The Psychic Hero: Redux (MHA...

By eyesoftheFUTURE

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The Psychic Hero has been reborn. U.A. High School is the most sought-after Hero Academy in the world. The m... More

The Psychic Hero Redux Information
!The Psychic Hero: Redux Important Information!
Chapter 1: Hopeful To Hero
Chapter 2: Intense Orientation
Chapter 3: Making New Heroes
Chapter 4: Interpersonal Relationships
Chapter 5: Killers In Masks
Chapter 6: Opened Eyes
Chapter 7: The Third Degree
Chapter 8: Over The Line
!Optional Chapter Information!
Chapter 8.5: Eijiro Kirishima 1
Chapter 8.5: Kyoka Jiro 1
Chapter 8.5: Toru Hagakure 1
Chapter 8.5: Itsuka Kendo 1
Chapter 8.5: Reiko Yanagi 1
Chapter 8.5: Mina Ashido 1
(Preview) Chapter 9: Ghosts Always Remember
Black Wind Hero Wiki
(R/N) Hero Association Document
Yato Nashu Hero Association Villain Documentation
The Psychic Hero: Redux (Reader's Voice)

Chapter 8.5: Tsuyu Asui 1

535 13 0
By eyesoftheFUTURE

For more information on the optional romance chapters, please read "!Optional Chapter Information!" 

Word Count: 4,790

Average Reading Time: 20 minutes


Bold text- Thoughts

(R/N)- Reader's name/Chosen Nickname

(F/N) (L/N)- (First Name) (Last Name)

Underlined Text- Name of Speaker

Primary Romance


Tsuyu stares at a paper detailing the partner project Present Mic assigned to the class going over the history of any pro-hero of each pair's choosing. Present Mic chose each partner pair based on personality differences observed by the teachers over the past few weeks. Tsuyu's partner is Mina Ashido. Her chatty and bombastic character is parallel to Tsuyu's quiet and polite mentality. The two girls, although objective opposites, are getting along with no problems. Mina's all-encompassing charm smothered Tsuyu the moment she took a seat from across her pink classmate. The assignment is due by the following Monday before the sports festival.

Mina: So, who are you thinking we should do our project on? 

Tsuyu: How about Mt. Lady? She's simple with a lot of history behind her. One of the youngest pro-heroes to reach the top twenty-five. 

Mina: I love Mt. Lady! Pretty and strong! She kicks butt while looking good all at the same time. Something I aspire to do!

Tsuyu: Mt. Lady it is. 

Tsuyu writes down Mt. Lady's information in her notebook next to Mina's, remembering what your brother, Carnin, told her the first time she and Kirishima met him. Mina copies her notes to stay on the same page as her project partner. While Mina is writing, Tsuyu peers over to you and Kirishima. You're paired with Shoto Todoroki, son of the pro-hero Endeavor and heartthrob of many female classmates. Kirishima is paired with Koji Koda, an incredibly quiet and timid boy who loves animals and can control them with his quirk. Mina sees her staring at you two then leans in over her desk to talk in a hushed whisper. 

Mina: So- which one?

Tsuyu: Which one what?

Mina: Which one do you like?

Tsuyu raises her eyebrows in confusion.

Tsuyu: Neither. I like them both as friends ribbit

Mina: Bullcrap. Respectfully, bullcrap. 

Tsuyu: I mean it. (R/N) and Kirishima are my friends. 

Mina: Friendships between boys and girls don't stay friendships for long until one develops feelings for the other. Kirishima and I started that way. Then, I developed a huge crush on him. I chased him all through junior-high, but he never looked my way. 

Tsuyu: Oh, come on. We're all just friends. I don't want to date anyone anyway. It's not a good idea at our age. 

Mina: Who told you that?

Tsuyu: Like, literally everyone ribbit. We're too young to think of stuff like that. 

Mina: Nah, that's just grown-up talk. We all need practice! We can't learn to be in a relationship if we never experience them. 

Tsuyu: We're teens, Mina. We don't know anything. 

Mina: Exactly! How do we learn? We learn through trying. 

