Devils... Monsters...

By TimelessOne7

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She is his ally. She is the reason why he emerged from the abyss. The worst girl in the world who saved him o... More

To You, In 2,000 Years
A Season For Encounters
Battle of Trost Part I
Battle of Trost Part II
Levi Squad
Y/n & Annie
Bonus Chapter: Annie's Love (Smut)
Beyond the Walls
The Defeated
Y/n vs Annie
Bonus Chapter: Mikasa's Love (Smut)
The Hunters
Holiday Special
Y/n and Historia
Old Story
Outside of the Walls of Orvud District
Ruler of the Walls
Queen Historia
Y/n and Historia Part II
His Start
More of a Friend Than Anyone
My Villain Academia
Revival Party
Sad Man's Parade
Y/n L/n: Origin
Tomura Shigaraki
Night of the Battle to Retake the Wall
Battle to Retake Wall Maria Part I
Battle to Retake Wall Maria Part II
Battle to Retake Wall Maria Part III
Battle to Retake Wall Maria Part V
Battle to Retake Wall Maria Part VI
Battle to Retake Wall Maria Part VII
Battle to Retake Wall Maria Part VIII

Battle to Retake Wall Maria Part IV

213 6 0
By TimelessOne7

Tomura Shigaraki's awakening progresses. To prevent this from completing, Jean, Connie, and the rest of the Military Police force battle the High End Nomus at Rose Hospital. Meanwhile, Y/n explores the hellish hell alone, searching for a way out. And after an unimaginably cruel journey, Y/n unexpectedly reunites with Ymir.

Ymir: I never thought I'd be seeing you again. This is a real shock. But why are you here in this hell hole, anyway? Did Mr. Y/n finally get taken out?

Y/n: No, you idiot. Come on, now. I've been trying to find a way out here. Anyways, how are you even here? Didn't you go with Reiner and Bertholdt?

Ymir: About that... It's complicated. Well, we've got plenty of time to figure it out.

Y/n: Yep. Two heads are better than one. Let's do it!

(You and Ymir move out)

Ymir: There are two different types of creatures that exist here. Foreign creatures are the kind that originate from souls that fell here and end up becoming savages.

Y/n: So like the monsters you and I turned into.

Ymir: Exactly. And since they lose themselves in the process, they turn to dust after they die. The second type is indigenous creatures. They were born here and have substance. Their bodies have evolved to live and thrive in the harsh environment. They are the ones we should set our sights on. We can make clothes out of materials we harvest from them.

(You and her watch as an indigenous creature zooms right by)

Y/n: That thing sure can move fast.

Ymir: This is gonna be fun! Haha!

(You and Ymir go after the creature)

Hey, Y/n.

Y/n: What's up?

Ymir: Can you make this easier and use your powers or whatever?

Y/n: I can't.

(You and Ymir stop)

Ymir: What? Why not? You can't use your animalistic strength?

Y/n: Well, I'm just a normal human, after all. After Shigaraki completely took over. I'm powerless and will only become a burden to you.

Ymir: Then I guess I'll have to carry you on my back.

Y/n: Huh?

(Ymir goes after the beast)

Rose Hospital 

(The battle at the hospital continues on as Connie rushed through the halls and arrived at the morgue to join Jean. Hitch continues to avoid the High End's attack)

Jean: Connie! These thing's regeneration abilities are troublesome! I keep cutting them down, but they just bounce back.

Connie: Time to bring out the new toys!

Jean: No! We can't. Save them for Reiner in Shiganshina!

Nile: No. Use the Thunderspears! 

Jean: Sir? 

Nile: It's clear that our blades and guns aren't effective on them. I'll apologize to Hanji when this is over. Hurry to Hitch's side! There's not a second to lose! 

Jean: Yes, sir!

Connie: Yes, sir! Jean!

Jean: I'm on it.

(Jean sets a case out. Connie pulls the covers off, and four long metal tubes are shown)

Connie: I hope these work against them.

Jean: Yeah. Let's hope.

