Embrace Me Tightly

By ButterFly_707_

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I don't know from where it starts, but i want my end in your embrace. This Love story is about Advik Rathod a... More

Author's Note


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By ButterFly_707_

SONG NAME:- "Salaam-E-Ishq"



Today is DIVYA'S and Varun's haldi.

Niyati:- "So finally Ms.Divya Sharma becomes Mrs.Divya Varun Rathod in few days."

She said while looking at her older sister with small smile.

Niyati:- "Di, I have something for you."

She said and bring one Box. In that box there is their mom's Bangel.

Niyati:- "You remembered Mom always wants that you wear her this Bangel in your wedding functions. Now she is not here to making you wear this. So, can I?"

She said while looking at Divya whose eyes is wet. Like how her little sister is handling everything alone, how she worked hard for all functions preparation, how much she try her best that her Dida's wedding will be perfect. There are varun's family, advik and many more but no one can take a place to our parents.

Divya knows that Niyati is breaking inside but the smile on her face never faded.

Divya nodded. Niyati smiled and make her wear her mother's bangel.

Tears start rolled down from Divya's eyes when she remember that now in some days she has to leave her Chhoti.

Niyati takes a deep breath to control her self. She wipped Divya's tears and said.

Niyati:- "No Dida. It's your new journey so start this journey with smile not with tears. If mom or dad see this then they will not feel happy. You are my strong Di right naa? "

In return Divya cried more and hugged Niyati tightly. They both become each other's everything after their parents' death. They both are like a part of each other's heart.

Niyati also hugged Divya tightly and let Divya cried.

Niyati wipped her one tear which is about to rolled down. She doesn't want to become weak infront of her Dida because she knows it's very hard for Divya to go away from her.

Niyati is rubbing Divya's back. They both are not aware from 4 pairs of eyes who is looking at them from starting.

Neelam also wipped her tears which is rolling down after looking at both sister's relation.

She took a deep breath and said after coming inside.

Neelam:- "Oh my god, who made my childs cry? Who has this much guts? I will not leave them who made my both daughters cry."

Both sisters laughed softly after looking at Neelam. Neelam hugged both sisters and said.

Neelam:- "This is what life is childs. Life is like a coin which have both sides. Good and Bad. Happiness and sadness, smile and tears. Even if we don't want we all have to go through this all. "

Varun patted Niyati head and hugged Divya to comfort her. All of them start talking with Divya. Niyati was just standing there with smile while looking at Divya who is now laughing because Suresh uncle just cracked some jokes.

Suddenly someone wrapped his hand around her waist and pulled her closer to him. Finding similar touch she rested her head on his shoulder.

Advik:- "What are you thinking?"

Niyati shook her head and said.

Niyati:- "Nothing. I'm just happy."

Advik just rubbed her shoulder nd kissed on her head.

Advik:- "Now go and get ready. Now I can't control to see you in traditional wear."

Niyati smiled and go from there before looking at her Dida who is now getting ready with help of Neelam and other girls.

They both are unaware from their outfits because Neelam choose their outfits so it's kind of surprise for both of them.


Varun and Divya sit in that.

Divya:- "Where is chhoti?"

Niyati:- "here here. Wait wait."

Niyati comes there while running and start taking deep breaths. She saw her the haldi bowl and said.

Niyati:- "Let's start now."

She said and looked at Neelam so that she can start function but Neelam said.

Neelam:- "what? Go and start the function."

Niyati asked with confused.

Niyati:- "Me?"

Suresh:- "Yes, you are Divya's family so go and blessed them. "

Niyati smiled at them and go towards them with slow steps because she was feeling very heavy inside. She was in between of so many emotions which is running around her.

She put haldi on Divya's cheeks and forehead. Divya kissed on Niyati's forehead and smiled at her Chhoti.

After that she put haldi on Varun and asked.

Niyati:- "You will take care of my Dida naa? I know you will jijs but it's..."

Varun didn't let her finish her sentence and hold her face in between his hands and said.

Varun:- "I will Bachha. So, don't worry about her ok? And don't take so much stress ok?"

Niyati nodded and Varun embrace her in brotherly hug.

Niyati go from there. She start looking here and there to find someone. She is so busy that she didn't get chance to meet him.

She was looking here and there when suddenly someone says in her ear.

Advik:- "Are you looking for someone Ms.Sharma?"

She smiled and turned around but her eyes become widened when she saw they both are twining.

Advik:- "Aren't we look like a couple?"

Niyati glared at him and said.

Niyati:- "Aren't we couple Mr.Rathod?"

Advik laughed a little and said while pulled her closer.

Advik:- "We are a couple Baby. ButI was saying that it's look like it's our Haldi. Now you get that Sweetheart?"

