the chaos within me

By normal_writer1812

3.9K 89 12

in the city of Scetas. many people just live their lives in peace. playing duel monster and minding their own... More

scetas city (rewritten again)
the mystery duelist (rewritten)
hanging out with friends, interuptioned
meeting with the enemy
night watchers
a date gone wrong (rewrite again)
the calm before the storm (rewrite)
it has only just begun
the hunter of nightmares
growing hate
Bird hate

the man(s) behind the mask

172 5 1
By normal_writer1812

Selen and Pomu were just arriving at the secret base where Luca and the others were out with the man on Pomu's shoulder. It wasn't easy reaching the base since there were many VFS officers on high alert and also carrying a grown ass man on your shoulder isn't going to be easy, but lucky for them they still made it. So once they reached the front door entrance of the secret base, both Selen and Pomu stopped for a second to catch their breath as they were running for quite a bit, especially Pomu since had to carry a grown ass man all by herself on her shoulder with no help whatsoever.

Pomu: god damn it Selen! I can't believe you made me carry this asshole all by myself!

Selen: hey look! You told me once that you carried my sister bridal style once so I thought you had this!

Pomu: I lied about that! It was your sister who carried me bridal style! She didn't even carry me for long, we both immediately fell to the ground! I just said I was the one just so I can make you think I was the one on top!

Selen: i fucking know it! I know you were fucking lying about it the second you told me about it!

She screamed back at Pomu as she knew she was lying about that the second she told her that long ago.

Pomu: That isn't important right now! What's important is getting this guy to Luca so he could ask some questions! And we better get some answers because I'm not carrying for nothing! This shoulder is for Elira only!

Selen: oh stop complaining, you did a whole bunch of meaningless tasks before, this wouldn't be your first. Plus, you did this for me, right?

She asked as she hoped Pomu was carrying the guy she didn't want to carry all the way to Luca's base all by herself.

Pomu: no fuck you.

Selen: bitch, you wish my sister told you that.

She said as she started to open the door.

Pomu: bitch you wish Finana would.

She taunted Selen which she ignored as she didn't want to continue to bicker with Pomu. She opened the door for the both of them and they both had entered the secret base with the man still in hand. Once they entered, they ran to find Luca so they could get some help from him and the others. They saw some other goons there as well minding their own business but they didn't see Luca.

Selen: luca! Luca, where are you!

Pomu: yeah Luca! Where are you! I need you to take this guy off of my shoulder already!

They both screamed Luca's name as they needed him right now. Lucky for them, he quickly answered them.

Luca: hey guys! What you need!

He screamed as walked towards them with both Calli and Gura behind him as well.

Selen: Luca, thank god. I have good news for everyone!

Gura: oh! Did you bring pizza!

She said excitedly.

Selen: what? No! We found a guy who I believe is working with the enemy and we captured him!

She said in excitement she could finally be finding the answer she wanted to find.

Gura: aw man, bring pizza would be much more exciting news.

She said which caused Calli to bonk her in the head.

Calli: So are you certain that this guy could be related to the secret mafia gang that is after us?

Selen: well the fact that glowed ominous red when i dueled this guy, i would say most likely.

She said as she was confident of herself.

Luca: good enough for us!

He said excitement.

Luca: alright boys! Tigh this guy up in a chair for integration! But first, let's unmask this guy to see who we're truly dealing with.

He said as he grabbed the mask of the man and took it off to reveal—

A normal average person.

Luca let out a massive gasp as if this was a major plot twist that was happening.

Luca: Who is this guy?

He asked in a confused voice as he didn't know who this guy was, he had never seen this man once in his life and he was kind expecting more than some average guy.

Calli: I have no idea, and that's why we have the deadbeats for.

She said as she looked at her goons.

Calli: deadbeats! Use face identification to find out who this guy is and bring us information about him, pronto!

Deadbeats: yes boss!

They said as they took a picture of the man's face and they walked away so they could start their research. Once they went to do that, some other goons grabbed a chair and some rope so they could tie the man up to start the integration. So they put the man into the chair and tied him so he wouldn't escape, now they just needed to wake the man up.

Calli: Alright, someone get us a bucket of water so we can wake this guy up.

Gura: Actually that won't be needed, I found out that you can use something called smelling salt to wake people up. And it so happened that i have some with me just for this occasion.

She said as she took one out of her pocket.

Calli: Why do you have smelling salt with you?

Gura: oh well, my wife told me this is some of the best to wake up a person and she's a detective so i trust her knowledge a lot.