(Jean and Connie attach the metal tubes to their forearms)

Let's go!

(Jean and Connie charge towards the High End Nomus. They aim at their heads and launch the spears. They directly hit the targets, zoom past them, pull the pin and BOOM! Two High Ends are down for the count)

There's only two more!

Connie: I only have one more thunderspear.

Nile: Go! Garaki should be down in that tunnel! We can take care of the rest here!

Connie: Yes, sir! 

(Jean and Connie rush down the tunnel and arrive where Garaki is typing on his computer)

Garaki: It's too early. But I have no choice. Wake up, Tomura Shigaraki!

(Connie aims the last remaining thunderspears he has, launches it at the container Shigaraki is in, he swipes his arm back, pulls the pin, and the container explodes Shigaraki falls in the pool of fluid that was in the container. Jean and Connie rush towards Garaki, angry. Connie remembers a small conversation he and Jean had before the assault)

Jean: (Flashback) Connie. If you go. I'll go, too. We had big dreams when we were in training. Even when some of them turned into nightmares, we had each other.

(Connie lands the first hit as he delivers a punch on Garaki's face)

Connie: That's for making my buddy cry!

(Garaki is down for the count. Jean puts his hand on Shigaraki's chest and does not feel a heartbeat)

Jean: I'm not feeling any heartbeat. 

Garaki: The boy's in suspended animation to reduce the burden on his body during the transfer process. That receptacle housed the means to revive him. The only reason for me to live was to see this through. What now? It's all over! The dream that I shared with him. The Lord of Evil. 

Connie: Yeah, that's great, but more importantly, the Nomu are acting on your instructions, right? You better call them off if you know what's good for you. You hear me? Jean! Deal with Shigaraki!

Jean: Right!

Military Police Officer: Kirstein! 

(An officer enters the room)

I was ordered by Commander Nile to assist you. 

Jean: Alright. Search around the room. Find anything valuable to take back.

Military Police Officer: Okay.

(The officer searched around and saw something glowing ahead of him)

What was that machine? I'll destroy it.

(The officer proceeds to destroy it. Connie carries Garaki away)

Garaki: Seventy years ago, the world ridiculed me and my ideas. They said my paranormal singularity theory was irrational and based on weak evidence. The short-sighted fools. The world was I'm chaos at the time, and in order to restore peace, there couldn't be any suggestions of another collapse of stability in the future.

Connie: Now it's called the meta ability singularity doomsday theory. Cults love it. The man who proposed the concept went missing and was thought dead after his claims were published. If he were alive, he'd be over one hundred twenty. Now I see. 

Garaki: I was exiled. I lost everything. He was the only one who reached out a hand when the rest of the world cast me aside. His presence is overwhelming. His smile is like Buddha's. He is a god walking among us in human form. My ability, Life-force, gave me the power to live twice as long as a normal person at the cost of physical strength. I offered this humble power to him. The version of the ability I have in me right now is actually a duplicate of my original. You're a friend of Kurogiri's, aren't you? I'll admit, back then, what we really wanted was Jean Kirstein. 

Connie: (I feel dirty just touching him. I don't know if I'm more disgusted or more furious. I've seen a lot. But this creep just might be the most revolting monster I've ever encountered.)

Garaki: (All For One predicted his demise and decided to entrust everything to his successor he planted into the body of Y/n L/n. Including giving him astonishing meta abilities. Split Personality and Decay. But just like me, he maintained a duplicate of his own power after transferring the original Tomura Shigaraki.)

(In a world where the sky is nothing but a white blank space. Decaying buildings are floating, as well as giant hands too. Shigaraki looks around)

Tomura: Where am I?

(A walkway forms in front, and Tomura walks along it)

Erika: Because Dad gets mad when you play pretend, but I think it's great! I'll be cheering you on as your biggest fan, Tenko.

(Tomura looks over and sees Erika on a platform)

Tomura: Y/n's sister's here? How does she know that name? Wait... Erika is my sister? No, that can't be right.

