The Burning of Sana Lightbour...

By EliBees

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Sana Lightbourne isn't gifted. She can't control the elements or shift into birds of prey like the rest of he... More

For the Fantasy Lovers
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 18

158 20 0
By EliBees

"Oo, my Lady, we heard that you'll be going into town with Lord Rhyel tomorrow," Kezi said, grinning from ear to ear as she brushed Sana's hair. "Are you excited?"

"I'm nervous," she said, squeezing her hands in her lap. "It's my first outing in town and the first time I'll be going anywhere with Rhyel. What if...what if I embarrass him?"

Not only that...what if he wanted to talk about her family again? She couldn't keep avoiding that conversation if he kept asking about it.

Eula scoffed as she closed the curtains. "How could you embarrass him?"

"I don't know. What if I say the wrong things or...or trip over my shoes?" Sana cringed. "I'm still getting used to walking properly in booted heels."

"Then my Lord better take care in making sure that he walks at your pace so you don't trip," Eula said, sliding her hands to her hips. "And you won't say the wrong things. It's hard to insult the people of the north. We're a hardy bunch and we've heard it all."

"The townsfolk will want to impress you," Kezi said, giggling as she wrapped a silk scarf around Sana's hair. "You're the first Lady who's been here this long."

Sana's eyes grew wide. "Am I really?"

"You sure are." Kezi nodded. "So everyone will be eager to meet you."

"Well," Sana said, standing from her chair. "I hope I don't disappoint them."

"Oh my dear, you could never do that. You're going to have a wonderful time tomorrow," Eula said, folding back the blankets on her bed. "Come now, get some rest."

"Thank you," Sana said, climbing into her bed. "Good night."

"Good night, my Lady," Kezi said as they bowed to her. "Would you like me to tell the night maids to make enough tea for two in the morning?"

"Oh, um." A blush scorched Sana's cheeks. "I, um, I'm not sure."

"We'll tell them yes, just in case," Eula said, giving her a wink. "Good night, dear."

Sana groaned, lying back against her pillows as she slid her hands over her face. How was she going to get any sleep when her mind was reeling with thoughts of Rhyel? Would he bother having tea with her in the morning? Eula and Kezi seemed confident that she'd be fine on the outing tomorrow, but what if she made a fool of herself?

Relax, little flame.

Sune said as he nestled on the pillow beside her.

Your maids are right. You're going to be fine tomorrow. Lord Rhyel will show you a good time and I doubt he'll have the nerve to bring up a topic like he did this morning.

"How do you know?" she said, pulling her hands from her face as she looked over at Sune. "He has a right to ask and to know about my past. He's the Lord and Alpha of the House and wouldn't it be bad if he doesn't trust me?"

Yes that is true, but he has to gain your trust as much as you need to gain his and that takes time. I'm sure there are things Lord Rhyel hasn't told you. For instance, what did he see on his quest? He should share that with you, don't you think?

"Oh." Sana frowned. "Should he? It seems like the quest was a personal experience."

Sune chuckled.

It was, but that quest had everything to do with you. So you see, Lord Rhyel has secrets to share with you too and when you're both ready, I'm sure you'll trust each other with those secrets. Just give it time and enjoy getting to know him as your friend.

Sana yawned. "Okay," she murmured, closing her eyes. "I will."

Good night, little flame. Dream well.

Rhyel didn't come down for tea the next morning, instead he left her a note on her tea tray to say he was looking forward to their outing and he'd leave her alone to enjoy her tea and the letter he received for her from her friend.

He wasn't wrong about that. Sana smiled as she opened the letter from Uma and wondered how she managed to get this to Rhyel. Her father never let any of the servants use the mail pigeons for personal use and certainly not to contact her for any reason.

But Uma could be sly sometimes when it really mattered. Like the time she managed to get Sana some warm soup from the kitchen when she was suffering from a cold.

Trailing her fingers over Uma's choppy handwriting. She didn't have the best penmanship, but then again most of the servants in Lightbourne house didn't. Sana was the one who taught most of them how to read and write, but she could still understand what Uma had written and feel the love pouring out of her words.

Dearest Sana,

I hope this letter finds you and I hope you are been being treeted well.

I miss you dreadful dearly. The house was is not the same without you.

Lyra and Aneera are being merried to Lord Troya and Lord Zeev. We are all happy they will be leaving the house.

Sana laughed as she imagined the joy and relief the servants felt when they found out Lyra and Aneera would no longer be ordering them around the house.

We all think you are the lucky one with your mariage. Olin says Lord Riel is a ginerous man and he cares for you. He said Lord Riel was angery that you were leaved in the forest alone.

I can't belief Master Seerius would do that, but I am glad you got out. This is best for you.

I imagine you have a big bed, beeutiful new dresses and always have a warm meel to eat. That is what you diserve. Even if you do not think so. I know you will be a great Lady and I hope we will meet again someday. Maybe at one of the weddings?

