By makexaxwish

62.6K 1.6K 247

nothing bad ever happens in the so-called boring small town of beacon hills. that's what maia martin, scott m... More

πŸ’Season One
πŸ’001; Bitten
πŸ’002; Favor
πŸ’003; Sleepwalker
πŸ’004; Death Shot
πŸ’005; Nightmare Vision
πŸ’006; Lure
πŸ’007; Deadly Sin
πŸ’008; Full Moon Effects
πŸ’009; Car Chase
πŸ’010; Siding With The Enemy
πŸ’011; Bad Guy
πŸ’012; He Loves Control
πŸ’Season Two
πŸ’001; Lost Girl
πŸ’002; Sexual Spell
πŸ’003; Under The Ice
πŸ’004; Lose My Mind
πŸ’005; The Truth Untold
πŸ’006; Deep Inside
πŸ’007; Kanima Venom
πŸ’008; Bondage
πŸ’009; Hypnotic
πŸ’010; His Weakness
πŸ’011; Fearsome
πŸ’012; Psychotic Breakdown
πŸ’Season Three A
πŸ’001; Bad Sign
πŸ’002; Ignite
πŸ’003; In Return
πŸ’004; Bullet Wounds
πŸ’005; Bad Decision
πŸ’007; Another Innocent
πŸ’008; I Can't Help But Love You
πŸ’009; Cold Blood
πŸ’010; Cora Hale
πŸ’011; Sacrifices
πŸ’012; Perplexed
πŸ’Season Three B
πŸ’001; Strange Behavior
πŸ’002; Invasion of Privacy
πŸ’003; Kids With Glowing Eyes
πŸ’004; Learn To Be Not Afraid
πŸ’005; One of The Good Guys
πŸ’006; Into The Woods
πŸ’007; Coming Out To Play
πŸ’008; House of Horrors
πŸ’009; Element of Surprise
πŸ’010; Chaotic
πŸ’011; Death
πŸ’012; Fallen
πŸ’Season Four
πŸ’001; Mexico
πŸ’002; Bearer Bonds
πŸ’003; Written In Code
πŸ’004; The List
πŸ’005; Persuasive
πŸ’006; Meredith Walker
πŸ’007; Killer Virus
πŸ’008; Mend It
πŸ’009; Dying? Almost
πŸ’010; Idea of Yours
πŸ’011; Stressed Out
πŸ’012; Summer With You
πŸ’Season Five A

πŸ’006; Suspect

641 17 1
By makexaxwish


Isaac Lahey was sitting on the porch steps of the McCall's residence, a night ago, he decided to stay at Scott's house since Derek kicked him out for good, him having no where to go, but luckily they took him in.

Footsteps was seen ascending towards the Lahey, the footsteps stopping right in front of him.

Isaac then slowly looked up, him seeing Skylar Hale in front of him.

"Skylar? Why are you here?" Isaac questions.

"Well, that's just rude, i just came to see if you're okay, you know, after what Derek did." Skylar then says.

Skylar then sat next to Isaac, him looking at her then out in the open.

"I'm fine." Isaac sighs out.

"I don't know why Derek did what he did-."

"I know why, it's because of the Alpha pack." Isaac then says, looking at her.

"Do you think that's the same reason why Derek broke up with Maia?" Skylar then asks.

Isaac stares at her in shock. "Derek broke up with Maia? That', i'm actually speechless."

"...yeah, i figured." Skylar gave a little smile.

Isaac then looks at Skylar, him smiling at her, her rarely sees her with a smile, but, now seeing her–––

Isaac then leans forward, placing a quick kiss onto her lips, grasping onto her face.

Skylar pulls away, gasping softly, punching him lightly on his arm. "What...Isaac!"

"I'm with Stiles, don't do that ever again, are you insane?" Skylar narrowed her eyes at him.

"Um, uh, i-i were..." Isaac stammers out nervously.

"I-i was just, what?" Skylar mimicked.

Isaac's eyes stares into hers, the girl then getting up, staring at him in disbelief.


A whistle was heard blowing loudly, that belonged to Coach Finstock, alerting everyone as they were outside the 'Glen Capri' motel.

"Okay, listen up! The meet's been pushed 'til tomorrow, this is the closest motel with the most vacancies and the least amount of good judgement when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves!"

Coach then bounced the motel keys in his hands. "You'll be pairing up, choose wisely."

Everyone soon came forward, taking keys from Coach's hands.

"I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants! Got that? Keep your little dirty hands to yourselves!"

"Creep-y." Maia comments, observing the building.

"Oh my god, you feel it too, don't you?" Lydia says in relief.

"It's just for one night, not a big deal." Allison then shrugs.

Lydia shakily breaths out. "...a lot can happen in one night."


"So, i got four."

"Four? You have four suspects?" Scott questions as him and Stiles was in their room.

"Yeah, it was originally ten, well, technically, nine, i guess i had Derek on there twice." Stiles then says.

"Well, who's number one? Mr. Harris?" Scott then asks.