Tsuyu looks back at you and Kirishima. Her feelings haven't changed. You and Kirishima have helped her find happiness in herself. She doesn't have to worry about her odd appearance or blunt personality around her two best friends. Both accept her as she is. Meanwhile, she thinks of how the gaze of her male classmates tend to drift towards Mina and Yaoyorozu when they think no one is looking. Hagakure, Jiro, and Uraraka get occasional glances, but Tsuyu has never caught a single low angled side-eye from any of them towards her. Being objectified is annoying to most girls she's spoken to. Men aren't as slick as they think they are. Tsuyu is no different, but when a boy looks at her as if she's more than just a friend, she starts thinking. Her quirk contorts her appearance away from traditional 'pretty girl' status. Her natural hunch, big hands, froggish voice, inhuman tongue, and large circular eyes push most non-mutant people away. So, any gaze towards her as a woman rather than a friend is rare. 

Mina: I know I'm right. You can talk to me whenever those feelings develop. Mama Ashido's got you!

Tsuyu rolls her eyes. The final bell rings to mark the end of the school week. 

II: Blue Saturday

Tsuyu's green eyes shoot open one minute before her alarm clock goes off. Her body wakes her up on its own after years of the same unchanging sleep schedule. She leans up out of bed then stretches. Her frog themed pajama shirt constricts around ever enlarging shoulders and chest. All of her clothing is starting to feel too small now that she's actively working out daily. Her body isn't the same shape it was in junior-high. Her parents warned her of this when puberty first struck, but the change was too slow to affect her. Now, her body is rapidly changing and adapting to the intense activities of U.A. Tsuyu's father, Ganma Asui, would tell her of the day he woke up almost thirty pounds heavier than when he went to sleep. None of his clothing fit and he had to stay home from school while her grandparents went out to replace his whole wardrobe. Tsuyu once feared she would do the same thing as her father. Go to sleep one day as a woman then wake up as a rotund toadish humanoid. That fear was quelled when her mother, Beru Asui, slapped her father across the back of the head and said it was a total lie. 

Stuffed animals fall to the carpet as Tsuyu throws her five layers of blankets to the side. Tsuyu can't sleep unless the ambient temperature is above eighty degrees. If it gets too cold, her body enters a state of severe hypothermia and practically knocks her out. Having cold blood makes the winter months a challenge. Now that those months are on a steady approach, she's increased her number of blankets at night to counter her natural enemy. The cold. 

Tsuyu wipes the crust from her eyes then applies deodorant and perfume, not bothering to change out of her pajamas. Her trousers feel extremely tight all around her lower body along side her shirt. Childhood is gone. No longer can she expect to wake up the same shape and size as she was when she laid down. Her father's lies aside, being female comes with a number of biological changes at her age. It's difficult to handle everything her body does all at once overnight, but her mother is always there to explain things to her in detail so she can take a level-headed approach to her ever-changing form. Tsuyu holds a special piece of advice from her mother close to her heart, "Life goes on. Pain and change is a mountain you must climb daily as a woman. You're going to feel alone. Other girls feel the same way as you, but it's only when you find a person you love that understands those challenges that it all becomes trivial." Tsuyu is guided by logic and well thought out reasoning, but her Beru shared that with her the first and last time her daughter had an emotional breakdown. 

Tsuyu sits back down on her bed while staring at herself in a full body mirror across the room. Her dark green hair is tangled from scalp to waist. Large fingers run across her long thin lips and pale cheeks. When she was younger, her quirk only contorted her appearance in minor ways. Now, it's changing every single aspect of how she looks; Her eyes are getting bigger. Her mouth is elongating. Her hands are twice the size they were two years ago. Her voice is getting deeper and has a stronger 'croak' to it. Puberty is a time for development for girls where they become strong women from head to toe. For Tsuyu, it's a time of embarrassing change where she transforms from girl to mutant. She loves her heritage and is proud of her quirk, but the human side of her dread's maturity. She won't become a woman like Mina Ashido or Momo Yaoyorozu. She's become Tsuyu Asui, half-frog, and half-human.

Tsuyu: Mina has it all, doesn't she? 

Tsuyu shakes her head then curses to herself. 

Tsuyu: What am I saying? This isn't me. Get it together. It doesn't matter what I look like. I'm going to be me and me only!

Tsuyu hops back up then reanalyzes herself in the mirror. A family photo of her alongside her brother, sister, mother, and father lies beside her face on the mirror, held up by a magnet. They all share her amphibious features, her mother and father especially. Her younger siblings are more human than she is. Her brother, Sidmire, is on the precipice of change. His mouth is elongating, much like hers, and his hands are getting bigger. Satsuki, the youngest, is still the most human looking of her family. Her eyes are a little large for a child her age, but she still looks like a normal toddler, for now.

Tsuyu: I'm proud of my quirk! Of how I look! I- I'm proud- of my family. 

