The Colonel and his Medic

By RomanTheKing69

14.8K 251 22

(18+!!) You? Or Y/N.. and König. She's his personal medic. I will get to that eventually I promise!! So the... More

Intro/ Dedication
Good Girl
The Hunt
Aphrodisiac Accident
The Hunt II
Hot Water
Happy anniversary!
Anniversary weekend II
The Hunt IIII
Hurt And Healer
His uniform
The Game You Lose
(Request page)

The Hunt III

513 10 1
By RomanTheKing69

((LISTEN! I have an obsession with this trope, I hold it close to my heart...
Hunter X Prey!!
This one is dedicated to Ryan! Hope you enjoy xoxo))

The next morning, König slipped out of bed before the sun came up. Making sure to not disturb her as he did so. Once he was out of bed, He pulled on some pants and a black long sleeve shirt. Once he was dressed he slipped out of the room and down the stairs. By the front door he stoped and pulled on his boots, before he slipped out the door.

He walked down the wooden steps that lead to the dirt patch that lay around the lake. He took a few steps forward turning his attention to the forest that lay ahead. He took a breath in and let it out before he went on into the woods.

He spent his time before the sun came up wondering around the forest. Taking in every corner that he could find. Taking note of everything. Making sure he had everything memorized before he turned back. Heading out of the forest just as the morning birds started to sing. He went inside the cabin and headed up the stairs. Noticing she had gotten out of bed and was already getting dressed. "Ah, Schatzi. I've decided this mornings workout will be... different" he chuckled deeply pulling his snipers hood over his head.

He stood in the doorway watching her movements. Noticing she was complying with his request to not wear underwear. She turned to look at him as she pulled up her jogging pants, giving him a look before she spoke "Different? What do you mean?" He took a few steps into the room, looking her up and down. Examining her outfit. "Yes. I think you'll enjoy this" he chuckled holding his hand out to her. She took his hand gently giving him a sweet smile. König brought her Hand up under his mask. Placing a gentle kiss to her knuckles and then another, he pulled her hand away from him and lasted his fingers with hers. He turned on his foot leading her out of the room, down the stairs. Stopping by the front door he turned to her. "I think you may run better without your shoes"

She looked at him a little puzzled "Why?" A simple question, one that made him chuckle. He let her hand go and cupped her face gently in his hand, his thumb caressing her cheek. "Because, Schatzi i want a redo of our.. little woodsy adventure.. the first time, we were almost interrupted. The second time we were on a time crunch due to our job"  almost immediately a blush rose to her cheeks. That made him chuckle once more. "What do you say?"

She took a moment to think before she smiled slightly and gave him a nod. "Why not? We have the time, and the privacy to do so" as soon as the words left her lips, a wicked grin cracked across his lips under his mask. "So... Ill say this again, i think you'll run better without shoes"
She kicked her shoes out of the way and nodded her head at the door. He continued with leading her out of the cabin. Moving behind her he released her hand, resting his own on on the small of her back. "You're lucky you know me well enough" she hummed softly as she walked down the small wooden steps and onto the dirt path.
He chuckled as he continued to lead her to the edge of the wood line "Du hast recht, ich kenne dich gut, So...hasenmädchen. Renn so schnell du kannst" he smirked darkly under his mask pushing her forwards slightly. She took a few steps forward, looking back at him she looked for his nod of approval. Once he nodded his head, she took off.

Sprinting into the woods as fast as she could go. Not knowing how long she had before he would start his hunt. As she was running down the path she could notice and feel that there were divots in the dirt. In her mind she was thinking that it was just a coincidence that every single time her foot would land, not a single rock would be in her way. In reality, that morning while König was taking note of the woods, he had kicked up all the rocks that stuck up, out of the path.
Kicking them off to the side.
Just for her, if she had chosen to not wear shoes.

As he watched her disappear within the trees he let out a chuckle, lunging off his feet. Finding the right speed as he was running after her, catching a glimpse of her stopping at a fork in the road. She only took a second before she took the left path, knowing it lead back around the lake to the other entrance to the trails.
As he grew closer to her, she grew closer to the mouth of the trail. Just next to the lake, she thought she was free to make it to the cabin. Not expecting him to launch himself at her, basically tackling her to the ground. Both of them rolling as they went. König wrapped himself around her to make sure she wasn't the one taking all of the impact. Once they stopped rolling he grabbed a fistful of her hair and chuckled deeply
"Ive got you maus. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide"



Du hast recht, ich kenne dich gut, So...hasenmädchen. Renn so schnell du kannst - You're right, i know you well. So... bunny girl.. run as fast as you can

Cliffhanger for you dirty bastards
We are almost at 900 reads!! Thank you!!
I didn't expect this so soon but none the less, thank you for reading, and enjoying!
Stay tuned for next part to this
The Hunt IIII
The final part of the anniversary trope!!

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