Gura then walked up to the knocked out man with the smiling salt in hand. Once she was in front of the man, and placed the smelling salt underneath the man's noise. After a few seconds, the man started to wake and tried to see where he was right now.

Man: what, what happened. Where am i?

The man asked as he looked around to see he was surrendered by people he couldn't recognize.

Pomu: wakey wakey, bitch!

Pomu said as she showed up in front of the man which scared him.

Man: ahhhhhh!

The man screamed as Pomu came out of nowhere, and it wasn't helping that Pomu had a metal bat with her.

Pomu: sorry not sorry for kidnapping you, but my friend needs something from you! And if you don't give her what she wants, then I'm going to break your knee caps.

She said as she raised the bat with a smile on her face which caused the man to sweet heavenly and screamed loudly as well.

Man: please don't! I beg of you! Please don't hurt me or my family!

He said as he then started to cry a lot as he pleaded with Pomu which surprised Pomu as she didn't expect the man to have a reaction like this, especially since she wasn't going to hurt anyone's family.

Man: I know I still owe you ten thousand dollars but you just got to give me more time! Please, I just need more time to give you guys back your money! I promise that I will make back the money! Just please don't my family! They don't have anything to do with this! So please just let them be!

The man kept on screaming as he kept on crying with tears coming out of his eyes so much that you could easily mistake them for a mini waterfall. Now the gang were even more confused as this man didn't owe them anything, so what was he talking about when he said that he owed them money.

Luca: money? You don't owe us anything at all.

He said which confused the man.

Man: What do you mean I don't! I loaned ten thousand dollars from your loan shark! Isn't that why you got one of your guys to break into my house and to kidnap me!?

He said, which confused everyone even more than before.

Selen: kidnap you? What, you weren't kidnaped by us. I mean you are, but not from your home. You were kidnaped from the street after you beat a VFS officer.

Man: I did what! I would never do something like that! You must be lying!

He screamed at them all which confused Selen since she saw the guy attack a VFS officer a few minutes ago, how doesn't he remember that.

Selen: Wait, you don't remember dueling the VFS officer from a few minutes ago?

Man: no! No, I don't remember!

He said which just kept making everyone even more confused. Did this guy seriously not remember what he did, they're pretty sure they would remember such a thing like hurting a VFS officer, you don't forget things like that. Especially if it happened a few minutes ago. Something wasn't right here, but lucky for them, the goons who did their research on the man came back with information about the man.

Goon: Hey boss! I got the information about the guy.

Calli: Good, now what did you find deadbeat?

Goon: Well you see, this guy's name is Marilyn Carlson, there isn't anything special about this guy, he had a normal job and he does normal jobs. But then there was something unusual about him.

Calli: Well then, spit it out.

Goon: Well you see, what we found was that, this guy has been missing for five months.

Gural: five months!

Gura screamed in shock from what she was told. Everyone was surprised by this, this guy has been missing for five months, they literally found a missing person. Everyone was lost now, a guy had been missing for five months and was now working for a secret mafia but had no memory of working with one.

Luca: Look, we all seem to be lost here. So why don't you catch us up and tell us what is the last thing you remember.

He asked Marilyn politely.

Marilyn: fine! I'll tell you what I remember!

He said as he was ready to tell what happened beforehand.


Right now, Marilyn was panicking really hard as he was sweating bullets and was on the urge of having a heart attack from how fast his heart was pumping. He was outside of his house as he was walking back from work but on his way back, he noticed that someone was following him which wasn't a good sign especially since he's time was up and it was the day after he was due to pay up his loan which he didn't as he couldn't make the money back. Once he was at the front door of his house, he quickly tried to grab his key to open his door and as he did, he looked around himself to see if there was anyone following him right now which seemed to be no one but he knew it wouldn't be like for long. Once he had opened the door, he entered his house and he quickly rushed towards the room where his wife and his son would be, not knowing what was coming for them. So he quickly ran up the stairs of his house and ran to his room and burst into the room where his wife was reading a book to their child. The sudden bursting into their room while sweating surprised both of them as they didn't expect him to barge like this.

Wife: sweetie, what's wrong? Why the sudden barging in?

The wife asked as she could tell something was wrong.

Marilyn: A lot! A whole lot! Honey, I just want you to know that I'm sorry, I never mean to put you or our son in danger! I never wanted this!

He said with tears in his duo to the current situations.

Son: Daddy, what's wrong.

The boy asked so innocently not knowing the danger that was coming for his father.