The door to Tsuyu's bedroom cracks open. A small head pokes through then looks around. It's Tsuyu's baby sister, Satsuki. She's barely able to walk on her own. She's up before her normal time. Tsuyu twists around to her sister then opens the door so Satsuki can waddle in. Seeing her sister's innocent face negates all negativity in Tsuyu's mind. An instinct Tsuyu doesn't understand kicks in whenever her baby sister enters the picture. Satsuki tugs on the strings of Tsuyu's pajama pants and giggles. She always does when seeing Tsuyu. They're around ten years apart in age, yet even at five years old, Satsuki knows how to make her older sister smile.

Tsuyu: You're up early. 

Satsuki: Can't sleepy peep

Tsuyu: Welcome to the club. 

Tsuyu picks Satsuki up then carries her downstairs. Her parents' bedroom is empty. They left for work a few hours ago. Both work over the weekends, leaving Tsuyu to watch her younger sibling until they get back. She doesn't mind it. Watching over her siblings makes her feel important. Ganma and Beru devote most of their free time to taking care of her siblings when they're not at work. Tsuyu gets to see them for only a few hours after school or after they get home around four in the afternoon on the weekends. She's been watching over Satsuki and Sidmire ever since she was barely twelve. Her parents try their best to keep up with Tsuyu, and she knows it, but she feels as if they hardly know the real her.

The cozy first floor of the house is quiet and still. A humidifier in the corner of the living room next to Tsuyu's father's giant recliner lightly mists the air with a warm puff of water. Its plastic water tank is almost empty and needs to be refiled. Tsuyu notes this to herself then enters the dining room. A large oval table sits at the very center. Picture frames hang all around the room. Tsuyu sets Satsuki down. She waddles over to a toddler sized highchair and points up to the seat. 

Satsuki: Ups! Ups peep!

Tsuyu crouches down behind Satsuki and hovers her hands behind her sister. 

Tsuyu: Try climbing up today. I'll grab you if you fall. 

Satsuki grabs the legs of the chair then pulls with her little arms. She fumbles around, looking for anywhere to put her feet to climb up. Tsuyu guides her sister from one hold point to the next. Satsuki reaches the top, mostly on her own, then sits on a pillow decorated with frogs and toads. 

Tsuyu: See? Knew you could do it ribbit!

Tsuyu dips into the Kitchen to grab cereal, milk, a spoon, and a bowl for Satsuki. She throws them all together and feeds her sister. Sidmire steps through the dining room carrying the humidifier's water tank in his arms. Tsuyu is surprised to see him take the initiative to refill it. His hair drapes over one eye and is already well combed and washed. He must have woken up early as well. 

Tsuyu: You want a bowl too?

Sidmire: Not hungry. 

Sidmire disappears into the kitchen. Tsuyu hears the tap turn on. She grabs a brush from a nearby mantel piece and starts to brush Satsuki's hair while the tadpole eats. Her brother steps back through the dining room and into the living room to reattach the humidifier tank. He turns on the television and skips through the channels to find the cartoons. And so goes Tsuyu's weekend morning routine. Wake up. Feed her siblings. Shower. Do any homework. Then be finished with it all before ten. Sidmire is good at entertaining himself throughout the day and Satsuki is approaching the age where twenty-four-seven watch isn't necessary. Sidmire is good at keeping his eye on his younger sister when Tsuyu needs to do something.

Tsuyu is cleaning up the dining room table from Satsuki's messy breakfast when a knock at the front door draws her attention away from the bits of cereal and spilt milk. She tells Sidmire to answer the door. He calls to her saying it's one of her friends. Tsuyu then sees Mina Ashido step into the living room, waving at her. She's here to work on their partner project. 

Mina: Wow, it's a bit hot in here. 

Tsuyu: It's the way we like it. The heat and moisture keep us warm now that fall is here. We'll go to my room so we can focus- Sid, watch Satsuki please- ribbit

Mina waves at Sidmire and Satsuki. Sidmire rolls his eyes and Satsuki tries her best to wave back, not understanding what a wave even means.

