Archon of time

By DemonLordDragonis

29.4K 620 969

Freedom , Contracts , Eternity , Wisdom , Justice , War and Fear . These are the 7 follow their own Ideal in... More

Archon of time
Dawn of a new Era
Liyue and Sumeru
Dendro God and Hydro Nation
The Fontaine Prophecy?
Blancheur and Noirceur
No More
My Will
La Vaguelette
My Bad?
Sumeru Desert adventure
Over and over and over
Christmas Special
Are Dreams dreams or Memories?
Uh oh
Dreams, Emptiness, and Deception
Aaru Confrontation
Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises
Darkened Heart
A battle of Gods
Very Random Sumeru Adventure
Special : Fontinalia Festival
Special: Fontinalia Festival Part 2
Special: Fontinalia Festival Part 3
Award Ceremony
Desires (R+18)
Fontaine Madness?
An Ice Cold Gift
A Darkened King
A Night Out
One more Sin
An Archons Sin
King's Secret
The Royal Knights
Fast Travel?!
instead of Furina and/or Focalors
A King's Darkness/ A Queens Ascension
Winter is Coming
The War
Burning in the Embers
Look at the image for the chapter.
Frozen Heart?
Time vs Eternity
New Story for those interested.

Time vs Hydro

940 18 15
By DemonLordDragonis

Neuvillete: This Court is now in session.

As Furina stood on stage surprised by what happened. She looked over at Noct who had his arms crossed as he looked at her. 

Furina: Ah, so this is what it is. Yes... You deserve praise for the effort you took to raise the dramatic stakes. Do not forget, however that I am Focalors, the God of Justice__ The Embodiment of justice itself. Does it not strike you as even the least bit absurd to bring the very concept of justice to trial? 

Neuvillete: May I interpret these words... as your refusal to stand trial? In that case, you will have the opportunity to defend your honor through a duel.

Everyone looked to find Clorinde walking to Furina, sword in hand. 

Furina: You... You would draw your blade against a god?

Clorinde simply pointed her sword at her waiting for her decision.

Furina: I see... It seems like you have made up your mind.

Shortly, Furina raised both her hands. 

In the stands, Lumine and Paimon were surprised by her action. 

Paimon: Paimon can't believe it... She... She just surrendered!? 

As everyone was shocked by Furina's action, Noct remained unconvinced. 

Noct: Shall we Furina..Don't want to keep the audience in suspense. 

Neuvillete: The court asks the prosecutor to please take the stand.

Noct stepped forward. 

Noct: Thank you, your honor.

As the two took their spots, the trial was about ready to begin.

Furina: Also, please allow me to ask, as the final question before the trial begins. Just how much work did you do to force me onto this stage? 

Noct: Hardly any, I was bait... though if I'm being honest. It was the others work who worked hard on getting everything together. 

Furina: Then I am to guess your role as "bait"? I suppose to keep me distracted with something once I found you in Poisson. You made sure that I didn't notice anything amiss, before revealing yourself as my prosecutor once we'd arrived onto the stage...

Noct: Well... I had an alternative reason.

Hearing him say that, even Neuvillete was surprised.

Noct: It was so you, can confess anything I wanted to hear. But were here now, the show must go on right? 

Furina: Hehehe, is that so? Then I suppose I must have missed my final chance... It's fine. It matters not. What's done is done. The stage is already set, so there's no reason to disappoint the audience. Let's see this trial through to the very end!

She points at him .

Neuvillete: The prosecution and the defense are both in position. The trial shall now begin.

Furina laughed .

Furina: Come on, Neuvillete. There's no need to repeat all the unimportant legalese. Just fast forward to the part where the prosecution lays out the offenses. As the defendant, and the lead actress of this performance. i still haven't even been informed of my supposed guilt in all of this.

She then crossed her arms and looked at Noct.

Furina: of course. It is only natural for humans to struggle to understand the actions of a god. However, you will need more than that to convict me of a crime.

Noct: That is true, but my charge here is unrelated to your conduct as an Archon.

Noct looked her in the eye.

Noct: Instead. I would like to charge you as a fraud who's never been the Archon in the first place.

Everyone surprised by his accusations or offense towards Furina.