I you sweet Sana. Be brave and be brite.


P.S. Pleese do not write back. You know it will caws truble.

Sana wiped a tear that rolled down her cheek. She missed Uma so much and she wished she could write back to her to tell her how much her letter meant to her.

I like this friend of yours. She clearly knows your worth.

Sune said as he perched on her shoulder.

"Uma's always been like that. I miss her so much," Sana said, hugging the letter to her chest. "And I'm going to do like she says and pretend I deserve this life." She looked up at Rhyel's empty balcony. "I...I want to have a good time in town with Rhyel today."

That sounds like an excellent plan, little flame.

"Good morning, my Lady!" Kezi exclaimed as she opened the french doors. "Are you excited for your big outing today?"

Sana chuckled softly as she looked back at her joyful maid. "I am, but still a little nervous."

"That's okay." Kezi smiled. "That's better than last night when you were worried about embarrassing yourself."

"Oh, that hasn't changed," Sana said, getting up and tucking her letter in her robe pocket. "But today, I'm just going to try to enjoy myself."

"As you should." Kezi nodded. "Come on now, your bath is ready and Eula has picked out a lovely dress for you to wear."

"I sure have, my Lady," Eula said as she laid out a jade green dress with golden flowers embroidered on the long flowing sleeves and high neck collar. "What do you think?"

"It's beautiful," she said, trailing her fingers over the embroidery. "But is this too much for a day in town?"

"Not at all and definitely not for the Lady of Darcanos," Eula said, beaming with pride. "Now go on. Take your bath so Kezi and I can do you up proper."

"Alright," Sana said, laughing as she padded across her room to the bathroom. Her anxiety was slowly creeping up again from Kezi and Eula's excitement for her. She didn't want to let anyone down if she made a complete fool of herself, but then she thought back to Uma's letter and what she would say to her in this moment.

You deserve this life, Sana.

Sune's voice cut through her thoughts as he perched on the side of the tube and a smile tugged at Sana's lips.

"I was just thinking that Uma would've said the same thing to me."

And she would be right. I may not say much to you today while you're with Lord Rhyel, but know that I'll be humming with encouragement for you. I want you to have fun today.

Sana nodded. "I'll try."

When Sana finished with her bath Eula and Kezi were oozing with excitement to get her ready for the day. Kezi plaited her hair in intricate braids with tiny beads of gold weaved into her red tresses while Eula brushed gold dust over her eyelids and a subdued red paste over her lips.

"Oh my," Eula said, standing back to admire her work. "I think my Lord will be surprised when he sees you like this."

Sana frowned. "Why?"

"Because," Kezi said, turning Sana's chair around to the vanity. "You look gorgeous, my Lady."

Sana's eyes grew wide as she stared at her reflection. "Oh," she said, touching her cheeks. She'd never had the privilege of wearing make-up before or the honor of looking so beautiful.

"Do you like it?" Eula said, grinning in the mirror.

"I...I do," Sana said, smiling. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, my dear. You already have natural beauty," Eula said, removing the apron around her shoulders. "The make-up just highlights it."

"Oh I-I wouldn't say that," Sana said, blushing. "But I think I could get used to wearing make-up."

A soft knock rapped against her door and Sana's heart leapt to her throat. "Lady Sana, are you ready?" Loic called. "My Lord is waiting for you."

"Oh goodness," Sana said, standing from the chair and smoothing a shaking hand over her dress. "Oh dear."

"My Lady," Kezi said, grasping her shoulders. "You're going to be fine and you look lovely. All you need to do is enjoy yourself."

"O-okay. Thank you," Sana said, taking a deep breath. "I'm ready."

Following Eula to the door, Sana squeezed her shaking hands at her side while Sune fluttered to her shoulder and pressed his head against her neck.

You'll be fine, little flame and I'll be right beside you all day.

"Oh my," Loic said with a bright smile on his face as he held out his arm to her. "You are a vision, my Lady."

Sana blushed, hanging her head as she slipped her hand into the crook of his arm. "Thank you."

"Have a wonderful time, my Lady," Kezi and Eula said, giving her a bow.

"I'll try," she said, squeezing Loic's arm as he led her down the hall to the grand staircase.

"I'm sure you'll enjoy the shops and eateries in town," Loic said, patting her hand. "Now, remember what we've been practicing. Keep your head up, shoulders back and walk with confidence."

Sana raised her head and rolled her shoulders back like Loic taught her. "Right."

"Very good," he said as they walked down the stairs to the foyer. "You are the Lady of Darcanos. You never cower nor bow to no one."

"What if I forget?" Sana whispered as her heart thumped at the sight of Rhyel's broad form standing with his back turned while he spoke to a few of the guards and maids in the foyer. "What if I embarrass him?"

"You are bright and shining, my Lady. You could never be an embarrassment."

"If you say so," she murmured.

