|| Work Alone || Tommy Shelby...

By FanFictionWrite_r

3K 72 4

A woman of business. She left London looking for where she could stay low for some time and luckily she had f... More

Chapter 1 Season 1
Chapter 2 Season 1
Chapter 3 Season 1
Chapter 4 Season 1
Chapter 5 Season 1
Chapter 6 Season 1
Chapter 1 Season 2
Chapter 2 Season 2
Chapter 4 Season 2
Chapter 5 Season 2
Chapter 6 Season 2
Chapter 1 Season 3
Chapter 2 Season 3
Chapter 3 Season 3

Chapter 3 Season 2

156 3 0
By FanFictionWrite_r

You, Thomas, Arthur and John are sat in the private room in the Garrison's questioning people. As the person leaves the room you groan in boredom. Thomas looking at you with a teasing grin as he shakes your shoulder to make you focus again. He passes you a cigarette and a match. You light the match then the cigarette and blow smoke from your lips as Finn sends the next person in who closes the door as you and Thomas look up and him.

"Alright, then." Arthur mutters

"Name?" John questions

"The Digbeth Kid." The man answers shakily as you furrow your brows at him

"The dig...what are you? A boxer?" Arthur chuckles

"Digbeth Kid, like Billy the Kid." Digbeth explains

"Spend a lot of time at the pictures, eh? Cowboy pictures? Tom Mix? Yeah?" Thomas pushes as the man nods his head at what Thomas says. He goes into his waistband, seeing a scabbard, Arthur and John pull out there guns pointing it directly towards the man

"What are you..." Arthur shouts. You raise your eyebrows as there reaction

"Wait! Wait! It's not a real gun." He stops them

"Let's have a look then." You mumble standing up and walking around Thomas to get to the man.

"It's made out of wood." He informs as you take the wooden gun out from his waistband and chuckle.

"Bang. Bang. Bang. Very nice. Where'd you get the gun belt?" You question. You point the gun to Thomas and pretend to shoot him as he throws his head back pretending to be dead. You pretend to shoot Arthur as he pretends to shoot you with his actual gun, you both smile at each other. You then pretend to shoot John as he also throws his head back and blows smoke from his lips. You give the man back his wooden gun and sit back down.

"My sister made it out of an old blacksmiths apron. My mum did most of the stitching. She's not my real mum but..." He trails off

"But she does what mothers do. So she made you a gun belt." Thomas finishes his sentence for him

"Alright there, mother's boy. There's the door, on you go. We're looking...." Arthur gets cut off by Thomas who puts his hand up to stop Arthur from finishing his sentence

"Have you ever been arrested?" You question

"Yeah." He lies

"Yeah?" You repeat

"No." He gives in immediately

"Good. You're the first bloke in here today with no criminal record. Arthur, we can stand him up. You know what that means? The new Home Secretary wants something done about illegal gambling." You explain to him as he shakes his head not knowing what you mean

"Damn right." John agrees slamming his hand on the table.

"About bloody time." Arthur agrees

"We help our coppers make their convictions by having men stood up to be arrested. First offence, you'll get a week inside. We'll give you five quid for your trouble. How does that sound, cowboy?" You offer blowing smoke from your lips and leaning back in your chair

"Yeah." He accepts the offer

"Good..." You trail off while toking on your cigarette

"Write your address down for Finn on your way out." Thomas orders as he grabs his newspaper and puts it on his lap.

"I can't write." He admits

"That's alright, Finn can't read." John reassures

"Don't worry. Just tell him your address. We'll send someone round." Thomas huffs out

"If...the Sheriff don't run you out of town first." John warns

"Good man!" You wave off as he leaves the room, closing the door behind him. You throw your head back.

"Oh, I don't know, Tom. Kids these days..." Arthur trails off looking at the newspaper

"They didn't fight. So they're different. They stay kids." Thomas mumbles

"They're also not assholes." You add on earning a smack with the newspaper by Arthur.

"Oi!" Arthur yells

"Ow." You groan

After questioning a few more people, you, Arthur, Thomas and John finally get to go home. Once you're near the house, John decides to grab your jaw, covering your mouth acting as if he was taking you as hostage as you shout but it only gets muffled. Thomas shaking his head and Arthur playing along as he points his gun at John, John pointing his gun at Arthur.