Furina: !!! 

Neuvillete: Charge accepted.

He looked at her .

Neuvillete: Do you plead guilty to the charge, Lady Furina? 


Neuvillete: Lady Furina? 

Furina: I plead not guilty. How can I be guilty? There is no way that I, Focalors, otherwise known as Furina de Fontaine, a member of the Seven, and Regina of all Waters, Kindreds, Peoples and Laws of Fontaine, could be anything other than your true Archon.

As the people agreed with that she said. Furina then turned to the people.

Furina: I have cause to believe that common sense will prevail in this case. Many of the members of the audience have known me as the Hydro archon ever since they were born- there would be no fooling their memory,

Noct simply stood there and let her speak. He looked over at the Oratrice as it moved towards Furina's Favor. 

Furina: See? Even the Oratrice has decided to show me it's favor. Are you sure you want to commit to a charge that will never be upheld? If you wish to drop the case, I can promise you, as the God of Justice, that you will not have to face trial for making a false accusation. We will treat everything that's happened as a dramatic spectacle and move on with our lives. What do you say to that? 

As those that helped get Furina where she is now talked. Noct simply stayed silent and waited.

Noct: Tell me Furina, do the people see you as the Archon or just a simple mascot? That is their long-held belief....

Furina: Well. I tried to give you the chance to surrender. If you must persist, then let me ask: If I'm not the Hydro Archon, then what manner of being do you think I am? And if I was not the Archon, then how did I manage to survive for over 500 years? 

Noct: First of all, you may be a member of another long-lived race, which would allow you to naturally possess an extended lifespan. And second of all, even if that wasn't the case, there could be other ways to extend your life...such as...a curse.

Furina: Hmph... Who gave you that Idea? Was it the Knave? You'd sink so low as to use a harbinger's words against me? 

Noct: It doesn't matter who gave us the information. 

Neuvillete: A curse... I once thought it possible that the aura of an Archon might naturally resemble a type of curse. But in light of this claim, perhaps what I sensed was not your divinity, but a curse after all? 

Noct: So instead of being someone of divine stature, you're a cursed human being.

The Oratrice moved in Noct's favor.

Furina: Well, don't start celebrating too early now. Even if I have been carrying a curse like you said, how does that prove that I am merely a human being? Besides, everyone knows that the main difference between a human and a god is the possession of " Authority." Gods can do what humans cannot-That's why they're worshipped as gods.

She walked forward so the audience can get a better view of her. 

Furina: For centuries, Manifestations of my authority have served the nation of Fontaine. One need to only turn to their eyes towards the Oratrice in this very opera house or consider the indemnitium that is used in every aspect of life.

Noct: But Furina, you just used the Oratrice when it gave the Harbinger Childe the guilty even though he was innocent. You were just as confused that day as everyone else.

Lumine: Yeah, he's right. Childe was charged with Guilty even though he was innocent.

Furina: And I made myself clear that time. The decisions of the gods are naturally difficult for humans to comprehend. There is no need to provide an explanation...

Noct: Yet here you are, trying to make a valid excuse using the Oratrice .

Neuvillete: Lady Furina. I believe a reminder of your current circumstances is in order. While the court is in session, the principles of justice and the law must come before all else. While you are an Archon, you are first and foremost the defendant in this trial. You will prove yourself unable to defend against the prosecution's charges if you continue to withhold vital information against the rules of the court.

She looked at him annoyed.

Furina: Tsk...I never thought... You'd use that kind of rhetoric against me...

Noct: he's merely reiterated the rules of the court. Rules that all should respect and follow , it was no mere trick. But back to the Oratrice , you neither knew why Childe was declared guilty or understand how that thing operates. Instead of having been created by you, the "Manifestation of Authority" you mentioned have been made by the real Hydro archon, haven't they? 

Furina: The real Hydro Archon? Well, now you're really losing me. While it is true that I did not know why the Oratrice gave out guilty verdict that day. But it was handed out Unilaterally, and it has been operating independently ever since it was first created. you can't... you can't argue that just because a divine creation is flawed, that the God behind it is also not a god at all.

Noct: Enough excuses, putting that thing off to the side for now. Let's test your authority, Navia...