III: The Train To Nowhere And Everywhere

You lay flat on the living room couch. Your apartment is empty and dark. Curtains block out the afternoon sunlight. Your mother is at work and there's nothing to do. You're visiting Todoroki's home tomorrow to work on the partner project the two of you were assigned together yesterday, so your schedule is empty for today. Todoroki is the son of the number two pro-hero Endeavor, the man that saved your life at Kensaki. Knowing his son is in the same class as you is a fascinating coincidence that you plan on using to thank the hero responsible for your existence. Yet when asked about his father, Todoroki falls silent, refusing to divulge any information on his home life. Todoroki is a reserved boy that speaks only when required. When you told him his father is the one that saved your life, he closed his eyes and fell silent. His energy shifted towards sorrow and pure, unadulterated hatred. 

Kirishima has family plans all day and Tsuyu is busy working on her own project with Mina Ashido. There's no one to text or anything worth watching on television. So, you relax in silence. Thudding from your upstairs neighbors doesn't bother you like it usually does. You let your thoughts wander around to anything and everything they fancy. This is a rare moment where you're unburdened by chaos and other people. Total isolation. 

You close your eyes to ride along with your train of thought. It chugs along across the vivid landscape created by mindless creationism. You peer out the window at the fictitious world. Sometimes it's a grassy plain of nothingness. Sometimes it's a bustling city full of life. Whatever it is you see, the train ride is smooth. Usually it's a rough one, but not today. Your heartrate slows down to match the rhythm of the engine. Slow and steady. Calm. At peace with yourself. People board the train and fill the isles, taking their seats without a word. Faces from your life are everywhere. All Might sits beside your mother, talking to her about nothing and everything. Phoebe joins them with your brother and Principal Nezu. Mina Ashido passes by then waves with Jiro and Hagakure behind her. Both girls mimic Mina, but their waves are somber and slow. You wave back to all three, unsure how about how you should feel.

Kirishima steps into your row, sitting on the seat opposite you. He smiles and asks you about your day. You respond on autopilot, letting your consciousness answer for you. Minutes- Hours- Days- pass while you talk to him. Conversations are random and nonsensical. 

Then, Tsuyu pokes her head around the side of the walkway and asks to join you two. You eagerly say, "yes!" Your whole body reacts to just the sight of her. Kirishima brings comfort, but Tsuyu sooths your very soul.

Tsuyu suddenly hops onto the seat directly beside you. She hugs you then pushes you over to the cold train window, leaning into your arms with a wonderful smile that warms your heart. You don't waste any time. You wrap your arms around her torso and rub your head against her's. She's heavy, like a weighted blanket and her hair is soft as silk. A frog skips along the glass next to your head. Kirishima winks at it. 

Kirishima: You like her, that's great!

You: Do I?

Tsuyu: You're holding me. I thought you did.

You: Well, it feels nice.  

Kirishima: She is nice, isn't she?

You: She's lovely. 

Tsuyu: Yaoyorozu and Mina are lovely. Pretty and-

You: -You're better. 

Tsuyu: How?

You: You're Tsuyu. My friend. 

Tsuyu: Eijiro's your friend. 

Kirishima: Yeah! Gonna cuddle me too?

You: She's a special friend. I like holding her.

Tsuyu: You like me more than that. 

You: You're not wrong. Do you like me?

Tsuyu stays silent in your arms.

Kirishima: Can't make her say it, can you? 

You: I respect her. Enough to not put words in her mouth. 

Tsuyu: That's not true. 

You: I know- but what can I say? Getting my hopes up about you liking me too is distracting. My studies need to come first-

Tsuyu: -Yet you're still holding me. 

Tsuyu nestles up closer to your chest. Your heart becomes ever warmer. Butterflies in your stomach flutter around.

Tsuyu: Feels nice-

You: -Very nice. 

You hold Tsuyu close like a child and with his safety blanket. She flips around in your arms, facing you. You take in every detail while you can. You find her downright adorable despite what others might say. 




You've always thought of Tsuyu as cute since the day you met. It's a feeling you keep to yourself. 

Kirishima: But here?

Tsuyu: You feel-

Tsuyu's face is lit up by lightning outside of the train. Rain pounds the glass like a monsoon and the wind is howling. The frog on the glass stays strong as it's in its element. 

You: Tsuyu... 

Tsuyu: I know- 

Tsuyu holds your cheek. 

Tsuyu: -It's okay, (R/N). 

You: It's not.

Kirishima: Yes, it is. 

You: How?

Tsuyu: Listen to him. I think you're amazing. I've never felt so- admired.

You: I'm putting words in your mouth.

Tsuyu/Kirishima: No, you're not. 

Tsuyu: You've sensed it. How I feel about the two of you. 