"Run for the hills! It's the Digbeth Kid!" Arthur yells as he bangs through the door. John coming in the door still aiming his gun at Arthur as Arthur is still aiming it at John and youre complaining under John's hand.

"Get out of town kid or I will shoot your fucking head off!" John yells

"Times up! You're dead, go down. John!" Arthur yells as he imitates a gun firing. John let's go of you as you turn around and slam a punch into his stomach making him bend over and groan.

"Didn't even wash your hands. Hey, Polly. Hi Michael. Michael?" You greet as you furrow your brows seeing Michael. Thomas grabs your wrist pulling you to his side as Arthur turns around.

"Alright then, Polly. Who's this?" Arthur snickers

"Gentlemen? This is your cousin. Polly's son, Michael." Thomas introduces

"Pleasure to meet you." Michael greets shaking Arthur's and John's hand

"Sure." John mumbles

"I'm Arthur. You've met me. I used to throw you out of the window so John could catch you." Arthur confesses

"I used to put you in a shoebox and kick you down Watery Lane." John also confessed as Michael chuckles

"I bet you're glad to be back." You murmur

"I don't remember any of it. All I remember is the day they took me away." Michael chuckles as Polly gives him a hug

"Well you're here now, son. Welcome to the Shelby family." Thomas welcomes

"Later we'll show you the ropes." Arthur informs

"Yeah, we'll show you what's what." John agrees as Polly looks at you and Thomas .

"Let's leave him be for now, eh?" You stop the both of them

"Come on." Thomas orders as Arthur, John and you follow him.

"Nice suit." Arthur almost teases as he walks off

You and Thomas are alone in a garage with the door open. You put a cigarette between your lips and light it. Throwing the match away you grab the cigarette in between your fingers and blow the smoke from your lips while leaning on the car with Thomas.

"Here he is, Mr. Inconspicuous." John greets as he walks in with Billy Kitchen

"Corporal Billy Kitchen. Bloody grand to see you. How are you feeling? We've just come out of bandages ourselves." Thomas informs pointing to you and himself. You shake hands with Billy

"Ready for active service. Thanks for seeing me here." He appreciates

"It's alright, Bil. You don't have to stand in line for us. We're looking for men like you." Thomas praises

"But you have to pass the medical first." You chip in

"Sheffield mob showed up at Wincanton trotting track. I took a bullet." He informs as he reveals his upper chest to see bandages. You put the cigarette in between your lips and touch the bandages

"When do the bandages come off?" You question as you take the cigarette from your lips in between your fingers once more as you blow smoke

"When I take 'em off." He states as you scoff

"One week. Not before." You inform

"You'll smell no rot. There's no gangrene." He reassures

"It's been a long time, eh, Billy? What did you do with your medals?" Thomas questions

"Threw them in the cut. Same as you." He answers

"It was never a hardship to have you Black Country boys on our left flank." Thomas praises

"And you Brummies did alright on our right." He gives the same energy back

"Damn right." John confirms

"I want you to be head of brigade, Billy. It'll be Brigadier Kitchen from now on." Thomas offers

"You'll have a hundred men under your command." You add on

"We've got a member of the Kitchen family on the payroll, hope your brothers will let our boats pass Black Country without being held up and robbed." John finishes

"I don't know what you're talking about." He spits out as you chuckle

"Round up any good men you can trust. And put the word out. Black Country and Brummie boys are on the same side." You order

"That'll be the bloody day." He laughs

"This is the bloody day." You state. You shake his hand as Thomas leans on your shoulder

"London, man. There for the taking." Thomas persuades

You and Thomas are exiting the Garrison's to continue your business. But before you could get anywhere Michael appears around the corner wanting yours and Thomas's assistance.

"Y/n, Tommy, I need to use your telephone. Polly said you had one in the pub." Michael stops you as you shake your head and groan quietly

"Alright. Be quick. We have business." You grumble walking back into the pub. The two following behind.

"Ma'am." A barmaid greets as she walks past you.

