It's in his DNA - Book one in...

By EmmielouKates

960K 23.8K 1.5K


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 4

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By EmmielouKates

Chapter 4

A week later Gabe pulled into St Lukes car park. Switching off the engine he sat with his arms draped over the steering wheel and sighed. 

Mary had been true to her word and disappeared for two days. Yeah, two miserable days and not a word. Needless to say, he caved. Having decided that man cannot live on cheese toasties and beer alone, he called the hospital, and then phoned Mary. Back she came, giving him a big hug and cooking up a storm. 

With a resigned shrug he got out and locked his Range Rover. Pulling his baseball cap further down over his shaded eyes, he adjusted his pony tail and strode towards the entrance. He hoped that he looked just like any other guy in jeans, t shirt and tatty leather jacket, he really didn't want to draw attention to himself. The only person who knew what he was doing was Mary and he wanted to keep it that way. 

He found his way to the oncology wing without incident, and was quickly ushered into Dr Powells office by his receptionist. 

"Mr Lewellyn, I'm so glad you made it." The doctor said shaking his hand. 

They exchanged pleasantries and sat facing each other. 

"As I explained in the letter, you came up as a possible match to one of our patients and if you are happy to proceed, I would like your permission to run some more tests." 

Gabe sat forward in his chair. "Now wait a minute, I really don't understand what this involves and wasn't overly happy to come here in the first place." 

The doctor looked at him curiously and Gabe wasn't sure if he recognised him or not, he then nodded his head and started speaking again. He explained what happens to someone with leukaemia and all the possible treatments that were used. Gabe's eyes started to glaze over at all the medical terms, when Dr Powell noticed this he changed tack. 

"Look, I know this is a lot to take in, but the bottom line is if you did this you could be saving a young woman's life." 

Gabe's eyes became alert again as he took in the doctors words. "Young woman? I assumed it was a child." 

"On the contrary, she is 23 and quite a character, we have all come to love Ab......." He stopped himself and cleared his throat. "Well I would love to see her back on her feet again and able to enjoy life." 

"Can I meet her?" 

"Ah, no I'm afraid that won't be possible as there is a strict rule about donor patient confidentiality." 

Gabe could see the man was uncomfortable at nearly letting the woman's name slip out, so decided to let it drop for now. 

"So these tests, what's involved?" 

"We just need to take more blood at the moment, the results should be back in about a week." 

"And if I am a match, how long until you will need me for the procedure?" Gabe only had a few weeks off before they started promoting the album and sorting out the details of the tour. There was no way he was telling his manager that he needed time off for a hospital stay. If the PR guys got a hold of this it would be a nightmare. 

"Well, the patient would need to undergo radiation therapy to kill off all the cancerous cells before we can give her the new bone marrow. We would probably be talking around six weeks, if there are no complications." 

Gabe started to get up shaking his head. "I'm sorry doc, but I have a lot of obligations to fulfil and I won't be available in six weeks time." 

The doctor stood to face Gabe with a worried frown. "Look, can we just do the blood tests and take it from there? If you are a match we may be able to turn things around faster. I would hate for her to miss out on the chance of a full recovery." 

Gabe looked up at the ceiling and blew out a breath, there were many reasons why he shouldn't get involved in this. But he couldn't help thinking he would like to find out more about this woman who was so popular with the doctor and his staff. 

Looking back at the doctor he smiled. "Yeah, what the hell, ok." 

An hour later, Gabe stood on shaky legs after they had taken what seemed like litres of blood from his arm. Walking out of the treatment room he felt disorientated for a moment and wasn't sure which way to go. Taking a guess, he turned left and strode off down the corridor. The further he walked, the less familiar his surroundings and none of the signs said anything about the main entrance. 

"Shit!" He muttered. "I could get lost in here for days and no one would have a clue where I was." 

Finally he spotted a door that led to the outside so he headed towards it, he pushed it open and looked around. Instead of seeing the car park as he had expected, he was in a large garden with trees, flower beds and even a large pond with a fountain in the middle of it. He guessed he must be at the back of the main hospital building as he hadn't seen anything like it when he had parked earlier. There were a few patients in dressing gowns and slippers sat on benches having a smoke, others were being pushed in wheelchairs by nurses. 

Not wanting to get lost in the labyrinth of corridors inside he decided to make his way through the garden and try and find the car park. As he walked down the path between the flower beds, he could see a nurse pushing a woman in a wheelchair towards him. As they got closer he could hear them laughing and joking about something and as they passed he got a good look at the woman in the chair. She glanced up at him and the first thing he noticed were her large brown eyes, they were startling in such a small face almost doe like. She had an almost elfin shaped face with a petite nose and very kissable lips above a cute little cleft in her chin. He was so enchanted by those eyes, it wasn't until he had walked by that he realised she was bald. 

He was alert enough to hear the comment made by the nurse to her charge. "Hey Abby is he cute enough for you?" followed by a giggle and a "Shhhh he'll hear you." 

His steps faltered and slowed as he mulled over what he had heard and why something rang a bell in his head......Abby? She was a patient, she had no hair and her name was Abby. He stopped abruptly as he put the pieces of the puzzle together. The doctor had stopped himself from saying the patients name but he started to say Ab! Don't leukaemia patients lose their hair due to the chemo? 