Marilyn: Oh son, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry that I put you and your mother at risk! I never wanted this, all I want is to have a roof over your head to have food on the table! I never wanted for you to ever be endangered! I would never want anything bad happening to you!

He cried as he hugged his son as he loved him dearly. Watching this as this seemed out of nowhere, the wife was confused.

Wife: Sweety, what's wrong.

She asked as she wanted to know what was going through her husband's head.

Marilyn: Do you remember when I said that my father gave us ten thousand dollars so we can pay for rent and so we can pay for proper lighting and food.

Wife: Well of course I did, why?

Marilyn: Well I lie, my father told me to eat dirt and refused to help us in any way! So I got desperate and got a loan from a loan shark that works for the mafia and now I owe them money that I don't have!

He said with tears in his eyes, his wife looked at him with shock as for so long she thought her father in law had helped them.

Wife: sweety! Why didn't you tell me about this!

Marilyn: because I didn't want to put any pressure on you for the mistake I made! Or put you and our son in danger! I'm sorry! I never wanted any of this to happen!

He screamed as more tears came out of his eyes as now his family could be in danger. All he wanted to do was to protect them and now he had potentially put them in harm's way, it wasn't helping that the harm would be coming from the mafia. Before they continued to talk about this, everyone heard the door being broken down which meant that someone had broken into the house.

Marilyn: Oh god! They're here! You two! Hide the closest and stay there!

He commanded his wife and child so they would hopefully not get hurt from the intruder.

Son: But daddy, what about you? Are you going to be okay?

The boy asked as he was worried for his father's safety.

Marilyn: don't worry about me, worry for yourself and your mother. Now go!

He commanded his family, they quickly ran to the closer and once they were in it, he ran up to them to close the door.

Marilyn: stay in here and don't make a single sound, and if you hear me scream, don't come out.

He told them what to do so he could assure them of their safety. The wife was scared for her and her child's life as she had never thought she would ever be put in this situation ever, especially with the mafia being involved. The child was also scared as he didn't even know what was going on or who was after his father. Why were bad people coming after his father, his father didn't do anything bad so why were there bad people coming after a person who wasn't bad.

Son: daddy.

Marilyn: Yes son, what is it?

He quickly asked as he heard someone coming up the door steps.

Son: Will Il see you again after this?

The child asked his father, but before he could get a response, the father heard footsteps coming towards the door so he quickly closed the closet door without giving his son an answer.

Once the closet door was closed, the door to their room was immediately kicked down by someone. Once the door was kicked down, Marilyn dropped to the floor as he had his back up to the wall in fear as the mafia had come for him. Once the door is gone, someone enters the room. That person being THE HUNTER. Once Marilyn saw the hunter, he started to cry as he knew his end had come. Once the hunter saw Marilyn backed up to the wall, he started to slowly walk up to Marilyn as he cried so hard as he started to plead with the hunter.

Marilyn: Look, I know I owe you guys a lot of money, but please! I just need more time! You just need to give me more time! You need to give me more time! I promise I will make up the money I owe you! I promise! You just got to give me more time to make it up to you!

He pleaded and he pleaded hard just so the hunter would give him more time, he didn't care how much time he was given. A minute, an hour, a day. Just more time so he could spend time with his family before his final moment. But the hunter didn't care, he couldn't care less about other people's problems. That is what he was taught, that no one cares about other people's struggle, that what his mother had told him, that what had happened to him. So when he was approaching Marilyn. The hunter went to grab something out of his cloak which frightened Marilyn thinking he was about to take out a gun, but what he took out was a card.

That care being named "rank up magic barian's force"

Marilyn was confused at first but when the card started to glow red, he wouldn't remember what would happen next.

End of flashback.

Marilyn: And that's all I remember, I promise you that is all I remember. So please, just give me more time, I promise I will make the money back. I promise.

Marilyn pleaded one more time with his capture as tears came out of his eyes. From this story the gang was in shock. The story itself was sad and overall depressing, the guy just wanted to provide for his family, he never wanted this, and for all they know, his family might also be under the hunter's control. But now from this story, what they gathered is that the hunter seems to have the ability to mind control people. Which isn't a good sign at all, it wasn't helping that from this story alone, implies they are doing it on civilians and people who owe them money. This could mean that the number of people in this secret mafia could be very high, it wasn't also helping that they don't seem to have memory while being in control so they can't ask where their enemy might be.

Pomu: damn, that was, that was something.

