I Am The Chloe Bourgeois

By Maijlas

32.5K 1.3K 422

Justice for Chloe Bourgeois in my fanfic. Since the author is mad enough to think about killing her in season... More

anti Marinette
Lady wifi
Dream or reality?
still friends?
Not a ch

10 years

3.4K 129 34
By Maijlas

Chloé's pov:

10 years... it has been 10 years since I left Paris.. my home town. Thinking about the past makes me nauseous, and it reminds me of the things I lost... and the people who left me because of my deeds... but in these years I have matured a lot. And.. I am also a person who has experienced the dark side of the world. Many things have happened since I left. Hawkmoth was captured who was originally Adrian's father. Ladybug and Chat nori revealing their identities in public. The news of their engagement. Gabrial Agrest was sent to prison for 5 years only. Felix and kagami were a couple and many more. Now even Hawkmoth was released from prison, and he is with his family. Also, most importantly.... tomorrow is Adrian's and Marinettes' wedding.

After I left Paris with my mother to New York, she arranged my schedule in such a way that I only get to sleep 4 hours a day, which led me to have dark circles. Did that matter to her? Of course not. Instead, she always mocked me about it. School life was worse. It doesn't matter if you are the mayor's or the fashion queen's daughter. And yes, I was a victim of bullying... I suffered a worse testament, which is nothing compared to the one I did in the middle school. And... it wasn't for one day... I suffered every single day . Teachers don't care, obviously, even if you kill someone.

I had to cut my hair short because someone put their chewing gum on my hair. I begged my mother to put me in a karate class, and surprisingly, she agreed. After 6 months, no one dared to touch me. My karate teacher said I was a prodigy. But it wasn't enough for Mother. My attitude and personality also changed drastically.. even I was surprised.. The child inside me was completely destroyed, and the shine in my eyes was diminished . The childish, spoiled, and annoying Chloe bourgeois is gone.. now it's just cold walking corpe. Forget about applying any makeup when you were fighting for survival.

After graduation, I worked in my mother's office. Even there, no one liked me. Her assistant also hates me but shows a fake smile in front of me. I was given a separate room for my paperwork . But in the free time I designed various kinds of dresses and jewelries. They were very beautiful.

There were about 100s of them, but I kept this as a secret from mom. I want to surprise her. I... even ones in my life.. I wanted to be praised by her. Yeah , I am 25 years old now, and this was the only thing that helped me to carry on with my life after everyone abandoned me.

Today is the day I was going to reveal my secret to mom. I hope she praises me and anounce in public that I am exceptional too.And.... I also hope to get everything back..

Suddenly, the door burst open to my room and revealing my mother.

Audrey:" Get ready, Charles, i mean Chloe. Today, you go to my office instead of me."

Chloe :" And where will you be going to?"

Audrey:" Oh me ? I am going to Paris."

Chloe:" Paris?? Were you... invited by them?"

Audrey:" Of course i was invited! Who will not invite this exceptional talented style queen?"

I lowered my head and asked

Chloe:" Did.. did they say anything about me?"* in a low and sad voice*

Audrey:" You? Who would want a disgrace like you in a happy event? "

It hurts... it hurts so much..

Chloe:" ... When will you come back?"

Audrey:" Tomorrow after the wedding is over. Now get ready and go."

Chloe:" Yes, mother. "

She left the room, and I was once again left alone in my cold and dark room. No one. In these 10 years, no one has asked about me. Not even my father. Why I don't understand.... was I that bad? Does love cost so much?

I went to take a bath and wear my red dress . My hair was short because one I babysit my mother assistants' baby , and she accidentally cut my hair . Well, I don't look bad, though. That was a dejavu for me. I didn't apply any makeup. I went out and reached my mother's office.

Her assistant again greeted me with a fake smile, and I just nooded my head with a cold look.

I sat down in my mother's chair... the style queen's chair..

' I hope mother thinks I am worthy for this position. '

I began to do her work. Yes, it has been 6 years since I was working in this field.

It was lunchtime, and I ordered food online . I didn't want to go to the cafeteria. All I get is several glares or was ignored.

I opened my ring call list and... dejavu. Again. Just like the time I was on the plane when I left Paris.. again, reality hit me hard... the fact that I had no one by my side.

First, it was my mother, then Adrian, then Sabrina, and at last ... the one I needed the most... my father. I understand that I did many bad things, but.... I dont think I am the same Chloe they know, right? And now that I wonder how Jane is doing.. did he miss me, even ones?

Hah, who am I kidding? Who can ever miss a spoiled childish brat like me?


But still .. a part of me wants that. That even if I die... there will be at least one person who will shed tears on my grave. But.. that one person doesn't exist in my memory.

Instead... they are the kind of people who will celebrate because of my death.

The food was brought by the assistant, and I ate it. I turned on the TV, and it seems my mother has already reached Paris.