Tsuyu leans up then wraps an arm around the back of your neck. You put a hand on her head then let her lean in to rest her chin on your shoulder. Her lips graze your neck. You smile. She smiles. 

Kirishima: See? 

You: It's not reality. 

Tsuyu: Is it? 

You: It's not. 

Kirishima: Then why is she here? Why is she still holding onto you?

You: I'm holding her-

Tsuyu: -Are you? Or am I holding you?

You stare at Kirishima. Tsuyu's body becomes even softer. You shed a single tear. Never have you felt this way. 

Kirishima: You can't put words in her mouth because you love her too much to do so. Yet actions speak volumes. 

You: I- I don't know how to feel. 

Tsuyu: Yes, you do. I'm here. With you. Forever and always. 

You: I just met you-

Tsuyu: -Doesn't matter, (R/N). You know my soul. You know who I am. 

Kirishima: And you love her for it. I've seen it. We have a bromance. We're brothers, you and I. But Tsuyu?

You: I-

Tsuyu puts her lips up to your ear.

Tsuyu: -Love me? Like I said, I know. 

You: We're too young. I don't know what love is.

Kirishima: Love is many things. You love me. I love you. You love Tsuyu in a different way. She loves you the same. 

Tsuyu leans back so you can look her in the eye. You feel like crying just looking at her face.

Tsuyu: Feel that? That's love. 

You: My perception of it, at least. Tsuyu, I don't want to screw it up. We're still just kids-

Tsuyu: -Not anymore. You faced a villain to save me. You nearly died... for me. 

You: It was instinct-

Kirishima: -Stop lying. We both know you had only one thought running through your head when that villain tried to kill Tsuyu. 

Tsuyu: You put my life and safety before yours because of your feelings for me. I beat myself up about it. You saw my face when you got home that day. I wanted to jump and rush to your side so I could kiss your cheek. 

Tsuyu kisses your cheek exactly how she described. Her affection is powerful. You smile. 

Tsuyu: Kinda like that-

Kirishima: -And you didn't make her do that. You sensed it. 

You: As amazing as it is, I can't go through with it. We're training to become heroes! Not- this. 

Tsuyu: I'm right there with you. 

Kirishima: So am I.

Tsuyu: It's only natural... to feel this way about me. 

You: But why you?

Tsuyu: It's like you said- I'm special. 

You: Tsuyu...

Tsuyu: (R/N)...

Kirishima: You can be happy with her. 

You: You make me feel loved, Tsuyu. No other girl has done that before. 

Tsuyu: Then let me be the first. 

You: I'm putting words in your mouth- Kirishima- back me up here. 

Kirishima: I can't. It's true.

Tsuyu: Really, (R/N). I feel alone without you. I'm not a girl. I'm not a woman. I'm a frog-

You: -Shut up. You're Tsuyu.

Kirishima: Talk to me when you get it figured out.

You: Why you?

Kirishima: You know why. 

You open your eyes, dazed and confused. You feel groggy. Cotton mouth drags you off of the sofa to fill up a glass of water in the kitchen. The apartment is much dimmer than it was when you closed your eyes. 

You: I dozed off- helluva dream. 

You down the water, still thinking about how your dream made you feel. Amazing reverberations of an unfamiliar electricity pump through the chambers of your heart. Thinking of how it felt to hold Tsuyu in your dream is confusing. It's the source of your butterflies. The dream was nice. Heartwarming.

But ultimately, a fantasy.

IV: Reflective Shadow

Mina: And- done! That didn't take as long as I expected it to!

Tsuyu: Mina, we've been at this for four hours straight ribbit.

Mina kicks out her legs on Tsuyu's bed and leans back with a satisfied expression. She straightens out her tank-top to cover her midriff. Mina took off her shirt as the ambient heat of the Asui household was getting to her over the course of the past four hours they've been working on their partner project. A stack of stapled handwritten papers with both of their names signed at the top sits in Tsuyu's lap. The handwriting is all hers. 

Tsuyu: You're crazy. That took forever. 

Mina: Time flies when you're having fun! I know I was. 

Mina taps Tsuyu's shoulder with her pink sock covered foot. Tsuyu rolls her wide eyes with a smile then tosses their report on Mt. lady on her nightstand. She catches a glimpse of Mina in the mirror across the room. Her mind makes hundreds of comparisons against her will. Tsuyu told herself she wouldn't let the intrusive thoughts drag her down, but it's hard to resist something that's always dwelled within. Mina is pretty in every sense of the word. The kind of girl guy's chase. 