Now his curiosity got the better of him and he turned around to see where they had gone. His eyes scanned the garden and finally spotted her sitting alone under the shade of a large tree reading a book. He walked back up the path and stopped in front of her. 

"Hi." He said smiling at her. 

Abby looked up from her book and saw the cute guy her and Helen had passed a few minutes ago. 

"Hi." She replied and dropped her head as she started to blush. Wondering if he had heard Helens comment. 

He stood with his hands in his jacket pockets looking down at her. 

Feeling slightly uncomfortable under his gaze Abby looked at him again. "Can I help you?" 

Gabe shifted and shook his head as if trying to clear it. "Erm yeah, I was trying to find my way back to the car park." 'Smooth Gabe real smooth' he inwardly chided himself. 

"Oh right! Well if you walk back the way you just came and follow the path, it will lead you round the main building and back to the car park." 

He thought she looked a little disappointed that he had only stopped for directions. 

He was just going to turn round and walk away, he honestly was, but his brain had other ideas. 

"Would you mind if I sat here in the shade of the tree for a bit, it's so nice out here and I don't have anywhere to rush off to." 

"Well I could think of a million places I would rather be, but suit yourself." 

He sat with his back to the tree facing her, then leaned forward and stretched out his hand. 

"I'm Gabe by the way." 

She took his hand and shook it. "Abby." 

He couldn't help noticing how small her hand was in his, the skin almost translucent..... 

She coughed politely and he was reminded of the fact that he was still holding her hand, reluctantly he let go. 

"So what are you in for?" There was an awkward silence. "Shit! I'm sorry, that was way out of line." 

She chuckled. "Don't worry about it, everyone gets a bit awkward around sick people, I think it's because looking at us they're reminded of their own mortality." 

He still looked uncomfortable so she tried humour to lighten the mood. 

"I could say, five to life with time off for good behaviour." 

He looked at her with a puzzled expression, and then started laughing. 

"So Gabe, what are you doing here? I can see you're not an inmate." 

His laughter died and he was quiet for a while wondering how much he should say about his visit. He was sure that she was the woman the doc spoke about, but he didn't want to blurt anything out just in case it affected his chance of being a donor. He felt a need to get to know this woman with the beautiful doe eyes. He wasn't sure exactly why he felt drawn to her but he was going to make the most of this chance meeting. 

"I was just here for an appointment, nothing important." 

She got the feeling there was more to it but didn't push him, she wanted to make the most of his company. It had been way too long since she had any male attention and he didn't seem at all phased by the fact that she looked like a freak. 

"So Gabe, what do you do when you're not getting lost in hospital gardens?" 

He shifted slightly and she got the feeling she had made him uncomfortable again. She wished he wasn't wearing those shades, she could have read him better if she could see his eyes. 

He rubbed his chin with one hand, he didn't want to tell her the truth as it always changed women's perception of him and she obviously hadn't recognised him. Think Gabe, think! 

"I erm sell records." Well it wasn't an outright lie and he did sell records, he just omitted the part about being the artist on the records. 

"Oh that's cool, I love listening to music and I get plenty of time to do that in here." She grinned at him. 

"Well if there's anything you would like me to get you just say the word. What sort of music are you into?" 

She waved her hand dismissively. " I wouldn't want you to go out of your way and who knows when or if you'll be back here anyway." 

"It's no problem really, just tell me what you like and I can bring it in. Anyway it gives me a good excuse to come see you again." He smiled warmly at her and it made her feel all gooey inside. 

Then his face turned serious. "I have only one condition." 

"Oh what's that?" She asked looking worried. 

"No boy bands!" He said with a grimace. 

"Haha, don't worry I'm not into that crap. I appreciate real musicians, bands who can play their instruments and write their own songs, not some plastic creation of a PR company." 

He laughed loud and hard at that comment. "Hey, don't hold back, say what you really mean." 

She grinned at him cheekily. 

As they fell into a companionable silence she caught sight of Helen walking towards them. 

Her face fell. "Oh dear, it looks like my parole has been revoked, the warden is coming to get me." 

Gabes smile faded as well as he looked down the path, he wasn't ready to leave her yet. 

"When can I come see you again?" He blurted out before he lost his nerve. 

Abby was startled by the question. "Really? You want to visit me on the ward? I have to warn you that this is a good day, I'm not always this well and I don't want you feeling that you have to come back, even if it is just to bring me some cd's." 

"Hey, I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to. So what ward are you in and when's visiting hours?" 

"I'm in a room on Magdalene ward and visiting is pretty open, so just come when you can." 

He stood up, brushing grass off the back of his jeans and she couldn't help noticing how tall and lean he was, his long legs looked gorgeous in those jeans. 

"Ok, Magdalene ward it is." He smiled at her again and her insides turned to jelly. 

The nurse was nearly upon them so he made a hasty retreat before she got there. 

He turned and waved, "Bye Abby." 

"Bye Gabe." She waved back. 

Well, she thought. This is turning out to be a really good day and she smiled to herself. 

"Are you going to tell me why you have that stupid grin plastered on your face?" Helen had arrived.

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