By makexaxwish

55K 1.4K 242

nothing bad ever happens in the so-called boring small town of beacon hills. that's what maia martin, scott m... More

πŸ’Season One
πŸ’001; Bitten
πŸ’002; Favor
πŸ’003; Sleepwalker
πŸ’004; Death Shot
πŸ’005; Nightmare Vision
πŸ’006; Lure
πŸ’007; Deadly Sin
πŸ’008; Full Moon Effects
πŸ’009; Car Chase
πŸ’010; Siding With The Enemy
πŸ’011; Bad Guy
πŸ’012; He Loves Control
πŸ’Season Two
πŸ’001; Lost Girl
πŸ’002; Sexual Spell
πŸ’003; Under The Ice
πŸ’004; Lose My Mind
πŸ’005; The Truth Untold
πŸ’006; Deep Inside
πŸ’007; Kanima Venom
πŸ’008; Bondage
πŸ’009; Hypnotic
πŸ’010; His Weakness
πŸ’011; Fearsome
πŸ’012; Psychotic Breakdown
πŸ’Season Three A
πŸ’001; Bad Sign
πŸ’002; Ignite
πŸ’003; In Return
πŸ’004; Bullet Wounds
πŸ’006; Suspect
πŸ’007; Another Innocent
πŸ’008; I Can't Help But Love You
πŸ’009; Cold Blood
πŸ’010; Cora Hale
πŸ’011; Sacrifices
πŸ’012; Perplexed
πŸ’Season Three B
πŸ’001; Strange Behavior
πŸ’002; Invasion of Privacy
πŸ’003; Kids With Glowing Eyes
πŸ’004; Learn To Be Not Afraid
πŸ’005; One of The Good Guys
πŸ’006; Into The Woods
πŸ’007; Coming Out To Play
πŸ’008; House of Horrors
πŸ’009; Element of Surprise
πŸ’010; Chaotic
πŸ’011; Death
πŸ’012; Fallen
πŸ’Season Four
πŸ’001; Mexico
πŸ’002; Bearer Bonds
πŸ’003; Written In Code
πŸ’004; The List
πŸ’005; Persuasive
πŸ’006; Meredith Walker
πŸ’007; Killer Virus
πŸ’008; Mend It
πŸ’009; Dying? Almost
πŸ’010; Idea of Yours
πŸ’011; Stressed Out
πŸ’012; Summer With You
πŸ’Season Five A

πŸ’005; Bad Decision

593 17 5
By makexaxwish


Wheels strolled across the wet roads of Beacon Hills, rain falling heavy from the darkened sky.

Maia Martin was seated on the passenger's seat, her dark red hair all damp and wet, a huge towel spread over her to keep her warm.

A pair of fair skinned hands was seen holding onto the steering wheel, as he drove through the wet roads.

Maia's green doe eyes then looked at him. "How'd you even find me?"

"...i just- i saw you, i wasn't following you, i swear." Malachai smiles.

"I wasn't even thinking about you following me." Maia then says, an awkward expression covering his face.

Maia amusingly stares at Malachai, noticing his awkward look.

Maia then removed the towel from around her. "So, what brings you to Beacon Hills?"

"I was looking-." Malachai was saying.

The red haired teen cut his self off, seeing Maia pushing the button to open the glove compartment, which made him freak out.

"Maia, no, don't!"

But, it was too late, Maia had already seen what Malachai had been hiding from her all this time.

"Uh..." He trails off nervously.

Maia then took up a couple of pictures, her gaping at them, her catching the resemblance between the little girl and little boy in the picture, looking like her and Malachi.

Maia then slowly looks at Malachi in shock.

"That...i can explain."

"Stop the car." Maia calmly says.

"Just listen, all right-." Malachai was saying, glancing at her then at the road.

Maia tearfully looks at him, her tone sounding even more demanding. "I said, stop the car."


"Am i getting too close? I'm getting too close, aren't i?"

Allison Argent was seen behind the wheel, her slowly driving right behind the school bus.

"That depends, are you just following the bus, or do you plan on mounting it at some point?" Lydia questions.

Allison groans softly. "Yeah...i should back off."

"From the bus or the ex-boyfriend you're currently stalking?" Skylar, who was in the backseat, leaned forward with a smirk.

"I'm not stalking..."

"You okay, back there?" Allison then concerningly asks the older Martin.

Maia's green eyes glanced out the window. "Just thinking."