Stiles then nods. "Just because he's missing that doesn't mean he's dead."

"So, if he's not dead, then, he is out there secretly committing human sacrifices?" Scott gave him a look.

Stiles slightly winced. "Yeah...guess, that sounded a lot better in my head."

"Well, what if it's someone from the school? Like, you remember, Matt? We didn't know it was him." Scott then asks.

Stiles gaped at him in offense. "Excuse me, i'm sorry! What? I–––yes, we did! I called that from day one, actually."

"Yeah, but, we never really thought about it." Scott shrugs.

"I was serious! I was quite serious, actually! Deadly serious! No one listened to me!"

Scott sighs out. "Okay, who's the other three?"


"Derek's sister, no one really knows anything about her, and anyone who's by the hint related to Derek can't be trusted." Stiles then informs.

"...Skylar's related to Derek." Scott reminds.

Stiles stammers out nervously. "Um, uh, well...she's, uh, she's an exception! I mean, we know her!"

"Anyways...moving on! Your boss." Stiles then says.

Scott stares at him surprised. "My boss?"

"Yeah, your boss, i don't really like the whole Obi-Wan thing he got going on, it freaks me out!" Stiles shivers.

Stiles then noticed a look of confusion masking over Scott's face, him becoming offended.

"Are you kidding? Have you still not seen star wars?"

"I swear, if we make it out alive, i will watch the movie!" Scott promised.

"And the last one?" Scott curiously asks.

"...Maia." Stiles hesitantly says.

Scott raised a brow at his best friend. "Maia? Our Maia?"

"Yes, that Maia, she was totally controlled by Peter without her knowing, and i don't really like how she's with him, it frightens me."

"You think someone's controlling her?" Scott then whispers.


Maia was seen walking out of the bathroom, her dressed in a pajamas that was of a red pants and red strap top and a black hoodie.

Maia saw Skylar dressed in dark purple, her smiling at her. "Oh! You look cute!"

"You look cute!" Skylar returned.

"Oh, i have something to show you." Skylar then took out her phone.

"What?" Maia wondered.

Maia gaped at the photo she was seeing, her then placing her hand over her mouth.

"...and there are texts." Skylar nervously gulps.

"Oh, darling, you need to get rid of those before you know who." Maia advised.

"Right, right." Skylar panics.

The door was seen being opened, Stiles walking inside, seeing both girls.

"Aw, don't you girls look adorable." Stiles compliments.

"Hey, could i use your phone? Mines dead." Stiles looks at his girlfriend.

Skylar nervously looks at her phone, the at her boyfriend. "This phone?"

"Yeah, unless you have another phone i don't know about." Stiles joked.

"Skylar nervously stares at him. "Heh."

Skylar stares at Maia, hesitantly and slowly moving the phone towards Stiles, Maia slightly shaking her head at her.

Skylar looks at Maia as if saying 'help me'.

Stiles smiles at her, sighing out. "Don't be so-."

Maia then quickly grasp in phone in her hand, throwing it against the wall.

Stiles stares at Maia in shock, Skylar looking at Maia with a thankful look.

Maia then flipped her dark red hair, an unbothered look on her face, her then walking out of the room.


Stiles Stilinski stares at the dark red haired girl in disbelief at her actions as she walked out of the room clearly unbothered, him beginning something's up with her.

Stiles was so distracted by Maia's behavior that he didn't notice his own girlfriend's.

"No,  no, no, no." Skylar heavily breaths out, her shaking her head violently.

"Sky-." Stiles softly and concerningly asks, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"I have to go." Skylar whispers, a dazed like expression in her eyes.

"Skylar? What's wrong? Do you need help-." Stiles was saying, holding onto her face.

Skylar grew angry, her grabbing onto his shoulders, throwing him on the bed.

"I don't need you or anyone, stay put of my way, or, i won't be so gentle." Skylar growls.

Stiles breaths out in shock, staring at his girlfriend, her then speeding out of the room.


"The last time Scott was like this was on a Full Moon." Allison nervously says.

"But, it isn't a Full Moon." Maia frowns.

"Yeah, i think something's going on with them." Stiles says in distraction.

"Them?" Maia confusingly asks.

"Scott was acting so weird with me, but what made me nervous was how i saw Boyd fisted his way into a vending machine and Skylar was just so angry with me."

"See? It's the motel!" Lydia hysterically comments.

"...wait, didn't you say the number went up by four?" Stiles reminds.

Lydia frowns. "Yeah..."

"Sacrifices, four sacrifices." Maia whispers.

A chainsaw was heard revving loudly, entering the teen's ears.

"Please tell me i'm not the only that heard that?" Lydia scaredly asks.


"Ethan!" Stiles shouts, running inside the Alpha's room.

Ethan had a chainsaw in his hands, him hovering over his other arm, getting ready to cut his off.

Stiles was seen rushing at Ethan, both fighting each other with the chainsaw, Stiles trying his best to get it away from the Alpha.

Ethan then found his self being shoved backwards, him falling on the heater behind him.