Niyati nodded with smile but she frozen on her place when she saw something on his neck. THAT FREAKING HICKEY.

Advik smirked and said.

Advik:- "I am in love with this mark."

He said and start caressing that bite. Niyati fastly pulled him with her in some empty side of venue.

She said while glaring at him. But in Advik's eyes she is looking like a little cute lioness. He wants to squeeze those cheeks but he control himself.

Niyati:- "Are you stupid Advik. What if someone...."

she was saying all this while closing his kurta's button but she stop when she feels his one hand on her bare waist. She held his collar tightly when he start rubbing her waist with some thing.

She looked at side there is haldi bowl.
She smirked a little and try to make a bold move.

She can also tease him. She collect some haldi in her hands. He thought she was going to put haldi on him but she was applying on herself.

She looked at him with smirked and start applying haldi on her own cheeks. She moved her hands to her cheeks to her cleavage which is visible.

Like this she applied on her other cheeks also. ADVIK'S mouth open when he saw her this action.

Niyati:- "Opps, the haldi is over. I wish I can also apply haldi on you. But it's ok now bye."

She said and turned to go but Advik pulled her closer.

Advik:- "You wish is my command Princess."

He said and hold her by her nape and rubbed against his cheeks. Niyati start taking deep breaths when she feels his cold hands against her neck.

He sensually applied haldi on his cheeks by her cheeks. Then he looked at her neck and collect some.haldi from her neck and applied on his neck.

Niyati was feeling hot after looking at his this moves.

His eyes landed on her cleavage which is not visible because of haldi she applied on her cleavage.

He looked at his chest which is clean. He looked at her and forward his hand to collect some haldi from her cleavage so he can apply that haldi on his chest.

His hands are about to touch her cleavage but in return Niyati hugged him tightly.

Advik's smirked turned into soft smile and hold her into his arms. But again one idea come in his mind and he said.

Advik:- "Well I love this idea more Baby."

He said and looked down Niyati also looked down and saw their both's chest are rubbing with eachother. some haldi also applied on his chest.

She again hugged him and said.

Niyati:- "Stop teasing me Adi."

Advik:- "How's that possible when my Love is looking like goddess herself."

When He broke the hug Niyati asked.

Niyati:- "Let me hug you some time."

Advik smiled and said while holding her shoulders.

Advik:- "Wait baby."

He said and start finding something in his pocket. Finally he found that and saw her that thing.

Niyati asked him confused.

Niyati:- "KAJAL?"

Advik:- "Yes."

Niyati:- "But why?"

In return Advik applied that kajal dot behind her ear and said.

Advik:- "To save baby from evil eyes."

Niyati:- "You are carrying this kajal in your pocket just for this?"

Advik:- "Obviously. I have to protect my Niya from those all who is looking at my princess with evil eyes."

Niyati remembered how in childhood her parents always did this to her. She smiled while looking at him when Advik notice her wet eyes he panicked and asked.

Advik:- "What happened Bachha?"

Niyati:- "I love you Advik."

She said in most serious voice. Advik smiled softly and said.

Advik:- "I love you too, Baby."

He said and come closer to her but Niyati hold him by his collar and start kissing him softly and slowly.

|•Mehendi Function•|

Divya:-"Chhoti come, it's your turn"

Niyati:- "But I don't..."

Divya:- "You have to Chhoti. There are many people who can take care of every arrangements. So, come and sit here."

Finally Niyati sit and one girl start applying mehendi on her hands.


Now every men is feeding their partners. While our Ms.Niyati i
s still running here and there to see if everything is going ok or not.

Divya shook her head and said.

Divya:- "Varun, tell her to eat. She was not listening me."

Varun:- "Now only one person can handle her."

He said and start looking here and there to find his younger brother. But they saw that Advik was going toward you.

Varun:- "Now you don't have to worry about Carrot. Come and fill your tummy now."

He said and start feeding her.


Advik:- "Niyati."

Niyati:- "One minute Advik. Let me check food counter to see if there everything was going ok or not."

She said and about to start going toward food counter. But Advik hold her by shoulder and said.

Advik:- "Everything is going good Niya. Now come and have your food."

Niyati:- "But.."

Advik:- "Are you coming like a good girl or should I carry you."

Niyati:- "What..."

Advik:- "Ok then."

He said and bead down but Niyati start walking more like running to sit. Advik laughed softly and go towards food counter.

Advik:- "Here."

He said and start feeding her. Niyati start eating without saying anything because she was very hungry.

Advik:- "Well. You are looking very beautiful Angel."

Niyati scoffed and said.

Niyati:- "But you are not."