Lydia sighs out. "You don't really believe that story, do you?"


The car was seen stopping in a corner, Maia getting out of the car, her stepping in the rain, her squinting her eyes because of the rain.

"Hey, Maia, come on-." Malachai groans out.

"Don't get any closer, or, i swear i'll scream so loud that it'll shatter literally all of your braincells, i have confidence that it'll work, i've been practicing." Maia furiously stares at him.

"You think you alone have powers?" Malachai amusingly stares at her.

"Where's mom and dad? What happened with them?" Maia then curiously asks.

Malachai blankly stares at her. "Dead."

"What?" Maia whispers in shock.

"Maia, look, listen, all right? I came to this town, looking for a special someone and that someone is you." Malachai then says.

"I came back for you and only you, will you come back with me?"

"I don't know you, why would i trust you? You missed seventeen years of my life and now came back?" Maia scoffs at him.

"I have spent my life looking for you!" Malachai argues.

" knew, didn't you? That day you saw me, you knew who i was, didn't you?" Maia then questions.

"There's something called a 'tier', there are three-."

"Nu-uh, these stories of legends and myth can just crawl into a hole and never come back, 'cause, i'm done, all right?" Maia glares at me.

"You found me, now, you can leave." Maia forced a smile.

"That's not how it works Maia."

"No, i can't leave, i won't leave." Maia snapped.

Malachai shrugs. "That's cool, 'cause as long as you're here, so am i."

Maia squints her eyes at him, suspiciously but angrily staring at him. "What does that even mean?"

Malachai smirks. "You're smart, you figure it out."


"Allison? Maybe, you should slow down, like really slow down." Maia observed how the brunette was driving.

"Why?" Allison confusingly asks.

"Because, darling, you're running on some fumes." Maia lightly patted her on her shoulder.

Allison's face turned flush, then noticing what was happening. "Oh!"

"It's Scott, he can handle his self, why would it matter if we lose them?" Skylar sighs out, rocking back.

"No, not today, not after what happened." Allison then says.

"Hey, if Scott was dying i think Maia would've seen it." Skylar bluntly says.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, Skylar." Allison sarcastically says.

Skylar hums. "Anytime."

"Hey, Allison, you make a lot of bad decisions, right?" Maia then questions.

Allison gaped at her offensively. "What's that supposed to mean?"

" there something you want to say?" Skylar suspiciously asks.

Lydia then slaps her thighs. "Okay! Who did you sleep with?"

Allison and Skylar widened their eyes at Lydia, the younger Martin looking at her sister.

Lydia had a look of impatience in her eyes. "So?"


Yesterday morning, Maia Martin was seen walking inside Derek Hale's loft, wanting to talk to him about what she had found out, if even they're not on talking terms, she still feels like she needs to talk to him, part of her wanted to check up on him, really.

Unknownst to her, he wasn't even in the loft.

"Derek?" Maia calls out, walking through the loft.


"Derek!" Maia calls out once again, her not getting back any answer.

Maia then sighs out, her turning around, seeing someone walking towards her, a smile gracing onto her features, her thinking it was Derek.

"Derek." Maia whispers.

Maia then ran up to him, jumping into his arms.

Maia then found their was something odd about him, then pulled away from him, stepping back, her clearly seeing him.

"You!" Maia groans irritably.

"I'm the innocent one here, you were the one that was all over me." Peter then says with a smirk.

"Why is when i'm here for Derek, you're always here?" Maia scoffs.

"Maybe, i're really here to see me." Peter smirks.

Maia flips her dark red hair to the side. "Please."

"Where's Derek?" Maia then asks.

Peter shrugs, walking pass her. "I don't know."

"...i know who it is, in case you're wondering." Maia then awkwardly says.

"I wasn't." Peter carelessly says.

"Are you always this cranky? Can't you just smile?" Maia rolls her eyes at him.

"Sorry? Am i hurting your delicate feelings?" Peter sarcastically asks.

"I'm leaving."

"Are you afraid of me, Maia? That you can't stay even for five minutes?" Peter amusingly asks, taking a step towards her.

"Nope, not at all, i'm not afraid of you." Maia denied.

Peter then took another step towards her, her stepping back, which made him smirk in amusement.

"Then...why are you stepping back?"

"You know, what?" Maia exhales deeply, placing her hands on his shoulders to make a little distance between them.

Peter then took Maia's hands in his. "What?"