The hot burning steam hitting his back, which caused him to scream out.

Ethan then quickly caught his self, him seeing Maia, Lydia, Allison and Stiles looking at him, the chainsaw in the corner.

"Why are you here?" Ethan snapped.

"Hey, i just saved your life." Stiles argues.

Ethan glares at Stiles. "Maybe, you shouldn't have."

Ethan then walked away from the teens.

"What do we do now?" Lydia then sighs out.

"I'll go find Scott, you guys find the others." Allison then says, leaving them alone.

The three teens walked around the motel, Maia could practically feel Stiles' eyes on her as if he wanted to say something but was afraid.

"What's wrong with you?" Lydia weirdly stares at him.

"Okay! What is your problem?" Maia turns around, looking at him irritably.

"Um, uh, n-nothing." Stiles nervously stammers out.

"Then...why are you staring at me?" Maia questions.

Stiles then sighs out. "Okay, i wasn't going to say anything, but, you know...we've been through this exact situation."

Maia frowns confusingly. "What are you trying to say?"

"Remember the time when only you could've seen Peter and what he was doing to you? How you were practically doing anything he says? How he controlled you..." Stiles hesitantly says.

Maia then looks at Stiles with a hard glare, understanding what he was insinuating.

"I-i'm not saying that you're killing people, Maia-."

"Then, what are you saying?" Maia snapped.

"I-i just...just think, remember how Peter was controlling you?"

"Please, you're only making it worse." Lydia warningly mumbles.

"Okay, i'll shut up now, i didn't mean-." Stiles nervously says.

"I'll go find Skylar on my own." Maia furiously glares at him, her storming away from him.

Stiles sighs out, him then looking at Lydia, who raised a brow at him.


Leather red three inch heels that belonged to Maia Martin was seen walking into another compartment of the motel, her looking around for Skylar.


Flesh cutting noises, following by a slight wincing sound was heard coming from inside an empty room that Maia was walking nearby.

Skylar was seen sitting in a corner, cutting repeatedly onto her wrist, blood stained her wrist, flowing down her clothes.

"Skylar." Maia narrowed her eyes in shock at her.

"I need to keep cutting, i need to keep cutting." Skylar hypnotizingly mumbles.

Maia then rushed towards Skylar, tugging the knife away from her.

"Stop it, snap out of it." Maia firmly says, lightly patting her on her face.

"It's the only way, i have to do it so she could come alive." Skylar says in a dazed like expression.

"Who can come back? Skylar, you're not-." Maia was saying in confusion.

Skylar tried to reach for the knife but Maia smacked her hand away. "Stop."


Maia grunts in frustration, shoving her by her shoulders, hitting her across her face.

Skylar's brown hair covered her face, her head going to the side, a hand on her face.

Skylar then slowly looked at Maia, a hopeful look in Maia's eyes.

Skylar pouts. "Why'd you hit me?"

Maia happily smiles, pulling her in for a hug. "Oh!"

A loud explosion was then heard coming from the outside of the motel, both girls pulling away.

Skylar stares in shock. "What was that?"


Derek Hale was seen sitting on a bed in his loft, him all shirtless, his wound slowly healing, blood staining his body.

"Before you blacked out, you told me to call someone, who did you want me to call?" Jennifer asks.

"Maia." Derek whispers.

Jennifer frowns. "Maia Martin?"

"Why would i call her?"

"I want to say 'i'm sorry', and 'i love you' to her, i want–––i need her to know that i'm okay, i need her to know." Derek heavily breaths out.

"Okay...let's see if she answers." Jennifer then took out her phone.

"Why wouldn't she?" Derek frowns.

"Oh, if you really knew her then you'd know that Scott McCall really likes her and he's the one i saw her with yesterday." Jennifer then says.

"I don't care, call her." Derek demands.

Derek then frowns, wondering what she's doing with Scott.


"Why didn't you tell me that Derek broke up with you?"

Maia, who was sitting by herself, heard Scott's voice, him sitting next to her.

"Why didn't you come to me?" Scott then offensively asks.

Maia then frowns. "You told me not to come to you if he breaks my heart."

Scott sighs out. "I didn't mean it literal."

" know, i normally don't say i'm right, but, you were wrong." Scott says.

Maia playfully rolled her eyes, lightly shoving him. "Shut up."

Maia's phone was heard ringing, her then taking out the phone, seeing it was Derek calling her.

"Oh, it's Derek!" Maia nervously says.

"You don't need to answer that." Scott suggests.

"Uh, no, i should." Maia hesitantly says.

Maia then slid across the screen, her then placing the phone by her ear.

"Derek?" Maia asks over the phone.

"It's Jennifer, Derek's here in the room with me-."

Maia then hung up the phone, putting it down, her whole being just freezing up.

Maia then looks at Scott, who stares back at her.

Scott opened his mouth to say something, but Maia cut him off.

Maia glares at him, thinking he was going to taunt her. "Shut up, or i swear, i'll cut off your testicles."

Scott stares at her in offense, shock and fear.


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