Reporter:" Mrs Audrey, are you here for the famous model Adrian Agrest and the famous designer Marinette Dupen Cheng's wedding?"

Audrey:" Of course! How can i miss such an exceptional wedding as my favorite designer? "

Reporter:" Are you alone? Also, where is Chloe bourgeois?"

Audrey:" Oh, Chlola ? I mean, Chloe? She doesn't matter. Now, step aside . I have to prepare myself to look asthetic ."

Yeah... I dont matter... never did.

Cold.. this is the only feeling I feel in these years. I have no one to express my feelings to. I was never taught how to be 'nice' to others. Of course, I was spoiled rotten . But I just wanted a... family. Jane was only there for me in my childhood. But what? He only obeys my order and takes care of me.

My father filled his role as a dad by giving me gifts on my birthdays whenever he wasn't present because of his duties as a mayor. So I also thought that giving gifts and money would solve everything. That's how I was raised.

My adult self really knows the hardships of the adult. I am independent but with no one by my side.

What I learned from life was

.Nothing lasts forever.

.. and life is not a fairly tail .

... evil people will have a bad ending and will be left alone, but.. then why is Gabriel Agrest happy? Why is everyone by his side now?
Wasn't he the Hawkmoth? Why only me?

I was just a dumb villainess in the story with a tragic fate.

The day passed quickly, and finally, that day arrived. Their wedding day. I again went to the office and turned on the TV .

And there she was , Marinette. My rival, the stupid baker, and.. ladybug who was going to marry.. Adrian . My childhood 'friend' who broke our friendship because he knew about the bully his lover suffered because of me. Hah. He promised me to protect me forever like a knight . But what did he do?

Whenever the whole class laughed at me , he just stood there like a fool with a confused face without saying anything.

Ridiculous....utterly ridiculous.

And that didn't happen one time . It happened many times. And when I was mean to someone, what did he do? He asked me to be nice and not to do that. Wow, Adrian. Wow. You were a cry baby when we were little, and it was me who defended you. Even from your dad, who one say was about to scold you, but I took the blame. Even when your mother left you, I was there to encourage you. And just because of love... you abandoned me. I was strong enough to ensure all your displeasure expressions you show whenever I hug you or call you Adrikens. It never bothered you until you started to go to school.

From the TV:" and now you may kiss the bride."

Wow... just like in fairy tails.. the princess and the prince get married..

Camara moved to show my parents and my step sister who get everyone love and ... even the bee miraculous completely replacing me.

Ah, how much I eve her. Once, there was me who was between them smiling, but now.. it's her.

Father... you seem so happy by your stepdaughter's side... do you even miss this daughter of yours? I don't understand... why do you suddenly have time for your stepdaughter but didn't have a single minute when your own blood daughter needed you in her childhood? Hah. He even went to movies with her when I barely got to spend time with him.

Also, they... look like a happy family together... as if... I don't exist in this world... as if ... there is no one named Chloe.

I turned off the TV and concentrated on my work. The assistant looked at me with a blank face but her eyes... shows pity and pain. Hah. As if someone can feel it. No one. No one in this world can know this feeling.

Chloe:" Miss Rui. Give these files to Mother when she arrives today. She just has to sign in one place, and everything has been handled by me."* in cold voice while getting up*

Miss Rui:" Yes, maam. "

I walked out of the office and went straight to my apartment and started to finish my incomplete design. This is the only thing that diverts my mind from this dark world.

I completed my design and noticed that many hours passed, and the assistant messaged me that Mother had arrived.

'Now.. I have to show her my designs!!'

I quickly got up and grabbed the bag of my designs, and directly went to the main house. When I arrived I said my mother , sitting on the sofa with her assistant beside her.

Chloe:" Welcome back, mother."

Audrey:" I hope you have done your job well. "* completely ignores her.*

Chloe:" i did. Also... i have something to show you."* was used to being ignored by her . Shows her the designs*

Audrey was shocked also with her assistant, and they both gasped.

Audrey:" Y-you ... you did THIS?"

Assistant:" These ... these are really ... i am speechless. "

Chloe:" i... i have been doing this for a year now. I... I wanted to show you this, but.. I was quite afraid. "

Audrey was silent for a moment, and then she showed a huge smile.
For the first time in my life.. she showed me this smile..

Audrey:" These are exceptionally great Chloe. Very good also... mind if i take these? I will publish them in public. "

Chloe:" W-what ? Really? Thank you, mom."* hugsher tightly in tears*

Audrey:" Now, now, let me go . You are staining my dress."

Chloe:" oh oh sorry."* Let her go.*

Audrey signaled her assistant to carry the designs to her personal office and left .

First time in my life... I was praised by my mother. As if every sad memory has been erased from my head.

I happily went back to my apartment , changed into my pajamas, and went to bed.