Before the Martin girl could get out any words, his lips was attached to hers in a rough and steamy kiss.

Maia also found herself kissing him back, her walking forward, which made him walk backwards, him then sitting on the couch, the dark red head climbing on his lap without breaking the kiss.

Peter then grabbed her on her sides, throwing her on the couch, him then going on top of her.


Maia had her hands on her face, groaning lightly, flashes of what happened that day replaying in her mind.

"Oh, i'm a terrible person." Maia accusingly says.

"Derek broke your heart, Maia, you're not terrible." Allison assures.

"Um, i'm totally speechless." Skylar rapidly blinks at her.

"Oh! I was joking about the whole thing, but, you do you girl." Lydia snapped her fingers.

Maia then frowns at Allison. "You're not judging me?"

"I'm not judging you!"

Skylar's phone was then heard ringing, her then swiping across the screen.

"Oh! Hey, Stiles! We were so not following you-." Skylar nervously says.

Lydia face palmed at the brunette.

"Put me on speaker, i know you all are following us." Stiles says over the phone.

Skylar then puts the phone on speaker.

"Okay, Scott's still hurt."

Allison then frowns. "What do you mean, 'still', he isn't healing?"

"No, he's not healing, and i think he's getting worse, he's bleeding a black substance."

"What's wrong with him?" Lydia confusingly asks.

"Wh-what's wrong with him?! Do i look like i have a PH.D in lycanthropy?" Stiles sarcastically asks.

Lydia rolls her eyes at the Stilinski.

"Shouldn't you be stopping Coach?" Maia then asks.

"Stopping Coach? Maia, this guy is hard to talk to!" Stiles says in frustration.

"All right, look, there's a next stop downtown, we'll take him there, try and do something." Allison then says.

"Like what?" Stiles scoffs.

"Do something! You always have an idea." Maia then says.

"Well, not now, my mind's totally blank!" Stiles whisper shouts.

"Stiles." Maia sighs out.

"Fine." Stiles grumbles.


An unconscious Scott McCall laid on a table, his wounds has gotten incredibly worse, even has his bleeding.

"You know, it could be psychological?" Lydia then says.

Stiles confusingly asks. "What do you mean? Like, psychosomatic?"

"Somatoformic." Lydia then says.

"Girl, what are you? A dictionary?" Skylar asks overwhelmed.

"No, well...i haven't figured out that part as yet." Lydia then shrugs.

"Som-." Stiles struggles to say the word.

"It's a physical illness from a psychogenic cause..." Lydia trails off.

Stiles was even more confused that before.

"It's all in his head." Lydia impatiently says.

"...because of what happened with Derek." Maia quietly whispers.

"Um, uh...okay, what do i do?" Allison panicked.

"Stitch him up!" Lydia then suggests.

Allison stares at her in shock.

"No, no, she's right, it'll ease the healing process." Maia agrees.

"Can't Skylar heal him?" Allison nervously asks.

"It won't work, he needs to believe, Allison, only you can." Skylar then says.

"Come on, stitch him up." Lydia impatiently says to a nervous Allison.


Outside the school bus, Isaac Lahey was seen bashing Ethan Steiner's face in, punch him over and over, not leaving the Alpha any chance.

Scott, staring at this scene as he was being helped by Allison, really wondered how he could've possibly help him.

"Scott, make him stop." Maia nervously says, green eyes glancing at Scott then at Isaac.

"Isaac!" Scott roars loudly at the Beta.

Isaac quickly jumped off of Ethan, him feeling like he needed to obey Scott, the McCall nervously staring at him and everyone.

"Not what i was expecting, but okay." Maia frowns at him.

Maia also then noticed Isaac staring at Skylar, the Hale girl awkwardly looking away from him, avoiding eye contact.

Maia glanced in between them, feeling something a little off between them.


Jennifer Blake was seen walking out of the high school, the brunette woman walking towards the parking lot, her nearing her car.

A rather weak and pale Derek Hale was seen throwing his self against her car door, which made her jump back in surprise.

Derek's shirt was all ripped open, blood all over his shirt and body, a deep wound on his stomach, him breathlessly sighing out, eyes so pale with dark circles around them.

"Derek?" Jennifer stares at him in shock.

"You need to, you need to call..." Derek trails off weakly.

"Call who? Derek?" Jennifer confusingly asks.

Derek was then seen fainting away, her eyes widening in panic.

"Oh, god."


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