Knowing Zayle

By Zu_Trancy

153 7 32

I'll tell you now. This is a tale of Heaven. Of ancient God's and history. Of lust, power and trickery. Of... More

1 •Have Some Fear
2 •Murder
3 •Menstruation Cycle
4 •3 Ways
5 •If You Were Forgiven
6 •A Mood to Sell
8 •A Big Black Branding Iron
9 •A History To Be First
10 •A God To Please
11 •The Lore of Olympus
12 •Fate Is What It Will Be
13 •Truthful Words
14 •Lovely Eyes
15 •A Different Viewpoint
16 •The Angels Confession
17 •Eradicate
18 •A Sweet Desert
19 •The Seventh First One
20 •Her Thanks and His Giving 🔥
21 •Content 🔥

7 •Between Positions

3 0 0
By Zu_Trancy


Rena leaned against her wooden counter, her plump, two toned lips pulled into a soft frown as her eyebrows pulled into each other. Her left hand absently played with a loose string on her grey shorts while the other lay on the counter.

She was deep in thought about absolutely nothing.

A loose curl from her poor excuse of a bun fell onto her forehead and she sighed, pushing away from the counter.

She'd put everything away and left Zayle to get dressed in the loose white shirt she had bought and a pair of large shorts she had worn to bed every night.

She glanced at the two bowls of noodles sitting on the stove and looked at her closed door.

Did the drawers fit right?


The short beauty's eyebrow rose as she listened to the tone of the man's voice. It was unsteady and shy, as if hesitant to come out and she padded over to her door softly before knocking twice.

There was a moment of silence before It cracked open slightly.

Soft, brown eyes stared at the man behind the door, and she could see his hair tied up into a ponytail.

"What is it?" She asked unsurely as she tried to peek into the room.

His dark eyelashes fluttered slightly as his eyes quickly flicked downwards before meeting her gaze. Her eyes narrowed and she pushed the door open, startling the man as he fell back.

A quiet gasp came from the woman as she stared at his lower area. His torso was covered with the white shirt, but with how large he was, he made the shirt look as if it were built for him, but her eyes were stuck on how tight the gray underwear was on his skin.

It was as if it were a second skin, the boxers stretching across his thick thighs and her gaze constantly found its way back to the extremely large bulge in the briefs. He couldn't even argue against her if he caught her stare, the size was basically just asking for attention.

"It's... too tight..." The whisper was near inaudible as the man covered his mouth with his hand as he looked away from the speechless woman. She could see the tips of his ears were as red as tomatoes, and she found herself gazing at his watering eyes.

The man was as shy as he was arrogant, it seemed.

Her teeth began to grip the corner of her lower lip as she stared at his large, muscled thighs.

They were spread open, as if to scream "look at me" and she winced as she felt her teeth nick her skin too deep.

"Ah..." She touched her lip and stared at the small smear of blood before looking back at the embarrassed man. "You can just take them off and wear the shorts."

She left the room and bit the corner of her lip as lewd thoughts spiraled out of control in her head.

She didn't hear the door close and respected the poor man's privacy enough to not turn around.

Damn, didn't I make some noodles?

She shook her head, a sigh leaving her lips as she walked back into the kitchen.


A tsk left escaped the girl and she whirled around, fed up with the constant name.

Zayle was gazing at her with hesitant expression. Her gaze softened but she crossed her arms, her eyes narrowing at the large man.

"I have a name."

He nodded as if hearing her but not acknowledging her words.

"It's Rena."

He nodded again, pissing her off as she aggressively grabbed a fork from her counter, startling the man.

"Why the hell did your cousin leave anyway?" She questioned as she grabbed her bowl of noodles.

He stared at her for a moment, his gaze lingering on her lips before he glanced at the bowl.

She gave him her bowl and grabbed the ones on the stove before she leaned back on her counter, stabbing the noodles with much more for than necessary as she waited for him to answer her question.

"I... Don't know either." He sighed as he slowly wrapped the noodles around the fork.

Rena nodded before chewing her own noodles mindlessly, her eyes wandering to the floor.

Hm. These noodles taste like soap.

She eyed the fork questioningly before sighing loudly.

The sound of a throat clearing broke the silence and she looked over at the long-haired man, her eyes straying to his empty bowl.

I mean, I am one hell of a cook.

"Give me your fork real quick." She said as she snapped her fingers twice, noticing his eyes light up in response.

He quickly handed her the fork and watched as she fed herself with the fork, and she could have sworn she'd seen a flicker of annoyance flash across his expression.

"What?" She asked through a mouthful of noodles.

His eyes narrowed and he took a step forward, reaching for the dark blue bowl before she angrily moved away.

"The hell is up with you?!"