Advik:- "Obviously I'm not looking beautiful because I'm looking handsome."

He self praised her and Niyati just rolled her eyes.

Niyati:- "Did you eat?"

Advik:- "After you."

Niyati:- "No eat with me."

Advik smiled and start eating with her.

Varun:- "You don't have to worry about Carrot. We all are here for our her."

Divya just smiled and rested her head on Varun's shoulder.

Neelam and Suresh are looking at both couples with smile.

|•Sangeet Function•|

Advik was with Varun.

Varun:- "Where are you baby?"

Advik:- "cool BB, control control."

He said and laughed at his old brother's state. He was waiting for Divya form last 30 minutes.

Varun:- "Well you know my Carrot is looking beautiful today. I mean I'm sure. Today she will get many proposals from boys so get ready to protect you Angel."

Advik smirked a little and said with confidence.

Advik:- "And also today is the day when many boy's heart are going to break. My Niya is just mine BB."

Varun didn't replied him because he was lost in someone who is coming there with adorable smile on her lips.

Advik also turned and froze on his place after looking at his love who is looking heart taking in that purple lehenga. He forgot to take a breath.

Varun:- "Chhote take a breath. She is only yours Stop looking at her like a cheap."

Advik was still busy in staring at her and mumbled.

Advik:- "My love." And smile.

Niyati feels someone's stare so she looked up and make a eye contact with him.

Niyati blushed and looked down with shy smile when she notice that Advik was checking her out infront of everyone.

She looked up and notice his outfit.

Niyati looked at his ring. When he notice that he start caring it after that he slowly kissed on that ring which makes Niyati's heart melt. They both are so lost that they both didn't even aware that their friends and their family members are looking at them with teasing smirked.

Om smirked and said.

Om:- "Advik who is India's president?"

Advik answered while his full focus was still on her.

Advik:- "Modi."

Vansh:- "What is your mom's name?"

If advik was in his senses he surely hit them with his. Slippers but he is not in his senses so he replied.

Advik:- "Neelam Ben."

Everyone laughed softly at him.

Vikram:- "What is your father's name?"

Advik:- "Suresh Bhai."

Rahul:- "What is your elder brother's name?"

Advik:- "Varun."

Sonya:- "What is your name?"

Advik:- "Advik."

They all pressed their lips to stop their laughing. Divya somehow control her laugh and asked.

Divya:- "What is Niyati to you?"

Advik smiled and said without thinking twice.

Advik:- "My Heartbeats."

Divya smiled brightly and then Varun asked.

Varun:- "How much you love Niyati?"

Advik again smiled while looking at her eyes and replied.

Advik:- "More than my self."

Neelam smirked and said.

Neelam:- "Why are standing here go and kiss her."

Everyone widened their eyes because no one was thinking that Advik's mom can say something like this.

Not controlling anymore Varun start laughing which brokes they eye contact compitition.

They both widened their eyes when they come to know what just happened. Niyati looked down and said with red cheeks.

Niyati:- "I'm coming."

She said and go from there. Advik start rubbing his back neck in embarrassment. Everyone can easily see red line on his cheeks.

Advik:- "Wa.. water ne...need m..me."

Suresh:- "What?"

Advik:- "ne..need w.. water m..me. I mean. I ne..need wat.. water."

After that he start going more like running from them. He can hear them laughing.

They both come infront of eachother while running. They looked at eachother and looked down with smile.

Again they both makes eye contact and start laughing on their stupidity.

Suddenly Advik hugged her and hide his face in her neck and said.

Advik:- "That was so embarrassing ."

Niyati smiled and replied.

Niyati:- "So much."

Advik:- "But you are really my heartbeats."

Niyati:- "And you are my life."

Advik start moving her blouse strap from her shoulder and kissed there. He start sucking her softly on her shoulder.

Niyati start taking deep breaths to control her moan. Advik bite on her shoulder Niyati hummed and said while holding him by his shoulder.

Niyati:- "Advik. I don't have makeup here."

Advik stop and kissed there before licking that place.

After breaking the hug Advik applied kajal's Dot behind her ear just like everyday and kissed on her forehead.

Advik:- "Let's go now."

But Niyati shook her head before Advik asked anything Niyati give one smooch on his lips and runs from there.

Advik licked his lips and smile at his little one's bold move.

Just like that Sangeet is over with teasing, singing and so many dance performances.



:) I'm inviting all of you to Our Varun and Divya's wedding. (Gift letter aana.)

:) Don't forget to tell me your fav. Part.

:) Yous vote and comments are motivation to me so don't forget to vote, comments, share and follow..

:) Follow me on Instagram for spoilers . Link is on my BIO.

:) IG I'D:- ButterFly_707__



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