(Tomura puts a hand on his head as he has a headache)

Erika: Tenko. Hey, there you are. Sorry. It's my fault you got in trouble. 

(Another memory flows in as Tomura sees Erika holding a picture of his grandmother)

Tomura: Oh. I don't care about that anymore. Huh? Why did I say that?

Sherry: Do you a hero?

(He turns around and finds his mother there with her hands out for a hug)

We'll figure out your allergies, okay? No more itching. 

Tomura: Don't worry, I'm okay. Thanks, Mom.

(He realizes what he said)

Mom?! I never said that. He did! Is this one of your tricks again, Y/n? What is going on here?

Brandon: Tenko! You were in my study.

(The Dad appears as a gigantic figure. Tomura looks over and smiles sinisterly. Brandon goes to reach for his son, but Tomura blocks him, and he crumbles to dust)

All For One: Tomura!

(Tomura looks over and sees All For One. But his face seems to be blocked)

Tomura: Master. You're starting to look like Kurogiri.

All For One: Come here. 

(Tomura walks forward and approaches All For One, but a bunch of hands latch onto him. He looks back to see his family attempting to pull him back)

Tomura: Stop it. 

(Another hand touches him, but it's the one that's on his face, his father's hand)

Brandon: Tenko! 

(One more touches his head)

Nana: Make sure you don't forget!

(Tomura remembers what his sister said when they were kids)

Erika: (Flashback) Let's become heroes together, and dad doesn't know anything about it!

(Tomura touches his father, and the entire family decays away)

You will see me as I am. 

(Exposed wire touches the fluid, sending an electric shock towards his body, launching him up)

I'm done being rejected. 

(Jean is pushed back by the force)


The Thrill of Destruction 

(Connie exits the tunnel)

Connie: I got the doctor!

Nile: Where's Kirstein?

Connie: Jean should be out here shortly. He's got Shigaraki!

Nile: Alright. Good work.

(Jean is heavily breathing as he's shaken to the sight in front of him. Tomura Shigaraki has awoken)

Military Police Officer: There's no way.

(The Military Police Officer comes sprinting at Shigaraki)

Jean: Don't!

(But he touches the officer's face and crumbles to the ground. Only the jacket uniform is left. He picks it up and wears it)

Tomura: Seriously. I'm freezing.

(Three minutes ago, Dirk and Sasha bull charge through a wave of liberation warriors)

Dirk: Outta the way! We're coming through!

Sasha: You sure it's okay for me to escape the battle while you stay here? I can still help you guys out a ton. 

Dirk: Trust me. We needed you to use your skills to disrupt the enemy's response and divide leadership. That kept them from coordinating. Now, we circle them and close in. They'll be crushed slowly but steadily. As the battlefield gets smaller, it'll be harder to use your archery skills without harming the pros, so it's best for you to retreat back and group up with Commander Erwin. 

Sasha: Makes sense. We can handle the raid from here on.

(The two hear a noise coming from the mansion. They look back and see blue flames spewing out from the window)

Sasha: Is that...? Oh, no.

(Sasha turns back and makes her way towards the blue flames)

Dirk: No, Braus! Get back here! What the heck are you doing? It's not safe!

Sasha: Annie was in that blast! She's in deep trouble. 

Dirk: You sure?

Sasha: I'll help her! 

Dirk: It's too dangerous to go alone!

At Dabi and Annie

Dabi: See ya, Annie.

(Dabi prepares flames on his hand)

At the end of the day, your death means nothing!

(Dabi goes for the kill on Annie)

Sasha: Annie!

(But Sasha arrives just in time to knock Dabi back with a kick. She looks at Annie's wounds to see all the burnt marks)


(Sasha remembers a conversation she had with Annie before)

Annie: (Flashback) "Do I have any weaknesses?" Hm... Well, that's a tough one. Never thought of all people. You would ask something like that. Fire, I guess. 

Sasha: (Flashback) Oh? 

Annie: (Flashback) Of course. When I'm not in my Titan form, my skin is tough but gets flammable really easily like everyone else. But for me, even the slightest burn, I get scars fast.