"Polly said you own this place. She said you two own lots of different businesses." Michael starts a conversation

"You call her Polly or mum?" You question

"I can't get used to calling her mum yet." He admits as you enter the office room with the phone.

"Who you calling?" Thomas questions closing the door

"My mother. I mean..." He trails off

"We know what you mean." Thomas reassures

"What are you going to tell her?" You question

"I'm going to tell her where I am." He answers

"And now you're going to tell her you're going home." Thomas states as Michael sits down

"Polly said I could stay for a few days." Michael informs

"You want to stay?" You question looking down to him

"I only just arrived." He shrugs

"What age are you, Michael?" Thomas questions taking off his hat

"Seventeen." He answers

"Seventeen. Which means it's not up to you, right?" Thomas mutters putting a cigarette in between his lips

"I'm eighteen in a few weeks. I make my own mind up." He states

"You smoke?" You question leaning on the wall

"No." He denies as Thomas lights his cigarette

"Drink?" You question as he shakes his head

"You're going to call your mother. Tell her you're getting the next train home. When you get there, write a letter to Polly saying when you're 18, you'll come back here and sort things out." Thomas orders

"I just told you. I make up my own mind." Michael states once more

"Do you know what we do? Michael? Them, Shelby's?" You question

"And L/n." Thomas adds on making you roll your eyes

"Yes. I think I know what you do." He confirms scratching his head

"Yeah. You've got smart eyes. But you're young, so you think what we do is alright. It's not alright. People get hurt. Now call your mother. And we will drive you to the station." You warn

"No. In my village, there's this little wishing well. It's made of white bricks. Right in the middle of the village green. Everybody says how pretty it is. But I swear to God if I spend another day in that village. I'm going to blow it up with dynamites. Probably blow my hands off with it but it will be worth it. Just to see those pretty white bricks spread over the pretty village green." He threatens darkly as you scoff lighting a cigarette

"Yep. You're Polly's son alright." Thomas hums

After talking to Michael, you and Thomas travel to Camden Town in London to meet up with the boys Billy Kitchen has collected to meet Alfie and make them bakers. As the boys stand in front of, Thomas stands beside you.

"Alright boys, you've now all been enrolled as bakers in the Aerated Bread Company of Camden Town. If anyone asks, that's what you do. You're bakers. The coppers in Camden Town are on our side but north or south, you show them that piece of paper. Tell them you've come down from north to find work. To break strikes. Tell them you're fascists if you have to." Thomas speeches as he taps you.

"We're finding lodging for you but for now, you'll sleep here in the bakery. Don't touch any of the bread, it'll most likely explode. Any questions?" You warn as you keep your hands in your pockets and look over at the bakers. A person puts there hand up as you turn to him and nod your head

"I haven't even seen any bread." The man jokes as others laugh. You light yourself a cigarette as you look at the man. You turn your head to Alfie as he crosses his arms and walks up to the man who made the joke. You and Thomas step back. Alfie smacks the man beside the other man who made the joke then continued to glare at him.

"He'll wake up. He won't have any teeth left. But he will be a wiser man for it. And the last thing he will remember is your funny little joke, won't he? Right! There are fucking rules here, yeah? There are fucking rules for a fucking reason. Quite simply they have to be obeyed. Alright? Rule number one. The distinction between bread and rum...that is not discussed. Rule number two. Anything right, that your superior officer says to you or any of your other fucking superior officers say to you, yeah? Not discussed! Rule number three, four, five, six, seven eight, nine. I don't care...For the rest of your fucking miserable, measly lives yeah? Because I like you, I am also a complete fucking sodomite. Jewish women. You do not go anywhere near them because Jewish women for you are off the fucking menu. I think that's fair. Hm...Oh, that's it then. Forgive me. I interrupted you." Alfie orders as he pats your shoulder and walks to where he was standing before

"Pick him up. Get them out of here and make this fucking work." You demand as you stand near Billy. You step back.

"Don't fucking wait. You're meant to be fucking soldiers. You're a fucking disgrace. Go!" Billy yells out as he makes everyone leave. Everyone leaves the room apart from you and Thomas. You light yourself a cigarette as well as Thomas and also exit the room.