She stands up and hands a guard a bottle.

Noct: Mind giving us a demonstration, of your power as an Archon? 

Furina: My power as an Archon? There are many ordinary citizens in the audience. How can I just carelessly demonstrate the formidable power of an Archon...

Noct: I'm sure his Honor can extend his protection to them. If that is not a problem, you honor? 

Neuvillete simply nods.

Noct: It's just a simple demonstration Furina, nothing to extreme. 

Furina: I uh ...the indemnitium, yes, it's all the indemnitium! All the archons drive their power from the faith of the people, and I've converted the people's faith in justice into Indemnitium.

Just as she was about to continue, Noct intervened.

Noct: That has nothing to do with your authority, is it ready? 

He looked down at the stage and noticed the guard had just finished setting up a pedestal with water inside it. 

Guard: Yes. 

The guard walked away.  Later , to put it to the test Furina simply needed to stick her hand in the water . Which she did , which not only shocked Noct but those that expected the opposite. 

Furina: I... I'm fine! Look! Look at me, everyone. My hand is still here. I haven't been dissolved! Will you believe me now? I really am your Archon. I'm nothing like a normal human, who would fall apart as soon as they touch this water. Really, was this not the most obvious thing in the world? 

Shortly, Neuvillete called out to someone named . Sigewinne which surprised Noct .


Neuvillete: Your majesty, please refrain from using foul language in this court room and yelling . 

He coughs. 

Noct: Forgive me your honor.

As she checked on Furina , once she finished, she announced to the audience that she is displaying symptoms of Hyperventilation and flushed skin. Thus, indicating that ...

Noct: your human Furina... what you put your hand in was a less concentrated portion of the primordial sea. What you experienced was the same as that of humans.

Once Furina returned to her stand. 

Furina: Wait. What did she just say? I didn't get dissolved! Shouldn't that be enough to prove my innocence? 

Noct: To be fair, Furina . I half expected you to run from the problem...

Furina: I... I can't believe... You...

Noct: Something isn't adding up, Furina was hellbent on keeping up the Facade even if it meant risking her life. She couldn't have known ...unless...

Furina: Listen to me, listen to me, everyone... please don't give me such cold disdainful looks. What happened just now didn't prove a single thing! Think about it. How can you conclusively prove that an Archon can't also be affected by the Primordial seawater? Also, also! If I was really just a human, why would I dare to just put my hand in that kind of water!? 

Noct looked at her and noticed, she about ready to break down.

Furina: ... Please, everyone, anyone, just listen to me. I swear, I really am your Archon...

As she looked around the courtroom, no one was looking at her. Noct had his eyes closed, but held a tight grip on his arm. 

Noct: Furina... you need to stop... you're only making it worse on yourself.

Noct: Your Honor, I want to pass judgement on her...

Hearing him say that, everyone was shocked that Noct wanted to pass the Judgement on the Hydro Archon.

Neuvillete: Your Majesty, be as it may. You have to respect our laws... I'm sorry.

Noct: ... 

Noct: I tried Furina..I'm sorry...

As Neuvillete recounted the events that lead Furina to this moment , in her mind . 


She couldn't believe she lost, she walked backwards and ended up in a throne behind her. Noct jumped over to her and kneeled down to her.

Noct: Furina...


Noct: Hey ...come one ..say something.

Neuvillete: We will now turn to the Oratrice to deliver final Judgement. 

As the machine passed judgement , Noct looked at her with Concern. 

Noct: Furina..please say something. 

The final verdict has arrived. The iudex took it and had a shocked look.

Neuvillete: What? 

Lumine and Paimon shot up from their seats.

Lumine: Don't tell me ... 

Neuvillete: No, Furina is guilty but ... the Oratrice ...has ..

"Sentenced the Hydro Death." 


Paimon: But wait , your honor isn't that extreme? 

Lumine: What's more it's pointing to the Hydro archon and ..

Neuvillete: Yes , it's pointing the Archon itself and not Lady Furina.

After a few seconds pasted , Lyneys Brother arrived with something in hand. He showed it to Neuvillete, it was the first stone slate that was missing.