(She then turns to Dabi angry)

Dabi: You're part of Levi's squad. You must be joking. Did Captain Levi, Commander Erwin, or Section Commander Hanji dragged children out to fill their ranks? 

(Dabi points at the corpse of Twice)

Well, take a good look. Your pal here killed Twice. Stabbed him in the back with one of those cheap blades. Twice was just trying to save his friends. Well? What are you here to do? Come to rescue him? Do you still think that's the right thing? These pros you admire play dirtier than me. Better learn that now before you waste your life worshiping them. 

Annie: Sasha.

(Sasha crouches down and hugs Annie)

Sasha: Monster. I'm only concerned about my friend. 

Dabi: You're brainwashed.

(Dabi unleashes fire upon them, but Sasha barely moves her and Annie to the side, dodging the fire by a millisecond)

Sasha: No room. (I need to get away quickly and get Annie medical attention.)

Annie: He's still running his mouth.

Dabi: Think about it, you barbecued birds. Who do you think really needs rescuing? Because it's not you. 

Sasha: What should I do?

Annie: (He couldn't finish me off before. 'Cause he was too busy talking. He's doing the same thing again. But why? His parts may have some drawbacks. So he's throwing us off guard to stall for time. The flames he just shot were a lot weaker than the last ones. Which means... He can't fire in rapid succession anymore.) We go. Now.

(Sasha jumps off the floor, and Dabi fires his flames in an instant)

Sasha: Brace yourself! 

(As she used her ODM gear, the flames burned off one of the grapples, causing her to crash onto the floor below. Annie is knocked out)

Annie! Hey. Are you okay? (She's still breathing. The impact must have knocked her out.) I'm sorry. 

(Sasha takes a look down below to see that the battle is still going. She proceeds to lift Annie up bridal style)

This is good. There's far less light here. I can find a way out through the back way to escape.

(Dabi appears levitating using his flames, and he's ready to strike the two)

Dabi: I thought it might go down this way, so I saved power by making my last two shots weaker! Say goodbye!

(Dabi's hands glow bright blue, indicating he's about to launch the killing blow. But right as that was about to happen. A humongous iceberg appears. Dabi moves outta the way, and Sasha makes her escape while she can)

Geten: You won't get in Re-Destro's way any longer! You'll suffer before you die. You government dogs!

Liberation Warrior #1: Geten, sir!

Geten: We've broken up their line! Don't fight them on your own. It's what they're counting on! Coordinate and push through together. 

Dabi: Ow. That ice bastard didn't hold anything back this time. Oh, well. Maybe I'll start early.

(Sasha escapes through the backway. She thinks about what Dabi said earlier)

Dabi: (Flashback) Your pal here killed Twice. Stabbed him in the back with one of those cheap blades. Twice was just trying to save his friends. These pros you admire play dirtier than me. Better learn that now before you waste your life worshiping them. 

Sasha: I know that you're a good person, Annie. I believe in you! We all do. Whatever you did was justified! So don't you die!

In the underground hall

Re-Destro: Give me a battle update now! And hurry up with my new legs!

Liberation Warrior #2: Re-Destro.

Re-Destro: What is it?

(Re-Destro looks over and sees that Gigantomachia has stood up)

Liberation Warrior #2: He stood.

Gigantomachia: My master's scent. He has...awakened. 

^^This chapter is brought you by Chibi Eren, Chibi Mikasa, and Chibi Armin in a tree house. Chibi Eren gives Chibi Mikasa a flower while Chibi Armin is asleep with a book on his face. Outside of the tree house. Chibi League of Villains is having a picnic with Chibi Y/n and Chibi Historia cuddling against the tree^^

(Meanwhile, with Scout Regiment, the Scouts move through the forest, making their way towards the destination. Everyone is silent, and that is until one of the soldiers' horses freaks out and drops his light)

Levi: Slow down. Make sure the ground is lit.

Scout Soldier #1: Right. Sorry, sir. 

Levi: Will we get there soon? It's just about dawn.