You and Thomas are in the car two boys sat in the back as you and Thomas sat in the front. Thomas driving to the destination. Once parked, you and Thomas got out as the two lads stayed in the back. You and Thomas enter a large house that was Ada's and you close the door behind you. Entering a room, you see Ada pointing a gun towards you, Thomas entering the room now as well. Thomas scoffs as he closes the door

"You've got a key?" Ada questions sarcastically

"I kept a spare." Thomas shrugs

"Give it to me." Ada demands as Thomas walks over dropping the key on the table as you walk around the place.

"Could do with some paint, eh?" You hum scrunching your face up slightly

"Yeah. When I decide. What is it you two want?" Ada questions sitting down as Thomas also sits down. You go over to the chair opposite the table and sit down.

"Just came to say hello." You answer with a small smile

"Tommy Shelby and Y/n L/n never goes anywhere for no reason." Ada scoffs

"Fine. We've got eight hundred pounds left in the Shelby property fund. We need somebody down here to look for suitable properties." Thomas gives in

"To rent?" Ada questions

"Yes." Thomas confirms

"To poor people? Ten to a room. No repairs, no water. If they complain, you just send Arthur and the boys. You know, I give advice down at the library. Families thrown on the street. It's men and women  like you we're fighting." Ada states sternly as you look away awkwardly

"Well, anyway, we was just passing. Thanks for the tea." Thomas ends the conversation as you both stand up and was about to exit.

"Y/n? Tommy? There are always men outside watching the house." Ads stops you as you both turn around

"Yeah. Gangsters of the worst kind. They're here to keep you safe." Thomas reassures

"No, others. They look like coppers." Ada describes

"Well, they're on your side as well." Thomas informs

"I don't have a fucking side." Ada spits out leaning back

"Ada. Yes, you do. And, anyway, if I thought there was no one watching the house, I couldn't sleep. Cheerio then." Thomas states walking out. Once Thomas leaves you stop by the door and turn to Ada.

"May be hard to believe, but Thomas does what he does for his family. That includes you, Ada." You mutter to her.

"Y/n, wait—" Ada tries to stop you as you exit the room and walk back to the car.

You and Thomas head down near the boats to see loads of people loading the boats. You walk towards Charlie as he spots the both of you. You nod your head to greet him as he walks the rest of the way to you.

"There'll be another 4 boat loads tomorrow. What's up, Charlie? Business is good?" Thomas questions

"This isn't business, this is bloody work. Cigarettes and booze is alright. But this manufactured stuff, it's heavy. I'm not even sure it's stolen." Charlie spits out

"Some of it is legally purchased. One day, all of it will be." You inform as you light yourself a cigarette

"It's like having a fucking job. Easy with them fan belts. Wipe that smile off your faces. I want another pound a boat." Charlie demands

"Done." Thomas agrees

"You don't even fight me anymore! It's no sport getting through the Black Country with this truce. They just fucking wave at you from the bank." Charlie complains

"You just wave back, alright?" You hum as Thomas pats his shoulder. You both walk off

"And all these fucking cars. When did you last ride a horse, Tom and Y/n?" Charlie questions while shouting as you both ignore him and continue to walk away.

You and Thomas are leaning on the wall waiting for the inspector. You light yourself a cigarette as Thomas has already got one, and is smoking it already. You look up to see the inspector. You shake the match so it stops being alight and throw it in front of the inspector making him stop and look at you then at Thomas.

"Our scheduled meeting is not until Sunday." The inspector states as you blow smoke from your lips

"Sorry to bring it forward." Thomas apologises

"You just wanted to show me that you two know where I live. Am I supposed to be impressed?" The inspector questions

"You know, Mr. Churchill was impressed. Yes, he was. All our demands are being met. Did he tell you?" You tease

"Yes. Yes. We had a meeting and your letter was read aloud. There was quite a lot of hilarity at the meeting. The gentlemen all find it quite funny." The inspector argues as you scoff

"I see. The 'gentlemen' found it funny. Tell me this, Mr. Campbell. Do the gentlemen sometimes find you funny?" You question as the inspector walks closer to you. Glaring directly into your eyes as you blow smoke towards him