She said in a sadden voice from the story. She was not expecting that, but now she was kind of grateful that she got her ass beaten by the hunter because at least he didn't mind controlling her, she can handle a beating but mind controlling is something else, but she still hates him for obvious reasons.

Selen: yeah, damn indeed.

She said also with a sadden voice from that story. Everyone in that room just felt bad for the guy as he basically got separated from his family but some evil asshole. It must be hard especially since his family does not even know that he's still alive, still worrying about them. Before anyone could keep grieving

She said as she then walked up to Marilyn as she still needed some questions answered. So once she got up close to Marilyn, Selen went through Marilyn's pocket to find his deck that he used to duel her. Once she did, she took it out to investigate it. She looked at the cards that were in the deck and as she did, she noticed one card was missing.

Selen: What the hell?

Pomu: What is it?

She said as she walked up to Selen.

Selen: He's missing a card.

Pomu: missing a card? What is he missing?

Selen: rank up magic barian force. He no longer has it in his deck.

Pomu: Wait, he has that card?

She was shocked as she remembered that card, it was the same card that the hunter used to beat her in their duel.

Selen: well he did, but for some reason he no longer has it in his deck? It just disappeared.

She said annoyed, it could have been helpful with trying to find the hunter.

Pomu: probably because the guy isn't being mind controlled anymore by the hunter. I guess having that card means you're most likely being mind controlled.

Selen: Well now we know that the hunter is able to mind control people and the guys with masks are people under his control. So I guess that's a card to look out for then.

Pomu: Well, I'm pretty sure we want to invade any card that glows.

She said sarcastically.

Selen: Well that settles it, I'm going to go back out at night to find more guys like him so I can find a person who is mind controlled.

Pomu: whoa, what! Why!

Selen: um Pomu, i know you're not smart at all but i'm pretty sure you know why. If we can catch these guys then maybe we can find their secret base.

Pomu: but this guy doesn't even remember a single thing, what makes you think any other mind control person will!

Selen: Well I'm just going to follow them back to their base, assassin creed style. And trust me Pomu, i play assassin creed, so basically i'm a professional at this point. So there isn't much to worry about.

She said in full confidence.

Pomu: Well if we're going by your logic then I should be the one following the enemy back to their secret base since I play metal gear, so I'm basically a god at sneaky. But it doesn't matter since none of us are going to track down anyone!

Selen: why not! Why shouldn't we track these guys down!

Pomu: well for obvious reasons! We aren't ready! If the hunter catches us then we might straight be dead! You heard what the guy said, the hunter can mind control people! And I'm not risking that, and neither should you! Especially when there's a lot of VFS officers looking for these guys as well!

She said as she tried to talk Selen out of this suicidal mission.

Pomu: besides, even if I somehow agreed to this. We don't have enough time!

She said as she pulled out her phone to show Selen the time. It was 11 pm.

Luca: yeah, she's right, i don't want you guys staying up overnight, especially with many VFS outside on the night portal, you two should get some rest.

Pomu: yeah! We better get going because I want to at least have some rest for tomorrow. And I'm not going to waste my beauty sleep for this shit! I got to look good for Elira tomorrow.

She said to Selen as this wasn't the time for tracking people down, Pomu knew it and Selen knew, and she hated that.

Selen: god damn it! I hate it when you're right, fine! We won't go following someone! We'll do it another time!

She said as she started to walk away and exit the building.

Pomu: no! Not even another time Selen! The hunter is dangerous, remember! Remember what he did to our goons! We have to become stronger first before we find this guy!

Selen: fine! We'll do it in the future! Now shut up! I just want to get some rest.

She said in a tired voice as she wanted to sleep right about now.

Pomu: Jesus, I can't believe Elira can handle living with you. You know that's why Elira would make a good wife and a mom. She basically takes care of a child already, which is you!

She said as she followed Selen to the exit door of the building.

Selen: Jesus, I get it! You want to bang my sister! Shut up about it already!

She screamed one more time as both of them exited the door, leaving the secret base as the other stayed behind with the tied up man.

Calli: Well, with those two gone, what do we do now?

Gura: especially with him.

She said pointing at Marilyn who was still frightened.

Luca: Well I think we should do the right thing and bring him back to his family, they're probably worried sick for him.

Calli: Are you sure, he's seen our faces, what if he tells someone?

She asked as she didn't want to risk it.

Gura: Ah don't worry Calli, I'm sure it will be fine. I'm sure he won't tell anyone, unless he wants to get his neko neko kneecaps broken.