Scout Soldier #2: Well, once we get over this mountain, Shiganshina should be close by. 

Eren: I'm sorry that you got stuck with my horse.

Mikasa: Don't worry about it. You should be saving your energy. 

Eren: Yeah, I get it, but still. 

Armin: She's right, Eren. We need you at your best. 

Scout Soldier #3: Titan on the left! Everyone halt! Light up the area!

(Everyone lights up the trees to see a Titan resting against them)

Hanji: It's all right. I'm pretty sure he's asleep. Doesn't look like this one of the new types that can move around at night. *chuckles* Well, isn't that a shame? Leave him be. 

(Everyone continues onward)

Eren: I can't believe we had to get that close to notice the thing. 

Hanji: Yeah, I'm with you on that point. But it's worth it. The moonless night is protecting us. Light from the moon is really just reflected sunlight. And from what we can tell, that miniscule amount of reflected light is all that these new Titans need to move. It's good that we're using the new moon's cover. There's no guarantee that we won't have a repeat from before. For all we know, that sleeper might've been a moonlight Titan himself. Maybe we can capture one someday!

Eren: (I'm shaking. Why? What am I scared of? Shit. What if I screw this up because of my nerves? What'll happen? We'll never get a chance like this again. If we fail, the hopes of countless people will be crushed. And through some twist of fate, it's all on me. How? How can I save humanity? I'm useless. I'm nobody.)

(Eren gasps and Mikasa notices)

Mikasa: Are you okay?

Armin: What's wrong? You're shaking. Are you scared?

Eren: Huh? No! Of course, I'm not scared. 

Armin: But... look at your hand. Seems like nerves to me. 

Eren: This is just 'cause it's cold out here! I feel like my head's gonna freeze off. 

Armin: Is that all it is? I've been shaking a bit, too. And I'm terrified. Just look at me. I can't really tell if you're ever afraid of Titans. That fear is all-consuming for most people. It was for me. The first time I saw a Titan in the flesh, I was so afraid I couldn't move. Yeah. I was gonna die. Then you came and pulled me out of a Titan's mouth. But how did you do it? Where did you find the strength?

Eren: I had a the day that you showed me your parent's book. Before then, I'd never considered the world beyond the walls. I would just spend my days staring up at the clouds. But then, I heard your story and saw the look in your eyes. They were filled with this amazing dream. Like nothing I'd known for myself. That's the day I realized that I had never been free. The world was as vast as our cage was small. Those monsters had stolen it from us. Once I realized that, I couldn't forgive them. Couldn't tell you why, but...when I think of the lost freedom...I feel strong. Fearless, in a way. Thanks for that, Armin. I'm good now. 

Armin: Mm.

Eren: Know what? This time next year? I bet we'll be looking out at the sea. 

Mikasa: This area. It's familiar. I think...we came here for firewood. 

Male Soldier #1: I see the foot of the mountain! There are signs of a trail ahead! 

Eren: Well, it looks like we're close. 

Mikasa: I'm pretty sure I can hear the river. 

Armin: We made it back. After all that's happened. This is the first time we've seen it since we fled as kids. Our hometown. Shiganshina.

(The Scouts arrive at the foot and see Shiganshina out in the distance)

To Y/n and Ymir

(A powerful pulse enters your entire body, causing you to shake up and send chills)

Yoichi: He's... coming.

Y/n: (That voice in my head. Is that?)

(You put your hand on your head)

Ymir: Y/n. What's wrong?

Yoichi: Stop him.

Y/n: (I knew it. This voice is All For One's brother. I saw them in that dream I had a while back. It's been a long time since I heard from him.)

Yoichi: It will begin soon. I don't have much time. Freed from the shackles of humanity, his power grows. A transcendent one approaches. Stop him. The Veiled Ones will get you out.

(You realize what's about to happen)

Y/n: Ymir, if you know a way to get out, we need to go ASAP! Everyone is in critical danger. 

Ymir: Get a hold of yourself! We're going to get out of here. If you want to see Historia, you need to stay close to me and survive!