"We will discuss our business on Sunday. On the agreed day. At the allotted time. And at the place that has already been determined. You've made your point. Goodnight, Ms. L/n and Mr. Shelby." The inspector states as he starts to walk off as Thomas nods his head to him as you roll your eyes and push yourself off the wall, following him. Thomas following behind

"There's another reason we came to see you tonight. I just didn't want you to be made a fool of is all. The lodgings chosen for you by the police department. How shall I put this? Well the landlady used to run the most famous whore house in Stetchford. She's only semi-retired. I bet the gentlemen would find that funny, eh? Told to you in the spirit of friendship and co-operation. See you Sunday." You inform as he starts to walk off. Thomas grins as you turn around walking off, Thomas's hand on your lower back

A family meeting has been called by Thomas and you. You all are in the room waiting on Polly and John. John went to go get Polly. The door opens revealing the two, Polly speed walking as she enters the room as John holds the door for her. 

"This had better be good to interrupt my holiday." Polly complains

"Where's the boy?" Arthur questions

"In the back room. Afterwards we're going to a museum." Polly answers

"He wanted to come and say hello-" John starts

"Shut up, John. There is nothing of interest to Michael here. Tommy, Y/n, get on with it." Polly demands

"Last night, one of our men had his throat slit in Winston Green. This morning, we had a telegram saying it was Sabini's order." You start off

"And it says here that Y/n L/n is next. Then Thomas Shelby." Arthur grumbles ripping up the paper.

"If our men think we can't look after them in prison, they'll not work for us. Sabini knows that. We need to get the Green sorted out." You state

"Scudboat, you and one of the boys. Break some windows and get arrested. And if our coppers get you into the Green, you find out who did it." Thomas orders

"Instead, can't we pinch a car? What? Everybody else is getting a car. I'm still on a donkey." Scudboat questions as everyone laughs

"Just get yourself fucking arrested. It doesn't matter how. And before you all laugh, a boy is dead. He was just a kid." You state sternly

"We'll start a fund for his family, Pol." Thomas informs

"Agreed. So is that it? Can I go now?" Polly questions collecting her things

"Well as company treasurer, we need your permission to spend a thousand guineas." Thomas asks for permission

"On what?" Polly questions

"On a horse." Thomas answers

"A thousand guineas on a horse?" Polly repeats

"That's right." Thomas confirms

"When was this decided?" Polly questions

"You've been busy with Michael." Thomas hums

"Oh, my God! So in the absence of common sense, you boys have had an idea." Polly spits out

"Polly, there's a thoroughbred quarter Arab filly up for auction at the Doncaster Blood Stock." Thomas explains

"What do you two want with a thousand guinea horse?" Polly questions

"When we make our move on Sabini's racing pitches, any men we get in the betting enclosure will be lifted by Sabini's police. A good racehorse is a passport to the owners enclosure." You answer for Thomas

"We'll be in there with all the toffs. The coppers won't know where to look." Arthur adds on

"The Epsom Derby Pol. We'll be drinking with the bloody King." John chuckles as you rub your face with your hand

"The Derby? Did he just say the Derby?" Polly questions as everyone looks at John as John looks at the floor

"That's right. For the last 10 years, Sabini's made it his race. If we're going to take him down, make it a symbol." You try to save

"Did you come up with this in the pub by any chance?" Polly questions

"Pol, a good racehorse is an investment, like property. We need to diversify the portfolio..." You trail off

"So when is this sale?" Polly questions

"Tomorrow." You answer

"Y/n's had a death threat so we'll have to go with her." Arthur informs

"Tommy has had a death threat too." You state

"They plan on killing you first as they believe your the brains." Thomas argues

"I am the brains. Plus, it's not the first time I've had a death threat from Sabini. Let's just see if he'll act on it this time." You fireback

"So, you're going to close up the shop, go out on a piss up, blow 1000 guineas on a horse that's not even whole Arab." Polly repeats your plan

"Quarter Arab is better. Quarter Arab it means..." Curly laughs

"Curly, shut up. I thought I told you to lock that door." Polly spits out seeing Michael walk up beside John