She said as she then took out a large metal bat ready to break someone's kneecaps which frightened Marilyn.

Marilyn: no! I won't tell anyone! I promise! I swear!

He pleaded with his kneecaps on the line.

Calli: alright fine, we'll bring him back to his family so they can be happy together again.

Luca: that the spirit, you would understand how important a family is to a husband.

Calli: yeah i would, i would know a lot on how important a family can be.

She said as she remembers her family.

Calli: Alright, we'll take this guy back to his family. Hey Marilyn, tell us where your house is so we can take you back there.

She asked Marilyn hoping to get an answer right away. But he didn't answer, he looked too frightened to answer her, in fact. He probably didn't hear her question as he was too busy staring off into the ceiling's window roof for some reason.

Calli: um hello? Where do you live so we can drop you off there?

She asked once again to get a response but just like last time, she didn't. Marilyn just kept on looking at the ceiling with fear in his eyes.

Calli: what the hell is wrong with you dude, what are you even—

Before she could finish her sentence, all of a sudden, a grappling hook burst through the ceiling's window and wrapped around Marilyn's body. Once it happened, someone started to lift Marilyn into the air and attempted to kidnap him. As Marilyn was lifted into the air, he let out a loud scream as he was being kidnaped and as he was, Luca quickly grabbed onto Marilyn's leg to try to pull him down but someone just kept pulling both Marilyn and Luca to the air.

Luca: guys! Try to get on the roof to stop whoever is doing this!

He commanded his goons which they listened to. All of them ran outside to figure out a way to get on the roof as Luca was being lifted to the roof with Marilyn. Once both him and Marilyn reached the top, Marilyn and Luca were dragged to the rooftop where Luca would see five more guys that had the same clothes and mask that Marilyn was wearing beforehand.

Luca: there's five of them!

He shouted out as now there were three of them.

Marilyn: no! Please! Leave me alone! I have no value to you! Just let me be with my family again! I beg of you!

He screamed and cried as he just wanted to be free again and reunite with his family. But the masked men didn't care, two of them walked up to Marilyn and both of them carried him by the shoulder and started to drag Marilyn away as he tried to break free with no success.

Luca: hey!

He screamed as he tried to stop them but one of the masked men got in his way, preventing him from saving Marilyn from his capture. The masked man who was blocking Luca's way then took out a duel disk as he was ready to duel Luca.

Luca: fine! If it's a duel you want!

He said as he took out his duel disk.

Luca: Then it's a duel you're going to get!

Mask man/luca: duel!

Luca: I'll go first since I want to show you what happens when you kill part of my gang and hurt my members! You face the wrath of their leader! Me! In fact, I won't go easy on you, I won't even let you get a first turn.

He said in a serious voice.

Luca: First, I activate the spell card, Red-eyes fusion! This card lets me fusion summon a fusion monster that lists Red-eyes monster as material. I can use monsters from my hand, deck or field as material! But if I use this card I can no longer summon any other monster, but that won't matter! So i'm using red-eyes black dragon and meteor dragon red-eyes impact to fusion summon Meteor black comet dragon!

Meteor black comet dragon Lv 8 Atl/3500 Def/2000

Luca: and since i use red-eyes fusion, his name changed into Red-eyes black dragon.

Red-eyes black dragon Lv 8 Atl/3500 Def/2000

Luca: now i'm activating Meteor black comet dragon's effect. If he was fusion summon, I can send one red-eyes monster from my hand or deck to the graveyard and if I do, I can inflict equal to half the original attack point of that monster! So i'm sending Red-eyes darkness dragon from my deck to the graveyard and he has 2,400 attack points so you take 1,200 attack points!

Mask man's Lp: 4,000 - 2,800

Luca: Now I'm activating inferno fire blast! I can target one "red-eyes black dragon" in my monster zone, and I can inflict damage to you equal to the original attack point of that red-eyes black dragon but that monster can't attack which won't matter! Since Meteor black comet dragon's name has become Red-eyes black dragon! I can target him! And his attack is 3,500! So you know what that means! You lose!

He said as Meteor black comet dragon shot a fireball at the mask man, winning luca the duel.

Mask man's Lp: 2,800 - 0

Luca wins

Once the man had lost the duel, he fell to the ground in defeat as he was being knocked out of his mind control just like Marilyn was. Once the mask man hit the ground, Luca ran up to the man to make sure he was okay or not since he was also being mind controlled like Marilyn was. He tried to walk up to the man but two other masked men got in his way preventing him from getting near the knocked out mask men.