After deciphering the slate, Neuvillete announced that those Born in Fontaine are actually ...Oceanids. This shocked those in the court since and Neuvillete then realized what the 2nd slate meant. 

Neuvillete: The 2nd slate ...Celestia is punishing Egeria for turning Oceanids into humans. 

Lumine: Then the 3rd slate... 

Neuvillete: Yes, the Hydro archon is on Trial against the people of Fontaine...which can only mean. The final slate.

Noct: "And the hydro archon will sit the throne and weep ..."

Just as everyone came to this realization, Neuvillete made another connection with what he learned from the Traveler during her time inside the Fortress and what she saw. 

Noct: Wait, you're saying that...

Neuvillete: We just gathered all these people here ...EVERYONE GET OUT NOW!!! 

Before they can move, reality shattered revealing the creature that Lumine saw in her dreams.

Neuvillete tried to fight it off , giving the people time to run. The monster seemed to be hungry as it chased after them, just before it managed to devour any . Electro energy shot out of the portal it came through , revealing someone in armor. 

Lumine: Childe!!! 

Paimon: He's using his Foul Legacy!! 

As he attacked the monster, Noct readied his sword and stood in front of Furina. 

Noct: Furina...You need to snap out of it! 

As she remained motionless still crying. The harbinger managed to send the monster back through the portal. As he hovered over the portal, his breathing erratic as he slowly turned and looked at everyone. He held his hand up and gave them a thumbs down, as he falls back through the portal. 

Paimon: That was way too close! How did that thing just burst into the opera house!? Wait. Was that the huge whale you saw in your dreams?

Lumine: That's right. I'd also wager that it's also the one that Childe saw when he was young.

Neuvillete: So, we've met it at last... I understand very well why it has chosen to make an appearance here. 

Noct: Gee I wonder why. 

Everyone looked up at Noct, holding his sword.

Noct: It burst in here and saw all the people. To it, we waved a massive sign saying, " Free Buffet here!!" but we didn't know until it was too late.

Neuvillete: That "whale" does not belong to Teyvat. It is a monster that has traversed the stars, weeping all the while. 

As he says that, everyone was shocked. Noct turned his attention towards Furina, who still remained motionless. 


Neuvillete: It has been greedily consuming the energy from the planet's Primordial Sea, using it to grow. That is the main cause for the rising sea levels and once it has finished consuming all of the energy within the Sea, it's next step will be..

Clorinde: You said that when the Hydro Archon first created the Fontainians out of Oceanids, she filled their blood vessels with Primordial Seawater.

Noct: Proving my free buffet again...

As everyone talked , the gears inside the Epiclese begun to spin. Everyone was shocked at what was going on. 

Navia: What's happening to the Oratrice?! 

Neuvillete: I is preparing to carry out the death sentence.

Hearing this both Noct and Lumine reacted . Lumine hurried to Furina , while Noct got his crossbow ready and aimed at the Oratrice. 

Noct: I never did like that thing... 

As he was about to pull the trigger, the entire room was covered in a bright light. 

Noct and Neuvillete were now standing on what looked to be the stage in the Epiclese , but it was more destroyed and a sword hung over it pointing down at someone. 

Noct: Wait...this place? 

Neuvillete: You...

Noct looked at the person, as his eyes widened. 

The person let out a small laugh.

Furina?... Sorry! That shocked expression on your face's is just too amusing. I couldn't help myself.

Noct: You are not Furina. Who are you? 

Furina?: Ah, the sweet sound of bewilderment. Marvelous! A sure sign that my attempt to deceive everyone was a resounding success...But to answer your question: I am Focalors. You know? The god?

As she said that, Noct looked at the sword then back at her. Focalors then did a small curtsy to him.

Focalors: Your's an honor to meet the heir of Chronus. 

He remained silent. 

Noct: My nightmare, it's.. 

Neuvillete: Focalors... Why did you Deceive us? 

She turned away and crossed her arms.

Focalors: Oh, that wasn't my goal, of course. Goodness, No! But I had to fool everyone else, too, if I was to stand any chance of deceiving... The Heavenly Principles.

Noct: The Heavenly Principles? 


Chapter is Done! Everything belongs to Rightful owners! 

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