but nodded with a smile.

Ayanokouji-kun stood up from the seat and started to walk towards podium.

Ayanokouji: "My name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. I'm from Class 1-D. Nice to meet you, Ryuuen and the rest of Class C."

Ayanokouji-kun smiled towards us.

Some of the girls looked down with a blush on their faces.

I must say that he possessed a big firepower against a girl.

Ryuuen-kun's eyes once again became sharp, then he started to laugh wildly.

Ryuuen: "Kukuku, so you are that famous Vice-President Ayanokouji. No wonder you are acting like some big shot. Maybe I should have waited patiently for your autograph."

Ayanokouji: "I can still write one for you, even with dedication."

Ryuuen: "Sure, why not? It's always good to have something to wipe my ass with."

Ayanokouji: "Then I will make sure to write the dedication for you clearly and grandly so that all the excrement would stick to it perfectly, ehm... What was your name again?"

Ryuuen: "Ishizaki Daichi."

Ishizaki: "What the hell?!"

Hearing Ryuuen-kun's words, Ishizaki-kun stood up irritated.

Seriously, most of us are flabbergasted by this conversation.

Ryuuen: "Right, wiping myself with your sorry name would be nasty. My bad, Ishizaki, kukuku."

Ishizaki: "You!!"

Ishizaki-kun was about to rush towards Ryuuen-kun, but Yamada-kun stopped him.

Ayanokouji: "For me, having any boy's name near my ass would be nasty, but I won't condemn you. Everyone have a freedom to choose their taste. If I'm your type, then it can't be helped."

Ibuki: "Ppfff... buhahaha..."

Ibuki couldn't stay still and started to wildly laugh.

Some of my classmates couldn't help, but smiled.

Both of the sides were throwing punches with their words on the same level.

Ryuuen-kun looked at Ayanokouji-kun.

He also wasn't fazed by Ayanokouji-kun's jabs on him.

Ryuuen: "I'm Ryuuen Kakeru, the leader of this class. To what do I owe this visit, Ayanokouji-sama?"

For the first time, Ayanokouji-kun seemed surprised.

Ayanokouji: "You, the leader of this class?"

Then, he chuckled as if he heard some kind of joke.

Ayanokouji: "Unlikely."

Once again, the atmosphere tensed up.

This was probably the biggest insult for Ryuuen-kun in the past few minutes.

Ayanokouji: "On what basis do you think you are qualified to be called a leader, Ryuuen?"

Ayanokouji-kun calmly asked with some interest.

Ryuuen-kun was glaring at Ayanokouji-kun.

Ryuuen: "You sure do love to act like you are some big shot, Ayanokouji. But you should beware of to whom you are speaking to, otherwise your pretty face may change its form forever."

Ayanokouji: "I know to whom I am speaking right now, that's why I asked that question. Why do you think you are the leader of this class, when all you do is just intimidating your classmates, Ryuuen?"


Don't tell me... the reason Ayanokouji-kun was here was because he learned about our situation?

But how?

Everyone's scared to report Ryuuen-kun, which was why I took the risk to talk with Sakagami-sensei in secret.

I looked around, trying to discover some hints from the others, but everyone's were looking around just like me.

Ryuuen: "Looks like someone's here have a long tongue."

Ryuuen-kun also understood the meaning of Ayanokouji-kun's words and looked at us with some venom.

Some students stiffened like frogs glared by a snake.

Ayanokouji: "Do you think one of your classmates snitched on you? Please. This is a school with the huge amount of government's money invested in. You surely don't think that your actions would stay unnoticed, do you?"

So the school actually knew about Ryuuen-kun's actions?

But that's different from what Sakagami-sensei said yesterday.

Did something change?

Ryuuen: "So you are here to punish me?"

Ayanokouji: "For now, to just warn you. I was also interested in the guy named Ryuuen."

Ryuuen: "That's so sweet of you, Ayanokouji. Should I stay blushing?"

Ayanokouji: "You sure are trying hard, but unfortunately, you are not my type, Ryuuen. Let's stay as friends."