Rhyel turned around and her throat dried up as she gazed at his dapper attire of deep charcoal trousers tucked into a pair of black riding boots. A tunic of deep forest green hugged his broad chest while a chain of gold swept over the fabric, fastened to a black half cape with a fur lined collar hung from his left shoulder. His beard was freshly trimmed and his lush black hair was braided back from his face and tied into a neat bun.

Her breath hitched as a smile tugged across his lips. Sana's knees shook and her feet wobbled as she stepped from the last stair and stumbled forward.

Rhyel's hand shot out and caught her arm while Loic gripped her waist to steady her on her feet. "Are you alright, my Lady?"

"Yes. I-I fine." She cringed as a blush burned over her cheeks. "I-I'm sorry."

"There's no need to apologize," Rhyel said, brushing Loic's hand from her waist. "Loic should've been more careful with you."

There was a bite to his words and Sana swore she heard a low menacing growl –that wasn't the sound of Sune– rumble through her mind as Rhyel held her by his side. "Sana needs her cloak."

Loic's brown eyes grew wide as he nodded. "Yes, my Lord," he said, waving his hand to one of the guards who held a thick fur lined cloak in his hands. "And please forgive my mistake, my Lady."

"It's alright. wasn't your fault. I'm just a little clumsy today."

"Mm, I'll be mindful to hold on to you then," Rhyel said, taking the cloak from Loic and wrapping it around her shoulders. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Sana nodded and her heart pounded at the tender look in his eyes as he fastened her cloak. "Yes, I'm...I'm fine. It won't happen again."

"It's okay if it does," he said, holding out his arm to her. "I'll be right here to steady you."

"Thank you," she said, slipping her hand into the crook of his arm. "But I'll be alright."

"Very well," he said, nodding to the guards standing at the black double doors of the entrance. "Are you ready for our day out, my Lady?"

"I am," she said, squeezing his arm. "Are... are you ready to spend the day with me?"

"Of course I am. It'll be nice to spend some time with you," he said, leaning down to her ear as they walked through the foyer. "You look lovely, by the way."

Sana's heart pounded and a blush scorched her cheeks at his compliment. "Th-thank you. look nice too," she said as they walked down the steps to the waiting carriage. "It's, um, it's nice to see you without your armor."

"I'm glad you think so," he said, smiling as he helped her into the carriage. "I'm used to wearing my armor all the time, but I could wear it less if it pleases you."

"Oh, no," she said, shaking her head as he slipped inside the carriage beside her. "I wouldn't want you to change your style because of me."

"It wouldn't be that much of a change." Rhyel shrugged. "I don't mind," he said, looking over at her. "Did you enjoy reading your letter from your friend?"

A smile tugged at her lips as she nodded. "I did. It was nice to hear from Uma," she said, squeezing her hands in her lap. "Could I ask how you received the letter?"

"You can," he said, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck as the coachman steered the carriage away from the castle down the cobbled road toward the gates. "As long as you promise not to get upset with me."

Sana's eyes grew wide. "No, I couldn't be upset with you."

"Are you sure?" he said, raising an eyebrow. "Because I know I upset you yesterday when I asked about your life before you came here."

"Oh, well." Sana bit her lip. "I...wasn't upset with you. I just wasn't ready for that."

"I know and I'm sorry," he said, sighing. "I promise not to pry like that again, but your letter came from Junak by way of my uncle, Lord Dante." Rhyel looked down at his hands in his lap. "I...sent Junak back to your home with Olin to investigate your father and why he instructed Olin to leave you so far from the gates when you first arrived. I'm sorry."

That seems like a respectable thing for your betrothed to do.

Sune murmured as he nestled beneath the fur of her cloak.

"You don't need to apologize for that. I...I understand why you did it," Sana said, slowly and hesitantly placing her hand over Rhyel's. "And if you hadn't sent Junak there, I doubt Uma would've been able to get her letter to me. So, thank you."

"You're welcome," Rhyel said, curling his fingers around hers. "And you're not upset?"

"No, I'm not." Sana shook her head. "But I'd like to know what Junak told you about his time there."

"Not much. He wasn't there for very long before my uncle sent him back here," Rhyel said, chuckling softly. "So, your secrets are still yours to keep."

"I'm sorry." Sana slipped her hand from his as she looked away from him to the tree lined road. "I don't want them to be secrets. I'm just not ready to share them with you yet."

"That's okay. I have secrets I'm not ready to share with you, but I'd like to," Rhyel said, hooking his finger under her chin, turning her head back to him. "I'm sure once we get to know each other better, sharing our secrets will be like second nature. So, let's just do that, okay?"

Sana's heart warmed at the tenderness in his deep blue eyes and a small smile graced her lips as she nodded. "I'd like that."

"So would I," he said, slipping his fingers from her chin. "And we can start that again today."

A/N: oo, our Sana got a bit weak in the knees for Rhyel...🤭And I love that they opened up to each other just a little, about sharing their secrets one day 🥰

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