Her question was blatantly ignored and she dashed behind her island, panic spreading across her face as he rushed after her.

What the fuck is this niggas problem?!

She could barely dwell on the thought as he jumped across the counter, eliciting a shrill shriek from the woman's mouth.

"Unhand the bowl, Rena." He said with narrowed eyes and she scoffed, quickly becoming nervous as he suddenly moved, as if he were going to run towards her.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, you fatass, make your own damn bowl!"

She immediately regretted her words as they were both suddenly tousling over the bowl, grunts and the sound of feet squeaking against her kitchen floor filled the room.

So awkward.


She gasped as the hot juice spilled on her, her immediate reaction being to let go of the bowl as she slipped on the wet floor.

Her eyes found Zayle, who had too fell, but from the sudden release of the bowl and she shrieked again loudly as her head collided with the floor.

Her eyes watered immediately, her teeth biting into her lower lip to keep her screams of pain in.

Fucking dumb, fatass bitch, fighting over a half eaten bowl of fucking noodles-

Her eyes snapped to the bowl, it's contents all over the floor.


She was at a loss for words.

Zayle was slouched against a cabinet, the juices soaking through his shorts and shirt. She couldn't even be distracted by his visible body as she stared at the wasted food.

She hadn't even realized the fat, ugly tears spilling down her face, or the mascara slowly mixing with the salty liquid.

And to add to her pathetic appearance, snot ran down her nose and into her mouth as strained sobs tried to force it's way out of her poorly closed mouth.

It was an ugly sight.

I'll fucking snap his neck if I have to.

She sat up, aggressively wiping away her tears to no avail.

Yes, she was crying over noodles, and because her skull high fived the hell out of her wooden floor for the third time this month.

The sound of teeth grinding against each other could be heard before she lunged, her wrists immediately being pinned above her mid air as she sat on her knees, Zayle's eyes wide with surprise.

She must have looked feral at that moment.

Her heavy breathing, laced with the sound of her thundering heartbeat filled her ears as she stared down at him with a look so sharp, she could see the small shiver run up his spine.

"Let's... Let's calm ourselves-"


She wrenched one hand out of his infuriatingly strong grasp before grabbing his throat.

It was in the heat of the moment that his free hand shot out and grabbed her throat, slamming her down with such force that the air was partially knocked out of her.

Her legs were on either side of his hips and she snarled at the fact, quickly recovering as she tried to free her one pinned arm above her head, the free one tangling itself in his hair.

"Could you- Ow, please-" His sentence fell in deaf ears as his footing slipped in the juice and he slammed down on top of her, her eyes widening with the addition of his sudden weight.

She looked as if she were to pass out.

"Off,-" There was a notable gasp of air. "Get off."

She didn't care that his face was smashed in-between her boobs.

She cared that his face was restricting her of her air.

When he didn't make an effort to get up, her legs snapped around him, just underneath his butt and squeezed, thrusting his pelvic against hers and she cried out in surprise.

This was not going the way she planned.

Suddenly, the grip on her wrist tightened and she could feel the other hand on her throat twitching.

Was he contemplating on whether to strangle her or move his hand?

She most definitely didn't want the first option.

The sound of keys jangled outside her door and both her and Zayle's head whipped towards the direction of the front door as it slammed open, the sight of a man and a woman walking in terrifying the poor woman so bad, she almost wished that Zayle's face had pressed back into her chest.


There wasn't any sort of reply.

Rena and Zayle's eyes snapped towards each other on instinct.

"Move!" She mouthed, bucking her hips upwards as a gesture to get off, however, the hand on her throat immediately snapped to her waist, holding it in place as his cheeks flushed with color.

Don't fucking tell me...

She shook her head.

This is sexual assault. I'm calling the police, no, I'll just tell his daddy up there that he's been a nasty little boy.

But nothing that she felt down there was little at all.

She had to admit it.

The sound of heels clacking towards them had them freeze and she began to desperately buck her hips upwards.

This was going to make it to the top five most embarrassing positions she'd been caught in if he didn't get his big, fat self up.

"Rena?" She heard the sound of Roy's brother calling out to her.

Just fucking end me already.

Zayle released her wrist and rapidly tried to regain his composure, but he slipped after a sad attempt of getting up and slammed back down onto her.

They know where we is, there ain't even no fucking point.

Zayle looked at her with a panicked expression.

Shouldn't she be the one panicking?


There it is.

There was the most dramatic silence to have ever dropped in her apartment.

She didn't even want to see the judgemental look on her best friends face, and she opted to just stare at Zayle's embarrassed face.

"Yo, what the fuck?!"

She nearly cursed as she heard Trey's croaky voice and she bit her lip to keep from unleashing guttural scream.