' Now everything will be fine. The world will know that I have changed and no longer the same useless Chloe bourgeois. '

( The naive girl was not going to take the matter lightly of what was going to happen the next day.)

~Next day ~

I woke up and got ready to go with my mother . But when I arrived at the office, I was informed that my mother had gone back to Paris.

' Huh? Why ? Did something come up?'

I saved the assistant, and she said she doesn't know.

I turned on the TV. If mother was in Paris, then surely the reporters will surround her.

And there she was , surrounded by hundreds of reporters and.. even my father , Zoe, and Marinette were together with her.

Why ? Why wasn't I informed about it.

I sat down on the chair without removing my eyes from the TV.

Audrey:" Today i have an important announcement to make regarding the next higher of the title - Style Queen. But before that , i would like to show you my latest design."

My heart began to beat faster than the normal rate. My mind was flooded with questions.

Why am I not with you?

Why didn't you ask me to go with you?

Why is there everyone except me even now ?

What new design are you talking about?

I think I was having anxiety attacks.

My face turned pale when i saw the design.

It was my design.

Audrey:" This is my latest design . And a new era of fashion will start with glitters and silk. "

Applause were given by the people. They even began to cheer for it . They were shouting about how beautiful it was.

This betrayal was brutal.

My whole body was shaking. My mind was blocked. My hands were cold. The only question in my mind was : Why?


Mrs rui:" No . I saware on my life. I didn't know about her plans at all."
* Sad voice*

Audrey:" Ahem. Silence . Now, the new owner of the title of Style Queen is MARINETTE AGREST!"

Why am I not surprised anymore....

My thoughts were interrupted by my father's voice.

Aundre:" There is another important announcement i have to make."

Now what?

I looked up at my father and saw that he was holding Zoes shoulder and smiling at her.

Aundre :" I would like you to know that the owner of the 10 hotels in paris which is under my name including the holtel 'LA Grande Paris ' will be under my daughter's name- Zoe bourgeois."

My daughter... my daughter Huh...

Several minutes passed, and I was just staring blankly at the TV and watching then celebrate the moment.

I lost...

I lost everything.

What did I do now to deserve this...

My only reason to like was taken away from me...

Now my condition is like the ones with a body but no soul. My eyes were lifeless.

The assistant tapped my shoulder and went to bye food, but I stopped.

I grabbed her hand and shook my head. I got up from the chair like a zombie and went outside the building.

I am tired..

My legs were shaking, but still, I managed to show my that I had no problem.

I went to the nearby park and called my mother..

And surprisingly.. she reserved it.

Audrey:" What is it, chlolin? i mean, Chloe? Say it fast. I am busy."

Chloé:" Why ... why did you say my drawings are by you?"

Audrey:" Hum? They aren't? Remember, chlola , i am your mother, so whatever you achieve is because of me. So your designs are also mine . Get it?"

Chloe:" No, i dont ... you know that you have taken away the last thing which was keeping me alive? "* shows a ghost smile with blank eyes*

Audrey:" ...."

Chloe:" It was my trust in you..."

Audrey:" Oh, stop being ridiculous, Chloe. Now i dont have time to waste on you . Go do your job."* ends the call*


Why am I alive?

What is my purpose for living?

Why did you give birth to me in the first place?

Why did father suddenly have time to spend with Zoe but not with me ?

Why did you break your promises, Adrian?

I began to walk towards the road to cross without even realizing it.
I was lost in my thoughts that didn't even realize that a car was coming towards me and.. I was hit.

Everything happened in a slow process.

And today.. I was going to die.

Everyone crowded around me and shouted for ambulance. I began to close my eyes and my mind started to replay every moment of my life.

About how I was abandoned by mother,

How Jane got me a the teddy bear saying that it was from my mother when it was not.

How I befriend Adrian,

How I defend him

How Mrs Emily treated me like her daughter,

How I was with him when his mother died,

How father wasn't present in my every birthday,

How desperate I was for mother's affection,

How i bullied Marinette,

How I treated Sabrina,

How much I wanted to be like ladybug and prove myself to the world,

How stupid I was,

How Adrian ignored me,

How his expression turned into an uncomfortable one when I hugged him,

How he just stand there and watched me being humiliated by everyone ,

How he abandoned me,

Now my half-sister came and stole everyone's affection including mother's,

How she became the new holder of miraculous,

How father loves her ,

How did he abandoned me,

How mother stole my designs,

How many times I was akumatized ,

How my stupidity affect everyone,

How my mother humiliated me in public,

How alone I am,

And.. how everyone forgot about me...

Ridiculous... utterly ridiculous..

' If possible... I dont want to be born again and live a life like this .'

With this last thought... everything went dark.


Hello readers!

I created the image with the help of AI of adult Chloe. 😊 also please watch the video.

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