Luca: oh come on! What the hell guys!

He said in annoyance as he didn't want to deal with it anymore. The two masked men started to approach Luca as they seemed to be ready for a fist to fist fight with Luca on the roof.

Luca: Fine, I'll teach you a lesson on what happens when you hurt my favorite member and my gang! And trust me, it's going to be a lesson you won't forget.

He said in a serious voice as he raised his fist as he was ready to knock some people out.

Luca: Well actually you won't remember at all since you're all beijing mind control and you can't remember what's happening right now so—

But before he could finish, one of them tried to punch Luca in the face but he quickly dodge the punch. Luca then quickly punched the guy who tried to punch in the stomach, knocking him back. The other one then tried to punch him in the stomach but Luca quickly grabbed the mask guy's arm and punched him in the face. The other masked man got up and tried to punch Luca in his face multiple times but each time Luca just backed away, dodging the punches. Then he uppercuts the mask man in the chin but the other mask man quickly tried to punch Luca on the side but he dodge that one as well and back handed the mask man. Then one of the mask men tried to tackle Luca but that failed as well as he just got out of the way and stuck his foot out, causing the mask man to trip. The other tried to punch Luca again but Luca just punched the mask man in the face repeatedly until he backhanded the man again. Then the mask man that was on the ground quickly grabbed Luca by the back but Luca just raised his elbow and hit him in the mask man in the stomach, causing the mask man to let go of Luca. Then Luca quickly turned around and punched the masked man in the face. The other mask man tried to punch Luca in the back of the head but Luca just punched the mask man in the face quicker then the mask man could punch. The masked man fell to the ground but then quickly got up and when he did, he took out a knife out of nowhere.

Luca: Wait, you had that! Why didn't you take that out early?

He asked by the masked man didn't answer him as he rushed towards Luca to stab him. The masked man swung his knife out Luca but he quickly dodged the knife, then the mask man tried to jab Luca but he quickly grabbed the masked man by the wrist and held it tight as the mask man tried to pull his hand out of Luca's grasp. Then Luca then kneeled the mask man in the stomach and then kicked the mask man in the nuts, causing the mask man to drop his knife. The knife fell near the other masked man who quickly got up and grabbed the knife on the ground and took out his own knife. Now having two knives in hand, the mask man rushed towards Luca trying to stab him with both of his knives. He swung his right arm near Luca's stomach but missed so he tried to swing his left arm towards Luca's face but Luca quickly dodge the attack. The mask man tried to jab Luca as well but Luca grabbed both of his hands by the wrist. Then Luca head butted the mask man in the face and twisted both of the masked man's hands which caused him to drop both of his knives. Then Luca kicked the man in the stomach as hard as he could, which caused the masked man to fall to the ground in defeat.

Luca: Yeah, let that be a lesson to you. Never mess with me and my lucubs ever again.

He said in full condense. But he didn't get to celebrate his victory for long as then a large gust of wind started to appear above him. Luca looked up to see that there was a helicopter that was above him. In the helicopter were more masked people inside the helicopter and they were there to take back their fellow comrades. One of the masked people dropped down a rope for the two masked men who were carrying their hostage and they both to the rope as they carried Marilyn with them. Then two other masked people dropped to the roof and grabbed the two masked men that Luca beat up and picked them up and started to fly away with the helicopter. Luca could only watch as the masked people just flew away with their hostage and left Luca on the roof as he couldn't do anything to stop them.

Once the helicopter flew off to the sky, finally someone used a large ladder to get on top of the roof to see that Luca was all alone with no sight of the man and anyone else.

Calli: um hey, what happened to the guy? Where did he go?

Luca: Did you hear the helicopter?

Calli: um, yeah.

Luca: Then there's your answer.

He said as Calli connected the dots.

Calli: aw shit.

She said as they had lost the man as he was now probably being returned back to the secret base of their enemy where he would be put back into his mind control .

What's worse, is that the man knows their locations. Including the other masked people. 

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Catherine Aidos nicknamed Crissy. High-school student. Age 16. Height 159. Considered average by her piers, but that is far from the truth. A decade...
21.8K 503 20
By : YoreHa (YoreSama) ✦ Made : April 18, 2022 ✦ Published : April 18, 2022 ✦ Completed : August 13, 2022 ✦ A story about vtubers as a student from N...
1.4K 51 8
in a whole another world, where monster roamed and terrorize people. there were 7 legendary heroes who resides on the world. these 7 legendary being...