"He did. I used the key on the nail. Look. I've been listening. I want to go with them." Michael suggests

"You see?" Polly shouts as you shake your head and lean on the railing behind you

"I love horses. I could even help." Michael tries to persuade

"Over my dead body." Polly refuses

"It'll be alright, mum. I've been to loads of horse auctions with my uncle. They're very respectable. People bring their butlers." Michael informs

"Yeah and their posh wives..." Arthur trails off

"And their mistresses." John teases

"Let him come, Polly. We'll go there, buy a horse and come back." Arthur helps Michael

"I'll drop him at the house in Sutton before it gets dark." John offers

"No. Fucking no." Polly refuses as Michael walks out pushing papers off the table and slamming the door.

"Alright, that's it." You speak up not allowing the awkward silence to fall for very long

"Back to work. Come on." Thomas orders

The Shelby's and you got into a large truck and drove to where Polly lives. Waiting around for a bit, you got tired and John started pressing down on the horn as you grinned seeing Polly come out with an annoyed expression as Michael came out with a smile finding your misbehaviour amusing.

After collecting Michael. John was the driver, you sat in the middle and Thomas on the window side. The rest of the Peaky Blinders and Michael were in the back being managed by Arthur. You light yourself a cigarette as John parks the truck. Thomas gets out as well as you. Then John. You and John go to the engine of the truck as it has heated up. Thomas goes to get Curly.

You and Curly worked on the engine together as you knew quite a bit about cars, when you were younger you use to love automotive work. Thomas walks over to you offering you a ham sandwich that Michael has brought from Polly. You decline his offer and continue to work on the engine. Once the engine has finally cooled down. You close the hood and continue your journey.

Once you get to your destination, you walk inside the building. You and Thomas leading the group. The group behind you all as you walk to the stairs of the building and walking up them.

"This is a respectable event and you'll behave accordingly. No weapons, no drinking. John, we will stay together. When our horse comes up, I'll bid. We've already registered with the auctioneer, he knows to expect my bids." Thomas explains

"Do I get to run a hand over her?" Curly questions

"We have a vets report. Keep an eye open when she walks." You answer

"Something isn't right." Curly worries

"You're just in an unfamiliar place. We all are." Thomas reassures.

"I get feeling sometimes." Curly argues

"It's alright, Curly. It's alright." You comfort patting his shoulder. You look down to see the horses.

"Shut up, Curly." Arthur orders. The betting man going off as you light yourself a cigarette.

"Morals of Marcus, Sedgemere stud, by Tetrach out of Lady Josephine. We'll start the bidding at 800 guineas." The bidding man announces

"Alright, Tommy and Y/n, this is her." Charlie informs as you lean on the railing looking at the horse that's being displayed

"Do we hear 800 guineas? Eight fifty? Eight fifty? Do I hear nine? Do I hear nine? Nine, am I bid? Nine fifty? One thousand, do I have one thousand and fifty? One thousand one hundred...one thousand two hundred. Do I hear two fifty? Two fifty? One thousand three hundred. One thousand four hundred. Do I hear five? One thousand five hundred. One thousand six hundred. Do I hear seven? One thousand seven hundred." The bidding man announces as you and Thomas nod your head each bid as the other side also agrees with it

"You have to stop. You don't have it in your belts." Charlie warns

"I'm having this horse." You grumble looking directly at the girl

"She's a sweet beast, Y/n. But stop. I feel something bad." Curly warns

"Shut up, Curly." Arthur orders

"Two thousand, two thousand and fifty? Two thousand and fifty. Am I bid? Two thousand and fifty? 2000, I'm bid. Do I hear two thousand and fifty? Last time. Two thousand and fifty? Sold to Ms?" The bidder announces as he looks over to you since you carried on nodding your head to the bids as Thomas stopped

"Y/n L/n." You state your name as you look over towards the women. You nod your head to her and walk off. Thomas wanting to follow but couldn't as it was sold in your name and not his. You walk into the office as the man writes it down to confirm it while you stood there waiting

"To the premises of Mr. Charles Strong. Small Heath. What kind of premises?" The man questions

"It's a boat yard." You answer

"Yachts?" He questions once more

"Canals." You answer again

"I'm curious. What is your business, Ms. L/n?" He questions looking at the papers

"Import, export. But I also sell pegs and tell fortunes." You inform walking out the room to be met with the Shelby's

"You beat us to it." The girl you was competing with stops you

"Did I?" You question

"I was trying to nab a filly for my stud." She complains

"Sorry." You shrug not knowing what to say

"Y/n L/n, from where?" She questions

"From Birmingham." You answer

"Goodness." She hums

"No. Not much." You deny

"May Carleton. I breed racehorses and train them. What is it you do?" May introduces as you shake her hand.