"Get. Off." She hissed through gritted teeth.

Zayle finally rose off of her body, hesitantly lending his hand before it was brutally rejected by an echoing slap.

Now he knows what stand up and look stupid means?

Rena glanced between the siblings, her eyes lingering on Roy's.

The two mirrored each other's expression, their mouth slightly closed as they looked at each other with a look Rena couldn't distinguish between disgust and that one look a person would pass between their friends when some outsider tried to talk to them.

Trey looked as if he couldn't deal with anything anymore and shook his head, his hands sliding into his thick dreads as he let out an exaggerated sigh.

"Ain't no way, man..."

Roy looked as if she were beyond words.

She blinked several times before her hand came to her forehead and she shook her head as well, her long, dainty earrings shaking with her.

"I- I just can't."


Rena's head whipped over to Trey who clutched his foot. One of his Adida flip flops were discarded somewhere and she saw a fork with a bit of noodles left right where the other one was.


"Was y'all fucking?!"

And here goes the questions.

"No, I can explain-"

Rena's gaze snapped over to Trey, for the second time, who was busy lighting a cigarette.

"Could you not around your sister? You know she's trying to be Christian." She snapped.

"Fuck being Christian right now, Jesus Christ, I need one too." She motioned over a cigarette and lit it, the smoke wafting though the kitchen air.

Y'all gone trigger my fucking smoke alarm.

And why were they so astounded by her being pinned under a man?

It's not like she hasn't hadn't seen them in questioning positions on several occasions, whether it be them naked or not.

"What- Nigga, that shit is two sizes too small for you." Roy commented as she pointed her cigarette at Zayle's shirt.

The man froze and opened his mouth to respond when a violent cough exploded out of him.

"For FUCKS sake, fucking put out the damn cigarettes!"

"Since when have you ever cared about us smoking?!" Roy exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Since she got her new fuck boy apparently." Trey said with a dramatic tone as he walked back over to his sister, the cigarette in his mouth and his hands in the pockets of his joggers.

"No, since your junkie of a sister said the only man she'd love was God." Rena retorted.

She was a little irked by the fact that Trey was on his sister's side.

Usually, he was on hers.

"And since when have you kept such eye candy from me?!" She said with a higher tone.

Oh fuck, save me the tears.

"You have a man. God. Ogle at that." Rena muttered as she grabbed Zayle's bicep.

"Nuh uh, now you're going to sit your ass down and explain what's happening here." The woman chirped as she pressed her hand against Rena's breasts.

"What are those vile sticks that they're so desperately sucking on?" Zayle whispered as he leaned into her ear.

She couldn't even crack a grin as Roy crossed her arms haughtily, her eyes narrowed.

"It's called a cigarette honey, not a stick, and while we're at it, would you like to suck on my brother's stick-" Trey slapped his hand against the back of her head.

"Stop fucking playing with me."

Roy sneered, rubbing the back of her head.

"Why is it that you niggas is always against gay fucks, this is why I don't fuck with you."

"Not I'm not saying I'm suddenly against LGBT, but you literally said you're turning to the word of God. Any sort of gayness is a sin, according to the Bible." Rena pointed out.

Roy opened her mouth her mouth to argue, but paused as she thought on it.

"We're getting off topic! Since when were you fucking him?!" She completely switched the subject.

"I was not! In case you can't fucking see, because I sure as hell can't with all this fucking smoke, our clothes are on!"


Rena's hand reached for hair, which was gently grabbed by Zayle as if he knew what she was going to do.

Her poor scalp already had enough of it.

"We weren't. Dry humping!" She screamed, squeezing her eyes shut.

The smell of beef noodles and smoke was beginning to make her dizzy, along with the constant arguing back and forth and she realized she wasn't going to last long before she had another episode.

She needed air.

Fresh air, mind you.

"Zayle! Say something!" She hissed.

But what could he do exactly?

Trey's head cocked to the side as he watched Zayle fumble over his words, the situation and smoke stifling any put together thoughts.

"Yo, is- Is those extensions in that nigga head," One of his hands left his pockets. He fumbled with one of his dreads which barely passed his chin. "Nigga hair longer than mine..."

Rena looked as if she were about to throw up.

"Can we please shut the hell up and sit down? I thought we were here to joke and laugh over this crazy reunion." She spoke in an oddly calm tone.

Roy surprisingly shut up.

Rena felt Zayle's hands pull her to his chest, and she breathed in the smell of his shirt.

Noodles, smoke, and the smell of an old thrift store.

But past that, she could smell the faint scent of her dove soap. Was it the mango one? Another smell mingled with it. Pepper and cinnamon.

She didn't exactly prefer spicy scents, but anything was better than the beefy air.


Now how would she explain herself?

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