(Ymir pauses as she feels something)

Y/n: Hey, what's wrong? Ymir?

Ymir: They have found us.

(The entire scene changes as you and Ymir touch down onto sand. You forward and see that this is the same place you were at before back during the battle in Trost)

(You and Ymir froze in your tracks)

Y/n: What the...? Why are we here?

Ymir: Quiet! We're not alone. Who are they?

Offspring of the eternal Fount. Those who unmade us. Those who made us Nothing.

Ymir: They're talking to you, Y/n.

(For you, the moment was made of equal parts clarity and confusion - a mixed measure still mid-form)

Y/n: Why speak of this to me?

We create. 

It is our nature. 

Our sweetness. 

We have walked long beside you. 

Beside others Even in the quiet afterdark of the greater unmaking, we crept back in. 

Precious few. 

To watch.

To witness, To wonder.

Y/n: But you are nothing those I know of but do not know.

Nothing Our children made us so. As they will now do to you, In the name of responsibility, In the name of safekeeping.

(You sought to understand, but were focused more on what felt like a more immediate implication, even if the words were not there to declare it as such)

Y/n: What must they keep safe?

Their ways. Their plans.

Their truth.

(As your mind sought to untether itself from the myriad implications of that which was beyond your ken, the Voices spoke once more)


(This you did understand, a sudden realization of their own role to play. Their people must be brought to the temple)

Y/n: Am I able to return home? Can you help me?

(The Voices spoke now not with words but with an impression of thought that would be given form. A colorless filament bursting forth from a great fissure that flared with the light of a hundred billion stars above the tree of light - there, always, but not seen)

We are its aegis.

We are as dust.

From dust, much can be made.

All sweetness.

(At Rose Hospital, cracks around the morgue appear as Jean rushes out as the decay wave is right behind him)

Jean: (This is Shigaraki's power?! It's spreading like crazy, destroying things he hasn't touched yet. We'd been warned yjwt they were trying to improve his power somehow. Is this the result?) Get out of here! Don't touch the cracks! You'll die! 

(Everyone listens and makes their escape. Jean was swinging his way using the ODM gear. One of the remaining High Ends grabs onto his leg, trying to pull him down as he's decaying away. But its arm is sliced off. When Jean looks back, he sees his savior, Harorld, has been caught in the wave and crumbles to dust. Everyone soon makes it out of the morgue and soon the hospital. But while that happens, a couple of soldiers have been caught in the wave, and in a mere seconds later, the entire hospital crumbles. A portion of Trost District crumbles to the ground as well, and soon after, the entire district falls, too)

Garaki: We were defeated. You insufferable heroes put so much time and effort into planning this assault on our dreams. But look. A miracle has occurred. Tomura Shigaraki is awake. All of your preparations turned to dust the moment he opened his eyes and flexed his raw power. We did it. Victory is ours! 

(The decay wave comes to a stop as the only buildings left are debris)

(Tomura looks at the destruction he has caused. Then he opens a large container, containing the bullets Overhaul had)

Tomura: Damn. Most of these look too damaged to use.

(He picks one up, and it's broken)

And after all the pain of getting the Doc to make more. Overhaul wouldn't be happy to see this outcome.

(A pulse instantly hits Tomura)

What's that?

All For One: Listen. 

(Tomura recognizes that voice)

Hear me.

(Another pulse hits Tomura)

Tomura: My head. This pain.

(Tomura looks over at a device)

I'll be fine, small price for the upgrade to Decay. Now then. It seems like the situation's gotten out of hand. They were supposed to wait for me to wake up.

(He presses a button)

To me, Machia. Bring the others with you. From this moment forward on, I'll destroy everything.

Here's the preview for the Battle to Retake Wall Maria Part V.

Tomura Shigaraki is out of suspended animation and obliterating everything in sight. And that's not our only problem. Gigantomachia is on the move. Jean takes on Shigaraki on alone, knowing he must be defeated. With the military scattered and at a disadvantage, is there any hope for success? I know who Shigaraki is after.

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