"I rarely answer questions is what I do." You state

"Y/n! Come on, hurry up! We got to go!" Arthur shouts as you lock eye contact with Thomas who has his eyebrows furrowed at you and the girl

"Before you go, if you ever decide to put that filly out, I'd be interested." May informs

"I plan to race her." You hum

"Do you have a trainer?" She questions

"I know people." You state

"I know people too." She argues

"Y/n! We've got to get this back or Polly will have your tits!" John shouts over as you take her card

"She will have 'em!" Arthur laughs

"We know different people, I would guess." You mutter putting the card in your pocket

"My father knows Mick Hancock. He trained three Ascot winners." She exclaims

"That was your father?" You question

"Yes. We're joint owners of the stud. He took the majority share when my husband was killed. Ypres." She explains

"Y/n!" Thomas shouts

"We've got to get back to the caravans! The chickens are hungry." Arthur yells making Michael, John and Thomas snicker while you rub your face with your hand. May chuckling.

"So will you consider me?" She questions

"I will consider you." You answer about to walk off

"You still didn't tell me what you do." She stops as you turn your head to her

"Oh, I do bad things. But you already know that." You hum as you walk over to the Shelby's and Michael.

"Right, about bloody time!" Arthur grumbles as the rest laugh and snicker. You are walking through the building, meeting up with the other peaky blinders.

"It's the fucking truth, John. Rich women these days, all they want is working class cock. Or for some cases, working class fanny." Arthur jokes

"Y/n, maybe she was the something bad I had the feeling about..." Curly informs

"Nah, she looks alright to me, Curly." John laughs

"All their men are dead, see? The officers all shot." A man states

"Yeah, by us." John argues

"She has good contacts in the racing world." You shrug

"Michael, you drive." Thomas orders throwing Michael the keys.

"Y/n L/n." A man stands up pointing a gun at you. Thomas lunges for you, pushing you to the ground and covering you with his body as a peaky blinder head buts the man with the gun

"Y/n! Down! Down!" Arthur yells

"Fuck sake." You spit out as you stand up. Thomas standing up after you. You pull out your gun and point it around

"Y/n L/n? How about fucking Arthur? Fucking good to meet you! Arthur!" Arthur shouts as he continues to punch the man as blood covered his face.

"Get Arthur off him." You order as they pull Arthur off him

"Stop it, Arthur! Stop!" Everyone yells as you see no progress in getting Arthur off him. You make your way through and get Arthur in a headlock to slow his breathing. Eventually when his body grew weak you slowly pull him apart from the unconscious man. Michael just staring at what's happened. Arthur taps your arm and you let go of him and stand up properly.

"Don't get blood on the kid." You demand as you push Michael back

"He's still breathing." Thomas reassures

"Michael, you didn't see a thing. This didn't happen. Alright? Give me the keys. Michael give me the keys." You order putting your hand out to Michael

"I'm alright to drive." Michael assures

"Alright. Go on. Go on." You push him

"Y/n, Tommy, he's fucking scarpered!" A peaky blinder yells

"Right, let's get out of here, sharpish." Curly shouts

"Come on!" Arthur yells as you all leave the place.

You and Thomas make it back in town. John and Arthur going there separate ways as you all bring back Michael to Polly. After that you and Thomas goes off together to the office and sitting down, leaning back in the chair. You get out the card as Thomas stands behind you. You both looking at it

Carleton Stud
Breeding / Bloodstock
- Proprietor - May Fitz-Carleton. -
Telephone No. Newmarket 312.

Word count: 5749

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