Ayanokouji-kun slightly lowered his head, as if he really was refusing a confession.

Ryuuen-kun was clearly amused by his actions.

Ryuuen: "So you want to know why I consider myself as a leader of those good-for-nothings? That's simple."

Bam! Bam!

Ryuuen-kun slammed twice the podium.

The timid students shivered, clearly fearful of his actions.

Ryuuen: "Because violence is the most powerful means in this world.  Only those, who possess an unparalleled capacity for violence, can rule over the others. One look at my classmates is the all I need to prove my point."

Ryuuen-kun's words made the entire class tremble.

I heard the rumors about him, but this was above my imagination.

This person was crazily dangerous.

If one day he would figure out who I was, then my life here may be over.

No one dared to say anything against Ryuuen-kun's words, and the silence fall upon the classroom.


Suddenly, in the silent classroom there was a small noise near Ryuuen-kun.

I looked at Ayanokouji-kun, who just snickered at Ryuuen-kun's words.

Ayanokouji: "I thought that you were smarter than that, but looks like I was mistaken."

Ryuuen: "Ho? Are you trying to say something like it's bad to be violent or there's no way I could go long on such principles? Please spare me this bullshit."

Ayanokouji: "That's not what I'm trying to say. I asked you why you labelled yourself as the leader of this class, yet you started talking about your dictatorship through the fear. The one, who should end with the bullshit, is actually you, Ryuuen."

For the first time, Ayanokouji-kun looked at Ryuuen-kun with disdain.

Ayanokouji: "A leader is someone, who has followers willing to go under his command and execute his orders. But in this classroom, Ryuuen, you are alone. No one respects you, no one trust you, no one admires you. Am I wrong?"

Ryuuen: "So what? I don't need those things. As long as they fear me strong enough to follow my orders, then I am their ruler."

Ayanokouji: "That still doesn't undermine my point. You are a tyrant, not a leader, Ryuuen. The second your classmates stop fearing you, you will be thrown away without hesitation."

Ryuuen: "Do you think I am stupid enough to be cast away by them? I will destroy anyone, who will get in my way, including you."

Ayanokouji: "Then why don't you show me that violence you are so proud with?"


Don't tell me...

Ayanokouji-kun wanted to start a fight here?

Ryuuen: "Do you think that I won't dare to attack you?"

Ayanokouji: "Did you not notice, Ryuuen? Ever since I hinted that the school was aware of your actions, the fear that you installed in your classmates started to dissipate slowly. The reason for that should be obvious, right? Student Council Vice-President was giving you a warning at your fourth day in this school. That's not a good beginning for your rule by force, don't you think?"

That was true.

Although Ryuuen-kun's terror was still here, knowing that the school was actually aware of our situation was giving us some hope.

Just knowing that someone like Ayanokouji-kun was here for us was also relieving.

Ayanokouji: "Right now I, the outsider, am also paying attention to your movements. Even if you make everyone in this classroom fear you to the point of not reporting you, it would be meaningless, if you won't solve that problem, right?"

Ayanokouji-kun spread his arms and looked at Ryuuen-kun's with provocative gaze.

Ryuuen-kun stared at Ayanokouji-kun for a while, then started to laugh.

Ryuuen: "Kukuku, to think I would be challenged like that. Either you must think that I really won't attack you, either you have some confidence in your strength. Whatever gives you that confidence, you are going to groan under my foot soon."

Ryuuen-kun left the teacher's podium and started to walk towards Ayanokouji-kun.

Ayanokouji: "You want to know from what my confidence comes from? I could tell you, but you definitely won't like me saying it in the front of your classmates."

Ryuuen-kun stopped one meter in the front of Ayanokouji-kun.

Both of them were smiling at each other.

The fight would probably start any second.

Ryuuen: "Please, enlighten me, Ayanokouji-sama."

Ayanokouji: "Of course, I have confidence that you would not attack me here. After all, there are some high-tech video cameras installed in this classroom. Your every action is recorded in 4K right now."