Tsuyu: It's never mattered before! Shut- up!

Tsuyu grabs one of her large stuffed animals, a happy frog frozen with a smile, and hugs it after curling up at the head of her bed. Holding it is an age-old comforting habit that is weakening year after year. She's getting too old to find such things as a form of relief. Now, it's friends and internal dialogue she's told that will comfort her as a young adult. Childhood is behind her and her peers. It's all about romance and interpersonal relationships at their age. She's hanging onto what little piece of her still sees the world through the eyes of a happy go lucky kid. It staves off the cold the best it can. Mina speaks about the mature side of adulthood like some kind of expert. Tsuyu thinks of her conversation points as naivety. 

Mina sees Tsuyu's mute eyes staring at herself in the mirror. She leans up, not able to tell what's going through her friend's mind. 

Mina: Yo, you good?

Tsuyu breaks out of her trance and nods her head, forcing a smile that doesn't fool the ever-observant Mina. The pink-hued girl rolls over to Tsuyu's side and scrunches her knees up to her chest. She nudges Tsuyu's arm, calling her bluff. 

Mina: Something's on your mind. You've had a weird look on your face all afternoon. 

Mina's voice is hushed and comforting.

Tsuyu: What isn't weird about it? It's just the seasons changing. I'll be fine. 

Mina: Hmph- Tsuyu, come on girl. It's just me. 

Tsuyu contemplates on what to say. She doesn't want to talk about her negative thoughts. She never wants to talk about them with anyone. Her lips open to dismiss Mina's attempts to pick her brain, but they close again when she gets another glance of herself and Mina in the mirror. Mina tracks her gaze to their reflections and makes eye contact with her there. Tsuyu looks her up and down. 

Tsuyu: I used to never care about my looks, you know? Boys. Appeal. Crushes. Relationships. Ribbit- they didn't bother me. 

Mina: And now?

Tsuyu: Now they're on my mind when I'm alone or in a bad mood. Like I'm trying to comfort myself with fictional situations where someone finds me attractive or loveable. It works for a moment, then I take myself apart and think, 'it won't happen because of your weird face and body'-

Mina: -But you are attractive and loveable, Tsuyu. That's your brain messing with you. I think the same things every now and again. I mean- look at me. I'm pink... pink! That's not normal. And my eyes. Black sclera? It's creepy. And these two little horns on my forehead? Then I push past that and think about all the people out there who are married to others I think look a bit strange. They're married because someone found them beautiful. And someday, I'll find someone who thinks I'm beautiful-

Tsuyu is surprised to hear Mina taking apart her own appearance in a negative way. Tsuyu took Mina's confidence in her looks as a natural reaction to ego that comes from knowing how attractive she is, but she doesn't think that at all about herself. Tsuyu hardly notices her pink skin, black eyes, and even the horns she often forgets exist, yet Mina sees them all. 

Mina: -You too. You're so endearing. You're nice, sweet, caring, and super cute. The kind of person boys fall head over heels for. That little dark voice in your head isn't real. It's all a matter of perspective. 

Mina's words tug at Tsuyu's mouth to sculp a subtle smile. A surge of pride trickles through Mina. She turns around and lays down on her back again next to Tsuyu, putting her legs in the air to rest them on the wall. Her upper and lower body rest at a ninety-degree angle. 

Tsuyu: I wouldn't say head over heels-

Mina: -I'm serious! Though, it's nice to know I'm not the only gal that likes to think of being comforted by a boy when the chips are down. Sort of embarrassing to admit. 

Tsuyu: It does sound weird when said aloud, ribbit

Mina: Doesn't make it any less nice to picture. Those cliche movies where the girl gets the guy and they just cuddle by a fireplace while it snows outside are my favorite to fantasize about. Being held by a warm body under blankets in silence with the cold unable to get you... mmm

Tsuyu's intrusive thoughts try to strike at her again when Mina mentions the cold, but they're held back when she thinks about that very same scenario. A fireplace. A cozy winter cabin somewhere on a mountain. Endless snow thundering down from the sky at night. Gentle arms wrapped around her and snuggled in a cotton blanket. No, silk blanket. A faceless, unnamed man with her forever and always. Your voice telling her she's lovely. 

Tsuyu: Wait- what? 

Mina: You're going to find that guy. Me as well. 

Tsuyu: Yeah- Hope I will, Mina. 

Mina: Who knows? Maybe you've already met him and just don't expect him to be that guy. 

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