Ayanokouji-kun pointed at some spot in the classroom.


There were cameras in this classroom?

Now that I look closely, there really was something at that point.

Ayanokouji-kun pointed at another spot, closer to me.

This time I saw it clearly.

There were really some hidden cameras here.

Which means...

The school really knew what's happening in this classroom.

That's big, good news.

The classroom couldn't stay silent at this discovery, and my classmates started to whisper among themselves.

Ayanokouji: "Looks like you noticed those cameras earlier, didn't you? But since no one else figured it out yet, you could harass the others freely. But that ends right now. If you think I'm wrong, you can still attack me to prove it."

Everyone looked at Ryuuen.

Considering Ayanokouji-kun's revelation, he was at the losing position.

Ryuuen: "Kuku, so you think you figured it out, Ayanokouji? I admit that you are a little smarter than my classmates, but..."

Ryuuen-kun's expression turned really fierce.

Ryuuen: "You are wrong!"

At the same time as he ended the sentence, Ryuuen-kun performed a high kick towards Ayanokouji-kun's body.

It was a surprise attack that no one was expecting.

I looked in terror, as Ryuuen-kun's leg was closing towards Ayanokouji-kun.

But before the scene that everyone's were expecting to occur happened, Ayanokouji-kun's body made a slight movement.


Some girls: "Kyyaaa!!!"

A few of my classmates screamed because of the noise.

I looked towards two boys in the front and my mouth subconsciously opened.

Ryuuen-kun's leg was still in the midair.

But Ayanokouji-kun wasn't kicked.

His hand was firmly holding Ryuuen-kun's leg near his face.


Ayanokouji-kun managed to block that surprise attack.

On top of that, seeing his smiling face, it looked as if he did it effortlessly.

He was strong.

Many people looked at him with astonishment and awe.

Ayanokouji: "You sure are a wild one, Ryuuen. I guess I owe you an apology for underestimating you. You have qualifications to be called a tyrant."

Ayanokouji-kun let go of Ryuuen-kun's leg and was standing calmly, as if nothing really happened.

He seriously was looking so cool right now.

Ryuuen: "Kukuku, interesting. I guess you weren't all talk, Ayanokouji."

The two boys were looking at each other for some time, as if their eyes were talking instead of their mouths.

Ayanokouji: "Want to continue?"

Just when I thought that Ryuuen-kun was going to attack Ayanokouji-kun the second time, the magenta-haired boy put his hands in his pockets and started going towards not Ayanokouji-kun, but the door.

Ryueen: "It's not over, Ayanokouji. The true winner is the one, who stands on the top at the end. Crushing you will be pleasurable."

When he was passing Ayanokouji-kun, Ryuuen-kun stopped for a second to say his parting words.

Ayanokouji: "I look forward to it, Ryuuen. Don't self-destruct before. If I hear next week that you are expelled, then I'm going to be disappointed."

Ryuuen-kun chuckled at Ayanokouji-kun's words and left our classroom.

The classroom has sunk in silence.

My vision focused on the handsome boy in front of me, who was gazing at the door.

This person was getting more and more mysterious.

Many thoughts couldn't help but start to cross through my mind.

Maybe I should reconsider the way I wanted to live in this school.

To be continued...

Author's notes:

Hello. Thank you for reading this chapter.

Congratulation to player Kiyotaka for unlocking Class C's hidden heroine, Ryuuen-ch... cough, cough... Never mind :D

It's my first time writing in POV other than Kiyo's or 3rd person's, so it may not be very great, but I hope it's bearable.

I decided to write more than just Kiyo's POV in the future to have a better understanding of the other character's mind (mainly heroines).

It's also to give some hints about some of the heroines backstories or potential routes.

If I manage to get to the decent level at some POVs, my story would be more interesting, or so I think :)

Furthermore, some of the chapters may be partly or even fully from the other people's POV.

I hope I will rise to the challenge :)

See you in the next chapter.

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